(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Today bash was fun,but super tired!my back aching!
Quite a lot of mummy nv turn up, but I think if all turn up
Really no space,place was not really big.
Can we tag our names in the group photo, there are quite a lot
Of mummy n babies I nv seen before!we should meet up more often!
Before I deliver my #2!

Joanne, you are pregnant right?
the bday bash was fun fun fun!
Summer is in exceptionally gd mood today.. went all out to haf fun.. and interact w other babies. Glad tat things turn out so well. Thank u mummies who put in so much effort to make this happen!!

after the party, we fed her, had dinner, went shop ard for a lil while n head home. once she sat in the catseat she started dosing off.. all the way hm. even when i wipe n changed her, she remained in the K.O mode. this neber happen b4 lor.. she mus be realli tired.. my poor lil gal.. haha..
hehe. can see tt summer had loads of fun! mayb she slept bao bao before coming for class. hehe.

bdae bash
success! hehe. seems like we paying for usage of area nia coz so much free time for babies to roam abt. haha. was expecting more activites like trial class. kekez.

thanx to jowin & kath for organising! =)
you are welcome. you also help out ma..

BTW gals, i settled the bill after the bash. As 5 babies did not attend.. we have 20 babies. Therefore, mygym did not charge for the extra babies. ( package allow 20 babies and 5 extra )

Let me do a calculation again on monday.

Very tired now... just finished pumping.. going to zoo super early tomorrow morning...

xuelyn.. nice having dinner with u & ur family.. long time no eat Mac already.. LOL...
Dec Birthday Bash:
Thank u all the mummies who organising/arranging/helping in the birthday bash, the bash is really suceess and fun !!!

U join the HT spree organising by Snowger? Had a thought to request u collect on my behalf for 4 boxes of cereal from her first, I will go to ur place to collect together with pediasure sample. Let u know it's convenience?
thanks Kath & Jowin for all the hardwork & making this bdae bash a success!

Wow u ladies are fast in uploading to FB. I still havent download to comp yet!!
we had fun at the bash too!!! I din help out at all leh so all the kudos shud go to Jowin n Iemiko..

After the bash wanted to hv popeye's but so crowded..end up hv dinner @ food court. Darn..

Pas, i oso hv not downloaded those photos.. i juz got back from facial.. need to recharge
Today the thread so quite!

Bash was real fun,thanks to jowin for co-ordinating everything!

Zach I went to have popeye!hehe,really so crowded, but craving
So decided to just wait! I also haven upload the pictures!
little rabbit
sure! hehe. which flavour u wan? got vanilla, chocolate and honey one. hehe. u got my no rite? sms let mi know k. =p
Thanks and I will sms u.

Uploaded the photos for the birthday bash in my FB.
My boy enjoys and had fun at the bash, that evening he was in a high mood and skipped his nap time throughout the bash. The boy fell to sleep after the bash, let dad & mum enjoyed the peaceful dinner.
RE Dec Birthday Bash:

Thank jowin n kath for oganising & arranging the birthday bash, the bash is really suceess and we had great fun !!!

no much time to interact with all mummies..looking forward to the next meetup!
Re Dec Birthday Bash:

Thank you Jowin, Kath, Iemiko, and also other mommies who help to organize.

We had great fun...

And for all mommies, nice meeting you all..
Jo,congrats!so this is boy or girl?

Mine will be due in Feb 15,around CNY!think I will be
Having my confinement arnd that peiod!no cny for me!
Heehee..this time is a girl girl..

wah CNY is 14 Feb lei..maybe ur will be born on 1st day of CNY plus valentine..cool sia..

But for u no CNY goodies liao..oh that period can get massage lady?
<font color="aa00aa">Jowin, iemiko and Kath, thanks for organising the bday bash! We all kw how hard it is to organise a party, whats more a party for so many babies.</font>

Joanne81, thx for passing me the figurines.
No wonder when I saw yr at stage and such mths back, tot could c that u are preggy.

Snowger, have trf payment for the HT cereals. Thx.
Jo,so lucky,one boy one ger!I need to try for another ger
But won't be anytime soon. Hopefully will be the 1st baby for
Cny!don think I will be getting massage lady this time,will
Just use my own binder.
hahahaah :p

iemik0, my fren has 2 boys too .. she also wants a girl .. but a bit hesitant to try again.

I have another fren with 3 boys .. she gave up liao. actually she die die wanted a girl. so now she went and got a female Yorkie puppy .. wa lau eh, she spends tons on puppy dresses and hair clips for the DOG leh. hahahah ! :p
I saw your photo in fb, the cake you make so nice..you really talented mom.
Now have a good rest after busy day yesterday..=)
Oh dear, hope they get well soon.

Thanks for your compliments. Ya I was really stressed man....so worried if the cake will turn out well. Then my boss got to call me when i was in the middle of making my cakes and my hands are covered in flour and butter....buay tahan..hahhahahah
wah.. i finally received my free prints from artcow today.. Paid SGD$8.50 for 100copies..
not bad leh.. the quality is normal photo paper from fujifilm.

consider very cheap.. per piece is $0.085 cent, compared to outside 4R is about $0.20-30...

For me, just nice liao..but think going bankrupt soon..with all the pretty dresses n accessories...

Can la 3 kids still manageable ..iemiko..u should try one more..
Haha.. can imagine how messy it is, dunno want to pick up call not, hands all dirty. But its boss.. so must pick up..
But it turn out very very well made.
I show my friend the photo, they loves the little bee cup cakes...
I just simply like all haha...
yup i think the cake n cupcake was really lovely can fight with those online cake seller...cheer for Adel!

yup very happy. just nice ma one boy n then one girl...the happiest one is my hubby lor.. he wanted a boy for our 1st child..and 2nd he wanted a girl..then got boy n girl..happy sia
Hi Gals, thanks
Joanne, wah, so nice to have a boy and a girl

Party Suppliers
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Trish,Kidzparty store &amp; Irene, Toys4Rent for making my party wonderful
the Balloon deco, banners were on time and lovely and the safari ball pit was set up so promptly and quick.
Ade, u use toys4rent?? Their service is ok?? I was thinking of using them too.

Jo, envy u tat u hv boy n girl alr. Hapy too!! Nxt time bring both to my place n play ok.. More than happy
Yup their service ok. Irene even msg me 2 days before to reconfirm the timing and they were at our function room on time. The set up was really quick too.

many thanks to the party organisers for the birthday bash! Its fun to see many babies...abit blur who is who liao. Hope can have another gathering soon

Randall first visit to the gym turn out to be quite a timid mouse. Must train him to become a man with a mouse instead liao hehe.

So fast u all upload photos liao...I think i upload all the videos n photos tonite.
Hi Jo.
Congrats.. i also wish to have 1 boy n 1 girl

the update on the cost of Dec Baby Bash. As 5 babies did not turn up. Heres the revise costing.

the cost of cakes and cupcakes, drinks are not refundable.

Mygym collected - $505 /25 = $20.20 per babies
Now mygym charge only 20 babies = $$430/20 = $21.50 per babies ( extra $1.50 per baby attended now )

$1.50 X 20 babies = $30
Extra collected for mygym = $505 - $430 = $75
I offset the $30 , where balance $75-$30 = $45
These $45 shall be refunded to the 5 babies equally = $9 per babies.

I felt that its rather unfair for babies that attended the bash, to top up for their share now. So the $30 shall bear by the 5 mummies.

Therefore, for the 5 mummies that cannot turn up, please kindly PM me your account number, i can return you the $9.00


Hope i dun count wrongly.
alamak. thanks kath

Mygym collected - $505 /25 = $20.20 per babies
Now mygym charge only 20 babies = $$430/20 = $21.50 per babies ( extra $1.50 per baby attended now )

$1.30 X 20 babies = $26
Extra collected for mygym = $505 - $430 = $75
I offset the $30 , where balance $75-$26 = $49
These $49 shall be refunded to the 5 babies equally = $9.80 per babies.

lucky i m not in finance dept.
I see a few other babies too... Like taramum's bb... and is it little rabbit or someone's boy (the painist!).

Mine can't see the face one... she's staring at teddy... :p
any size fm is fine, just looking for good deals on milk, not worth it to pay full price... last time I got Friso 2 for $49 at Giant- 1.8kg + 2x 900g Stage3. Worth it right?
Congrats! good to have 1 boy and 1 girl.
Me keen for gal but a bit worry next one may be boy again. :p

Ok and I will collect together with HT stuff from u. Thanks in advance

I agree with u after 2 boys will get phobia for the 3rd one boy again. My SIL has 2 boys and very keen on girl but now expecting for 3rd one also boy, she say no more trying for next one. She did mention that after 2 boy so stop for 5 years then tried for 3rd one. This time boy again let she feels very disappointed, maybe fate is responsible for their meeting.

Bryan's 1st birthday cake is nice and it's so meaningful for a mum who can make the first birthday cake for her little one. I wish can do the first birthday cake for my boy but too bad this lousy mummy only can buy instead. :p

U got pm !
