(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Just had strawberry milk shake fr MOS burger (*Slurpz*). Shiok on a Friday manz... :p

Wah Karmy seems like the choice! Got to check it out...

free? ooooh... me! me! I wan! When?

Ya lor... Need to pass u the loot... so far all the gals collected liao... :p

Which hospital u deliver at?

Me and my sister went for the free haircut too

Nice and interesting.. didn't know cut hair also so technical.

snowger, sent you my pic already. hope can spot u tmr. that pic taken beginning of this year.
hi all,

long time never come in here, dunno why out of sudden i did not receive any email notification for this thread...

hmm, maybe i'll introduce myself again...
i'm now into my 32wks, 2nd pregnancy, bb currently weight 2.1kg & my gyane said is above average wor, but i see a lot of ur bb also around the same weight rite?

hi ivy tan,

i'm interested in that free haircut ler, how to go about? hehe, can share?
Hi all,

Sorry that I just pop in once in a while. Sometimes work can get quite crazy, so really no time to keep up with the rest of you in terms of posts.

Just a short introduction....this is my 2nd pregnancy, also about 32 weeks. My bb boy weighed 2kg the last time I scanned, which is slightly above the average of 1.9kg, but it's quite alright.

For PJs, I personally prefer to wear the button-through dress type during the first week or so, as it can be quite difficult to get into pants with the episiotomy. After the initial period, the pants type of PJ would be more convenient. Button through types are good for BFing. I also bought Kamry brand of PJs, as well as some other brands

Thanks for your advice. But knowing my mum's character, I better drag my confinement body to go buy another sterilizer. I dun want to upset her, she already tired out from taking care of my BB and nursing a cough now. Besides can use this opportunity to jalan jalan with my HB.


ladies, i used to think massage dun work. But now I change my mind. I lose 4 kg after just 3 days of massage. I can wear my CNY 旗袍(cheongsam) already. So happy. My massage lady charge $300 only for 5 1&1/2 hr session. She is really good. Even lend me her hot stone to ease my breast engorgement. It improve my milk flow also. I am not related to her but she is so good that I cant help recommending her. She got 5 kids herself so she gives me alot of advice on taking care of children too. I really enjoy the massage. Feel sad that my massage will end next Monday. Perhaps I will ask her if she can massage me on a monthly basis.


It is indeed difficult to choose a stroller. Every stroller got pros and cons. Combi is light. But because it is light, it is not so sturdy as compared to brands like McClaren. Capella price is affordable but weight slightly on the heavy side. So best u think how often u will be using the stroller, who will be using this stroller and the purpose of using this stroller, out for shopping or everywhere b4 u decide.
ok....will wait for your msg....others that are interested also remember to PM me....as my friend need lots of model...so looking for her. if u have friends that want to have the free hair cut just also let me know...it is totally free...!!!

ypg can i have the contact details of your msg lady?PM me...thanks...does the price include wraps and does she teach you baby msg?where is she from?
hi ypg,

can i hav the contact of ur massage lady as well?

i used to hav one last time when i gave birth to my 1st child but i find her so so only so dun think i wan to go back to her...
jess...what time are you ok with?i am leaving now le...wait for your msg.

see you gers at night...going to see my bb....

Phyl...did irene chua reply?you need me to ask her?
hi ivy,

i'm ok with anytime, juz that hav to wait until the week after coz my hubby not in town for whole next week, anyway i will sms u again later...

My stroller cant push to the front. But I agree with wat sam mentioned. When BB is older, she dun want to look at us liao. So actually dun need those push to the front type. Also, I worry if I see BB face when walking, I will be too busy making face with her that I will have "accident". Hehe... Bumping into pillar or other ppl.


I am so happy to intro u a good massage lady. But I dunno how to PM yet. Can teach me?
ypg - To PM, scroll to top, locate "edit profile" or "profile", log in, look for heading
"Preferences", uncheck "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users, then press "save profile changes". Whomever u want to send a PM to, just click on the person's name/link, then locate "Click Here to send a private message"
mimi and jo...

The Great World City M&S having 15% off.. but dunno whether will include nursing bra.. Going to check it out this weekend... I think their bras are super comfortable... =)
hi ladies,

mothercare nursing bra is quite good, very comfy... and if u hav safra card, u can entitle 20% off for maternity lingerie, quite good buy lor
So actually M&S nursing bra is almost the same price as the one i bought at perfect mum yesterday!! I bought one for $59.90 leh, the 3rd one with 50% discount!!

I'm pretty sure the Marks and Sparks bra is probably of slightly better quality than the ones from Perfect Mum though.

Flea market.. my friend says this weekend is too soon cos she hasn't sorted out all her things yet. She wants to know if there's going to be another one planned anytime soon.. Thanks!

I completely forgot about pjs.. I'm a strict tee-shorts gal at home.
Hi ladies,
Been away on course these 2 days so only can log in at nite...

Hospital bag,
i KS la, n also my HB keep reminding me to pack, so i pack lor. Now the bag is collecting dust in my living room.. haha...

I also bought karmy, button front knee length. Easier to breastfeed and can lift up when slping to prevent staining the PJs. Bought mine from JL during the 20% sale.

Mt A package n deposit,
I registered thru the gynae clinic. Then Mt A sent me a pre-admission form to fill in and submit. No payment as yet...

I also bought capella s705..
Anyone knows what is the deposit for TMC??

went for checkup today....weight gain for pas 4 weeks...500g...and baby also increase 500g...now 1.7kg at 31 weeks....baby already turn...head down...phyl...irene can accept you...just call TPS to cancel your appointment with Hendricks and set for Irene...
winnie, fabbie,

I cant send u PM. Seem that u r not able to receive PM.

As for nursing bra, I bought from 010 maternity. Buy 1 get 1 free at $39.00 so super cheap. I get from them cause I am E95, very difficult to buy. M&S got this size but price is like $50 for 1. But this nursing bra got wire, I cant do without underwire cause my breast need support. I being wearing it since my week 16. They say underwire will cause milk flow to clog. So far I am still doing so. Hope can maintain my milk supply.
On epi: read in books & mag that if you massage your "pereinum"(dun know correct spelling) starting from 35 wks with olive oil, u may not need to suffer a "cut".

Fabbie/ Santorini,
i oso very confused on what stroller to get, have been looking around for since i was 3 mths pregnant... hahaha, super KS. till now still can't decide, went from wanting a Peg perego P3, to quinny, then realise quinny zapp cant recline and buzz is super expensive, if i were to get Q. buzz, i rather buy Bugaboo bee..
btw mommies, Metro having 20% which includes pigeon products, just bought cloths diapers. Also bought the pigeon rapid steriliser and food warmer on sale at $129 together.
snowger....PM me your contact details...then i can send you the details...

Free hair cut!!long hair models needed...no rebond or perm for past year.....PM for more details....

anyone knows what is the deposit needed at TMC?and is there any hospital that can use instalment to pay for the delivery package?
sam, exactly my sentiment on the bra!! If perfect mum selling for $59.90, and m&s selling 2 for $99, might as well i get a branded one, right. wasted!!
Bugaboo bee?! WAh lau. so expensive sia!!! i may take the 3 wheel heanim stroller. Looks like is more spacious abit like combi. and its easy to fold with 1 hand on the handle. Hmmm but then i think again i still quite love mamalove the stroller which i saw is 10kg! its very stable and i can put drinks.. but heavy lar.

I was thinking maybe i go out with my gal alone, i will wear a sarong.. Then with my hubbie then i use the heavy stroller lor. What you think? idea anot? or sounds topid? hehe

10kg stroller sound really heavy. My BB less than 3kg. I feel my arms stretching when I hug her for a while onli. So I cant imagine 10kg stroller.

But if your hubby can manage, why not? Go with something that you are most comfortable with. Cause different ppl different preference.

Ur PM on liao? I have not sent u my massage lady contact yet.

Good nite, ladies. I thought me is nite owl cause I am in confinement now. Seems that alot of mummies here also wide awake at such late hour. Enjoy ur weekend! Now I in confinement, weekend or not din matter at all.
Cant't slp liao. Woken up by the noise hb made when he returned frm clubbing at 3am.

Stroller. Alas got a Maclaren XT during the Taka sales last weekend. Fully reclinable suitable for Newborn. Selling for $568 but paid $410 after store discount of 15% and another member's discount of 15%. Actually prefer Quest (3mths to 25kg)ypersonally as I think unlikely to wheel baby out at that tender age and price is cheaper by alot too. If I recall correctly, its $268 after less. Handle wise is fixed for all Maclarens I think. Fabbie, think u go for heavier models only if u intend to use it when u go out with yr hb. Else to manouveur a heavy n not easy to open/close type can be quite tedious.

wah.. din noe still hav ppl wake up in such a early morning too like me... hehe

btw, talking abt the maclaren stroller... when the taka sale ends? i'm so tempted to buy maclaren quest ler but already got capella stroller... is it for member only then can entitle up to such good price?
ya i know. haiz. still thinking here and there. ARghz!! haha wah. i realise you these days cant sleep hor. The timing that you post really soo early...

Someone offer me Garco stroller & carseat 2nd. for 200 bucks duno is it good anot. must find more info. Wah. didnt know looking for a stroller is so mafan. if i know i should start looking for it when i was 1st trimster! lolx oh you can send me anytime on my pm ah.. xie xie

I tried to PM you. But this is the message I got:

Sorry, but the user you have selected does not accept private messages.

Regarding the 2nd hand stroller, my personal preference is to buy a new 1 cause I too lazy to clean it throughly. 1st trimester buy troller a bit too early. Hehe... Actually I think I will only use my Combi stroller later. I now targeting this sleepy wrap introduced by a mummy at Nov2008 thread. It says infant can also use it and can use it to breastfeed in public. SMS the in-charge liao.
fabbie - have helped ypg to test out PM to you. u really don't accept PM eh. To accept PM, scroll to top, locate "edit profile" or "profile", log in, look for heading
"Preferences", uncheck "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users, then press "save profile changes".

llig - well, i don't think my fren's fren have planned for any future bazaar yet, coz they prob want to see this sun response. if i have any news, will let u know.

Ypg & Juz
Sorry! now then i realise haha.. okai. its ON! hehee Sleepy wrap? you mean like a sarong is it?
