(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


I slept with aircon during my last confinement oso, not too cold, wear socks and long pants to sleep can liao. No fan of coz, no cold drinks oso.

Just mentioned to my hubby this morning, what I want to eat better go eat fast if not after bb pop, I have to endure for 1 mth liao, and no seafood for 100 days. I showered everyday at hm with the herbal water oso.

I haven book my msg lady oso, been enquiring 2 yesterday.

2ndbb: I sms ur ML contact, by the way is she good anot? I tried to look at past archives, cannot find what u wrote liao.


C-section not so scary lah, mine oso c-section, this time round oso c-section. If the ML is good, can c u tummy go down very fast 1.


No 1: NO FAN or Aircon!
For me, I had air con when I reali cant stand the heat. Fan - no direct wind.

No 2: No Shower!
Shower with herbs.

No 3: No cold drinks!
No cold drinks definitely.
<font color="0077aa">Reddates</font>, for my ML, I cant reali make comparison as I dun have other ML to compare. I would say value for money.

<font color="0077aa">Ade</font>, dun forget to bring yr fav CD to the delivery suite
ameda pump is not compatiable wif avent bottles. i bought a accessory from avent to attach to d pump so tt i can attach d avent bottles. ameda pump is use narrow neck bottles.

hav pm u mdm naida's contact =)

u manage to slim down afta c-sect? my tummy still big afta 6mths. hehe. got stupid flap over d scar. ugly.

milk supply
i feel like a cow sia. i was engorged wif milk by 3rd dae. when pump out, got 90mls. even d nurses got a shock tt i can pump so much. lolx. hav to put cabbage to ease abit 1st den pump. *faints*

kkh breast pump
nurses will wash n sterilise d pump before letting mummies use. i prefer to bring my own coz ltr i scare i engorge but another mummy using d pump, dono how long she will take. so bring my own lor. haha. i even bring sterilizer to sterilise my pump afta use. haha. ks mummy.

for mummies gg for c-sect, mayb advisable to bring coz we hav to stay in hospital for 4daes. sianz.

I took quite awhile to go back to my pre-preg wt. Apply cream religiously and wear those slimming pants oso. It just tat my hip bones cannot go back, guess "open" liao. After my massage can c visible shrinkage of my tummy after 1-2 sessions, the rest of coz still up to individual.
<font color="0077aa">llig</font>, pigeon and nuk bottles can fit ameda pump

<font color="0077aa">Ivy</font>, not sure for the rest of the hospitals, but I brought my fav CD into the delivery suite at TMC.

<font color="0077aa">Jappooh</font>, the massage lasted for an hour. Massage oil and binder are provided.
Hi 2nd baby,
thanks for your info. Cos currently i am comparing your ML with the orgin jamu massage. Ofcos yours is cheaper but the other one looks good as well. So i cant decide..haha

I also hope tt BB can just come out herself w/o any pain...hahaha..but know its only hope law. But really must pray hard tt it will be a short delivery la....Heard too many story of over 10 hrs of delivery liao.
pig07, xiaopooh,

sigh .. these aer estimates only .. we'll only know for sure when baby is out and lying on the weighing scale .. lol
at the end of the day, big or small .. baby will grow .. I prefer smaller baby - easier to deliver :p

ya, I also feel like baby is trying to squirm her way out of me ...

oh, my gynae didn't say whether my baby is engaged already ... hmmmmm
llig, u interested in getting a 2nd hand ameda pump? My fren is selling away hers. She stopped breast feeding cos too busy taking care of her babies hence her milk supply went down by alot.. she onie use for 1 or 2 months i tink.. need to ask her. let me know lar.

So tired today.. my stomach kept getting hard and now my boy is busy squirming away and tonite i hv to work late.. sigh
Yes..thats the super long cloth. Then the lady will just wrap it round and round and tie knots.

My ML say cant get easily lei.. so probably referring to different binder.

thanks. So other than Avent brand, which other pump is compatible with avent bottles? Any ideas? *headache*

So nice if all our babies jsut squirm out easily huh? Since they're already impatiently trying..haha..

Get more glass btls from hospital when u discharge, most will be compatible with other pump then u can pour to avent btls or just feed from the glass btls.

2nd bb,

Ur ML quite value more $ and it includes bb massage oso, so still dunno who to book yet.
Regarding zzz w/out fan &amp; air con: I wanted to do a trial run for confinement so i tried for a few days. So far so good leh.. maybe my room is airy so i can tahan. But i duno if my hubby can tahan with me or not. So 2nd time mummies here, u sleep in the same room with ur hubby when doing ur last confinement? Any issues so far?

By the way, other than No cold drinks, my MIL also says cannot drink plain water, coz will introduce wind into our body. Can only drink longgan boiled with red dates for 1 month! *Faintz* Maybe if my MIL allows me to shower i will drink from the shower head. Lolz..

I have one qns: so our menses will come immediately after we give birth??

I din drink any plain water oso, will cause water retention. I drink reddates tea , milo and 5 grains oatmilk , prune juice tat's all. Even in hospital I bring my prune extract to drink only. My HB slept wif me during my confinement together with my NB boy oso. Only tat my NB waking up every 2-3hrs and I have to pump my milk lor, so quite noisy for my Hb who have to go to work. After a few days, he's too tired liao and din wake up even bb cry lor.

It's called lochia, mine took abt 1mth+ to clear.


Really leh, ur boss so cruel to let u work until this hr. Poor bb, ur company wun "tou4" even if u dun work for them. Ur Hb let u work till so late ah?
i hope you've left the office already. Its time for dinner my dear..9pm already!

Ok.. will ask for glass bottles. Will they give willingly....? Can just ask when getting discharged or must make early request?
Today on conference at suntec.. so boring.. keep nodding off.. kekeke.. in the end i gave up n abandoned my colleague and went shopping..

went to Marina Square and suntec.. then after that realized cant find anything nice so went to my FAVIE place... IKEA (had 2 hotdogs coz hungry!)!! hehe.. bought a shelf that hubby will put up for me beside the socket.. dun want to leave any wires running on the floor.. so everything is elevated..

Mum2ndx.. thats for the complements for the mummy corner.. me abit obsessed with the room liao.. keke.. keep going in there and sitting there looking at the cot.. the cot is from Palmax.. same as some of the mummies here..

Jo, u not doing up the room liao ah.. aiyo.. very fun (but tiring) one leh..

Chantelle, wah.. u really very fast wor!! anything else u need?

Tmrw me not going to work AGAIN!! haha.. i going for my gynae check up as subsidized patient.. keke.. going to rot to death at Clinic A...

When I discharged at TMC last time, I just asked them whether they can give me some milk with the glass btls anot, the nurse gave me 4 btls. I just reuse it when I need it. Need to buy new teats though.
oh okie..
For us, when we were discharged the last time around and asked for the FM, i needed to justify to the nurse..and in the end was only given one. Will try again this time around. Thanks.
Hi all..
Haiz.. totally so moody.. Suddenly so many things to do.. so busy. and my coll still ask me to OT, when its my last day! so angry. Then things got to change here and there.. arghz! I rejected them to OT today, cus i have a check up.

Haiz.. when i was on the way to see my gynea.. on the road i saw a dead dog!!! its a big stray dog =( it happen so fast.. i duno is it a dog anot. as my hub keep telling me its a rag! ( i think he just dun wan me to think abt it) but if im not wrong i saw the dog face. its ear and mouth and nose. And there were many cars! I didnt notice it when my hub try to siam it. But i seems like remember the face.. and i cannot forget.. sighz. i feel so awful now. as im thinking what will happen to the dead dog when theres so many cars =( and i suddenly tout of the dog trying to siam the car before it car bang. haiz.. im so sad now.. sighz..

Anyway.. totally no mood to talk to doc adrain today.. My ger not engage yet.. weight 2.69kg at 37wks 3days..

Bubble i didnt manage to help u ask. sorry.. i was too upset till i forget to ask. but is quite funny that i took our my note book and ask doc to wait wait. then i was reading.. he wan to snatch my book and read. then i say no no.. -___- my strep b check will be check next week. i ask him my tummy at night cramp. he say when big is like that "its normal" and he gave me antibiotic to cure my cough thats all.
Fabbie: Don't worry...maybe your gal will engage soon.
Talk to her ok?

Chantelle: My fave Honey green tea with pearls!!! Hee...sweet tooth me.

You can sleep W/O aircon or fan!?? You're my hero leh! I CANNOT sleep w/o aircon!!! My mom told me cannot drink plain water or cold drinks too...must drink longan red date tea &amp; ginger tea i think. Sigh...Can shower! Just use the herbs!

Phy: Enjoy your day off tomorrow!!!

Jo: OMG, crocs sale @ Expo! I cannot go!!! Anyone going?? Can help me to buy??

Llig: Oops didn't know you got tendonitis...go check out the Metro sale ok? I'm not sure whether other brands' pumps are compatible with Avent bottles. I bought everything Avent.
Tmr, going for check up and strep B test.

Chantalle, my lochia takes a wk or so to clear.

For me, I can slp w/o air con if taking noon nap. If no air con at night, then i cant slp. So for confinement, I will slp w air con every nite if not wil be a torture for me.

Phy, I like Ikea curry puffs.
Hi gals.
thanks. me work till 9pm today n ate dinner after tat.. my ger kind of use to mummy working late n eat late.. Sigh...

i know the company will collapse but i got deadline to complete.. i dun do, event dun run, advertisement will not go to print etc... One man show.. no helper.. Boss infact go home on dot than me... sigh!!!

Pris, me dun know going anot.. most likely no la..

Hi fabbie
aiyo.. dun go n think abt it....

Hi phyl
ya.. not doing up la.. realise baby not staying at my current house until after some time,, i do up for wat??? leave it as the storeroom 1st.. haha... then if we coming home with baby over weekend, most likely BB sleeping in playpen with me in my master bedroom for 2 nites only.. i kind of lazy to do up the nursery room..
morning ladies
din hav a good nite slp. my boi kip tossing n turing in bed, squashin mi to a corner. haiz.

so far din c much pumps tt are compatible wif avent bottles coz of its wide neck. tt's y i bought d add on accessory. glass bottles n ameda bottles abt same capacity. so can use juz ameda bottles n transfer to avent bottles when feeding. tt's wat i did for laz preg. =)

hb slept wif mi during confinement, tgt wif our boi. i had aircon on almost 24hrs. too hot liao. cannot tahan. i din drink much red dates tea. more of milo n warm water. den my mummy veri strict, don wan let mi bath at all until hb tell her off. weather so hot, how can don bath, ltr i fall sick how. den she start boiling herbs to let mi bath. but onli once every 3 daes.

mi went IKEA as well. hehe. went to get tortise laundry basket, baby high chair n oso a cute doggie changing mat. =p
Morning girls,

Can I ask all experienced mummies out there... Is is true that after giving birth, your breast will shrink to a smaller size than before getting pregnant?? I read it in a book and one of my frens told me about it... =) Just curious...
Jappooh, Bubblepearl,
Me and my big mouth, say no work to do... yesterday both my bosses gave me urgent work to do. I end up working till 11pm... today feel so sleepy....

Glass bottles from hospital,
For Mt A, i tried to ask them earlier if can give me the bottles, the nurse say during my stay there, just have to inform them that you are breastfeeding and they will keep for you. Can collect upon discharge. FOC..

So happy! going to see doc tml liao... TGIF
the crocs expo sale will be next week right?same as the motherhood babyfair?

i still have 6 workings days to go...then will be on ML....
during my confinement i have aircon on but no fan lar. My grandmother and MIL both think that fan is worst than aircon. But i have to wear very warm and socks to sleep during the nite. As for the day i just open my window and no aircon and no fan.

For bathing, i bath when ever i cant tahan so i try to do it once in 2 days. And odcos with the herbs.

For drink, i only took milo and reddates tea in hopsitial. When i am hm i took reddates tea for 1 mths. Cant drink water hor..

My lochia takes abt 3 wks to clear. So i think it depends on individual.
sorry to interupt:

Hi mummies,

i got the following for sale:

400gm Nan Pro 1 (expiry 2010)
400gm Nan Pro 2 (expiry 2010)
400gm Nan HA 1 (expiry 2009)
400gm Nan HA2 (expiry 2009)
400gm Enfalac (expiry 2009)
900gm Enfalac (expiry 2010)

please pm me for detail..
Morning all!!

Ivy, motherhood having fair at Expo as well? Think hv to stock up on breastpad. Colleague was telling me will use up 1 box within weeks, so better buy more to keep if it is cheaper than $8.90 for Pigeon brand.

What is the glass bottle brand that hosp will provide us? If I know thr is a FOC one, then dun hv to go buy the NUK one liao lor.. sigh..
Jappooh, i oso got another 7 wks to ML...was hoping my bb can come out after xmas... my due is on 22 Dec, want to eat my turkey &amp; ham first... my hubby say ask the CL to cook turkey fried with ginger... haha..oso if she come out after xmas, i won't lost 1 1/2 day of holiday..
my edd is on 27 Dec. I am opp of u. i hope bb will be out at wk 38. Cos i wan to finish my confinment and can have baby full mth b4 CNY. Hee..
breastpad must use alot huh?! I tout buy washable can already? hmm how many you gals bought? i havent buy any leh! jialet..
i bought breast pads from one baby shop at amk. d pigeon breast pads onli $7.90 per box. cheapest so far.

i use quite a lot of disposable breast pads. change every 2-3hrs. disposable one more convinent. juz throw afta use. hehe. tink i got 5 boxes. =p
i agree with iemik0 to use disposable, easier.. even washable u need at least 5 or 6 pairs..cos few hrs change once, u must keep washing and make sure it is completely dry!!

One box of Pigeon got 36pcs, one day change abt 5times => 10pcs goen.. use 3 days onie 1 box liao..hahaha

Tonite going Metro @ Paragon to see if thr is any good deals to grab for Pigeon
Morning all. Came back from check up. Gynae says I gonna deliver in 2-3 wks time! So shd be around end Nov. BB's head not engage yet but placenta seems a bit ageing. Hope bb can stay in my tummy for longer.
For breastpad, I bought a box of disposable pads from Mothercare (when it was on sale) and also bought 1 pair of washable pads from Tollyjoy to try. I hope to switch to washable pads eventually - think the cost savings will be worth the hassle.
I invest quite alot on breastpads too. Still have a few boxes from my prev preg. Find disposable more convenient. Those washable ones also gd, can be reused.

Gerry, breasts tend to be slighter smaller than pre preg cos of breastfeeding.
2nd baby
When's your EDD? Mine is 4 Dec and I'm at 36 weeks now. Saw my gynae yesterday and she also thinks I will deliver in 2-3 weeks time, probably around 20+ Nov. BB is already partially engaged, weighs about 2.9kg now. So far, seems to have no complications, so I hope to have a normal, drug-free birth, without need for inducing or C-section. What about you?
Hi luthadel,
I've got someone to recommend. Her name is mdm Zie. Her number 90089114. She's friendly as well as strong.


echo, my edd is on 7 Dec. I am at 36 wks nw. My bb girl weighs 2.7kg nw. I hope I wont have to be induced again. But I def wil go for epi cos my tolerance of pain super low. Gonna go for check up next fri and see how is the situation.
