(2008/09) Sep 2008


my gynae has not done any VE on me yet. the last visit was my 38th week. i asked her if she will do that VE check, she says unless if they want to induce me or during labour itself, then they do that check.

so sorry to hear abt ur hospitalisation. I feel so sad for u that u r separated from ur kiddies. Cos I was thinking of letting my girl stay with me is hospital when i pop, esp now that she's become quite sticky, so she doesn't feel left out. So I can just imagine how u feel that ur kids dun really get to see u

lanolin and despkton

So exciting for u! Counting down! Sleep more ok? After that u'll be stoned the entire mth at least.

I can't wait to pop too! Really excited bt it. In fact, I hope I pop tmr morning! But oh well, these things can't be rushed...
I've also bought some sweets for my girl as a 'present' from her little sister. Hee hee

how many weeks r you? Quick, start stretching now! Like what Ava suggested. It'll help somehow.

u delivered already?

yes, I am v short... But oh well, like my fren said, girl short is called petite, guy short is called midget. So there's my consolation! hee hee

So ur kids go to childcare? My colleague's girl also goes to child care, seems that after subsidies it's quite cheap and she was really happy abt it. But of course the school is not those "branded" type.
We could sms each other on 5 Sept!! haha..
Which hospital will you be delivering at? Mine NUH.

I am praying for head engagement soon and birth to take place in Sept. Next Friday is ideal
We are ready..
my hubby already tested the sterilizer, bought the CL new pillow and blanket, bought out his videocam and camera, charge them up, put up cot, been playing with the musical mobile etc.. whenever i tell him i feel cramp, he gets really nervous..
Dear Limay,

Yup ok! Glad to hear you're ok.. and still working!? Please do get some rest soon..


My friend went for emergency c-section last week, and she did not get down to walk, until 2 days later, and she said its even harder than giving birth.. which is why we must really make an effort to get down the bed and walk around, preferably 6 hours later..
bacon&egg & isabelle - i think people are more apprehensive and excited for me than i am!! Like colleagues asking me why I am still at work...Guess the reality of it all hasn't quite sunk in yet that i am delivering in a couple of days!

Plus I am not looking forward to 1 month of house arrest...the longest I have stayed home is like 2 days, don't know how I can tahan being cooped up for an entire month! Will most prob find an excuse to go out to the supermarket or somewhere since the CL is around to keep an eye on the baby.

Kym - u are on ML already?
Goldfish: i kena sia... so pain seh.. 1st time kena, i nearly shout! hahaha... den i notice i bleed abit.. 2nd time i feel like my vagina is tearing... 3rd time i feel much more better.. hahaha.. like used to it oredi...

Doc poke deep deep cz to check whether hv our cervix dilated or nt....

Bigtoes, for me ah... male gynae is much more gentle in poking.. hahaha.. cz the female gynae tt poked me all very chubby.. sure hv chubby fingers too.. but i nt sure hw many fingers they put inside my vagina..
yes.. my kids go to childcare.. now that i hv decided to continue working after maternity leave, i'm looking for an infantcare centre for my Sharmaine. No doubt subsidies are increased by govt, but in time to come, most childcare and infant care centres will also raise their fees..
hiaz.. we are really at the mercy of these pple..sob.
VE check: I'm puzzled. I don't quite understand the issue with VE checks. Have you girls had any vaginal scan done before? If yes, then don't have to worry abt finger poking lah.. The finger is so thin compared with the big vaginal scan..
isabelle: nt yet.. nw waiting games... hehehe.. i dilate so slow la...

Yan: i'm worst than u lei.. i gain 25kg!! whahahahaha.... 1st pregnancies some more...
maybe your bb will keep you so busy that you forgot you are under "house arrest"!! hee..

Think you get to leave the house a few days/weeks after birth..to bring your bb for checkup?
yeah heard it is v pain esp the 1st try to get get out of bed.. tat y i was contemplating if i shld go for natural or csec...labor pain for a few hrs or pain for days...

be careful when using the ants poison. dun wan any residue ard. good luck with killing them.
dun be depressed over the weight gain... can lose the weight later.. bb healthy can liaoz...

hb wan telling mi that he saw a naybor who was super slim... but after 1 kid, she ballooned to 3 times her original size n she gave birth last yr! she mentioned that mil gave her alot of rich food during confinement and her hb is sending her to marie france soon. felt quite good when hb commented that she is fatter than me.. *phew*
that is one consolation coz hb has been saying that i am fat, calls me penguin (taking my hands to flap like penguins also), obasan, etc etc... but i was abit plump prior to pregnancy.. so far gained 10kg :p hehehe... v scared of putting on more.. coz the weight is straining my knees and ankles. i m hitting the scales at 65kg liao...
mickey, i had vaginal scan once before in first trimester cos hubby very worried for my spotting, so he brought me to KKH 24 hr clinic. i remember its just abit uncomfortable but my legs are shaking really bad. but some are saying VE is whole fist in, some saying its fingers. so actually how the gynae do the VE???

Sri, its my first pregnancy too. but shocked at my weight gain. worse thing is that for past 3 days have cravings for chocolate! finishing 1 whole packet of mini kitkat in the office!!! OMG!!! HELP! i cant stop my mouth leh...
Bigtoes: My gynae asked us to see how is going on by this week..will discuss when I'm 37 weeks..I'm 36 weeks + 2days now! wow, you walked at the same day! you very brave leh! 2 more days from now, exciting lor
hurry to see your baby photo!

Kym: same day have to walk after c-sec?

Taslyn: I also felt that way..

Yan: last week I finished 1 big pack of the cowsberry chocolate myself..get scolded by my hubby..
Taslyn, i'm very careful with the ant poison cos the way i see it killing the ants its VERY strong. just that it doesnt work for the big black ants. My hubby already asking me to go vegetarian after birth of bb (which is crazy! later no BM then he know!) and also when i'm going back to jean yip to slim down! STRESSED! he is super thin that's why adding to my stress on weight.
Yan: whahahahahahahah.. gynae said its normal to eat alot on ur last trimester cz bb need to gain weight... me too! i bought 3 crunchie @ NTUC.. gt offer lei.. 3 for $2.45 i tink.. cheap hor... Yummy..Yummy... btw when u due? I'm hoping to lose weight by nxt yr.. atleast between 55-60kg.. hee.. but nw i weigh tons! 79kg! hahahaha..
<font color="0077aa">bacon&amp; egg: Yes, will sms each other! I am at TMC! Can't pop by ur ward!

I did pad smear before, should be about the same as VE? It felt uncomfotable but not very painful...</font>
Yan: Whole fist? Can go in meh?? I think VE check is done with 2 finger bhah.. Guess the discomfort is caused becos the vaginal is dry..

Sri: The vaginal scan is like a long vibrator. The gynae wears a condom over it, applies some lubricant on the tip of the condom and insert it into the vaginal. Oops.. I sound a bit crude in the description..
vag scan is usually done in early pregnancy when abdomnial scan doesn't pick up the sac.
Walking after delivery: The "patient" is advised to get off the bed to walk on the second day. And we won't be discharged until after we're able to pass urine and motion at the hospital..
oic... thks mickey for the explanation.. doc wanna do vag scan for me when i hv bleed... I'm so lucky tt the abdominal scan picks up... if nt ar, i cant imagine a long vibrator insert in my vagina.. hahaha.. heng..heng...

ya..sometimes too dry la..they nvr put enough lubricant.. hehehe...
wow.. u guys can eat ar? i eat them n feel nauseous n pukey!
i oso hate that 3rd tri i gain so much weight! i was eating sundaes, chocolate bar, chocolate milk and cakes like nobody business but weight gain was minimal.. then come 3rd tri, i dun eat those sweet stuff n put on 5kg! so angry with myself!

heng my hb not thin.. i made sure he grew fat with me.. in fact he is the irritating one who make mi eat n eat...

can help to slim down meh? i dun think it is so good if u r gonna BF right? maybe eat moderately n avoid fatty/sweet stuff bah...
anyway they say BF help u to slim down de mah

Csec: dr tell mi i can go for natural but if i wanna csec, he will oso do it for me.. he say he dun see a pt for me to waste the $$$ on csec. tel mi to save the $$ for bb's jabs n checkup better.
oooo.. crunchie.. my fave... but cannot eat.. else i MS again...

thanks for the explanation on VE.. clear my doubts... but still wary of pain.. din not go thru all those vag checks/scans... so abit scared lar
hahaha.. nvm taslyn.. i ate on ur behalf.. hehehe.. =P

3rd trimester ar... gosh.. i hate it... out of the sudden my SM appears... on my boobs la.. tummy la... thighs la... argh!!
Koras: Vag scan is done in the 1st trimester. It's not done anymore as soon as the abdomnial scan can give a good view of the pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, I've never heard this is done.

Sri: Kekeke..
For my last pregnancy, I had spotting too. And abdominal scan could pick up the sac but no heart beats, so gynae inserted lor. Then good thing could see the heartbeat..
thanks ley.. :p maybe i try white chocolate later..

me oso ley.. suddenly the stupid SM... heng not alot lar.. else i wanna die liao... the lucky thing for me is most are on thighs.. hope it does not spread... CHOY!
blackberryB, my hubby din know i'm eating chocolates in the office! cos i'm trying to relax during office hours, i keep reaching for more chocolate in my drawer! but at home i dun really go to the fridge for chocolates even though there are 2 huge bars of cadbury in my fridge.

Sri Leo, i'm now 75.3kg at only 1.56-1.58m tall!! i hope i can go back to ard 52kg(that's abt the weight i was during my wedding) by next year! maybe with dieting and the help of jean yip again after i breastfeed my baby for at least 6 months. crunchie at offer, make me think of getting some too!!! btw, my hubby brought me to the jap buffet for an early bdae celebration. this sun going for steamboat with frens again for baby shower! so much food. i guess gonna put on more KGS again. me due 24th sept. how abt u??

mickey, i tot i saw someone here saying the gynae put the whole fist in? actually last time heard b4 its possible to put the fist in lor. i dunno abt it thou! if VE is like normal vaginal scan, i'm not so worried cos tried it once before. hehe!
sri leo- opps i mean tml 38 weeks.. typo. recently guess my baby still comfortable inside no sign of contraction or more discharge ler
hahaha... white choco ah taslyn.. i don like white choco.. nt shiok... but u may try.. as long as its choco..

wa lau wei.. i don mind having it at thighs &amp; tummy.. but at my BOOBS!! Gosh.. i hate it lor... the SM at my boobs is so ugly lor...

Yan, I'm abt the same height as u.. 1.58m only... but in terms of weight, i'm fatter than u.. hahahaha..79 kg lei.. wah...b4 preggie u 52kg.. I 55kg sia.. hehehe... I'm due 12 sept.. u deliver @ KKH?
stef &amp; seanbabes, I remember we see same Gynae.. Eunice Chua, is it ? she also nvr do VE check for me, then does she ask you to fill birth plan ?
stef&amp;seanbabes (limyg) - same lo.. recently baby i keep asking my baby to guai guai head down and faster come out so that he can play. inside no one play with him lol
Taslyn, my hubby will concern if i skip meals cos now preggie. but he dun encourage me to stuff myself which i always do that at buffets or steamboat. he is the type that dun force himself to finish food if he's full. that's why he's so skinny and can NEVER put on weight even if he eat alot of fatty food or suppers.

Going vegetarian is not good for breastfeeding. but sure can lose weight. cos my mum's a vegetarian. before that she really really plump. now, she's v slim and better figure than me before preggie!!! even my own hubby would comment to me that my mum figure v nice lor, then why i not like that... STRESS!!
lol...Koras, its better nt to hv contraction.. I 36wks plus gt contraction oredi lei... quite painful &amp; uncomfortable... discharge i hv it but bit by bit...
yes. i'm with Eunice chua.. she does not do VE check for me. she also did not ask me to fill any birth plan.. i think birht plans are optional. if u have a birth plan, you can let her know.

SriLeo, koras,
hee.. i think Sharmaine is scared of her other 2 siblings.. Hahahha.. cos her other 2 siblings are so so noisy and hyper-active!!! Probably that's why she is afraid of coming out to meet them.
my indulgence since JC times lar.. hershey white chocolate bar with those cruhchy bits inside..
my boobs oso hv SM.. in fact, it all started there.. n it is not like i got big boobs or wat.. kns..

mi oso ard the same height as u guys... but maybe din put on much coz i am merlion-ing thruout the whole pregnancy bah

so shiok! can eat jap buffet... hb totally bar me from jap buffet.. coz he knows that i chiong sashimi which is a big no-no now...
then he say no more prawns and chicken for me once i hit 37 weeks.. coz they are "poisonous", not good for healing of wounds.
i looking forward to my dimsum buffet with some sahmtbs next week though.. hehehe
hihi mummies ,
just woke up .. cos raining the whole day and it is super good for sleeping .. keke ..

Vaginal scan and the finger examination .. hmm .. My doc done both .. the finger to check for dilation last time when i am admitted to hospital .. and the vaginal scan just last week to check the distance between my cervix and the amino bag .. he concluded last week that I will not deliver so soon last week .. keke ..cos teh dist is still okay .. true enough ,yesterday still went for checkup and have not delivered ..my 37 weeks yesterday ... keke .. today 37 w 1 d .. counting down
Sri, i'm going TMC. 52kg was my wedding weight. 2 weeks b4 wedding i'm hovering at 49-50kg. lol! i'm the kind that gain weight easily. those weight was the greatness of dieting and visiting jean yip like 2-3 times a week! all along i was also ard 56-58kg. the heaviest record at 60kg!

SM - me not really affected, just a few at my thighs at the side, not really visible. and the others at my buttock! lol~! my hubby say the butt one is long ago have liaoz. hehe! the only thing affecting me is CELLULITE at my thighs! SUPER DUPER visible!!! sianz~
Sri Leo (sri_leo)- isnt.. but i cant tahan sia.. still abit hard to breath and he recently seem very naughty..and super active inside.. keep kicking around and making my bladder that i keep going to the toilet
Taslyn, dim sum buffet also one of my fav! which restaurant u all going to? i dun dare to eat sashimi all along but that's my hubby's fav. he had his fill at the buffet lo. how come prawns and chicken cant eat once u hit 37 weeks? never heard of it leh...

Qiuling, enjoying life now ar, so envious! i got caught in the rain on the way back from lunch just now.
i know wat u mean siah...
my mum oso thinner and taller than me... she is the one who comments that i am fat.. she is not veg but eats little.

re: SM &amp; cellulite
warrau... both drive mi crazy.. but mainly on thighs lar.. even my tattoo on my back is stretched.. so pissed.. hb is supposed to help mi jagah n apply cream but apparently he never do his job..

steamboat: i oso cannot stop myself from eating until i feel super full.. but i make a point to load up with alot of vegs.

dimsum buffet: we going to the one @ excelsior hotel, peninsular there... cheap n good mah..

haha.. so cute to say that Sharmaine is scared of her siblings...
my ger is totally diff.. i think she cannot wait to come out to bully my 2 dogs.. esp now that hb and i are dreaming that she is popping out soon
Dseptkon, Milkmilk &amp; lanolin: CONGRATULATIONS! You've done it! Delivered such beautiful babies!!! Wonder what's going to happen to me when it's my turn.

All the mummies here seem super organised and ready. I still have stuff to clear up!!! All my rubbish...my study is in a mess... as is my living area. Argh! Just fortunate tt i've organised most of bb's clothes and stuff...i think. better get my butt moving but i've been feeling so so tired. In a daze now.
Taslyn: haha! I prefer normal and save the money for baby leh...I crave for mooncake recently..

Yan: my hubby bought for himself one also ate by me...

SM - It appears a lot of my thighs and boobs too..after see also felt want to cry leh
blackberryB, lol!! i do crave for mooncake too but the feeling not as strong as chocolates! hehe!

Taslyn, that's why always stress when we cant compare to our mum. all the neighbours or her friends will compare and comment in front of me even! i always v unhappy about that!
stef: LOLX!!! u better tell ur 2 kids nt to be so noisy so u can see ur bb ASAP.. hehehe

tasyln: I hv big boobs sia... and the SM i felt more like wrinkle..

Koras: nvm...soon we'll unload... nw is juz a waiting game...

Yan: i oso easily gain weight.. br preggie i did weigh 65kg (max).. eat jamu after tt slim dwn back to 55kg... will try to eat jsmu again after i deliver my bb...
