(2008/09) Sep 2008

Taslyn - To massage breast, will it trigger contraction?

Ferugreek seed - anyone knows how to boil it? Heard we can get the seeds from those indian stall at the market.

xuanting (xuanting): I've got 4 BumWear, 1 Fuzzi Bunz and 1 Happy Heiny's. I lost track of how many times I've washed them and the inserts, but I think it's less than 4 times so I'm washing them again. Have not tried their absorbency, shall wait for baby to try them out. Hee. But I will only use them after he's about 2 weeks old, especially for the Bumwears, as they're bigger. The only small size I have for 0-6mths is the Fuzzi Bunz one. Want to try the fit and all before I buy more. Good that you only got 1 pc of BumWear. Heard they're not that lasting! Too bad they're the first ones I got at the Motherhood Fair.

Flos: I'm done with my bb's beddings last mth. Washing CL's bedding sets as they're new and I want to use baby detergent to wash them, just in case CL decides to place baby on the bed to change him etc. Hee, me being kiasu, cos I don't want baby to have any rashes cos his daddy got sensitive skin.

Have not sterilised the bottles yet. But have decided to use the Advent bottles first. I'm bringing my pump and steriliser to hospital cos I have inverted nipples and in case baby can't latch on even with the nipple shield I got, I can start to stimulate milk supply by pumping first. Hence I decided to use the Advent ISIS manual pump, which is gentle and great to stimulate milk supply for first time mums. Hope it works for me! I also got the Medela PIS Advanced for exclusive pumping at home.
All ready for my baby!

Yes, I am thinking along the same line as you. My son goes to playgroup in the morning, and sleeps quite long in the afternoon. During these times, I will spend time with bb, but when my FB is up, I will spend time with him. BB will then go to confinement nanny and maid. My hubby will go away for 2 months mid way through my confinement (he's also away now and only back 1 week before my delivery), and I will have to give more love to my FB to tide him through all these changes...

I think your idea of new toys for the eldest is a good idea, will try that out!
taslyn, i also look at my tummy and wonder if my bb is comfortable inside. tummy is not v big and i've been feeling more and more "bumpy" with the knees and heels pushing around inside also. hope my lousy posture is not squashing my bb's toes!

bigtoes, read about the sleeping hours in utero and that's why i'm puzzled too. the only explanations i can think of are 1) she's a light sleeper or 2) she continues kicking and poking in her sleep.
Lok, RXmom: I also dunno what to do with my girl when didi comes along.. I think she'll prob be staying at home with us cos if she goes to my IL place, then my maid has to go with her, then I can't imagine coping with a NB without a maid! I just hope she'll allow the maid to carry the new baby.. She's at the stage where she gets jealous easily..

Flos: I see.. Good that you're resting and keeping yourself occupied at home while awaiting the baby's arrival..
think ur son n my ger the same. both suffer from mummy tummy small syndrome. but u delivering soon right?

not too sure on the contractions part.. but 37weeks considered as full term, so shld be okie i guess. i tot it is massage nipples that will trigger contractions?
lemme check with my fren when she comes on in MSN..

papaya fish soup:
the soup is yummy.. hehe.. drink it when i was hospitalised @ tmc the last time. no fishy smell at all.. lol..

fenugreek seed tea:
Fenugreek tea is prepared by soaking 500 mg of the seed in about 5 ounces of cold water for at least 3 hours. The seeds are then strained out of the liquid before drinking the tea, which can be heated or ingested cold.
extracted from:http://www.naturalherbsguide.com/fenugreek.html
Bigtoes: I'm not very sure abt this. But my impression with fenugreek is that it is not for pregnant women as taking it will induce labour. Anything that aids milk production is no-no for preggies, cos the body is programmed to produce milk only after the baby is born. You might wanna check this out. I have stand-by a bottle too and plan to take it only after delivery.
papaya fish soup
any kind of papaya ok for this?

shazz, the mommy's touch seems to be a better fit for newborns compared to the bumwear (brought both to prenatal class to try on the dolls). will also wait to try actual absorbency and ease of use on bb before deciding if i will order more.

rxmom, u've got so much to juggle yet u're holding up so well. tough cookie!

papaya fish soup recipe from mim:

1 white fish tail or fish bones or fish meat ~ about 1kg
100g raw peanuts ~ 1 handful?
(I use black beans now because the pediatrician advised me to avoid peanuts due to my baby's mild eczema)
1 raw or half-ripe papaya, about 1kg - cut into cubes/wedges
1 piece tangerine peel
4 slices old ginger
1.5litres boiling water
2 Tablespoons oil

Heat oil & fry ginger slices, then fry fish in oil until brown.

Then put all ingredients into the slow cooker and simmer for about 2 to 3 hrs - generally until the soup smells really fragrant

seems like raw/semi raw papaya best for this coz of the sap from the papaya is the one which triggers the stimulation of milk
xuanting (xuanting): keep me posted when you review mommy's touch absorbency etc when baby is out! I didn't want to get too many newborn sizes cos I suspected my boy will be on the bigger side, so I played safe and got only one small. Not gonna let him wear thru the day, only in the morning, after his bum has been soaked in diapers thru the night, before his bath time, I'll let his ass breathe by wearing cloth diapers.
that's my strategy for now.
shazz: I just opened the CL bedding set and it's got an odd 'industrial' smell...I'm washing the sheets and pillow cases now

OIC, I bought a concave changing mattress from Mothercare as well as a Pigeon bubble mat for my CL to use, in case my CL anyhow place my bb on her bedsheets to change his nappies.

Wait a sec,you hv two brands of sterilisers, and two brands of breast pumps?!! U r one super shopping queen man!

xuanting/Bigtoes: my bb is very very very active in the middle of the night. OOOOOPPPPSSSSSSS...I pray I'm not gonna hv a hard time...urgghgh

I dun find Magic Mop very clean leh...I prefer the traditional 'Medussa' mop!!!

Bigtoes: u'd better remove your nail polish now. I notice Sunrays' acrylic nails have been removed in her FB photos. I need to remove mine too. My nails need to breathe, that's what the pedicurist told me.

xuanting: Yep, my DH knows it'll be him making the bed, but he has said he will ask the CL to make her own bed when she arrives...Logic being, she is making $1,800 and we're not even using cloth diapers and will be using bath sachets (she needn't prepare the raw ingredients for the bath water), so we've halved her workload already. tsk tsk...

Taslyn/Grace: that's what my Parentcraft teacher and malay masseuse told me too. Practice Massaging now, 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, etc. etc... No need to pinch the nipples though.

Someone asked about cotton balls vs baby wipes up the thread just now...My CL requested that I provide her with cotton balls. Personal preference I guess. I'll leave the Pigeon wipes for my own convenience, after she's gone.

Deepfryer: Why r u all recycling the oil? It's not very healthy to reuse cooking oil, dun u think?

Pressurecooker: I prefer slow cookers. Pressure cookers that are made in CHina are kinda dangerous! Be careful when u leave it on when u go out...
hey ladies
will be 38 weeks this friday. havent been sleeping or eating well party coz of morning sickness. even losing about 2kg over last one half week. anyone has request for induction before? thinking of asking gynae to induce tom during my weekly check up
TMC has got cafe??whereabouts?
I only know that there's delifrance.
I must have been living in lala land!

Re massaging of nipples
Erm, am i the only one here who is not leaking colostrum? I tried squeezing my nipples last nite but there was nothing lor! Am worried that I might not have milk.
Flos: I have 3 breast pumps now! The first one I got is the Advent Manual Pump cos I dunno whether I'll be successful anot, so I didn't want to invest too much in an electric one. Then months down the road, my colleague offered to sell me a 6 weeks old Medela PIS Advanced which is still under warranty for only $300, so why not yah? Since I may end up doing exclusive pumping. Then few weeks back, a friend passed me her Medela Mini Electric, for my convenience when I'm out or pump at work. There! That's how I ended up with 3 pumps! haha

As for the sterilisers, you know the story, one for my place, one for my MIL's place. ;)

Yah, brand new bedsheets got this paint smell and the folding or starch that they use to make it ultra straight!
dun understand the 12 o'clock, 3o'lock part.. can explain? never attend parentcraft class coz hb say DUN NEED...

no lar.. not recycling the oil. we saying how many times the oil can be used. coz we are not those stalls or watever n it uses alot of oil..

magic clean mop: i dun think it is clean... but since got the mop liao.. i put paper towel over it n clean out the dust, find the paper towels much more effective than the magic clean cloth.
sometimes i cheat with mopping by placing wet cloth on the magic clean mop. got no strength to squeeze water out of the medusa mop.. floor always v wet n i got slippery floors.. not v safe :p
heee.. u ladies here are super domesticated man! I cant rem the last time I had touched my vacumm cleaner.
But when I start cleaning, I am super anal about it. Must do it MY way! HB is always very scared when I start doing housework and he'll try to keep out of my way. LOL. I used to go down on fours when I mop too but I've long given up on it cos HB thinks I AM MAD like my mum! hahaa..

Don overwork ah mummies!

And ava, hee.. I was abt to ask the same question as Flos. How to engage 2babies into that tiny space! haa.. Anyway, so the leading one will engage and when she's delivered, the other one will automatically slide down?
Re breastpump.
My fren just passed me her medela mini electric plus and she told me she realised one of the funnels had cracked. Anyone knows where I can get a replacement for just one funnel?
But when I look at the crack, it seems to me that the milk wont flow out.
And even if i order now, i wont be able to get it delivered on time.
crayon: yeah, I also wonder where this wonderful 'Imperial' Soup Restaurant is at TMC wor...

shazz: THREEEEEEE pumps?!!! U r no cow lah!!! HAAHAHAHHAHA!!!! how to sterilise new pumps? Which type of tablets did u use?

Once u hv the "Mother of all Breast Pumps", i.e. the Medela PIS Advanced, u dun need others already lah!

I think u r right, it's Starch...

U know what? 见鬼!I cannot find my bb nail clippers (with magnifying glass) and the Mothercare disposable undies amongst my Kallang Guni junkyard! Lost!!!! Oh dear...did I throw them away by mistake?!!
tmc cafe is at the other side of building.. u hv to get past the admin counter n the day clinic near the toilet there.. have to climb the stairs to get to the cafe.

i m not leaking colostrum either, dare not squeeze my nipple though.. worry it trigger contractions.. hehe!

shazz: wow! 3 pumps.. i haven't even gotten ard to get any yet.

u sure u wanna induce? after all bb is not overdue. some mummies who hv induced say that labour take longer than normal...

i hv also been pukey n vomitting but my weight did not go down.. coming to 37 wks this sat
crayon: how many months warranty left? if not, just pump one breast at a time lor...treat it like the mini electric NON-PLUS version
yeah .... very xinku leh
backache neckache stomachache haha all the aches you can think of for the last one week plus. will be 38 weeks this friday so bb should be okay to come out now right?
but extended labour will be more xinku right??
it is a double-edged sword..
so far, mi is backache, giddy, stomachache...

38 weeks is okie.. considered full term liao.. u check with ur gynae bah.. since he knows the condition of both u n bb the best. but hor, to warn u ar.. induce can end up in emergency csec de hor.. got such cases.. so better discuss with gynae.. ")
Taslyn: Oh, THAT TMC cafe above the toilet...

Bigtoes: U got ParentCraft's recipes right? Ask u MIL or DH to brew some herbal soups on those 2 days before your Indon CL arrives. I dunno how fresh the soup will be when u take it home from TMC cafe...

Otherwise, try those confinement tingkat caterers. But not sure if they take short-term orders for only 2 days as in your case...

yeah lor thats what the gynae told me last week coz i asked him about it last week. he wouldnt do it last week hopefully he will allow it this week. baby already engaged last 2 weeks and dr checked that cervix very soft so hopefully there are signs of dilation tom so that i dun have to 'beg' him

or how about c sect can i ask for c sect like the next day? must book in advance or what
hahaa.. flos... mini electric non plus!!!! only u can come up with this! anyway, the warranty long over.. her pump is super well used! Her elder one is like almost 4. Prob i'll make do like wat u've suggested.

and not to worry lar, u have more than enough time to sieve through all ur stuff to look for the lost items. kekekee... slowly look through..

Taslyn, that's where the cordlife banking booth is always stationed at issit? hmm.. no wonder.. We'll always park, go up 4th floor then come back down to get car and leave TMC. LOL.. have nv explored TMC.

I ish stress leh. Scared I cannot produce milk. Want to squeeze harder but like you, afraid will trigger labour. I still have 3days of work.. ahhaa

Bigtoes, how to order the soup? I think my CL oso wont be able to reach when I get discharged.

Shazz, you've got more than enough pumps to last u a lifetime, i think. heee... You can take ur time to try them out slowly.
u try to "induce urself"... stimulate ur nipples, rub ur tummy and tell bb to come out, have sex, eat spicy stuff.. :p

csec.. i think must tell n book dr de.. depends on ur gynae's schedule.

eh.. i dunno where is the cordlife counter ley...
u know where the lift lobby is? it is ard there..
for me, i call it the toilet cafe.. lol.. ever gone there to eat after my 20th week detailed scan, then felt MS.. then puked evthing out.. n rushed to the toilet to clean myself...

oo... tmc cafe contact number: 6251 2659. try to call them n check how many days in adv u hv to tell them to prep the soup?

i oso stressed n worry that cannot produce milk, but really dare not squeeze. must prep some FM in case. meantime, massage breast bah.. jia you!
hmmm.. dolly.. for me, i prefer to let my bb wear booties instead of shoes... cheaper ma..hehehe... comfortable too... futhermore babies cant walk yet so y shld i buy shoes... but again its up to individual..i don believe in such tales.. if u tink it'll look nice on ur bb, den go ahead..


hmmm..since the day i discharged been doing none of it! i'm so weak & tired!! I need the energy lei if i were to deliver.. so muz conserve some energy b4 the battle begins.. hehehe...

Karen & Yingflo... today went for checkup, doc said bb is healthy & big enough for me to deliver... Nw my appt is once a wk... she advised me if dere any bleeding or leakage muz quickly go to delivery suite..

Ying, u book ur ward oredi?? I nt yet... Nurse advise me to faster book if i want B2+ cz its limited...

mummies, today i dreamt of my bb gal face... OMG...she was smiling so sweetly at me... The dream is making me so impatient to wait for her arrival... looking forward to see her....
I'm back from my checkup. At 37 weeks 4 days, baby weighs 2.9kg & I'm already 1.5cm dilated. However, baby is not engaged yet. Due to my concern that the umbilical cord was seen around baby's neck during the 3D scan, my doctor gave me the option of inducing my labour anytime. I decided not to, prefer to wait till our next appointment in a weeks' time to decide.. in the meantime, I just need to be very vigilant in monitoring baby's movements. So exciting, can see baby very soon!
thanks for the recipe, taslyn. where can we get raw papayas?

shazz, will keep u updated on mommy's touch.

medusa mop
what a funny name!

made in china pressure cookers
flos, got horror stories to share?

mei, wow u're full term already! did u manage to see where the umbilical cord is today?
Taslyn and xuanting ,
i think CTG is prescribed by doctor .... for my case i also never say anything nor ask when dr says need CTG every week . i just trust his professional judgement .. keke
Crayon: Hey, you shd not squeeze your nipples leh. #1 colostrum is very precious so don't waste any single drop now; #2 milk production will induce labour. Same reasoning as what I've explained to Bigtoes. The female body is programmed to produce milk after the baby is delivered. So anything that expedites the milk production process will induce labour.

And I don't think there's any connection between leaking milk now and how good a "cow" the mum will be later on.

Mei: You will be delivering very soon lor.. HOw exciting..
i dunno ley.. prolly fruit stalls at market.. they shld hv raw ones ard.

oo.. CTG.. mummies whom i know tat dr strap the ctg on normally going for csec. but they did tell mi to expect it ard 2 weeks b4 edd..

cool.. can see ur ger's face in ur dream...

wow.. u shld be delivering soon bah... so exciting. any nesting instinct yet?
after first is born, the second may have to be turned or may turn herself. I hope she'll turn properly so dont have to go thru c-section to get her out...two costs!!!
Your PUPPP - did the itchiness go away only but leave marks/discolouration etc or did everything disappear after a week or so. Am in SO much discomfort it's not funny and I look like a bad patchwork doll with all my red patches everywhere and it's painful when I shower cos of all the small sections of broken skin where i've scratched...sigh, what a way to spend the last few weeks of pregnancy...
hehe...i have three pumps too: single medela electriv, avent isis manual and a medela PIS. The first two are from my first preg...and they may not even work anymore LOL
taslyn: missed your question on breast massage. we were taught the clock method, just like breast cancer self-exam u know?

The clock pattern is where you envision the face of a clock on each of your breasts. Put your hand at top of the breast using your middle three fingers in the 12 o’clock position. Use your fingers in a massaging, clockwise motion to massage. Then you move quarter by quarter at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock and at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock.

ava: how to sterilise new pumps?
xuanting: i read a lot abt pressure cooker explosion cases in chinese tabloids leh...maybe the quality is really lousy, OR the chinese are just too ignorant on how to open and close the lids properly.
oic...will try that out... thanks!

pressure cooker:
yeah it is those explosion stories tat put me off them. think slow cookers are better..
but i dun think the pots which suanting is refering to are called pressure cookers bah.
pressure cookers are those which they use pressure n then place over fire n food cooks faster in these pots... not like those which u heat the internal pot n then place in the external pot for it to cook over the next few hours. :p


shower with cool water for the PUPPP and cut your nails as short as possible. Bad news for me is that my PUPPP has come back after delivery so am back on the dandelion root full steam with my gynae's blessing. she offered oral steroids but i am not taking up the offer. her opinion is that the flare up is due to hormal changes after delivery and the remnant male foetal cells lodged in my capillaries so will flare until everything is gone out of the maternal bloodstream. sigh
fenugreek drink
eh can get it from chinese medicine shop. think it is call hu2 lu2 ba2 or something...cant recall, too long ago.

its darn cheap but let me warn you, it taste horrid. so i'd rather stick to fenugreek supplements.

food with fenugreek includes curry..kekekek...but we shouldnt take too much curry while bfg in the initial months coz some bbs react to it...

you guys are lucky. my hb can feel even if a speck of dust were to be in the wrong place. very disturbing comment when he comes home ..."hmmm..this patch of floor is rather dusty..."(While sweeping his finger across...)

very irritating. i'd rather have a hb that does feel, doesnt care...

hahah..that is the question i asked..

ok ive prepared many activity boxes to date. craft (am going to get that alex activity box set, finger painting, tissue art atc), different types of of cards, powerpoint stuff, his fav car/vehicle sets in different configuration...am still in the process of gathering as much as possible...can fill the entire balcony liaoz...

they are all his old toys but done differently now...in sealed boxes so he doesnt see htem now until i deliver..kekekeke...now he has only his cars...

then get the ILs in at certain time of hte day which he gets bored...eg afternoons..to entertain him....
hi all update on birth story:
sunday 24 aug 08
9.35 am lower backache started . lasted 10 min but manageable cos could just sit and tahan on a chair/sofa. happened regularly every hour until about 7pm when my mom insisted i call the gyane to ask what was goin on. still no "show" and no waterbag.

7.15 gynae says to go to mt e for ctg scan because i thought bb wasnt moving as much today and his weight had already stablised for a couple of weeks

8.45pm at mt e nurses said that my ctg showed bb heart rate very fast and i was having contractions...but i felt no pain?! midwife did VE and found i was 3 cm dilated already. oops

monday 25 aug
12am gynae comes to the labour ward to check the ctg and decided to burst my water bag. gyane predicted bb would arrive about 5am and left at about 1am after VE and saying cervix was now 5-6 cm and to decide whether i needed an epi SOON.

1.15 i suddenly have such BAD pain that i changed my mind and asked DH to get the epidural.

1.45 the epidural doc arrives and starts putting in the stuff but i am already feeling the urge to PUSH! the midwives keep saying RELAX... and i am like "?????!!!!"

1.50 the midwives call my gyane back. epidural starts kicking in at 2 am and my gynae arrives at 2.15am and preps for delivery. i am already fully dilated but cannot PUSH becos epi has taken away all sensation.

2.30am gynae says to turn off the epidural and Jonathan was born at 3.17am after the epi wore off enough for me to push correctly :)

2nd birth was really a lot faster. think that if the midwives had allowed me to push instead of saying relax, bb would have been out a lot sooner. a lot of the pain was cos i was trying to HOLD HIM IN ?!:) cos doctor had not arrived yet :)

here's a pic of my precious #2
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
jonathan 250808v2.pdf (31.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<font color="0000ff">My little Max is in hospital now coz jaundice quite high.. sighz...
suddenly i miss him so much... hopefully he can come home tmr le after shining for 1 day

Hospital Bill at TMC
I had to top up a total of about $1.9k incl of my doc fees le for my 1 bedder at TMC, Natural with epidural. Stayed for 2 nites. hopefully this helps

TMC shave me abit nia..
it wasn't a complete shave</font>
l'l CY :
no woh.. hb is not bo chup abt the floor. in fact, he can complain that floor is sticky coz he use the medusa mop. so i must go on fours n clean the floor with clear water n vinegar (think this is the best for cleaning floor)..
equally irritating... coz they dun lift a finger to help but use their eye/lung power to get us to clean!

bb jonathon is so cute!
<font color="0077aa">Yan: So far Dr W did not do any VE nor CTG on me leh...

Shazz: Me!! Yesterday it finally dawn on me that I am popping next week as well!! I also feel that I have so many things to do! I have to get my steriliser, breastpump &amp; electric airpot out! I am still working now, have so many things to settle!

Have set up bb's cot, cot mobile, bedsheets &amp; cot bumper. Was also in nesting mode the other day &amp; started to clean my dusty windows grills!
Hi sasa!!! Oh dear, don't worry too much yah? BB Max will be able to go hme soon!</font>
hi all, am still in hospital without any indication from dr that i can be discharged. met dseptkon today and her sweet baby jonathan. cheered me up significantly. my bp is still very high. only came down slightly and on lots of medication. everyday on ctg twice and my arms are poked till bruised. blood test, urine test everyday. presently, dr says she can still wait for a while. but i may worsen suddenly. if that's the case, i'll have to deliver cadence this week though she's 1.8kg... sarahmay came round too and we had a really long chat. so fun.+my+husband+video+called+me+and+showed+me+the+kids,+then+i+cried.+i+really+miss+them+so+much+and+wanna+go+home+to+them...+
sasa: dun worry so much...i'm sure Max will be alrite soon.

Hey, did u pack your own mittens, booties and receiving blanket? I only prepared the vests. I know TMC will give one set of free ones.

Dseptkon: Jonathan is adorable! Tks for sharing the pic with us

storeberry: You've set up already? Me not yet...
<font color="0077aa">crayon: I am not leaking colostrum also, but I dare not squeeze my breast cos scare to trigger contractions!

Alabone: HUgz and take care!! Will pray for you &amp; bb!!

Magic clean mop: Yah, also feel that it don't pick up dust &amp; hair well, in the end still have to pick up the residue.. Still trust my vaccumm cleaner but tired to drag it around.

dseptkon (dseptkon): BB Jonathan look so peaceful! And he has sexy lips! Kekeke...

Flos: Yah set up cot already cos popping next week!
alabone: oh dear...*HUGZ* u r still in the hospital? Pooor girl u...I thot u hv been discharged...

dun worry abt your kids. I'm sure ur DH will take good care of them.

whereabts r u? Mt E?
Sorry that u are in hosp... i can fully understand how u feel and how dreadful all those needle poking and routine medication is...
I pray that yr baby will stay put... One advise my frd gave me during my hosp stay was to DRINK lots of water and sleep on yr left side. This can prevent contraction and premature birth. I find it really useful and perhaps u shd try it too. Take care and wish u all the best

I cant wait to see how yr baby looks.. so exciting. So yr bb engage already?

Dunno why... when i read that Max was hospitalised due to jaundice, i felt v sad too. Although its v common to have it, i know yr heart will still ache when it happens. Meanwhile u dun think too much and have a good confinement k.

Congrats on yr bb...

<font color="0077aa">Mrs Yap: Posted yesterday after seeing my gynae, unfortunately bb has not head down yet &amp; had fixed c-sec on 3rd sep but will change to 5 sep after discussing with hubby. But will continue trusting GOD for a miracle! Yah man, it seems so surreal!</font>
