(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


morning. i went for a swim this morning. the pool was not cooling enuf... must due to the hot sun these few days!!! but anyway, i enjoyed my dip still


thanks for sharing ur birth story
mayb u can try some breast massage to stimulate ur milk glands to produce more milk for ur princesses

mrs ho,

u oso go back MY ar? which part of MY? i m leaving for MY this Sunday. taking no pay leave...vy tired to work liao

hmm. if not can get one cheap eletric pump. mi using ameda dual. so far no bad. can clear my block ducts n i can finish pumping in 15mins. =)

hmm. i ask my fren c she got contact anot. she juz given birth in sept n stay in jurong one. hehe.

i understand ur feeling. i was crying in ot afta baby came out. suddenly feel weird.
durian... i saw some yest. but i din buy lah, coz i m taking bus home. dun wan to get complained by other commuters. hehe...

ice-cream... i hv this peppermint with choc chips flavoured ice-cream in my fridge! i will eat later... hehe
Chantalle: I drank bubble tea yesterday!!! :p Hubby surprised me with it and apple pie from Mac.

Jappooh: Don't worry! My boy weighed 1.7kg at 31 weeks too & my gynae said he's average. So your baby isn't small ok?

Bring Pump to Hosp --
I'm not bringing my pump to the hosp. Will latch my baby on often. Anyway, milk doesn't come in that quickly for most women. Usually Day 3 or 4. For the 1st 2 days, we produce colostrum and it's said to be enough for baby.

Llig: I heard Avent manual pump is good. You can try the WTS section? If you buy brand new, i think it's about S$90. Btw, Metro 20% storewide sale this weekend so you may want to consider dropping by to see if the pumps are on sale.

Tara: I used a spare single-size mattress & placed it on the floor for my massage. The oil is very strong-smelling. You may want to lay a towel on your bed and change your bedsheets after that.

Girl80: Rest well & don't worry too much ok? I'm sure your gals are well taken care of in the SCN.
i going to buy bubble tea...for lunch!!!was angered at work!!so mad...cant wait to go on ML...so don have to be so stress!!!

Try to have some support during confinement cause it is super tiring to take care of a baby while our body still weak from childbirth. We are 1st time mother so alot of things dunno. Best to ask your MIL to help you out. You got buy those herbs for shower during confinement? I think I still got remainder. If I am free, I go visit you during your confinement and pass you the herbs. Where you stay?


Your birth story sound rather simple and easy as compared to mine. U lucky gal.

Not to worry about ur milk supply. Milk will only start flowing around 4th or 5th day after birth. Mine start on the 5th day. I just keep pumping using my Medala Mini (I bought at KKH Pharmacy at $135) every 3 hours after I return home. Now the milk flow is like arrow shooting out liao. Haha...


If you deliver at KKH, dun have to bring your breast pump. The hospital will lend you unless you more particular about hygiene. Actually, no milk will come out, the pump is only to help stimulate your milk. If you can latch on successfully, u dun need the pump already. So 1 less thing to pack for hospital bag.
OMG.. girl80 is scaring me with the injection.. damn pain! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now im scare.. T____T
My girl will also wave goodbye to me from the window when I leave for work every morning. It always leave a smile on my face

When I'm home in the evening, she'll call out "Mommmy, Mommy!" and ran towards me to hug my thighs.. I find it so sweet!

No wonder some people call epi as "happy-dural".. keke
Juz: Hehe, i also realised that no one here also mentioned about the growth scan. I was told that it was called growth scan when the nurse ask me which date i wanted to book for it. Anyway to me, its just something like a normal routine ultra-sound scan

ypg: When KKH lend us the pump, we need to go wash it ourselves first huh? Or they will wash for us before lending us? I'm pretty scare of breast engorgement, heard its very painful, even worse than labour pain.
My milk supply came in only on Day 5. I let my bb latch on for the two days in hospital. Went back let bb latch on and pump.

Lavendery, engorgement is reali painful. Only my baby can help me solve this prob by letting her latch on. Hehe.. no matter hw i express/pump, also not effective compared to direct latching.
KKH lend me the pump while teaching how to breastfeed & find out why bb only want 1 side of the breast - got blood inside colosum therefore bb don't want. pump somemore then ok liao.

their pump is more powerful so go home although bb latch on still got engorge. Then ask hb to go buy pump. haahaa

KKH never ask me to go wash it. Haha... I think they will wash for us la. They cant be expecting us to do it. We just give birth leh.

I got breast engorgement only in my 7 or 8th day after labour. I din put cold cabbage onto my breasts to reduce the pain. I scare milk supply will reduce due to cold cabbage.

Breast engorgement is nothing compared to contraction pain. I just feel that it is like your breast become stone and you got to move slowly or else your breast will have a pulling pain. I only get it when I wake up. But once I pump the milk out, it is ok liao. So if you scare breast engorgement, try pumping more regularly.


Dun worry about epidural injection. For me, it is not painful. Afterall, it is supposed to help us relieve another even more painful pain, contraction pain la. Haha... If you really scare when they put in the epidural needle, perhaps you can think of something else rather than concentrate on the needle.

Jappooh n Scarletgal

Envy you! Hope time pass fast and my gal gal will be doing that to me soon. Yet I dun wish time pass too fast cause want to treasure her every moment. I already feel that she grow so fast and I have not taken enough pix to keep for momento. She is only 1 month old now. I am so contradicting.
Santorini - gd to check w ur massage lady which she prefers. seems that most massage ladies don't want to stain the masterbed with oil. for my case, they asked for those single mattress put on the floor to massage. coz i don't have, i usually just put 2 layers of thick blanket. they will kneel ard the floor area to massage.

girl80 - thanks for sharing ur birth story. did Dr say when likely ur twins will come home?

Loveangel - who did u book for post-natal massage?

ypg - my MIL bought me 20pkts of bath herbs, actually i have no idea how to prepare bath water. just boil water, then pour herbs in, soak for awhile. then mix with tap water? it all depends whether my MIL wants to come. i doubt so it will be everyday, coz bishan to marsiling is one distance. and she definitely won't stay at my place. i also won't want to stay at her place during confinement. where do u stay? i stay in marsiling. ya, i saw the heavy-duty pump at KKH ward before.
Yup...me from Malacca....me going back to deliver..cos the fee here very ex...somemore MIL will do confinement for me.
For my 1st bb, i going back at weeks 37 cos worry she come out early...but at last i delivered her on weeks 38.
This time keep talking to bb to come out on weeks 38....so i still have another 3 weeks to work. will on leave from Dec onwards..very sian...now try to hand over work to boss & colleague.
Latching On..

Oh yes, must let baby latch on from the beginning if possible because tho milk hasn't come in yet, we are producing that precious golden milk called colostrum..

very important for baby even tho it's just a few drops.. it helps to clear the meconium (dark green stool) from their bowel.. if baby can't clear that, usually the nurse won't let the baby go home..

if baby can't latch on, try to express using hand and feed baby using spoon or shringe (gosh, how do you spell that??)..

i have read somewhere that usually for the first few days, baby aren't that hungry coz they have reserves in their body and also mother nature knows that milk production will comes in later only.. so by the time when milk comes in, baby should start feeling hungry already..

I stay at Bedok, used to stay at Clementi b4 my marriage. I dun like east side but bo bian. 嫁鸡随鸡

I can go visit you while I go my brother place. He stays nearby Yew Tee.

For bath herbs, just put them inside and boil with water. After that, take out the herbs. Pour the water and mix with cold water to shower. You adjust the water temperature this way. I only shower when I got visitors or really cant tahan. About 3 or 4 days then I shower once. Cause it is still not good to shower too often during confinement. Wind will retain in our body. That is why I still got leftover bath herbs.


Why u got blood in your colostrum?

Regarding breast pump,

KKH First Few years selling Avent Manual pump for only $50 plus. Dunno if the offer still on. I used Medela Mini, not really that good. But cheap and can serve basic pumping so buy that. Dun intend to buy super expensive pump since my daughter is FM fed. My breast milk just serve as supplementary onli.
ypg - Yew tee still some distance fr my house. anyway, don't have to purposely come, ur thots count liao. i think i will bathe everyday eh... so water must boil together w herbs eh... doesn't that mean i should get a pot... haiz, ok, i go get a china cheapo pot. i think i should also get a hot water flask too, seems like home w kids always have one, not sure why, to make milk?
Ya lor.. i see video.. Epuir not pain! nobody scream leh.. then now girl80 tell me how is it.. jialet.. i quite scare..

Hmmm i realise my leg open very wide!!! i cannot even close when walking.. is like i cannot kneel touches my kneel when i walk..

you no scare meh? she say the c-sect abt know that the tummy been cut but cannot feel anything. faints.. I hear liao. also scare.. T___T

i very scare of the epi which inject behind out back T___T and im very scare the Drip on my hand.. faints.. I just hope i go hospital everything open liao. no need to drip.and baby just slip out by itself! hahah I think im crazy liao.. ignore me.. cus im so happy!! today is my last day of work! HO hoHo!
Not scare lah. You will sure feel pressure etc but won't feel the pain. So ok lah

I think by then my thoughts will be super kan cheong to see my boy!
I LOVE your mummy corner men!! so cosy... did u buy the cot from Ikea??

The themal flask is for your convenient when u need to warm up EBM or making formula milk. U dun 1 2 boil them each time u need them right? It will be too late for them. and when u need to wash bb backside after they poo so u wont scared them with the cold water.

my bb same weight as ur bb leh..3kg at 36 weeks now..bb head engaged liao..

me oso went for my gynae appt..at first he checked my amniotic fluid, he said too little, then he checked again & said okay - borderline passed..so i oso confused..but he said not goin to induce me yet..he will see me again next wed, then monitor..but he hope to "tong" till 38 weeks-mid nov..im looking forward..hope can have natural delivery by then instead of induction..

u take care ya, dont tink too much..relax & tell urself that u will be seeing little bryan soon k..Jiayou..anxious to see ur bb pix..
LoveangeL: U are SO XIN FU !!! My lazy hubby refused to buy me Bubble Tea and ask me drink plain water instead! What flavour did you drink? I like Grape Milk Tea with Pearl fr Sweet Talk!! OoOh... Epi is pain or no pain?? Wah i think depends on individual threshold rite? The painest pain i went thru is the recent operation is August to remove dermoid cysts.. I think it is still bearable. Duno wat will happen during labour. Dun wanna think so much liao..

Hey u gals mean we can shower with herbs during confinement??? My MIL says strictlY
No 1: NO FAN or Aircon!
No 2: No Shower!
No 3: No cold drinks!
1. can have fan. just blow it to the wall n let the wind bounce back to u lo. no direct wind.

2. can have air-con. else how to stay in the hospita for 3 days? it suppose to make the room dry ma..

3.No cold drinks for me too la. hee...

if she dun stay wif u, dun have to bother la. hee... :p..i kay po kay po la... hahah
hehe.. Mum2ndx: Too bad lei, i am staying with MIL. Think she will nag at me non stop. I am trying hard to be discipline nowadays. Try sleeping without the fan and aircon, still bearable. But cold drinks wise.. sighzz.. hard ahhh..
NO AIRCON?!?! <= i can die lor!

Chantalle haaha bubble tea is addicitive! i did keep drinking. Grape Red Tea! Yummy~! think abt that. i want to drink bubble tea sia! haha

Ya.. make sense.. keep thinking of baby. i think will forget all the pain le!
Thanks. Will check out ameda dual pump. Is it compatible with Avent bottles? I have stocked up on the bottles..

Thanks. But its quite hard to pump with tendonitis. Will pop by metro if husband is free on weekend.

I have PM you my contact.
Im just e direct opp of u. hee... i can stand w/o cold drinks but if u want me to sleep w/o fan or air-con... might as well kill me!!!!!!!!!! even when im not sleeping, there's always a fan spinning..hahaha i cant stand still n warm air....
but will she let u shower?

can u PM me Mdm Nadia contact? thks!!
My BB can't stop moving!
And he seems to be pushing too much till I feel as though he's gonna come out! Am only in week 35!

Is this normal?
Anyone having the same experience?
me too! Sometimes feels like baby going to slip out.. Guess its normal cos i mentioned to gynae and she said no cause for concern..
initially i thought it's baby trying to engage?

but since you all 2nd time MTBs also feel it...can't be baby trying to engage right?

mine too. sometimes my bb just push against my abdomen like he's trying to come out. can c either his fists or feet pushing making the tummy looks real funny n moving on its own too!!!


u slept w/o fan n aircond? 'pei fu'... i can't. i will perspire. n i can't stand still hot air...
Phew!! Good to know that..

not too sure San.. but in my last check, gynae said baby head's already down and engaged (?)..

Sometimes i feel as though i need to put my hand below my tummy and tahan..

and these day, always feel like going to pee.. BB probaby been jumping on my bladder..

he also keeps showing me his buttock when he moves.. and then probably use either his leg or hand to push againts my hip bone.. funny feeling..

u mean the baby is moving downwards ar? me mistaken liao.. i oso got feel his head pressing on my bladder... but it certainly dun feel like baby is pushing out. can feel him squirming onto the bladder.
Thks ya. I saw Adel sms too so i will try to see if she's available on Jan cos my EDD is 2nd Jan but according to gynae i may pop around X'mas cos my 1st bb early too.
then mayb after 1 or 2 weeks then i will start the massage.

why i dun feel bb wriggling out har... lately he's esp active when i was playing pc game at night. haha like trying to pop out from the tummy. wow.. the movement is very obvious n big in action lo. hahah
My massage lady just suggested getting a binder that's spsed to have really good slimming effects. Said she can either use the super-long cloth to wrap and wrap or use this 'steaming effect special binder'.. But i dunno what its called cos my line got 'intercepted' by my mil.. Anyway, the pros (mil &amp; massage lady) decided i shud use this binder.. So maybe ur massage lady also talkin about the same thing?? Mine said can get only at JooChiat complex or M'sia..She buying for me fm Msia cos cheaper..
when baby moving so actively inside, could feel as though he's pushing downwards also..

but with my #1, i never had that feeling.. maybe with #2, the uterus lining is thinner?

dun tink my massage lady was talking about that....she asked me to buy from hospital pharmacy...

apparently my friend who used her before, went to fabric shop to buy the long white cloth...and they used that....
