(2008/09) Sep 2008

storeberry....wen i break the new to my superior....i juz have to say 'i have sumthg to tell u'....bingo.....kekeke

Hi piyo, yah man..they very clever liao.. Kekeke..

I haven't buy any CNY clothes yet!! I need to get some bright cheery color clothes! :p
storeberry....dun think i will get...so caught between maternity or normal clothings....have u started wif any maternity pcs oreadi....=D
I only bought a maternity jeans & 2 tops from old navy online, the rest haven't buy yet. Will see how... Now no mood to squeeze with people also..
hi xuanting, thanks for ur assurance abt the tummy tingie. My tummy does not look bulging and i thot i am abnormal @ 5wks

looks like everyone is into CNY shopping for clothes mood! I haf the same sentiments but i feel sianz to get any new clothes cos any new clothes may nt fit in after my delivery (dunno how BIG the hip will expand)

But i am aiming at those loose dress lo, at least not those body hugging one.. at least can wear till stomach abit big, and stop when it stomach gets too big. And continue to wear after delivery. I tink ISLAND shop sells those loose loose dress... i saw IS oso... but majiam dinner dress lo

Btw, i know i sounds kiasu but anyone has good recommendation of those post-delivery messaage lady??? Those wrap tummmy ones? I wanna good one manz.. any contacts?
storeberry (storeberry) - yes, Vit B6 is safe for us and the baby. I am quite kiasu, will read up online before taking any supplements :p Read in several pregnancy websites that B6 helps with nausea...have been taking my supplements since i found out I was preggers 1 week ago, & so far, so good.

Other than feeling abit more tired & hungry all the time, I won't even suspect that I am preggers otherwise. My hCG levels have gone up, & by right i should be nauseous, but don't feel any effects, so i suspect the B6 must be helping.

But of cos its also partly heriditary - ask ur sisters/mum if they had an easy pregnancy as well!

MTB - it would be nice to make an effort to dress up! Else we would only feel & look more miserable! I have quite alot of roomy baby-doll dresses before i even got preggers, but went out to buy even more. On last count, I bought 9 new tops, 9 dresses & 1 dinner dress! hehe, my hubby said he needs to restrict my shopping already

yun (cutieyunyun) - yes - i think a blood test for thalassemia is encouraged. Most people would do the test before they get preggers...I think if both parents are carriers, then there is a 25% chance of the baby having this genetic abnomality - most apparently don't live beyond childhood. I am also going to get tested with my hubby during my 1st gyne appnt.
bacon&egg (baconegg) - Most of the dresses are from small shops - like those u find in Hereen, Far East Plaza, etc...but a cheap place is also This Fashion. Most of their dresses cost about $20+ each. Cheap & nice!
Hi Bacon
I dun feel cold one tiem and warm the other time.
But, i do feel abit 'breatheless'.. i can feel that my heartrate is beating very fast lo... like close to 80bpm. That is definately too fast for me...

mrs yap,
u can just ask your boss when u are going to sign the confirmation letter, and he shld know tat he has delayed it, or he can update u tat the letter is in the process...etc. beta sign it asap, just in case he drags it until feb, and u hv to break the preggie news to him in march...

think it's normal that u dun hv a bulging tummy now. i didnt see a little tummy until i was FIFTH mth preggie for my first kid. so pls dun worry, you r perfectly fine!
Hi, I'm new here and I have a question.

What do you do when your mother and MIL have differing views on what you can or cannot eat durig pregnancy?
What do you do when yur hubby is demoralising?

My husband is really making me demoralised. It's our first baby yet he doesn't seem thrilled about it.
You would expect a first time father to be excited or something, rite? I suffer very badly from morning sickness, and he keeps saying I'm a weakling, that I am so weak. He doesn't see anybody else who is as bad as me. He is also begrudging the fact that he has to do the household chores now, actually, he didn't volunteer to do them when he knew I was pregnant. I had to force him, and tell him I can't carry heavy things now. And he was pretty unhappy about it, he was like, this is too early for you not to be doing anything for the whole 9 months.
He told me that since I can't mop the floor or anything, then I should just wipe the shelves, etc. Every now and then, he will bring up the fact that he's the one doing the household chores now, like IT is a very big deal. I keep telling myself to be optimistic, not to be demoralised by him. But it's so sad when I see other pregnant wives being pampered by their husbands.
dear wingkei,

that's wat we are ALL here for! to lend support, give a listening ear, give advice, bitch about the unhappines we face as preggers, share anything we feel like under the sun!

i must say tat your hubby is still immatured, and it's obvious tat he is not ready for the baby. but trust me, they will learn! some men need longer time than usual, so we just hv to be more patient towards these idiots. hahaha... my hubby used to be impatient towards our newborn too. but thank God, he has changed. and it took me alot of patience, love n effort.

maybe you shld let your hubby know tat he only needs to help out at home for the first 4mths, and after tat u will be able to help him out with the chores. let him understand how impt if he is helpful, they need a little push sometimes, i noe! educate him tat a little help n love from him now will ensure bb and u will be safe for the whole 9mths!

towards the 8th or 9th mth, you wont be able to squat so much, and carry heavy things etc. then it's time to educate him again lor... sigh.. men oh men!

but do cheer up, ok! spread all the good and positive moods to our little one inside us! =)
pregnant tend to feel hot n cold sometimes.. so far, i hv not experience that.. but i do feel breatheless and heatbeat very fast.. tis morning i feel so breatheless when i reach office.. somemore my office is quite a distance from mrt stnt..
wingkei (wingkei) - aloevera is prefectly right.
Lets use this forum to provide emotional & moral support to all the MTBs due in Sept. Like she said, your hubby maybe ill-prepared to be a daddy, & not being the one facing all that emotional/psychological/physical changes over the next 8+ months, have no idea what you are going though. Quite unfair that all they have to do is sit & wait for 9 months & out pops the baby!

Maybe try to sit down with him for a chat? This baby belongs to both of u & should be the equal responsibility of both. Since the MTB has to bear all the physical burden of carrying the child, the least he can do is help around the house & quit grumbling!

aloevera (loever) - So is it suppose to get worse during the 1st trimester before it gets better? I heard that the 2nd trimester is the best (including the sex - hehe).
hi bacon&egg, me too i m irritated by the slightest smell.even my girl perspire...and her head smells.Last time i used to like her smell now, i have to always ask my hubby to carry her and wipe her with a cloth.haiz...so sensitive to smell.
Now whenever i sit,stand,or do anything also dun feel well, there's a certain taste n smell on my tongue n throat too...haiz...
Dragging myself to canteens and places where there is food...
Hi Wingkei

U are not definately not alone! My hubby is also nto beri enthusiastic as well! This pregnancy was an unplanned and caught everyone includig me and hubby by a 'nasty-shock'!

I am feeling 'better' now and adjusted to the thot of mamahood. For my HB, it took him a while to adjust and i stil haben kena my MS so dunno he will suan me a weakling or not.

But when itell him to mop floor last weekend, he sound so reluctant lo. My HB is not those lovey dovey type, so i oledi activate my close friends to standby for me to chit chat whenever i needed to.

I think ur HB Is not ready for papahood and u got to give him more time to prep mentally. But if we kip telling him we tis and tat, it mite cause them to feel more ‘FANG-GUN’ abt the baby ting..

So best antidote is to rely on external support for now until tings get better like wat aloevera says.. forum support is oso good cos we can be good listeners
mrs yap, i also intend to tell my boss after 1st trimester loh. anyway tummy still not obvious lah. my col also cant tell that i am preggy. btw, i just got my bonus today ! hahahaha
I'm taking Anmum Choco flavour milk as i do not likes milk. MIL say that if don't drink milk better don't take natural flavour, if not the milk will be wasted. I took the milk every morning though i hate it. Recently keep feel like vomitting.
wow big toes, that sure sounds like ALOT of new clothes!

today i went to see gynae and can see my baby. I'm 7 weeks 5 days now
hi everyone.

i'm a bit confused at this moment. i'm not sure if it's +ve or -ive. i tested last nite, using a very cheap no brand hcg test kit which i bought fr mustafa ctr. there was a very very faint line. i tested again using a reputable brand (predictor) soon after and the result was negative. this morning, i tested again using the cheap mustafa ctr one, again it was negative.

my last period was on 13dec. that means i'm very late.

hubby is already excited. i'm afraid to disappoint him. fyi, this is gonna be my 2nd. my 1st is almost 3 years. we were planning for 2009 baby actually.
btw, anyone seeing a female gynae in kkh? any recommendation?
if it's really positive, i would like to try kkh. i'm a civil servant so i wanna make full use of my cs card
fsa (filo) - hmm..how come so weird?
According to the test kits, u are positive regardless of how faint the line is (as long as there is a line on the "Test" portion). Most wld recommend that u test in the morning, cos ur hCG levels are highest when u wake up.

Maybe just get one more test from the Pharmacy to be certain? I would think any of the brands costing >$15+ should be accurate enough. I did my test 3 times (last Sun, Mon & Friday) - and for me, the line was the clearest & almost immediate on Friday (higher hCG levels now); so maybe u are at the early early stages of pregnancy (quite low hCG, so you have different readings)? Good luck
hi bigtoes,
that was what i thought too. but by calculation, if i am really preg, i should be in my 5th week already.

for my 1st, i tested using clearblue. maybe i'll get that brand and try testing again.

or should i just head to my gp? are their test any different?
fsa, I don't know is it necessary go to gp to test. last week I tested by Watson brand was -ve. Yesterday morning I using the clear blue, +ve. Did you test on morning first urine?
ok. i think i'll test with clearblue. will get it later.

which gynae u're planning to take?
blackberryB : I had the same results with Watson's inhouse brand of pregnancy test kit. I thought since it's negative I shall go ahead with my spring cleaning and all. Then who knows, one week later, when my menses still not here, I tested again with Clearblue and this time it's positive. I couldnt believe it so I tested again the next day. Then I thought maybe Clearblue made a mistake, so I got Predictor and it tested positive again!

My conculsion is that the Watson pregnancy kit is not reliable!!! No wonder they had a buy 1 get 1 free promo when I got it!
shazz, i heard tat we can only test it after the 3rd day we missed our period then the result will be reliable.

i missed my period on the 11th, and i tested on the 15th n it was positive. i hvnt seen a gynae yet, still cant decide on which one to take. already checked out the package of the few gynaes tat i m interested, and will discuss it with hubby tonite.

all mommies taken your lunch? how's your appeitite? i feel dull...
Hi fsa filo, the GP also use the same kind of cheapo test kit leh, I feel no need to spend the kind of money because when I tested on the pregnancy kit, it had a faint line so decided to go to GP, end of the day, the GP also not sure whether preggy or not because line still faint.. And I have to pay $22 for it!!!

Why not you wait for a few more days then test again? Maybe the HCG level will be higher then...

Hi aloevera, I am eating Long John now, today just vomitted out my ham & cheese sandwich breakfast, Haiz...
hi wingkei, how about get a part time maid to do the household ? my hubby also the type that dun like to do all these...but since no choice, he agreed to get a part time maid to do all these..

hi bigtoes, i did mentioned the test when I first time visit Gynae..but she only said will do but not now.so wonder when is the best time do to it..really worry abt it.
Hi Mummies

I just tested positive last weekend, shd be in my 5-6 weeks nw

Will be my 2nd preg as I have a 18 month old daughter
yun (cutieyunyun) - the blood test for thalassemia is only required for people who are carriers (is you or ur hubby are carriers, or someone in the family is). If not,then don't think it is a necessity. If needed to, then the test is done on week 11th I think.

wingkei - We are also planning to get a part time maid to help with the cleaning when I am more pregnant. This would be the solution if ur hubby is relucant/lazy to help out.

BabyAtom (babyatom)- congrats & welcome to the club!
fsa, try to test early of the morning, your first urine, the HCG will be higher. I'm seeing Dr.Loh Soong Feei at KKH. I found he quite good, my few friends recommended to me when I ttc more than 1 year. Maybe I will change gynae, as I like to delivery at TMC, is convenience to us.

Shazz, hahaha, I also got it during the promotion!

Storeberry, the GP test also laosy wan ar?

Do you see any gynae at TMC?
storeberry, i like LJS alot, but now i lost my appetite... it's like the fragrance appeals to me, but when the food is right before my eyes, my taste buds just go all NUMB... tat's why i say i'm feeling dull.. =(

during my first pregnancy, i was also like tat, tat's why i lost 3kg... but, i've gained 8kg from the first pregnancy! hahaha... so i dun mind to lose some kilos now! =P

hi Babyatom, welcome on board! so your toddler is attending any playgroup now?
Hi aloe vera,
i dun have much appetite either although I sometimes crave for certain foods. And what appeals to me on one day sucks the next day. Feel bad for my family that i am so "fussy"...
U have a kid too? How old is him/she?

Hi baby atom!
Mine is 2nd preg too, and my daughter is just one mth older than urs!
Hi welocome babyatom!!

Yah I was telling DH that maybe we should emplyed part-time cleaner, he said no need.. Hmm.. let's see how long he can tahan without me helping.. :p
Hi Bigtoes and alovera
Thanks for the welcome

Aloe - u only gain 8kg ? I gain 27kg for my 1st preg ! so worry i will gain excessive weight this time round again....
still not in playgp yet.. still searching for 1 near my mum home

Hi preggie
Sore breast sympton wont appear so soon...so its normal. Dont worry

Hi Isabelle
So our toddler abt the same age... evolved to little monster now rite ? :p
hi yun, is it compulsory for the gynae to do blood test for us? or we hv to request for it? did she mention when is the best time to do the blood test?

im feeling sleepy nw.. hw i wish there is a bed in office.. hhehe
babyatom, haha... no la, i gained 19kg! then 8kg is stuck on me now! ="( so i'm really scared to be stuck with more kilos after this preg!!!

***fingers crossed**
hi MTBs,
i'm feeling so depressed now... actually i jus started a new job 1 wk b4 i discovered i was preggie n now, i'm no longer working as i've been unwell everyday n its impossible for me to continue working... HB is so stressed now cos he'll be the sole breadwinner frm now on n frankly, his salary wont be enough for us to survive now tat i'm preggie. its so bad tat i've been having sleepless nites n i feel so useless. there were times when i even feel tat mayb being preggie now is a mistake...

at first when we found out my pregnancy, we were so happy but reality kicked in when i realised i cant work n abt our financials...
ARGH! i really need to vent out my worries if not i think i'll go crazy.
Hi Aloevera

icic, tut u super only gain 8kg, cos my cousin was same time preg with me previously n she only gain like 7kg in total. Lost them all in 1 month or 2. Whereas for me, took me a year to shed it off..nw the fats are back to haunt me..boohoo...

So our kids are almost the same age ?
Isabelle's is 19 mth,mine 18 mth n urs 17 mth..hee..

Hi Eve

Dont worry, things will work out eventually. The most impt task now is to take care of urself n leave the worries to the daddy..
hi eve, i guess everyone of us here got our own problem.. im also facing some financial problem.. i tot of resigning from my company becoz my company keep delaying our salary.. i had nt tell my boss abt my pregnancy yet.. i only told him i wanted to convert to do part time as currently i have other part time jobs on hand.. but he dun wan to let me go, so it is either i resign or i continue at current company.. if i resign, my income will be affected, if i continue to stay, i will keep having salary delay.. im also in dilemma.. hai...

hi Precious, I tik its compulsary.. coz before that my sis also nvr know she is a thalassaemia carrier until doc done the blood test for her.
Sis told me the test is done when she was almost 2 months preg.unless u request it to do earlier.. me too want to request the blood test for nxt visit.
if Iam the carrier then my husband has to do the test and if iam not then he no need to do.
