(2008/09) Sep 2008

darn! I've been avoiding Coke for the past 2 weeks since I discovered I'm preggie. But I suddenly have a craving for it today so I gave in! Feels so shiok but guilty! haha ... limiting to only 1 can! ;p

Anyone else had craving for Coke?

dun worry eve, me also not working now.. hubby's salary is also not very very high. i believe everything will be fine . the most important now is ur health
hi eve,

chin up! i know the problems are very vexing and the journey will be a rough one ahead, but there's really nothing u can do for the next 9mths of preg. why dun u think of ways to earn some $, maybe like tuition when u get over the morning sickness?

how abt family members? able to get some help from them? u need some $ for the delivery package for gynae now, and hospitalisation fees will come later. u get all the expenses all planned out first, then u tackle one at a time.

if u think all in a chunk now, u will get worried and exhaust yourself for nothing, rite?

when u feel beta, maybe give some tuition to pay for the expenses i mentioned above. and try to BF when bb arrives, that will help some costs, ya?

so u found a gynae already?
hi eve, i think for a start you will have to sit down with your husband to work out your monthly expenses item by item. if things are really very tight, you'll really need to decide and agree on the areas to cut down. actually, when we sit down and really look at every single item we spend on, most of us will find that lots of things are not terribly necessary but we keep spending on them nonetheless. it's important to find out where the leakages are and plug the holes. that won't create a source of income but it can help you keep your household expenditure as low as possible. once you feel better, perhaps you could also take up a part-time job to supplement the household income? it's hard but please try to look on the bright side; stress is not good for both you and your bb.
BabyAtom (babyatom) - i think the weight gain is proportionate to ur original weight? My sister in law gained just 8kg, & her baby was 3+kg! So it doesn't mean that the more u gain, the bigger the baby would be. Her pre-pregnancy weight is about 39kg, so she gained about 20% of her body weight. On that basis, I think most of us would gain about 10-11kg? Sounds like alot in 9 months!

shazz (shazzerlyn) - don't take too much coke okie. Coffee would be worse but coke also contains caffaine, & that increases the risk of a miscarriage!
Hi Bigtoes

For me, the weight gain definitely not proportional.. hee..cos was 47kg before preggie, gain till i weigh 74kg when i gave birth, pengz...

my husband was telling me not to eat so much this time round, but im always so hungry ! sobsob
Hi all,

Just wanted to seek advise from some experienced moms here. My last period was on 12 Dec 2007 and I missed my 12 Jan 2008 period.

I went for a pregnancy test at a GP today and the test turned out negative. The GP advised me to take another test in 2 weeks time if my AF does not come.

Could it be possible that I am pregnant but the test does not show until a few weeks later? I have always had regular menses. I have no symptoms except for slight soreness on the breast.

Appreciate your help.
BabyAtom (babyatom) - wow. That's a huge difference in weight gain! Did u end up with bad backache? I am quite small built & hoping I don't gain more than 10kg!

yun (cutieyunyun)- this is an article on coffee + miscarriages. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22718279

Basically, any caffaine stuff is not encouraged. I used to have green/black tea everyday, but have made a conscious effort to cut down. If you have to, then in moderation, just to be careful.

Serene - Maybe take another test later this week? Not likely to miss the cyle unless u are ultra stressed, sick or something like that...
Dear all,

I suggest to use Clearblue. That is the most reliable and accurate kit to use
hi Bigtoes

Backaches came when i constantly had to bend my shoulder n back during bf times... but after some time..it subsided.
Typically weight gain is ard 15 kg....

Hi Serene

Ya I agree with Poohger, Clearblue is good. Try it.
yap ... i agree

clearblue is good. i was 5 weeks when i tested and within 5 seconds, it came out positive. i tested half hour later and it came out strong positive again.

anyway ... any one of you know of anybody with a double uterus? this is my second pregnancy and since i changed gynae, dr says that this is prob the reason for my first miscarriage.
Bigtoes (limay): yeah, I'm aware of the effects of caffeine and miscarriages so I've been avoiding for past 2 weeks. I took half the can of coke just now, just to ease the craving. My gynae did mention to limit caffeine to a max of 1 cup per day. But best is to avoid. But I can't fight the craving! haha

yun (cutieyunyun): tea is supposed to have double the dosage of caffeine as compared to coffee! My mum also said that tea is very "liang" for us and would be best to avoid during the 1st trimester.
A big hello to all sept MTB,
Just tested positive last week.. Thought tat this site would not be up so fast.. but hey..
i was wrong.. u gals already working real hard to be a good mother.. hope to share my experiences with all of u..
Oh yea.. I'm about 6wks pregnant.. and this's my 2nd one.. my first is 18 months now.. same with BabyAtom..
hey mummies....juz heard tis over the news...thot to share wif all....

there's a study done in US on 1000 preggers with the following findings....mummies having 2 cups of coffee/tea daily or 5 cans of caffeine contained soft drinks have double the risk of MC....it was advised that caffeine contained drinks be avoidable totally in the 1st tri up to 4th month or otherwise a max of 1 cup daily.....=D

tis is due to foetus inability to 'filter' caffeine wif its undeveloped metabolism thus caffeine could constrict the blood vessels reducing blood flow resulting in MC....tis a summary + my 1/2 past 6 translation from the mandrain news...kekeke
Hi shazz, coke take in moderation should be ok bah... I drank milk tea like few days once, last time I must have one cup of coffee per day, now don't drink any at all!

Wow, babyatom, the weight gain really alot leh... How did you managed to slim down? I am really scared that I can't slim down after giving birth..

Today vomitted twice, breakfast & lunch... Luckily the baby still accept my dinner...
yun (cutieyunyun): my mum said to avoid orange juice, watermelon, pineapple and starfruit juice and herbal tea in the 1st trimester as it's too "cooling" for the baby to take it.

I was very sian that there's nothing much to drink these days. So I just bring my own plain water, or I go for Ribena. Sometimes I order warm water at coffee shop when I didnt bring my own bottle.

I also avoided Barley and Chrisantamum tea (not too sure if this is cooling or neutral) as well to play safe.

My mum told me not to drink too much honey water as well, as it causes phlegm. But my MIL swears by it when she was pregnant, said it gave my hubby very good complexion.
hi everyone,

i bought clearblue. it's positive. should have just bought clearblue from the start. wasted so much money on predictor and some "brandless" test kit.

anyone keen in seeing or is already seeing dr heng tung lan? she has a clinic in east shore and bedok central?

i think i need to see one ASAP because i took reductil...9 pills over a 2 wk period

now i'm worried if my baby is ok?
HI eve,

dun worry too much. U will feel better after 1st trimester when the morn sickness stops. Xuanting is right. We tend to spend a lot on unnecessary things. The few dollars we fritter away do add up to quite a bit after a mth. So it should prob be possible to tighten finances. Cheer up!
Looks like many mummies here are relly concerned abt weight gain! Me too! Gonna feel fat again soon. Will miss all my clothes. Haiz... dun like that feeling at all!
Wah, big toes, ur SIL is so small size? Pre preg weight only 39kg? Is that underweight?
isabelle (isa_belle) - Yes, my SIL would be considered underweight, cos i think she is about 1.6m & 39kg. Am quite surprised that her baby was 3+kg! Was thinking it would be way smaller. She gave birth last Nov to a baby girl & lost all the excess weight already! As for my side, my sisters both had babies of about 2.5-2.6kg, & weight gain of 10kg, so I guess mine would be about the same.
serene, u might wanna test a week later, since you hv just tested this week.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
have you mommies started drinking already?
i just started last week, coz i still one pack left from last preg. anyone going to buy?? can tobang? i stay at punggol/bedok, bishan is v far for me...
Hi Storeberry,
I breastfeed for 15 months, trying very hard to lose the excess fats..
but the tummy still fat n flabby though i went back to my original weight..

Hi Bigtoes
2.5 kg is good size for delivery. Previously my gal was 3.4kg...kinda big for my size, hope that this time round bb will be smaller hopefully can go thru natural..

Hi Momoko,
Hi ! welcome ! so ur toddler is same age as mine ! super active now rite?
hi bigtoes, im also underweight leh 39kg.. same as ur SIL.. hope my baby will not be small.. so hw much weight did ur SIL put on?
aloevera (loever) - the Raspberry Leaf Tea sounds yummy...but it is still considered caffinated tea right? Not sure if it would also raise the chances of miscarriages?

BabyAtom (babyatom)- Yes, I was a small baby myself (2.4kg) and hoping that from our family history, my baby would be small. As long as its healthy, thats fine! My hubby's neice gave birth last month to a 3.95kg baby boy thru natural birth..wonder how that must have felt!

Precious (myprecious) - wow, you are so light as well! My SIL was 39kg + 8kg when she was preggers. Baby was 3.3kg I think. Her's was very efficient - not bloating/excess water etc ...
bigtoes, read abt the benefit below, it's a must-drink for preggers like us! =P

Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for thousands of years and has earned the reputation of being the "supreme" herb for pregnant women. It can relieve almost any discomfort of pregnancy from morning sickness to leg cramps. It has also been shown to strengthen & tone the uterine wall and help to make delivery easier and speedier by helping the uterus contract more efficiently and helps expel the placenta after.

Raspberry leaf has a rich concentration of vitamin C, E, A & the B complexes. It also contains calcium & iron in one of its most absorbable forms. These are all nutrients which are very important during pregnancy.

Historically women have taken raspberry leaf tea throughout their pregnancies up to and including childbirth. You may choose to drink our Mothers' Nutritious Tea 4 Two during your pregnancy but add more red raspberry leaves to your Tea 4 Two Herb Blend in your final month of pregnancy. This would be great for drinking during labour & right after.
aloevera (loever) - just be careful ya. Drinking in moderation should be okie i guess..
Read: http://www.babycenter.com/0_herbal-teas-during-pregnancy_3537.bc

"Which teas are not safe?
Many of the herbs used for teas, when taken in large or medicinal amounts, can potentially stimulate the uterus and induce miscarriage. These include anise, catnip, chamomile, comfrey, ephedra (called ma huang in traditional Chinese medicine), European mistletoe, hibiscus, horehound, Labrador, lemongrass, licorice root, mugwort, pennyroyal, raspberry leaf, rosemary, sage, sassafras, stinging nettle leaf, vetiver, and yarrow.

Although some midwives use raspberry leaf (also known as red raspberry leaf) to aid delivery, its effectiveness hasn't been proven. In any case, it should be used only near term and under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Avoid the rest of the herbs in this list during pregnancy and lactation."
gosh...chamomile tea not veri safe as well....but i guess once in a while is ok since they mentioned when taken in large amounts.....=)

isa...talking abt weight gain....I have worked so hard to shed off tose ugly fats over the last 6 mths for my wedding but now most probably I might put on double the amt back.....judging from the way I gorge now....haizz....but again it doesnt matter so long as foetus is well & healthy....kekeke
bigtoes, thanks for sharing the info. but i guess we just hv to drink in moderation... it's good to always be moderate when it comes to food or exercise, ya?

later stage when we hv to do some simple exercise like walk and squat to help make our delivery a smooth one, think we also hv to take it easy.. =)
Hi Shazz, really got nothing to drink le.. think must learn from you to drink Ribena...
I dun like to have plain water when eat outside.. prefer something different from home...i used to hav coke but now..aizzzz...
hello mummies,
thks for all ur words of encouragement. i'm trying my best to stay positive while thinking of ways to cut costs... as we hv a spare rm at hm, we're thinking of renting it out to generate some income even though i dun feel comfortable wz the feeling of staying wz a stranger. but well, i guess i've limited choices.

yday afternoon was really scary... i was all alone at hm n felt so faint, was breaking out in cold sweat n everything was a blur. luckily, i felt better after lying down for awhile.

btw, i'm also concerned abt the weight gain after giving birth but i guess its unavoidable... my elder sis jus gave birth last mth n she has became so big size! she used to be slimmer than me but she's so much bigger than me now. i guess i'll end up like her too

talking abt breastfeeding, i'm determined to give it my best shot. i hv a frd who breastfeed till her child was 2 yrs old! she's my role model n she told me tat i must persist even when the BB is crying his/her lungs out. she told me tat the best is to let the BB start sucking b4 the feeding time is due so tat the BB wont start crying when no milk comes out in the beginning... dunno how true but i'm willing to learn as i also believe tat breastfeeding has only pros n no cons?
I still think it's ok to drink once in a while. The key word is moderation. ;) Sometimes just take a sip or 2 just to kill the craving wont kill the baby lah. I've friends who craved for Coke throughout her pregnancy and the baby is still healthy and strong. Of course she didnt overload on coke, just limit to 1-2 cans per day.

yun (cutieyunyun): sometimes can vary the drinks, I think once we pass the 1st trimester, orange juice and the cooling stuff should be OK to consume already. My mum said the baby sac is not adhered well to the uterus yet, so too much cooling drinks/food will cause the baby sac to "drop" and cause miscarriage.

It may be an old wives tales about the cooling stuff, but I would rather play safe for now cos it does make sense that the baby sac is not strongly adhered to the uterus at this point in time.
eve.. due to property boom, renting out a room can fetch a reasonably good income for u to tide over yr current situation. Maybe u can give some tuition or get some temporary 3 mths job too.
congrats fsa (filo)! I can understand why you're concerned. Just make an appointment with the doc that you're thinking of seeing first to set your mind at ease if the baby is OK. See if you're comfortable with the doctor, if not, you can still change cos there's no obligations to continue with them if you dont want to since there's no package at this point in time.
eve, nice to hear from you! aiyo, u take care hor, are u drinking annmum or frisomom liao? take tat ok, it gives u the nutrients tat u need to support bb and urself.

glad to hear tat u will give your best to BF bb! i did it for 8mths for my girl, and she's a healthy bb! saves me alot of $$ too!

how are u doing, my gal? hope to see u online! =)
Hi Eve

Its true that breastfeeding is not easy, esp in the early stages..just gotta perserve n overcome the initial stage then will be fine

Bfing is good for mummy cos will lose weight, good for bb cos of nutrients n antibodies so bb will be strong n healthy..
The only sad part is that my boobs are sagging after bfing for 15 months..sobsob..
Hi Ladies!

I'm new here and just found out that I am pregnant yesterday! Am still feeling shock but the news is slowly sinking in.

It has been a tough 2 mths for me cos I conceive thru IVF. Injections everyday.... hormones changes... bruises on the tummy and the thighs.... but all is worth it cos now I have a life(hmmmmmn.... could be 2 or 3 ;-)) growing inside me.

I have been having spotting since Sunday and was told this is quite common.... Anyone experiencing this?

Last but not least, I'm glad I found this forum and am looking forward to enjoying this pregnancy with u ladies!


Yay! Glad to know someone's so supportive of bf! Yes, pls do. U must persevere! It's not easy but it's all pros! I'm still bf my girl even now. It's really good bonding. Piyo, consider too. Can losev weight faster!

Only thing is get the nurse/lactation consultant at whichever hosp u r at to teach u how to latch the baby on properly first. Otherwise it'll be painful. Can get sore or worse bleeding nipples. Then it'll be quite daunting...
congrats cythia!

where did u do yr ivf? tmc?

2 or 3??? seriously? did the doc tell u that?
i heard that taking clomid also increases your chances of getting twins
Hi Congrats Fsa & Cynthia!!! Cynthia, you must be estatic!!! That's reallyt great news after two mths!! For spotting, its better to see gynae & he will give you some hormone tablets. Its common but its better to see just to be sure... All the best! You found your gynae already?

Babyatom, I have got a friend who also breastfeed for 2 yrs, she really champion man! Most of my relatives just don't want to breastfeed claiming that there is no milk... But my fren says that its a physcological thingy, if you think you can;t then the milk won't come out...

Today no vomitting leh!! So happy!! I am thinking of buying the raspberry tea to soothen my MS.. I saw from Motherhood magazine that Chamomile tea is ok wor... Can drink..
Thanks fsa, storeberry & isabelle!!

Did my ivf at KKH under Dr SF Loh and will continue seeing him.

Had my blood test done yesterday and my HCG level is a bit high so there might be a chance...heehee... DH reaction is to go to work... cos need $$$ for milk powder...hahaha
