(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Enne, for me. I feel so tired now.. jus wanna go back home to slp.

Ya, 2nd tri will be so much better. My 3rd tri also jialat cos felt so bloated and cant eat much too.

hi ladies
morning.. Today i m weak.. Had a small puke in the MRT today.. sigh... cannot sleep last nite till 5am and gonna wake up at 7am to work.. 2 hrs sleep nia...Super sleepy now.....
me too, everyday feel like taking mc but cannot. i already start to yawn since 10.30. no matter how early i sleep i still feel very tired the next day.

for me, most of my colleagues know that i am preggie cos HR too big mouth, go around spread.
Hi Gals,

I'm back from Cameron Highlands, cool weather and fresh air, too bad such a short trip. Even my MS is better over there, nothing serious only tiredness.

Hope u gals r feeling better now, going to visit my gynae next fri, can't wait men.
i am actually planning for a short trip also but where can i go? thinking to go bintan but cannot do any spa or massage.

gals, how ur appts are 2 weeks interval? mine is 3 weeks... so long then can see baby
Jowinbb, 2 hrs slp only ah. Better go back early to rest. Me woke up many times last night also.

Reddates, the weather must be so cooling there. Weather so hot here. Actually planned to go HK this June but cos of the virus going on, think have to change plan liao. Tot of going Genting.
really feel exhasted every day after work.

reddates - woh, how is your visit to Cameron Highlands. Actually I wanted to go there too, but like nothing to do. Where do you stay, you drive there or take coach?
Hi Ladies
I decided to come back to work today but feeling so tired. Just had mild diahorrea too. Maybe I'll go home in the afternoon. Afterall, I was given 2 days MC.

My tummy is not showing but cannot wear my regular pants now. I bought some maternity pants with wide bands so that it can last me till 3rd trimester ...hopefully.

We self drive there, quite nice , I enjoy the trip, the air is so cool and crisp, compare to SG is like heaven there. Even my nausea is like cure over there. Journey is long but we stop as and when we like. There's few beautiful waterfalls on the way up(mind u the way up from the old route quite terok,small and winding), we took another route down but it's much better, scenery is fantastic and the roads are good, but overall I love it up there, visited strawberry farm, flowers plantation etc... will visit again. i've stay in Strawberry park resort apt, quite clean and cosy. I've actually ate alot over there, cool weather make my appetite better, heehee....
Think will plan for another trip , have to go, if not 2nd 1 pop out, very difficult to travel. Have to wait for a few yrs b4 can bring 2 kids overseas. Quite tedious to bring young bbs to travel.
I'm also planning for a trip with my hubby. We had actually booked to go to BKK over the May Day long weekend, but decided to postpone it after I found out I was expecting. Our trip will now be in July, in the 2nd trimester.

Also thinking of doing a non-flying trip in 3rd trimester (maybe Bintan or Sentosa), cos after this will not have chance to travel for long time!
I think I can only go overseas when my boy(now 14mths) and this upcoming one grows bigger... Initially thot to bring my boy go when he ard 2years old.. who knows this little bb came as a surprise.. think can only wait few more years liao.. hee..
mimiz, meilik- only my direct colleagues noe.. i haven told my big boss yet.. and also i share office with another dept. so they dunno la.. well.. still waiting for right time to tell.. my tummy area is bloated so when i wear my normal office wear its super fitting so its bad lor..

reddates- went up to cameron highlands last yr.. its very nice.. love that place.. stayed at strawberry park too.. hehe.. i vomitted on the way down coz the roads too winding..

i think my baby was made on my trip up to see my FIL and MIL in sarawak end mar. haha.. think that will be last holiday for a while.. was exploring going on cruise.. but did that last year already.. love cruises too.. just eat and sleep.. hehe..

jovinbaby & LuthAdel- take care oh.. need to rest well k.. dun push yourself too hard..
Just came back from KKH.

Base from the scanning, baby is around 6 and 1/2 weeks and i also saw the cute little heartbeat also. I thought it should be around 7 weeks+ old as my 1st date of last menses was on 11th March. Doc estimated my date of delivery is 27th Dec, but its just rough estimation.

But my gyane told me to come back 3 weeks later for 2nd scanning, and then the estimate date of delivery will be more accurate. Both my hubby and i are hoping for a X'mas baby
The way up using old route was quite winding, "3 casualties" vomited, haha, but I'm ok, then we decide to take another longer route down, almost to Ipoh, but nice and leisurely drive down, so next time will use the longer route. Strawberry park resort quite nice, service pretty good and quite reasonable rates too.
lavendery, i also want xmas baby.. hehe.. my friend's baby did not want to come out and was over due.. so induced exactly on children's day..

reddates- i took the coach up and down.. up was ok.. coz in the middle of the nite so was sleeping.. hehe.. down was horrible.. my strawberry park room had a HUGE bath room with a BIG tub in the middle of the bath room.. was "swimming" in there every day.. hehe.. its so much better than genting.. less ppl.. more fresh air..
was looking at other threads and exploring Confinement ladies.. but then saw another thread on ladies that did confinement all by themselves.. hmm.. i dun have M and MIL to help.. hubbie will be super busy coz his company peaks for CNY.. dunno should employ maid or wat? hmm.. you ladies have any advice? since my EDD is after mid dec.. so its near CNY dunno those CLs from Malaysia will want to come not.. but got many horror stories of CLs and Maids.. dunno how leh..

yah I agreed, less ppl, cool and fresh air, think my bb oso enjoy it, if not will not eat so much and not much nauseous there.

My bb measure 1.49cm at 7 weeks 6 days on last fri, dunno how big it will grow for my next gynae visit again.
I think our MS is made worse by the recent extremely hot weather. Cameron Highlands sounds very nice .. I've never been there. Here, all we can do is switch on the a/c everywhere. I shudder to look at my next month's power supply bill.
hi samamtha- my house no aircon. but i turn on 2 fans.. one ceiling and one standing... aircon really very energy consuming.. my monthly sp services bill always lesser than $40.. but for your comfort.. its ok to spend a little more..
mimi: Heh, i just ate nissin tom yam cup noodles. Felt hungry even though i had lunch at bout 11.30am.

I'm going to Bintan next weekend.
3D2N trip...have actually booked it before i knew i was pregnant but luckily they refunded me the couple spa fee. Just intend to go there to relax & swim.

Phylicia: If you're required to wear formal attire at work, it might b wise to start investing in a few pairs of maternity pants or work skirts. As for tops...i think should still be able to fit?

Btw, my hubby & i will be employing a confinement lady. I live with my ILs but we have decided to get a CL as my ILs are older & may not have energy to keep up with a newborn.

shirley: How? Did you take the taxi to work today? I read that pregnant women are more prone to fainting spells especially when they stand for too long at a position due to our poorer blood circulation. That's why it's important for the others to give their seats up to pregnant women. But sadly, reality isn't like that.

reddates: Your Cameron trip sounds good!
Glad you enjoyed yourself.

lavendery: Your gynae will calculate how far along you are according to the size of your waterbag.
Hope you'll get your Xmas baby wish.

samantha: It's raining now! Hopefully that hot & dry spell will be over soon. I think my next month's elec bill will be very high too. Sigh.
these few nights i also on the aircon to sleep, the weather is too warm. but my living room no aircon so i got to on 2 fans.

my friend who is doing confinement now so poor thing, weather so hot but cannot on aircon, fan also cannot blow direct.

btw, do u gals still go for friend's baby full mth celebration? my hubby pantang, say cannot go.
The weather in Singapore has been terribly warm in the recent weeks. I usually sleep with just the fan blowing (at the highest speed). Suprisingly,despite my usually high tolerance towards heat (i.e. I dun perspire so easily), woke up one night frustrated cos I was sticky and damn at the neck area. I woke up my hubby to help me turn on the aircon.:p

After that, I told my hubby (who perspire even when it's not really hot) to turn on the aircon if he feels that the night is warm. My hubby would of course be happy- cos I always object to turning on the aircon (remind him that Polar Bears are drowning...)

Do you gals feel your body temp is higher than before pregnancy?
pris, i crave for nissin spicy crab cup noodles leh but my mum say cannot eat. so sad.

i will be getting the basic maternity clothings, maybe 1 black pants & 1 black skirt. tops at the moment still can wear.

as for confinement, my mum will be doing for me cos my parents are staying with me, so no worries.
snowy, me too. in normal days i also only on fan at the highest speed, sometimes still cover blanket. but now really cannot tahan, got to on aircon every night.

yup, body temp is higher. sometimes i thot that i got fever. haha...

Enne, meaning throughout our pregnancy, cannot go? or only during 1st trimster?
We will most likely engage a confinement lady too. As I've planned to deliver at TMC, they have a special service where they can help to arrange confinement lady who are trained by them.

I feel more secure that way after reading several threads about CL missing in action, etc.
snowy: it's true that your body temp is higher during pregnancy. cos your body is producing more blood for the baby and more blood = more heat. but so far i dun really feel much warmer, tho.

pris: do let us know how your bintan experience is, since i'm thinking of going there later this year.

mimi: for those who are pantang, they will say that we shouldn't go to such joyous occasions for the entire time of our pregnancy, because of 'chong1 xi3'. that time when i got married, my cousin couldn't come because he was getting married 2 months later. but i dun really believe la. i have 2 weddings coming up this year which i would really like to go for.

my MIL is staying with us, so she will help with the baby, but we are thinking about catering confinement food. because my MIL is peranakan, while i would prefer to follow Chinese custom for confinement food. anyone has any confinement caterer to recommend? realise that we will be in confinement over xmas, so might prefer to get one who works over public holiday as well.
Mimi-throughout pregnancy period and after giving birth 4mths also cannot go.. don't know ler.. thats wad my MIL say.. just listen lo.. and BB less than 1 year old better not to attend also.. unless close relatives then can make an exception I think..
faint... so many celebrations cannot attend. but for baby, got to listen to old folks.

is it true that some companies don't recognise MC from gynaes? dun know mine recognise or not, jus submitted to admin
Hi echo
Ya.. me got a stretch of weddings all line up to Sept.. all need to attend leh... Mum just told me, go dinner, dun attend the tea ceremony etc lor...
Think my Power bill will go up oso, on the aircon for whole nite, have to hide in A/C room, if not cannot take it.

I've a maid, dunno whether to engage a CL anot, most likely will, think I want to have complete rest for this confinement, as I noe confinement is very important to rebuild our body and we need to lie down as much as possible so that our back will recover faster. My maid got no exp in bbs, my m & mil old liao, dun think they can take it for the nite feedings.

Hmm..I've submitted my gynae MC to my company leh, they din mention anything so dun care lah.
jowinbaby: i think you should just check with them if it's alright for you to go. even if you or the couple doesn't mind, their parents might mind, so better be safe, don't want to end up offending them...

do all your gynaes give you MC when you go for appt? because my gynae doesn't. So far I've had to take leave whenever I go for a gynae appointment. will it be too much if I ask my gynae for an MC?
Hi Echo
Yes, they are fine.. check with the bride side liao...

Hi echo
U can ask ur gynae, but normally mine dun give too unless i dun feel well. I have to take time off to go too
normally i go for my gynae appt in the evenings, so dun need MC. except when i was not feeling well last week then gynae gave me MC.

now waiting for 5.30 to knock off. then go walk walk and wait for hubby.
ladies.. i think during that period of time the CL will not be 1.8k only. coz of festive.. then just scared they only serve for like 3 wks coz near CNY.. i heard if near or during CNY there is no market rate one.. the say how much means how much.. but scared the disappear lor.. i think i might do confinement myself and cater food. catering will cost 1.2K liao lo...
Yup yup Thanks phyl. Ya lo… no choice, my coy ill treating staff lo.. how abt u? wat time u going off?

Feeling much betta today, just feeling tired and a bit nausea but last nite ganna force to drink some bitter “pao sheng” with red dates by my hubby. Nearly cried out cos I really hate taking those bitter stuff..yucks but still managed to finish ¾ cup with the help of a pce of a chocolate.. He said I need to “pu qi” and need more blood and will be giving me to drink at least once every week. =_=”
Enne and Phylicia - I'm shuttling between two offices, so I have no choice but to carry my laptop around... Hopefully this will end soon, when it is decided where I should be....
shirley.. your hubby so sweet.. haha.. i can go off almost anytime if boss not ard.. haha.. but got some things to clear so a while more lor.. usually can go by 5..

mimi, discharge in general is fine.. as long no strong smell or itch then should be ok..
Mimi, me oso have yellow discharge and I did ask my gynae before. She asked me whether does the discharge have a bad smell? If not, she said it’s normal as long as it’s not brown or red colour and we have to kip “tat part” dry and clean.
Oh the gyane calculate according to waterbag ah? Hehe, initially i thought she calculate by measuring the fetus's length :p

Thanks, getting a X'mas baby is one thing. Cos i was also one of those that was born in Dec, but beginning of Dec month.

Phylicia: Given that your EDD is 20th Dec, its also possible that u might get a X'mas baby too!!Hope u also get your Xmas's baby wish come true too, keke

But have u girls ever thought, that if your baby is born near Dec end, might as well pray that the baby will come out during beginning of Jan 2009 (eg 1st Jan)?

In this case, at least your baby is consider as "big brother" or "big sister" as compared to those dec babies of the same year, not so "loss out" Just my random thoughts only :p

But nevertheless, having a healthy normal baby is still the most important thing
haha lavendry, i m a Jan "baby".. not much different after growing up.. when young, jan babies are just abt 1 yr older than dec babies.. learn more things, crawl faster, walker faster etc.. but tat does not mean i m cleverer than Dec babies leh.. haha!! My cousins all year end, all excel better than me liao =P

ya. normal healthy bb most impt.
hehe .. I think at the end of the day, we can't choose when the baby will actually arrive ... UNLESS it's a c-sect. I am excited that I will be having a Dec baby ... I'm also born in Dec .. Dec27th ... my edd is 5th though .. same month at least!
samantha, i dun want c-sect.. haha.. pain pain..

lavendery, baby should take own sweet time.. hehe.. best best come out as xmas pressie for mummy n daddy.. hehe.. also thought that baby will be "disadvantaged" over peers that are born earlier part of the year.. well.. i'll still wanna stick to xmas baby..

Hi MTBs,

Just reach home from work not long ago. Today have been rushing stuff in office, no time to log into the forum.

I also cannot wear my skirts and pants le. Tummy a bit showing le. Any place to recommend where I can buy dresses?

I realised tat tom yam soup and salted vegetables soup do help to reduce nausea and improve my appetite.

Now I can only pray that my coming work load will not stress my bb.
