(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

wahahaha.. i burst out laughing after reading your post! ya lar, dats why i tell Chantelle dat im "scaling" down after finish my 1st batch mah... me oso think dun spoil BB from young by applying such ex cream lar, wait Kasia start ask me buy her branded clothes then i die ;p

yalor, dats y i say u mummies are so brave and u all are my role models!

Hippo and Mimi:
im 35W+, wow... so dat means i can deliver anytime by Dr Chen's std? Anyway, me wan Kasia to hang in there for a while more, cos still have to finish a tender 1st! keke... but if Kasia insists to come out earlier, then i bo bian lor. So no matter wat, juz hang in there for a while while more ok? JIA YOU!

dats really good news! Hope all Dec MTBs and BBs will be safe and healthy =)


Thanks for the link...good site for information...

Was watching the video on breastfeeding...and that mommy's nipples are so pink!!!! *envy*....
ypg, can recommend me ur massage lady? Is she good?

fabbie, some of the mom say the massage lady will call last minute to cancel or to postpone or some say 1hr massage, but turn out to be 45minutes onie, kind of stuff lar. Apparently if massage, must be consecutive days.. else no effect wor

thanks for sharing on the binder....now seriously having doubts about my original massage lady...and she's charging me quite ex....$60 per session 1 hr...

Found another one...going to try her out next week...

Understand about the horror stories of these massage ladies and confinement ladies...alot of times depends on your luck....

at the end of the day, best way to protect ourselves is not to pay anything upfront...not happy can always ask them to go!!!
for massage, beta find one tt fren recommend will be safer. mine charges r pretty ex compared to others but its alwaz more dan 1hr n her skills r good. hehe.
Hi Ladies
Just came back from my gynae appt. My water has gone down a bit despite me going crazy with water intake. *sigh*

As such, we have to induce on Monday. So on Monday i'll see my little Bryan

Did a vaginal examination today and I'm 0.5cm dilated even though baby has yet to engage. So hoping that my cervic will open up more by Sunday so that i can go natural instead of c-sect.
i had one message lady recommended by a friend and then later on i recommended the massage lady to a friend of mine.. coz i thought she was quite good..

apparently, she a bit "racist".. my friend got "cheated" in the duration and the way she was being massaged.. it wasn't not done properly either and as usual, $$ has already been paid upfront.. my friend complaint to me and i was so paiseh..
Hi LuthAdel,

oh dear.. did gynae mention what's the cause of the water getting less?

How do we know whether baby has already engaged or not?
WAhahaha you sound like me.. i also will take note people's nipple too! haha. that time i see mrs wong the video. the lady nipple so BLACk. Aiyo. im so worried mine will be very very black! hehe

Ahhh got such things huh.. ok ok will take note.

Btw. whats the expensive massage lady? need to get some research. cus till now i dun even have a research sia! lolx
my 1st massage lady was like wat u say. Call and postphone or say late. Then the session always less than 1 hr one.. Thats why this time not getting her liao.

do take care and drink more water these few days to ensure enough water. Very fast u will hold your baby in your arms. Not to worry too much. Trust your gyane.

only gyane can check whether the baby engaged anot.
ask you all are. You all confinement then doing the massage is it??

then hor.. ask you all another question. That time we will still be wearing pads right? cus we still bleed. Isnt that Werid that they keep massaging your butt and like keep touching the pad of yours?! =X
massage is during confinement time.

Dun worry abt that when they massage they wont touch your pad one. They are experience and knw that we are bleeding. during the massage the they will just pull down slightly down abit wont affect at all.
Hi girls .. !!! I'm back from my 36th week appt ... baby is now 3kg .. my gynae says normal .. I also happened to see Esther from SCBB at TPS and approached her about donating cord blood .. !!

ALamak, my gynae going for a 2 nite cruise on the 20th and 21st of Nov .. hope I don't give birth early - 3rd Dec quite awhile away from 20th and 21st .. LOL!!!
LuthAdel ..

really ah? MONDAY??? Wow, so exciting !! drink more in the meantime !! Hope your cervix cooperates and opens up more so the induction will be successful
Sam & Jappooh
Thanks! Working on full squats to help open my cervic! hehehe

Crossing my fingers that the induction will be successful
Ya baby gal? mine only 2.6kg on 36wk =( duno tmw check up.. my baby gal will be how heavy le. hmmm

but then they will touch my butt also mah. butt confirm got pad one mah. wah. i will feel so "Gao wei" duno tat time can put tampons anot HAHAAHA

Yeah. will be awaiting for LuthAdel baby boy's photo! hehe wah.. so envy you gals can give birth early sia.. But okai lar. theres good and bad too. =|
fabbie, ya mine's a girl .. different mah - my hubby and I both tall and broad ... i'm like 1.73m tall .. my baby may be 3kg but my stomach not that huge leh ... like one of the gals says ... it's the genes la ..

yours 2.6kg .. quite average la .. dun worry .. not small at all
Hey ladies
Anyone of you have done VE and feel burning sensation after the check?

I felt super burning sensation afte the VE today. During the poking, i dun find it painful at all even though my gynae warned that it will be painful. But wat i felt was burning sensation that lasted for almost 10mins after the check. Could it be the gel that she used?
The gynae will use her fingers. Just now I only feel burning after she has taken her fingers out so i'm thinking it could be the lubricant she used.

Just now after i peed and wipe myself, i noticed that there is a very faint pink blood stain. could this be from the Vaginal check too? Hmmmm
Santorini / Massage lady,
Massage lady's binder is normally just a super-long piece of cloth that goes round and round and round your tummy.. super tight! You shouldn't have to get your own. Some might ask you to supply your own oils though cos nowadays mummies all have different preferences.
And yes, must do continuously.. Will speed up the recovery (clear lochia faster) and make tummy, at the end of the week, obviously smaller. She won't touch the pad but normally after massage, when i go loo, there's a huge glob of lochia released. Kinda gross but feels good also cos it means that there is that much less left in our wombs.

You get to see Bryan on Monday!! Wow.. Hope your squats work and you can have a natural delivery too. Isn't there anything else you can do to open up the cervix?? All the best!!

Bet Esther was thrilled about your baby's racial background! My limited rojak-ness excited her...malay, japanese, punjabi. Yours must have made her delirious! hahaha..

Yup, must go for a round of interview so that they can check that you qualify. The way i see it, if you're not intending to store the cord blood privately, no point just throwing it away. Recycle, Reuse!! haha..
Hi all

Need to seek your advice here. My gynae had advised us that our baby may be a premmie and since then, my wife and I have been researching on the costs involved (i.e. staying in NICU etc.) Strange thing is that I compared the wards from private hospitals as well as that of KKH (as a private patient) and the difference did not seem so big. Am I missing something here? Pediatrician fees etc? Anybody care to enlighten me as to why KKH is believed to be cheaper then?
Luthadel...wah!!! Another mummy going to graduate! So exciting! ^_^

Think you're allergic to the obs cream. The last time round I was involved in a small car accident and went to delivery suite to monitor baby's heartbeat. My gynae used the cream when he examined my cervix. It's the cream the midwives will use when they monitor your cervix dilation when you're in labour. The burning pain was so bad, but after I washed it off in their bathroom, it became better 10 mins later. My gynae asked me to tell the midwives I'm allergic to the cream, so they won't use the cream on me when I'm in labour.
hi all.. i din go to work today.. keke.. got a little lazy at 5.45am.. and also coz hubby is on leave.. so from 10am to abt 4pm, we did up the baby room as well as spring cleaned the whole house! will upload pix of the room when i can find my energy back... dead tired.. was so tired that felt faint and was seeing stars..

trying to pack my hospital bag.. in the bag now.. i've put in the binder, pupsik pouch, marriage cert, sanitary pad n disposable undies.. Hayden's going home clothes will arrive in the mail hopefully by tmrw!!

Adel, so excited for you!!! haha.. u need to talk to your cervics!!

well, damn exhausted. but so happy Hayden's room is almost done!! when are my wall decals coming!!!
Thanks for the info! I sort of feel that it could be the cream but my gynae said she has never got any problem with the cream and i'm the first case :S Hey did you get some very mild pink blood stain after the cervic check? Wanted to call my gynae but her clinic is close.
Luthadel: You're gonna be the next one to graduate to Mommy status!!! I hope you can have natural delivery too...walk around more, do your squats and *ahem* if your hub is willing, make love.
All these are supposed to help...

Sam: Wow, your gal is already 3kg at 36 weeks...i have a checkup this Saturday. I wonder how heavy Preston will be.

Fabbie: Thanks for the video!!!

Spaghetti: Oh i didn't know that the gel used may be unsuitable for some people. Thanks, i'll take note if i get another VE & see if i experience any burning sensation.

Phy: I wanna see pics of your baby room!!!
Don't forget to pack a set of clothes for YOURSELF to wear home.

Carmen: If Kasia wanna stay inside, then let her stay inside longer. No hurry yet cos you're 35+ weeks...soon liao!!!

congrats on ur princesses. they r so lovely n look so peaceful in their slumber. dun worry, u get to cradle them soon in ur arm!!!


i prayed dat u will hv smooth delivery on Monday. hopefully ur cervix will dilate further so ur inducement works faster!!!


u vy funny leh. i have yet to pack my bag. will do so tmr. hehe....

After VE, my doc did warned me that I might get some bleeding cos the cervix has a lot more blood vessel than before pregnancy.. So u dun have to worry about it.. Hope ur delivery will go smoothly..
adel, do remember to keep us posted!! All will cheer u on and work more on the full squat girl!! Then ur wish for natural delivery will be fulfilled! Gooodie, another mummy graduated ler..

Sam, tink is time to update the table again to separate which mummies have given birth and which one hv not..

phyl, i also lately very lazy to go work! I wanna buy wallpaper border leh to decor Zach's room..hmmm..sian sian sian! Any idea whr can i get cute cute one?? Post pix on ur multiply ya!!

Whr is jo?? Must be super busy today again..hopefuly she dun hv to work late again..
congrats on ur 2 little pretty princess! Hopefully they'll grow bigger & be well enuff to go hm soon! Jia You!

hmmm.. If ur baby boy decides to come out earlier.. It might not be a bad thing. Think of it as u having longer time to recover for CNY! All the best.. dun worry so much ya!

Congrats! U'll be the next mummy to pop! I'm so excited for u.. unlike me..still a long wait to 30 Dec.. Jia You as well!!
Slight spotting is normal i think. iI had it after VE before. But it shouldn't last long and should only be spotting and not fresh bleeding.
hi mummies,

anyone of you experienced infection down there.. the itch is kiiling me but my next appt is only next week. Shld i goto my gynae or normal GP? or rather issit necessary? i've experienced this itch a few times since pregnancy...
jazlyn.. what thing funny?? why recently ppl say i funny? er.. haha.. its a good thing i hope!! i think i'm more mad then funny..

Pris, eh.. can i dun pack 1 set of clothes? why cannot re-wear what i wore to the hospital.. i tot go there then change into the gown then deliver the baby then change into PJs.. hmm.. the rate things are going.. i think i need to bring lugguage liao.. keke

Carmen.. u wont want Kasia to tell you she want LV backpack to bring to childcare wor!! kekekekeke...

Emeraldbride, Pris got her wall paper border from Home Fix i think.. but not many designs for babies.. i saw a shop at causeway point, they sell wall paper borders too.. ok looking only la.. u got a theme or colour scheme?? i know the biggest wall paper shop in singapore is near expo that side.. cant remember the name but i think its something rich.. u so creative with scrapbooking.. why not do your own stencil border or something..


abv is the blog entry on Hayden's room..

Adel, its good to monitor the spotting.. if it continues then go see your gynae. or call tmrw to check..
JoKris, if u go GP.. some scared dun dare to give u pessary.. if u go gynae.. then they give u the correct pessary and can shun bian do the strep B swab..

dun tahan the itch lah... pregnancy so xing ku already u still wanna bear the itch ah.. try to change your appt lor..
Emeraldbride, there's a shop at Turf City called "Little Tot's Room".. open from Tue-Sun. Supposed to have quite a lot of gd stuff for kid's rooms..I stupidly went on Mon to check it out and of course it was closed so can't say if its worth the trip down. If you do want to go, can catch the shuttle bus from Toa Payoh interchange
The shop is about 6 stores away from Giant.
I finally finish reading the breast pump manual and even tried pumping on my thigh. Quite comfy even when hb maximises the vacuum. Now onie need to start learning how to use the hands-free.. HOpefully i will not be muddle head when comes to real pumping.. hehe
thanks phyl and llig!! Phyl, my scrapbooking skill is like normal onie leh..i m not someone very artistic with the worst drawing skill!!

My room currently is white color so i tot of buying either Finding Nemo or Cars or even Sesame Street borders to line the wall.. Hb going to Borders to get some educational poster to stick on the wall.. dunno whether will be too much or not, cos alr got one big cupboard and 1 queen size bed liao..sigh
HI carmen
i miss ur post earlier.. thanks...hope the result continue to be good..

Hi emeraldbride
Me here. yes super busy n knocked off at 8:30pm today...

Hi Phyl
wow. its a nice room.. i also have not really finish packing my hospital bag... My bb nursery room, i think i gave up decorating it n continue to be a storeroom 1st.. Anyway, the cot is at mum house n going to stay there for long term... Perhaps i just tidy up when i officially bring baby home n stay over the weekends... So envy with such nice nursery rooms tat u ladies decorate up for ur babies...
oh yes emeraldbride
u tried the freestyle already eh.. i have not even charge the batt.. Need to charge 24hrs, according to what jgal said...I also confused by how to use the pump.. so digital.. haha... so busy lately until i no mood to go n do things for baby n myself..
pig07 - so strange. i thot even if don't say, the gynae should know better to cut to prevent complications.

lavendery - hmm, how come u seem to be the only 1 who has this growth scan? nobody else has that?

ypg - can explain more? the 6-in-1 jab is taken when baby is at which mth. and we can tell them we want to deduct from CDA? do we do it when payment time? need to fill form? CDA also apply at KKH one-stop or at the OCBC or Standard Chartered?

LuthAdel - wow, keep us updated, another graduate, u should be excited? call ur Dr tmr... just wondering could it be "show".

morning ladies

still having blood stains? beta call dr to confirm k. =)

1st jab of 6 in 1 to be taken at 2months.
