(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Oh ya hor. U really dun intend to get CL? It will be tough for the 1st week, but if u bath him on table top, will be diff for u to pour away the water. unless u use a small tub and discard it bit by bit...but still better than to bend over n bath him on the floor. not good for your back...
hi gals..
wah.. so hard to catch up the posts.. so many... so busy today too.

Hi echo
I saw that u gave up the Breast Pump at a spree? Me too, i spree with another thread instead ...
Hi jowin
Which is your spree thread? I'd considered getting breastpumps from sprees/BPs but in the end decided to just get from FFY instead. A breastpump is quite expensive and I just didn't feel safe buying it from an unknown person. I feel, at the end of the day, might be safer and more reliable to buy from a proper shop than a spree or bulk purchase.

I went to FFY at Paragon yesterday and bought the Medela PISA backpack. It comes with 15-month warranty and a local adaptor. Plus the salesperson also gave me a short demo and explanation of how to assemble and use the pump. I felt it was worthwhile to pay a bit more and get some service and assurance.
mum2ndx - i think i either have tabletop method, or like what u say put bathtub on toilet bowl then carry baby to room to get dressed. ya, no CL.
i am not baptist my hubby is...our bb will be growing in singapore...think just bring the cert over...

my friend is still looking for lots of models for the free hair cut...must be long hair and cannot rebond/perm..for past one year...any of your friends/relatives interested please PM me...thanks!!
piGgiCia, Ivy, Santorini ,

The baptism cert is impt if you wanna send ur kid to a missionary school... but u must go back to ur parish church to get an updated cert (tells you when u had ur 1st communion, confirmation, etc) when you want to get married in a church (which need not be ur parish church)

My fren was baptised in Indonesia and she had to go back to that small rural parish church to get the cert before she can get married in SG. Super troublesome...

They need to know that you have never married in any church before...
Besides the baptism cert, also need the church of your baptism to certify that you have not been married before....and that you are allowed to get married....so in future your kid will have some procedures to go through before getting married....

getting married in a different country can be done but a little mah fan....

I also had a few episodes of diarrhea when my tummy keep churning...i check with my dr several times, he said our stomach very sensitive during pregnancy, some foods can be too rich for us....so tend to have diarrhea....if one day or two...should be o.k...if your cramping is with diarrhea should be o.k too...dun think that is contractions...

just remember to drink more water.....cos diarrhea can make us dehydrated....
i'm looking for Barcodes of Huggies Ultra, NB to M sizes. If anyone is using Huggies and have no use of the barcodes, do PM me. I will send a prepaid envelope to you. Thank you.
tks santorini.. will def down more water then.
me and my hubby get married in singapore...but didnt show any cert...only swear that not married before...

feeling so irritated by my manager...ask me to help him to run report...whereby not in my job scope...so irritating....like i am her personal secretary...still have a lot of request!!!

anyone still interested in the hair cut??
Summer: For Goo.n diaper, i ordered together with my friends cos her boy uses that brand. Very good reviews from her. For Nepia, you can get the NB size pack from Meidi-ya or Isetan supermarket.
That's where i bought mine.

Adelchia: My EDD is 10 Dec...what about yours?

Snowger: Haha, ya lor...i was wondering whether Mt A knows i really booked a room or not!!! Not a word from them!

Nepia diapers (NB size)aren't available at NTUC...only S size onwards.
I just PM u. Was so busy over the weekend... keke... Paiseh if still got, can slot me in pls? If u need more models, let me know... I ask my colleagues.

I oso got a lot of "lao-sai" incidences during 1st/2nd trim. If u can do take sm yakult or yogurt regularly to boost up immunity!

I think shld hv la. Cos once they send u pre-admission form it means they book for u liao. The pre-admission is just to prevent "shou3 mang2 jiao3 luan4" situations.

Not too sure leh. Dr Tseng range for delivery (natural) is 1000 to 1500. If got FBI card, will hv discount, minus the CPF claim, etc.
Ivy Tan,
cant stand these ppl. las few weeks we have some drawings to issue too. u know what my designer told me? No MC til next week.. keep telling me. he's an ang mo la.My lead din even tell me that.. he mayb joking la, but dun have to repeat few times right? even when i knock off, he reminds me again while i walk to the door! make me angry i faint in front of him and take 1 whole week mc see how he issue drawing! how dare he stress preggy....never die before...
snowger...what is your email?just receive an email gmail?

YES ....more more models needed!!!but must meet the criteria...long hair no rebond/perm for past one year...

ladies..help me ask around...your friends colleagues...relatives...it is free!!no need to worry...my friends have went for the cut and is not bad...
ya lor...some ppl just like to torture preggy...haha. last thurs i not feeling well, requested to leave early. then one of my colleague just keep asking me to stay and help her and say that it wont be tough just sit there and wait for the report...but i tell her i just wanna go home and rest...then she still keep saying until i get so fed-up and i tell her...hey, you like torturing me?then she kept quiet...
hi hi..today so many posting!!

Went for gynae check up this morning follow by my 4D scan. Will post up the video later today - after my part time cleaner leave. Dr says that she will ask me to go on HL 2 weeks prior to my EDD. So weird, she say my EDD is 24th Dec but when I went for my scan, the EDD is 18th Dec. So dunno which is which.. sigh!! Dr insisted that i must take at least 2 weeks rest even though I am still energetic - well, mabbe work from home then. Kekeke

I went to Robinsons to fully utilise the 25% discount voucher and $50 Kids Voucher. Bought 3 packet of cotton disposable undies, baby bag, small Avent bottle, some leather goods..total damage $400 but got $100 discount, only paid $300. Worth it lar..

2 days expenditure alr more than $2k (i sign up some facial package with Leonard Drake yesterday)..hahaha. Next mth onwards, hv to spend less liao.

Echo, Jo, got spree for medela breast pump?? Robinsons selling at $700plus leh..expensive!! Mabbe I will consider getting Ameda though they dun stimulate let down like Medela does. How how how?
emerald....which doc you seeing?which hospital?

my gynae wants me to work till i deliver...but i feel tired to wake up in the morning going to work...so have applied for ML already..starting next 17nov...as i might delvier earlier than my EDD 17 dec
Hi ladies,
just finally managed to log in.. been busy at work.

I didn't kpo cos the ear like healing already lei.. But the rashes still look quite bad and she kept self-consciously touching her neck.

I managed to get new clothes!!!!!!!! yippee!!

Baby clothing,
Personally i think 2 pc better cos easier to get them in/out of it, especially during first few hours/days. I'm bringing along a top, bottom, hat, receiving blankie, mitten/socks for baby. Haven't packed anything yet though :/
any1 knows the dates of the next IT fair or PC show coming? my portable harddisk can't function liao. wondering should wait and squeeze with the crowd to get one. (haiz, by then i should be v heavy n round)

(edit) i got the answer liao http://www.sitex.com.sg/
expo v far for me, i doubt i will go there. :-(
ivy, my gynae is Dr. Yvonne Soong at TMC. She usually ask me to rest and rest and rest..hahaha, mabbe cos the nature of my job that is full of stress. I told her taking 2 weeks off is like 'what for?? i will be so bored at home all alone..' then she said, u need to rest and get ready.. then hb also agree say i must rest!

Oh yes, my baby is 1.7kg at 31weeks..not bad. Growing well..keke
yeah..i was on AL today to teach my nieces and nephew for their coming exams..and this afternoon..i went to CK and saw some button kitty printed pj..and i bought 2 sets..finally one item down..once i wash it , i will pack them into the bag..how many pj do we need to bring to the hospital?
Hi all,

sorry to interupt. I have a brand new Medela Pump-In-Style Advanced 2008 (Shoulder Bag) to let go at s$420. Box is still unopened.

Interested parties, pls PM me or contact me at [email protected]. Thanks
I didn't get my pump from a spree but bought from a shop in Paragon. They directly import from US, so it's cheaper than Robinsons, who get it from local distributor. I got my PISA backpack for $599, inclusive of local warranty and a local adaptor.

The shop name is called First Few Years and they are located on the 5th floor of Paragon. I think they also have a branch in KKH? You can google for their website and contact info.
hahaa ya baby so cute. still got blowing bubbles de.. and the tongue sticking out. cute lar.. hehe.
Haha..yeah, he's been very good boy this morning but i guess he grew restless when waiting too long for our turn to the scan. At one point he opened his eyes but din post the video up - too short.

Echo, I noe FFY selling it cheaper. They show u a demo??
My EDD 20 Dec, looks like small chance of meetin you at Mt A.....

I no FBI card lei.. giving birth in Mt A, so the nurses say no pt getting the card....

How come your doc ask you to go on HL for 2 weeks?
Echo: Aiya, you should have told me then i can lend you my VIP card for FFY so you can get a little bit more discount for your pump!

AdelChia: Heh, unless i'm overdue & your baby decides to come out early! Haha...

Llig: I still don't know if i should pack 2 piece or romper for Preston...maybe will pack BOTH. After all, they do take up very little space.

Emeraldbride: Wow, thanks for sharing the video!

Are you still going for facials? I miss them cos i have stopped going since i was 5 months preg. Couldn't lie down comfortably for long. I also spent a fair bit today so i must be more watchful of my shopping expenses until the next payday.

Oh ya, i bought my bedroom slippers today!!! I went to Muji & chanced upon them. They were folded up in a drawstring pouch & quite cute.
Not the super thick type of bedroom slippers but thicker than those FOC type usually found in hotels.

yeah, pack both so u have a choice
Some people like me prefer rompers (Although I have pants/tops for baby too) but some like llig, prefer tops and bottoms .. bring both so you can see which you're comfortable with ..
emerald bride...have you book your gynae for your delivery? how much is the deposit needed in TMC..including the nursery and after medisave?thinking if i should change to tmc cause the price in KKH have increase...advice needed!

those that i already PM me regarding the hair cut i have already replied....waiting for you gals to reply!!free hair cut for long hair non rebonded/perm..PM for more details...thanks!
Morning everyone...

Am feeling tired & grouchy today. My hubby's snoring kept me awake since 4.30am. Argh!

Wishing everyone a good Tues ahead!

I couldn't sleep too till 4 plus !! My hubby has a really bad cough .. kept waking me up .. I was soooooo tempted to smother him with my pillow .. hahahaha ...
my d&d tml...and i already no money to spend le...haha...will wearing a black yoga pants with brown flare top with birkenstock be too shabby..??

feel so lazy to dress...
Good Morning all.
I'm feeling sleepy too. *yawn*

Had a full blood count done yday cos of my giddy spells..damn annoying cos i can sometimes feel the room spin even when i lie down. haiz.. Doc thinks that its the balancing thingy in the ears and that i might have an ear infection so to rule out anemia, did the blood test. Results on Thu..
Morning ladies
Felt so tired today.

I'm getting really annoyed with my MIL now. Ever since my HB told her that baby may be induced, she has been going non stop in telling me that Induced Birth are extremely painful etc. This has been going on on daily basis and i'm just holding myself for that little longer before I snapped at her.

Long black dress for dnd sounds nice.. will be flattering... =)

But sometimes the maternity ones can be quite expensive.. If you can still wear normal maxi dresses.. will be cheaper.. Like hula&co selling dresses for about $50... then can still wear when trying to lose weight after giving birth...

Ivy... If have ballet flats... then wear that one cos birkins a little bit too shabby.. even those with sparkles...
The staff at FFY wouldn't give me a demo of the breastpump until after I'd bought the set. But once I'd paid, she opened up the box and showed me how to assemble and use the pump.

Thanks for your offer of the VIP card! So sweet of you
Anyway, now I also have the card. So if any other mummies want to buy stuff from FFY, can just let me know
My hb did tat once... I gave his pillow a small tug then he shifted position n stopped. :p I tried it many times on my granny n it works! Usually pple snore more when they sleep on the back + they hv sinus (blocked air ducts)!

My co D&D seldom pple dress up. U can wear what u usually wear to work lor. Put a nice shawl (with sequins) if u hv. Some "perk-me-up" make up (i.e. shimmery make up) n u'll be ready to ROCK!
For additional WOW, u can go do ur hair lah...

Yes. The FIB card is essentially useless unless u take up all the disc which the card offers (e.g. signing up with cordlife,etc).
Plus u go Mt A rite? (no rm disc...) Btw, u harvesting ur bb's cordblood for private storage or donating?

Induced labour tend to be more painful... My fren had done both natural and induced (both without epidural). She said she nearly want to die for the induced birth... was sooo desperate that she wanted to get an epidural but it was too late... she was almost fully dilated!!... But with epidural shouldn't be a problem!!

for my last delivery, I was induced .. but nothing happened (lol) .. suffered for nothing almost the whole nite - my cervix remained closed. Early the next morning, the effects of the induced labour wore off and I was able to ear breakfast happily. Quite pissed I went thru the contractions for NOTHING.

After breakfast, my contractions came on naturally and my water broke .. and shortly thereafter, I gave birth.

So u never know, the induction might not work for you if it's not meant to be.
hmmmm ... it was about the same for me, the pain I mean. Just that it kinda dragged because there was no progression of my labour.

I think it tends to feel more painful for most people cos it's chemically induced and therefore more intense? sounds logical.
