(2008/09) Sep 2008

ahhh.. tys piyobaby and big toes.. tys God I apply those tea tree oil which i got from Watson.. Almost forgot tat i should avoid retinol.. heard about during my first birth..

Well.. than hearing from Jasmine.. u must be a young mummy than.. hehehe.. can count me out already... hahaha.. going to be 32 this october..:p

MTB, checking if its ok to use SKII products when preggie? I know cannot use Retino-based products but I dunno how to read japanese and all the SKII labels are in japanese..so not sure if they contain Retino.. anyone can advise?
Bigtoes (limay): you're so cute! but guess I would do that if I were you too, just to make sure still pregnant. Hee. By the way, I think our EDD is very close, so by the time you see your gynae, it should be week 9 already. You'll be able to see baby sac, heartbeat and the shape of baby is no longer like a tapole, you can even see your baby's legs or "flippers". So excited! My next gynae visit is also the same week as CNY.
storeberry (storeberry): I'm 30 going to 31, this is my first pregnancy. hee, talk about old, hubby pulled 8 strands of white hair for me last night! I never had white hair before! So I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my hormones ... it's so easy to blame it on that yah?

Anyone else experienced white hair during pregnancy?
i saw my sac today! i saw my sac today! whew!

there was nothing last week when doc did the v scan and i was so worried that it might be an ectopic pregnancy. there's just like this little black coin and nothing else today, but boy, am i glad it's in the right place! yes yes yes!

sasa, i don't think they have a right to black mark you la. besides, as a paying patient, you have the right to choose your doc based on your needs. i don't think there's a need to inform the doc but perhaps when the nurse is making the next appt for you, just let her know that you will prefer to see another doc then. as for me, i'm thinking of sticking to dr m tan now since the waiting time for dr wk tan really seems to be much longer (she seems to spend more time with each patient).

momoko, can you use au naturel pdts like tea tree oil for your breakout?
bacon&egg, avocados are good for us! they are a good source of glutathione which is a particularly good antioxidant and detoxifier for the placenta. other sources are broccoli, asparagus and spinach. must eat more of those; the larger the placenta grows, the more food baby gets!
Jasmine (piggy_jas): yes, my mum said cabbage is cooling, but said small amount like once a week is fine. Try adding some ginger to balance it or add lots of pepper!
storeberry, wow, ur baby has grown so much. so happy for u too. i will be gg for scan tonight. hope i also have the same good news as u. hehe. so i think 7 weeks is the most accurate for u since ur baby can be seen clearly now right ?
shazz (shazzerlyn) - yalah, just wondering how come the rest of the MTBs are talking about MS, and I don't feel a thing! Maybe my baby is less fussy about food, and okie with everything I am taking!
Or maybe I will get MS later, don't know.

Talking about white hairs, I don't have any (I think) - but my hair is colored...do you think its safe to continue coloring my hair during pregnancy? If not, then maybe I would use the natural plant dye type (like henna) instead.
thanks momoko..will check

xuanting, congrats...now u can rest assured

any mS yet? my MS is slowly changing..used to be evening sickness..now its all day...i just have to keep munching to keep the feeling down..

any MTB experience dry skin n wirey hair?
thanks, bacon&eggs. i have no ms yet. all i feel are heavier breasts and a slightly bigger appetite. do you just feel nauseous or do you actually throw up? any cravings yet?

has anyone bought any cny clothes yet?
Hi Jas

actually i stil hope gal ley, i like gals more..can doll them up prettily..hee..
But my husband hopes its a boy lar, say will be a "hao" if boy this time..aiyoh so old fashion, say if boy then can stop liao if gal then may go to no.3...buay tahan he say easy lar, he dont need to do anything then the baby just appear 9 months later, im the 1 suffering wat..tsk tsk tsk

Hi Xuanting

I bought quite alot of cny clothes liao, but normal clothes lar not maternity clothes cos didnt know i preggie when i buy in dec..hehee

Same.. i also like gals cos can doll them. heehee. My MIL also say about this "hao", really old fashion. keke..
i feel nausea all the time...feeling is unbearable..now i know how "wei da" is a mom...
i dont have special craving but i do have alot of dislikes..
scents esp.

can i ask how u MTB spend your day in the office working when u feel nausea all the time? i find it hard to sit still...
shazz...we are of the same age...my 1st pregnancy too....=D

im abit kiasu....bot 2 maternity pants since on promo...oso 2 babydoll tops supposed to be non-maternity.....

im same with you. Every morning will feel nausea till lunch time and i cant sit still also keep changing my seating position. Bite on something if u feel nausea. I recently bought ba gua, my mil cut into small pcs and i brought to office. I eat it when i feel nausea. I also bought wang wang biscuits. hehe
Is there any promo at maternity shops at the moment ?

Hi Bacon&egg
I take warm water to ease the nausea.. or walk around more to the toilets or pantry to kill some time lor...hee...
Seems like alot of mama oledi haf a kid oledi
Hey, i was told tat newly born babies always wake up every 2hrs 1 huh? Issit true?? I am engaging a confinment lady for 1st mth bt thereafter is my 'problem' liao.

How u mothers survived through the perpertual crying n feeding at wee hours?? :S
babyatom, did you buy separates or dresses? dresses can last longer ba, i think?

jasmine, did you buy the babydoll design? i also intend to buy more dresses from now on.

piyobaby, are maternity pants supposed to stretch throughout the 9 mths? how much did you pay for them? i went online to see and find that some maternity stuff are really ex.
babyatom....newmaternity having up to 70% off....spring having 20% off while the stretch of shops besides spring suntec are oso having sales too....do check them out..=)
xuanting....it depends cos sum are under belly while sum cover belly fully for beta support...the asst will be able to advise on this aspect....i bot mine at newmaternity and bcos of their promo, it's abt 40 bucks each after 50%.....agree wif u dat maternity clothes costs alot so buying during sales might help to ease the 'pain'....kekeke
Hi Goldfish

yalor newborn tend to wakeup every 2 hours, cos they need a feed generally every 2-3 hours timing...
My gal lagi worse..will be awake at nite n need to walk ard the home in wee hours for an hour or so before she falls asleep, then 1 hr later wake up drink milk again... when's she's still a newborn.Pengz......

Hi PiyoBaby
Wah good sale ley. Where are the newmaternity outlets ? Im quite lacking of maternity pants cos most of my clothes are dresses
Wow, i have heard abt such cases from friends. Aiyoh, how u survived in ur first newborn then? I dun rely on my Hubby too much cos' i tink he not so 'good-luck' one lo. So i am preparing myself mentally for this tiring job. Did u sank into depression then? Or u cope with it very well?
updated list

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD> EDD </TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyatom </TD><TD></TD><TD> Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr CH Koh </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelinegoh</TD><TD></TD><TD> 020sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> ALLim </TD></TR><TR><TD>isabelle</TD><TD></TD><TD> 03-sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> TC Chang </TD></TR><TR><TD>storeberry</TD><TD></TD><TD> 04-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shazz</TD><TD></TD><TD> 09-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> RH</TD><TD> Dr Lee I Wuen </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD></TD><TD> 09-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Chen Chern Yi </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine</TD><TD></TD><TD>12Sept</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>Aloevera</TD><TD></TD><TD> 16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Dr M Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bigtoes</TD><TD></TD><TD> 17-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Dr WK Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>qiuling</TD><TD></TD><TD> 17Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Ho HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>fsa</TD><TD></TD><TD> 18-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Dr Judy WongTPS </TD></TR><TR><TD>mrsyap</TD><TD></TD><TD>24sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> Dr Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>XuanMummy</TD><TD></TD><TD> 28-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> Mt A </TD><TD>Dr Adrian </TD></TR><TR><TD>aisha8314</TD><TD></TD><TD>02-sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> KKH </TD><TD>Dr Marianne Hendricks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Momoko76</TD><TD></TD><TD> 17-sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> ESH</TD><TD> Dr Heng Tung Lan </TD></TR><TR><TD>hp_babe</TD><TD></TD><TD>03-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Dr Adrian Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>yun</TD><TD></TD><TD>10-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
shld avoid vinegar i think, not sure why my friend say got ppl tell her tat..so dun take best lar

my #1 also like tat, i still remember 3-4am carrying her
and she eye big big look at me..
got 2 time she like tat till morning 7am then sleep heehee

sorry to hear about ur mc..
i think u have the right to choose the doc u preferred lar.
Bigtoes (limay): about 20% of women dun get MS! you're one of the blessed ones!

Dyeing hair and any chemical treatment is a big NO NO during pregnancy and some even don't do that so long as they're breastfeeding. My hairstylist told me she's scared of touching chemicals when she was pregnant as well. But I've heard henna is ok, but my hairstylist warned me against doing anything during my pregnancy. Heard from friends that as the chemicals can go through our pores and enter the blood stream, hence it's dangerous.

Nail polish wise, I read that there are some that causes cancer. A new brand, Poshe, is supposedly safe for preggies, saw in a motherhood magazine.

Yun: avoid black vinegar for now as I heard it helps to shrink the uterus, so it's good for us after we deliver.
Hi Goldfish

No depression ley .Perhaps was too occupied with breastfeeding and trying hard to catch up with my deprived sleep to sink into depression..haha.. basically my hb was doing the nite duty for the 1st 2 weeks cos im c-sec then 2 weeks later he resume work then throw the nite walking task back to me haha...

Hi Piyobaby
thanks for the link dearie !
Wonder if its cheaper in JB ? hee...

Hi Xuanmommy

High-5 lor. Hope wont be like that this time round otherwise my gal is a light sleeper will be waken up n i gotta walk both of them around the house in wee hours..pengz ! :p
shazz (shazzerlyn) - hah, i am still waiting for my MS to strike! Maybe just not yet...thou i heard its also depends on how bad your sisters/mums' were (theirs were quite mild).

Hmmm...i still see MTBs with newly colored hair leh...will have to double check. But yah, worse come to worse, can use henna. Not sure about nail polish also, cos I also change my nail color every week!
no prob babyatom...i was still toying wif the idea to make a trip to JB to take a look at prices of stuff like baby cots, strollers etc....thr's a chance it could be cheaper...=)

dats likely to be after my 1st tri le....kekeke
sales is still on but duno till wen cos I juz bot on tue and they provide free alteration too....veri fast...collected yest...=)
