(2008/09) Sep 2008

I see... sorry too many posts to read, missed out yr posting on this. So in any case if u going for a csec, u chosing GA or EPI?
I think i will go for EPI, cos i dun wan to be sleepy all the way till evening. My Csec is scheduled to be in the morning.

crayonshinchan: the pumps won't last a lifetime lah! like Ava mentioned, she don't even know if her pumps are working after 4 years. I'll return my friend the mini Electric if I'm not using it.

Flos: apparently, some mummies prefers the Advent ISIS manual as compared to Medela PIS Advanced. The later can be abit too powerful and hurt. Some mummies achieve much better milk supply, especially in the beginning, with the Advent manual pump. Hence I got that first. ;)

I figured, since I'm gonna have more than 2 kids, I might as well invest in breasts pumps now. ;)

Steriliser & breast pump: Hubby and I tried out the IQ Advent just now. The socket is London's 2 pin socket. Thank God we got similar ones with the same voltage in 3 pin plugs, if not would not be able to use if we had brought it to the hospital! Hubby was impressed with the way the steriliser works, was full of praise for the engineers who came up with the idea! haha

For breast pump, you can sterilise every part, except for the motor. For the Advent ISIS manual, I can put the whole thing in. I love how Advent products work marvelously together. But Medela pump parts would fit into the IQ Advent too as it's very spacious.

dollyNEYUKO: I used up 6 bamboo sticks and an IKEA foldable cloths rack to dry the items in my utility yard.

storeberry: yes, we're popping next week! and yes, I still have so much to do, am urging my clients to meet up by this week to finalise the paper work. Hubby and PA will help me if there are any follow-ups. Anyway, the hospital is just next to my office! haha, am sure my clients don't mind visiting me at the hospital if there are any urgent documents to sign. ;)

Yeah, continue to trust God for your baby to turn and be engaged!

I've not set up the baby cot yet. But told my hubby and mum to set it up on the day baby and I come home.

Sasa: *hugs* my SIL was very sad and kept crying too when my niece went back to the hospital to stay for 2 nights cos of jaundice too. But take heart that this is good time for you to rest so that you'll have energy to take care of him when he's back home.

alabone: poor thing! am sure you miss home very much. Pray that your BP will lower and you can be home soon, and Cadence will stay comfy in your tummy till Sep 18.

Flos: Alabone is currently staying at Mt E.

dseptkon: your dilation is so fast! pray that mine will be as fast and painless!
Hi mummies,
btw, I've Avent manual pump and breast shell to let go...only use for 1 week (less than 10 times) since office has got nursing room with power point I now no need the manual pump so wanted to let go...if interested, please let me know...cheers!
dseptkon: Congrats!! kiss him on my behalf... kekeke... cute... And u really dilate very fast.. mine was slow but contractions is quite strg..

Taslyn: Yup, cool...but it juz a dream.. i wanna see my bb for real!! hehehe..
morning ladies. hi storeberry, flos, mrs yap, karen and shazz. thanks again for prayers and encouragement. am keeping my spirits up as best as i can. i don't think i can be discharged anytime soon coz everyday, i just do more tests. baby is not the one who is yearning to come out. my body is instead putting her in a hostile environment and making me lose certain organ function. however, according to dr, my baby seems 'quite happy inside'. that's my sole consolation. mrs yap, yeah. was told by dr to lie on my left side too to provide blood+flow+to+baby.+because+of+my+high+bp,+blood+flow+is+very+restricted+to+her.+i+can't+wait+to+see+her,+but+i+hate+to+know+she'll+have+to+be+delivered+prematurely+and+be+tubed+up+and+put+in+nicu...
good morning, moms, though I might return to bed very soon....zzzzz

shazz: OIC, hopefully your three pumps can last u thru your #2, #3 kids etc.

okie, I guess I'll sterilise my Medela pumps using the IQ24 then.
sorry. overlooked your msg
bb's name is jonathan, wt is 3.145kg, head circum is 33cm and length 50 cm.

i took organic raspberry leaf tea once or twice a day in the last week before i delivered. its supposed to help in a quick dilation and the uterus to contract back quickly after birth. according to the midwives it worked
you can buy frm organic/health food shop. i got it at forum, vitakids.
I also did squats at home to help bb engage

haha. have almost totally forgotten how to do it
but milk came in last night and must definitely feed bb 3 hourly to maintain supply. did not use my pump at all cos in the last few days bb was v sleepy and the nurses would bring him to me to feed at 3 hours to start the routine and stimulate milk production. Think the key thing is to REST as much as possible and DRINK lots of fluids to hydrate

u dreamt of your bb's face? cool
Storeberry: last week my DH also set up the cot ,play pen..but I need to get a new mattress for him. The Kiddly Palace mattress good?your baby head down and engaged le?

Abolone~Hug! don't worry so much! pray for you and baby!

Sasa:Baby Max will go home soon, rest well!

Dsepton: baby so cute!Lower backache = contractions?
wow.. u guys are sure up early...
woke up coz feeling super hungry... trying to wake hb up tp accompany me for beeafast... lol

sasa: dun worry, bb max will go home soon. take the time now to rest so that u can take care of him when he is okay to go home...

alabone: do rest well too.. hope u can go home soon oso...

dseptkon: so the trick to fast dilation is to drink organic raspberry tea huh? okie will try that.

a pantang i heard: when in labour, dun inform frens/family, just call dr n head straight to hospital. they say this will ensure a faster labour. not too sure on this. seems like when u announce to others, bb will pantang n will take their own sweet time to come out coz evone is expecting bb to come out? bb "put on airs"
fren says this is "tested n proven"
I saw this and thought it might be v useful for u!

One Way to Encourage Your Breech Baby to Turn Around

If your little one is head-over-heels in the womb and you're not thrilled about the idea of your doctor performing a breech maneuver, put ice packs on the top of your belly where his head is. Many moms swear this makes baby squirm away from the sudden frost, before the doctor has to shove that little rebel around.
I cannot believe u are 1.55m. u looked v tall when i saw you at Canele..

i'm 1.57m and hubby is 1.9m but i'm always wearing flats. hahah.. I only wear heels when going for dinner. i feel v clumsy in heels!!

Re: Continue to work.
I hv decided to continue working after maternity leave. i kind of suspected some infantcare and childcare centres will also increase their fees when govt announced they will be increasing the subsidies. So yesterday, I went around to look at those infantcare i hv shortlisted. True enough, one infant care centre mentioned they will be increasing their fees from Jan'09. hiaz.. but most are still not increasing.. maybe in time to come, they will start to increase. hiaz.. we are really at the mercy of these pple.. sob.
Alabone, I hope you feel better soon. Cheer up...

I remember someone who has given birth staying in a 2-bedder in Mt A. Can I chk how much cash you have to fork out?
Interesting to read about your adventure to Taka..hehe. Hope your body cooperates soon and you can be discharged!

It (PUPPP) came back? crap!! I couldn't see the pic you posted btw.

Hope baby turns before he 3rd/5th!!

Dun worry, Max will be home soon enuf
dont feel too sad OK?

Going gynae today...no sign of labour or anything at the moment so dunno if he will even bother with CTG/VE etc since he's keen for me to go full term (40 weeks)...keep u guys posted

me left with abit of 'scar & dark pigmentation' only..lucky...my fren oso gena quite bad pupp..her legs all with those red patches..today ur appointment rite? maybe u wana get some cream/medication from dr paul?
dseptkon, cute Jonathan & your delivery was fast! he look so peaceful in his sleep. hehe... so actually you dun need the epidural??

Sasa, hope Max can go home soon!!! ur top up of $1.9k is included the deposit u made at admission??

Taslyn, clear water with vinegar is the best solution? btw does vinegar prevent ants?? after my spring cleaning, i saw that there are big black ants in my kitchen! i dun have food or anything sweet outside and i just cleaned the shelves! before that there are no ants, but 1 day after cleaning, the ants are EVERYWHERE in the kitchen! And its the first time i see black ants in my kitchen.

Storeberry, hope everything goes well on the 5th for you! less than 10 days to see ur precious! excited ya!

abalone, pls take care and relax!! but u are so funny when u sneak out to taka and bluff all the nurse! lol!!!

Shazz, you sound so busy! looks like you're rushing to settle everything before u poP!

Flos, good life now with all the sleep u are getting makes me super envious! wished so hard i can start ML but NO SUCH LIFE! my boss still going overseas until my edd and wants me to be in the office! urgh!

Ava, must be feeling super big and heavy now ya? with twins and going to full term! salute! that's the greatness of being a mother!!
Update! Lanolin gave birth early this morning to baby Declan. 3.275kg, 51cm and head circ 33cm. Mummy and babe are resting well after a fairly short and intense labour.
Haiz.. I came back from my gynea visit yesterday
Gynea did a vaginal check and alas, he is like majiam poke his entire fist inside and went quite deep inside me loh
It is so PAINFUL loh! Did u all experience something liddat huh??

Den he concluded that my cervic haben open yet and commented tat my bone structure is narrow or wat. May not be easy to try for natural loh

Den I was -_-

And wat makes it worst is tat after the gynea visit, my hubby came out of the clinic and suan me for not attending wat yoga classes or stretching classes loh
I was so MAD loh!!!!!!
<font color="0000ff">Flos
i didnt pack anything for bb.. haha.. onli a receiving blanket.. but end up dun need to use anything, coz hospital give him shirt, mittens and receiving blanket. no booties tho so u might wanna bring ur own.. but he'll be wrapped up till very cosy..

yeap yeap... 1.9k is the total amount i had to pay after deducting medisave wor... hope this helps

thanks for ur concerns.. am still waiting for hospital to call to say i can bring him home... sighz.. wat a long wait.. haha. in the meantime, i can onli stare at the daily pics i took of him. n it's reali true.. babies change on a daily basis...</font>
my gynea proposes CTG every week now that i am closer to EDD. CTG can pick up contractions and heartbeat of bb. My junior's head still not engaged but downwards position. Mild contractions detected but not enough to start birth process. Will induce 5 sept if no contractions by then. I have a week to go..excited..

Shazz, when are you due since you have dilated and bb is engaged?

my employer v nice, already told me to work from home this week..
looks like we are going to pop on the same day - 5 Sept!

I feel the same way as you, feeling v excited and a little hyper that bb is gg to be out soon..feeling is great..
i have done all that i should..cleaning, setting up cot etc..even bb seat is up at the back of the car, ready for installation.
Congrats Lanolin~~~! that's fast, all mummies are popping one by one already!

Goldfish, your hubby very insensitive leh. he not scared u later get depression from his comments huh! anyway dun think yoga or stretching classes got anything to do with narrow bone structure. so wad are ur plans if its not easy to try for natural?

sasa, thanks for the info. my other fren was in tmc 2 bedded, natural with epi n assisted delivery was telling us to prepare 2k for the fees. so was quite taken back. since 1.9k for 1 bedder nat w/ epi sounds better! lol! hope you get ur call soon~

bacon&amp;egg, same date w storeberry for ur inducing. its good to be able to work from home. but not for my position. haiz~ i'm somehow expected to stay in office. even for tml and fri since both bosses have to be out of town. sianz.. no chance to even think of MC.
take it easy yan
try to rest in between breaks if you can, leave on time

congrats to all the mommies who popped these few days...

my gynea has not insert or poke yet, he merely feel my tummy from the top to the near the vagina and is able to tell if the bb is engaged! hmmm..
Alabone: Just read that you're in hospital. Hey, want to encourage you to keep a positive attitude. Cos no matter what happens, your bb will be in safe hands. So you don't have to be anxious about anything at all, just rest, rest and rest. And pls don't sneak out again, there's a reason they put you in hospital under observation. Be a good girl now..
<font color="0077aa"> Wow, so many mummies wake up so early!! I wake up at 930am &amp; its considered one of the early days! Keke...

Thanks Mrs Yap, Shazz, Ava &amp; yan for the encouragement!

Blueberry, bb have not turn down yet as of Mon, have change my c-sec date to 5 sept. As have to see gynae on next Mon again, will update you all.

There is size M dispoable undies at Watson Toa Payoh! Aiyoo.. I was too navie to think that I can squeeze into a size M.... But the free size that I gotten can fit, what an irony. And I bought 3 packs!
Guess I will ask if can do exchange cos didn't open the two packs.

Bacon&amp; egg: Ya man, same day but different hospital!

Congrats Lanolin!!! So exciting! Thanks for updating us, Ava!</font>
I haben read yesterday thread yet
Will try to catch up in the midst of my busy work now..
So.. sasa de mouse delivering soon huh??

Wah.. how ur doc tell w/o poking? Or am I the odd one out here?
For mama tat has delivered, how does the doc know how many cm u have been dilated? I hope they dun poke u to ‘sense’ it one leh!

I am still pinning hope for natural. I hope I will not end up trying for natural den realized bb kena stuck there and haf to slice myself up!!
So it will be double-wound??

CTG Belt
My gynea told me to go for that next week.. which is my week 39th! I am concerned tat after the CTG belt, I will be ask to deliver!!!
Storeberry: me same with you, last 2 weeks baby turn down and now head up again....5 Sept is your EDD?

I think I need to get the size L! so big size now.
alabone: your adventure sounds so exciting, hehe

Flos: I hope my 2 pumps will see me thru at least 3 kids! haha

Goldfish: I experienced the painful VE too! Am still bleeding slightly even though it has been 3 days.

bacon&amp;egg: gynae didnt tell me a definite date on when I'll deliver. So when I see her next mon (1 Sep), she'll strap me on CTG to see how's baby's heartbeat and if I'm having contraction etc, and if I'm more dilated since last visit. Who knows, I may be admitted on Monday too! ;) But I'm all ready. Do take time together with your hubby to pray for the type of delivery and recovery you want, it really helps cos when 2 or 3 agrees, it shall be done!

I'm still working and coming to office everyday to clear whatever I can. Really worried that I can't finish what I set out to do before I pop!

I think my hubby is more excited than me! He kept taking the car seat capsule and stroller out, to test it, even brought it out for a trial run, fasten to car, load and unload etc! haha ... and he's fiddling around with the equipments such as steriliser, breast pumps and asking me what's the difference between the different bottles and teats! haha

He was pretty clueless about the whole pregnancy actually, so I'm glad that he's more hands-on now. And it helped that he picked up the Pigeon Pregnancy handbook, which I took at the Taka Baby Fair. It gave a very good overview of what happens at which stage of the pregnancy, what tools are required, why breastfeeding is best etc. Initially, he found it troublesome and tiring for me to breastfeed, but after reading the booklet, he realised the importance and agreed to support me even if I meet road blocks!
<font color="0077aa">Hi blackberry, yes 5 sept is my EDD, decided to delay c-sec till then. Also told hynae to arrange at later time cos my hubby say morning traffic very bad..
Hope you bb head down soon! My sister also had her bb turn up a few days before delivery but eventually turn down again. So stay hopeful!

Goldfish: Sasa gave birth already!! BB Max is in hospital now cos of juandice.</font>
Shazz: good that he tried now!I still haven't try the sterilizer, stroller yet...I still don't know how to close the stroller..paisheh! when going home from hospital, we need to put baby on the car seat le?

Storeberry: have a smooth delivery on 5 Sept!how exciting!I hope myself like your sister, baby will head down again...pray and pray!
yesh.. cleaning floor with water n vinegar the best coz no residue from those commercial cleaning agents. 1 part vinegar to 99 parts water.

re: ants
omg.. i suggest u go buy those ant killing agents to kill them. i think the effect one to be in pellet kind easily available from mama stores.

wahh dr stick whole fist in? lol... no wonder so painful.. i haben gotten my VE yet.. dr says next monday.
i will be upset if my hb suan me too.. narrow pelvis got nothing to do with yoga or stretching wat?!

think natural delivery will heal faster... after all for csec, they are cutting u up.. then again it really depends on ur body's healing process and if u guai guai avoid foods which may cause infection n how u take care of the wound.
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - yes, will remove my finger &amp; toenail polish this Friday nite. Hah, no make up and all, don’t think I will dare to post up any of my photos on FB - will just post baby pix!

On the fish soup at TMC, they don’t cook it when you get admitted, just that u need to pre-order a couple of days. I will at least get one serving to bring home after being discharged, and assume that my MIL will cook for me those 2 days before the CL comes.

crayonshinchan - just get the soup from the café (up the staircase). I saw a sign that says we need to preorder. Think its about $6+ a portion.

dseptkon - oh, ur son is cute. Looks so peaceful sleeping there!

alabone - hang in there okie! Hope ur BP gets better and baby Cadence can stay inside awhile longer till he is bigger....

Oh, Lanolin popped??
Wow, more and more mommies now! My turn is next I guess…

Goldfish - guess the VE by male gynes are more painful cos of their bigger hands? Why does he have to stick the whole hand in thou? Mine is female and its just like 10 seconds of discomfort.

Kym Teo - I am still around lah…at work now. At my last gyne appnt, baby is not engaged yet and cervix not dilated….so she said should be okie to last till my C-sec on Sat. Yours is on Sunday rite? What time is your surgery? I will sms u a couple of hours after u are done, and maybe pop by your room?

blackberryB - C-sec is more risky cos it is surgery after all, &amp; u typically stay for 3 nites (2 nites for normal delivery). C-sec recovery is generally more painful, but depends on each individual of cos. For natural, have to deal with the episeptomy wound, possible incontinence (have to do your kegel exercises) and infection at the V area.</font>
blackberryB: the recommendation is to use a car seat when you bring the baby home from hospital. But some people just carry the newborn all the way from hospital to home.
I'll let her update her own birth story, but she was working up till yesterday I believe.

Still no sign for me
Just came back from gynae, as expected, no sign of imminent birth, no VE, no CTG...
non-interventionist is really non-interventionist lor LOL...but at least I got some tablets for mjy itching HAAH..babes are now about 2.8 and 3kg each...doc also says, we'll just have to wait and see. At least leading twin is fully head down now, not at a slight angle like last week...

More squats needed to help engagement!!!

It's not too late to start doing more stretching etc now...you can try the yoga butterfly pose: sitting down, feet touching, knees pointing outwards to either side, then use your hands to turn out your feet like opening up the pages of a book and move your knees up and down gently. helps open up the pelvic area.

Congratulations to all the mommies who have given birth!!

You can rent the bili light bed from the medical company to do home photo therapy yourself so that baby can go home. I did that and just bring baby back daily for blood test.

Have to order the fish soup in advance now? I remember it was on the menu and you just order it the day before when they give you the list for food order. I had it for every meal even during tea time.
talking abt dreams... my HB dreamt tt i delivered and he brought the bb home to bathe and change and den walk together to the hos to visit me... ai dio...

&amp; me, so scared of handling NBs that i dreamt i dropped my bb
nearly cried when i woke up..

to mommies who have delivered in TMC, may i know what's in the 'goodie bag' tt they give har? cos want to ensure i pack my hos bag properly.
We don't need to bring anything for baby? I have packed everything for her. hehe!!

Ohh ya! Congrats to all mummies who have gave birth..

I'm on my annual leave since ytd till this friday den next week ML. Too lazy to go work le.

Getting so nervous... I've forgotten how to breathe taught by Mrs Wong. OMG!!! Will the nurse remind me?
<font color="0077aa">Jasmine: I also pack mittens, botties, receiving blanket &amp; one romper, one pants for bb!! My hospital bag is like bursting out!! And I haven't packed my book &amp; towel yet!

Limay: Wow, 2 more days before "D" day! Yes, pls post pictures of little Kieran!</font>
Maternity leave: I still need to drag myself to work for another week.

Disposable panties: Can we just get the normal cotton type from Waston or have to buy those that purely for maternity use?
Taslyn/Bigtoes:I heard that after C-section, when get up from bed, the pain is killing!

Shazz: Then I have to set up the car seat before 'pop out'..

Ava: More squats needed to help engagement!!! can help baby head turn down?
blackberryB - are u still deciding between natural or elective C? What is your gyne's advise? Am hoping the post-surgery pain wont be THAT bad, would still be on medication anyways. I have a similar sized wound from my fibroid surgery last year &amp; the pain was pretty okie when I got out of bed actually. Was walking about the same day itself &amp; begging my gyne to discharge me cos I was so bored then. Anyway, i will let u know how bad this one would be!

storeberry - yes, 2 more days for me! My surgery is on Sat late afternoon; will get hubby to post photos on Sunday
hi mommies,

i'm planning to employ a maid after much hesitation... anyone can recommend maid agency to me as this is my 1st time employing a maid n i've no clue on how to go abt getting one now.

Goldfish, if narrow bone structure then bb cant come out, maybe need to go for emergency c sect? anyway best to check see wad the gynae say. cos maybe he just give a comment and might not be really narrow that cannot go for natural lo...

Taslyn, i'll try the vinegar for my next cleaning. I do have a very powerful poison for ants, which worked everytime within few hours all ants gone &amp; dead. but its for the normal small ants, not this big black ants! i gonna buy the combat brand ant trap tonite to try out.

Weight Gain - I've hit 20kg
super depressed. dun dare to let hubby know! i suspect is the japanese buffet hubby brought me to last sunday!
