(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

iemik0 , loveangel,
wah, u on average only 1-2 times?? so lucky.... i try already to cut down on fluids before sleepin...but still...haiz...wat to do..nvm as long as baby's safe & healthy, mummy tired a bit it's okie..

my company policy same as urs, before 4 wks of EDD can start ML..but i will only take 1 wk before...intending to work till i pop, dun want to waste ML before tat, want to save more leave to spend more with baby..

haha ur HB so funni, but good tt he wakes up easily; i.e light sleeper, so that in future he can help u with nite feeds & nite diaper change
mine sleeps like a log! i dun think he even notice the number of times i get of of bed to toilet...the only time he wakes up is when i suddenly shout 1 night cos suddenly leg cramps! then my blur HB wake up but massage the wrong leg!

congrats on ur lovely twin princesses! yes like wat all the other mummies encourage, keep ur spirits & mood up & positive. it's most impt now & ur twin princesses will koe/sense it! Be strong for them! They'll be fine & go home with u very soon!

Hi gal80,

congrats.. you take good care of yourself.. am sure you will be able to hve both babies back home with you soon..

doc didnt cut me at all. i suppose that is why i had a tear. hence its impt to communicate that to the doctor prior to the delivery.


Ya,.. first one is over. but this december gotta go thru it once more. Tat is why i am pretty adamant about hving c-sect this time. Gotta check when i see jOHN TEE tomorrow.

Hi Carmen,

dont be scared. Our stories will 'remind' you that you will be able to pull thru too.. See, here i am pregnant again after delivering in nov07.
Girl80: Congrats on the birth of your twin gals. I'm sure they'll grow strong and will be able to able to go home with you soon. Stay strong and don't forget to start pumping bmilk to store for them!
They have lovely names!!!

Pastillies: Yep, i wake up about twice max to pee during my bedtime. Don't worry...i think our bodies are training us to wake up cos of night feeds in future.

Chantelle: I think Mommy Phy has given you very good advice. Don't buy clothes for your bb from Kiddy Palace!!! Very expensive...try those HDB shops or the Bugis wholesaler. Babies grow quite quickly during the 1st few months so don't need to splurge on expensive clothes for them.

Emeraldbride: I can vouch for that yao-lan theory cos my mom said i was a troublesome baby who could ONLY SLEEP in the yao lan...so they had to bring me home for naps whenever they went out. A lot of hassle...
Went for my appt this pm. Mentioned the cramps+backache i've been experiencing and doc was surprised that its started already since i'm only at 34wks now. Frequency of Braxton hicks (up to 5-6 times an hour) is still ok. Only concern was my low HB..I'm off obimin and to take Sangorbia twice daily, vitC and folic once a day. Due for HB test again in 2wks and if levels dun improve much, would have to go for transfusion. (Hopefully not!! ..too many risks involved)
Oh, am on 2wks MC till the next appt (scan + HB test).

I've signed up with SCBB. No point wasting the cord blood..at least someone would benefit from it. If any of you are undecided or not planning to privately store cord blood, do consider donating it. Who knows, our baby's cord blood could help save someone else's baby?

OMIGOSH!!!!! Joann and Jolin are so cute!! Congrats!!
Stay happy and soon they'll be home with you..don't worry too much k. And if you start having negative thgts/feelings, noe that its normal too. Helps if you have someone to talk to..like your husband or all of US here.
Once again, well done!
Hi girl80
congrats on your pretty princess and wish them with good health!!! Take this chance now to rest well for confinement and very soon u can bring your darlings back home...

The 1st graduation of our Dec thread, JIA YOU!!!

Hi gals..
an update abt myself
Went for gynae check up today and BB weigh at 2.375kg at 34weeks plus...Several good news today.. BB is not affected by my sugar level and my diabetes all pass and well controlled. Strep B test also pass.

However, BB still in breech position... bcos of her long legs, she always cross her legs and not so much space in my tummy, she seem abit hard to turn..
so gynae said by 37th weeks, shall turn for me if my BB still dun turn by herself... If he still fail to turn baby, then i have to c-sect by 38th weeks.. He do not wanna drag longer to wait for labour to trigger then he c-sect me.. so he shall monitor me closely...

Pray hard that bb turn down smoothly..

N one more thing... i gained 200gm and bb gain 300gm..
ivy, our EDDs are quite close! My bb is 2.2kg @ 32 weeks and gynae said its normal size so just wondering how they determine whether bb is big or small size?

Carmen, ya its 3 weeks earlier... Have to start getting all the stuff ready now
when's your EDD? Any chance of early delivery?
Your princesses are so pretty and adorable!
Congrats to u once again. Just concentrate in nursing yourself, don't worry of anything, your babies need u

My work are projects based. Have datelines to meet. Finally plucked up the courage to sms my boss, to ask him if i can go on two weeks HL instead of 1 week HL, luckily he said "ok". But i still feel so paisay to go on HL now cos i knew my dept is very short of manpower now :") I know its a very bad timing to go on HL leaves now but my colleague also told me, not worth to sacrifice so much for the company. If anything happens, no one will pity me, i only have myself to blame for.

Wow u so auntie leh! U really know where to get the cheapest and practical stuffs. Btw can tell me your blog link?

I ate my medicine just now. Its was orange in colour, instead of pink. Initially i still couldn't help but felt abit reluncant to eat. However since its prescribed by gynae, i should have confidence that its safe to be eaten. I knew i also have to eat, no choice cos i'm merely in 32 weeks+ only.

I also got no idea why this scan is much cheaper than the Detailed Scan. Initially i thought this scan might end up like $100+. I was surprised at the bill invoice when i made the payment yesterday.

Up till now i still thinking whether to have epidural or not. Heard that it will have side effect next time, will have backbone aching for the rest of our lives. However yesterday when gynae put something like a tube thing inside my vagina to check if my cervix has open or not due to my abnormal womb contractions, i was already in sharp pain, i even pleaded my gynae to stop pushing the tube further in. I guess i have low threshold.....
hei jo!! Happy that you have good news on ur tests etc.. and ur bb is at good weight leh!! Not bad..Jia You to u too! so essentially u hv 4 weeks minimum to go and if ur bb guai guai, which i m sure she will, then u hv at least u hv 6 weeks max! U also manage to control ur weight liao hor..I tink i will gain alot alot! Oh yeah, today collected my breast pump liao. Lazy to go read manual but must read..hahah
Hi girl80

Congrats!!!! So Happy of your new arrival!!! try to rest more now ok.. your gals needs u to take care of them. soon you can hold n kiss them everyday!! God Bless!!
hv any of u heard of Traditional & HOlistic massage? Tot of engaging them.. apparently it is opened by Mdm Rokiah, one of the more well-known masseuse recommended by most mummies..
Hi emeraldbride

U also have not read up the instruction yet. no time for it...
Imagine i m still working from home now. Got deadline to meet...
Jo, i tink better to work from comfort of home than working in office. More stress..my colleague is back from her ML but still picking up pieces. I hope to quickly hand over to her but i still hv alot of follow up to do. Sigh.. Jia You to both of us...

I also hope i can work fr home - though i may not be very discipline to work 9 - 6.30pm but i think i will get more things done bah.. i feel so hardworking suddenly, wanna wake up wee hour in the morning to clean house! Hahaha
hehe. i cant don waki at all to pee as well. tink try to cut down fluids afta dinner ba. i still drink milk b4 i go slp but no urge to go until i waki in d morning.

u waki so earli to clean d house? hehe.
iemik0 no lar.. i din wake up so early to do housework cos i alr did it last nite before i went to bed.. i woke up early this morning to drink Milo and watch Desperate Housewives Season 5..hehehe

I meant that I suddenly feel so energetic wanna do housework early in the morning but juz now in the mrt, i doze off immediate i hit the seat. Hahaha
adel..haha..i have to clear my emails..keep flooding..for me, week 35 bb at 2.5kg..ytd nite i went to hock hwa medical hall and got all the herbs for confinement cooking liao..total spend $125..but my mum say it is eluff to cook for 40days...

Girl80, just saw ur bb girls photos..so nice!! are u breastfeeding?
girl80, congrats! ur girls are so cute!

hippomummy, we have the same EDD and i will be delivering when baby is 36w.

ivy, ur baby how heavy now? ur baby 1.7kg when 31w? my bb is 2.4kg when 31w+ leh. faint... mine is even bigger but doc say is of gd weight. all the nurses in Mt A commented that my tummy is big. haha. but heng bb is big, so should be no problem if deliver early.

carmen, dr chen say deliver when baby is 36w is ok liao althought 37w then is consider full term. but maybe cos my baby is big so he say 36w is gd enough.

lavendery, must have confident in your gynae. i am eating 4 types of medicine everyday now to relax my womb. gynae knows what is safe for u and baby.
good morning, all !!! I am going for my 36th appt today at KK l8r at 2plus. Been having a bit of heartburn these past week .. it hasn't stopped me from eating la .. but still sian to experience it ..
so many post n good news!

Congrats Congrats on your 2 little bunddles of joy!
Jia you, they will be out in a blink of an eye!

Let's jia you! Less than 6 weeks to go. Try psycho ur bb to turn! :p talk to her everyday lah.

Ya... I just started to get swollen feet yesterday so proping up my legs in office on top of a big box. :p

My mum told me when she delivering my sister. The "neighbour" was screaming her head off. Keep telling nurse say she want to go poo poo. Nurse scolded the neigbour and exclaim how well my mum was handling her contractions (act my mum was in the early stage niah. haha). Agree tat if u are not determined to go thru delivery, will end up agreeing to the easiest way out - "c-sec".

Llig, I oso just put my signature on the dotted line yesterday afternoon.

Encourage u gals not banking e cordblood to consider donating orh! Learnt that SCBB's storage of cordblood is super high standard (i.e. they test to check the cordblood stored are highly viable for future usuage, etc). For me, it will be a real plus if the cordblood is stored by SCBB!
Hi Sam
I donate the cord. U can call this person, Esther Poon - 6934 5012 or 81389774, email : [email protected]

She quite friendly and quite promot response after i sent in an inquiry from scbb website.

Hi emeraldbride
I dun like to work from home.. tats means i gonna work more than 14 hrs.. last nite work till 1am...SIGH!!!

My colleague just told me, better finish my another event b4 i go, cos she dun know how to cover me.. if not she will be calling me daily during my ML.. SIGH!!
Do give them a call at 63945011. Tell them u wan to donate the bb's cord blood.

The steps i went thru' are as follows:
a) A short 5 min phone interview abt ur health;
b) Upon "passing" e phone interview, they will arrange to meet u up when u seeing gynae at the clinic to sign the consent form. U will be asked to fill up a questionaire on family health history (limited to u, ur hb, u n hb's parents n siblings only).
c) During delivery, hand over the consent form to the nurses in ur delivery suite. You will be asked for a small sample of blood b4 delivery (purpoose to retest for infectious diease. Paid by SCBB n u will get to noe the results too). The harvest kit the hospital will prepare.

In general, the interview/questionaire aims to find out if u, ur hb and immediate family has history of certain illness such as Blood related/heditary illness, chromosonal related syndromes such as down syndrome, history of mad cow diease; hep B/HIV; SARS; etc.

The lady I met, Doreen also assured me that the gynae will only harvest the cord blood aft the safe delivery of ur bb and b4 delivery of e placenta.
I was also put to speak with Esther, very friendly oso. But she told me that her colleague Doreen will be co-ordinating. Doreen is also a very nice lady...

SCBB Contact no:
Doreen - 91064752
Esther - 81389774

I rem Phyl posted quite a few names and numbers of the SCBB co-ordinators earlier. :p
congrats!! U have 2 lovely gal.

i have abt the same delivery story as yours. I was also in OT to do some patch up. My boy also forceps but the red patch goes away the second day. My previous gyane is John Tee as well.
Snowger: I also intend to donate my baby's cord blood to SCBB!
Thanks for the contacts...

Lavendery: Have confidence in your gynae. I asked my best friend (who is a doc) & she assured me that there're no side effects for the baby when the mommy takes Nefidipine. So don't worry and most importantly, the medicine is there to delay premature labour! Very important!

Sam: Keep us updated about your checkup!

Mimi: Your baby confirm coming out at 36 weeks? Eat well for these remaining weeks & take good care.

Jo/ Emeraldbride: It's good to read up & actually try out the breast pump before your baby is born.
I have tried my Avent pump and it was quite an experience! haha...
Hi Snowger
Yes.. they are nice people.
I also sign all the forms already and wat best, Esther came to my office all the way.. if not i do not have any time to go their office to sign the forms too.

I also asked alot of questions to make sure that Me and Baby are put in priority 1st when gynae collect the cord blood.

Hi Fabbie
There are alot of questions for them to ask u and also forms to sign. As cord blood is important, they need to check if we are suitable anot.. Not just say " donate" at the delivery room and just donate ..
Just touchwood, what happened they collect any HIV cord blood or any blood with diseases right? So proper check is necessary.
thanks snowger/jowinbaby !! Will give them a call later today ...

Loveangel .. definitely will update u girls after my appt l8r. can't believe I only have 28 days more to due date !! It's my FOURTH baby .. but still so super super excited

after my appt, i have to go to Carrefour Suntec to buy this month's groceries ... my hubby accompanying me .. oredi WARNED him not to rush me .. hate to be rushed especially now .. oredi got heartburn .. then when walk fast, inner thighs start to hurt like as if been cycling a long time .. blardy man think it's easy to be heavily pregnant .. lol
Mimi, you are planning to induce on 36w or c-sect? Wow your baby is quite big.
This means that u only have 2 more weeks to go? Must be really excited huh
hi ladies

i would like to check with those ladies who had the Malay massage before...do the malay massage ladies bind you with their own special binds or you use those binders that we get from pharmacy?
when i having my 1st kid the massage lady use her own binds. I didnt buy any binders.

I think my massage lady always late and end the session early so now i am still looking for a suitable massage lady.
2nd Baby/Jappooh

Are the binders any different from those we get from the pharmacy?

I thought the massage ladies should have binders that are quite different from those in the pharmacy...but my massage lady asked me to buy one from the pharmacy to use...so I dunno how authentic she is now....hmm...
Ade, how's yr check up? Today rt?

San, I m not sure hw the binders look like fr the pharmacy, but my massage lady's binders look quite special to me.
Hi Santorini,
i dunno how does the binders in the pharmacy looks like. The one my massage lady use is look like to long cloth to me. When wrap ard it very very tight one. Can go many many rounds on my wrist loh.

So far i never hear that have to provide massage lady the binder lei.

Currently i am looking at the Origins Jamu Massage. Dunno worth to try anot.
my massage lady use her own binder as well. one pc of long cloth.

its different from d dale binder we buy. theirs is beta. i use dale one afta i remove hers post massage 8-10hrs. too hot n tight so cant sleep. hehe.

Dun try out the breastpump 1st on your breasts. Stimulating our nipples may triggle labour. That is what the lady who sold me the Medela breast pump told me. For trying b4 delivery, usual practice is try on the thigh actually.
Tara: The massage lady i booked didn't tell me to get ready a binder. I think she's going to use her own.

YPG: Don't worry...i didn't try on my boobs. I put a round ball-sponge over the funnel part. I learnt how to assemble the pump parts & how to fix the wires to the pump motor. Then i was very happy when it worked! Haha...cos that time i went to Philips to buy the replacements parts so when i got home, i thought may as well learn how to use it.
YPG, thanks for the clarification. When Pris says test, i tot she really try to express herself..hahaha. I should try on the thigh first. I actually brought the manual out todae unfortunately i was sleeping all the way fr Punggol to Clarke Quay so din get to read them..hehe

I planning to engage a masseuse from Traditional and Holistic (www.jamumassage.com) but dunno r they good or not..worried cos i read alot of horror stories abt massages
Girl80, Congrates! Do rest well.. I'm sure your precious will be with you at home soon..

ladies, about hiring CL..

do you check whether CL is pro-BF?
coz i heard some CL isn't pro-BF and cause distress to mommy when trying to BF..

some CL are picky on what to do.. some don't wanna do certain things and some don't even know how to do basic things..

i think this is the last problem that new mommies want to encounter..

i heard many "horror" stories.. also from a cousin-in-law who just gave birth.. didn't even know how to make FM for baby, didn't cook tonic.. only thing she did wash to wash clothes! *faint*

she was there only 2 weeks and out she went..
Hows your check up??!! baby engage liao buay. hehe . hope to hear from you good news of ya water and baby engage hehe

si mi horror stories? SHARE leh! hahha


I go inside their website. Cost a bit on the high side. Mine only cost me $300 for 5 sessions. Things they provide are about the same, except mine is 1 and 1/2 hour per session.


I have just gotten my first cash payment of the BB bonus. Only $750. $250 to be paid by end of this month. No choice lor since my daughter is born on 8 Oct 2008, before the "official" date. So I got to wait.

I not so kan cheong about the $250, more kan cheong about the CDA authorisation letter. Cause hope to use CDA to pay for my daughter immunisation injection. Very costly even if got polyclinic. I called MCYS, said will receive in mid Dec. I wrote in to request for earlier date. Now got to wait for their reply.

6-in-1 injection package cost $300 plus in polyclinic. If go to private PD, even more expensive. At least with CDA, we only paid half since 1 for 1 contribution by the govt.

I feel that cost for BB only really start when they are born. The amount that I spend during my pregnancy seems nothing compared to the expenses that I will spend after my delivery. Haha...
