(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

17 new babies! Well, 18 since girl80 had double blessings.. Congrats to all!

Okie..my update..
Went for my 38wk scan and gynae check.
I've lost some weight (around 0.5kg) and baby estimated weight is 3.1kg, water level ok (think it was around 9+), partially engaged but the best bit..... i'm already dilated 4cm! So, based on my frame/pelvic size, gynae wants the baby out asap before he has a chance to grow any bigger. Will be going in tomorrow morning for inducing. Hopefully, it will be a short, painless (haha!!) labour.. Will keep you updated

You still at KKH? Which room?? Might be able to visit....
Oh, only bummer now is that i've been having cough and congested nose for almost a week now. Lymph nodes are also starting to swell and i'm the kind of person who, once down with a bug, will be stuck with it for a long while..sien..
But wrt to BF, have talked it through with husband and we've decided that we'll go one week at a time. Am so glad that i can go into the delivery suite kinda worry-free about what's going to happen next.
2nd Baby & Spaghetti - congrats congrats!

Dilated 4cm! Wow u go girl, Gill! All the best n keep us informed! I notice the girls who are going to give birth always kena flu one... Flu is like a flag manz... Wonder if I will kena flu soon too! :p
hi..everyone...will be the next to pop.today went for my check up at 38weeks...baby is arnd 2.9kg and i am dilated 2 cm. Tomorrow will be admitting into KKH at 2pm..and be induce...anyone that is there too??i really hope that i can do it without epidural....

is it advisable to get the breast pump even before ensuring that BF will be successful?
wow.. 2 gals inducing tomorrow.... good luck to ivy and gill

HI 2ndbaby n spaghetti.
congrats congrats!!!

Hi snowger..
haha.. me also down on flu.. cough with little phelmg now.. on n off still stuffy nose... gynae no do VE for me leh... me also 38th weeks.. tomorrow seeing him again n massage BB....

Hi pris
preston very cute wor.....

Hi gals..
so nice to meet all of u up today.. especially ah bur n bubble.. 1st time see both of u...
I'll be there early.. Gynae said the earlier the better; ie more 'value for money' haha.. How come you were advised to go in at 2pm??
Me will be at B1..you choosing which ward?? Hope to see you and chit chat about our super-easy labours! hahahaha... all the best!!!!!!!

Good luck with the massage. If snowger is right, your little gal should be joining you soon too
what time will you be there??i am feeling some pain...not sure if it is contractions.just bath n prepare....hope if can go into natural labour tonight instead of inducing tml....
preston is so cute! The way he stick his tongue out keke.

I hope he will look more manly keke. Alamak bleed must be very painful...Mine crack so I applied the nipple cream. It seems the breastmilk method did not work on me lor.

For breastmilk,
Try eating lots of fish and hot drink. I ate lots of threadfin so when I pump each time for 15 mins I will get 100ml lidat..and it increases each day if you let the baby suckle on...Just that mine suckle abit then go and sleep. End up I pump the rest out lor.. coz I almost got engorged and got headache n fever.
snowger, dun scare me leh cos i was down with flu since sunday night until todae leh.. but i not ready yet cos bb's stuff not completely washed!!!
wow..tmr is a busy day!! All the best to Gill n Ivy. Do update us on ur birth story & post up bb pix ya.. all bb is so cute leh..hehehe
WAh got 2 mummies giving birth tmw!! Jia you!! haha

he will look like de.. first 2 days is like opp sex one. then slowly will become their actual face.. mine 1st day like guy.. 2nd day onwards looks more like gal le. hehe

U mean baby suck also will increase breast milk?! i every day must pump. if not really engore hor. damn pain. and yday i just leak milk -___- if today the same thing i think i DIE DIE must wake up to pump liao. if not my bed will be wet. and the milk is so sticky de. yucks

its quite tiring to pump n pump. especially in the middle of the night. but i think is quite fun. tmw going to buy a 2nd hand medela pump for 40 bucks! so just nice got 2 can liao. no need to buy dual pump le. haha
thanks gals..

we still havent decided. Husband wants to go around 6am but i was hoping to sleep in later since my son is at his granma's tonight.. Think will probably end up at KK around 7+ afterall.. So he has the rest of the day to rest (he kena diarrhoea today!)
No lei.. no PM..

Doc told me earlier better but leave it to us since i've no pain complains. Said she recommend around 6-8am to guarantee a bed at the delivery suite. Was also told that regardless of time i checked in, i will be charged for one day.. Meaning if i go in and start inducing at 7am or go in at 7pm, still charged for one whole day tomorrow and not by the hour. (for ward not delivery suite).

She'll be rupturing my waterbag and administering oxytoxin and antibiotics (for GBS) thru drip.
gill...i have PM you another time....i gave you my hp number....so can contact while in hospital...check again...maybe gone to junk mail
Sam - Calista is so cute, like her hair!

Luthadel - Mine BM is still like 10-15 ml till today lor. Like never seems to increase one.

Loveangel - Preston so cute, he has nice eyebrow...

Ivy & Gill - All the best! Jia you....

Fabbie - Can PM your massage lady contact? Mine back out suddenly.

Fong2 - Btw Dr Chew charge $500 + gst for doc's visits no matter how many days you stay. He used to charge per visit one but now its a 500 package.
So tired..

im waking up at this time to pump.. has breast engouge anyone is with me now? BF or feeding baby now? or changing pampers.. lolx

btw does anyone breast or nipple itchy when pumping?
I read your birth story. Haha you power leh. gynea say go hospital now, you still can sleep somemore. hehehe. Lucky your waterbag burst after you get off the taxi. if burst in the cab, duno the taxi driver will freak out anot. hehee.

btw you can feel the contractions after taking epidural? i cant leh? i just know when i feel like shitting(baby head coming) the nurses say okai, contraction is coming remember to push!

Ya Hub really dare to cut baby's cord hehee cool! mine dun. lolx Spaghetti you mean your mum and your MIL is staying with you now? o_O so nice. and ya hub is really sweet to you too to help you our in depression =) JIa you!
morning ladies
hav been buzi nursing baby kayson ydae. kip wanting to latch on every 1-2hrly. kinda tired out. now my breasts engorged liao. tink ltr i gotta pump out sm to relieve abit.

dr juz came n i can be d/c todae. hurray. home sweet home. hehe.

pic of baby kayson:
congrats on ur delivery. =)

gill n ivy
hav a smooth devliery babes. mayb ltr i pop by delivery suite n check if u ladies around anot. =p
im using d products frm mumsfairy. d shield is good. i can recline n pump comfortably w/o spillage. hehe. im using their handsfree kit as well. =)
morning ladies!!!

spaghetti - CONGRATES!!

gill & ivy - HAVE A SMOOOOOTH DELIVERY! Keep us posted!

did u walk alot prior the check up? i worry that i'm alreally dilate *enough* and not even knowing.. no pain during BH/contraction.. just tummy tightenning which seemed to get longer.. but somehow i didn't even realize the duration..
so hopefully baby can tahan until my gynae is back!
am now working from home instead.. gynae advised not to walk too much so gave me MC till next week..
kk no beds. Sien. Was hoping to deliver fast so tt i can c my elder son...missing him. Now jus sitting around,sleepy,wasting time.. Iemik0..any strings u can pull to get me into delivery suite?hehe..

u admitted already? gynae gave passport to roam free? so good!

heard subsequent preg, the labor is usually shorter.. so, who knows u can even skip the epidural! hee..
take care, ya?

uh-oh.. i betta beware! but then again, i don't really want to know till next week.. :p
gill and ivy...wishing both of u have a speedy n comfortable labour ah!

Jo, yup..it was fun to meet up w u n ikeike 1st time too.. so funny to have a bundle of big tummies walking ard ....

Phyl, thks for the toy!
no beds? delivery suite got so many neds n all taken up? tell them u tummy pain now la. sure give u bed. hehe.

dr din ask nurse help u book bed b4 hand ah? mine when for inducing laz yr, nurse got book bed for mi wor.

too bad i dono any one from delivery suite. =(
Aiyo!!! All the babies here are sooooo cute!!!! Congrats to mommies, Iemiko, Spaghetti and Sam and anyone else I missed out!!! So many grads liao yeah!!!

Gambatte Gill & Ivy!! Share your birthstories & baby pics later ya
Congrats to Sam & Spaghetti!!

Wow! Another 2 mummies popping today. Gill & Ivy do keep us posted on ur birth story and bb pics as soon as u can.

Jolynash - Thanks for the info. My hubby was like "Y so ex?!!" when i told him abt it.. -_-" Anyway, later i'll be seeing Dr Chew. Hopefully he'll be able to tell me if i need to be induced since nearing my EDD soon. And i'll be going for my blood sugar level test later on. So sian..
Hope u hv a smooth delivery too!

Really? Tat day was telling one of the gals tat flu was as sign of impending labour for both my mum n my neighbour. All the best for ur massage tmr!

are u sure it's itchy? They say the "prickly" feeling is part of the let down reflex leh... May get it when u are looking at ur ger ger or when u hear ur ger ger cry!
U got flu??? :p Me got block nose and a bit of throat irritaion last night. Keep waking up to go toilet every 2 hrs! *Tsk tsk* Still suffering fr the lack of sleep...
Hi All,

Sorry to intride and disturb. I am an Oct 08 mummy and I have a Medela PIS to sell.

My Medela PIS is the Medela PIS Metro Bag 2008. Its sold at $799 in Spore. Its inclusive of the following :-
- Messanger Bag with adjustable strap
- Removable motor unit in its own case
- Battery Pack (Batteries not included)
- Removable cooler bag
- 4 collection containers and lids
- 2 SoftFit Breastshields
- 2 valves
- 4 membranes
- Removable work surface
- Mesh storage bags

As the PIS was bought from US, the adapter is not compatible for use in Spore. I had to purchase the adapter in Spore at $75. Willing to sell them at $575. Used it only once. In brand new condition.

The price is really the best I can quote. If not, please suggest a price and we can discuss further.
juz got back from gynae's visit! Sigh.. first the urine test failed cos super high content of protein in my urine. Then come blood pressure..first result 155 which was super high..then 2nd reading is like 130+..nurse gave up, ask me to do CTG first so that i can relax.. got some minor contraction but on and off.. usually when contraction is thr, i felt breathless..after CTG, did another round of blood pressure, still same reading as previous..

Saw gynae, she say my swelling is really bad..dunno what she did, but i tink she either did a VE for me or Strep B test..haha, i not sure but not pain lar..:p

She suspect that i hv pre-eclampsia cos my ballooned weight, my swelling, my high blood, protein in urine. Was sent to do blood test immediately and i hv to collect ALL my urine, not a drop less for the next 24 hrs. She say if the result is not good, i hv to be induced by next Tuesday. Imagine, nxt tuesday leh..is like few days away and I m not even ready to pop yet!

But, saddest part is that, bb is down but not engaged yet, so she say quite difficult to hv natural birth so may need c-sect! Which I do not want..cos then i will hv 2 scars at my abdomen..sian sian sian.. next visit is next Wed and result shuld be out..if really bad, then Thursday is the day (latest)..arrggh...i really hope bb will be engaged by then!!
hi all ... Gill is getting induced now .. they put in the drip and just burst her waterbag ... contractions still irregular and still 4 cm dilated ...

oh dear ... well, pre eclampsia is pretty serious so better for u and baby if baby is out .. nevermind if via c-sect ...

try to rest more till Tuesday and don't get excited ... keep your bp low.
