(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


cos he dun take porridge everyday mah.. Cos my MIL also lazy to cook lar..

That why have to change diff cereal and we have pumkim for him as well with the cereal loh

JESS, I rotate my cereals. Not everyday same lah. If u eat the same thing everyday oso will puke leh. Hehehehe.... my ger takes ony 4tbsp daily for bfast, my caregivers are telling me, 4tbsp daily will finish fast!

4 tablespoon of cereal means the HT one? B4 u add water is it? Then after add water is very little?

i also rotate the diff cereal..haha
HT orders: So far already got $137.20 including my own orders...

Sure... Let me know again!

I oso rotate for variety! I open 1 box of multi, brown n oat. Then I pass all to my MIL, she had to look for diff container... Tat time she told me she almost pour all the cereal into 1 box (cos she thot all the same...! Faintz!

ya i pour into diff container for that also.

now i kwn why my cereal finish so fast. Cos 1 time i give 10 tablespoon to Ervin. Cos i find after add water it become so little lei. Am i giving too much?
JESS, do nasi goreng. I steam the rice until soft then I goreng the veg with nasi with butter. Nice leh.

Or u can do bake fish. Place slices of asparagus/carrot under the fish. Layer cheese on top of fish and bake. Then you can give rice or porridge with veg inside. OOooh sedap!

Hmm... or how about Pasta? Puree tomato then simmer with minced pork and veg. Served with mashed potato or pasta... YUm!!

All my ger likes esp the last one cos she dun like too sour taste ZZzzzz........
I see them carrying food (e.g. milk powder) back... So they must have "cut" some bait to bring back. All the better isn't it? :p

I do heat up the jar just like how I heat up my EBM outside. No heat up where got nice?

The ants in my house are smart, cos they dun go into the bait when I just put on the floor. I actually scattered a bit of fine sugar into the inside of the bait. Then they went in... Then after a while, I saw them carry some of the bait- brown colour stuff on their way "home"... :p

Actually when i see lotsa ants crawling ard the bait, I super tempted to take my scotch tape out to kill them!!! Haiz... but gotta let them eat n go back else how to kill the entire nest?
wow chris..
thats very creative meal. My house do not have oven.
and ashlynne taking boring meals and i m trying to change here n there.. see until i also sianz...

heard from a friend that after 10 months, babies are able to take SHITAKE mushroom only. I am tempted to feed. but my mum scare of indigestion. But shitake very soft right??? Hmmmm

thought of letting her try kuay teow etc etc..

yesterday cooked her brocoli + fish+ mince pork porridge.. she loves it..
Talking abt ants. My aunt uses the bait too but... she stirs in honey!!!whahahaha she says lidat more effective cos the bait tastes more shiok!!

Jappooh, 10tbsp for a meal imo is not consider. Do u add in other ingredients besides pumpkin?
jowin, u can use the normal ovenette too. Cos fish cooks easy. If you are afraid, slice the fish thinly so the heat can be distributed more easily.

Eh, I've added tat liao. Only 1pc and diced until very small wahahahha.....

Jo, Kuay teow is coated with oil leh. Think its better if u parboil it first to remove the oil ya?

usually Ervin take it plain. and pumpkin only once in a while. but after teh 10tbsp cereal he will have his milk in 1.5hrs time.

so far Ervin try alot of things specailly outside food. My MIL let him try abit of wat she eat.. I say till sian liao.

Ervin love to eat porridge, pasta, noodles and rice also.
Jess, I still hv cereals to let go. I let u Noe tonite wat I hv

Chris, very good recipe tat u shared. I shall try it this weekend esp the pasta. Those tat need to b baked cannot cos no oven @ home.
ya lor.. with oil on kuay teow.. tats why till now only give her mee sua... wonder if 1st yr onwards can give anot... Must try to remove the oil...
Kath, go easy on the tomatoes or u get the beefy or those that are sweet. Cos normal mkt ones are sourish, so my ger like not very gian.

Jappooh, sian hor when old folks do that. No choice lah. Take it as in no time they will be eating table food eventually too.

When do you guys intend to let them eat your table food?
thanks for the tips. i also think my girl is sian of eating the same food everyday. for pasta, you cook with canned puree?

i will probably start transiting her to table food when she turns one. but we eat a lot of spicy food at home, so will probably have to continue cooking separate food for her for quite a while.
Hi gals,

wan to ask u abt the teeth.

I discover Ervin haev another 2 teeth cut through. But hor is not beside the current teeth he have lei.

Eg now he have 4 top and 2 bottom. But now is like having teh back teeth lei. How come?


Like now Ervin have 8 incisor, look like no canine but 2 first molar cut through lei. Cos they are a big gap better the incisor and the new cut through. So i guess that is not canine but is first molar. Hwo come????
last week i try pasta with Puree asparagus & carrot & apple. taste sweet. She finish every thing. This week will try pumkin cream soup with chicken & pasta.

Mushroom ok ah? Cos thought of trying cream of mushroom? yummy yummY

i guess by 1 he wil be taking all the table food provided i have no allegry to egg white loh. So will test egg 1st when he turn one.
Tina, what brand of cream u use? President?

Echo, no we do our own tomato puree. No can. Hehehe... those receipes are my desperate attempts of getting my active bb to eat despite so yummy... Everyday I crack my head over the cooking methods and the variety of food that goes into her mouth. No 2meals a day are alike unless I'm busy. Talk about spicy food, I once talked to an Indian national mommy and she gives her baby CURRY at 6mths liao!!!! I ask if bb laosai she said NO!!!

wow u are such a good mummy. Infact alot of mummy really ccok good food for your baby unlike me. Alot is instant one.

I think when i have my elder one we cook more frequent. Now no more liao. Poor ervin to have a mummy like me.
i oso rotate my cereal but i dun hav many choice of cereals laa... only hav HT brown rice, nestle prune cereal & plain one, so sometimes i giv him cereal with puree, sometimes giv without, but hor for mixed with puree, he only like apple & pear one, i tried others like strawberry laa, banana laa etc or veggie like broccoli he hates it ler... so i got to rotate the bfast menu by giving cereal, pancake or omelette lor

nasi goreng? still got to cook the rice & goreng... me lazy ler tat's y cooking porridge is the easiest, juz dump everything in... hehee! ok the baked fish one seems not bad, will try...

i gav alphabet pasta with bottled veggie puree before but he dun like ler... maybe will try again...

wah 10 tbsp of cereal? i only give 4-5 big tbsp plus probably 60ml of puree, if too much of cereal he will puke... hehehe

btw, i oso giv table food to daniell ler esp when i din bring porridge out... tat time i went out to ikea before the porridge was cooked then i juz gav him wat we eat... i took some rice mixed with steamed broccoli and meat ball... and sometimes morning if go mac for bfast i also gav him hotcake & he luv it ler, he can finish almost one piece...

ok u let me know then...

cos the cereal is plain mah no puree. that why give 10 tbspoon.

The trick for ervin is if he dun wan to eat we will ask my elder boy to act act wan to eat his bro food. Then Ervin finish up everything very fast..haha
U are one very devoted mother. I have given up being one because I let my MIL cook for my ger. And as expected, her meals are more or less the same everyday. She gets to eat "wierd" stuff on the weekends.

Last weekend, instead of her usual stock, I cooked lotus root soup with pork ribs. Used the soup to cook her rice and she likes it. Smells super yummy lor. Even my hb wans a go at the left over (err... but there was none left)

I tried tomato too. My ger dun really like it cos not sweet. Where to get sweet tomatoes? Are cherry tomatoes sweeter or more sour?

For baking, how long do you bake and at what temperature?

As for table food, EH... I very notti. I have been letting her have some aft she hits 10mths. She will "ARH... ARH" after swallowing lor... but i "wash" them with plain water before giving her. babies can take sodium (but in very low amts).
wow.. u gals are creative...
think we can list out of what we give to our babies??? hee hee

Hi Chris, we gave mee sua as its softer..

Hi tina
My friend said after 10 months, shitake mushrooms are ok. So i guess shd be ok ba...
Have not let ashlynne try.

Ur recipe looks nice...Pasta with Puree asparagus & carrot & apple .. what kind of pasta do you give?? the alphabet kind??

I thought i am slowing her down with table food and continue her with porridge and add in more different dishes for her.

Do not like her to start our table food so fast bcos of the oil, spices contain inside.. will be choosing whats suitable for her on our table lor.. example, steam egg, ABC soup, pasta etc etc...

I am running out of ideas as i m not a good cook.

Let me list out those what i gave Ashlynne b4 ..Not all i can remember as i always mix around.. Lets not count in those with Baby jar..

ladies, add on ok??

1) Dried Scallop Chicken porridge
2) Dried Scallop minced pork porridge + broccoli or spinach
3) Potato or Pumpkin Or butternut Squash puree + cereal
4) Pumpkin puree + toufu + cereal
5) Toufu + egg yolk + cereal
6) Egg yolk + cereal
7) Cod fish Porridge
8) Cod fish Porridge + broccoli or spinach
9) ABC pasta + pumpkin/potato/ butternut Squash puree
10) Potato + Fish porridge
11) Pumpkin + potato + minced pork or Fish porridge
12) Mee sua + fish/ minced pork + scallop
13) Apple puree + cereal

Sounds boring for the above..typically taking cod fish daily.. wanna try her with cheese but no oven etc.. N i been giving her very blend food.. so far.. no oil, no salt at all.
btw, u said u 'steam rice till soft' but how to make sure it is soft? not the usual texture? and must steam ar? from rice cooker one cannot?

can share ur recipe?

i tot u hav small oven at home?
table food
oops i think i am a bad mummy. have been giving emma table food since she was 7 mths? but only when we are outside. even if i bring her porridge out, she will only eat a little bit, cos our food looks more exciting. so i give her some of our food, to keep her quiet. hehe.. after 1 year, i hope to give her more table food, rather than always having to cook special food for her.
that's a good recepie on baking the fish! thanks for sharing!
so far I've tried BBQ fish (aluminin foil wrapped) nice!
for baking, i'm actually "baking" pasta alternate days for Kayson; ie 1 day baked pasta , 1 day porridge.
I hvnt baked fish yet, what i did was cooked it together with pasta, then send the whole thing in with cheese on top to baked.

Jowin / Kath, no oven also can use mirowave, cause main thing is to let the cheese melt. However dun use mircowave to "cook" fish la, i still think the traditional way of steaming is safer or at least baking in a proper oven.

jowin, I think ur variety quite a lot leh!

scallop: I havent tired tt yet...was trying to hold back seafood related sutff (other than fish) till later...
wanna ask.. is it giving biscuit to baby everyday will cause them to cough and sick?
I have been feeding my son baby cookies, biscuit, puff.
Everyday he will eat some..
But he takes a lot of water as well.
My ger oso... The food always look better on the adult's plate. LOL!

I also can't wait till she can take table food. It's more convinient tat way,. i.e. I can bring her to a teochew porridge stall, buy steam fish n veg then her dinner/lunch gao deem already... :p

Or if I cook for hb to eat no need to cook something special for her...

U oso bake uh? But for how long and wat's the temp? Cos my oven is those big ones for baking cake one leh... And I have those small one for toasting one... *Hmmmm*

I think is ok leh...as long as they drink water aft eating the cookies.
so far, my ger max eats abt 2 pc of cookie, 3-4 pcs of puff, 1 pc of RUSK. everyday got 1 pc of cookie (i give, cos my MIL usually dun give her).
pas, my variety change here n there still same oldthing lor.. haha. No microwave too leh..

Jess, me steam porridge too.. did not use slow cooker.

tat small oven at another house... inside storeroom lor..

Hi esther..
Me also giving her some biscuits and ashlynne also take alot of plain water until i thought is it too much.

Do u know wats the max amount of plain water aday?? Ashlynne can take in a few bottles of 5oz plain water a day.
ermm those pigeon puffs i find it ok , but HT ones i tot a bit "heaty" so i try not to give too much too often...But HT ones are really really good to keep Kayson "occcupied" whenever we are out eating.

I have the microwave oven...means can use as a conventional oven to bake OR jus use the microwave function. So it's faster..

My mum's plce i use those big big oven (think like the one u mention), temp i set to High! cos at medium , after 10 mins, the cheese not even melt yet. & i dun want to bake so long. So normally i use High Temp & baked for like 10-20mins...dpends la, once melt i'll stop it..

Me too! HB keep asking when can we let Kayson eat our food, then going out is so so much easier...no need to pack containers here n there...

Gals: if u do BBQ, can also try BBQ fish, its yummy yummy!

wow good lei ashlynne take so much water. Ervin take very little water lei. Headache. Give him the doiry cup he pour out all the water...

Any one have idea on the question on teeth?
haha. the question is, is it too much water a day???

Er.. actually what you all meant by table food?? The one that we always eat and they eat the same as us??? Like kuay teow soup, chicken rice, mash potato, french fries, burger all these??

i m willing to try on soupy food or mash potato all these la.. but must taste 1st.. LOL..
So far, outside, i fed her with plain baked potato and crumb bread.. my poor girl.

I remembered we went KFC at Genting, my FIL insisted that i feed her mash potato. I tried and its very saltish with MSG.. cannot feed baby at all. He still argued with me asking me why am i so strict n i kept quiet..N saw him anyhow fed Ashlynne with cut fruits that left on the table dun know for how long. I pissed off.. told off my HB instead... " this is my baby or his baby??? if he continue like this, dun blame me for saying him already...
haiz.. i just dun like people anyhow stuff things into my baby's mouth.
yup table food means the food that we eat, rather than specially prepared food. personally, i wouldn't give my daughter fast food, cos those food usually have a lot of salt, oil, preservatives. i think you are right to put your foot down. i also wouldn't allow any one to feed emma anything they like.
Forgot to add tat me grew up eating lightly salted solids. My aunt told me tat when i was a baby, she already add tiny winny bit of salt in my porridge for me to eat lor... She say got to eat salt then got strength. Dunno wat type of rationale is tat... HAHA...

mine is not low, medium, high leh. Mine got temp one... like how many degrees celcius. Hmmm 10 mins bake the fish can cook?

I agree tat the arrowroots cookies seem heaty but it will oso keep my ger super entertained!
nowadays she quite pro, can eat the whole pc quite fast... So must bring more out...

take water is good as long as she dun take until dun drink milk lor.
a bit of salt is ok, but not too much la.. anyway, but now, our babies can start taking some seasoning and spices in their food. i can't wait to introduce chili to emma, cos we are all chili eaters at home. in fact, hb even tried to give her some spicy food once, but she cried after eating a bit. haha, we are such evil parents.
Me agree with Echo... We must put our foot down on wat can be given to baby. My MIL keep insisting on giving my ger ground ikan bilis powder, which I dun quite trust since ikan bilis is dried n preserved with salt (and it's darn bloody salty no matter how much u wash or soak. esp those we buy from wet market type).

So far the food I give my ger off our plates are tried n tested by me first. same like u lor, it includes bread, potato & carrots (baked).

The Singapore KFC mash potato got MSG taste? I give my ger abt one kidney bean size amt before, plain w/o e sauce. HEH...
JESS, the steam rice is steam seperately-not in our rice cooker. Since we prep stock daily, after using it to steam the rice, we will add a little into the rice before feeding.

Hmm... for fish/pork/chix/beef/veg we steam, boil, mash and saute. A meal will have either one of fish/pork/chix/beef and veg is a permanent feature. Not pureeing anymore. We uses different grains, pasta (spaghetti, macaroni, ABC, animals etc), beehoon. She loves our table white rice which we will feed her. I will steam yam, sweet potato etc which she likes it too... Oh, try steam egg with flaking some fish in it. Its delicious! Another sure hit is steam tofu with mango puree hahaha sounds like dessert but I serve as a main course! I play cheat by adding in her rice n veg into that "dessert" fwahahahah.....

Pas, do u BBQ over the charcoal or you use the electric grill?

Snow, talk abt lotus roots. We let her chew on the lotus roots and she loves it!!Hahaha...

My ger can't stay still during a meal. Sometimes we have to resort to feeding her with our hands(tricky to pick up food at times!)or her own hand -_-"
good that u voice ur unhappiness abt it n ur HB koes...i too Very scared whenever my ILs want to let my boy try..haha but good thing i'm alwyas ard so they cant...i rem my FIL actually said to let kayson try mooncake during mooncake festival! i got a hugh shock man n said NO! how can bb digest mooncake?!

Actually my mum also says last time we young, when go out dunno wat to give us eat, will also give KFC mashed potato...haha but tts OUR times la...not we dun give our lil darlings tht..

Table food: for me i meant those food that we eat, like fish, chicken, veg, etc...
soup depends...cos chinese food / soup like to add herbs, which i dun wan to let Kayson take so early...

IkanBills: actually i do add a bit of tat powder into porridge..just a tiny pinch, ikan bills suppose to be good in....wat ah? cant rem la..i rem my gynae even ask me eat more of it when i preggy...forgot wat ikan bilis is good for..

echo!! haha poor emma! u let her try chili?!!!

snowger...i go my mum's place this wk check n tell u...i think got temp there la...but i just simplfy it n say Low, medium , high..
i wanted to ask you, how do you do tomato puree for your pasta? i tried to google for how to make your own pasta sauce, and all the recipes look so difficult!

i think ikan bilis powder is ok leh. my MIL uses that to cook porridge for emma. it's high in calcium.
Echo, I skinned and remove the seeds, chopped into cubes. Saute with olive oil and basil or thyme abit then puree. Not sure if tats the correct way but tats how I did it hehehe....

KFC mash has the chicken oil leh. Tats y its very "pang" mah.... I love their mash!! hehehhe..

Pas could it Calcium?
echo, maureen.. i see.. so it is like what we ate on our table
Same la.. will delay giving her fast food and other food with alot of MSG..

KFC mashed potato in Malaysia tasted very saltish but its good to eat.. yummy!!... but i find its not suitable for babies... ALOT OF MSG lor...

Pas,maureen, echo..I have to voice leh.. But then my HB dun do anything after i voice out.
He asked what i expect him to do?? Scold his dad?? I said at least monitor and being his son, you can say him and he never angry with you. But Daughter in law, there are alot of things tat we cannot say infront of them...

i am also around when they fed her. but think they treat me as transparent...
did not even ask me if Ashlynne can eat this or that anot...N suay suay always fed her food that i did not even let Ashlynne try before. HB explained the 3 days new food rule to his dad... he dun seem to believe...

ikan bilis suppose to be good in calcium..i think la..

abit of salt seem fine.. the dried scallop i cooked also seem abit salty.

wow.. ur food combination n recipe seem fun.. lucky shannon
I have not start her with beef yet.. maybe when when reach 1 yr old..

Oh yes, i forget about macaroni...

wow ok, that sounds like a lot of work. don't think i have the patience to go and do. really admire the effort you go through for shannon.
