(2008/09) Sep 2008

babyatom, finally there is someone gg to the same gynae as me. hehe. tomorrow i will be seeing Dr Koh. hopes everything is fine then i will see him again another 2-3 weeks time.

Hi mummies ,
MY EDD is 17th sep, Just find out two days ago that i preg with my second child

my gynae is Dr Ho HK at Mt A . He is very good .. Remembered his stiches cannot even feel pain after delivery .. dun need to eat painkiller too after a day... but he is exp too ..last time my first visit for # 1 is around $220 ... Now # 2 is cheaper $190 .. keke ... and his package can only start from 4 th mth and need to pay extra for blood test , medicine , scan , a lot of extras ..
Just to share .. No MS yet .. keke .. unliek the first one
aloe...im taking anmum and did notice a change in toileting pattern....sumtime 2 times daily..b4 preggy i do have constipation issue so it's the reverse for mi now..poo is a little unusual in color too...=)

hey Jane....we have good news....finally baby decide to show us heartbeat liaoz....thank god cos it's a relief for us....however as spotting is still thr so consider not stable as yet till spotting is gone...now it's 0.4cm and 6 weeks 2 days but strange thing is my gynae has not advised EDD as yet..given another week of medical leave and was advised REST & WATCH TV..visiting him again next week...hopfully no more spotting liaoz.....=D

anyway to share a bit of info wif u mummies after checking wif my gynae....he mentioned dat as high as 80% of pregnancy who has spotting in the 1st tri are able to be sustained till full term...having said that of cos still need to be catious abt it.....

I was a little annoyed today in the office when I realised that my boss practically inform the whole office of my pregnancy although I have expressed my wishes to keep it low profile at this moment of time....worst thing is I have to be back in the office for few hrs daily despite being on MC and to switch workstation....fainted!!!
Today saw my gynae, baby has grown!! Its from a mere 0.2cm last week to 1.4cm this week, so exciting!! I am so glad! And today can see very clearly the heartbeat.. kekeke...

My spotting have stop, thank GOD!! But Dr Adrian asked me to still take the hormone tablets just in case. Because of the gases I have, he also gave me some gastric medicine, taste ok but after I burp still have the smell.. Yucky!

Porky, gynae said that I am in my 7 weeks and EDD is 6 Sep 2008.

And anyone knows if Dr Adrian is pro c-section or more pro-natural?
piyobaby : Good good....hey...its good in a way tat ur pple in ur comp know.... if u need to move heavy stuffs u can get them for help now wat....remember to rest well hor..... my spotting stop liao...keeping my finger cross

storeberry : tats gooD!
pls continue to take care hor...
Morning all MTB, congrats to all those who went for scans & saw their babies' heartbeats!
So exciting....I still have to wait till after CNY before my 1st visit to my gyne!

Been also abit 'worried' because there has been no side-effects so far (hah, and I am complaining!)...just eating more, but no MS or spotting or feel any different. So yesterday, just to make sure I am still preggers, i went to take my 4th home pregnancy test kit last nite! Kiasu I guess! This time, the pink line was even more defined..so i guess my hCG levels have risen more! *phew*
hi ,

any 1 went to expo JL sale?can update what r the good buy at JL sale?
wonder if worthwhile to go down cos very far
hi mummies , morning .. today is friday

For those mummies who have not visit the Gynae yet ... please do it before week 7 cos i read from " mother and baby " jan issue that a mummy had her fallopian tube burst from ectopic preg .. cos she also thought dun need to see gynae so early .. not to scare mummies .. but just advice on that .. cos when i visit my gynae two days ago .. he mentioned the same thing .. that he have to operate on a patient and removed her fallopian tube cos ectopic preg his patient scan too late ... and it is just 7 weeks .. i think best is go before that time
Updated list . Sort according to EDD

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD> EDD </TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyatom </TD><TD></TD><TD> Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr CH Koh </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelinegoh</TD><TD></TD><TD> 020sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> ALLim </TD></TR><TR><TD>isabelle</TD><TD></TD><TD> 03-sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> TC Chang </TD></TR><TR><TD>storeberry</TD><TD></TD><TD> 04-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shazz</TD><TD></TD><TD> 09-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> RH</TD><TD> Dr Lee I Wuen </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD></TD><TD> 09-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Chen Chern Yi </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine</TD><TD></TD><TD>12Sept</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Aloevera</TD><TD></TD><TD> 16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Dr M Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bigtoes</TD><TD></TD><TD> 17-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Dr WK Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>qiuling</TD><TD></TD><TD> 17Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Ho HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>fsa</TD><TD></TD><TD> 18-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Dr Judy WongTPS </TD></TR><TR><TD>mrsyap</TD><TD></TD><TD>24sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>XuanMummy</TD><TD></TD><TD> 28-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A </TD><TD>Dr Adrian </td></tr></table>
not sure cut deep a not, jus i know when the epdiural is off
me need super strong painkiller..
then when me discharge, i cant sit and pee..maybe mine tear ?

btw anyone know,
when can we see the sac when scanning?
when can we see the heatbeat when scanning?
and mummies ,
MS came today ... but i still force myself to eat .. cos last preg , i went down 5 kg from MS and i am determined not to drop so much this time .. keke
Thanks Qiuling for ur advice. U make me more determined to do my 2nd checkup next week. My initial intention is to drag a few more weeks. Keke

Bt actually at 7weeks, what can u all see huh? The sac n heartbeat and wat else huh?
it's a milk formulated for preg and nursing mommies. pretty easy to find. ntuc, sheng siong, giant all has it...

personally, i dont think it's necessary to take all these so-called specially formulated milk. i think that for calcium, iron and folate, u can drink your regular HL milk or soya bean milk together with your folic acid.

my gynae didnt even give me any pills. she just asked if i have folic acid and i said yes. so she didnt give me any. i bought my folic acid fr mustaffa. they sell it in bulk. was abt $3 for 100 tabs(5mg) if i'm not mistaken
Here's my update...

Mummy Nick Baby Name EDD Gender Hospital Gynae
Babyatom Sep Mt A Dr CH Koh
angelinegoh 020sep TMC ALLim
isabelle 03-sep TMC TC Chang
storeberry 04-Sep Mt A Dr Adrian
Shazz 09-Sep RH Dr Lee I Wuen
Jane 09-Sep Mt A Dr Chen Chern Yi
Jasmine 12Sept TMC Dr Adrian
Aloevera 16-Sep TMC Dr M Tan
Bigtoes 17-Sep TMC Dr WK Tan
qiuling 17Sep Mt A Dr Ho HK
fsa 18-Sep KKH Dr Judy WongTPS
mrsyap 24sep Mt A Dr Lim
XuanMummy 28-Sep Mt A Dr Adrian
aisha8314 2 sept KKH Dr Marianne Hendricks
Momoko76 17 sept ES H Dr Heng Tung Lan
Any advice from any mummies?? Coz actually
I'm going on holiday with my HB and Baby..
Heard that not too good.. but have no choice..
Coz already book the holiday way before i know
tat I was pregnant...
In my previous pregnancy, I went to Taiwan when I was one month plus pregnant cos also booked the holiday before I knew I was pregnant... I have since given birth to a baby girl and she looks normal and healthy to me...

If you are not spotting and no serious concerns from your gynae, I guess it is fine but you do have to take care... no walking around so much... in the airplane, take plenty of short stretches... best thing is to ask ur gynae for advice...

I suddenly do not feel any MS this morning... getting worried... sigh... fingers crossed... I am seeing my gynae on Tuesday...
Abstract from "http://pregnancy.about.com" for mummies reading

<font color="0000ff">4th Week</font>
Your body is figuring out what is going on! A urine pregnancy test would probably be positive by now. They measures the amounts of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. You are probably beginning to feel tired, urinate more frequently, experience mood swings, and possibly have tender or swollen breasts - these are common signs of pregnancy.

Be sure to avoid environmental hazards. The first trimester is the most critical time for formation of your baby. This also includes avoiding alcohol, smoke and second hand smoke, street drugs, including healthy eating habits and a pregnancy exercise program.

The chorionic villi are fully formed by the end of this week. In one study, 100% of the transvaginal ultrasounds showed a gestational sac. The yolk sac that helps feed your baby until the placenta is fully functional is appearing as well.
** can see the SAC

<font color="0000ff">5th Week</font>
If you are in your fifth week, you might not be able to stop yawning long enough to read this! Sleeping in a jog bra can help the breast soreness. Many of your symptoms are the same as last week. Some women may also get headaches from the rise in hormones.

There are also a lot of women who will have none of these symptoms. They will sail through early pregnancy without vomiting or being light headed. For a lot of women this can be normal as well. Do not panic if you do not have pregnancy symptoms, although you should contact your care provider if you suddenly lose your pregnancy symptoms.

The heart will begin to beat this week! It's amazing how much is happening so quickly. A transvaginal ultrasound will show about 90% of the yolk sacs. It is now possible to differentiate between the head and the tail of the baby now. By the end of the week that folic acid will be paying off as the neural folds begin to fuse. Average length is 1.5 - 2.5 mm.
** able to see the heartbeat ??
Wingkei ,
np , think only see the sac and hear the HB at 7 weeks .. but good enough to hear HB .. cos think at the 9th week can do the NT scan for Abnor... not necessary test .. but my gynae still make me do it last time . just in case ..
Momoko .
check with your gynae . last time i still travel in my first trimester to shanghai when i am expecting cos gynae say okay .. u check with your gynae first .. think case by case .. cos some mummies prone to spotting , gynae might not advise u to go lor ..
Ying ling
no owrries lah .. bb sleeping ma .. anyway how big is your no 1 ?
<font color="0000ff">6th Week</font>
Your nausea may actually get worse this week as your hormone levels rise. Remember it's called morning sickness, but it can strike at any point of the day. Your breasts may tingle, feel heavy, the areola (dark nipple portion) may become darker.

Avoid changing cat litter for there is a risk of toxoplasmosis. Let someone else do this duty for while. Toxoplasmosis can cause pregnancy problems and problems in the newborn, but most women who have cats have already had toxoplasmosis, and just believed it to be the flu. So don't get rid of the cat, just let someone else change the litter.

This week is another busy one for your baby. By the end of the week your baby will be 4-6 mm Crown to Rump (CR). The larynx starts to form as does the inner ear. The lining of the placenta begins developing but the placenta will not take over production of the hormones until about week 12.

The heart is bulging from the body and blood circulation is well established. Upper and lower limb buds will appear this week. And the primordia of the liver, pancreas, lungs, and stomach are evident. Transvaginal ultrasound can pick up 86% of the fetal poles with heart motion, and 100% of the yolk sacs at this point.

<font color="0000ff">7th Week</font>
Your face may break out due to the changes in hormones. So even though you may feel like a teenager again, you are not alone.

There are usually early pregnancy classes that are available for you and your partner. This can help make the transition to pregnancy more real for your partner and give you both some idea of what is to come. Contact your local hospital, birth centers, midwives, childbirth educators for a list of current classes.

The hand plates become present this week, and the baby is about 7-9 mm CRL by the end of the week. The genital tubercle is present, but you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight at this point. Nasal pits are forming.

Your baby will actually go through 3 sets of kidneys, very rapidly as they develop during this period. This week the second of such sets will form.

With a transvaginal ultrasound, one study shows that 100% of the ultrasounds will be show a fetal pole with heart motion.

<font color="0000ff">8th Week</font>
You have probably scheduled the first office visit by now. Some practitioners do not want to see you for your first visit until after you've missed two periods. This will decrease the numbers of false pregnancies and miscarriages. Many things will take place at the first prenatal visit.

Every practitioner has a different schedule and each visit will not be as lengthy as this initial visit. This is a good time to ask any questions that have come up or to go over the list of questions for choosing a care provider.

Your baby will be about 8-11 mm CR by the end of the week. The baby's hind brain is clearly visible. This week the baby's gonads will become either testes or ovaries. And spontaneous movement begins! There are a lot of things that we do know about life before birth.

Bones and joints this week have many things going on. Elbows appear and the process of ossification (hardening of the bones) begins. Toe rays become present, almost ready for you to count!
Quiling, I hope everything is normal... I still do not feel pukey... my number 1 is 14 months next week... how about urs?
u are seeing dr heng tl is it? how is she so far?? i'm with kkh now but i've always liked esh. had my 1st one there
jane....u too continue to rest as u can....u are right to sum extent but on the other hand nobody said a thing we i started to clear my workstation with loads of files.....=D

Jasmine....im oso visiting dr woody at CCK &amp; im 6 weeks too....which clinic are u seeing him??

xuan....dats a great pc of article sure useful esp for 1st time mummies like myself....=)

my flu is getting bad since yest nite so decide to be a good mummy and be at home to rest....
hey ladies check with u all... yr MS is it a strange feeling in yr stomach/gastric and it makes u feel a little similar to hungry feeling and yet a little pain pain type of feeling? I ate my Multi-vits this morning... becos of the huge size, i crash it into pcs before swallowing n the smell is terrible. The after taste is making me puke lor... this feeling only started yday. I cant stand the smell of mulit-vit... i crash it becos i cannot swallow big big tablets... will choke on it... can anyone pls describe their MS feel? i dunno is it MS or is it the smell of the multi-vit tats making me puke... thanks
Momoko (momoko76) - unless u are spotting, i think travel should be fine till maybe month 7-8th. I also need to travel for my work (already planned trips for NZ and Aust in May. On average about 1 a month)....no plans to cancel any of them.

In fact, hubby &amp; I are planning to take a holiday sometime in June ourselves...just have to avoid the more developed countries this time round.

y u all name him as dr woody? but i saw his name on de board is Dr. Adrian B. Woodworth. *scratch head* =)

I visit him at CCK and ytd is my 1st visit. When is ur EDD?
I'm suppose to be about 6th week.. but now my face is already breaking... i dun usually have pimples.. sign.. so sad now.. no matter wat i applied on my face also no use.. think it's really the homone changes tat making me like this.. But if I'm not wrong.. I did not really had such breakout during my first pregnancy... sop sop
Qiuling: Yeah.. told my gynae about it.. she told me to be careful of wat i eat.. like seafood.. dun eat too much.. coz not safe to eat..
xuanting: was thinking of that.. haha.. but afraid later i kena black-marked leh.. btw.. my nxt appt is this coming mon..

xuanmommy: hhmm... thanks for ur advise. i've nvr seen Dr LC Cheng before. Am comfortable with WC Cheng just that though he's very experienced, think these days, he only sees middle-aged Indonesian women. Have nvr seen any preggy women seeing him.

Also, Mr Cheng doesn't do scans himself which can be troublesome and costly. Imagine having to queue for the scan and den q again to consult him. oso, becoz he doesnt do the scans himself, his consultation is solely based on what the sonographer has printed out.

ohh... my condition? I've already had 2 m/cs so far within last year. and both times i did d&amp;c.

oh ya btw.. WC Cheng's package (which can start on the 2nd visit) is so exp... i was quoted 1.9k. some more doesnt include scans.. wah.. burning a big hole in my pocket
Jasmine....sum of the mummies called him dr woody so thot it's a nice way to address him lor...perhaps bcos of his woodworth....I was at CCK in the morng too....he have not advised my EDD as yet...uncertain if it's bcos im still spotting and not stable yet....my ultrasound film shows 16 Sep thou....=D
momoko....pls be careful on wat u apply on ur face esp for ur breakout....make sure it dun contain retina / retinol (if i get it right).....check wif ur gynae to be sure....=)

Ohh that is cute. =) Is our neighbour who recommend this doctor to my HB.

Last night i just went to him, my ultrasound film shows 12 sep.

Vomitted my breakfast this morning. Terrible feeling... =( *sobsob*
momoko - Yes, piyobaby (piyobaby) is right. Have to avoid all the pimple cream with retinol (or any form of Vit A),as these would cause birth defects. Anything natural should be ok...so maybe use tea tree oil or something like that.
Jas....so u stayed in CCK oso...mi too....=) looks like our EDD is pretty close....possibility of the same mayb???

mayb baby dun like ur breakfast...it's normal so take care....=D
Hi jasmine, you were at CCK yday night? I was there about 7plus till 8plus, maybe saw you there!! Hee... Yah, they called him Dr Woody, Woodworth very tongue twister... :p
piyobaby.. nope i stay at woodlands. =)

haha.. yup pretty close...

that's what i think too. don't like the feeling.

storeberry.. i was there around the same time. hehe.. i still go for dinner and go back to the clinic. Maybe we saw each other. Ya woodworth very hard to call. I called him Dr Adrian, now i know i can call him Dr Woody too. =)
Hi jasmine
Iam 25.. and this is my first pregnancy. iam in 6 weeeks.

Hi Lim,
Iam seeing Dr Eunice Chua from TMC
EDD 10 Sep 08.
