(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Morning ladies

Today m on mc. Too tired to work. Kept vomitting also.

Samantha, u very steady, no epi and no tear.

For shoes, I am still wearing heels. But not those hi hi ones. After reading the article, need to remind myself to buy good shoes liao.

Fionna, pls take care.
jowin, i am tired and restless everyday. haha... only energetic if dun need to work.

2ndbaby, rest well at home today. as for shoes, i am going to shop for a pair of comfortable shoes later.
HI mimi
haha... i keep on yawning...munching on some raisins to have some taste in my mouth...nauseas today....
For shoes, i wear Scholl to work everyday. Its quite comfy but the sandals really got the aunty look. But i still got to wear as i torn my leg ligament 6 mths ago, still recovering from it now.

Hope my leg can fully recover before my tummy get bigger and heavier. Presently have to stop all the treatments for my sprained leg.
fionna: My deepest sympathy. Don't blame yourself for it. Rest well after your operation & take care of your body. Try again when you feel ready. All the best to you.

I'll like to recommend another book to everyone too -- "New pregnancy & birth book" by Dr. Miriam Stoppard. Lots of pictures inside and information not just about pregnancy but bout easing & relieving pain during birth. I bought it from Popular but i have seen the book on sale at Kino too.

As for shoes, i wear ballet pumps to work and weekends, i wear birkies or flat sandals. So far haven't been wearing any heels.

I'm on mc (since yesterday) till Friday. When i walk or move my right leg, an area between my pelvic bone & tailbone hurts. Doc said i could have injured myself or it's just hormones. He gave me a cream to apply...i told him i don't want to take medication. Sigh...

Sam: You're my new idol! No epidural or tears! Wow, your gynae is really skilful. *salutes* You'll be an inspiration to me.

I'm going for a facial later. Can we go for facials as our tummies grow bigger? Right now, i'm still quite comfortable lying on my back but when our tummies grow bigger, how to go for facial?
Hi Pris, I have this pelvic pain during my 2nd tri also. Gynae gave me one wk mc. Whenever I walked, its so painful. Even on bed, turing to left or right side hurts too.
fiona, pls take care ! rest well n try again when u are ready !

i stil wear but low heel ..
my tummy start to show liao.. but i think is fat leh .. hehe

my mgr dunno yet abt my #3 pregnancy, don't knw hw to tell him.. as i just completed my 8 week maternity leave for #2 n return work in march. if tell him that im going maternity leave again in dec/jan.. dunno what is his reaction sial

u all inform office already?
My gyane told me, no facial, no hair treatment (eg dye, hightlight, steaming, perming etc) thoughout the whole pregnancy. Cos u never know what chemicals are inside the products they use on you.

I've not been going for my facial appointment ever since my wedding last year Oct, too lazy to go, keke.
Hi Fiona
pls take care of yourself.

Hi Yunbb,
who will be looking after your children? I'm having headache coz my 1st child and soon to arrive baby will be 1 year apart.
HI lavendary
OH.. me too tore my right leg ligament last April & casted up for nearly 3 weeks..wore flats shoes for many months until Nov and so happy to wear my heels again.. Dec realise pregnant and have to wear flats again....haha!!

Hi Yun
oh.. so fast tummy showing?
Hi all, me went for my gynae appt yesterday. Baby is 8 weeks. My EDD will be 15 Dec. Seems like my hubby already decided will stick to Dr Tseng at TMC.
Was asked by Dr if want to take oscar or not. But I sign up for the FBI liaos, so will most prob go for it...

Fiona, take care!
Hi Snowy
any promotions for FBI? i heard my friend subscribe last time, they offer them discount for the FBI card.. not sure about now..
Hi everyone,
M new to thread. Gynae confirmed my pregnancy to be twins b4 labour day. Me and hubby ecstatic as we thought we won't have any children after marrying for close to 4 yrs.

The 1st is 8 wks+ and the other 7 wks+. EDD is 15 and 21 Dec respectively...tho we believe they will both come out earlier.

anyone with Raffles Hospital? Hope worth it...too expensive?
Hi everyone,
I went for my second gynae visit today and I was so happy to see that my baby has grown! At 7W, he was just 9mm but now, at 10W, he is already 3.3cm! I was a bit worried because I've been eating normally and not throwing up, but haven't really put on weight. It was so happy for me to see my baby moving and kicking on the ultrasound. The feeling was so magical!

Today my gynae also asked me about the Oscar test, but we told her that we didn't want to do it. Whatever the result is, we will still keep the baby. So feel that it's not really necessary to know.

Just wanted to share this with everyone. Hope all mummies here have a smooth journey till the end of the first trimester!
HI Lynn ... congrats on expecting twins! .. I have been wishing for twins since my 1st pregnancy but no luck .. now it's my 4th and still not twins .. lol. How lucky for you and hubby!

lavendery, my gynae also told me that I better not dye my hair etc. but I have LOTS OF WHITE HAIR .. how to tahan not dyeing for so long? So I usually wait till after the first trimester then I do it. It's been ok for me for the last few rpegnancies. I read online that it's ok so I'm doing it ..

We may be pregnant but I think we should try our best to look good.

I am new to motherhood and currently am 5-6wks pregnant... Just then i saw some spotting (some browish/reddish discharge)... Is there anything wrong? Im worried...

Any advise? Thanks heaps...
Hi Lynn,

Raffles Hospital was the one involved in the highly publicised case of the mother dying while giving birth to twins. You might wish to rethink on your choice of hospital.

I did not dye or perm my hair during my No. 1, but went for facials until last trimester. Still got to keep up the maintenance
Emeraldbride: I went for my facial just now...the machine my beautician use is ultra sound machine which is safe for use during pregnancy.
I think you need to check what machine your beautician uses.

lavendery: My beautician uses Dermalogica products which is what i use at home. So i think should be safe.

Smurfygal: I agree with you. Must look like a yummy mummy! Heh...

Samantha: I feel like dyeing my hair too. My roots are showing & i don't think i can tahan until my confinement is over before i go touch up! I'm very vain...and i'll hate my hair to to be so ugly. Really feel very tempted to go dye my hair after my 2nd trimester.

2nd Baby: What did you do to help relieve this pelvic pain? GP gave me a cream to apply only cos he knows i don't want to take meds.

Lynn: Congrats on your twins!

Oh ya, just to share with all of you. I engaged a CL yesterday. I thought i was being kiasu cos at 9 weeks, i want to book one. But the 1st 3 CLs i called were all booked during Dec liao! So quickly. Luckily one more that was recommended by my friend is still available.

Those of you who are thinking of engaging a CL, pls so do quickly!
Hi Lynn, Congrats on your twins!! I recommend KKh to you coz in case of any complications, KKH is better at managing it!

Ladies.. i want to rebond my hair after 1st trimester.. hmm.. i have thick hair and last i rebond was CNY.. my hair is a mess already.. still thinking should or should not.. hehe..

Pris, how much your CL charge since it will be near CNY?
Wow Pris, you certainly move fast to engage your cl. We will start to source once all the test are done
Btw, how much are you paying for CL now? I have absolutely no idea.

If you have cramps or red spotting, the best is to see your gynae asap so that he/she can give you the correct diagnosis. Don't worry just call your gynae.

I also dread my hair colour now but I'm going to hold it until after birth. Don't want to put any possible risk to BB.

I just hit my 11wks and had a scan at 10wks too and saw BB waving & jiggle
You must be thrill to know that your BB is growing well.

I'm having difficulty sleeping these few nights as my back and the back of my hip ache like mad. I even need my HB to help pull me out of bed when I need to go and pee in the middle of the night. Somehow, my aches will start around 5pm. Anyone with similar symptoms?

2 more wks to go before I hit my 2nd trimester and that means I can finally go for pre-natal MASSAGE !!!!! Yipppeeeee!!!
Luthadel: ^5! This the EXACT SAME type of pain/ache i'm experiencing! It gets worse as the day progresses. GP told me to maintain good posture & it's probably due to our hormones. Get your hubby to rub that area with a cream.

I wanna go for pre-natal massage too. Where are you going?

I'm being kiasu cos i heard that Dec is a hot month and many CLs will get booked early. True to what my friend told me, i called 3 times before i finally managed to get one. Sooo scary! Was very worried cannot get a CL.

Phylicia: My CL charge me $1.9K...stay over at my place 28 days. Are you getting a CL?
hi all... i jz had my first visit to the gynae at kkh on 6 may, and am confirmed to be abt 6 weeks preg ;)

next appt is 2 weeks later.

i'm reading the posts only today... sorry hor, quite busy at work and knowing how fast these preg threads run, i wont be able to catch up.

but dont forgetme!!!

cheeky monkey!
Hi MTBs! One more day to weekend. Yooohoooo! ^^

LuthAdel and Pris, I also get the backaches and hipaches. They usually go away in the morning and come back in the evenings.

Wow Lynn...twins! Congrats!

I'm exploring the idea of going without a CL... heard so many scary stories about maids and CLs. Hopefully the confinement food catering will suffice? Hubby said he'll take two weeks off to help out after delivery. And maybe we'll get a part-time maid to help with chores..
Hi Pris, I was advised by gynae to use the tummy band. The pain eventually go off but after quite a no. of wks.

CL. Haven booked yet. Seems like got to find and book CL soon.
Hey Jenrei,

I've been spotting brownish for 1 month already, used to be daily but now its just a few times a week. I'm now 9+ weeks. Best to see your gynae asap, he will give u tabs/jab to stabilise the pregnancy. If its not bright red and if you're not cramping its not too bad, but pls see your dr as soon as you can... any kind of bleeding is scary... I'm still waiting for mine to stop.

My sister's gynae was spotting all the way through to 4 months when she was pregnant, and another friend spotted all the way through the entire pregnancy with all 3 kids. Take care, rest well, lie down when you can, don't tire yourself out. hopefully we'll both stop spotting soon ok?
Hi Lynn,

I would also recommend KKH to you for multiple birth. They are expert at handling multiple birth. Plus they have specialise dept to handle multiple birth.

Bearing in mind that for twins, babies may be born premature. ANd tendancy is weight may be lower than single birth baby. KKH has the best facilities and equipments for premmies.

My sis had a pair of twins and she delivered at KKH. One of her twins had complciation and had to underwent a major op on day 5. It was truly a major one. The op was successful though we all had a fearful night that day.

During the stay at the special care nursery, the NICU, we understand how well equipped and important it is for a hospital to have a icu that has full facilities.

Also, during our chats with mummies there (as my nephew stayed at kkh for close to 3 month), we came to realised that many of the premmies, single or multiple birth ones, were being transferred from other private hospitals to KKH as the former hospital is incapbale of handling emergencies and has to refer the case to KKH.

Hope i havent been too pessimistic. But the case of the mum whom died at raffles hospital after delivering her twins really confirmed my fear.

That why during my last delivery last year, i went ahead and chose KKH. no doubt i must admit that all else are ok except for the soft skills of the nurses.
Hi gals
Morning.. me busy at work n went home, just collapse into my bed.. no time to read n post.. seem many new MTBs

Hi lynn
wow congrats on ur twins..
Morning Ladies,

Hope your are doing great.

Ate quite alot yesterday, keep my fingers crossed.

A big welcome to all the new MTBs and congratz to lynn for expecting twins.
Pris, the market rate for CL is 1.8K.. haha.. maybe coz peak period.. i thinking of doing confinement myself.. maybe cater food.. i dun have M or MIL.. so i also dunno how... also dun know where to put bb after my ML.. haha.. stress..
ladies morning.. ask u all ar, i "accidentally" bought a ham and cheese sandwich from breadtalk but do u think izzit safe to eat it cos i tot i heard from somewhere that preggy cant eat processed food..
So happy and glad that today is Fri. Can rest at home for the next two days

Hi Lynn,
Congrats on your twins. Must take extra care and eat alot more, cos u're eating for three person now

Just wondering, how many scan pics your gyane give u everytime when u go for scanning? KKH only give me 1 pc, can i ask for 2-3 pics (different view, different angle) during each scanning visit?

Are we allow to video record (using handphone) the monitor screen during the scanning process?
Processed foods are not good coz of the sodium and preservatives.. i think that ham and cheese sandwich is ok once a while..
I read that cannot eat mayonise also, cos may contain raw egg, something like that. Sometimes sandwich also come with mayonise as well. So i have to bid farewell to Delifrance and Subway temporary for 10months first.
Congrats on your twin.
Yup, agree with Phylicia, KKH will be a better choice in term of twin birth cos they do have professional Paediatric.

Do take extra extra care
shirely, i think it's ok to eat once in a while.

lavendery, me too. that day i crave for subway but cannot eat. so sad.

lynn, congrats! twins! i also want! haha

btw, is it ok to shift furniture in my house? cos my sis wants to give me a cabinet but hubby say dont know if can move furniture or not. my mum say it's ok if i am not at home.
haha.. you ladies are scaring shirley.. hehe.. subway still can ah.. just choose other sauces except mayo lor.. haha.. i like their honey mustard and chipotle sauce.. i think the "deadly" one is the ramly burger from pasar malams.. super processed with globs of mayo.. haha.. realx ladies..
think can still eat mayo la, but not too much. anyway whenever i eat burgers, esp MOS burger i will remove all the mayo.

people say cannot eat raw food right? wat abt raw tomato, lettuce all these?

btw that day i jus ate sausage bun.
Shirley, just relax. Just cut down can liao. Best is to avoid if possible :p

I also drink peanuts soup although i was strongly advised not to do so as peanuts are not allow. Moderation of everything should be ok

Raw tomato, lettuce, hmm never thought of that. But tomato is under fruits right? All fruits are meant to be taken raw. So should be ok as long as its being washed properly (insecticide). As for lettuce, hmm don't know
Morning ladies

I was told my by gynae not to eat ham or any processed meat as they contain Nitrate (a preservative) which is harmful to the developing BB. So it is best to stay clear of processed meat for now

Pris & Spaghetti
Yup, we have the same aches. Mine also will disappear in the monring and will return around 4pm+ until the next morning. Very annoying.

2nd Baby
Where do you get your tummy band?

As for pre-natal massage, I've not started my sourcing yet as I don't want to get tempted too early. Once I find one, will definitely share

Anyone experience blood in stools? Just now I went to toilet and I saw blood in my stools and it’s quite a lot, so scary, dunno wat happen to my intestine..=(
