(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


I think it's strange that people selling their stuff don't clean it up before selling lor. I am going to sell off some baby stuff I have and have already decided to take it out and clean it throughly with dettol .. remove what can be removed and wash it properly ... make it more attractive and clean mah.

Eh, Fabbie ..u looking for an infant car seat ah? I have one with the base ... selling it off. I will take it out and take pics this weekend. I also have a stroller to sell .. will take the pics by tomorrow nite and post up somewhere
I got some stuff from Metro Woodlands yesterday .. there were no signs indicating the 20% off leh but when I looked at my receipt .. have leh.
Infact im not eager to look for car seat. is just that the seller got a offer of a stroller comes together with the car seat the brand of garco. thats why was thinking of lor.

Yeah. post it up. will take a look! thanks thanks!
yo ladies,

lazy weekend for me. due to my muscle pull pain, i gotta give my swimming session a miss tomorrow. feel like a big fat cat who just eat n sleep, eat n sleep!!! argh!!!

not everybody is as good as u. I heard from my colleague that her 2nd hand bouncer got problem, end up her son got rashes. so I quite wary of buying 2nd hand stuffs. But I do get 2nd hand stuffs from relatives and friends cause cant reject their kindness. Besides they said BB wear 2nd hand clothes will be more guai. So I lazy lazy bum also must wash the stuffs lor. Hehe...

U selling off ur items? U have no use for it now?

i have multiple of some things .. and I'm getting a new infant car seat to attach to my Buzz .. so trying to sell
will take out stuff and let u gals see ..

am off to vivo now .. hubby attending a wedding at rasa sentosa ... tty gals later!!!

my hair is long n have not any rebonding done for the past one year! but i still dunno whether do i wan to cut my hair or not leh. during confinement, i still think long hair is easier coz can just tie up n keep it away fm my face...
jazlyn.....my friend wont be cutting real short...so can still tie when confinement. dont worry...at least cut then will have nice neat hair...less split ends...

PM me ok...i leaving office le...talk to you gers later at night!!

FREE hair cut for long hair....no rebond/perm!!!

ya, i swim once a week, minimum. feel lethargic if i do not work out.


i let u noe later. still pondering... hehe
Jes, think it was Taka's 150yrs old anniversary n taka member card get addition 15%. Sale began frm 9th-12th only. Limited period. Think we can go metro to recee any last min items
Aiya because of the noise & wake up to take a leak then wide awake. Stayed up until 6am then returned to bed n woke up at 10.30 this morning. Today I am headachy panda..........

Fabbie, I see ppl after gvg birth after a few mths then bring baby to "test drive" the strollers, oso a good idea rite. But I think your vouchers cant wait liao rite......... Hmm....
ikeike hannor.. maybe i go view the 2nd hand stroller first. if really not bad then i buy then 200 dollar vochuer see got what to buy from there ba. Hmm

Aiya. sale so fast finish ah?! sad man. id not can go wacky abit. Yeah heard metro got sales recently is it? eh i think you should go back and sleep again. since so tired. today is sat leh! hehe
hi ladies,
it's been a crazy work week for me.. in fact i juzt finished clearing my emails and werk.. ah!

missed almost 1 whole week of posting here, hope i din miss out much info or gossip?! hehe...

juz dropping by to say hi =)

how's the gathering today? so sad dat i cud not make it =(

haha... think next time u wanna buy sthg, check with ikeke and Phyl first.. ikeke has a sharp nose for promos and Phyl is our well-known spree queen here! ;)
Hi Ladies
I felt sooooooo tired today and slept thru till about an hour ago. This is the 1st time I'm feeling so tired (not sick) since the beginning of the pregnancy.

Wonder if you can share your experience
How would you know your baby has engaged and how will you feel when they do?

Just put my baby's beddings and some mobile toys to the wash. Doubt I'll have the energy to clean the cot and the changing table today, so hopefully my energy will be back tomorrow and I'll be able to do it.
afternoon ladies. sleepy saturday. hehe.
ydae went on half dae leave n big damage done. spent $500 alone on shopping. hehe. bought nursing bras from perfect mum, nursing tops n clothes for my bois at mothercare, snacks at candy empire, etc. hb n sis say no more shopping for mi liao. kanna ban le. sob. =p

my sent mail has it wor. hav received it le. thanx. =)

noted. =)

mi oso bought nursing bras from perfect mum when shopping ydae. theirs veri comfy but abit on d high side. my spring maternity one hurts.

there is NO WAY for you to feel that the baby has engaged .. the only indication that you're ready is when you go into labour .. so just pay attention to your body .. once you start feeling it and it is at regular intervals .. it's time to head down to the hospital ..

I have done this 3 times .. and it's really exhilarating each time it has happened .. just keep calm and if you want to have a positive and hopefully episiotomy free delivery ... listen to the nurses and your gynae .. listen when they say "don't push" or "push" or "push a bit" or "push slowly" .. etc.

Labour is scary in a way cos you find that when you really go into active labour, you have very little control over your body ... that's where women tend to panic I think. I personally think it's a very interesting process .. it doesn't mean I don't feel scared and worried .. I do .. but the end result of having your baby in your arms is so worth it
all the more so if you can have one without an episiotomy ..

Of course if your baby's head just can't fit through the opening .. I think it's inevitable that they gynae cuts ... so all we can do is pray and hope for the best ...
Thanks for the encouragement

My HB and I realised that the highest point of the tummy seem to have gone lower. Last week, I was not able to put my palm flatly from below my breast to where the highest point of the tummy. This week however, I could rest my palm flatly and the baby is a lot lower. Also when I walk some distant, I'll feel sharp pull/pain around my pelvic bone area. So I was just wondering if the baby has engaged or simply gone lower.

How are you feeling these days? I think you are just 1 week later than me right?
Like you, when I walk fast or walk a bit too much, I feel that pain in my pelvic bone area too .. ya, definitely baby is lower .. whether it's engaged or not, I think only yoru gynae can tell ..

Ya, I'm feeling tired more these days .. it's a challenge for me to get up and wash up and change and drive my dotter to school .. school SUCKS, man .. lol.

I haven't packed my bag yet, have you? Have yet to buy some things too .. like nursing bras (my previous ones are worn ..since I breastfed for more than a year) .. , disposable underwear .. etc. I think I'd better get a move on and do these things next week in case I pop early ... lol. One never knows ..
Hi Fabbie,
The bugaboo bee super exp. i not getting that lah, jus saying cause the Quinny buzz is more exp. than the bee. I dun think i will be getting any stroller till my bb is more than 3 mos, will use a sling first, then see how.

Metro Sale,
Not all items are on sale, i was at the Woodlands Metro, only items with blue tag got sale, went to refund my pigeon cloth diaper jus now cause i realise its not on sale...
Adel and Sam:
i will show my HB later on the prep u gals are doing. My HB actually comment that im being KS in "forcing" him to prepare BB cot (wash bedding set), start to pack my delivery bag and was remaining BB clothes (which we bought or hand-me-down) tml... in a way, im KS lar, but no choice, he werk 6day shift werk, so not easy to catch him off on a Sun/Sat. tml is th 1st day he is off on a weekend since he started werk almost 3 weeks ago.

me oso feeling some pain in my pelvic bone since early this week. 2day saw a big "lump" on my right tummy! hee.. wonder if it's BB buttocks or head... hope BB head remains down till full term, me scared need to C-sect.

i oso kek sim 2day, just last week, i bought 3 packs of Mam Poko S diapers @ NTUC AMK for $24, 2day saw there is a promo @ only $21.90 at Yishun NTUC! chay.. if i knw, i wud not need to buy at AMK Hub last week liao.. hee... this i dare not let my HB read, cos he is the one who carry the bulk of the diapers bought! keke...
Adelchia & Pris: Ask u all abt the admission letter thingy..i just received my pre admission letter...so we are supposed to fill in and fax back is it? Do we need to fill in what operation we are going for? need to choose the room now liao?
bubble pearl, u referring to Mt A pre-admission ltr? hehe.... i just filled in this morning, also asked my hubby wat to fill in for the 'operation information' and i think we need to choose the type of room now.
Morning ladies!
A bright & sunny sun morn feels good! wanted to slp late, but my dear bb wouldn't allow..She did an active stretching routine inside my tummy early in the morn, made me jump up! so there goes my beauty slp... Had a late nite mj session till 4am ytd, cos tot I wun haf much chance to do this anymore sn.. Lolx!

Ang gd brand of sarong to recommend? I saw Mums in mind at kiddy which is adjuztable and the one that phyl bought online. can enlighten me on wat to look out for?

Hospital Bag:
At how many weeks preggie shld we start packing? i'm currently almost 30 wks preggie.

Bb growth progress:
gynae says my gal weighs btw 1.1kg to 1.5kg at 29wks 4days, on the smaller side. shld i worry? or eat more? but somehow she's super duber active in there.. so seems to me like she's doing fine!

I oso bought the Karmy brand PJs, bought 2 sets of dress type w buttons down the front. bought mine fr Triump shop, $26.90 or sumthing IF i dun rem wrgly. love the soft material! Is 2 sets enuff?

Nursing Bras:
Can recommend where to get reasonable price & gd quality nursing bras? shld we buy now? cos I rem Mrs Wong said in class tat we shld only buy on the 3rd day after we deliver..?? but at tat pt of time where got time buy? will prob be prisoner at hm liao..LOLx!
Deposit req depends n the rm u chose -
For medisave patients:
1 beded rm: $1200
2 beded rm: $1000
4 bedded rm: $800

I jus went for the hospital tour last fri. most of the wards are nicely refurnished
i want to buy sarong too! i saw phyl brought online that one quite nice and fashionable, but that one got size. like cannot adjust tightness if i want to. For me... maybe i will look for those which can adjust i wan it lose or tight ba. BUt im still considering. arghz. why everything also so stress on buying things de... hahahah

Nursing bras and breastfeeding bras the same hor? just dun buy wire de can liao.. I already buy my breastfeeding bras le. If ya family or friends go malaysia. ask them help you buy.. there are more cheaper.. NO need to buy so expensive de. hehe

all men are like that .. ask them to do something for you .. they claim we're trying to "force" them la, that we can't see them relax la .. HAIYAH. That's why I die die do things myself .. hate asking for help and then hear the complaints.
bubblepearl: That time i indicated on my form that i want single-bed ward. I wrote this down at the bottom of the form...think there was a box for remarks. :p

YPG: Thanks! I got your PM.

Xuelyn: I also have no idea when to start packing my hosp bag. My mom told me i can slowly start to put the items i want to bring aside.

Sam: Can i ask you something cos you are more experienced...When we leave the hosp with baby, do we have to dress baby in an outfit? What kind of outfit?

LuthAdel: Are you feeling better today?
Dear MTB,

I am from the Jan08 MTB thread- I have an extra combi stroller to sell. It was a gift and was used 5 times only. The model is "Well comfort" and retail price is about $400. I am willing to let go at $300- price negotiable. You can view details of this model at http://www.taising.com/Combi/Combi_TJC300.jpg

Interested parties, please sms me at 96910601. Thanks.
I din fill in the type of operation i wan. Only filled in the type of room. You can fax the form back to them. Tt time i handed in to the office coz was there for antenatal classes anyway. The nurses there din mention anything about deposit so i guess $$ issues shd be settled after admission....

How was your appt w Dr Tseng?

Super sian, was on leave for 2 days and email pile up like mad. Tried to access email from home but comp got prob. Gonna have a crazy day tml clearing work....
Hi all
need your valuable advise... me currently 30 weeks and had mild contraction last week and gynae give me two weeks MC to rest... anyone experience contraction so early?
hi ladies,

it's been ages since i last posted..
been a crazy week.. my #1 got fever up and down and had been in and out of infantcare..

went for check up last friday and gynae showed us baby's face on 4D and gave us black and white of his face and his penis (!) to keep..

apparently i've lost weight but thankfully baby's gaining weight! going to see gynae in 2 weeks time from now on.. in ma 32weeks.. and baby's head's down now.. gosh, time really flies and 2 more months to go! oh, i've not packed ma delivery bag yet! :p

went to togoyo warehouse today and finally gotten 2 cabinets for baby.. we got the document type of cabinet but it can be used as storing baby's clothes and his barang-barang.. the drawers are almost the same size but half the price than having to get the "normal" cabinet.. so we got 2 instead! hee..

i just finished tidying up and storing baby's things and feeels so satisfied with maself! hee..

ganbatte and hang on, ladies!
we'll soon see our little precious!
Bubblepearl: You'll only need to pay 50% of your maternity package/room charge when you're admitted.
No deposit collected beforehand. Hope this helps.

Adelchia: I handed the form personally over too. Can't help feeling that there's nothing "secure" about our pre-admission booking cos so far nothing heard from Mt A's end. Haha...

Corrine: Do take care...heed your gynae's advice & rest well. I think there was another MTB who also had pre-term contractions but i can't remember who it was...

yes, when you leave the hospital .. u dress the baby in clothes that you have brought .. you want the baby to not be cold but don't overheat him either ... I think those long sleeved footed rompers are fine ... cotton ones like from MOthercare are fine and mittens ... then no need for swaddling cloth ..

I had a friend who was scolded by her baby's pediatrician for overheating her baby ... baby was dressed warmly already and yet still wrapped up like Bak chang ... so in the end kena heat rashes .. so when brought to see pediatrician, kena scolded ..

Yes, the baby loses heat easily when they're newborn .. but unless you turn on your house air con ALL THE TIME to 18 degrees celsius and never turn it off, we must remember that Singapore is blardy hot lor .. no need to wrap baby up like dumpling. lol
morning ladies
spent d whole of ydae packing my boi's clothes n sorting them out into diff age grps. hehe. now all neatly stacked in my algo jumbo stacker. =)
next will be his room. haha. its been a storage area eva since i moved into my house.

how r ur wkends? =)
G'morning ladies..

Hope u all had a good weekend... =)

I actually went to great world city Marks and Spencer.. If u have a robinson OCBC card... U'll have 15% off+5% cash rebate for all items except food stuff... Dunno whether still on.. So i bought 2 nursing bras... I read somewhere that u should buy 1 or 2 before delivery and then later when u are in serious milk production aka super big boobs, then buy more of the correct size...

During the weekend, was also busy packing up to move back to my mum's place (was staying with in-laws)... Sometimes u dun realise how much junk u can accumulate!! My hb and I were quite sad to throw away most of our school stuff... heart pain... Hahaha!! but well this is a new phase in our lives...

Hope u guys have a good week ahead...

Morning all..

Over the wkends, I had bb's napkins washed and Cabinets cleaned. Next wkend gonna get the clothes washed. Hospital bag half packed.
