(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Morning Ladies!

Carmen, the mini gathering was quite fun.. keke.. no worries.. we have lots of mini gatherings all the time!!

I washed all the new clothes that i bought as well as my PJs and Hayden's pillow n bolster yesterday.. wanted to clean out the toyogo box but.. decided to nua on my bed.. keke.. fell asleep until 5pm.. woke up.. then decided i will do it another day.. keke..

this morning when i wakie.. i sat on the side of the bed and sneezed twice.. OMG.. i leaked!!! so i woke hubby up and told him i dirtied the mattress cover n protector.. and he tot my water broke.. erm.. it was 5.30am in the morning.. he cant think!! keke.. then i said, no la.. haha.. he is so funny!

xuelyn, the one i got is from Pupsik.. its non adjustable but safer than one with rings.. coz in case nv put the ring properly how.. i havent tried my pupsik yet.. but i will pack it into my hospital bag.. maybe use that to carry baby home..

morning gals!!!

so sleepy today..morning bus was so packed..think SBS bus was late...feel so dizzy in the bus and have difficulty alighting.

weekend clean bb new singlets and towel bought from babyonline mall...

everything used by the baby must wash first including the stroller?any idea?still thinking how to wash the pillows...etc.

Phyl..you contacted Irene Chua already?
Hi mummies,

Have been reading the thread but seldom post, coz you guys too fast for me
would like to check what r the things to pack for the hospital bag?

Re clothing for babies,
For those born in TMC, dun worry, they will dress the babies for you together w a bag as free gift..that was wat happened for my 1st one.

Re weight gain.
any mummies feeling pain when they walk? I having difficulty to walk these days. Backpain + down there pain
total weight gain is abt 18.5kg..Grasp last check @ gynea @ 30 weeks, my babies weigh 1.5kg each only.
Ivy, Aiya.. this gynae situation is making me go mad.. keke.. u see huh.. if baby NATURALLY comes out b4 6th..then my hubby say its good.. but if need to induce hor.. he a bit Zzz abt it.. which i dunno why la.. then he say if baby not ready then i force him out like not very good.. well.. i will go change my appt la.. but i will see how lor.. maybe i will heed Dr Irene's initial advice.. see her until 6th lor..then if after 6th then deliver by Dr Hendricks lor.. who knows.. baby might come out early.. keke..

what time is ur appt on the 18th?

Gill, u got kaypo why her ear like that not? keke..
Ivy: I think it's better to wash/clean everything that baby is going to come into contact with.
As for pillows, newborns don't require them but if you really want your baby to use a pillow, just sun them for an afternoon.

Phy: I leaked a bit too when i coughed during my sleep. Sigh...i told my hubby & he was quite horrified...he thought i dirtied the bed. @$(%^@ At least your hub thought that your waterbag broke. :p

iemiko: I tidied up a bit of my baby's nursery and also washed some of the new clothes my friends have given me. Also re-washed his bath towels.
I didn't wash the clothes meant for 6 months & above though...haha...too lazy.

Sam: Thanks for your reply. Is it better to bring separates (vest/top + footed pants) to dress baby in? Or should i bring a romper instead? Usually how many outfits do you need to pack in hosp bag for baby?
Phyl...think irene will be helping me to open my down there...like what she did to my cousin...who delivered one week after she did that to her.
my appointment on the 18th is 9.30am, i had already started my ML by then...so opted for morning...when did you book?

loveangel...how to wash the stroller?pillow just sun them?

any advice on what/when can a bb travel on plane?

I think the baby can travel soon after birth, I dont think there is a time which the baby cant travel...Best is to get the o.k from baby's dr.

Are you planning to bring baby somewhere? When?
your only worry will be the air pressure during take off/landing, but if you feed baby during this time, it will help to relieve the pressure...


Thanks for sharing on your Quinny Zapp, I have gotten the maxi cosi car seat too, was planning to put it on the quinny frame for the first 9 months, but am hesitant now to buy the Quinny Zapp because the Quinny cannot recline and not sure when baby becomes a toddler, will still need a reclined seat to sleep or not...

I am still having a headache over the stroller, my hb is quite keen on the P3 now....will go and take a look probably this weekend....Like what Bur said, i would also rather get a Bee than a Quinny Buzz...Love the Bee so much, but it is CRAZY to pay so much for a stroller lor....
Morning Ladies

Feeling a lot better today. Wonder if it is my body clock that today is work day! ahahah

Finally washed all the beddings for my baby but still lack the energy to clean the Cot & the changing table. Will do that bit by bit from this week.

My body is reacting on its own now. One minute I can have so much energy that i want to go out and the next, i'll be zzzzzzzzz like there is no tomorrow!
Hi gals,

so have u all bought diaper for yr baby already?

Me still deciding which brand to buy cos heard nepia not bad many mummies is buying online.I dun mind share with any mummies here if keen to buy nepia.

My choice for newborn will be mummy pooko at least cheaper than pamper..haha

Wanna use cloth diaper duing 1st mth, hope bb skin wont get rashes n its cheaper ba.
Morning ladies, I've finally collected my cot but yet to assemble them. Last nite hb was dismantling the study table legs & relocating it to make way for the cot and I stayed in the bedroom to sort out the handmedowns. Baby always violent in my belly whenever hb shift/set up furniture.... makes me paranoid...
Ivy: I have not washed/cleaned my stroller yet!!! Haha but i bought the Babyganics multi-purpose cleaner so i'll just squirt a bit onto a clean cloth & wipe de stroller.

Luthadel: Try to rest more if possible...

Tara: That's why we didn't choose Quinny Zapp cos it cannot recline at all. Can you imagine your kid (even when toddler) sleeping in an upright position? I think very poor thing...Peg Perego P3 looks good...is it heavy?

Summer: I bought 2 packs of NB size diapers -- Goo.n & Nepia. Am using only disposable diapers, no nappies.
Morning all... so sianz.. my hubbie went to business trip for 1 week.. my mum went to genting for 3 days. all leave left me alone. so bored! =( but im feeling quite good! maybe baby gives me accompany hehe.

wah.. seems like you all have wash baby clothes and pack your hospital bag. for me i haven't done anything yet!!! oh my.. i still felt somethings i have not buy enough yet.

My mum told me orchard robinson got alot of strollers! that hide in the corner you can take alook! This sunday im going there to take alook.. whats P3?

Buy a few diapers and see which one she is more use to it lor.

wah.. so nice. your cot is here. i still haven't collect my cot from my uncle yet. i guess all these will be done at nov! Anxiously waiting..

If you didnt say about your baby boy is getting abit lower.. i wont realise that mine is getting lower too! ehehe. how exciting it is.. but still my gal at times makes me breathless too. by kicking here and there. lolx
Morning ladies!

When your EDD? Maybe we'll meet at Mt A =)

Anybody experience thick springy discharge? I found a bit on my undies this morning, dunno whether it's the mucus plug. Is it too early for mucus plug to come out?
Hi loveangel,

The 2 brands that u bought had good reviews from the forum. U share with pple oso tat y got 2 pack? COs saw the order must be at least 4 pkg mah.

hehe fabie, i dun mind try few diaper brand but the problem each pkg got so many pcs inside.. unless me get loose pc from the mummies here.. hahah

Most likely will try nepia out for its pricing.

other cheap alternative to use for day time?cos i wanna test out using cloth nappy, cos heard the washing n time use, like not worth it end up more electricity n water bill to pay.
morning gals!!
can i giv my opinion on cloth n disposable diapers? Personally i prefer to use cloth diaper on the 1st 3-4 month (before they learn how to turn themself). cos when they know how to turn themself, it will be very very difficult to change them..
A monster teacher in a childcare forced a 3 year old boy to eat chillie padi!!!!!! his mouth got 8-9 ulcer n can only drink cold milk for 3 weeks!!!! isn't she a monster????

the thing with pants and vest/top.. is that the vest/top will often come untucked from the pants lor that's why I prefr rompers at this early stage ... you can try bring a set of each .. usually I bring 2 or 3 sets of whatever I like then u get to choose there .. after all the clothes soo teeny, won't take up much space .. heee heee ..
Prefer e sat appt lah, less rush 4 me & hubby. My glucose stik is all clear!
He says he got no holiday plans ard my EDD (ac to card is 12 Dec 08). So we shld be safe!

*heart pain* - just paid for the delivery fee (in full). :p Nxt mths bill will be "siong"!

Regarding my "one time leak scare", he says its most prob discharge. If really leak will leak continuously over a period of time n will hv water trickle down the legs.

My water level and placenta is ok. At close to 32 wks, bb is 1.9kg (bb gained 900g in 4 wks!). Was so excited abt seeing bb's side view face on ultrasound (posted in my blog) forgot to ask him a few qns (like can I go natural birth, whether he got prefered assisted birth, is the throb-pause feeling really bb hiccups?, bb cord blood donation, etc). Haiz...

Next appt is pretty soon (i.e. in 2 weeks time!) - 1 Nov.

Mucus plug - I heard should have blood streaks in them and should be a pretty big blob of it? If it's only bits shld be normal discharge. Cos i oso got water drop size bits of strechy discharge.

Did you see me? I din see u leh... :p

Same as TMC. They dun "respond" to ur pre-admission. Luthadel n I were also wondering if our pre-admission form went missing. :p

Bb clothes washing:
Yikes, I btr start washing them liao! I haven't even wash!!! *Oh ohhhhhh*

I haven't bought yet .. I registered on Diapers.com.sg to get a free Goon NB sample. Received it already .. very silky and smooth and thin. Dunno how many wettings it can take - actually with newborns, you're supposed to change their diaper often to prevent rashes so I MAY order a pack or 2 to try it out.

I'm still buying at least 2 packs of Mamy Poko though. Just got my Mothercare bath/change station .. now can buy to stack things in there! Wipes, diapers etc.

Maternity Exchange sells these Lilypadz.. U are talking about the reusable, washable, silicone-like breast pads rite?? I was considering to buy them but I think I will see how after I start breastfeeding...

hahaha .. ya, one minute I'm making lunch plans and shopping plans and rearing to go out and walk and buy stuff .. the next, you see me lying snoring away on my bed .. hahahah
Hi Ladies,

Just wanna check how do you tell if we are having premature contractions?

Sorry if my question sounds silly. Im having diarrhea now and can feel tummy churning away. Remember doc said that diarrhea might cause contractions and I just wanna be sure that its just churning and not contractions..
Congrats on clear bill of health! Your bb is growing well =) I'll be seeing Dr this sat, will go for scan also since din go the last time.
I called up the nurses about the discharge, they say so long got no colour, can observe for a few days. But i better remember to highlight to Dr this Sat.. It's not a big blob, but for sure it's not the usual discharge lei, about 2cm long and more solid, unlike the usual liquidy ones... anyway internet says tt some mucus plug can come out 6 wks b4 labour, so i think still ok la...

Getting really excited! I keep having dreams of my bb these few days... =)Even dreamt tt i gave birth to twins! *gasp*
Fab, I can't wait till Nov to collect cos hb will be on reservice. Then I ask if baby decides to cm out during papa on resvc how?? Then he said no worries he can write letter of excuse.... can't imagine if he got to set sail from Tekong if I decide to pop!!! Yikes!!!

I've bot 3pkts of S size diapers - One mamy poko, one pet pet and one pampers during the NTUC baby fair. Though I'm pro cloth nappy but will wear disposable ones till she clears her meconium and subsequently switch to cloth nappy during day n disposable during nites.

Think a reclinable stroller will allow u to change baby on the spot if there isnt't any nursery room. For the just in case factor I guess.
where to get nepia diapers??

i need to bring baby back to philippines...to baptist and to see my in-laws...so a bit worried..

my mum ask around and ppl say that the bb cry all the way in the plane for the whole journey.
yup...read online that bf during take-off and landing can soothe the baby from the pressure...
still worried that baby might really cry throughout the journey of 3hrs...any more advices!!
Prepare a credit card to pay for the bill to book Dr Tseng ok? No colour? mine is yellowish (similar to the discharge I hv pre-preggy days). Me dun hv much dreams of my bb leh...

Btw, I think in other countries right, there is possibility that a twin (well-hidden) can be undiscovered until late 2nd trim! So ur dream v cute leh! :p

My hubby is on reservist from 11 to 14 dec lor. My EDD is 12 Dec /15 Dec... He asked doc liao and he is taking time off lor. Can u imagine? Won't forgive him if he is not at my side during delivery (HRMPH!).
Ivy Tan,

no la .. it's ok .. when I came back from the States, my baby was on the 28 hour flight with me .. she hardly cried .. best time to travel cos they mostly just sleep and ask for milk .. I fell asleep with her at my boob quite a bit of the time .. just make sure you get the seat with the bassinet .. so in case u need to change her etc, it'll be easier ..

My girl was 2.5 months at the time.

There is really nothing much you can do if baby cries for the whole journey....alternative is to get some meds to knock baby out ....but i dun think that is a good idea....to medicate baby unnecessarily....

how soon do you plan to baptise baby? i am also wondering when i should arrange for the baptism of baby....my hb says not so soon....is there a time frame which should be done....?

I am also planning to travel with baby in Feb for my MIL's 80 birthday....i'm a bit worried too...but I think it won't be too much problem, especially if your hb is travelling with you....

Yeah, think i wont get the Quinny now .....still looking around for another stroller....Pris, i heard that you got an ingelsina....which model is that? I'm not sure how heavy the P3 is .....will check out this weekend....

I am personally not aware that you must baptize baby within a certain timeframe. In my church, I see babies as young as a few days/weeks old to about 1.5 years or older being baptized ..

I don't know about Catholic churches but my church (Methodist) organizes infant baptism sessions twice or 3 times a year .. so guess it depends on their schedule then ..
do u remember i told u abt the bath tub on toilet bowl. u mus open your legs wide wide, tub in between legs so tub wont slip ok.
santorini...i am just afraid that the baby cry for the whole journey will disturb other passengers...i am taking tiger airways...not sure how to change the bb on the plane. i am also travelling in Feb...after bb vacines...

i am not sure about baptism...just anytime...but we are doing the baptism in philippines...
Santorini, I recall during our 1st mtg some1 told me that Inglesina is the original manufacturer of P3 or smthg like tat. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

Sam, for infants to wear rompers... wont the fabric abrade the umbilical stump? Or shd we wear the tummy belt before putting on the romper?
How much to pay Dr Tseng ah? Gonna be so broke when bill comes next mth...
Dun scare me la, if really twins then all the stuff i only buy for 1 bb... where got enuff? Haha...

Just to share, i'll be baptising my bb in feb immediately after 1 mth confinement. Not sure which church u from, but in the Catholic church, it's recommended tt you baptise asap. I delay for 1 mth coz of need to go for a final preparation class in Jan... so have to do in Feb..

Would it be possible for you to arrange for the baby to be baptised here in Singapore instead. I'm sure it will be a lot easier for adults to travel as compared to a baby. I've read somewhere before that prior to take-off or landing, it is good to give baby a pacificer to suckle as the sucking will help to ease the ear pressure.

Do check with the PD if your baby is ready for travel

It is so weird that I'm sleeping that much over the weekend! I was perfectly all right on Sunday morning till late afternoon. When I got home, I just zzzzzz all the way till near dinner time and I had to drag myself to go for dinner!

I'm certainly looking forward to my appt this Friday as I will then know if I need to deliver early or I can wait till nature take its own course.

In a catholic church, the parents must go for a preparation class??

Oh dear, I have not enquire into it yet!!

You just go to church and talk to the priest rite??
For me i have diarrhea when im about early 30 weeks. and i can feel my tummy keep on Jiao-ing...

Snowger & ikeike
wah.. my hub also reservist around nov! which is my due date is around nov.. Very scare if he is not around.. what am i going to do? Hmm i also wont forgive also if my hub not beside me hehee
Nepia can buy fr NTUC oso.

Like what Sam says, let the airline noe. They will assign u the first line centre seats in the section. Can hang e basinet ( which is like a basket with flat base) in front of ur seat for bb to zzz n u can change diapers there.

Crying depends on bb's tolerance to the change of air pressure in their ears. Dun worry lah, the other passengers will understand one la! Who would want to travel with bb unnecessarily on the plane right?
I think most if not all Catholic parishes in Singapore have scheduled infant baptism, e.g. every 2 months, once a quarter, etc. You have to inform your parish office if you want to have your bb baptised in a particular month. They will then inform you about the preparation class.

For my parish, infant baptisms are usually held on the first Sunday of every second month (Feb, Apr, Jun, etc) and these are usually announced in the bulletin, together with the date of the preparation class. So you can just call the parish office and sign up.

I'm also planning to have my daughter baptised in February. I think that should be the first session after my confinement.

What preparation class must parents go through? how long is it?


Will your baby grow up in Phillippines? The reason I'm asking is because i know that the church where baby is baptise is important when he/she decide to get married...must get approval/documentation from the parish church where he/she was baptised....therefore, i am thinking of going back to my hb's country to baptise baby also, because most likely baby will grow up there and get married there.....

thinking really far ahead now..... :p

P3 is one of peg perego's model...peg perego and ingelsina are two different brands of strollers...
It depends on your parish, I think. For my parish, it's just over one evening, so I suppose it's 2-3 hours?

I agree with Santorini. Because when I got married, I had to write to the church of my baptism to request for documentation and all. Also, when my parents wanted to register me for Pri 1 at CHIJ, they also had to get documentation from that church to confirm that I was indeed baptised there. So might be quite a hassle if your child is baptised overseas but is living in Singapore.
Yup.. echo is right.. usually there will be mass baptism scheduled in every parish.. u will have to check which parish u wanna baptise baby at..

i dun intend to baptise baby coz this religion thing is still hanging like a dark cloud in my house.. hubby is not catholic.. we once fought over religion coz he wanted to put his guan yin in the living room and i wanted to put a cross outside the door.. so in the end.. we decided to leave it as it is.. i do still sleep with my bible beside my bed..

will let baby be a free thinker.. he can choose what religion he wants to be when he grows up..

Nepia @ NTUC dun have NB size.. NB size is available only at Mediya.. in the forums.. many mummies feedback that goo.n is comparable with Pampers yellow wrapper one and Nepia is comparable with Mamy poko..

Ah_bur told me that there is a very good disc at NTUC for the pampers NB yellow wrapper.. 2 packs for $39.95.. usual is 1 pack $26+.. pampers fans can go take a look..
My church has infant baptism on the first Sun of every month. Think diff churchs have diff requirements on classes and also baptism dates coz Echo's church is once every 2 mths.. Mine is 3 prep classes together w Godparents. 2 classes are before birth, 1 class after birth. It's about 1-2 hrs per class. Covered topics like duties of parents and godparents, some reflection on how to create a Christian environment at home to bring up your bb etc. Last session will be with the priest who will go thru what to do during baptism.
You'll need to fill in form and submit to the parish office, then they will tell you when to attend the prep classes..

I was debating whether to do in feb or mar. Coz i need to attend one last session b4 baptism and it's always on the 3rd wed of the month... if i give birth late dec, then the Jan class will clash w my confinement...dilemma on whether it's ok to wait till mar...
I think it's okay to wait for a while. My friend waited till her boy was maybe about 4 months to baptise because the godparents she'd wanted were working overseas. I think there is a guideline on age limit for infant baptism, meaning that after X months, cannot be considered as infant? I'm not sure about that. But I think if you delay by a month, it shouldn't be a problem.

no leh, cotton rompers/bodysuits (long sleeved or short) are best I find .. ya, initially u will find a bit of dried blood on the material but it's ineveitable what. I find that it's better cos unlike wearing pants and top .. baby's tummy is exposed when it comes untucked ..

Ya, in my church both parents must undergo a 2 hour class before infant baptism .. check with the church first cos for mine, ONE of the parents must be a member of the church or have been baptized in the same church.

I'm doing my daughter's baptism on the 14th Dec .. she'll be about 2 weeks old by then (if I deliver on at around my edd) .. I already faxed in the registration form .. but had to leave the "Baby's name" blank since we haven't decided on one yet !! hahaha
piGgiCia - almost same boat. my husband is a baptised christian and i'm not. i don't want baby to be baptised and i think my hb also too lazy to get baby baptised.

mi lazi too. ydae sit on chair n pack until my butt pain. sit too long. haha. hb impressed tt i reali pack. no choice la. muz be good ger since i spend so much on fri. lolx.

hav bought huggies newborn coz it was cheap tt time. hehe. i let my boi wear NTUC diapers when he was 1mth as he can fit M size oreadi. got a fat butt for a baby sia. hehehe. do u hav d website where we can order nepia diapers? coz my boi is wearing it. don hav to wait till NTUC got sale den buy. hehe.
