(2008/09) Sep 2008

Congrats to MilkMilk and Dseptkon! This is getting very exciting
I hope mine will be smoothsailing...

<font color="119911">Wow - After almost 10 months, mommies here are all popping one by one! CONGRATS to milk2 and dseptkon!!
Scary &amp; exciting all at the same time!! Have to update us on the events on that day &amp; share your baby photos ya!! I saw Sunray's photos --- Charlotte is so cute &amp; chubby!!</font>
Congrats milkmilk and dseptkon. Enjoy the beginnings of motherhood life. Waiting to hear your birth stories ;-)

I just went for my 38wks + check up yesterday and seems like Reyes has grown much bigger. He's more than 3.5kg now and gynae took a blood test for me in case I have GD. Heng, all's well and so, its a waiting game like many of you now.

Flos, i briefly glanced thru the msgs and u seem to be enjoying life hor!!! haa. waking up at 2 in the afternoon! Shiok!

I will tong until friday and next wk, will be my term break before reyes sees the world ;-)
Jessi, some time back, i bought a binder from one of the bp threads here. I dont know if thats the one u are referring to. Cos from what I know, its to bind the tummy rather than the pelvic area..
crayon: u r still not on leave yet?

Hhehee! I'm having great fun. Told my DH that I feel shiok waking up at noon daily these days. Woke up earlier today to listen to Barack Obama's Day 1 speech...sthg that I won't be able to do if I were still slogging in the office

3.5kg, that's a champion babe!! REYES! I lurve that name.

Is the Medela Binder good? Or Osim's is better?
crayonshinchan, oh.. so there are only binders for tummy and not for the pelvic area? hehe.. i didn't know that. what brand of binder you bought?

flos, the medela and osim binder that you are asking, is it for the tummy?
congrats to mummies who've pop..!
counting down 5 more days to Sept..
*excited* =)

Sri Leo (sri_leo)
i'm also under subsidised patient..
everytime is just routine check and listen to baby's heartbeat only..
but dunno y mine is weekly but u n yingflo different..

yingflo (yingflo)
Thanks.. will go down Watsons to check out..
Shazz, can add me in the list too :
jules, TMC, girl, EDD: 28 Sept Gynae's name: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

Milk milk and desptkon: CONGRATULATIONS
Being bored during maternity....

<font color="119911">Mommies who are on leave already - how do u spend your time (i know Flos sleeps till noon
) I am working right till the day before I deliver, and wondering if i would be bored to tears at home when baby arrives. Can't imagine being under house-arrest for 1 month during confinement, &amp; it being just baby &amp; me for the next 3+ months! I am not someone who can sit still and do nothing, or sleep during the day (though I would have to with all the nightly feeds). Think i would end up online quite a fair bit, bugging my collegues to update me on gossip or taking baby out in his pram for shopping!....</font>
Flos/lil CY
Get your minds out of the gutter heheh! Flos dunno if remember that ex or not; he was from our JC in council, but from my faculty lah...

Congrats MilkMilk and Dseptkon!!

A swab test was probably the Group B Strep test. VE is done with fingers. The strep test would have been done with an instrument to swab lining of vagina and then kept in a sterile tube etc to be sent for lab test.
trust me. bored you wont feel. tired and cranky and wondering how come your life has come to this state, you might feel.sleepless nights, wakeless day...crying bb who doesnt seem satisfied whatever you do...

think more so for first time mummies unless of course you have taken care of newborns before...

kekeke..okok..maybe im exaggerating. but depends on how easy your bb is lah...
I'm like you too...I feel SO restless now that I'm on ML, but really too huge to go out to work or even work from home everyday cos I shouldn't be sitting for too long. I was thinking about working half days from home actually cos was so bored!!! But it's getting better now that I've wound down from work over the last week.

Sigh, I think my ML has also coincided with worse carpal tunnel/water retention in hands/numbness and rashes...makes me wish I hadn't gone on ML if this resting at home is the cause of it!!!
karen, im going for appt later at KKH, see isit a week or two weeks later for next appt, am already 38 wks le.. anyway, i guess later will still do the usual, listen bb heart beat + routine checks.. sorry, the disposible panties selling at 3.95 instead of 3.50..

Have you mummies bought cottonwool to clean bb's backside or to rather buy bb's wipes in case they pass motion?
Bigtoes, Ava: I'm very restless too..
Have not started ML yet, but feeling how come time is passing by so slowly! *sigh*

Bigtoes: Do u have a CL? If yes, at least you'll have more time to rest and relax a bit. Else, there'll be no time.. Looking after the baby is like clockwork - got to feed them, change them every 2-3hrs.. On top of which, you have to express milk. So although everyday you're doing the same thing, time just flies by very quickly.
And if you have a CL, the "nitemare" starts after the CL leaves. Cos that's the time you'll suddenly feel lost cos there's no one around to take care of the bb but yourself...
mandy, i'm with KT Tan at Private Suite..

i also have a check up today but mine's at 3:40pm...

Yupz, i stopped working on the 18th.. now happily bumming at home..
you are crazy. i wish i can feel bored...doesnt adan come disturb you???4 year old boys arent that considerate are they?

ava, flos
which jc were you guys from? which year huh?
So nice to hear some of you alr on ML, resting before the BIG day arrives. Do enjoy while you can as things are diff when the lil prince and princess come along.

Everyday dragging myself to work and hoping that each day gets better (obviously not)... cannot take early ML. if not i lugi my leave which means have to go back to work before the nov/dec hols. claiming my other 2 months next yr. so now must tahan and tahan and drag my heavy tum and legs to work... arggghhhh..
Hello just back from my gynae check up. 37weeks and 5days. Head not engaged and havent dilate yet...haiz...if no reaction by next week then have to go on CTG to monitor.
Where is pelvic? Mine oso experienced pain below.Like too long never exercise feeling and its aching down there....:>
Rushed for my facial too...before i go for my confinement...hehehe...
no leave when u are teaching during term time
that's the sad one lor... tempted to take mc for the last 2 weeks tho.. hee.. wonder if my gynae wld agree.
Adan is in full day school remember? he's out from 9.30am to about 5.30pm. I didnt want to take him out of school during my ML.

And yes, when he's home, i have no time to be bored

Dunno if Flos wants to announce her JC and age or not hehe...
<font color="119911">l'l CY (lilboymum) - "bored you wont feel. tired and cranky and wondering how come your life has come to this state, you might feel.sleepless nights, wakeless day...crying bb who doesnt seem satisfied whatever you do... "...argh...doesn't sound very encouraging! Yes - alot would depend on the personality of the baby, so guess we won't know how we will cope till he/she pops out!

Ava - when do u think the twins will decide to come out? Is the leading twin engaged yet? You are really quite super to carry them till full term &amp; very respectable sizes!

mickey (bbmouse) - yes i have a CL for 1 month. Like u said, I am more concerned when she leaves, cos then it would be me + baby and no one else to help with him during the day.

dollyNEYUKO (dollyneyuko) - I bought my cheap mozzie net from Spotlight (think $10-12) - Comes in a few colors. I bought one in white &amp; added some iron ons to pretty it up. See: http://bigfattoes.multiply.com/photos/album/117/Our_babys_pre-birth_photos#35
Cheap bedding set I think u can get from places like Aussino. Spotlight &amp; Aussino are both at Plaza Sing.</font>
Taslyn, but I juz option c-sec last week nia...
Tot those VE and strep B test done on 34-36 weeks ? or am I wrong ?

Congrats to Milkmilk and Dseptkon...
congrats milkmilk and dseptkon! looking forward to your bb pix!

dollyneyuko, i'm still doing housework but only v light ones like sweeping and a bit of half-hearted mopping. i have a part-time helper who comes in during the weekends so i just make sure the house is aga-aga clean during the weekdays can liao. am still doing laundry too but v easy for me cos i have a dryer, so none of that hanging clothes on poles etc. u're still doing housework too?
jules, me too!! tahan all the way til this wk ends! Else lugi my 1wk sept hols.

Flos, nope.. like i just told jules, I am working til this Friday, after teachers' day celebration. Hopefully reyes will guai guai stay comfy comfy inside first.

And the abdominal binder that I bought was neither osim nor medela. Its some brandless 2pcs of elastic binder that I got off some bulk purchase thread some time back. I guess its more for binding to "firm" up the loose tummy?? NOt sure if it works though.

Ava, u better rest more. You seeem to be having quite a bit of retention and itches going on. Hope it goes away for u soon.

Bigtoes, heee.. i doubt u'll have time to feel bored when baby comes out. BF shd take up a lot of time oredi unless u're going FM. But then again, we shd rest more during this confinement period.

Dolly, I'm only doing usual stuff like washing and hanging of clothes. Cooking and washing up. Thats abt all. The rest of the stuff, I've got my part time helper.
Congrats milkmilk &amp; dseptkon~

dollyneyuko, i'm doing ALL the housework still as at 36 weeks. Just did my whole house spring cleaning (like wiping all surfaces, shelves, glass doors, washing toilet &amp; floors etc) last sat! got a huge backache and leg-ache, and blisters on my knees cos i am kneeling down to wipe floors of the whole 5 room flat!

xuanting/crayonshinchan, btw can check with you all about ur part time maid? been thinking of getting a part time maid to help out but then, i just need for washing of 2 toilets and cleaning of windows 2x a month. how does hiring a part time paid goes about???
congrats dseptkon~~

really not sure woh.. @ 35 weeks dr did not check me, my next checkup where he will carry out the VE is my 37th week.

i m doing the housework but just the sweeping/mopping and cleaning after my dogs. laundry/cooking and other "tough" chores are done by hb.
as i m shifting house this weekend, i think there will be a big spring cleaning and mad rush of packing to be done.
wah yan! *kow tow* leh.. still can spring clean ur house! Washing and hanging of clothes plus cooking dinner oredi tires me out liao lor!

For part time cleaners, I think their rate is about 10 -12 per hr. Usually I think they work a minimum of 4hrs per session.
You know, they say going down on all fours to mop the floor helps baby position for labour. I am too lazy to do that...
crayonshinchan, do you have any recomendations for the part time maid? would like to enquire if they do it like just twice a month. Hehe! Since last sat my hubby was busy and had function till 12am+, i spend the day ard 12pm-12am cleaning the whole house!!! Anyway, i havent been cooking dinner for hubby since pregnant, if not the preparing, cooking and washing up would have kill me, i dun mind spring cleaning! lol~

Sunday me &amp; hubby went to philips sale, bought their home theatre system, after setting it up, i have to kneel down and wipe the whole living room area again! not to mention, vacumn the carpet &amp; sofa too!
yan (bbfam) - u are doing way too much house work for a 9+ mth preggy mommy to be! Maybe its the "nesting instinct"? Better don't overstrain okie, esp. if you are going around on your knees...
Mei, i hope going down on all fours do help in the baby position. but have been having this habit of mopping floor even before preggie. Prefer this to using the super duper heavy osim iecologi! got scolding from hubby cos bought such an expensive cleaner but haven use it more than 10 times! another reason's that for me, being a virgo, i am very very very particular about cleanliness and mopping the floor on all four enable me to make sure that the floor is absolutely clean! hahaha
hi hi jules! welcome to the club hehehe...sorry to interrupt mommies, i'm the 'bad' cuz who intro her
i'm a june mommy
Bigtoes, yup i know its too much. but i'm doing it at a slow pace, that's y 12 hours of work! mopping the floor tile by tile, so wun strain myself too much. but planning to clean everything again before my edd, hope i can achieve that.
congrats to milkmilk and dseptkon! Care to share what's your baby's name, birth weight, length and head circumference so I can update the table one shot? thanks!

Housework: the only stuff I do now is cooking, washing up, the laundry, cleaning toilet bowls and magic moping as and when I see dust!
rest is done by my mum who pops over once a week. But once baby is out, I think I'll get a part-time cleaning lady to come twice a week.

Bigtoes: I also doubt we'll be bored. Cos the routine for us is likely to be, feed, change, pump, feed, change, pump or just feed feed feed, pump pump pump! lol
u r not the only one... i also clean the floor on all fours.. feel that the mop does not do any justice... was sitting down, with a small pail n clothe n slowly cleaning tile by tile too...
din know that it can help bb get into position though..
<font color="0077aa">Milkmilk and desptkon: Congrats!! The feeling must be great holding your little ones!

Dollyneyuko: I am still doing housework like laundry &amp; vaccumming the floor. Last sun I was clearing &amp; organising my cabinets of letters &amp; bills, so messy!

Yan, you super leh! Mopping I already delegate to hubby cos will have backache...

I am working till I pop!! Next week will be the week!! Its countdown time!! So excited!</font>
yan, really peifu you man! won't all that kneeling and scrubbing give you more aches and pains? i'm usu quite thorough in my cleaning but have learnt to shut one eye ever since i got heavier and lazier. my p/t maid charges $10/hr and usu spends about 4hrs each session also. and ya, i agree virgos really have this obsession with cleanliness. my brother is one, and he used to make me scrub between the floor tiles with a toothbrush when we were little!!!

shazz, magic mop is my best friend too!

taslyn, i'm also going to move house soon, in one or two weeks. cannot imagine all the cleaning that needs to be done. and the unpacking... but i will just do the minimum and get some p/t cleaners in to do the major cleaning. hope you're getting some help in to clean too!
hb got p/t cleaners to clean the place already but i dun really trust the job they do? most prob will clean the place again. haha.. wat i dread now is the packing n coming unpacking.

i m not virgo but am so used to my mum's way of mopping floor with cloth that it just sticks in me... as for cleaning with toothbrush, i do that for bathroom tiles.. but now that tummy is so big, i am really lax with housework... hahaha..

i hv hatched this evil plan.. since most of our bb are are born late aug/sept, meaning they will be virgos... i told hb that i will train my ger to do housework, then i can shake leg liao... evil mummy right?
hey ladies ...
was just wonderin if i can ask for dr to induce me tom since i will be going for weekly check up tom. at 38 weeks this friday. havent been sleeping or eating well party coz of morning sickness. even losing about 2kg over last one half week. anyone has request for induction before?

Shazz, magic mop is one of my best friend. i use it every night after i get home from work for living room, bedroom and the study!

Taslyn, yup yup yup! the mop or the sponge mop does not do any justice to the floor. floor still feels dirty if i use sponge mop. except for my osim iecologi, that can make my floors squeaky clean! but its TOOOOOO heavy and that would really overstrain myself. so going down on all fours to mop the floor is the best option for me now. just that it will cause me to have blisters on my knees when i do the whole house in 1 day.

Storeberry, yah i do get a terrible backache. but i just endure lor. at least its not everyday still ok with me.

xuanting, that's how i did with my toilet wall tiles! i scrub line by line with a brush! lol~! but its not for ALL virgos. some virgos i know dont care much about cleanliness or tidiness one. for me, even 1 strand of hair i see on the floor i will pick up. and anyone touched my things i will know cos i put everything in a specific place and angle! muahahaha!!

PS. my hubby thinks that i'm crazy! =X
