(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hi Merydith
Funny leh.. i latched my ger whole day. As i was complaining to Fabbie on msn tat the lump still there.. I latched my ger at 1am and suddenly, the lump went off.. M i dreaming???... Hope the lump dun come back again...

Now pumping to see there are any excess..

izit. I was worried he might be putting on too little. heehee.

wow, then must sayang sayang ur girl girl keke. She so hardworking whole day suck n help you to save trouble gg down to lactation consultant leh keke. Continue to press n push lor..I also sian..every pump I press n push even though no lump but to prevent lump. I think my breast is like roti prata already
dee, i tried to suck after spraying, but didnt manage to get anything out cause i tink it's too deep, however, it always seems to clear itself after a while. can use 6-8 times a day as stated on the Dr.'s label
anyone wants ebm?? i got abt 20packs frozen ebm.. dated 15 dec to early jan.. i latch hayden now so no chance to feed him ebm.. pm me lor... =)
Hi Merydith
Ya lor.. need to sayang her and also need her to "work" again.. as the lump is back at another area.. I dun Know what is happening lor.. i pump regularly already.. also keep massage already... sianz..
hi gals.. Happy CNY

I had an eventful early morning CNY where i rushed myself to KKH 24hrs clinic to clear my SUPER PAIN engorgement.. Pain until i cannot sleep, walk also pain.. let alone to massage myself.. whole breast is super hard like a rock..

Went there for the super painful massage for 3hrs.. finally its all clear.... SIGH!!!!
HaPpY CnY!!!

fabbie, yap, we shave off cidney's hair, she's now a botak... hahaha, luckily phyl realise & told me to get her head shaved. her cradle cap is so yucky, jus rub a whole lot off this morning. my hubby say it looks like nose discharge cause it's gteen & gluey
jowin.. poor you.. so how much it cost? wah n 3hrs with that lump to go off. I can die sia! next time just massage yourself to save money. But it depends on u. 3 hrs of hell plus waste money. or 3 days of massaging your own that you can control hahha. But Piew at last you are clear! so how? still weak mah? hopefully no more liao..
hi fabbie.. no choice ah.. the lump is too painful even i walk, the pain is so intense... any movement from me.. my HB drive car go over the hump, shake abit i also pain like mad... So hor.. this kind of pain, i sure cannot massage myself...i tried.. HB tried, i almost box n kick him away...

the nurse gave me med to eat.. 20mins later to relieve the pain.. n put cabbage for 20mins to soften the lump.. then she try to touch my breast.. at tat time, cannot even massage.. just touch me only, i yell in pain, in the end, use super hot water to put on my breast to relieve the pain n try to " touch" me... this is how intense my pain is.. How to wait for 3 days??? hahaha!!!!

It cost $120...
happy moo moo yr to all mummies n their adorable babies!! hehe.

so hapi. todae laz dae of jabbing kayson wif IM genta. every nite c his face turn into cherry tomato makes mi so sad n im d evil mummy jabbing him. haiz.

3hrs!?! mine took 1hr n i wana cry le. ur lump muz be real big n bad sia.
your msn tio bo. mine is [email protected] add me ba.

so hows ya gal after shaing her head? healing?

i cant imagine for 3 hrs im like in hell. lolx.. i guess if cannot smaller the lump they will inject u is it? Anyway so hows the lump now? Wah im damn sianz sia!. CNY now running here and there. and i got the only time to come back to my mother house to pump cus im staying at my MIL house on CNY thru out. faints. later got to go my hub's kuku house then go my ahma house.. i duno i can last my breast till how long for not pump! faints.. damn manfan to pump sia!
Happy CNY to all mummies and babies!

Been long time since i last log in, really siong to take care of BB alone. Nowadays thou HB try to rotate wif me during nite, still feel very tired. notice nowadays Kasia's waking time is much longer, which means i hv lesser time to do my chores + eating! Ah...

sori to hear dat u hv to go thru the extreme pain of engorgement. me experienced dat in the begining, so i understand. but i think yrs is much worse. anyway, im stopping my BM soon as really no time to express with Kasia getting cranky.

juz back from hse visiting and HB werking nite shift till 11pm. Kasia is fussing a bit juz now and juz settle down into sleep. hopefully she can rest for a while before her next feed (ard 6pm+). then i wil feed and bath her, hopefully she will sleep well later.

btw, i notice Kasia sleeps better in air con room. at nite when i put her into air con room, she sleep more soundly, but during the day which i only switch on the fan, she will fret and sleep less. funny thing is during day when i bring her shopping wif HB, she sleep well, even in her stroller. jia lat, think she is an expensive BB man!
i understand your feeling. Remember i complaint abt the lump 1wk+ ago that vome together with the fever? My massage lady came and help me to clear the lump. Took her 3 hrs also and i was so pain and wan to cry lei.

I hope the lump wont be back again. It such a bad experience loh.
hey HAppy NEW YEAR to ALL!!

Today so tired after visiting. Brought pump out with batteries n looks like a portable cow on the road coz I pump in the car haha. My baby farting like nobody business at my relative house..so funny...Seems like he is getting very talkative now as he keep talking baby language n responding to my relatives who talk to him..

When should we not let the bb wear mittens har? My relatives say shld remove now since my bb is 2 mths already.. ?

I also think bb sleep very well in aircon room n wake up less often..n also shopping in aircon mall, he also sleep thru'out. We have high maintanence bb! keke.

alamak..3 hrs! Tat time mine was around 2 hrs also..I also ate painkiller n 20mins later when the nurse press..I was cursing n swearing why the painkiller so lousy n got no effect one haha. I was hoping to get the painkiller drip I get during the C-sect. But at least all clear now..just continue to massage n push at every pump...
Wah u pump in the car?! Wow... is it werid? how long u pump in the car? cus i wanted to do it.. but i felt abit manfan.. cus baby inside also. cus will cry when im pumping.

I didnt let my gal to wear mittens.. only let her wear booties.. I only let my gal wear mittens at night when she's sleeping with us(aircon).
hi gals
thanks for the encouragement...

I would like to ask, usually after latching ur baby, do u pump out the excess in the breast to empty it?

After these few lumpy incidenty, my ger will latch 1 side n then fall asleep without emptying the whole breast.. then another side is usually not latched on and i have to pump it out.

Is this ok? N how many times and latch do you always feed your baby??? Dr advise me back to 3hourly instead of 5 hourly now to avoid the lump, which is rather tiring for me to pump every 3 hrs..

how do i determine that my ger should latch on every 3 hours like before? ( in between 3 hours she asked for milk.. i scare she has not been fed enough) Her feeding interval is every 3 hours.

Again, i overslept as i did not get to sleep last night at all.. 5 hours later then i pump.. no direct latch as my ger is sleeping. I dun wan to pull her up.
Jo, usually if Zach latches on one breast, i will pump out the other breast and then pump out the remaining milk from the one he latches on.

So far, I latched him abt 6x a day and bottle feed 2 times. I will pump 2x a day..hehe...

Lately i oso have lump but once Zach latches on and I pump, is okay liao..not very painful *touch wood*. Maybe the water pressure at my house is very strong..no need to massage or anything, juz spray directly at my boobs, can get 180ml of milk within 10minutes..haha
recently my boy keeps vommitting after drinking milk, so worry coz he really throw out a lot one... anyone got same experience & know wat happen? this only happened after i started to giv FM to my boy, last time never like tat one...

another thing is my boy starting to reject bottle, everytime giv him 3.5-4oz but he can only drink 2oz max then start to push the teat aside or sometimes even display a puking action... & boz he drinks so little then end up asking for milk in short interval again like 2hrs... very sianz...
hey gals.. my gal 2 days didnt poo le.. do you think something is wrong?? but she does fart.. but not poo at all.. she before that. she have 2 times watery shit.. after that.. 2 days didnt poo.. but fart.. is this normal?
Happi Niu Year everyone!!

Didnt log in for the past few days cos real busy..hee..

My ger oso nowadays dont poo everyday le..she now poo every once in 2 days..tink shd be ok de..

I still let my ger wear mitten as im scared she will scratch her face..hee, but am deciding to let her go free-hand soon..hee..
oh, prob I also dun let her wear during day n only at nite in aircon..coz yesterday nite I think his hands very cold in the aircon room.

I pump one side n latch him with another side lor..Funny thing is initially the breast I want to feed him with, suddenly it sprayed milk at his face lol..How come ar? I haven start to pump the other side leh. I use the nursing apron to cover in case motorist look inside n get free show la keke. I pump on the way from Jurong to Sengkang lor...quite far ma...so have lots of time to pump finish coz breast so full already..

for me now..I will pump once I feel breast is full lor...n will latch him directly if he cry for milk. If after I pump n he hungry then I will faster take out the newly expressed (still not cold yet in the fridge) milk to give him if not I will stall time by putting him to the breast n then wait for the milk to heat up then change lor.
hi merydith
i see.. dun she get nipple confusion if u latch her to stall time, then change immediately to bottle?
I use to do that.. but realise that my ger cannot immediately change as she opened her mouth BIG for bottle n opened her mouth small small when latch.. poor ger.. then she screamed even louder.

hi kath
after this very painful lump incident..i massage religiously and also latch my ger more now n will pump out too. My Supply also decrease to 180ml on average liao.. no more 250-300ml & took longer time to yield the milk...
So now, i easily feel engorged and let down, even 2 hrs after latch / pump... Sigh.. not very good lor...next time go back to work, cannot abit abit pump..

Just want to share my experience on engorgement. I feel that I've had engorgement (hard as rock kind), block ducts and milk blisters enough to last me a lifetime so hope what I've learnt can help some of you avoid it.

Massage is important. Target lumps and use some force to massage them out (But dun target the same lump/area for a long time as will get blue black. Move around and come back). Massage the breasts + aerola + nipple. Aerola and nipple is very important. Before and after nursing/pumping, must make sure that all your openings are open (i.e. milk can slow/squirt out properly). Yes, its like waste some milk but its important. Nb: Take note of the bottom as its often neglected.

Its good to stop in between pumping to massage esp the aerola and nipples too. This may even help you achieve another 1-2 letdowns (i.e. more milk!).

If want to increase interval between pumpings, it has to be done slowly. i.e. start at pumping every 3 hours, slowly increase to 3.5 hours. When the body is accustomed to it, then move to 4 hours.

When pumping, make sure the funnel size is correct. The center part shld fit in the whole aerola + nipple. When you pump, the aerola shld be drawn slowly into the tube part of the funnel. Nipple shld not hit against the sides as that will cause the skin to thicken and form blisters.

If baby latches only 1 side, make sure you remove at least some of the milk in the other breast so that its not full.

When latching, try not to let baby use their tongue to stop the milk flow too. Hold baby tighter and closer towards you.

Remember to vary your latching positions so that milk can be cleared from diff areas of your breasts. Nb: Football hold clears the outer sides.

If ever you get any engorgement, blisters, etc that you cannot resolve fast, do see an LC as dragging(whilst you try to solve it yourself) can only make it worst.

p.s. before seeing LC, do take painkillers.
Fifi, thanks for sharing!!!

I did have lumps few days ago and I tink i kept pressing till my breast now have some blue black..even when i tried hand expressing oso pain.

My boy do not wanna drink milk these 2 days. His tongue have those milk stains and it is really thick and I tink it causes him to be uncomfortable hence he rather sleep through the night yesterday than get up n cry for milk. Poor boy..now he is still sleeping! Later I must wipe his tongue for him liao..sigh
morning mummies!! how was ur cny wif ur adorable bb? =)

kayson has been startin to sleep thru d nite le. laz milk at abt 10-11pm den slp till 5-6am. hehe. hope it can laz but his intake not tt fantastic liao. every 3hrs onli 90-120mls. nv increase for almost a mth le. haiz.
its like that lar. haha breast kana choke.. so funny. mine milk also got spray on my gals face before. then she like give me a blur look when its spray on her face hhaha.
Sean Lau photoshoot

hi mummies im from the aug thread. im trying to gather mummies for this photoshoot to get a better price...anyone interested?

the package can be used from newborn to 1 year old ( no time restriction to the month of Feb)


Classic Baby

2 hours of studio session
5 pictures printed on 5”x7”
1 reprint on 8’x12” with framing
DVD with selected images in high resolution

If can gather:
10 mummies - $208
20 mummies - $188

Extra cost:
- Above price is for weekday only, for weekend photoshoot please add $35
- To include parent please add $25 per person (u can still get to have a photo shot of your baby on her/his own and a photo shot of the whole family as well)

please email me at [email protected]
Thanks for sharing!

At first try, I think he was confused but now it seems everytime I try to put anything in his mouth, his mouth by default open big big then he adjust lor.

yah haha he also give me the blur look with mouth wide open haha.
it's so frusting..

It take such a long time to increase milk and just a weekend and my milk decreased half!!!!

We went out the last weekend for last min CNY shopping, so that 2-3 days have been dragging the pumping time from 3 hours to 5-6 hours. and then the milk flow dropped!!! i used to pump out 100-120ml but now can oni achieve the same amount for 5-6 hour... help...

and also 6 weeks liao, i still have some red discharged on n off. looks like i can't go for the 6th week post natal check up and pap smear tmr liao. anybody still having lochia at 6th week??
I have stopped breastfeeding. My BM ss dropped drastically over time. At first I thot is clogged ducts, my massage lady has confirmed that ducts r not clogged but my ss is really dying off. It's as bad as gathering a total of 30-40ml with one whole day of pumping. With one week of trying to increase BM, eg. fenugreek increased intake, drink more water. It didn't work. So I stopped with cold cabbage treatment, was engorged the last 2 days, today slightly better.

I'm giving away breast pumps (Avent Isis Manual & Tollyjoy Single Battery-operated), breastpads (pigeon & mothercare), GNC Fenugreek (left half bottle), Nursing Cover (only used twice). Not for the fussy and appreciate if can collect from my house. Do PM me if interested.
Cham liao..i tink Zach is rejecting bottle. I tried feeding him with EBM earlier (2pm), he cried and fuss so I tot the milk flow is too slow, change the teats..he oso cry and push out the bottle. End up sleeping again.. He's been sleeping alot today.

I got a feeling he is rejecting bottle cos last nite oso like tat..took abt 2hrs to finish 100ml of FM..
Hi Ladies..

went for today's 1st 6-in-1 jab. The whole package of immunisation is $235 inclusive of GST. But I din take the pneumococcal or rotavirus. Plan it for the next visit instead. See how he respond this trip lor.

How was CNY for everyone?? I ate so much..think I was in such a happy mood cos I had a lot of milk production and my boobs easily engorged!! Had to pump more frequently than the usual 6 hourly!!

Jowin: so sorry to hear about what happened to you. Do persevere on.. your little dahling is getting good stuff from you yeah?! At times, I also very sian of breastfeeding. Must pump, massage lah.. and latch on .. sore nipples..
told my hubby.. if it wasn't the fact that he "excitedly" bought the medela PIS all the way from states and lug it back, I probably would have given up. So now, need to look after his son for him lor!!
yeah JO, i tink he got bottle confusion! I will stick to bottle in the day time and latch at nite cos Zach cannot wait 15minutes for EBM to be heated up..hahaha.. whip out the breast is so much faster and then i oso dun hv to pump n massage!

All my family keep telling me can breastfeed for 2mths is alr very good liao dun hv to BF for 6months..sian! I not going ot listen to them but they keep laffing that my breast is so big and saggy..siao!
me too ate alot during CNY ler, pineapple tart, bah kwa, kueh lapis blah blah blah... cham liao la must hav put on liao!!

my boy also rejecting bottle, everytime i feed him with bottle he will only drink 2oz max & starting to fuss / playing with the teat, very kek ki ler... & he's been like tat for more than a week liao, dunno wat to do...

for BF-ing, if can then try to BF as long as u can lor... actually talk is easy hor coz initially i also target to BF for 1 year, then later on i tell myself if can last for 6mths then very good liao, but now only 2 mths i already very xian liao... probably my boy get hungry very easily bah coz all ppl said breastfed baby got to feed more than FM baby...
i have "free" Kasia's hands since she is Week 4. But she scratch her face 3x since and i have to keep reminding myself to cut her nails more often (BB nails grow really fast!). Same with Merydith, Kasia only wears mittens when she's sleeping at air con room at nite!

seems like our BBs are veri similar!

Looking froward to mid Feb whereby i can start sending Kasia to BBsitter. she's starting to fuss alot duirng day (w/o air con envt). her constant crying is really getting on my nerves.. and her crying has "matured" into really screaming type... she keep viomitting milk (sometimes alot, sometimes little) so i get very upset when she screams her lungs out... AH...

apparently im not really into taking care of BB, feel so tired and stressed...
Sean Lau photoshoot “15 mummies already”

hi mummies im from the aug thread. im trying to gather mummies for this photoshoot to get a better price...anyone interested?

the package can be used from newborn to 1 year old ( no time restriction to the month of Feb)


Classic Baby
Original price $238

2 hours of studio session
5 pictures printed on 5”x7”
1 reprint on 8’x12” with framing
DVD with selected images in high resolution

If can gather:
10 mummies - $208
20 mummies - $188

Extra cost:
- Above price is for weekday only, for weekend photoshoot please add $35
- To include parent please add $25 per person (u can still get to have a photo shot of your baby on her/his own and a photo shot of the whole family as well)

mummies interested in photoshoot pls email me at [email protected]

Morning Ladies

Just wonderding did you managed to check with PD about the decrease in milk intake? Trying to reschedule my boy's 5in1 + Phneumococcus & Rotarix to 2Feb so that he can be immunised before he commence infantcare on Wed. Hope he won't develop fever :S
