(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

yipe. mi working as nurse. now they give antibiotics via iv. when go home give im. at least give im, its once a dae dose. give iv gotta give 3x a dae n muz ensure plug working. troublesome n more stressful.

Hi mummies...long time no log in liao. I'm turning into a tired grouchy panda. David has been latching on every 1 to 1.5 hours in the day, and when I try to drag to 2.5 hours, he cries until he chokes no matter what I do to soothe him ...so I give in every time.

Yesterday finally made it to Parentcraft to see if it's a under-supply issue. I'm worried David's drinking every hour because he's not enough. In the end, the LC told me the baby's using me as pacifer. He's clearly not very hungry and will take the breast when it is not very full. But when flow is fast, he will fuss and cry. On top of that's he's also gotten used to feeling nice and full all the time, so he needs to feed and feed and feed in small amount every other hour to top up his tummy. Very sian... it seems impossible to help him kick this habit.
Hi gals,

my baby like having a slight running nose lei. During the nite can heard like nose block and once a while cough once. Dunno is it he gets the virus from his bro who is attending childcare. My elder boy have been coughing for a wks or so and having running nose these few days..
hi...very long never log in already...went for his 1st jab of hexa 6in1 at 7weeks...his weight is 6kg already...doc says he is strong...not sure if his weight is ok...how about you all babies??
sian...My baby right eye keeps on having yellowish discharge on his right eye. Today is the 3rd day already. Is it the tear duct blocked? Anyone got this problem too?
yes, the wallpaper is re-usable and can also be stuck on furniture etc.. Bought it through spree at $70. keen?

I use the same changing mat. Bought mine a year back but i dun utilise all the small compartments..haha.. maybe i should ah..
bubble pearl,
my boy oso hav yellowish discharge on his right eye, think is tear duct blocked as u said bah... last time my elder boy oso hav when he was a baby & his was worst coz both eyes also like tat, PD asked us to giv him some eye massage until it is cleared...

very much interested but price not cheap hor... hmm, think i better save coz still hav to spend money to buy stroller this weekend...
no prob
have two other ladies interested but haven't reserved for them. if you still want after your stroller-shopping then let me know okie

ya .. my girl too .. she has A LOT of phlegm which she of course doesn't noe how to spit up .. so sometimes, she ends up choking on it .. so poor thing
she doesn't have a cough just the phlegm .. dunno how to help her .. my fren told me the pedia won't prescribe anything to a baby this young ..

My ger even worse. I can hear her breathing her mucus!
Wondering if she is down with flu already... *sobs*
hi spagetti
i understand how u feel as i m also trying to drag my girl intake hours. She is taking 2hrs to 3 hrs now. I m trying to fix her intake at 3hrs..as now every 2 hrs, she wan to drink milk at 100ml.. which is abit too much.. PD said my ger shd take abt 25oz a day.. so is abt 8 feeds.. Its not easy to drag as they are used to it already. What i did, i try to prolong by giving her pacifier. Meaning tat 1 hr of extension, i mislead her by giving pacifier. She thought she is drinking.. Successful a few times.. Shall try to train her till her habits change to a 3 hrs feed.Sometimes i see her too hungry, i give in
fabbie/pastillies - i think u can give pureen dry5 premium a try, it is not bad n of reasonable price. i have been using that, find that it can be better than some other brands (eg. dryper, huggies). that's personal opinion. it's those magic tape, not sticker type.
morning ladies
mi waitin for dr to come c my precious. ydae took bld taking again. screamed his lungs out n face become one cherry tomato. so poor ting.

tinkin of askin for discharge todae as his iv plug hand abit swollen n red liao. nurses kip sayin its ok coz working veri well. but i rather remove it b4 it becomes a cellulitis. more probs. argh.

its best to c a pd to confirm b4 doing eye massage. clear d eyes every few hrs. clean d good eye 1st followed by d eye wif discharges.
Hi Ladies
Finally Bryan is sleeping throught the night! His last feeds for the past 2 days was 12am and the next feed was 5.30am! So I'm crossing my fingers that it will be it and not more sudden changes! Finally some zzzzz

Teats for bottle
Can anyone advise how to determine when we should increase the no. of holes on the teats? Recently my boy has been sucking really hard at the bottle and at times he gave frustrated crieds or falling asleep before finishing his milk. I figure maybe it is time to change to 3 holes teats but the box indicates (3mth +). Will give it a try for later feeding.
My baby's last feed is at 12am too and her next feed is at 4.30am. Which I am hoping she will maintain and perhaps drag a little more.

Teats for bottle:
If the baby drinks little during his supposed milk time or taking too long to clear his normal feed (and is not sick), can try to upgrade the teat size.

For me, my baby is using the NUK size 2 teat (which is supposedly for formula milk and not breast milk). I changed after my ger took 10 mins to finish 10-15ml and then fall asleep on the bottle! And all is back to normal again.
Congrats! How did you train him to prolong his feed?

Happy for you
baby can spend 1st cny with all the family..
Hi Luthadel n snowger
recently, my ger also last feed @100ml EBM at 12:30am or 1am.. then another feed is at 5:30am... i hope this last also.. but usually she also cranky from 10pm to 1am or 2am la.... already tired enough for me to pacify her crankiness these few hours...
Hiya, dun know wats wrong with my boy. He has decrease his milk intakes these few days but yet he is still bubbly and not sick. Used to be able to finish 140ml within 10-15mins but now he will drink 90ml then starts to fuss and won't drink. will take a nap for 30mins - 45mins then when i try to get him to drink the balance milk, I'll have to wrestle with him for 5mins before he finished his balance milk. Very tedious! At times he won't finish the balance milk at all. Anyone having the same problem or know whats going on?
yup Gill.. it is pretty good and lightweight if you are out alone with baby.

Luthadel.. maybe growth spurt is over? My boi was like that too. Used to down 120-140ml within 5 minutes. Then since last week..went back to 90ml to 100ml. Sometimes even 60ml!!He has more awake time and even sleep longer in the nite.

Jowin.. my boi is just as fussy during that time frame. Then my mum suggested to give him a bath around 9pm plus. It did help. It calm him down a bit and rite after the bath, I feed him and he can sleep till 3am.
Luthadel.. forgot to mention, my boi getting smarter now. He wouldn't fight with us "force-feeding" him the last bit of milk, he just push the teat to one side of his mouth and happily resume sleeping!!!! He used to push it out with his tongue and cry.
aiyo, got me worried for a while and guess what, my boy also do the same thing, pushes the teat to the side and zzzzz. Ya, now he only drinks anything like 60ml - 140 ml or with wrestling 150ml, his total daily intake dropped from 800ml to 710ml.

I did not prolong it intentionally, he just adjusted the timing himself. So poor me have been waking up around 3.30am trying to get everyhting ready b4 he wakes for his usual feed at 4 and ended up waiting till 5.30am. So from today i will re-adjust my clock to ring at 4.30am instead

im also having the same problem as u. My boy used to drink 120ml but now dropped to 90ml. usually he wakes up once i lie him flat down on the bed. i'll let him sober up and start crying then continue feeding. But nowadays he just sleeps thru!

I asked my pd about this. He said we shd increase the teat size as they are tired from all the sucking. FYI my boy takes about 30mins - 1 hour to finish his 120ml. he really takes his time! *faintz*
I changed the teat size to 3 holes (for 3mth+)and I'm using Avent bottles. However, there are lots of milk flowing out from the side of his mouth when he suckle so I think he is not used to the faster flow of the milk. Will see if it improves by tmr.
Just wondering if anyone is on total formula already? i am almost on total formula just that occasionally let my boy suckle abt once/twice a day when he needs comfort and rejects the pacifier.

wonder when will the supply of bm stop. coz i still have bm when i squeeze the nipple. my friend told me she stopped bf totally for 1-2 days and the breast stopped producing milk already.

There are days whereby i nv let him suckle for 2-3 days but then still have bm leh!!

im using both pigeon and avent but stopped avent coz flow very slow. might try buying the 3mths plus one to try.
my mum told me to experiment cutting the teats with a pair of scissors lol. At first i was thinking aiya might as well just buy. but then since i still have the 1 mth teat i might try it out later so can slowly test. but how much to cut man?
yesterday my boy last feed at 11.40pm then he wakes u around 4plus am..but i did not give a feed.. gave him pacifier and he slept till 7am.

is it ok to do tat?i read tat must let baby know that waking up at that time will have nth to play etc cause it is sleeping time..so i did not feed and he is ok...??he is having 180ml FM 5-6feeds daily...
I'm on total formula feed now. I won't suggest you cut the teat yourself as you may not know how much to cut and ended up cutting the hole too big :S

Wow, your boy drinking 180ml now! Did your PD says the amount you feed is ok? Seems like a lot to me :S
i put 120ml of water and after putting 4 scoops of milk powder the level is about 140 already. so am i giving my boy 120ml or 140ml?
hallo ladies..

wow.. bb already able to sleep long.. i'm still waiting for mine to do that.. hee..

i decided to go out alone today.. with bb in sling! went out since 10+ till 4+.. took the bus and mrt all the way to town and had lunch w/ hubby.. hee.. thankfully bb slept almost throughout.. and had to wake him up for feed!

i bought some saline solution for bb's snuffles.. hopefully it'll help him clear excess mucus.. so that he can sleep better lying down at nite.. else, i'll have to carry him upright to sleep.. *xiong!*

Ur BB only 7 weeks right? Saw ur last post. He drink 180ml really a lot to me. My 3 months 14 days daughter only drink 180ml from last sunday. But she is small, she only 5.5kg now. Even smaller than ur boy.

SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT: Most bb that are on total FM can sleep through the night faster than BM bb. Besides their stomach get more matured by 2 or 2.5 months, so they can store more food inside their stomach. That is why they drink more but less feeds as compared to newborn.


I never think of this question but I always regard the amount my bb drink is the water b4 adding in the powder. Which brand u using now?


Which FM u using now also?
I'm currently using Friso Gold 1. Tried Enfalac when my CL recommended it but stopped 'cos my boy gets really phelmy after drinking it and didn't poo for 2 days. Dun have that problem with Friso and my boy poo daily.
hi mommies here,
sorry to interrupt your thread but i need help to get a confinement lady urgently.
can anyone help to recommend yours?

i'm due in Apr and my CL last min had to canx coz her hb kena mild stroke, hence hv to take care of him instead.

kindly PM me your CL's contact and i'll try to liaise with her directly.

thank you in advance!!
sleeping at nite
7 wks liao & my boy still wake up every 2hrs for feed every nite, very tired... i'm actually a bit like half giving up already coz i started to feed my boy FM for the past 3 nites (which where i regard as last feed but always fail laa..) but he still wake up every 2-3hrs... !!!

baby carrier
went out for shopping last nite with baby in carrier but dunno whether he is getting heavier, or the problem of the carrier coz i felt backache throughout my shopping ler, end up i asked my hubby to chop chop shopping & go back quickly coz cannot tahan liao... think this will probably be the last time i use tat carrier liao... sigh
bubble pearl,
no PD nv giv any treatment, juz asked us to giv him simple massage... pushing downwards from inner eye to the nose... err... dunno how to describe to u laa, maybe u can ask ur PD & see wat he/she says... for my #1, if not wrong it took 2 3 mths to clear ler... if u happen to ask ur PD & he/she has better solution, do let me know ya coz very annoying hor sometimes when i see the yellowish & sticky discharge on his eyes...
im giving my boy enfalac A+ with iron. seems ok but i wouldnt know if its good bcoz i haven tried any other brands. my boy poos 50% daily 50% once in two days. usually poo alot if it's once in two days. he put on 1.67kg in 1 mth. now he is 6 weeks plus and still drinking only abt 100-120ml daily.
my pd says feed 1 ounce(30ml) for every 1 kg that your baby weighs.By right i am supposed to feed him 5-5.5ounce (150ml-165ml). but now 120ml he already cant finish and will usually vomit milk after feed.
waking up at night: he usually wakes up 4-5 hourly at night. these days, 1/1/2 hrs after his feed before sleep, he will fuss, i make him down 30ml of milk and he will knock out. he sleeps min 4 hours after this 30ml and a few times he slept for 6-7 hours straight. But he cries very very loud when he wakes up. i guess coz already very hungry cannot tahan!
Hey gals..
that time mum2ndx was saying this bottle warming http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Price-Bottle-Warming-Vacuum/dp/B000H5V52U that time was not on sale and now it is!! i feel like buying leh.. anyone knows how the shipping like or whatever mah. Im not familiar in overseas buying like. Im thinking can we share to buy a bulk purchase so that the seller can give us a cheaper price? anyone wana do this spree to be in charge? Just asking ah.. see anyone interested.

ask your hubbie to carry mah.. i also use the bjorn carrier in long hours my back so pain sia! lol but is a good carrier i have to say!
wow ivy, 180ml seem really alot. my baby at week 7 is taking 90-100ml of BM. Initially i fed at 100-120ml at abt 8 feeds a day. But PD said its abit much as my baby now is 5.6kg and need about 25oz a day.. meaning 1 feed is about 3oz plus but i gave 4 oz plus.. Therefore, i cut down abit on the volume.

As i know, the more we give, baby stomach become bigger and demand for more. Excess become fats lor...

Hi jes
What about day time still every 2 hrs?? my ger day time is 2.5hrs to 3hrs and at nite is 4-5hrs. Initially also every 2hrs and i understand thats its very very tiring.. Same as you, FM and BM does not make any difference for my ger.. she still wakes up at 2hrs interval. I did not train her for the night time but day time interval, i m trying to train to prolong her feed. Maybe u can ask your PD on the night feed??

What carrier are u using????
i got the FP bottle warmer already... hehe! i asked my ex-colleague's hubby who is a cabin crew to buy for me during his last london flight... anyway i havent started using, not sure good or not! if u guys really wan, maybe i can ask if he can help to buy but dunno how much he charges laa...

i din ask my hubby to help to carry coz his shopping basket is so much heavier than my boy, so i rather carry him, less weight... hehe

day time if he is awake he will ask for milk every 1-2hrs lor, but if he's sleeping on tummy (usually i will let him sleep like tat so can sleep longer) then will wake up 2.5-3hrs... i got ask my PD & he oso asked me to giv FM, but no diff mah... haiz

btw, i'm using infantino gogorider, it was a gift, maybe i should start using pouch but need time to master the skill ler...

wow ur gal really drinks a lot, my boy nowadays drinking lesser & lesser, if i giv EBM i always giv 100ml but he can only finish 60-70ml... little hor for 7wks old baby...
i never go to PD...only went to normal GP for the injections and check up...doc says that my boy is bigger...and strong..he can lift his head up...also he commented that 180 is quite a lot..but if i feed less it is not enough...

my boy is now 7weeks and weighing 6kg+
ya lor see the review say very good. but i no experience in oversea spree. =( but i think the weight will be costing alot lor

Feeding interval..

My girl's daytime schedule is about 2-3hrs.... But now nite time can go longer between feeds!! Can go up to 6 hrs... Like her last feed usually around 11pm-12am.. she'll wake up at around 5-6.. Hopefully this will carry on... by the way my girl is 7 weeks and 4 days old..

She drinks about 120ml max each time i think.. I have only bottle feed her a few times.. still on latch-on.. she is very greedy.. she takes about 10 mins to eat..but she has enough as she doesn't ask for more... Growth wise she is ok...

Dun u think u are feeding ur bb a little too much.. my fren's 4 month boy only drinks about 150ml... and he is considered a very big bb.. Maybe u should reduce cos u give soo much will cause bb stomach to expand and hence require more milk... this can cause obesity...
