(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

ya. dun wan c-sect unless no choice.. hard to slim back in time leh.. =P

Its fated for bb to arrive when they want

Wish ladies tat want a XMas baby...wish come true
Just nice ,2009,26th Jan is CNY... get angbao n full month celebration too!!

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is fine. Recently veri tired easily can slp whole day. In office can easily doze off....so scare my manager scold.
lol. I was born on the 27th of Dec ... let me tell you .. it sucks leh .. not now la .. when I was young .. some people will give me ONE present and say "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Birthday!" ...

I was very sad. lol

Ya, I don't want a c-sect too. I had 3 previous vaginal births .. I hope this last one will be a vaginal birth too!

ya, I am very tired these days too. I really salute all of you who are working. I definitely cannot work if I had nausea.
Good Morning Gals,

Today is such a good weather to sleep. Hope today will be a good day to start work.

I always feel cold at times even there is no aircon. Is this OK?

I thought our temperature is supposed to be slightly higher.
Morning Ladies

funshine, indeed a nice weather to slp. Oh, u feel cold ah. Our temp shd be slighter higher during preg.

samantha, wow, u are a mother of 4 now.
Morning ladies
Wah.. i m super super super tired today.. grabbed a seat on MRT.. dozed off like mad..Seeing such a good weather, i m very tempted to take a day leave for a proper rest...

Samantha.. haha ... tats true, one of my gf's birthday on 25th Dec itself, i always gave her 1 gift only...Guilty liao.. shd buy her 2 in future..
Morn Everyone!

Wow Sam, u r a mother of 3 and 1 more to come.

So tired that I have to work today, have been on leave since last Sat, got to drag myself to work today.
Today sure is a super good weather to have rest.

Now I having terrible headache and feeling very cold even wearing a thick jacket in the office. Dun know can work until end of the day a not.

Samantha - you sure like kids a lot
Morning Ladies.. its going to pour soon here at my office.. keep asking myself why i'm here.. haha.. prob will skive and go off super early today.. din sleep well last nite.

Samantha.. Vaginal births with epidural or not? wooo..
morning! me jus finished mtg, guess today will be a busy day.

this morning really nice weather to rest and 'nua' at home but too bad got to work.

funshine, why not take leave and have a rest today? dun worry abt feeling cold cos i remember i read from somewhere that some woman may feel cold instead of warm during preggie.
dun feel like working. sian.. irritating colleagues in office, everything want to push to me.

phyl, think wearing the right shoes is very important. i need to buy a pair of comfortable non-slip shoes. any to recommend?
i'm wearing Birkies for casual coz i think they are very comfortable. i stop wearing heals so i wear crocs- alice series.. looking for nice flat shoes to wear with formal office wear.. cant seem to find nice comfy shoes..
Ya meeee too… cant buy those wrap shoes cos sure will get blisters on my leg.. but my current sandels is quite slippery and my colleagues advised me to get a comfy pair of shoes.. where to find???? Hiaz…
hush puppies are comfy.. but the design not very nice.. shirley.. i think most impt is that shoes not be slippery.
good morning everyone,

Been MIA for a while. A lot of new members here as well. Dunno some of you will still remember me.

Had my 2nd check-up on Monday and am now 8 weeks. Saw and heard the baby's heartbeat as well. Hahahhaa...cant believe I'm going through this process all over again.

I went to S'pore last week from Thurs - Sun (me from KL) and the heat was terrible. Very hot leh. But we had lots of fun. Managed to bring my girl to Sentosa and Jacob Ballas garden. Due to the hot sun, she is now tan liao. Looks like some japanese kid :p

My EDD still the same - 17 Dec. And me too a dec baby - 15 Dec..maybe will share the same bday???
reddates, funshine and 2ndbaby ... lol. ya it's my 4th .. my hubby and I always planned for 4 .. so 4 lor. I'll be 35 after Christmas .. so lucky my baby will be born just before that ..

Phylicia, all vaginal births .. NO epidural .. NO episiotomy .. (and I didn't tear at all) .. lol. My gynae is very skilful.

jowinbaby .. lol .. that's funny ... I think your friend now probably used to getting ONE gift la .. so should be ok .. I also don't bother now ..
hi all,
im back ! .. had decided to keep the baby ! Finally solved the problem of who taking care of my kids.

Had craving for roti-prada yest and today lunch just eaten ! but i think i ate too much.. almost 2 pcs (egg).. feel like puking now.

jowinbaby, u good leh can eat n lose weight ! .. i think i getting heavier liao for this round.. as no MS yet !
i feel fat now. all my jeans and shorts are so tight, need to unbutton when i sit down. faint.

sam, u are so 'li hai'! *bow*
any of u bought any books to read?

saw the bookstore in T3 having some promotion for parenting books, such as "expect what you are expecting".... dun know if need to do some readings or not
mimi, feel that wateva i read in books i can find it online too.. i bought many books. i have "what to expect when you are expecting" "week by week" the KKH book, some local parenting today book too.. i enjoy reading but online info is more up to date.. by the way.. you are not the only one that feels fat.. haha.. i'm feeling like a baby elephant liao..

Yunbb, welcome back.. MS taboo one.. haha.. say dun have then will come soon.. hope you are luckier than most of us here..
Sam u r damn cool, really salute you. No epidural and no tear, ur gyane super good oso.

Just had my lunch, crave for something sour and spicy, so make myself some thai tung hoon with lime, minced meat etc... yum yum...too bad no tom yum soup to compliment.
Hi mimi
i think it is at $21.90. HB bought it for me.
Yes, we can find the info online also...

wonder wat magazine to buy.. saw some are quite good but can't decide.. Parenthood?

Yun, ohhh, so nice to see u here lor

I am not eating well leh.. although not like initally abit abit hungry but still bloated lor.. until no appetite
thanks guys ..

wa lau, I thought my MS getting better. Today I drove to Causeway to buy something after I picked my daughter up from nursery ... ate Mac breakfast ... after that I nearly threw up walking by the Chinese medical hall ..

When will our suffering end ????!!!!!
samantha: I totally know what you mean! I'm at 10W and thought I was doing okay with my MS. So far was just nausea without much vomitting. But for the last few days, I've been feeling really sick and threw up twice. I thought it supposed to get better as we go along, not get worse?!

mimi: The book I bought was Your Pregnancy Week by Week (http://www.yourpregnancybook.com/) It is written by doctors and I thought it was quite informative and easy to read. It also has some light exercises that we can do. I got it from Kino for about $30, so it wasn't too expensive.

It's true that the internet has more up-to-date information, but sometimes I find that it's just easier to read while lying in bed, than surfing the web. Just my 2c
I also believe morning sickness is a taboo. Shouldn't say one. Earlier on i was reading so much on how u all complained how terrible it was. I was there worried and wondering how come i don't have.

Then in the next few days i got whatever all the symptoms u all mentioned, and its a whole day thing. I even have dizzy spells besides feeling nausea whole day and whole night. It just affecting my work. But i have to put on a brave front despite i kept feeling unwell, cos my colleagues still didn't know about it. Only intend to tell them after first 3mths.

Now that my gyane estimated that my baby is 6 and 1/2 weeks by now, so it also means i still got around 6 weeks to experience the Morning sickness.
Hi all,

I would like to share with you on my personal experience. 6th may is my happiest but also the worst day of my life.

I have went for my first gyne check yesterday and did a scan. It is the happiest moment of my life that I found out my baby was 7+ weeks and have heard its first heartbeat. The greatest pain came when gyne have found it to be ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy out of the womb)... Upon hearing this, my heart broke into shattered pieces of glass. What have I done to deserve this?... My baby was healthy but there was nothing that i could do. I felt so helpless...

I know that it is impossible to keep this baby even risking my life. I was left with no choice but to operate today as my tube might burst anytime and is life threatening for my case.

I sincerely hope that all mummies out there to be strong and enjoy your pregnancy. The most impt thing is to conceive a healthy baby.
Dear Fionna,

I feel so sorry for you and can imagine the anguish of having to decide what to do next. I have a friend who went thru the exact same experience as you last year and she is on her mission to try again.

Please be strong and please do not question yourself. No one deserve such happenings. My prayers are with you.
Dear Fionna,

Yes, please accept our deepest sympathies .. It is definitely every mother's nightmare to be told she has an ectopic pregnancy. Please take care of yourself now and have a good rest.
echo, yes, I'll also be 10 weeks this Friday. I really thought my MS was getting better. Doesn't look like it leh. HAIYAH.

Hi YL .. yes, I think I remember .. now here we are ... expecting in Dec together.
I'm sorry to hear your plight. Kindly accept my greatest sympathy. Please take care, concentrate on recovering and stay strong. Rest well.
fionna-feel sad & sorry to hear that but most imptly now is to take good care of urself okie.. *hugz*..
Oh.. sorry to hear that.. U rest well.. I had a friend who had it too.. But she is pregnant with her #2 now... no worries n take care...

i think my energy is fading off day by day.. Monday, most energetic.. today, super tired n nauseas...Still one more day to endure and recharge on Sat!!!
