(2008/09) Sep 2008

hey mummies.. guess i'm pretty lucky.. my bb K sleeps around 9:30pm and wakes up at 6/7am.. no waking up in the middle of the night.. he's been doing this since he was 6/7 months old..

Thank u for the compliments. Am still a real novice in such stuff. I will be doing more next week leading up to Little E's 1st bday.

Vellevelle - cookies and cakes - just make sure u get good books, if you know the fundamentals. Alex Goh's series are good and readily avaialable at Popular book stores.
breadmum - the cakes look so lovely n yummy....

My gal sleeps b4 10pm and will wait up between 530 till 730am for a feeding b4 falling asleep till about 8-930am.....

n she has been sleeping thru the nite since about 5-6 months....

i really envy those mummies who can bf till now...my gal simply refuse to latch on when she was a baby...so i had to express out for her till she's 8 mths...
oh...i just enrol my gal to this play class at bibinogs....went for the trial class n decided to enrol her...cos i wanted my gal to socialise around with other kids....
Hi Melanie

My boy shares the same bday as your your boy... and am also planning to celebrate his bday on 27 sep.. what a coincident.. i ordered his cake from delectable delites... hope it turns out nice.

My boy is still not sleeping through, wakes up for milk twice at night... how i wish he can sleep through now since he's going to be 1 soon..

as for some interactive classes, i thot of trying out growing up gifted(will go for their trial class first).. then decides...

The cupcake are lovely ! Think you can do your baby birthday cake/cupcakes well !


I send my son for gymboree at tanglin mall since he is at 9th months. WIll be stopping it when he completed the sessions. I just enroll him in growing up gifted. Quite like the GUG programme, it is also once a week. Suggest you go for trial ...
Bigtoes, yes.. Baby J is also will rubs his eyes and fall sleep at 8pm+ but he will wake up at 10+ and playing till 1am plus...
His nap time is quite long at min 1hr to max 3hrs at noon time.

Vellevelle, Iam currently on Baking class too (never bake cake or biscuit before)at CC near my home. Hope to bake some pretty and nice biscuits for my boy
Thanks Jojobar.

Yun - which CC? still got vacancy? am interested.

Vellevelle - CC is another option. I've seen some creations by another mummy and its beautiful as well.

A few of us went to My Gym Tampines Open house, i found the course quite not as organised. Gymboree and The Little Gym's classes are still more organised, based on my own experience. I've stopped Little E's class and am looking at sending him to JG or Shicida instead.
breadmum : always have email by creativehomebaking , classes held at parkway , but haven go and try yet. CC? will check it out

cutieyunyun : let me know again how it goes k , cause i also NEVER bake b4. haha
vellevelle - never heard of creativehomebaking. Maybe its becos i have been attending the expensive ones. Like Creative Culinaire, B-I-Y, Shermays, palate Sensations. My next try will be at CCs, cause in some instances, i think i am being ripped off. wahaha. Am such a loser in searching for value for money classes.
HI Breadmum,

You sending little E to JG too ? I am on the waitlist for JG playnest at evan road... Their weekend classes are for 18months onward but they are quite full... so kiasu me ...start to queue loh ....Which branch you intend to go ? Let see if we can go to the same class together..more fun !
Breadmum. where do you stay ? I attend the class at jurong west frontier CC...they have another 8lessons class start on October.

Vellevelle, Iam abit blur and clueless but luckyly the teacher is very patience to answer and explain all my stupid questions..hehe
I did receive email from creativehomebaking but too far for me.

Jojobar,Interested with JG too but the location is very unconvenience...
Hi Yun,

There are two branches JG, one at Evan road and the other one at forum. Both at central location, but the one at Evan road, you need to drive for sure...no public transport there i think...
There are lots of enrichment class available, slowly choose one that is suitable loh.
Hi mummies

Can anyone advise me how much should our little ones be eating for a solid meal? How to measure?

My boy is taking porridge twice a day, about a bowl for a meal (the pigeon bowl) and my mum feels that it's too little.

Have anyone tried finger food for the little ones? I'm planning to try carrot stick etc but is it too early?
Hi mummies

Can anyone advise me how much should our little ones be eating for a solid meal? How to measure?

My boy is taking porridge twice a day, about a bowl for a meal (the pigeon bowl) and my mum feels that it's too little.

Have anyone tried finger food for the little ones? I'm planning to try carrot stick etc but is it too early?
Bigtoes/Jasmine -- I love ur babies leh! Can sleep at 8pm?? At 8pm, my bb is walking all ard the place. I so look forward to have him sleep by 8pm so that at least I have some ALONE time for myself loh. Haiz

MummyNana – same as u! At 11pm+, I am oledi a dead piece of log and my bb can walk in and out of his bedroom and I just lie on his bed and dozed off at times until he SANK his teeth into my DA-TUI and woke me up!

Breadmum – Ur cakes is nice leh! Keke.. perhaps we can order cakes from u next time?


Actually what kind of classes shld we send our bb now? Is it necessary huh? It is to learn wat huh? One part of me kiasu, scare ethan lagging behind bt the other part of me oso kiam-siap, stingy to spend $$ as number 2 is coming.

Any one has good lobang for part time maid? I nid one badly before I start on a QUARRELSOME weekends wif my hubby. My hubby, cannot do a good job in looking after Ethan yet dun want to do household chores for me while I look after Ethan.

End up, we have a fiery exchange of words and scared Ethan out of his life and he kept crying. Not a good example for Ethan to see parents screaming at each other bt BOBIAN leh. Sigh
Jojobar - i am going to send my little one to Rosemount playgroup instead every Wed at 9.15pm. JG i went for trial at the Forum, Good but long distance lea. Rosemount is at Siglap.

Goldfish - i had teacher supervision. Now that i am on my own, don't know can make it or not. For the cupcake, my dad complain not buttery enough. So am going to retry. And i realised that in class, many gadgets to use and i have not bought all yet. My hubs says i need more practise :p

Where u stay? i'll ask my PT if she still want to take on. She is quite busy though. but she is super clean, Clean on all fours and use mop only in hard to reach places.
I stays at Bishan wor. How much u paying ur PT now? Wonder wat is the mkt rate now. Let me know if she is free wor!

Barney toys? I thot major dept stores has it?
Morning, mommies.

Heard tat the cake must be dense when making fondant. As for the gadgets, think you can go to Phoon Huat to get them. My mum loves shopping there for her baking needs. Said tat the prices are reasonable.

Wat Barney toys you want? There are some at Taka. Junction 8 is out though. I searched the whole place for a Barney soft toy but found notin when Anvelle was crazy over Barney.
Hello mommies,

I am a silent reader to this thread. My girl is born in sep 08 too. Hope that i am welcome to join in this thread.

Can mommies pls share with me what is ur kid meal schedule like??? Maybe i can share with u my girl meal schedule for the day.

9am - breastmilk (dunno how much she is drinking since i latch her on)

9.30am - a slice of bread / cereal

12 noon - a bowl of porridge

1pm - fruit

2pm - latch on

4.30pm - latch on

6pm - a bowl of porridge

9 pm- latch on, followed by bedtime....zzzz....

I am wondering whether am i over or under feed her????
yun - I stay in tampines

Goldfish - I'll ask her when she comes. $12/hr. usually 4 hours.

MummyNana - For fondant cake, they must be harder and cooled before decorating. I'm using my own recipe as the one i learnt in class has no taste.

Barney Toys - Toys R Us
Welcome! Think you dun hv to worry abt her intake as long as she seems happy ba. My granny looks after my gal so I dun really noe her schedule. But this is wat I do on weekends...

8am - Latch on (she goes back to sleep)
9.30am - Rice cereal (half bowl)
1pm - Porridge (half bowl)
4pm - Milk (120-150ml)
6pm - Yoghurt/ Fruits
7pm+ - Porridge
10pm - Last feed
But she will wake up 1-2 times in the nite for BFing. Now trying to wean her off the midnite suckles.

Maybe next time u can bake for us! Heehee...
Hi everyone,

Sorry forgot to check the last 2 days coz busy at work.

Wow breadmum - your cakes are super nice le!! Can start business liao.

Thanks everyone for your great and very helpful advice on the enrichment classes - i will go do my research and let you know how it turns out if i do send my boy for any. Still wondering if it will do him any good.

: )

Hi Mummynana - no choice lor. Everyone just keep still in the house for 5 - 10 mins lor - anyways its just usually my maid n my hubby. When i bring him out no choice lor - he will drink if he is really hungry, if not he will just suck for a while n then when he hear any noise he will pull away to see what is happening, the little kaypoh..

Hey Tinkerbell - i delivered at Thomson Hospital under Paul Tseng - i really like him a lot and will def go back to him for my next kid (if it comes la) He is very very good, and I did not tear and so no need stitches.

My son's meal schedule. He is about 10kg and eat 3 full meals a day in addition to drinking about 20 oz of breast milk.

When he wakes up about 7 i will feed him from the breast before going to work - he will prob drink about 2 oz (i think).

Then he will eat baby cereal (4 tablespoon) and either cooked pear or half - 3/4 avocado for breakfast. We alternate between avacado and pear for each day.

He will then drink 2 times milk about 3/4 oz each time.

Then we feed him lunch - 1 full bowl of porridge - either fish, chicken, pork or beef porridge. We will mix it with brocoli or spinach and carrot.

Then he will drink 2 times milk - about 3 oz each time followed by dinner which is porridge again - same as above. He will finish one full bowl.

Then he will drink one more time milk this time only 2 oz.

Then i'll come back and he will drink 2 times from my breast before rolling around in bed and "mun chung" for 1 hour before falling asleep!!


He is very farnee - we tried to feed him like english food like cheese and beef and tomato pureee with pasta. And i used to spend so many hours every weekend to puree all this yummy western food and freeze. Then suddenly at about 8 - 9 months he decided that he only want to eat porridge and nothing else!!! So he eat porridge for lunch and dinner for many many months liao. So we just let him be lor.

The paeditrician said he is about 75 percentile for his weight so we just let him be la.

But he has his naughty days where he does not finish his food.

: )
Thanks breadmum!

Btw, any one started on potty training?
I am tempted to start training soon cos i noticed Ethan occasionally squat down before he poo.. like majiam trying to harness energy to push the poo out liddat.. ermm..

Is there any preferred brand for potty huh? Any mummies got any recommended brands?
your cakes are really nice!
u must have put a lot of effort into them.

night feeding
i am still breastfeeding so like havent slept properly since last year! jon wakes for a feed about 1.30am and then 3.30am and if the aircon is too warm, then a lot of other times from 5 or 6am till 830am. i got so desperate that i put him in my bed to bf as i try to get some sleep and now, die la, cos his cot is just next to the bed, he will stand there and"eh eh eh eh" until i carry him over. my MIL said to just not feed and let him cry but how to sleep like that when he is just yowling next to my ear??

jon is in a swimming class and i think he really enjoys it. was discussing with lil CH and we are interested in going for a trial class at The little Gym at marina. If anyone else is interested, we can go together.
Hi rooster

What would you put on the bread? I give my boy bread too but plain bread. My boy refused to take cereal since 9 months, any advice?
Hi mommies,

Thanks for sharing.... at least i know my girl is on the right track....

I give my girl kaya or cheese spread. I too give her those rasin bread. Basically i start introducing adult food to her.

Anyone started your kids on rice during dinner??
Breadmum – I love your cakes! Used to like baking too, but have stopped baking ever since I got married. Btw, Have u started the playgrp already? Am living near siglap area, so thinking of looking for a school there. How much issi per term? Is the place convi? Coz if it is a weekday class, my MIL will be bringing him down by public transport instead. Am wondering if I should start him at 18mths instead.

Koras – My boy is also crazy about barney. His barney cake topple was ordered from overseas as a gift from my friend. She gave him a Barney playset from overseas too. Haven’t let him play the playset yet till he is much bigger. Too precious to let him spoil it now. I realized that there isn’t much choices of barney toys in SG. Had a hard time looking for it too.

Rooster – this is my boy’s schedule. I will give him biscuits & bread in between. They need the sugar, coz they are very active now.

8am- Milk (220ml)
11am – Porridge
2pm – Milk (220ml)
5pm – Porridge
8pm – Milk (240ml) (Last feed & he will sleep by 8.30pm)
1am – Milk (240ml)

Lynn - I apply cheese spread on the bread. My boy loves it.
We usually put Anvelle back to her cot after she falls asleep and i will carry her back to our bed when she cries for neh neh in the nite. will place her between hubby n me n latch her on. But these 2 nites, she juz sleeps thru. Maybe it's becoz I also fell asleep so never move her back to her cot. Anywayz, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hope she will sleep thru from now on.

My gal has been eating rice from abt 1-2 mths back. Yesterday, I gave her some of my fried beehoon too. She seems to like all adult foods.

Koras/ Ade,
Think the kids really love Barney. Probably becoz there's lots of singing and movements. Anvelle will stand up to dance whenever they are singing a catchy tune.

Sorry to intrude ur thread. I am Oct08 mum. We are organising a swim play trial session at Stage n Such at The Central on 26 Sep, 5.30 to 6.30pm. Wonder if u r interested to join us?

$15 for those who never join their trial class (usual price $25), $25 for those who join their trial class previously (usual price is $50)

More info: http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/classes/swimming.html

Water Play sessions are for Babies in Sync 1, 2 & Toddler's Delight programs. Each class lasts an hour and is based on songs, games, warmth and hugs in the pool. Each class consists of up to 8 babies in the same age group. Each child participates according to capacity and will. The activity is held in warm and relaxed atmosphere, that reminds the baby of the womb environment where he/she was able to move in and turn around with ease.

Water Play is an important time for both the you and your child. It is experiential quality time and an excellent time to foster parent - child bonding, self confidence, independence, improving posture, strengthening of muscles, orientation in space and early social encounters with children of the same age.

Water Play is the prelude to guided Swimming Lessons that we offer to our Pre-schoolers and Young Explorers. The muscle co-ordination and confidence gained during the very early years set the right tone for your child to learn swimming once he/she turns 3.

Babies in Sync and Toddler's Delight and have Water Play classes in our warm water pool.

Thanks. Paiseh to intrude ur thread.
ade - thanks thanks. Am still a novice. I went for the playgroup today. Its very angmo skewed and Cordelia's little e and mine were the only 2 asian babies. Its mainly free play with a snack time and sing along at the end of it. My opinion - if you want structred type, this one does not cater to it cause its like going to someones place with all the toys.

In any case, am sharing my not so pretty cakes but they are delicious though. Sugar reduced by half type and the best butter cupcakes ever.
night feeding
my boy will wake up at abt 3 plus and then another 2 more times before we get up at 8 plus. I latch him on for the night feeds. same like deseptkon, i haven slept properly for a long time too. and worse, i feel i have aged quite a bit since giving birth. lack of sleep

enrichment classes
my boy is attending classes at little neuro tree and i enjoy it as much as he does. I have attended trial for stagensuch and little gym, but LNT is by far, the most interesting. He can actually pay attention in class. i heard gymboree is fun. i might go for trial to experience it.

Feeding Schedule
10am milk
1pm cereal
4pm fruits/milk
7pm porridge
10pm milk-last feed
and during sleep time, 2-3 breastfeeds

breadmum, he is drinking similac follow-on, i will just let him continue with the same brand. next step wld be gain iQ
nite feed
my gal has been sleeping thru since she is 3 mth but she started to wake up in the middle of the nite abt 1 month ago.. sometimes i will leave her alone and she will doze off after that but if she takes more than half hour before dozing i will give her milk.. because of her waking up in the middle of the nite, i started to give her 3 solid meal (before that was only lunch and dinner). so far after giving her 3 solid meals, she has been sleeping thru again.. mummies who havent give 3 meals might want to try??
Hi Breadmum

I use the sample from all milk company, Marcellus seem to enjoy Mamill Gold the most. So i have switch from Enfa Series to Mamil Gold. Go and get sample from different formula company and try lah...

Hmm hmm One suggestion is to mix the enfagrow with his cereal to slowly introduce him the taste..sometime it work !
JoJobar - The hospital gave me samples of mamil, pediasure and enfagrow stage 3. But i greedy lo. Thought weaning was easy so i bought one BIG can.

Anyone wants? I have a brand new tin Enfagrow Stage 3 (1.8kg) unopened. Expiry 20 April 2011. Selling at $52 (non negotiable). Pick up in tampines.

Little E doesn't like the taste after sampling from samples.
hi mummies

a quick question... what did you buy for your baby's 1st bday as present? can share? this question may sound stupid...

cos i dun know what to get... thanks
hi breadmum

thanks... okie, maybe an ang bao will do the job... cos i also bought lots of toys and clothes for him liao.. but i cannot bake la... your cakes are really nice... u are good man...
yun - u must be super tired rite he play till 1+.. mine mostly 7+ or 8+ sleep 6 hrs after wake up drink milk. then stay awake the latest an hrs before going back to sleep again and wake up at 6+
. Only 2-3 time he did sleep thur the night till around 6+ he will stay away till 9+ 10am then goes to catch his nap

<font color="aa00aa">Enrichment classes - i have no plans to send Kieran to any. I think our kids grow up find just learning thru play, thru reading to them, observations etc. I guess we are lucky that he loves to read &amp; picks up stuff pretty fast (new words after 2-3 times of repetition). Even with no classes, he can understand &amp; point out alot of items, repeat alot of words back to us &amp; is also able to pick out the couple of alphabets that I thought him the last few days (most important being "M" for mama &amp;
P" for papa) &amp; would bring the sponge letters to me, like the "M" and say mama, etc.. Of cos different mommies would hold different opinions - as long as babies are enjoying the classes then it should be fine!

Prezzie for baby's birthday - hah, realised we didn't even give K anything!</font>
