(2008/09) Sep 2008

porky....ur gynae charges is reasonable....mine charges for one scan thou he did 2.....wat medication was given cos my hormones pills cost 25 bucks for 20 pills....

hi all,

i went to see my Gynae last wednesday..EUNICE CHUA from TMC.She confirmed iam preggie with 5 weeks. can only see the eggyolk (sac maybe) but no baby.. will go there again on 30jan . hopefully can see baby's heartbeat.
My first visit cost me $276
consultation : $110
scan : $70
medicine : $70
GST : 7%

I Think I got the all morning sickness n pregnancy's symptoms.
Iam bloated all day even I eat only a bit of foods, nausea, sore breast, keep burping, a bit pain in lower abdomen, no appetite.
Hi Piyo, you didn't take up Dr Woody's package?

Congrats Porky!! Next week should be able to detect baby's heartbeat! Must wait patiently... :p
Good morning ladies...
Found this website from FDA... Food Drug Association... v informative
What to eat n wat not to during TTC & pregnant.
Teaches u how to prevent n cook/prepare certain food to avoid certain poisoning...
Preggies are 20 times more likely to be affected compared to normal adults. So take care!

Porky (porky_jean) :Congrats Porky....dun worry u will see ur bb heartbeat soon
take care hor!
HI hi, Pearlina and Brenda... Congrats ! its a blessing from above... dun worry ...we will keep each other company and support....

i think all gyn charge diff....most important is ur r comfortable with her/him..

mine i heard she is the most ex in Punggol... im with her for 3 yrs liao so i have confidence with her.
Hi, just fyi..

my gynae is Dr Marriane Hendricks from KKH..

I planned to take Raffles Hospital but my aunt is a midwife in KKH and most of my family members, she would help to deliver.

My first consultation fee for private patient is as follows:-

Consultation - $53
Urine Labstix - $7
Scanning (vaginal n normal) - $28.90

total with GST will be $95.12

all gynae charge differently and its also different from private, government and subsidised patient..so its up to individual mtb preferences and accessibility. as its impt for me as i have bleeding and so i have to rush to a&e. wish sometimes mine is nearer as am staying in Bedok but wat i hope now is tat all the sickness associated with pregnancy will vanish as soon as possible..

I had very bad headache and nausea, always makes me want to vomit but nothing came out.. AAAAHHHHH.. Hope all will go well.. am in my mid 7 weeks now...PLS..
Dear all,

My LMP is on 20 Dec. I am on clomid and so i expected my menses to come on the 16 Jan 08 but till now, it's not here yet.

I went for a consultation with a Dr on 16 Jan (as this is a prebooked appt) and he said that my womb lining has thicken and it's a good sign that my menses wont come for this month. But he also mentioned that womb lining thickened might be due to menses coming too. So i am very confused.

I dun dare to do the preggie test as i am not hopeful at all that I am preggie, bcos I do not have any other signs except my missed period.

What is your take?
hi kurn,

i had eaten clomid thrice but to no avail.. but if this is ur first time eating it, it cd cause late menses..mine came a bit late after the first course... but it could mean that u r pregnant too.we never know.. but personally i alwys feel its a jinx to test on pregnancy kit.. my own personal view.. as usuali i am late, i tested using the kit and there it was my menses come after.. may be just luck but i dont dare try the kit anymore....good luck to you...
Goldfish (goldfish1395) & Shazz - I think our plan is to drop off the little one at my MIL's after the 3rd month. Will also get a confinement nanny for the 1st month. We are lucky that my MIL loves kids and used to baby sit. She is also planning to quit her job after our baby is born to take care of him/her...I guess I am more concerned abt the weekends & weeknites! Cannot go out on a whim like we used to
Really takes some getting used to!!

Shazz - I am also on the GNC pre-natal vitamins. The Vit A in that supplement is in 100% beta-carotene form (not Vit A) which is safe as our body needs to convert that into Vit A as needed.

I am taking this cos "Vit A is important for your baby's embryonic development; cell growth; eye, heart, limb, and ear development; healthy skin and mucous membranes; infection resistance; bone growth; and fat metabolism. Vitamin A is particularly essential for pregnant women because it helps with postpartum tissue repair, as well as maintaining normal vision and helping fight off infections."...but I guess your gyne wants to be on the safe side, so she asked you to stop taking it.

Just make sure u are taking enough fruits & veggies like carrots & tomatoes then! Also have to avoid liver & fish liver oil (rich in Vit A), & all the facial creams with Vit A....
Brenda (bb_bjorn) - Better take care okie..should be gaining weight, not losing weight at this stage (the link posted up by shazz says we shd gain up to 5 pounds in the 1st trimester). Just eat smaller more regular meals if u feel nauseous.

As for me, I am the opposite...the only pregnancy symptom I have is being forever hungry & having to eat at least every 2 hours! My clothes don't feel any tighter, but I don't dare to weigh myself! Was wondering it this is normal & if I am still preggers, so i went to get another test kit last nite (my 3rd) - this time, the test turned positive immediately (think cos the hCG levels are alot higher now).

Btw, MTBs with nausea, u might want to try taking more Vit B6 - i read that it helps to reduce the nauseous feeling (nausea increases as our levels of hCG rises). My supplement has B6, & so far I haven't had any nausea/bloating/gas/etc..so I guess it must be helping.
Hi ladies... went for my 1st gynae app this morning. The sac measured 4mm only and going back 2 weeks later to scan again.
My gynae is v humurous... always make us laugh, i feel more relaxed after consulting him.
Consultation = $100
V scan = $40
Multi-Vitamins+An tai yao =$58
After GST everything came up to abt $210
so exp...
Hi bigtoes, is Vit B6 safe for us & baby? I am really feeling quite bad because of the nauseous feeling. Want to ask a stupid question: how to eat smaller meals when we tau pau food hah? Cannot be we eat a little bit then left it there and eat again? Hee... I am just curious...

Aiyoo.. I think my waistline is thicker now.. My jeans feel so tight now..

Congrats Mrs Yap!! Where is your gynae btw?
Yah seeing doctor is always so ex...
Hi all
I see some mummies says their waistline is thicker...haha, that show I am not the only 1. Cause I am only 6 weeks and my usual pants cannot wear anymore. Even my collegues see something different, so how to keep quiet for the 1st 3 mths...
hi ling,
i intend to wear my hubby's tees for now and those latest fashion tights..i am feeling fat n ugly..no mood to dress up or make up anymore...anyone feels that way too?
hi everyone,
seems like more n more MTBs joining in! actually, my nauseous feeling is not tat bad cos it comes once a while only n there's no vomit so i guess i'm lucky? but then again, Bigtoes mentioned tat nauseous gets worse when our hcg level gets higher... so must i b worried?

i'm so so so looking forward to my next gynae appt now. btw, i jus went shopping n seems like i've got no "inspiration" to buy anything cos i feel fat... sigh, dunno where to buy my new yr clothes. i went to the maternity wear shops but i seem too small to fit those clothes but when i go to those normal boutiques, i feel so fat n nothing seems nice to me...
Hi storeberry, my gynae is from a private clinic located @ tanglin shopping centre

Hi Eve, u are not the only one lah... i feel fat too... yalor CNY coming and all my usual wear dun fit anymore... or rather i dun wan a tight pants to affect the growth too...
Very dilemna leh, if i wear baby doll dress, alot of pp will suspect i preg de... if i dun wear, the tummy will also look so bloated and ugly..
Dun worry abt the nausea lah... my gynae says, which one of u by worrying can make yourself 1 inch taller??? haha.... we jus have to brave thru all these... i was v worried too but i am starting to feel better.
hi, im 6thweeks preggy
juz confirmed with GP today.. Also din expect to be pregnant as my AD juz over in Dec..and i hvnt plan my honeymoon yet..

so far, i dun hv morning sickness (touch wood) and i dun feel im putting on weight although i also always feeling hungry.. But realise nw i cant control my hunger.. hungry means MUST EAT.. hahah.

besides tat, other symptoms is swollen breasts n stomach cramp.. anybody experience tat?

shld i consult gynae nw? only 6weeks.. My GP say no need to go gynae so early, but im still worried leh...
Precious (myprecious) : hi hi, congrats! we have been discussing abt whether to see gynae early... my advice is have to... coz need to scan to see the preg sac, is it at the rite place......and esp if u have spotting like me! .... now my spotting has stopped
Take care!

Do u think we been eating too much har????

Coz i read from thebook it says that we can only see the pop up @ 3 mths!! ????HOW????
and i cant stop eating!!) ....
hi Jane, shall arrange to visit gynae when hubby back from overseas.. glad tat ur spotting has stopped.. take care too.

hi ladies, im looking for female gynae and deliver in TMC. any recommendation?
hi precious,

think you should go to gynae as soon as possible..coz for my case, I was confirmed 6 weeks pregnant by GP but when I went to gynae one week after..she only can saw sac inside n said Iam only 5 weeks.

Iam seeing Eunice Chua from TMC.. she is good.

do you feel bloated (too much gas)? how to reduce it ? its very uncomfortable
Hi Yun, I always feel bloated too, would really appreciate if anyone have any idea to reduce it??

Welcome precious!! Yes, can look for gynae now to see if sac is in correct position. All the best! My gynae is a male but can deliver at all private hospital.

Bacon & egg, Today was trying all the clothes but my tummy bump like can see, I also don;t know what clothes to wear. In the end have to wear those loose ones.. I bought a maternity jeans online, the waistline is ok but the bum there are too loose! Look so funny!

Jane, today I was looking at my mirror & it seems that my tummy is bigger now!
wow, nice to hear that everyone is putting on weight! as for me, already have a tummy before this so am kind of glad i now have a "legit" reason to be tubby.

yun & storeberry, i've heard some mtbs recommend gassy drinks to encourage burping of the trapped gases. try it, i think it works.
hi storeberry,
have you start to drink some milk powder ? is fresh milk okie ? me really hate milk powder.

me lost 2 kg these few weeks coz no appetite to eat anything ..but love tomyum ..

thanks xuanting..will try
Hi yun, no, I am drinking those chocolate milk because I can't stand milk smell so make do lo... No choice.

I am feeling hungry most o the time but the gases are driving me crazy!
Erm.. seems like most mama-2-b can see tummy oledi? Gosh, i am wondering am i normal cos i dun see any tummy and in fact, my weight is still the same as before wor.

Bt, i do not experience spotting so far, so i will presume the baby is still safe inside lo.. ERmm..

U gals reallie can see tummy at week6?? Reallie???!!!

Btw Yun, i am currently drinking Annum Milk for Pregnant woman.. chocolate favor. But i do not drink very often oso lo

Oh yah, any gals out there still do exercise huh??
me also can see the tummy but guessing becos of the gases.

actually, wat spotting mentioned ? blood ?

I took a packet of Anmum milk sample from TMC but still hesitate to drink ..iam afraid of vomitting...

and is it truth of pregnant woman should avoid using computer ? my mum always scolding at me as i sit in computer's table for too long.
I also feel not too face too much computer, but our job nature is desk bound, how to aviod computer. Some of my friends during the 1st trimester, lost weight, but not for me, keep feeling hungry and its only 6 weeks, every body can see I am pg. liao...sign...

Also during the nite, cannot zzz...well too, keep waking up....sign....
storeberry....i juz signed up for his pkg during the 2nd visit...=)

yun & storeberry...i oso hate the taste of milk powder too but for the sake of baby...force myself to have it....to make things beta, add in milo powder, at least dats wat I did.....=)
Hi me 6wk peggy, have not been to gynae yet. Me too hungry alot...even middle of the night..sleep until half way can feel stomach looking for food..hahaha...

Can you guys sleep well?? Me wake up in the mid of the nite then cant sleep liao..keep think of this think of tat...only fall asleep again near to morning...
yun...i check wif my gynae cos i always have the habit to place my notebook on my lap which is near to the tummy....he told mi dat it's alrite as thr's not much radiation from the notebook dat will affect baby.....=)
welcome zebra...perhaps it's due to anxiety....I have been sleeping & gorging like a pig from wk 5 - 6....im in my week 6 now & are still sleeping well wif exception dat having to pee in the mid of the night affect the 'quality' of my sleep.....=)
ya piyobaby..now i try to sleep abit later...make myself tire.. i also need to pee in the mid of the night..sometime feel to lazy to wake up to pee...heee...

I have not chose gynea yet..still don knw which to go.. should i chose one near my work pl or near my home?? do gynea give MC during every visit??
hi goldfish, don't worry abt the tummy! it usu won't show up so soon in most cases until closer towards the end if the first trimester.
zebra..b4 preggy will control bladder till morning but now cant so force myself to wake up...recent few days had sum hard time getting back to sleep after pee....=)

for mi...chose our gynae near our home...not nec mc given for every visit....onli wen nec i guess....=)
Hi ladies i need to verify this, the Annum milk for pregnant ladies only come in Chocolate favour? Cos i check in carrefour only. No natural favour is it?
hi piyobaby,thanks for the information.. luckyly i also using notebook.

mrs yap, the milk powder i took from TMC is Enfamama and there is a chocolate flavour..

Ling, so envy you that you keep feeling hungry..for me, no mood for any foods.

Ladies, have you all buy CNY clothing ?

me bought CNY clothing already, hopefully still can wear cos they r not maternity. Lucky cos now i'm on extended hospitalisation leave, if i hadn't bought before i bled, dunno how man!
And i was hoping still can wear my old jeans cos i find it wasteful to buy new ones. But dunno can fit or not.

Shopping always gets me excited. Yay! I'm a shopaholic!
hi all sept mtb, i am taking Frisomum in vanilla favour. taste not bad loh.

piyobaby, i think my gynae charges still ok loh. gynae give me folic acid and utrogestan. he say this is vitamins for bb to grow at nite. need to take 2 caps before gg to sleep every nite.

yun, i am same like u. GP told me i am 6 weeks. but after scan by gynae, confirm only 5 weeks nia. but i looking forward to this fri scan again, hope can hear my bb heartbeat. hehe.

mrs yap, so how many weeks are u now ? can see the sac or hear bb heartbeat liao mah ?

mtb, my gynae told me that tummy will only show after end of 1st trimester. so i think my tummy is due to bloatedness and gas bah...now looks ugly when wear those body hugging t-shirts liao...i bgt a lot from my BKK trip last month, now all cannot wear liao. haiz...

brenda, actually i also wanted to ask u gals abt this question. should we inform our boss aft the 1st trimester ? will it be too late ??
i havent tell my direct boss..i dont know how to break the news..think i will wait and see..

anyone gets gastric pain if u delay eating? i have no appetide but when hungry and i delay for a while, i get gastric..n there is always a taste in my mouth..all kinds of smell irritates me even my hubby's breath!! haha..

Yun, dont think i will shop for CNY clothings, not sure to shop for normmal clothes or maternity...feel so fat n ugly..i dont even feel like stepping out of the house... went to the mall yesterday..just for 30mins to get new pillows and get out..last time i used to love to shop...now i just want to sleep...anyone?
porky... i am 4.5weeks and scan only 4weeks.
the sac is 4mm only and need to wait for another 2 weeks to see the growth.
I intend to tell boss only after end of 1st trim, cos those jacket i wore in office quite big size so can hide for a few mths. Infact i am still under probation lor...
suppose to be confirmed on 14 jan de... but i think boss forget liao... gonna remind him tml but paiseh lor dunno how to remind him leh.
mrs yap...the Anmum I bot is orginal favour...

Brenda...due to the nature of my job and to 'escape' travelling next week + my one week medical leave....they had been informed of my pregnancy 2 weeks ago....given a choice wouldnt let them noe dat early.....

we abit more kiasu....went to baby hyperstore to reccee stroller + infant car seat and it was realli confusing...realli spoilt for choices & boy arent they expensive....anyway thyme maternity clothing are realli over priced.....cant decide if should go ahead to get a few pcs of maternity bottoms since thr's sales going on now....=)

one more thing gers....think I have caught the flu bug....blocked nose now....=(
Hi yun, I bought HL & Magnolia but HL seems nice to drink. I don't dare to drink those milk powder because I am afraid of the smell leh...

Hi qqq, I think the ultrasound scan should not affect the baby because it is using sound waves..

Hi brenda, I think if you tell your boss, he will guess it.. Because when I told my frens & boss: "I have got something to tell you...." *smile*.. They always guess it correctly before I finish... Kekeke..

hi bacon & egg,same like you.. nvr want to step out from the house..actually i bought some CNY clothing liao but dun tik can wear it.. just wear pijamas ba..

i dun even buy a thing for CNY and hubby is reserving for 3 weeks plus..will only out on 5feb 08 and I hav to stay home alone..hik..hik

anybody know when we will doing blood test ? iam afraid of the thahlasmania..anybody know abt it ? my sis got le and luckyly her husband not
