(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Enjoy every of your girl's milestone, as that phase of her life will only occur once

I took quite a lot of pics during my girl's 1st year... can fill up a big album. But after 1.5 yrs, my enthusiasm dropped.. hehe.. I guess I won't be taking as many pics for my #2 too.. a bit pian1 xin1 hor.. hehe..

my bb weighs 1.7kg at 32 wks.. seems like one of the lightest in this thread again.. but conversely my tummy is so big. Quite a few people asked if I'm about to pop soon, but I still have about 6 wks to go.. gynae suggested inducing me at 38th wk & now I feel I've something to look forward to
And countdown 5 wks before my ML

The glass bottles tt the hospital give is used to contain formula milk. It's not a proper bottle brand. Still need to get your own caps and teats...
I'm at 33wks, hee actually thou my EDD 25th dec, but i also thinking if baby comes out say 1 wk or 1wks plus earlier oso good, that way, confinment wont "eat" into CNY

tom's gynae vist, see what gynae say..feeling "heavy" & painful at pevic area...like baby's head pushing...
can't wait to see gynae tom, dunno how heavy will baby be now..

2ndbaby: I also very scared of needles...& heard the epi jab @ spine cord is pain..so i also avoiding it...but is there another kind of jab? heard its the normal jab not as pain as epi?
Breastpads --
I bought a box of Pigeon (36+6 pc) disposable ones from the AMK central baby shop for $7.90. I agree that it's the cheapest so far.

I also bought a box of Mothercare (100 pc) disposable ones. The box is pink & white. I forgot how much...but quite cheap too.

2nd baby: How heavy is your baby now? Seems like many mommies may deliver earlier than their EDD!

Jo: Ya, if your baby not gonna be at your place most of the time, no point doing up the nursery first. Can wait till your gal is older and make it a toddler room!

Oh i have a checkup tomrorow morning! Yay! Can see Preston again. Hopefully won't have anymore bad news from my gynae...am going to keep my fingers crossed.

I'm trying to rest at home...but my new neighbour upstairs is renovating the flat!!! I think today, they're drilling & removing all the old floor tiles. The noise is driving me CRAZY!!! Non-stop since 10.30am...*sobs* Like surround sound because they have more than 1 drill working at the same time...Save me!!!
pastillies, I think my GA did a gd job. Cos I dun feel the pain when he jabs me. He talks to me and somehw distracts my attention.

Pris, my bb nw weighs 2.7kg. Gynae says I wont be able to reach 40 wks, definitely earlier.

Drilling.. the noise is unbearable for me too. My neighbour had renovation mths back and I couldnt take it too. Stayed in office till 5pm that few days and the drilling din stopped til 6pm.
2nd Baby,
How come your lochia cleared within a week? Mine took close to 3wks and i thght that was fast.. Any secrets to share?

What's more important is that the baby is not breech. Engaging will take place anytime right up to when your contractions begin.. So no need to worry about baby engaging. Normally, contractions will push the baby into the correct position

Which Avent pump did you get? Tested already? Easy to operate?
Tried your ameda pump? Easy to operate? How much is the converter accessory?
Sorry for so many questions..Really clueless

Where to get the caps for the glass bottles? Would normal bottles (ie Avent) caps fit??

Why is your gynae suggesting inducing?

Seems like i'm one of the few willing my baby to stay on in tummy till EDD (14 Dec) or even become overdue! haha.. But nowadays if overdue sure kena induced and i don't want that either.. haiz.. *confused*
llig, if i rmb correctly, its one wk plus leh. Cos I rmb when I had my massage one wk after birth, mine was almost clear liao.

To get the caps for the bottles, can get them at TMC pharmacy or Kiddy Palace.
Ooh ok.. I remembered mine to be esp heavy during massage then after first week, lessened but still lasted another 2wks or so.. Hopefully this time around it will clear faster then can feel 'cleaner' faster.

Thanks for the info on the caps. Gonna jot it all down and make my husband work! haha..
Hi llig,

actually i also don't mind baby staying till EDD (13 Dec) coz baby seems to be smaller and want him to put on enough weight before he pops!
i find that it's easier to looking after >3kg baby.. :p
my #1 popped on the dot thankfully else, gynae will sure induce! he weight 3.5kg with big head but managed to push him out!
i scared of handling smaller baby so, prefer slightly "fleshy" baby..
pastillies, my EDD is 24th Dec.. if bb can wait till then, I don't mind but if he cant, i also dun mind..hahaha. I tink will not eat into CNY rite? I tot CNY is on 27th Jan 09? Juz tat abit sian cannot go out or wear nice clothes but tat time bb still small, cannot go out too often oso lar..

AdelChia, since so mah fun, i will not go ask for the free bottle liao since i alr got one dun need so many.
My gynae suggested inducing me due to my itchy rashes (all over tummy, arms & legs) which started since 26wks. She says the rashes will only go away after I deliver, and to relieve me, she'll induce once bb reaches 38wks & is matured.
Anyway my #1 is also induced, due to high blood pressure, so I'm okie to go for induction again.

Why didn't you want to be induced?
2nd baby: Wow, your gal is growing at a good rate!
So did your gynae say when you may pop?

Ya, the drilling is STILL going on! Argh...i'm going to have a headache.

Jo: Thanks! Will post tomorrow to keep everyone updated.

Llig: I bought the Avent ISIS IQ Duo pump secondhand from the WTS section in the forum.
I have tested it & it's pretty easy to use. Motor is quiet too.

Dee: My mom also said a bigger baby is "easier" to look after. Shall leave it to Preston to see how big he'll be at birth.

Emeraldbride: If i'm not wrong, CNY falls on 26th Jan 2009 (Monday).
Went for a small shopping trip with my HB. Intend to keep walking in the hope that the baby will engage before Monday

Still looking for post natal massage *sigh* try calling Mdm Naini but her charges are rather high and when i asked for the rates, she say she will only tell after looking at my post baby tummy etc. Not very comfortable with open rates kind of thingy.

Anyone else to recommend?
Thanks for sharing gals! I shall preservere and sleep w/out fan and aircon. HAHA.. Dun think i can tahan also but bo bian ah.. Ooh.. I might have a prob with waking up in the middle of the night with the feeding. How ah.. i ZZZ like a dead log all the time. Maybe when baby is here i it will be different. Shall see...

Phyl: I haben buy stroller small pillow and bolster yet. Ahh.. Breast pump and breast pad also haben buy. That one no hurry rite? Think get nxt mth, this mth exceed budget liao.. Sighzz. Enjoy ur day off hor.. so good i envious lei!

Fabbie: Think abt happy and positive thing lah, happy mum makes delivery smoother. Thats what my gay friend say. He says when he is happy he dun get constipation. Hahaha.. Maybe the dog is very tired and decided to take a nap on the road, it might not be dead wor. By now should have woke up and went for a stroll liao.. hehe
scarletGal, do yr rashes leave a scar or rather dark patches on yr body? I have some rashes on my legs and hopefully the dark patches will go off after delivery.

Pris, gynae says wil pop in 2-3 wks time. BB heart beat is mature too.

Ade, I cant walk much nwadays, get tired easily.
Was browsing a magazine at gynae's clinic and happen to read an article on old wive's tales and saw this:

If u want to have easy labour, throw a pinch of salt three times behind u.
wah nxt yr CNY is 26th Jan ah?? Me probably still doing confinement wor. Means cannot eat all the new year goodies lor! Wah SIAN 1/2
mum2ndx - ooo... baby will be scared of tap water temp? ok lah, will invest in a hot water flask.

2ndbaby - ask u huh, for post-natal massage, after massage n binding, how long i need to wait before bathing?

Jappooh - don't worry, i also going for leave only in abt 7 weeks time. who knows before that already popped liao?

llig - well, i don't mind baby stay until EDD or a few days more within the week. unless sth not ok...

During my pregnancy, I every night must on aircon then can sleep. But during confinement, I cant tahan aircon, even my fan is at the minimum power. Dunno is it because confinement lady tend to feel cold.

This is the reason why I can tahan no shower for 2/3 days.

Now I no more confinement since my BB full month liao. But still got food restriction, my mum insists I keep to 40 days. Can tahan dun eat prawn, sotong but cant tahan NO CHILLI. Feel like food no longer tasty without chilli.


You are weekend parents? Bringing your child back during weekend. Me is weekend parents also. My BB sleep with my mum during weekday and weekend, my mum put her in our bed. Haha...
Clarissasmum, According to my mother hor, when we are in confinement, we tend to feel cold easily because all our pores are "open up" after birth. Duno how true, but looks like it apply to u.

Same her same here! Big sucker for spicy foodbut i think just tahan a while lah. For health's sake although not proven but play safe ah..*sings Jay Chou* Ting ma ma de Hua..
Avent caps wun fit, coz its bigger than the glass bottles. Only the small neck ones then can fit. The caps will come with a sealing disc which you can remove and put a teat when u wanna use the milk. TMC selling 3 for $3. There's a shop at Tanjong Pagar Plaza, level 1 tt sells each cap for 85cents. Mt Alvernia also sells, but i din go and check what price.
Actually u can also go to the WTG/WTS section of the forum. Think some ppl selling the glass bottles with caps cheaply.

I got the glass bottles coz i intend to express after going back to work. It's cheaper than using milk storage bags altho it's heavier and more diff to store la... express in the bottles liao then can freeze. When wanna feed then can just heat up and put on cap, no need to transfer to another bottle =)
The rashes on my tummy has turned into brownish patches. Heard it will become lighter but not sure if it will go away entirely. Everytime I look at my tummy, makes me sad, it's no longer the fair & smooth skin I used to have *sob sob*
The rashes on my arms & legs are different, they are tiny, red dots. I also have scars on those spots that I scratch.. haiz.. may have to spend $ on beauty treatments after delivering.. *pocket burn*

No chilli, I lost appetite at most food. But good also, help me to lose more weight. I now working towards my pre-marriage weight actually. A lot of frds also same same like me, after marriage become fatter. Too happily married perhaps.
went to KKH for check-up today. Although it's at clinic B, i still have a simple scan at AMC (the place next to Clinic A) to check position of placenta and baby's weight. Baby is head-down, forget to ask engaged or not. placenta is mid-high. As of 33 weeks 3 days, his weight is 2.1kg, Dr said ideal weight. i don't know lah, coz previous visit Dr said on heavy side, so i have do my best to keep baby slim, but i have put on 15kg so far. :-( i chaim liao lah, how to slim down?

The urine FEME test i did last visit turn out pretty normal, apart fr there's a minor suggestion that there is sth w white blood cell (don't know what), but it's not really of concern, then let it be. but as my urine is still yellow n cloudy, despite drinking lots n go toilet regularly, Dr did a vaginal swab aka Strep B swab today lor. he said if results turn out not gd, then clinic will call me to come down get medication. if result ok, i don't have to do it at 37 weeks.

had done paperwork to donate cord blood w/ esther.

anyway, as mentioned i got polyclinic referral letter, so considered new patient under subsidised, so have to re-register when i reached at clinic. seen Dr Khoo Chong Kiat who is an associate consultant. I have seen him before when he was still a registrar when i was at 11 weeks and went into the 24hrs walk-in clinic, coz of cramps. but i think next visit won't get to see him, coz the booket said it will be under MO at clinic C. and best is the appt will be in 4 wks time, by then i should be full term at 37 weeks. hopefully the one seeing me knows what to do...

anyway, i went to admission office, and still thinking of whether to write a long complaint letter of the previous incidents of calling different dept. this admission assistant attending to me, said can do paperwork for B2+ ward, but it's not a form of pre-booking bed. and she said that private pt can book subsidised wards but won't get their gynae to attend to them when delivering. anyway, i had some paperwork done for choosing B2+. they also gave me stuff for baby bonus to read.

So now u book your B2+ ward liao? Actually I always thought B2+ not allowed for woman giving birth. Seems that I got wrong info. But anyway, I cant take it since I insist on Dr Tham to deliver my BB.

Dun worry about slimming down. Most mothers can slim down quite fast during confinement cause got to take care of BB. Your BB + placenta + water bag already about 5 to 6kg liao.
when for my week 32 check up. not very good, the Braxton Hicks was giving me a hard time. I have 5-6 BH in that short 25 min!!!! actually i have BH every day and i consider that as normal. but the last time i have such frequent BH was las fri evening when i was walking home.. 3-4 BH in abt 10min walk. killing me... lucky it's not painful, just a bit of uncomfortable...
was given 53 cap Nefidipine pills...hope bb will guai guai... it's just 32 weeks nia.. too early for him to report liao...
one more hr to go before going home!!!!

Actually also wanted to book B2+ ward...but in the end still stick to B1 cos want doctor to deliver...so must spend the extra $1000+!!!!

does KKH have any instalment plans?where can ask more?cos the last time i ask abt it from a nurse, she says dont have....but thought we can speak to the finance dept and ask for instalment?anyone knows?

Phyl went for her check up at clinic A today right?
AT kkh: For certain credit card there are installment plans if i am not wrong. This year Aug i went to do a dermoid cyst removal by Dr Tham and it costs abt 2k plus and now i am paying monthly installment over 6 mths for 0% interests on my UOB card. Not sure if this can be appiled for child birth as well.
Ivy Tan,
BH wil make your tummy feeling real tight n very tense up for abt 1 min or less.... but if it's just like couple of times a day, that's ok. for me, that's far to many...
welcome. my massage most likely start 2-3wk of dec. hehe. when is ur edd? if we happen to massage same period, she can save her trips since we both stay in punggol. hehe.

My mum also insist me to do 40 days confinement after i give birth. Think i cannot tahan the strong ginger taste, especially the zhu jiao chu. I dun even eat zhu jiao. Already preamp her that i won't be eating the zhu jiao chu. :p

Actually i looking forward to deliver my bb earlier before my edd on 7 Dec. So that can finish confinement earlier, then try to slim down earlier before CNY. :p
sianz. i don feel like gg back work next wk. rest too much liao. my colleague juz sms mi say gotta do tis n tt when i return. argh. mayb go back one dae if tired den tell them i wan start ML. haha.
mum2ndx: Don't worry too much ok? I'm also on nifedipine! I started taking it 2 weeks ago when my gynae diagnosed me with preterm labour. Just try your best to relax...did your doc give you MC to rest?

YPG: My mom said cannot take prawns and best to avoid seafood 100 days after giving birth.

LuthAdel: Great that you went to walk around...no wonder didn't see you online. It's also good that you managed to book your post-natal massage.

Fong2: I'm also secretly hoping that Preston will pop out last week of Nov. I want to have more time to slim down before CNY too! haha...

2nd baby: When baby's heartbeat is mature, does it mean it has slowed down to more "normal"?
Need to walk to encourage baby to go down further. Hahaha..

I hope Rose will be as good as Nadia, will post my feedback on her services after my sessions
LuthAdel .. it's a Friday nite .. go down to Clarke Quay and walk ard there with hubby .. !! Can stop by Haagen Daz and eat ice cream too !!

Can't believe after this weekend, baby Bryan will be born!!

Yes, ladies .. I will post a new table with the MTBs who have graduated to MOMS ... next Monday ..


yesh.. i was at Clinic A today.. saw Dr Irene and she kept asking me i got question or not.. today also a little sian.. so no question.. i told her that my pelvic is pain pain n my sister is also pain pain.. which she say its normal la.. coz Hayden's head is there.. not engaged yet which to her is a good thing n to me is bad.. i told her i wanna give birth soon.. then she say to wait at least 2 more weeks..

i suddenly feel very handicapped.. keke.. coz going up the stairs can get thigh cramps also.. go up the bus also wanna die.. when will all these be over..

my next visit is 3wks later.. dun feel like seeing her in 2wks.. nothing to see also.. sianz...

fabbie.. hope our sian-ness will go away soon!!
