(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

haha.. pris.. i want to be a cheapo mummy that dun need to spend on epi.. keke.. cavewomen also nv take epi also like that ma.. keke.. my MIL gave birth to 15 also like that ah.. kekekeke..

fabbie.. so envy envy u wor!!

Ya.. i think this tub is better coz can play with baby inside.. i got a balcony so its quite private also.. but i think if set up in toilet a bit hot n cramp.. keke..

saw the wallpaper spree liao.. keke.. ordering more decals.. AGAIN.. keke...
To: Customers of Citibank Singapore Limited

Dear Customer,

I am writing to update you on the latest developments taking place in the U.S. to further strengthen Citi's capital ratios, reduce risk and increase liquidity. As of this afternoon, the U.S. Government and Citi reached an agreement to address the speculation and rumors about Citi's financial health, which led to recent stock market valuations, in spite of Citi's strong balance sheet and franchise fundamentals.

As a result of the agreement with the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC), Citi significantly strengthens its key capital ratios by generating approximately US$40 billion of capital benefits. In addition, Citi's balance sheet risk has been reduced by the guarantee of over US$300 billion in assets by the U.S. Government.

Citi's Tier 1 capital ratio for the third quarter ended September 30, 2008, on a pro forma basis, for the October TARP capital injection and the new capital generated by today's announcement, subject to the Federal Reserve Board's approval, is expected to be approximately 14.8%.

Today's announcement brings even greater clarity to our overall financial standing and ability to deliver the best service to our customers. It will also provide reassurance to our customers with respect to the strength of Citi's global franchise.

Throughout these difficult markets, Citibank Singapore Ltd and Citibank N.A, Singapore Branch have maintained a stable operating income, unparalleled access to funding, extraordinary levels of liquidity and the best talent in the business. Our business is strong and our support for our customers has been unwavering. This announcement endorses our continued commitment to our customers in Singapore, as we have been doing since 1902.

We look forward to serving you in future and would like to thank you for your continued patronage.
Sam, thanks on your advice, will put on some nipple cream tonite... i told my gynae and he say it's normal... to them everything it's normal....
Don't get too carried away with the wallpaper ya..

I've also been having very vivid disturbing dreams. Worst one so far was based on the movie 'I am Legend'. haha.. so creepy..

Me due on 14 Dec too
Baby only 1/5 down so far..not completely engaged yet.
Went for my 37wk appt this afternoon. For once, i spent less than 30mins in the clinic, probably cos i was late (should try to be late the next time too!)

Baby is 1/5 down..not engaged yet but positioning is ok so no worries. Gynae asked if i wanted VE to check dilation but i decided not to until the next visit. She suggested that she break my waters artificially if already dilated 2-3cm as she's afraid that baby might get too big for me to deliver naturally. Next appt is 2 Dec so we'll see how it goes then.

Went for the light-up lastnight. Huge disappointment! Damn sien.. But ok la, one thing off my list of to-do
gill.. hehe.. this one is the height chart that i want to paste beside the door.. keke.. i will buy n keep first.. coz scared miss it again..

my dreams are very LOUD.. meaning its noisy n actioned packed.. also maybe coz i watch james bond last night.. what ever happened to my cotton candy lollipop unicorns on fluffy clouds type of dreams......
Hi Gill,

how heavy is your baby now?

my last fri check, bb was 2.7+kg at 37wk..
he said good weight tho previous check bb was on a lighter weight compared to average..
My baby was estimated 2.9kg at 36wks. Next scan will be done at 38wks (next week).

Considered big for me cos i'm quite small-framed..1.55m short
Fabbie, yr bb girl is so fair and cute! I was at TMC just nw, duno yr ward no. if not can go visit u.

Ade, thanks for the contact.

Ladies, back fr check up and I am 1.5 cm dilated liao. Baby weighs 3.2kg at 38wks2days. Dr says give me till this Fri to go into labour, if not will induce this Fri. Cos placenta has matured, hi blood pressure and also water level low.

wow, pretty big..
but good weight and easy to handle when bb is born..

i'm not any much taller than you leh.. me 1.57m.. only 2cm difference..

with #1, i gave birth at week40 with bb weighing 3.5kg.. big head (37cm) but still came out naturally! hee..

i'm sure you won't have prob..

i thought it's the measurement of our pelvis that determine whether baby can come out easily?
isn't it, ah?
Congrats Fabbie!!

Ur little Clarice is soo cute... Her eyes are opened!! She is going to be a very inqusitive little girl.. Want to see everything!! =)

If u dun mind me asking..Did ur doc do an episiotomy or did u rupture??

My little ger is about 3kg at 38 weeks.. But doc checked my fluid level, placenta, bb's movement and heartbeat.. Everything is ok. Last time, wat did ur doc say about ur boi?? I'm quite worried.. Now I'm trying to eat more.. but quite hard.. cos I get full very fast nowadays..

I really can't wait to see my bb again next monday..

Yeah I find this year light-up super boring.. like trying to reflect the hard times!! Shouldn't they make it nicer to make pple feel better?!?!? =)
i just got back from my 37th week check up...doc did a VE and said i was 1cm dilated..and baby is engaged..next check up on 2ndDec then will decide if need to induce...cos my doc will be away for conference soon....hopefully baby will be good and choose his own date...and come out before my doc leaves....

now he is 2.7kg, gain 100gram for the past week but my weight remains....

congrats to reddates and fabbie!!!
hey ivy,

we have the same bb weight at week37..
and my gynae also going to be away for conference!
but i'm hoping baby will be out only when he's back from conference, aft th 7th..
my next check on 1st Dec tho.. gonna do CTG monitoring then..
Hi all...
It so nice to know so many mum-to-be here. My EDD on 23rd Dec... really anxious now... will be delivering at Mt A.
my dr din say much. 3kg for 38wks is ok ah. my boi was 2.6 for 37wks. onli gain 100gm each wk. smmore hb gotta fly d following wk so decide to induce n feed beta. hehe. w/i one mth, he double his birth wt le.
dee..my gynae will be away from 6th till 14th i think....my EDD is 17th but scared later baby just pop when doc not around...so next week have to monitor..i wan bb to come out early...cos i started my ML le...this is the 2nd week le....
i'm dying at my office desk. my work always can't complete. i'm getting too fat, tired, more confused n v slow.

Merydith - have replied them too.

iemik0 - huh? only 1 towel a day ooo. nice photos. have PM you. thanks.

echo - thanks for sharing. how abt doing stuff which doesn't require hands? eg. watch tv, read book without holding the book.

reddates & fabbie - congrats! cute baby.

Gerry - huh? hold ur legs together?

LuthAdel - so gd. i think i can't go back to pre-pregnancy weight.
wow..realised most of the bb's weight is quite good hor!! My bb's weight is like 100g shy from the ideal weight..n gynae alr said if want him to grow, i hv to eat more, which means i put on more weight..hahahaha

very tempted to buy the wall decal to paste on my feature wall but dunno if hb allows..hahaha, he wanted to buy wallpaper instead.
congrats fabbie!

Baby Clarice is soooooo cute!!! i like her pose...

make me want to see my girl too..but still hope that she stays in there till December..

am still rushing some work , hope to finish it asap man....going to work now at 36weeks plus is more like a dread....

Im aso having some nipple sensations lately...tonight will try put some nipple cream to see if it will soothe abit...

im sooo envious of you going back to your pre-pregnancy weight so fast...i hope i can be like you too...
nashi, tell me abt it.. i totally dread walking from clarke quay to raffles place everyday for work!! Even the thought of going out for lunch makes me tired..my feet really hurts from walking.

My parents ask me to take cab to n fro office every morning, which i calculated will cost me at least $400 for the next 8 days!!! Hahahaha...worth it? I rather pay my hb to ask him to send me to work but he will not one lor..he will want to sleep that extra 30mins first
hmm.. maybe my pelvis is considered small too? But i definitely huge butt! haha..
Dunno lei.. My 1st preg oso the same. Delivered my boy naturally at 37wks and doc was already threatening c-sect saying 'big baby'.. Turned out to be only 2.7kg; considered normal size. Getting a bit apprehensive now.
Fabbie: congrats! LOL baby Clarice's round round mouth so cute.

Wonder how is jolynash?

Luthadel: The massage helped a lot is it? I heard breast-feeding also help mummies to slim down! More motivation for us (^__^)v

I can imagine your impatience with all these baby pics coming up.. Me too getting impatient but still want a Dec baby

You're due last wk Dec rite? Tahan tahan..

Can we choose a Public Holiday as the day we want to be induced? Will our doc still come in or can they refuse?
And is there any hospital policy against discharging patients on a weekend?? No right...??
tell ur hubby how difficult it is for u to walk ...tell lhim to sacrifice that 30mins sleep for u la...he aso got a part in the baby mah..cant be u alone facing all these inconvenience...carrying a baby at this late stage is really no joke lo...
Read that you're back to pre-preg weight.. Congrats!
Did you manage to lose the tummy flab too?? If so, HOW DID YOU DO IT??????? please do share.... thanks much!

you can choose a different package and keep all the pics, but I'm not sure how much that is. my package was $180 I get to keep 6 prints as well as the digital shots so i thot it was ok, i don't need all the pics anyway. Additional photos are $10-15 each
Congrats on ur bundle of Joy!! Ur gal is Sooooo Cute!! Know how to pose for pic liao.. so smart! ha haa.. read ur blog too.. glad u had a smooth delivery.. hope mine will be smooth too.. Keep us posted on more news ya..

I simply can't afford to miss the wall decal spree agn!! so I went ahead to order liao.. the decals are so nicE!! can't help ordering..
How long did the last spree take to close & how long to deliver huh? I scared by then I pop liao then can't meet up to collect my stuff..

Congrats on the speedy slimming! can share ur massage lady contact pls?
hahah thanks all.. ya she's very cute.. got a little dimple.. and a perfect eye browns, the line is so perfect so no need to do trimming next time haha..n im so envy!!! how i wish i could be like her sia.. Lolx

but my MIL has that the best is shave everything off.. her hair and her eye browns. i think about it. NO way! i scare once shave liao. her perfect eye browns is not there.. she wanted to do it so that her eye brows will be more darker -____-
fabbie, if bb's eyebrow is nice, then dun shave..hehe. got some thread say that bb after shaving the hair grow back in patches leh.

Nashi,even next time bb come out, hb say fetch me to mrt nia onie after work come n pick us up since morning usually i will get a seat in the train - i tink can cope bah..else if i drive, wil be super super expensive cos cbd area.
Emeraldbride: I love using Benefit makeup too. Heh...my faves are Benetint & Dandelion.

I also don't know how to use the Pupsik pouch. Haha...seems a bit complicated but i think watching the video will help. Phy also has it! Which colour/size did you get?

Fabbie: Don't shave!!! Keep Clarice's eyebrows if they're already in a nice shape.

2nd baby: Good luck!!! I hope you won't have to be induced.

Gerry: I also find that i can't eat much nowadays. My boy is 3kg at 37 weeks! I'm scared i can't squeeze him out if he continues to stay inside for longer...

Phy: I also cheapo mommy...if i can, wanna save the hundreds on epi but if i cannot tahan, then too...will pay for it. :p My mom keeps encouraging & telling me that the pain is bearable. I don't know if i can take it...she told me to psycho myself by saying there is NO EPI available so i have no choice. Haha...

shaving the eyebrow sometimes won't grow to be thicker or darker leh..

we shaved our #1's eyebrow but still like that - not any thicker or darker..
thankfully the hair is still as soft as before shave.. hee..

Xuelyn.. i think u better not opt for meet up.. sure cannot meet one.. the stickers came abt 3wks after the last spree ended.. so all in all i waiting abt 4wks from time of purchase.. so dun opt for self collect..

Emerald, pris, actually i realised that the pouch quite easy to use.. just gotta figure out which side must be on top can liao.. then just cradle baby n slip baby in and pull the part with the cushion can liao..

fabbie.. DUN SHAVE HER EYEBROWS.. keke.. they are very nice liao.. but trim her eyelash.. u dun dare then get some one who dares.. not too much.. just the tips.. keke

pris, now we say we dun one epi la.. keke.. see how when we are in that situation.. Sam din have epi for 3 kids liao wor.. keke.. she's my role model.. another way to TAHAN is to keep procrastinating until cannot administer epi then just LL and push the baby out! keke

today my temp come liao.. so i cannot teach her to blog, chat, spree n come forum.. so wont be in whole morning la.. Today going for my virgin BW-ing.. keke.. i shy shy leh... hahahaha.. hope it triggers contractions! then can give birth by next week!!! woohoo!!
morning all.. food in TMC not bad leh.. i love the chinese food! hahaha

phyl trim? no lar. hmm i think i will let her to herself when she grow older! lolx.

Back at work..

Yeah the weight is good.. but just worried about the growth like shouldn't she be growing not stagnating.. Oh wells.. wait and see till next week.. =)

My doc was joking lah.. cos she will be away till sunday, so dun want bb to come out till then. My doc is pretty confident that my little ger will wait for her cos she is still quite high up.. Too comfortable in mummy.. but mummy not feeling too confortable!! haha!!

Dun worry we can squeeze our little angels out.. I know someone who is very small size.. Petite.. She gave birth to a 4 kg bb ger.. All natural... No epi.. And she said it was a pretty easy labour for her.. Haha!! Dunno whether we'll be sooo lucky.. =)

Dun shave bb's eyebrows!! They are sooo cute!!! =)
morning ladies
im reali hoping kayson will stay inside till 1st dec. walk abit n my tummy cramps up. argh.

inducing on PH ah. usually they will tell u to come another dae la. unless ur dr happen to be on-call tt dae. hehe.

for kkh, pts can be discharged on wkends one. no wories. =)

don shave d brows. but trim d lashes when bb young den bb will hav nice long lashes one. when slightly older, don tink got effect liao.
iemik0 i still looking for her eye lashes hahaha.

okai.. i as my doc who just came in.. he say mine is not tear below.. he cut for me! but no pain at all when i take epidural hehe erm.. this is the only thing that you gals ask me to ask hor? or still got more? hahha =X
Morning ladies

Gill & Xuelyn
I think the massage helps a lot in regaining my figure. Each time after my "unwrapped session" my husband will drop his jaws. So i know it works damn well considering the fact that my tummy was still HUGE after delivery.

Here's my massage lady's contact. Her name is Rose, 9232 6959.

Also, coupled with all the night feedings and expressing my BM, it does helps to burn the extra fats off. Gill, no tummy flaps just a small tummy left thats why I took the 7 days package. Today will be my 6th day but looking forward to it :p Regretted not taking pics of my b4 and after photo hahaha...guess I was not confident that I could get rid of that huge tummy in such a short time at tat point.
i tot shuld be shorter interval then consider contractions??

Robinsons having private card member sale today n tmr..Clarins hv 20% off..will go buy the oil - i bought the stretch mark one previously, now will buy the toning one for post-pregnancy!!!

From what I've read, I think contractions usually start out at longer intervals and get closer and closer together. Usually, you should head to the hospital once they are 5 mins apart. Or when your water breaks, whichever comes first.
