(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Yah, i see your point. Wait take leave liao then doing nothing at home. But as the date gets nearer getting uncomfy to move ard. Also heard tt being active will make labour easier. Aiyah, how to have the best of both worlds? Best is go on leave, then all the mummies gather at someone house to entertain each other.. haha

I tot i remember someone said tt it's MOM policy tt HL cannot be considered as ML? Can't remember who said liao, but we discussed this in the thread before. Think if company considers HL as ML, can complain to MOM....

its stated inside my company policy lei. laz yr when i hav my boi, i was asked to take ML due to my HL. ltr i go read on MOM policy. =)
hi hi...so sleepy in the office!! Been up since 3am in the morning, staring blindly at the TV doing nothing but sipping ginger tea..hahaha

Today finally can feel the hunger liao and baby is kicking non-stop when I was walking to office - must be too hungry can't wait for me to feed him. Hahaha..

Now, i feel like resting at home and do nothing but I should be cleaning all the bb stuff!! I should not delay anymore. Must be discipline and start this weekend! Hahaha..
Hello all! Good morning. Going for my gynae and SCBB appts later..hoping all is well. Am at 34w liao.

Your birth story sounds very much like my 1st preg! My room was full of nurses and docs and only later did i find out that it was not normal to have more than 3 ppl in your room (1 doc, 1 midwife, 1 nurse).. The 'pumping' of the tummy very pain hor.. After birth, my tummy hurt more than anything else! haha.. I think it was the epidural that causes us to feel weak..I also took at 7cm and also no strength. They kept saying baby crowning then go back in again. Tried vacuum, slipped, in the end used forceps.

My 'neighbour' in delivery ward was really screaming.. macam in the movies! Then my midwife shook her head and told me that she was a teen and just dilated 2cm or so and already asking for c-sect. I guess its true what Gerry says..unless you really really want to go natural, you'll lose motivation at the slightest discomfort.

For me, though they switched off the epi, i still couldn't feel athin so the nurses guided me by seeing CTG. Ie, when they see got contraction then they tell me to push.

Yeah! That's good news.
Placenta previa is a freak thing. Until i kena placenta previa major (minor is more common), gynae was still saying not to worry and the chances of kena-ing are very very very slim. Ya right! haha.. But not to worry, with bedrest, things will work out ok. I managed to deliver naturally the last time.

I'm having a little cramping feeling.. (cramps occuring about 1 every 1-2 hrs) this morning when I woke up... my abdominal was bunching up like braxton-hicks... I'm also having increase in discharge...

Dunno what to do.. Those are signs of preterm labour... but I dun feel too bad.. bb is moving and kicking..
Lavendery: I'm also on daily dose of Nifedipine! Mine is a salmon-pink coloured pill. I have to take one every morning. Btw, when you're on this drug, avoid eating grapefruits or drinking grapefruit juice.

Mimi: Congrats....you can go home soon!!! Be careful when you're home and continue to rest well ok?

Pastillies: Are you waking up frequently at night to pee? For me, i wake up twice at most. Try to cut down on fluids after 9pm.

Fabbie: Forceps look like a pair of "kiap" or tongs. Assisted natural delivery usu means the gynae will use either forceps or vacuum to help bring your baby out. Usually such cases is due to exhaustion or lack of strength in the mommy to push.

Gerry: You have to be careful. How many weeks are you? Even if you're in preterm labour, baby will still move & kick! If you're unsure, better call up your gynae to check.
Why not go in to hospital and get it checked out? Will give you peace of mind at the very least..

Doc had to use forcep to 'giap' my boy out the last round. He was also big baby in a way.

I pushed for 1 hour but baby's head still high. Then i really no energy. Doc came and then use forcep immediately. It's almost like the black bbq tong we used for charcoal. The doc made me signed a consent on use of tat and also explained to my hubby that there will be a temp mark on my baby's head due to the 'giap-ing'.. I was already in such great pain that i just signed on the consent and couldnt care for anything else liao. In the end had a bad tear down there also dont knw due to pushing or the forcep. Patching up must hve been tedious also. Pushed to OT to do the patch work.
hi ladies,

let me share my previous birth story when i gave birth to my #1 esp on epidural administration...

my waterbag burst at 3am in the morning but it was juz like water leaking & flow down to my leg, not like those whole gush of water flowing out, then i called emergency hotline & was asked to go to hospital, but i slowly took my to take shower first b4 going to hospital, so when i reached hospital it was already 5am...

when i was in the labour room the nurse came & checked my cervix, the check was damn painful even though i was on laughing gas (think it is useless), a while later nurse told me that they wanted to put me on drip for induction coz water bag burst is the slowest delivery process, the moment i heard of the word 'induce', i quickly asked for epidural coz i was so scared of pain (hehe.. kiasi), so i got my epi juz right away after drip... to me the epi was painful lor but think compared to contraction pain it is considered minor liao... so it's actually ok to hav epi very early coz i think if u can't / dun wan to tahan then better ask for it earlier, no point suffer then put urself in stress. Like one of my gf who told me a women must suffer labour pain or else how to know what is giving birth... but she tahan for 2 hrs only then cannot tahan already & shouted for epi... after epi she was so relax watching her tv in the labour room & regretted never opt epi earlier... haha

btw ladies, can i ask what is braxton hick (BH) that u all always mention? how does it feel like? even though i gave birth b4 but never really encounter contraction pain before ler... hehe! And recently i can feel my tummy so harden & always feel pain at lower tummy, to be exact should be at bikini line area during nite time when i try to switch my sleeping position... anyone encountered this?
Hi mommies,

Sorry for the interruption.

Siemens Healthcare Sector (Ultrasound Division) is providing free 3D/4D ultrasound scans for expectant mothers. A free CD and DVD with your baby's 3D images will be given after the scan.

1) Preference: 28-33 weeks pregnancy
2) Date: 6 Nov 08 (Thurs)
3) Time: 11am to 4pm
4) Duration: 30 min - 1hr
5) Venue: The Siemens Center. 60 Macpherson Road, Singapore 348615
6) Please contact: Dr Liu Wei Gang, hp 9678 5889

The free 3D/4D ultrasound scanning is provided for expectant mothers in order to select suitable models for an OB conference in Suntec city. This conference will be held in Suntec city next week from <font size="+1">10-12 Nov</font>. If you're interested in being a scanning model and you are deemed suitable i.e. your baby is in good position, Siemens would like to offer you <font size="+2">$100 shopping voucher</font> per day for being a model. You can choose to be a model for one day, two days or all three days.

Please refer to this thread for an earlier scan for
Dec 2008 mommies: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/1742857.html?1222314404#POST5865189 and
Jan 2009 mommies: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/1833176.html?1225267202#POST6127986
wah the Kiap thing really very scary wor.. i think i saw a baby got red marks on baby's face that time.. the red is very very jialet. wah. like that i must work hard. if not baby will got mark.. =(
Hi Girls

My twins have arrived on Sunday, 2 Nov 08 @ 33th weeks.

Both babies is at SCN now &amp; they need to stay at least 2 weeks before the doctor decide when to discharge them.

Here are some photos of my precious :

Baby Joann Quek weighing 2.02kg, born @ 9.17am


Baby Jolin Quek weighing 1.225kg, born @ 9.18am


I will be going home tomorrow. So sad that i am not able to bring them home with me. But i will be strong for them.

My BB gal borned on her week 37 day 1. First day of her so-called full term liao.


Wat ur gynae said? U feeling better? If cant contact him, best go down to hospital for a proper checkup.


Ur last labour sound very painful. Luckily it's all over.


My BB also sucked by vacuum. When she is borned, her head a bit lengthened but after a few days, shape back to normal liao. Maybe cause my gynae din suck very long, I manage to push after he suck my BB out a bit.
Girl80.. Congrats on your 2 bundles of joy!!

Joann pass 2kg!! thats very good.. and Jolin doesnt need to breathe thru ventilator!! so thats fantastic too! you are a strong mummy ya.. and both of them look so precious!!

Congrats ya.. our first graduate!!

Congrats!! So happy for u. Am a bit worried for you for the past weekend. Luckily u got a smooth labour.

I know how u feel. I feel sad when my BB gal cant go home with me. Be positive cause now u may start to feel post natal blues. I got cried and slip into post natal blue for a while. After I came back home, I refuse to go SCU see my BB cause I cant tahan if I go see her and she still cant go home. But my hubby console me and I manage to get over the negative feeling.

Now try to get your milk going by stimulating it. Keep pumping every 3 hours. It helps to stimulate the breastmilk. Breastmilk is the best for ur BB. They will grow faster on that.

Jiayou!! Let me know if you have query on SCU or the cost.
Congrats girl80! So glad to know tt you and both bb are doing well! =) Do take care of your health now, your bbs will need you when they come back. Be strong and keep thinking positive tots yah?
Congrats to Girl80! So happy that everything went well for you. Just went for my gynae check up at 32+ weeks. Told that my bb already head down and partially engaged! According to her, might deliver early in end Nov!

I'm a lil worried as usually bb will only start to engage at 36 weeks. Anyone experiencing the same case as me??
Phyl: advise please!! yday went to kiddy palace, bought 1 Evenflow glass milk bottle.. didnt have a clue to check what is the better brand or wat. any advice? Me and hubby both clueless about what to buy even though we have a list. There are so many brands and so much varieties. So end up bought 3 white shirts, 3 white bottoms. 3 white mittens and 3 white booties and 2 towels and some hankies. What about themometer, nappy rash cream, ru yi oil all those?? Need to get them now? And wat brand of toiletries do u all buy for baby? Pureen? Kodomo? Johnsons? Foam or soap better? Aiyo.. Its not like us, Bath and Bodyworks Victoria secret or bodyshop that simple.. I m having a big headache.
Hi Girl80,

Congrats on your smooth delivery, happy news for all of us here. Be positive is very important, bbs can feel it. Jiayou....
hippo..when is your EDD??i might deliver around end NOV also...but is doc wants me to...cos she is afraid that baby will be too big...and she will be on leave soon in dec
aiyo.. my dear ah.. kiddy palace ex leh.. for all the plain white tops to wear at home hor.. should buy from bugis wholesaler..

bottles wise depends on your preference la.. some ppl prefer BFree bottles.. erm.. like Dr Brown, quite ex la.. but depends on yourself la.. the mummies here most bought NUK bottles, Pigeon Bottles or Avent Bottles.. I bought Avent coz i got the Avent pump, getting the Avent warmer and got the Avent sterilizer liao.. i like matching matching ma.. keke..

themo i bought a IR forehead one.. not critical item but good to have la.. u go to the WTS section lor.. lots of things to buy there..

nappy rash cream.. the mummies here some buy the destin creamy.. i bought the drapolene one.. coz i use that and comfy with that so i buy lor.. i got the ru yi yu already too..

for baby's toiletries.. i bought all J&amp;J... some ppl buy Pigeon, Kodomo or even Gaia.. me basic basic la.. used J&amp;J from young ma.. so sentimental reasons la... keke and its also cheaper..

you dun headache la.. think things thru step by step la..

ask yourself
1. where is baby going to sleep.. so think cot, mattress, yao lan, etc
2. baby poo and pee how? so think diapers, wipes, nappy rash cream, cloth diapers, pins?
3. baby pom pom how? bath tub, toiletries, towels
4. baby makan? bottles, sterlizers, breast pump, bibs, wash clothes etc..
5. baby go out? stroller, go out clothes, sling, caps, socks, etc...
6. wash baby things? baby detergent, softener, etc..

something like that la..

did i confuse you further? keke
CONGRATS!!! BB Joann and Jolin are lovely! Yup, must remain +ve for the sake of your gals! Thou i cannot really judge, but Jolin is opening her eyes when ur taking her pics rite? Hoho... u nvr knw, she may be the next Sg Top Model, since she knw when to open up to camera ;)

Take ypg advice, have a good rest yrself, and try to relax when pumping BM, BM is indeed Mum's best gift to her BB(s) =)

ypg, pig07 and jess:
honestly, i kind of scared after reading yr postings on child birth! hahaha... i log on, meant to relax from the many "wars" i been fighting for the past 8 hrs, but... hahaha... but its good info for me lar, at least i can prep myself for the pain... i juz need to think, if all MTBs can pull thru, so can i, rite?;p

u jia you too! looking forward to see yr BB pics after another 3 weeks yo ;0)

aiyo... u sound so nervous! below is my 2-cents opinion:
milk bottle - i bought Avent starter kit (dat comes with brush, 4 bottles, teats) and 2 B'free bottles
Thermometer - Pigeon one dat costs abt $80 (ear type and very sensitive one)
Nappy rash cream, BB toiletries - actually Robinsons or Metro got a good variety. I got my nappy rash cream from Robinsons dat costs abt $20 each tube, toiletries i got Gerbers, which is also quite ex at abt $16+. Phyl roll her eyes when i show her the other time we went shopping together.. hahaha... anyway, i think i will downgrade to more econ brands after i finish using the 1st batch, cos i also realise im pampering BB too much... ;)
Ru yi oil or BB powder - not buying. if u attended Mrs Wong's BB lessons, u will knw why im not buying, cos she said ru yi oil not necessary and excessive BB powder may even "choke" the BB!!!

in any case, check with your elderly at home if can, they may be able to give u some ideas too =)

NO stress ok?
hippo and ivy:
wow.. end Nov, so dats 2-3weeks earlier than yr EDD? Hmm.. but so long after 37W, heard its ok for BB rite?

Now im really looking forward to my ML... today such an eventful day for me at ofc... Grrr...
Congrats and big hugz for being such a brave mama!!! Your girls are so cute and they look really rosy and well

You've just given me the boost that I need to wait for my little one to pop! Do rest well.

BIG HUGZZZ to you and the little cuties
Wohoo.. Phyl, you are great. Set me thinking. I really nvr thought much. Think white clothings can bring baby anywhere in the world..Nvr really think go out must wear diff clothings. Baby mah.. chin chye lah.. whahaha.. Poor baby, thanks to aunty Phyl ah!
I have got the baby cot already, di lam also ready, except those crib case etc.. wonder whats those and issit really necessary. And pillow and bolster size, which type to get. In fact for Pacifier and yao lan..I dunno if it is a baby need or want. In fact i dun even know how to take care of Baby.. sighzz.. feel so hopeless
congrats on ur bundle of joy. ur princesses are adorable. muz take good care of ur health &amp; be strong. *hugs*
Ur posting sooo cute..haha..

Wow, ur twin ger are so cute leh..Most impt they are safe &amp; healthy now..Im soo anxious to see my bb ger now..hb oso anxious..both of us no mood to work..haha..

Tmr is ur gynae appt rite? same same here with me..mine appt 7.30pm..hopefully fluid level ok, not okay then I will opt for induce liao cos really anxious to see my darling..

Hope ur fluid level oso ok k..cont'd to drink more water k..
Carmen.. thanks for advise too! I feel so useless! Sobs sobs.. I ask my mum in law if i need a steriliser for milk bottles, she said just buy a big pot and boil the bottles will do. As for breast pump, i was advise to see if i got milk supply then buy.. if not waste money. Stroller and slings i also haben buy yet, MIL tell me dun bring baby out unneccessarily. sad ah

Congrats!!! You have done so well....your girls are adorable......so cute!!

take care in the meantime for your confinement....

Congrats!! Ur 2 little angels are soo adorable... Very soon, before u know it, u can take them home..

Went to see my gynae and she hooked me up to the machine.. She said I have irritatable uterus as my naughty girl was kicking too hard.. So uterus responded by hardening up... She said this is some form of Braxton hicks contraction.. Some books said that BH not painful.. but my gynae said this is not true.. It can cause mild pain and discomfort..

Well lucky i go and check.. better safe than sorry.. but feel a bit paiseh leh.. like the boy who cry wolf.. =P
chantalle, i agree with ur MIL.. though most of us are using steriliser, u can also sterilise via boiling water, but not too long lar. It is more economical this way. Also baby is young, if they are not immuninise fully yet, better not bring them out so often. Some old folks pantang that bb go out at nite lar.. summore outside the air is not like very clean, alot of germs. Hahaha..

Strollers and slings can come in later lar.. most impt is the necessity. I also tink yao lan is not impt at the moment. If bb sleep in yao lan, tendency is that he/she will want to be rocked to sleep most of the time and what happen if one day u bring him out, u cant be lugging that yao lan everywhr mah..tat's wat my mom say lar cos i wanted to buy one (i heard sleeping in yao lan can help bb to hv beautiful head shape). As for breastpump, it really depends on urself. I read from other thread, some mummies brought the pump to hospital during delivery so that they can pump..

Girl80, congrats on ur bb!! Both ur girl hv the same b'day as MUA!! Both will be pretty like me..hahahaha
Hmm...I must admit I still take about a cuppa per day....
Bad mummy.


Cut coffee intake for a healthier baby, says study

AFP - Tuesday, November 4PARIS (AFP) - - Pregnant women should keep consumption of coffee, tea and cola to a minimum, according to a study published on Monday that sees a link between caffeine intake and low birthweight among babies.


British researchers recruited 2,635 women at between eight and 12 weeks of pregnancy, asked them about their dietary habits and monitored them for caffeine in their saliva at checkups.

Women who took between 100 and 199 milligrams of caffeine per day faced a 20 percent increased risk of having a baby with a relatively lower birth weight compared with counterparts whose intake was less than 100 mg per day.

For those who had an intake of 200-299 mg per day, the risk rose to 40 percent, and for those over 300 mg per day, it was 50 percent.

Birthweight is a widely used benchmark of health, especially for diabetes and heart disease.

An average cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine and tea about half this amount, although the concentration varies according to the strength of brew and the brand of the product.

Caffeine is also present in cola, chocolate, coca and some drugs.

The so-called CARE study, published online by the British Medical Journal, said "sensible advice" would be for women to reduce caffeine intake before conception and throughout pregnancy.

Previous research has found that caffeine easily crosses the placenta into the foetus, although the evidence for low birthweight has also been inconclusive and muddied by factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

This is the first study that also sees a link in tea, which comprised 60 percent of the caffeine consumed by the women.

On its website, Britain's Food Standards Agency (FSA) said it was cutting its recommended maximum intake of caffeine for pregnant women to 200 mg per day -- the rough equivalent of two mugs of coffee -- from 300 mg in the light of the study.

"This new advice doesn't mean that pregnant women have to cut out caffeine completely, simply that they should be careful and make sure they don't have too much. We would emphasise that the risks are likely to be very small," said the FSA's chief scientist, Andrew Wadge.

Well I'm still drinking my Kopi O everyday oso, sometimes 2 cups. Hmm..my gal est. weight abt 2.455kg at 33 weeks, my boy is 3.230kg when born at 38 weeks. So I think not relevant bah, keeping my fingers crossed.

Me can't wait to stop work, so tiring recently, have to endure till next Sat.
OMg Girl80
They are so cute!! we will pray for them!! they will be fine.. dun worry. congrats!! wah.. so sweet and touch to see ya girls.. Ya the first mother in dec give birth. and its twins somemore! hehe take care of yourself.. dun be so sad ya! ya gals need your care. =)

chantelle.. u also must ask yourself what is your priority lor.. like for Carmen hor.. she only intend to have her baby and close shop.. so she can splurge on Baby Kasia... keke.. and its also good to ask your MIL n Mom for advise la.. me no MIL and no MUM.. so i decide what i think is best for my baby.. and also everyone will tell you differently one.. to me.. i very super auntie.. i buy things that are cheap and practical.. you free u go my blog n see my album thats full of nonsense for my son la.. i dun have hand me downs coz ppl my age are not married la.. so no friends.. keke..

my 4 tubes drapolene only $14++ nia lor.. Carmen's 1 tube barrier cream $15!!!! erm.. to me.. put backside no need so EX la..i use drapolene myself for so many years coz i get sanitary pad rash.. also like that ma.. keke.. same with wipes for me.. that time i go Watsons sweep their $1.95 buy 10 free 1 kodomo wipes.. keke..

if your MIL is the one helping u take care of your baby hor.. then u ask her wat she needs lor.. clothes no need to buy too much la.. i buy too much liao.. keke... i swear by ru yee yu.. coz it cures all my tummy aches and cramps..

but if your finances allow, then go ahead and get what you like.. for me .. i make sure my baby has everything but not necessary the most expensive or most branded one.. and i buy tonnes of things from sprees and WTS.. as long the item in good condition or used a few times, why not? cheap can liao la.. keke..
