(2008/09) Sep 2008

hi mummies,

desptkon, congrats to u.

shazz, u can update my princess as 'Ting', she's 2.3kg, 45cm long at birth. can't remember the head cir thou.

PD update all's well for my princess, if continue tis way, she'll go home with me on Thu.

THou i'm a 2nd time mummy, still very kan cheong when carrying her, cos she's small. But very happy to see she's so pinky n strong

All the best to the mummies who are going to pop soon.

dolly, have to take care when climbing and do slow pace. otherwise overstrain yourself. i climb up and down the chair wiping all the mirrors and glass doors, but very carefully only when my hubby not around otherwise he will shout at me already! hehe
I am also a Virgo and more obsessed with cleanliness that hubby. But he has kindly taken over most of the household chores, so I have been closing one eye cos he is more slipshod than me (like not cleaning under the bed)....sometimes, I feel like crawling underneath to clear out all the dust though! The only housekeeping I am tasked with now is wiping the glass table tops & using toilet duck to rinse out the toilet bowl - maybe 15min work a week
I will have a couple more weeks of respite after delivery also, cos of the C-sec wound & gyne's orders not to do any heavy lifting (like water bucket for mopping).

milkmilk (milkmilk)- wow, your little girl is so delicate. Must be a real cute princess. Share some photos once she is out of hospital okie
^5 man.. so i m not the only siao one who clean fllors with cloth n bathroom tiles with brush...
wah u can still climb ar.. for me, for high stuff i hv to pretend i dun see them else i will start cleaning.
hb can tell mi that he is a cleanliness freak but he does not help much in the cleaning.. must nag n nag for days b4 he take action.. lol...

i wanna buy shoes for my ger ger too, but hb dun allow.. he said the same as wat ur aunt mentioned. but those shoes are just so cute.. so we agreed to let my ger wear booties/socks til she learns to walk
Dolly, i don't think u need the member's card unless the promotion is over.. it has been going for $69.90 for quite some time.. i bought the princess set too if i didn't rem wrongly..
dolly, lol~ my hubby already think i'm siao liao. but saw ur blog, you dun look auntie lar!! haha!

Taslyn, my hubby's frens think i'm crazy when i tell them the way i mop my floors. my hubby keep telling me not to be so particular about abit of dirt. i told him if i am not particular, and he being worse, he will not have such a comfortable and clean house to live in lor!

Btw, in order to lessen my cleaning load, i ban my hubby from using the master toilet sink or kitchen(kitchen sink i always maintain it dry) to wash hands, he can only use the common toilet sink. and also advises him which trash can to use if he have things to throw! haha!
hihi mummies ,
just went for check up in the morning .. and bb head is engaged already at 37 weeks today .. PHEW ! keke ...so happy that bb is engaged so that I can try for natural delivery again ..

No mentioned of weight by gynae and CTG today is normal .... adn gg for CTG again next week .. My CTG is weekly basis and every week doc will check the HB ... paid three times already and next week fourth time .. hmm ... 50 bucks each time till i deliver..
Thanks! Leading twin not engaged as at last visit. will see how it goes tomorrow (my 37 week visit).

I need to move about or the retention gets worse. Just came back from collecting adan's printed pics from 2mths to 4 years and will busy myself getting his album in order! Finally! And i didnt have finger cramps/pins and needles all the time I was out. now that sitting down again, the tingling is back AAARGGGHHHH!!

Baby shoes
As long as they are soft shoes should be OK. also depends on what they mean by start walking "later"... we had a pair of soft bobux shoes for adan. he walked at 13 months, which is about average i think for boys. I've got bobuxes for the gals too.
keke... men cannot understand de lar.. unless they are made to do it. my hb oso ask y i clean floor on my fours when there is mop but i told him to feel the difference which he did. n since i am SAHMTB, i m "expected" to clean the house but it is getting so diff. so i will clean with mop 2-3days then cloth ev week.

i dun use trashcans, just give him a plastic bag to put all his rubbish, n it follows him, then throw the plastic bag ev morning. i think i will enforce stricter rules after i shift house.. lol

how long does ur doc strap u to the CTG each time?
Hi, when is the best time to take fenugreek seed drink? Where to buy it from? Does it really help to boost BM? Also, how to boil it? Paisay, too many questions.
any mummies book for the malay massage lady after give birth? can share the rate?which one is good?

Tasyln, really 'peifu' you leh...i even hard to get up from floor after siting...
from wat i read most are taking GNC fenugreek pills/tablets? some mummies says it helps. but the bm will be abit greenish.
are u thinking of trying the nursing mum tea from mim webby?

my bed is currently those platform bed.. so it is on the floor... guess i m so used to it that it just comes naturally to me.
Taslyn, my hubby cannot feel any difference cos he's like a pig! he doesnt know the difference except the cleanliness difference from our own house to both our parents' house! lol!! I'm doing the same housework stuff as when i was a stay-at-home-wife. just that when i'm a STHW, i'm expected to COOK dinner for hubby. i hate to cook for hubby even thou i can do quite ok, he will still have complains for every single item i whip up. NOW, i have not cooked for 9 months already and he's pleading and begging for my food once a while on sat n suns. (and even my simple fried rice is like heaven to him now! lol!)

Mummies that are with Dr Adrian W, can ask if he do CTG and VE for u???
Grace Toh (rain_toh) - I bought my Fenugreek pills from GNC already. Planning to take 2 days before I deliver, cos it is suppose to take about 48 hours to boost BM supply & u don't want to take it too early and end up leaking! Doesn't work on everyone of cos, but apparently, for mommies that it works for, it can boost milk production by several 100% (Google for more info).
lol.. we hv so many similarities.. keke..
mb i hv doggies at home so can feel the diff when i mop with cloth or mop.. so hb can really appreciate the diff...

i m "graduating" from platform bed to those with bedframe in the new house.. but i am thinking of the dust/dirt/fur which will settle under the bed... *dreads*

cooking is fine for me.. but i really hate the cleaning up so i really stick to easy to prepare foods, steaming, boiling or blanching but hb loves fried/deep fried stuff.. so in new house i m making him buy deep fryer else i can die from cleaning the oil from cupboards.
my only excuse to get hb to clean is: i m short/cannot reach.. hahaha
Am amused when I read l'l cy's reply to Limay's query ....cos it's true, and which many first time mom dun realise til later...before I delivered my no 1 last time, my friends told me to sleep as much as possible... i only know what she means when my baby is out. Heh.

Unless you have a confinement nanny or helper, you really won't be bored during the confinement period.
With baby waking up every 2-3 hours for nursing, and with you spending up to 1 hour or so feeding them/ changing them/ entertaining them, you will start to crave for time for your own. Don't mean to be discouraging... but unless you have an easy/ textbook baby, life will definitely be harder than what you have before you have baby.

Had c-sec but I looked after bb from day 1 on my own cos no help. I concussed last time whenever baby sleeps.. cos was so tired from the nightwakings, plus my baby was a very wakeful baby from day 1...life revolves around baby... initially hard, but you will adapt and love the time you spend with your baby eventually.
Now bracing up for no 2 while still having to deal with no 1.

moms with 2 or more kids... how do you entertain ur no 1 while u tend to no 2?
Taslyn, for my next bed, i make sure its normal height and one that reaches to the floor! so no need to worry about dust underneath the bed.
yeah got alot similarities, my hubby also love deep fried/fried stuff. he's been nagging to buy a deep fryer esp last sun at philips sale. i REFUSED. finding excuse that its just gonna take up another space in my kitchen and wastage of oil and its fattening esp with my size, and we will only be using it for once or twice a month. so better dun buy, save the $$! i cant cook easy to prepare or simple food last time when not working, cos my hubby always complain about it. he wan restaurant standard type of dishes lor!
Yan~ the deep fryer need whole bottle of the oil, after fried 1-2 times have to throw all the oil, very wasted! I bought it 2-3 years ago, use it less than 10 times!
taslyn, is it true that the same oil can be used over and over again in the deep fryer?

pressure cooker
has anyone any feedback on how useful/value-for-money this is?
blackberryB (blackberryb) - the pills are about $30 for 100 tablets, before member discount (think 20% off).

RXmom (ruixiangsmom) - argh...okie. Am hoping for an easy baby, cos hubby & I were quite simple to take care of when we were babies & am praying for the same for Kieran. So far, his sleeping patterns in the womb are also quite okie (awake during the day, asleep by 10+pm), so hopefully he keeps to the same routine. Anyway, whatever it is, we will just have to adapt & hope for the best
blackberryB, yah!!! especially if u dun use the oil again soon, it means u have to throw away whole bottle of oil after using it for one time. that's why i keep refusing to let my hubby buy that! and u still have to clean the fryer after u used it. my hubby for the past 2 years have been itching to get it. just that i stop him every time. lol!!
Bingtoes: after delivery still can take it to boost the milk flow?

Xuanting~ For me, the same oil can't use over and over, it will become 'dark yellow', unless u keep frying.

Yan~you are correct!The oil very wasted!
Fenugreek pill - Will buy a bottle to stand by. My gynae don recommend drinking milk during pregnancy, being a "good girl" I listened to him..hahaha, now worry don have enough BM for my girl.

Anyone intends to try out post natal massage from the House of Traditional Javanese? Or anyone tried before?...any feedback?
i wish my house is v clean.. but with 2 dogs.. quite hard lar..unless i cage them.. plus so pregnant now, v hard to be so on my toes abt keep the house clean liao lor.. only make sure tat i mk the house clean clean w/o dog fur else hb will make noise.

i buy my bed sometime back..cannot remember how it looks like liao..

cooking wise i am okie lar coz i love to cook.. i can make simple chinese dishes n western dishes.. hb is good at cooking chinese dishes but so far he never complain abt my cooking else i tell him to go restaurants to eat.. haha

deep fryer:
i dun care if it uses alot of oil... coz i rather have a clean n oiless kitchen. i hate it when the oil fumes cling to the cupboards and v hard to clean it off unless u scrub.. so hv to sacrifice abit... let hb pay for the oil.. let him heart pain then eat lesser deep fried food.

xuanting: i dun think can use the oil many times lar.. maybe like wat blackberry said: 1-2 times.. max 3-4times? also depends how often u use the fryer/amt of food u fry. cannot be throw the oil there the whole time n wait til much later n use?

pressure cooker:
wat kind are u looking at or u refering to those crock pots? i dun feel safe with a pressure cooker ley... lol.. dunno y.. maybe of the word "pressure"...
I feel so accomplished! working from home today but I ended up in nesting mode too ... washed 3 loads of stuff! Confinement lady's bedding, cloth diapers and inserts, more baby clothes which I just received and got, the cloth covering the rocker, his toys and soft books! Hubby is amused at the amount of energy I got, in and out of washing area and baby's room! haha ... now it's time to rest!

hubby gonna try out the steriliser later, I shall sterilise my Advent ISIS manual pump and some bottles which I'll be bringing to the hospital.

The idea that my baby will be out is finally creeping into me ... I was still very calm about the whole thing yesterday when gynae told me I'm 1cm dilated and expect the baby to be out next week.

Now I'm living my day as if it's my last chance to do this and that before I pop! But there's still so much I want to do before I pop!

Mummies popping soon, do you feel the same way?
alamak, my uncle had one deep fryer and i think he used the same oil for weeks! to fry stuff for me and my cousins when we were little! eek!

pressure cooker
i mean the ones where u bring the contents to a boil on the stove and then return to the cooker. apparently no need for electricity & all ready to eat after a few hours.

grace, i've tried their prenatal massage once (thomson branch) and it's not bad. not sure what their pricing for post-natal massage is like though.
blackberryB/Taslyn, can imagine my crazy hubby asking me to buy 1 whole fish and deep fry it for him? i tell him that is totally crazy! how oily my kitchen will be! and the amount of cleaning after that! he complain about my cooking, i ask him to go his mum house to eat. but he still insist i cook for him one. lol!

Shazz, wow! so hardworking! you also in nesting mode~ esp with wad ur gynae telling you, i'm sure u are starting to get kan chiong now!
xuanting, i guess if he is using it often its ok. i meant not really good if u use the oil for deep frying, then one month plus later then u use it again, its like gonna grow mould lor!

Yup, I TBF. In the first month, if I remember correctly, it takes my son 45 mins to nurse. After a while, it gets faster. Then when they are nursing, not so good to read magazine, watch tv etc, cos it's supposed to be good baby/ mommy bonding time, so have to spend some time looking into his eyes, talking, singing to him etc...

After that, then change diaper (they normally poop after breastfeeding), then after that, let him go back to sleep...which normal takes me close to 30 mins to do so, and voila, another 1 hour or so later, he will be up and u start the whole cycle again...

their awake time will get longer as they get older... then got to entertain them for longer and can only do things when they sleep (if they sleep!).
Hi all, I just woke up from my nap.

Boredom?? Not at all leh...I've lined up a lot of home projects and activities until I pop. E.g. organising my photo albums, throwing away old shoes and clothes, keeping an eye on my stocks, lunching with my folks, etc. Of course, I hv a big library of DVDs to keep myself occupied
Time really flies...

RXmom: Yep, I was also told that I'd not be able get enough sleep after bb is born as well. So I'm catching up as much sleep as possible.

mickey: I asked to go on leave 4 weeks prior to my EDD as my feet are badly swollen and I've been having diff waking up on time and sitting on my un-ergonomic chair in the office for hours. Besides, I have loads of domestic errands to catch up on, as my DH only came back in early Aug to lend me a helping hand.

I agree with you that once the CL is gone, we'll be quite lost! My sis cried on the last day of her CL's tenure. She couldn't cope with an elder boy and a NB, as she didn't hv a maid (doesn't like strangers in her house)...

Ava: Ahhhhh...I really hv no clue who that gynae might be...hmmm...Btw, do u know my ex in JC? kekeke!!!

How to hv both twins engaged? Wouldn't your cervix be very crowded?

lilboymom: investigating our (OLD) age? hush hush...better keep it a secret

HOUSEWORK: what is magic mop? it's the one u hv to replace the disposable piece of tissue paper is it?

I still cook, iron (my own dresses only), wash clothes & dishes. That's about it...I've a PT maid too who comes by as and when my place gets unbearably dirty.

I'm a Leo, but I hate untidiness and clutter in my Palace. My DH is a Virgo, but he is not a compulsive cleaner at all! Due to my nesting instinct, I hv been nagging at him to go stack up stuffs and wipe off dust and cobwebs!

Dolly: Now u feel that adults' laundry are a lot. Wait till your bb is born. I didn't realise those small lil mittens, booties and vests take up so much space on my rack...

CTG: I've not be strapped to any CTG machines to date...

Crayon: Maybe I'l buy the Medela one. But I'm not in any hurry. I can always ask DH to buy after my jamu massage sessions are done.

Grace: Hv u got no CL to brew those longan-red dates drinks and fish-papaya soup for u? Are Fenugreek pills really that effective?
shazz, did you get the bumwear cloth diapers or another brand? i got 1pc of bumwear and 1pc of mommy's touch and for inserts, 1pc of hemp and 1pc of microfibre. dunno if it might be the detergent or what, but i've had to wash all of them many, many times before they stopped beading up when water is poured over. the hemp seems to absorb water a lot faster than the microfibre so far, and not much dif in absorbency between the two diapers. have you tested the absorbency of the ones you've bought yet?
lol... last time isliddat de mah... coz oil so expensive so they will reuse n reuse..
unless u can spare the effort to take the oil out n use it for normal frying, then prolly can buy lar..

for me, i just wan to use it as excuse to stop hb from eating so much deep fried food.

fyi: for ikea, they throw away their oil after they fry their chicken wings for the 8th time.

pressure cooker:
oic.. never tried ley. think the pot is also not cheap bah... the only thing that i cook for long periods of time will be soup...
this kinda cooker is good for working mums coz u can just boil the stuff then go work, come home to a nice hot meal...

totally agree.. haha.. my hb oso the same.. not they clean mah.. so they dun care.. must make them scrub n clean then they know!

wow..tat's alot of stuff u accomplished... i think i will only be in nesting mode after i shift to new house, coz no point preparing now.

re:tummy too small?
btw, mummies, do u feel that ur tummy is too small for ur bb? i keep feeling that my tummy is too small for my girl, it's growing horizontally and not vertically anymore. stretch marks are appearing. hb also commented that i hv s short body n he is worried that his ger has no space to move. her legs, butt and knees are protuding and visible at my sides n near my rib cage.
rxmom, is it true that they will more or less follow their in utero sleep pattern after they're born? a little worried cos mine doesn't seem to sleep at all (moving all the time). either that or she squirms in her sleep too.
Xuanting - I did call up to check the pricing sometime back, but cant remember is $400 or $460 for 6times. Most likely will try out their post natal massage cos beside this I don know where to find liao.

Taslyn - I hope my house is clean too, but having heavily pregnant and lazy nature kick in...i just leave it as it is. Now waiting for my mum to move in next week to help me to get the whole house in order.

Hospital Bill - What will be the total bill like huh? I'm with MtA, opting for 2 bedders dare not choose 1 bedder, hope the bill wont be rocket high.
shazz: hv u washed your bb's bedsheets yet?

Why must we bring milk bottles to the hospital?

Hv u sterilised that milk bottles yet? I almost did, but decided I'm too lazy to sterilise them one more time when bb is born!!! So I put them back into my cabinet!! haha

Perhaps I should wash the CL's bedsheets too. Like a good host, I wanted to make my CL's bed before she arrives. But my DH says no need lah; when she comes, let the CL lay her own bedsheets; we're so nice to provide new bedding set and blanket and a proper bed for her liao!! He is sooo unhospitable

I dunno leh, I dun think they follow their utero sleep pattern.... I was reading what to expect when you are expecting, and they state that an active baby in utero does not equate to an active baby when born. I dun recall my son being v active in Utero, but he sure is wakeful and active now..ha!

And both my hubby and I were apparently rather easy babies also... but my son is relatively more active than us when we were babies. it's their unique character lah which is, surprisingly, already formed at birth.

Don't worry too much about their sleep... just rest more now before your baby is here. Whatever their sleep pattern, they will outgrow it eventually, and becomes 'lazy pigs' like us adults.
Flos - I'm not having a CL, my mum and mother inlaw will be helping me with the confinement thingy. Already told my mum fish-papaya soup is one of the must have in the list.

Not sure whether the fenugreek pills is effective but will buy one bottle to try out..me very skinny, thou already put on 15kilos but really worry don have enough BM for my girl.
my girl also.. she does not seem to be sleeping/resting.. always kicking and moving... doing her kallang wave in my tummy (tummy moves right to left, left to right.. can faint)

i m worried now.. coz i was a tough baby.. a very colicky one.. worry i will go crazy once bb is out...

a fren of mine who just gave birth told me to start massaging my breast @ 37th weeks. says it will help to stimulate BM production, not sure if it works.

some fren say the seed tea is more effective than the GNC tablets. prolly due to it not being processed.

How do u intend to entertain your RX after #2 is out? For me, I still hope to focus on J#1 so that he doesn't feel neglected. For weekdays, he goes to CC, so not so bad. He's very sticky to me and I really don't want him to feel that didi is taking mummy away from him. Hope daddy or maid can help out more with J#2 (other than bfg time of cos).

I have also been sourcing for books and handicraft stuff so that we can work on it over the weekends during my confinement period. Some mummies also suggested that u keep small toys and gradually bring them out when others give #2 present so he's happy.
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - hmmm..come to think of it, i am sure I can find alot of projects around the house to keep me occupied, its more a matter of whether I want to get them done or just procrastinate somemore (like pack my closet etc).
Would want to take the time to make sure I do some productive stuff thou - like take out my old Japanese notes to revise, get some serious reading done (not the fiction fluff), etc. That is, if I have sufficient breaks &amp; energy in between BFing!

Taslyn (nana_moby) - yes, my tummy feels cramp for my son as well! He has a hand/leg perpetually lodged at my left rib, so i can feel the poking whenever i hunch abit or bend down!

xuanting (xuanting)- ur baby moves all the time? I thought babies in womb sleep like 16+ hours a day? Mine has his wakeful times (after meals especially). He is very quite during my sleeping hours, unless i purposely pat the belly to wake him up. Either than, or I am too heavy a sleeper &amp; don't notice anything!</font>
RXmom~that time really no time to rest..I also want to try BF for my little one, not sure I have milk flow or not..

Grace Toh: I also intend to get one bottle to stand by..
grace, do remember to find out if they charge extra for transport also. i remember speaking to one of these chains (house of traditional javanese massage or heritage of traditional javanese massage) and they mentioned that they charge something like $20 per trip. i'm most likely using the one just outside my house cos they've agreed to waive the transport charges.

flos, yup magic mop is the one with the disposable sheets. your dh prob said no need to make the cl's bed cos he knows that in the end, he will be the one arrowed to do it. clever, clever man!

rxmom, thanks for sharing. i suppose it's really anyone's guess then. i really, really wonder what my baby will be like!
No leh dunno yuor ex either

Both twins will not engage at same time. physically impossible lah...that's why I said the leading twin...

Papaya fish soup:

Mommies delivering at TMC - the cafe at TMC sells the soup, but u need to order before hand. Makes sense to order upon admission, then collect when u check out of hospital so u can have the fish soup when u return home. I am wondering what I would be eating for the 2 days after discharge, cos my CL doesnt come till day 3!

Btw, i checked with TMC. Nurse said that for mommies with C-section, u have to remove both finger &amp; nail polish, make up &amp; contact lenses. Have to ask if specs are permitted in the operating theatre cos its case by case basis. Also, have to shave &amp; get an enema done prior to surgery. Not sure what the procedure is for natural birth thou....
