(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Jacqueline, you need a full bladder for tummy scan and empty tummy for v-scan. My gynae usu tries tummy scan first. If not clear enough, he does a v-scan.

Take care. 1 way to curb morning sickness. there is a rountine timing to puking if you notice. Try to frab a small bit at least 15 mins to half an hour so that it helps to set the morning sickness.
LuthAdel - thanks

Pris - My gynae said when reach 12wks will need detailed test and checkup leh.. so need to do OSCAR. Hope is fine. My EDD is early Dec
It excited to see the little bean in you right? There is no need to have a full/empty bladder for an ultrasound scan. Gynae usually detect the baby based on the water bag in pregnency, which is sufficient to detect the baby.
Me only 8wks plus pregnant but I already cannot wear some of my pants and skirts le. Dun wan to waste money to buy maternity clothing when my tummy is not showing. Lucky now no need to buy bra extension for the time being :p

Now I am worried about my job. I just started work in my new company less than a month then I found out I am pregnant. I am afraid I will be fired.

Now my MS becomes Evening/Night Sickness. Having problem to sleep and I feel bloated.

funshine: Don't worry...by the time you give birth, you should have worked at least 180 days at your company so you'll be entitled to your maternity leave. If your coy really fires you & you think the reason is your pregnancy, report them to MOM!

To some of the MTBs, I will be going to do OSCAR too...i also need the peace of mind. Will let my gynae know tomorrow when i see her.

Mimi: Good to know that your bb is growing well.
rest well and don't let yourself worry anymore k?
Pris - Thanks for your advice. Is the policy still valid if my probation is 6mths and they fire me within my probation period? I have been thinking about ever since I am pregnant.

Take good care, Pris
Hi ladies
Me back from gynae today too.. Hee Hee.. bb now is 1.5cm at 7Weeks+5days..can hear the heartbeat sound at 165rpm, can see bits of bb small arms n feet shape. gynae said bb is forming.. hee hee
so happy..N very cute, he told me bb is sleeping as he/she is not moving.. hahaha!!

I told him abt my bloatness n especially in the evening.. he advise me to take hot ginger water to expel gas.. if cannot tahan, he will give me med...

I can be back to work on monday.. no more bedrest..
Hi snowy,
indeed! it is so exciting to see the heart go pip pip pop pop... its really like a miracle!
I was confused by 2 different sonographers... tt's y i asked the question... thank you for answering my doubt!

BTW, wats OSCAR?
Morning Ladies

So excited, going to see our little bean bean on the scan in just 2 hours time!

Guess I'll opt for OSCAR as well but still quite worried as I'm over 35 :S

Update later, cheers!
Good morning!! I went for check up yesterday @ TMC.. BB is 6week+2days and guess wat? EDD is 24th Dec 2008.. hopefully BB can stay in my tummy till 26th hahaha..then can coincide with our customary in 2009.
Good morning!
so excited to hear of all the scanning.. my first appointment will be on coming monday, which by than I will only be about 6 weeks I think.

me at the moment has no MS at all which made me so worry cos I dun feel pregnant at all unlike my #1 which I puke from 5 weeks plus till 12 weeks.
wow so manny of us visited the gynae yesterday. We might bump into each other at TMC yet dun know =P

Hi corrine
Dun worry, my friend puke madly for #1, #2 she only had a few puke.. Baby #2 just dun wan mummy to suffer
Hi Jowinbaby
haha...hopefully I will be like your friend.. Glad that your bedrest over and going work on Monday..
I also like you for #1 red discharge twice and made me so worried
Hi MTBs! Hope everybody is resting well over the weekend.

Was looking at my scan picture...super blur. 1.6cm can only see this vague shape with a blinking in the middle. I wonder how sharp should the picture be? Does the scan machine plays a part? I though v-scan should be clearer than tummy scan?

...am I thinking too much?? haha...

Snnowy, thank you! My puking doesn't really have pattern, except it worsens as the day progresses. It's not all days that the puking's this bad, esp now that I'm off the duphaston. Hope it'll be better after the first trimester. One more month to go!

Jowinbaby glad to hear your bedrest is over. Take care of yourself!

funshine, I was worried about my job too. But come to think of it, no decent management will fire staff because she's pregnant. If a company does that, then you're better off working for someone else. Don't worry too much.

BTW, LuthAdel, I think my gynae mentioned about S$300 for the OSCAR, and S$100 for the triple. I'm doing it at TMC too.
Hi MTBs,

Today is a tiring day for me... Feel very tired and I feel like puking again.

A lot of gals choosen TMC, same as me. But my friend said the place sucks, facilities no good. A bit sad when he said that.

My OSCAR is end May but I am so eager to see how my bb grows...
Hi Ladies

Just came back from my check up today. BB now is 2cm at 8 weeks 5 days. EDD now shifted forward by 1 day to 8/12.
Hi Fong..
Yes, our EDD changes everytime. Mine too shifted 1 day earlier.. So happy to see BB hor..

Hi Spagetti
Mine can see quite clearly of the shape, but when the scan is printed out, does look like wats on the screen .. dun know why..

Yes, bedrest over.. meaning back to work... alot of things to do again....

Wondering how much can BB grow weeks by weeks.. 0.5cm or more... hee hee.. I read up alot n download alot of documentary.. non really said bb can grow by how much weekly, but the brain cells are multiplying 100,000 cells per min

Alot of gals all book OSCAR already at TMC? I have not book any... but i thought to opt for NT scan+triple test.

Hi Corrine.. thanks..
Hi Jowinbaby

Ya, it's like a weekly huddle for me as my 1st pregnancy ended with blighted ovum. So this time round, gynae wants me to see him weekly till 1st trimester is over. Once we saw our bb's heart flickering on the screen, we feel happy and relief. So far my gynae haven't spoke to me abt those test yet. But i think i will go for it once it's time to do so, except for the amnio test.
Hi Ladies

I went for my check up today and saw our BB moves (waves & body jiggy)! It was so cute and funny that I could not stop laughing!

The BB is now 10wks3days and 31mm in CRL and now my EDD has moved 1 day forward to 25Nov08.

See, we now share the same EDD again

I've booked my OSCAR Test on 20May. Crossing our fingers and toes that the test result will be good!!

I had blighted ovum too in my last pregnancy and I can understand how you feel. For us, each visit to the clinic is first full of worried (i.e. if BB is growing etc) followed by relief and happiness after seeing our BB on the Scan.
Hi ladies,
congrats to all my mummies to be! I recently found out tat i'm preggie too. abt 6 - 7 wks nw. Had a scan done last wk.. and found my little one measuring 8mm long =)

But my appettie is worsening by the day.. and I'm down w a bery bad flu that makes me breathless.. feel like puking all the time and i had a bloated stomach.

R all these normal?? I'm a lost first-time mum..Pls advise
funshine: If it's during your probation period, they can always cite your work performance as an excuse. It's hard to say...i'll send my wishes your way and hope that your company management are not heartless people. Don't worry k?

jowin: Great to know that you're off bedrest!

Spaghetti: My gynae didn't give me the ultrasound scan pics to keep. Did yours? I don't have any pictures of my baby...i want one too!

Luthadel: Wow, your EDD shifted forward again!
Your baby wants to see mommy & daddy more quickly.

xuelyn: Congrats!
All the symptoms you have are normal. Don't worry. I'm also a first-time mom but there're many experienced MTBs here so they can help you with your doubts too.

All MTBs, i went for my 2nd appt today with a v-scan. My bb is now 17mm at 8 weeks 3 days. Today my gynae flipped on the switch & i heard my bb's heartbeat for the 1st time! It was beating very quickly at about 170 bpm. Doc also pointed out the head & umbilical cord to me. I felt so amazed when i saw all these.

Oh, and i booked my NT scan on 29 May. Dr Chia told me if the results are not good then she will do an amniocentesis if we still want to check. Anyone has any idea how much is the NT scan? I forgot to ask her...
Thanks, Pris...

Now I can only hope my job can be secured. Cannot afford to be stress now.

Xuelyn: Weclome to the MTBs club. I am also 1st time mummy.

Just now I heard from my friend tat his wife is 4mths pregnant and can see the gender of the baby liao.

Is it tat fast?
Hi LuthAdel

I think my test costs abt $300 at TMC. My gynae does not provide this test, and I was referred to TMC to do this test.
hi funshine

can know gender from 3mths onwards. but confirmation will be at 5mths when they do detailed scan. =)
Morning ladies,

Yah I think the cost is around there. I'll be doing the test at TMC too and the cost is $312.

I'm a first time mom too & I do experienced extreme bloating (esp. in the evenings) from 8wks onwards. Due to the bloating, my appetite actually decreases as I just don't feel hungry enough to eat.

In fact, when I weigh myself yesterday during my checkup, I actually lost 1 kg as compared to 2 wks ago. My gyane did warned me before that I may either gain or lost weight. Don't worry, your symptoms are normal. The flu-like symptom is due to the increase in blood flow that casuses our mucous membranes to swell. As long as you don't have fever, it is the pregnancy hormones that is creating the havoc
Hang in there!

hahaa, I guess our BB just wants to enjoy double celebration in Dec! Cos if BB born on 25Nov, the full month celebration will be 25Dec + Christmas!
My appetite is still very bad. Been forcing myself to eat. This time round, manage to force myself to eat around 1/5 of the food. Is that enough? I admit its a waste of food, but really feel nauseaous and bloated. I scare baby not enough nutritious but ....

When it comes to meal times, it always seems a big challenge for me. I read from somewhere in this thread that ginger sweets can curb morning sickness, been searching many shops, but none seems to sell ginger sweets.
Hi Lavendry
Buy the instant ginger tea.. I bought tat and it help. Mix with hot/warm water.. U will feel better as if helps to expel gas for bloatness.

Dun worry, eat what u can eat. Me too.. eating 1/3 of the food every meal only...

Hi ladies
Thanks. yes.. going back to work tomorrow. Hope MS will not give me more trouble.. Kind of experiencing motion sickness.. sigh...still gonna squeeze the morning crowd in MRT...
Hi Ladies..
thks for all the advise. now i noe i'm normal ha haa..Hope my appetite will came back soon. I've been forcing myself to eat so tat i take my flu medicines timely.

will sour plums or sweets help too?
Hi Pris, yup, I get the picture to take home every time I do the scan. When I was with KKH, I had to ask my gynae if I can keep the picture. Have my little album now. ^_^ Maybe you can request from your gynae? Think they usually oblige.

xuelyn, these two days, I find that my MS is much better when I sleep enough. It's getting difficult for me to sleep at night, so I get into bed about two hours ahead. Hope that helps!
Woah, so fast can know the gender of the baby.

Last nite, my dinner came out after drinking some soup... Sigh...is the 3rd time already.

Drinking ginger tea can help to ease this? Nowadays, the feeling of being bloated worsen as days go by.

No longer can eat my usual intake of food.

By the way, is it normal to wake up often at nite during pregnancy? I keep on waking up after 3-4hrs of sleep :'(
Hi funshine, I have also not been sleeping well. Apparently it's quite normal. What I've found helps is if I sleep on my left side (as opposed to lying on my back or on my right). It's supposed to help your blood circulation, because your heart is on your left. I've found that when I do that, I can fall back to sleep quite easily when I wake up during the night. Of course, it's not as good as to help me to sleep all the way through, but at least it helps a bit.
funshine: Don't worry too much for now ok?

I'm not sure when we can find out the sex of the baby...if the gynae can see from the ultrasound, i'm sure he/she will tell the couple if the couple wants to know.

Luthadel: Ya, your babies want to have double celebrations on Christmas Day! Haha...

I lost a bit of weight too. Doc said i was 200g lighter compared to my 1st appointment. Dunno why i lost weight cos i'm still eating normally & my appetite is quite good.

spaghetti: I'll ask my gynae for one to bring home the next time.
Or maybe i can use my digicam to take a pic of the the previous ultrasound scans. Can show my in-laws & family too.

echo: I find myself sleeping better on my side too. Even bought a bolster today so that i can sleep more comfortably on my side...i read that the bolster in between your legs will help as our tummies grow bigger.
me too, can only sleep on my side. i also tend to wake up every 3 hrs to visit the toilet, but i can easily get back to sleep after that.

i also get to bring back the ultrasound pics every time i visit my gynae.

just finished my fish soup ee mian, crave for it so get my hubby to go n buy even though my mum cooked dinner. but still cannot finish the whole packet.
Start to have nightmares already... Must learn to relax more.

I got my ultrasound pic when I did my 1st scanning... I wonder how big my bb will grow when I hit 12wks for my next appt.? So eager to see.

By the way, is the normal for a follow-up checkup after one month? I had my 1st appt in end Apr and my gynae asked me to come up in 1 mth time for a detailed checkup.
Hi gals...
I like to ask, can we eat/ drink mutton soup???
Crave for it today.. ate half a bowl n stop..
I heard from old ppl that bb will get " Yang Dian Feng"??? Myth??

Hai. i still feel bloated every nite b4 i sleep...Today had a not so good day.. bloated whole day..

Hi Funshine
As i had history of spottings, my gynae offer me every 2-3 weeks.
I never eat/drink mutton soup as is heaty... Not very sure about the myth. My mum said everything can eat but eat in moderate (always say is the little one who craves for food, not the mummy makes the call). She warned me not to drink soft drinks and the grass jelly drinks.

So far, I only eat soya bean drink and milk. Occasionally, honey water. Now have to watch my diet.

I wonder when can my bloated stomach goes away... So difficult to sleep at nite.

By the way, the myth of sitting by the bed to cut and sew stuff is quite true. So avoid this.
Hi Funshine
Ya. its rather heaty but crave lor.. so ate half a bowl.. hb is the one who suffer la.. always eat my leftover. He said by the time, he is the one who is going to gain alot of wgt..haha!! Lately he asked me to throw away the food instead of him taking the leftovers =P

Ya.. i also avoid soft drinks, grass jelly drink, ice jelly etc etc.. I think soya bean,honey or barley looks ok. Infact like wat u said, everything moderate...

Goodnite gals..
jowin: One of my friends told me the same thing too! I asked my mom who said it's ok to drink but just not too often as it's heaty.

I think what funshine said is true -- moderation is the key.

And ya, handling scissors on the bed is a big no no! And don't put anything on your tummy as a "table" before you cut...not good!

I still drink cold drinks but i try to limit myself to one glass a day. I don't take soft drinks, grass jelly or watermelon juice.

mimi: So far i haven't woke up to empty my bladder during the night. I think i have to do so soon cos in the morning when i wake up, my bladder is so full i can feel a bit of pain!

Good night all MTBs!
Hey all!

I'm new here and first time mtb, EDD 9th Dec so I'm almost 9 weeks in. got a qn regrding spotting and just wondering if anyone else has the same prob or knows someone who does...

I've been spotting light brown for 3+weeks already, no cramps. Been given Duphaston and taking it twice a day. Scan shows good attachment and heartbeat present... so... think i'm one of those women who continue spotting for the remainder of the pregnancy? Any ideas? any kind of bleeding is worrisome... jus wondering if I'm the only person here spotting for this long?

I also have a vascular fibroid that's been growing slightly since the pregnancy, anyone else have fibroids too? What's the advice given by your gyn? Have been told to take it very easy for the remainder of the pregnancy in case the fibroid becomes unstable and cause contractions...
tamms,xuelyn-hihi welcome...

mimiz,funshine-me 2 keep waking at night coz need to pee..

LuthAdel-Yeah cost ard that range, I did that at TMC for my first preg too.. going to do it in a couple of weeks time.

funshine-if BB guai guai, ard 3-4mths can see boy or girl liao.. hehehe but during detailed scan then can confirm lo..

LuthAdel-my NTSCAN was scheduled on 20MAY too but my HB going for reservist so I asking the clinic possible to make it before 20MAY else I might be gog myself i no earlier slots available, maybe can see u.. hee hee.
funshine-I been having weird dreams lately too... I don't know how true la but for my first preg I keep dreaming of ghosts.. some say preggies are more 'sensitive'.. don't know how true but think of it scientifically maybe due to stress, somemore changes to our body???.. don't 'hu si ruan xiang' in the daytime??.. patz patz.. hmm watch some comedies?
Good morning mommies.
Hope all of you are feeling great!

luthadel: wow...you are into your 10 weeks..so fast.

lavendery: I hope you are feeling better each day. *pat pat*. Do you wanna try biting ginger slice or boil the ginger slice and drink the ater. I hope it helps.

funshinejr: Nitemares. i think we do get some. I practically slap my hubby twice our the sleep. haha.

tamms: do you wanna go for a second opinion? I hope you are getting better each day
HI ladies
Morning.. back to work!!
Talking abt dreams.. I had a nitemare.. I dreamt that my menses is here and super heavy...keep bleeding.. haha.. so scary!!

Woke up n realise its a dream... " Baby are u ok??"
