(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Kath
poor thing la... lucky left a few weeks for u to deliver... Dun get too stress up... like me, see thru liao.. no choice, c-sect then c-sect...

Pray hard tat bb engage asap...


Dun worry, you are not the only one...I also have protein in my urine...did the 24hr urine test...results came back no good...blood test results was inconclusive...but I kept testing positive for protein in my urine. I have no high BP though.

So my dr also suggest to induce to avoid any putting any more strain on my kidneys....Am due for inducing this Friday.....

Now that baby is full term...very safe for baby to come out already....so dun worry...it's more for your health that dr wants to do induction

maybe you can try walking more?

gill got dilated by walking alot..

my gynae asked me not to walk to much.. if i don't want to pop yet..
tara, ur bb is engaged liao?? My bb is not engaged yet though head down, so dunno if can be induced or not..i also wanna lower the delivery cost! If natural, go all the way, i dun want half way switch to emergency c-sect then hv to pay twice..hahaha

wah..so mine is quite confirm pre-eclampsia liao lar.. high BP, high protein and actually i quite relax (i tink) but somehow i tink i m quite excited or out of breath when i talk..kekeke..mabbe i shuld juz zip my mouth n not talk so much..hahaha

scared need to deliver next week, juz washed his bedset, towels, etc...wiped his cot!! Hahaha, if dun hv this news, i tink i m now prob shopping for anniversary gift for my hb @ orchard..haha
Hi Gals,

Was so busy the past week, no time to post. Been latching my girl on and pumping milk as well. I find that Fenugreek work for me, I'm drinking 5 grains oatmilk and taking alot of fish oso, guess tat helps. So far only feed her once FM, the rest is BM, hope it will continue to increase. My girl is drinking abt 70ml per feed now.

Congrats to all the mummies who have pop, no time to vet through all the post, miss out quite alot liao. Have to wake up at nite to feed/change my gal, very tiring but have not gone back to my pre-preg wt leh. Still have abt 5kg to go men. Haven't starts my Massage oso as my gynae advise 1mth later, but think I will start on the end 3rd week
dee, i actually walk alot liao leh.. gynae say my cervix is not opened yet leh.. mabbe i shudl do more squat like Adeline?? how to get babay to engaged ah?? climb stairs?? i see stairs i alr breathless liao..hahaha

yeah my baby is engaged and I'm 2cm dilated....dr say natural delivery will be doable...no guarantees though....

aiyah...if have to spend money for emergency c-sect...then spend lor...no choice wat... most important thing is mommy and baby healthy....

i also scared to be induced friday....but guess have to go through it sooner or later....wat to do...just grit and bear with it....
i need to go read up more on pre-eclampsia first..wonder can it still be avoided? Tara, so tis Fri u admitting to TMC liao lor..

I dun wanna conclude first until the tests are all done!!! Still crossing fingers things will be all right..must stay positive..yeah!

Jo, all the best for ur massage today yeah!!
kayson is hungry from the look at the pic.. hahah so cute! Thanks Thanks i have order it liao. the handsfree and the shield! Hope to get tmw when i check up on my stitches hehe

Ah no bed? first time i hear hospital no bed de. hehehe
ya itchy ah.. damn.. duno is it.my breast pads is not good at adsorb or what. that makes me itch. is around my nipple that is itchy lor.. sometimes my breast do hurts.. i think i massage too hard when pumping hahaha

u take care hor.. dun too worried.. everything will be fine! always last min then u will know whether u can csect or not natural. now doc only say say nia. so dun worry lar. ya =) baby willl engaged soon! *hugs tight tighs*

wah.. long time no see hehehe glad ya doing good.. so hows faye wong? ^___^ Fenugreek some say good. but the best is dun use haha till now i havent use yet. and milk flow is not too bad lor.. like 5 hrs 1 pump got 5oz liao... drink more soup and milo and more hot drinks.. sometimes i 1 day drink 2 soup. =)

btw those who wants my massage do let me know. they have bath baby de.. and push up my womb.. my tummy also slimmer liao.. oh they do the charcoal heating up one. is quite good now 6th days of my massag my stitches already left 1! she teach me how to wrap myself also when she finishing my 1 week of massage.

sad to say i cannot afford her another week due to i no money liao! will kinda miss her.. i would say her service is very very good. =) she got 2 sister including her 3 person is doing massage. in different areas in singapore. so if her sis not free another sis will take over and her massage and character is all the same =) they are very kind and patient and willling to help me alot lor. they dun like so kan cheong do massage then faster leave those kind. u really could talk to them de =)
home sweet home le. hehe. miss my bed. lolx.

i juz dig out my set from my cupboard. wana pump afta i let kayson latch on ltr. hehe. they delivering it to u? mine they came up to my place to teach mi coz i bought d ameda pump from them as well. veri good service. =)

kkh quite common to hav no beds one. especially children tower.
Hi guys!!

I haven't come in for quite a while..

Congrats to all new mummies..

I was busy delivering my little angel Lisa on 1st Dec. =) Just got discharged from Mt E.

Name: Lisa Choo
Weight: 2.77kg
Delivery: Normal w/ epi
i understand how u feel, i experience the same emotions when my gynae mentioned dat my chance of natural delivery is very slim last Fri. But like wat Jo and Fabbie said, try to think +ve and more imptly is dat u and BB are safe and healthy. i kind of "let go" since Mon too =)

congrats! yrs seem quite a fast delivery! hopefully mine will be as smooth ;D

juz seen my gynae again and apparently my amniotic fluid got back to healthy level at 8.1, so gynae said still can wait a bit (BB Kasia is 3.4kg today). he sound more +ve today, say if induce these few days, chance of natural delivery is abt 70% but if can wait till early next week, chances could be higher. so now my hope for natural birth is raised again. He also did VE for me again and he commented thou cervice not open but condition is "better"... hmmm.. wonder wat he meant by dat (no kan cheong and forgot to ask him wat he meant juz now). anyway, juz relieved dat my chance of successful induced labour is higher now... heee.. =)

me gonna walk more stairs and do more squatting (as mentioned by Adel some time back)... no chance to rape my HB lor, cos he too scared to even touch me now!!! wahahaha... ;D

how's yr massage today? do update us when u back ok? =)
Carmen: Good that your waterbag is ok...
Stay positive & perhaps you can try walking more.

Emeraldbride: If it's really pre-eclampsia, it's better for you to get baby out soon. However, think positive too! I also hope you can deliever your baby naturally.

Gerry: Congrats!

Fabbie: Wow, you can pump 5 oz every 5 hours!? Very good!!! I tried to pump just now...not too bad. I got 60 ml after pumping about 40 min.

Your massage lady sounds really good! I just had my 1st massage today & the binder is really tight. She tied it around me at 9am...and now, i still tahan haven't remove. Shall try to be like Adel & keep it on the whole night!

My CL introduced Preston to the bottle today. He didn't know how to suck at first but after a few tries (and fiddling with his tongue), he was drinking my EBM frm the bottle. He finished all 40ml! Am going to try pumping again later...hopefully can build up reserve of EBM so my CL can do night bottle feeding.
thanks! dats wat im trying to do. in fact after meeting the gals for lunch ytd, i went shopping at Orchard to shop for some xmas and birthday gifts (mimic Sam, who walk alot before her delivery!).. haha... and guess wat... Ferragamo is offering an additional 10% discount on all sale items if you use UOB card!!! can u imagine my "disgust" ytd... dat means i cud potentially save abt $300 if i hold back my earlier purchase!!! almost "faint" on the spot *sob sob*.

anyway, i "took revenge" by buying the on-sale accessories as bdae gifts for my close frens (their bdae in end Dec - early Jan, if i dun buy now, i may not have the energy to shop after delivery).

anyway, wats bought cannot be unbought, so i learn my lesson, next time dun cheong to buy during sale, make sure i delay a while before buying!

Envy all the mums who have gotten on track to BF or have BM for your BBs, hopefully i have the persistence and determination to keep trying. my SIL and a few of my frens kind of give up after 1-2mths.
hi mum2ndx,

Cordlife is the only AABB accredited co. whereas stemcord is run by few part time gynae, this was wat my gynae told me... but in term of pricing, stemcord is slightly cheaper lor
Check online and found that acupressure seems to be a safe way to induce labour. Anyone tried that and succeed? I think it will be wiser to check with gynea if it alright to do acupressure before trying...

was just wondering if you have popped coz haven't seen you post..

well, you've been busy!! no wonder lah.. haha..


looking forward to your princess' pix and ur birth story..
Carmen: Seriously!? Additional 10% for UOB card members?? OMG...this is sooo tempting & sooo irritating cos now i CANNOT GO OUT AT ALL!!!
i have done my round of "shopping" for cord blood banking a couple mths back and realised dat in terms of pricing, both CordLIfe and Stemcord are quite competitive. However, like wat Jess mentioned, only CordLife is AABB accredited, which is like accreditation to the way of handling and storing the cord blood. in the end, my HB and i went ahead to book our 21-yr package with CordLife (which can be paid with CDA account). Since im not using it for any childcare fees/tuition fees at the moment, we sign up the max package lor.

Many mummies here, including myself, have booked with CordLife. So if you need a referral package (info pack + discount vouchers), PM me and I can either mail to u or meet u up to pass to u =)

yes gal... no joke. i almost wanna bang my head against the glass doors ytd when i hear the UOB promo =(

Go when ur feeling better lor, think u sud be able to jalan a bit by Week 3 ba (dats wat my frens who deliver before me advises). AMK to Orchard not dat far gal ;)

*evil grin*
Hi all,

As my mum prefer to use Baby Bjorn than the 2 slings I bought for my daughter. I am putting the 2 slings I have on sale.

I got a Mum in Minds sling (Cotton Sateen, beige colour) bought at $45, used less than 10 times. I also got another carrier, very popular in the west, Sleepy Wrap (Tan colour) at $80.

Actually MIM is good for infants as BB can sleep inside it. The rocking effect also help to put my daughter to sleep. As for Sleepy wrap, I find the tying method easier than MIM sarong sling. For nursing mum, it is very discreet that you can nurse while shopping. Hehe... Also, I can actually be hand free. Both got many different ways of carrying BB. Just that my mum still prefer Baby Bjorn so no choice got to sell both away.

For more information:
Sleepy Wrap: http://www.sleepwrap.com

I'm willing to let go at a good price. Interested, just pm me.

MIM Sling:

Sleepy Wrap (not my baby, just show u the colour):
dats the one i went to, but i believe other Ferragamo boutiques sud offer the same promo ba.

honestly, im sooooo tempted to buy another bag ytd, saw a white LV-speedy alike bag, which cost $500+ after discount, which is a steal.. but i control cos i think i almost max my card this mth liao with all the xmas gift shopping and my frens bdae gifts. and ytd, saw a few new accessories (which are not even on the display yet, the sales assoc is nice enuff to dig out the new arrivals when i cud not make up my mind on the bdae gifts), all very nice and sooooo tempting!!! wahahaha... i dare not buy any else my HB will faint when he saw my bill next mth... i dun wan dat to happen as i still NEED his HELP to take care of Kasia!!! hee... ;D
i knw Pris is still in confinement lar, but can still take a breather in between rite? hee.. dun tell me u will really kuai kuai stay hm for the whole mth?

i dun think i can do it lor. like many of my frens, they went for spa, facial and retail therepy during the last 1-2weeks of their confinement. if u ask me to really stay home the whole 1 mth, think i will get post-natal depression ba?! wahahaha... ;)
hahaha luvdeepdeep, part time gynaes ah? hahaaha sounds farnie the way u put it. Btw how many yrs u sign up with Cordlife?

When you mentioned Stemcord is cheaper, do u mean the annual subscription or the initial payment?
carmen, not sure if hv to stay home for full 1 mth..but for me, i tink i will lar..mabbe towards last 2 days can go sneak out to go facial, hair cut etc..to prepare for bb's full month mah..
Carmen: I can't go out cos doing confinement now... but like Emeraldbride says, i'll sneak out last 2 days to get my hair done. :p Wanna look nice during full-month.

haha, this is wat exactly my gynae told me ler... initially i wanted to sign with stemcord, juz for the sake of convenience as their office is also located in GlenE but in the end i signed up with cordlife when attending the baby talk in Sept... actually at that time i still dunno which one is good, juz tat me n my hubby too lazy liao so since we were there then juz sign lor, then later only found out from my gynae that cordlife is better wor (he said)...

i only signed up for 10 years coz my hubby thinks 21yrs too far away liao later cordlife 'closed down' then how... hehe!! very kiasi

and stemcord is slightly cheaper in term of initial payment, as for annual subscription both are same which is $250 per year...

and in term of the size of company, heard cordlife is double the size wor as compared to stemcord...

ya 10 yrs can liao... 21yrs really way too long liao, who knows wat will happen... haha
emeraldbride and Pris:
wow! goody gals, u2 are! think by the time my wound heals in 2nd week, my butt sud be itchy liao!

Pris, no worries, by the last 2 days of yr confinement, u still can make it for the sale (till end Dec... rmbr?!) ;p

me oso wish to look good during 1st mth celeb, cos i look so haggard and "bloated" now... really looking forward to gaining back my "feel good" emotional state again. i wanna rebond and highlight my hair, do pedi and mani, if can will try to go spa to relac relac ;)
mum2ndx & Jess:
oops... think think quite true hor... seems like my HB and i too kiasu le! hee.. anyway, wats sign cannot be unsigned, so we juz hav to pay and pay lor! keke...

dats the thing, so we need to get more MTBs to sign up with CordLife, to ensure dat they wont close shop after 10yrs!!! =D
carmen: haha... u r funny!

but sign 21yrs can save more mah, free 3yrs storage fee wor... u oso using CDA to pay right? wanna ask u, we only pay once CDA acct set up rite? if yes mean we hav to put in sufficient money for them to deduct since it's one time payment?
do i sound confusing?? hehe..

i mean if we sign up 21yrs plan then we hav to pay one lump sum payment of $5K+ instead of pay annually rite? if yes mean we hav to put in at least $6K in CDA acct for them to deduct at one time right?
argh. struggling wif my boi during feeding. tried giving him bm from bottle but he unable to suck in. so decide to latch him on, he don wan. tink gotta try again ltr. let him rest a while 1st. haiz.

btw, i juz had my 1st meal from natal essentials. not bad. quite a big portion. can feed 2. =)
anyone breast itchy? my right is so itchy!!! but my left is fine. anyone having the same problem?! been pumping and is so itchy at times.. even i wear a bra and my breast pads.. is itchy too =(

both breast i treated to same way.. like wash and clean and put nipple cream too. weird ah
carmen n pris, actually i already sneak out to northpt on the 6th day of my confinement. my mum allow me to go so i jus go n shop for a while.
mummies who has popped...anyone doing confinement in aircon?

It's so hot and I keep perspiring, night can still tahan, day barely can make it. So tempted to on, but not sure can a not le.

Anyone using Massage lady, Naini? any comment??
I'm also w cordlife
me & hubby decided to signed up for the 10 yrs plan. Recently they haf a promo, thus no upfront pymt in cash is required. All pymts will be made via CDA $$. hee.. No cash pymt so dun feel the pinch..!!

Massage lady,
Muz we start booking their services now? but delivery date is still uncertain lei.. how to book??

Any hospital giving more than just alcohol wipes to clean the umbilical cord? mine seem to drop of half way and I see some flesh looking thing inside. Not sure if I should continue to wipe with the alcohol wipe le?? Is there something I must do to bb's dangling cord?? very lost..
