(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I heard that capella one hor the wheels are not good, My uncle use not even 1 year, spoil liao. lolx

btw is combi is the lightest? and the better ones? cus i saw like a lot of review its very good. very easy to close like using one hand?! and i even saw a review that a mummy who is using HAENIM BABY 3 wheel Stroller(which im aiming) is swtiching another brand cus they say is too heavy and wanted a light one. Hmmm If its super good maybe i will look for more info and see which kind of model i would wan. or any recommend on the model for combi?

YPG whats the weight of ya combi stroller ah?

Sam..actually, I secretly believe my gynae is only trying to reassure me leh. 1.7kg at 32 weeks is like a bit small compared to everybody else. He knows I'm paranoid and will obsessively pester him on increasing baby's weight. Today, he almost looked regretful when he let slip that my placenta was aging. "Normal! Very very normal one at third trimester! It's only a few spots! See??!"

[ETA] Hmm..I went to search on aging placenta. Now I really cannot sleep liao.
Hi Spaghetti,

When i went for my 32wks3days check up ytday, i was tld baby's weight at @1.8kg. gynae said normal. When at 28wks3days was 1.4kg.. so its almost like 100gram a week.

Hi Fabbie,
really ah.. maybe cos i hardly use the stroller so didnt wear it out tat much. The problem i hve with the wheels now is tat must align them properly before closing so as to be able to drag it.
Can't sleep due to itchy rashes. So sad to see my polka dot skin on arms & legs, and I look like a freak! I think I'm going crazy with the itchiness..
morning ladies
gg for my 3D scan in a while n taking half dae off to do shopping. hehe. wana relax. =p

it will b based on room availability.den hav to go for another financial counselling.

u're fast sia. i still slowly everydae put one item inside. lolx.

don wori abt baby's wt. my elder boi was 1.7kg at 33wks. when gave birth at 37wks, he wt 2.7kg. =)
G'morning !!


I have already pre-booked in Mt. E (they should have the same policy as they belong to Parkway Health Group). The clinic nurse passed me some forms at my 20th wk check-up to fill up and I have to give it to the regristration counter...Dun have to pay anything yet.. Just give them your credit card no.. But yesterday, at Mt. E ante natal class, the nurse told us that we should be given a pre-admission form soon (ard 31-33wks). Can check with the clinic nurses...

Gals, at this point of time, I dun think u all should be worrying about the bb's weight.. Already, 2/3 of the pregnancy is over.. So long as u are feeding urself well.. let nature take its course.. if bb's weight stagnates or on the lower side.. u shld trust ur gynae to do the right thing for u and ur bb.. I think once u selected ur gynae, u oughta trust him/her.. =) dun compare with other women and their bb.. just like how we all come in different sizes and shapes.. our babies are unique little beings!! =)
Morning everyone!

Spaghetti: I have filled up the pre-admission form at Mt A when i went for the hosp tour. I handed it back to the counter personally. That's all you need to do.

Then upon admission (when bb is ready to pop!), you pay 50% deposit. Btw...if you have DBS/POSB credit or debit cards, there is 5% discount for certain wards.

Gerry: I agree with you. Each of us has a unique body physique so a "small" baby may be considered "ok or big" for some of us. As long as the baby is healthy...i'm sure that our gynaes are doing their best to monitor us too!

Fabbie: What's your budget for a stroller?

Reddates: How many weeks are you? I have not packed anything yet! Haha...though i think i can start slowly. Maybe put in one item a day? :p

iemiko: Where are you doing your 3D scan? Btw...have you received my payment for the Dale binder?

Llig: I'm scared i'll need c-sec or episiotomy cos my gynae said my boy's head is big! Really hope my cervix can dilate fully...must pray hard.

mum2ndx: How bout a weekend getaway to Sentosa? They have a few new hotels/resorts open e.g. Amara Sanctuary & Siloso Beach Resort etc. I'm not sure whether you'll be allowed on the ferry even to Bintan or Batam. But check first ok? If you can, go ahead & enjoy yourself.

Hmm..dunno rem who asked about quinny Zapp, I'm using tat for my boy, for my Girl , have bought a Maxi cosi which can be fixed to the Zapp frame. I like quinny zapp coz can save alot of space, but not easy to open , train a nos of times b4 I can open it.


I'm 32 weeks now, roughly know wat I 1 2 pack, I've got the front button PJ skirt from my last birth liao, bought it at pasar malam, quite cheap and nice 1. For Mt A , any auto upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder? The 5 % discount applicable to what type of wards? For TMC, my gynae have the "benefits", dunno abt MT A.

Massage Lady,

I haven booked oso.

Short Trip,

I've asked my HB 1 2 go Batam/Bintam etc..he says no, mayb will go Sentosa for my "Last Trip" b4 the 2nd 1 pop out, if not have to wait 4 at least 12 mths later b4 we can travel.

Combi's gd point is light, I think Capella is heavier. Combi can opened with 1 hand, suitable for me since i very clumsy type. Also, I love the pink colour stroller, http://www.taising.com/Combi/CombiTM359.jpg

I bought combi TM359 from BB Kingdom at Kaki Bukit for $220 since I also bought the 4-in-1 cot from them so slightly cheaper than Kiddy Palace. It is about 4.9kg heavy. I din buy the Combi Miracle Turn cause too expensive.

Another super good light weight stroller that I have considered b4 is Aprica, but the price is not super good leh. On average it cost around $5/600.

Actually dun have to rush to buy stroller. Mine is still collecting dust at my house. That time I buy cause the lady keep saying price is getting higher. So I buy 1st. Cause BB head too fragile to be put into the stroller till they are 2 to 3 months old. Unless u buy those that BB can lie down totally type. Hence by then, u should have finished ur confinement. U can then bring ur BB to try out the stroller that u r more comfortable with.
Morning Ladies

Wah the thread move so quickly!

I was swamped with worked yesterday and i think today is going to be the same :S

Weight issues
Hahaha, for me my concern is my own weight gain as we can't really control the weight for our baby. I'm crossing my fingers that my weight can be maintained as it is now so that overall I only gained 8kg for the entire pregnancy :p

You are such a lucky girl to have gone through 3 natural birth so far without episiomtomy and I'm sure you won't be having it this round since you're already so seasoned in stretching! haha. I wish i can be like you and really hoping!

One thing I'm still puzzled is that when I mentioned to my gynae about my preference for no episiotomy unless absolutely necessary, she said "lets see if you hv any water retention later, if so you'll need episiotomy". I'm still trying to link water retention to episiotomy which seems totally unrelated issues to me ...hmmm Anyone can share some light?
spaghetti, ageing of placenta is quite common nowadays. I have 2 friends which also have such problem, one is more serious when the water level nearly dries up which she has to go for c-sect at 37weeks!! The other fren, her's was a natural birth. According to gynae, ageing placenta and calcium deposits are caused by stress during 2nd trimester so it is very impt to manage stress esp in our work and nowadays it is quite difficult not to hv stress at work but juz keep ourself light hearted, at times, joke abit, go shopping, go mani pedi..go facial (like me!!) hahaha

I also worry abt having epi!! I think my gynae sure cut one lor.. she alr said, must cut.. no compromise..i wil hv to ask her again on Monday.

Last nite i had such funny dream, dreamt that I brought my baby out for dinner with my family back in Malaysia and was in my dad's car. All the sudden he poop and it was all over me and on my dad's car seat!! And worse, my dad bought the car recently only..hahaha!! Today must ask him to buy 4D liao. Then another dream abt me using Pupsik sling to carry baby and he loves it so much..wahahah, weird but happy dreams.
oh.. but yours the handle cannot move to the front hor? cus i have a 200 dollar vochure on jurong point. and kiddy palace can use. and its due date till 25 nov 08(which is my due date) -___- So im thinking to buy a stroller in kiddy palace. Wah. so fan duno which to buy. also scare another thing is when baby is big maybe combi is not suitable already?

I duno whats my buget leh. i have a 200 dollar vochuer in kiddypalace thinking what to buy, cus im thinking buying a stroller there using vouchuer seems like not bad lor.

ya, that's the thing I always worry about when I deliver ... tearing or the gynae having to cut .. really praying that my luck will hold out this one last time !! ..

So far, every single time I've given birth, the first thing I ask is not "how's the baby?" but "did I tear?" ... hahahahaha ...

the handle being reversible is not really a big deal .. with brands like Combi etc, it becomes awkward to manouver the stroller when you reverse the handle cos the rotating wheels are now at the back ... UNLESS you get a Quinny Zapp or Buzz where the seat is the reversible and not the handle ...

For those of you who have Combis etc .. have they improved that or is it still the same?
sam.. when i fit the maxi cosi on the quinny frame, i tot baby will face me.. u mean can reverse the seat and let baby face outside?

Combi got reversible handle type but slightly more costly. sam, now Combi got Miracle Turn, said to be better. But I dunno yet. Din hear much comments about it. My stroller cant be used for long. Perhaps when my BB is 2 or 3, got to retire it. But I hope to train my BB to walk herself rather than keep on sitting in the stroller. My uncle's BB quite weird. Never like stroller since young. He like ppl to carry, when he is older and can walk, he prefer walk on his own. He never sleep when we go jalan jalan. He want to enjoy lor. So it really depends on the BB.

Now super stressed up. Mum insists on getting another steriliser cause my Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser got brownish water. Called Pigeon up, they say it is normal. Mum not convinced. Ask me called my younger brother who just had a BB gal this jun. My bro said he bought same model. Mum not convinced also. Insist I got another 1. Luckily it is Pigeon also so now got to go down Pigeon to check my steriliser and to get another 1. Sighs... I thought I am supposed to be in confinement. Why she keep asking me to go out?
eh.. i think aussino is not 7 pc.. this one comes with pillow and bloster.. so the extra 2 pcs..

me not getting la.. just post for fun.. keke..
no worries. I still hv a cordial rs w my in-laws. Jus letting out some steam sometimes when things dun seem to go the way we wish it will! :p But so far they are nice pple other than the nagging n the "saving money" (which I agree is important) part lah.

I think ur gynae is trying to reassure u in case u feel stress. From wat Emeraldbride say, stress has consequences on ur placenta... then bcom vicious cycle. Dun worry so much ok? Stay happy n relax when u can (go East Coast 2 walk walk)!

Looks like I can add another qn for my gynae tmr...

Water retention & epi is related? Oooh... first time hear leh... :p Mayb I will ask my gynae abt me not doing epi (see what he says)...

That is good. Anyway, problem with my FIL is quite complicated. He dun treat my HB well since young so his attitude towards us a bit weird. But I am quite relaxed. Just shut my ears when he start his nagging.

Now I am more stressed by my own mum. Haha...
fabbie..i bought the capella S705 i think....it is like the Combi miracle turn...all 4 wheels are rotating and have reversible handle...

i bought capella because it is more firm....feel that combi light weight is good but when baby grows bigger it seems to be very flimsy...unstable.

Phyl....did irene reply you?
Aussino got la. It's the "Disney" range. Pooh + Humphrey (the little elephant) and the set is pink col oni. I bought e 6 pc Disney Mickey/Minnie bedding set at $63.90 (aft 20% disc) sometime back. The Pooh one oso cost the same with the same disc(but din like cos Pooh din look like Pooh la).

Pooh set (fr spree) v nice! But $75 is pricey compared with e Disney I got fr Aussino. The Spree one gives 1 more bolster (which I feel is useless cos can't use for nb).
not big deal meh? for the handle being reversible? cus i could push push baby and baby looking at me. HAhah jialet i hope to look for the handle can push to the front.. light weigth and long lasting. Hmmm

I went to kiddy palace tested the miracle turn. is just that the 4 wheels everything can turn lor. thats all. but is 600+ normals one i think is abt 300 + or 400+ nia. Btw. YPG your combi can push handly infront too?! or old model de?

why your pigeon steam steriliser got brownish water? is it inside rusty or?

Thanks got the info ^___^

you also havent buy stroller yet ah? Im thinking of the Haenim baby stroller leh. 3 wheel de. but then i still cannot forget abt combi's handle can push infront! lolx

Eh beside combi got push hand infront still got which other brands? i know Bugaboo Bee stroller alsoo does. but is damn expensive! lolx
Jowin, yr co so nice to preggy. Jus had fire drill on Tue, and those preggy are involved too.

Snowger, can get other nursery items if u havent buy. I am still waiting for the card to be mailed to me.

emeraldbride, can only spend max of $200 if u using the 25% disc.
Fabbie: Using your vouchers is a good idea! I'm using my Kiddy Palace vouchers to buy the Babysafe mattress.

Snowger: Ya lor so sad that i can't buy the Aussino disney set. All pinkish & girly!!!

Emeraldbride: You buy the stroller that you're most comfortable with! Doesn't matter if the rest bought Combi/Capella...for me, i bought Inglesina!

Luthadel: Only 8kg?!? I'm sooo envious!!! I have put on about 7.5kg so far...my target is to keep my weight gain within 10kg for the entire pregnancy.
snowger, yup aussino sells disney bedding set but dun think they have these designs rite? i remember selling these designs at kiddy palace and they are selling at $100+. i also bought the 6pc disney mickey bedding set from aussino
Can I ask the mummies who hv given birth at TMC,Mt A before: What do you wear when u are at the delivery suite (i.e. when u are going to pop)? your own PJ or the hospital one?

Me havent buy my PJ... Dunno shld get the "dress" type or the top n "pants" type...
still no more stock. btw, wat size u wan ah? coz if i din remember wrongly, u din state which how many panel or size wor. let mi know k. so when got stock i can buy straight away. =)

ladies, d 7 bedder pooh set is cheap. i got 2 sets at home. hehe. tinking of gettin one more. =p

depends on wat kind of pj u comfortable in. i prefer top n pants kind so when bf, juz lift up top instead of whole dress.
Snowger: For me, i bought nightdress with buttons so that i can bf easily. I'm scared the lochia will stain my PJ so i bought nightdresses so i can sit directly on the mattress pad/protector instead of my PJ.

I bought mine from Robinsons warehouse sale (sleeveless, no buttons but v-neck, low cut) & Mothercare (sleeveless with buttons).

iemiko: I didn't receive your email...
Snowger, I wore open button type pyjamas for easy breastfeeding. I prefer those top and pants type. I bought from John Little. Karmy brand. But design not so nice. Material is gd and soft.
iemik0, i wan M size 4-panel. let me know if got stock ok? then i transfer the $ to u.

the bedding set is cheap rite? i also thinking to buy leh. so far i got 2 sets liao.

i bought Karmy brand 2 pc PJ, the material is soft. design still ok, i bought stripes design.
actually i got those top (with bottons)n pants (one set type) at home. Dunno if will look wierd or not leh... :p

sounds like a good reason to buy dress. :p Stain the hospital bed, dun stain ur own PJ! ur robinson one sounds super sexy leh. Got brand?

I noe liao... mayb buy my pjs from robinson! *haha*
Snowger: The ones i bought from Robinsons warehouse sale is from Karmy brand. Looks nice! Don't look like PJs at all...my MIL thought it's those super casual sun-dress.

A bit sexy...cos very low cut! haha...

Mimi & 2nd baby: Yep...Karmy has nice soft material! I started wearing one of my Karmy nightdresses liao. Haha...
fabbie, what I meant is .. you have to ensure that the stroller has 4 rotating wheels instead of the usual 2 if it does have a reversible handle .. or else it's very difficult to manouever .. Cos most of the strollers that claim to have reversible handle (so that baby can face you) only have 2 rotating wheels ..

Since the gals have enlightened me that the Capella S705 and the Combi Miracle Turn have 4 rotating wheels .. I think it's worth it to give those models a look if you want the handle to be reversible.

The only thing is that you only use that function for a short while la .. once the baby is bigger, they also dowan to face you ... they'd rather look at what's around them .. lol.

phyl, I have the Quinny Buzz .. for mine, the seat can be taken out and reversed to face me .. I haven't tried it with the Maxi Cosi yet .. haven't gotten around to buying one yet. I'm not sure about the Zapp though. I know the seat only faces front for that ... I don't know about when you put a Maxi Cosi on it ... hmmmmm.
Fabbie...for the miracle turn there is 2 prices one is 698 the other is 498....they are the same just that the one that is more ex have a shoulder support and the cushion is fully breathable i think,other then that the functions are the same.if you wan light weight it will be combi....if not then take capella s705 function the same...heavier.8.9kg i think...but can one hand close and open suitable from birth till 3+

Just use your dishwashing sponge and scrub at the heating element ... the layer will come off and the water won't be brown anymore .. that's what I did. Of u can use vinegar and switch on the sterillzer to "loosen" the layer first then use your sponge to sctub off the rest.

Ya, your mom is a bit errr overcautious .. the brown water won't affect the bottles .. it doesn't come into contact with the bottles being sterillzed .. it's the STEAM that sterillizes the bottles and teats.

ladies out there!!
Thanks for the suggestion!!! Still feel sad abt not been able to go for cruise. actually we were planning for a holiday begining of the year for just 3 of us but then this 2nd one came in. haha... spoilt our plan..
snowger, i hv things to collect fr u also rite? Hahaha.. now onie remember.

Actually i dun intend to buy a stroller at initial stage cos will wanna use the sling for first 3 mths..and subsequently he will be going to infant care, so there is no urgent need of a stroller unless weekend i bring him out shopping lar..hahaha
FREE haircut for long hair no rebond or perm by toni and guy trainee...my friend...she need model....some of us here already went for it.so far so good....anyone still interested or have friends...just let me know...PM k,thanks
keke..i went for the free haircut by ivy's friend ...not bad lah..

Ivy, ur stretchmark really freak me...i am applying the stretchmark now..
btw u look v young leh..how old are u?
