(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi everyone
Anyone's baby has tearing (smarting) eyes or extra thick eye discharge? If so, have u brought baby to see doctor?

My sumo oso cannot flip yet. He can only lift up his 2 legs and turn to one side..Thats abt it.

I guess we just have to be patient.

Meie, pls be very very very careful since D can flip.

Flos, Sumo cant flip yet but like ur miniFlos, he kicks a lot and will kick himself clockwise/anti clockwise.. And i guess he kicked til the side of the bed and fell. I did not see how he fall.

And my PIL came over to see sumo today and they commented that he seemed to have lost weight! Sigh.. I guess its the vomitting after almost every feed for the past few days.

Mrs Yap, do monitor and babies' temperature will usually rise during/immd after their slp.
When did ur babies start to flip ? My Alston is coming to 4mths in 2 wks time, but he does not really noe how to flip over yet. But he can move his body 90 degrees.
Baby no longer interested in his milk! Any mommy hving this problem?

We hv been charting his daly intake and are starting to get worried that miniflos is not drinking as much as he used to, which was 800ml thereabts!

He is currently drinking only 500-600ml daily and has lost 2-3kg. His waistline is getting smaller and legs are skinnier than they were 2 weeks ago! How?!!! Could it be that we've been going out too often and hence upset his feeding routine and sleeping cycles? *SOBSOB*

I wish the one losing weight is me, not miniflos!
actually being sahm wo a social support network is terrible. i wouldnt be able to do it. ive got many mummy friends with kids around the same age as cy so we meet for playdates and funtimes and that kept my sanity.

it's really different once you can go out and meet up with other mothers. not always mummy's talk and you get good companionship.

how old is your fb? 2006 bb?

was also very bored while staying at home initially. so put my energy into doing up educational material for cy and this and taht...with your experiences in this area, it shouldnt be a problem...

but then...if you enjoyed working..then by all means.

sibling rivalry
okok..these two days hasnt been easy

ch would cry the house down when im taking care of cy. the maid would be carrying her and insist that ch is hungry. the moment i take over she will go quiet. then the bro would start to whine...eg lunch today, i was giving cy his lunch and trying to stuff more food down his throat (he feeds himself and i assisted him :p)..then ch starts fussing. the maid carried her and it escalated into full scale crying. i took over, swop duties with maid she stopped crying but cy refused to eat anymore

eh, think ch's 'flipping' is accidental rahter than intentional. she tends to push herself up too high on tummy time and after a while roll over like a sausage....

mummies dun worry. i like it while she is like this, not much worries yet :p
<font color="0077aa">Sasa &amp; jojo: My smallberry had the intention of flipping few weeks ago when he arched his back but has stop alr. So now no intention to slip watsoever... But he likes to raise his feet very high &amp; put it down with a big thump! Baby grow differntly so let us enjoy them now!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): Where have you been? Busy partying? :p

Mrs Yap: Hope lil' R is fine! Don't worry she is a miracle baby, remember?

Today had a busy day, brought smallberry to a wedding solemnisation &amp; he was again very well-behaved! Haha!! Can't stand him cos if at home he will be screaming his head off! And my friends were all saying he is very tame! And after that went to my niece's full mth celebrations then went shopping at J point with hub &amp; smallberry! Super tired now &amp; having a headache! Darn! Only managed to buy one polo tee &amp; work clothes..

Haiz, difficult to shop with bb around. How do you managed to do it, Flos?</font>
Hi Flos
did he cry when drinking milk?
Mine was fussing and rejecting milk and I had this problem for more than a month and i couldnt find the reason why!! All along i thot the teat is too small and even after upgrading to M size she still cry at feeding time. She keeps rejecting milk and drinks only 2 oz and tahan for the next 6 hours or so... she lost weight.
I brought her to the PD for 5 in 1 jab and mentioned this problem to the PD.
PD gave a weird answer... he says your baby is sick of the taste of milk... go change to another brand!! I thought he was kidding.. how can a bb be sick of the taste of her milk? But i decided to give it a try... Change from Enfalac to Friso... And it really solved my long time problem. Maybe u can try another brand of formula for your baby n see if he likes the taste
Think it helps to train n strengthen bb's neck. Worth buying a second hand. First hand too expensive.

CNY clothes,
Got mine over the weekend at KL though the post xmas sale wasnt too attractive. Most of the stuff i bought were for baconboy!

Fever after Jabs,
My PD says to feed medicine (panadol - in liquid form for bb) if fever hits 37.5 and above. Mrs Yap, sponging is a good method to bring the fever down. Didnt your PD give you medicine to standby after the jab?

Flabby tummy,
I am still spotting one! gggrr...someone said if you dont lose the weight within 1st year, u probably will never lost it....how scary!

My Hubby got me a Oakley (lost mine during the Mattel sale)

My baconboy also hasnt flip yet..he only likes to stand on his feet..tummy time not strong too..and he is supposed to be sucking his fists according to his PD but he is not doing that either..me worried but what to do?..just have to wait patiently..
Shopping - i usually "deposit" baconboy with his dad at a coffee place..and shop by myself...real fast shopping...comb as many shops as i can within 1-2 hours!
There is a PageOne at Vivo city. Level Two (near to the Golden Village Cinema)

U can also find Eric Carle's books at Kinokuniya (Taka)
<font color="0077aa">Bacon: I should have done this instead of shopping with hubs! Cos every clothes I ask if its nice, he will have alot of comments!! Aiyooo! So how was your trip? You brought bacon boy along to KL?

recently Smallberry poo has a sourish smell, am not sure why cos my diet didn't change. Any babies' poo have the same smell? I am doing TBF-ing.</font>
Wow envy u've lost so much wt ? Did u diet or exercise ? I am still a few kg to go....urgghhhh...but too lazy to exercise wor....

B &amp; E/Kym,
So nice of ur hubs to get u gals a chrismas pressie ! Asked my hubby to buy me a LV bag but asked me to save $ as economy is down

B &amp; E,
I heard if u don lost wt after half a yr, then u prob will nv lose it wor...so i now i'm quite scared the excess wt will be stuck to me....
oh! i tot u looked familiar too! and ur bb Devon too!
haha...thanks so much for helping! I was alone with Jvel u see.
Thanks... she is slightly better now... not so hot... hopefully can maintain thru and recover fully. So long nv chat with u
Hope u are doing well
haha..yah lor, christmas season super busy..then new year then cny...haiz :p kekekeke

tell your hb that he has to buy you one all the more coz the economyis bad..to stimulate economy mah...

mummies who have lsot weight...
lucky lucky you ....
Actually, it's normal for our babies this age to drink less.. saw this in Babycentre. Cut &amp; paste for you.

Feeding less frequently
As your baby reaches four months, his stomach has grown bigger so he doesn't need to feed so often -- just four or five times a day. But he'll still gain weight -- his need to feed just tapers off as he gets older, becoming more like that of older children and adults. Now his attention will start to gravitate toward other people and things during mealtimes, and though it's exciting to see him aware of and responsive to new things, feedings can get difficult. If your baby is easily distracted, try feeding him somewhere quiet for a while.


I'm latching on 100% so not sure how much Baby D is drinking but I feel it's definitely less as he used to drink every 2 hours but now it stretches to 3 &amp; sometimes more. &amp; yes, he gets distracted so easily, he rather look around, smile at me, eat his fist, etc rather than drink his milk.

You are a super mum, to bring Jvel out yourself. &amp; she's such a sweet gal.

Think it's ok lah.. sometimes D's poo also smells funky.
Tinkerbell: maybe u can take note of ur bb feeding timing. as my bb sleep throught the night too feeding at 120ml. it was only recently we up her feeding to 150ml, as her timing for milk shorter by half an hour. Instead of every 3hr, she want it about 2.5 hrs.
BB rejecting milk: there was a time my ger reject milk, her dad also said she was sick of the brand of milk, maybe we should try other brand, but my mother came back, she fed my ger, she managed to feed her. She want us to hold her and, as she tot we are feeding med as she was down with fever a few days back.
hi ladies,

how to know the difference frm PIS advance latest 2008 version frm the normal PIS beside the 2 phrase let down?

Btw if i took my ML on 8 sept, may i know on 4 months, its 7, 8 or 9 jan i need to report to work? Is there anyone using batteries to pump milk in work place? Is the suction weaker than the electric plug for PIS? Cos my single medela feel so much different. With batteries my ms is quite low as it can't clear all the milk frm my boob.. Therefore feel like investing in PIS before going back to work..
so many posts to catch up! wish I can write more but gotta sleep soon!

Mei: GuniBoy is still flipping, but not at the rate which D is flipping! GuniBoy prefers to suck suck his fists when he turns to his sides, and then only when he feels like it, he'll flip and be on his tummy. Usually, he flips when he's on the sofa, where we placed a Fisher Price mirror. He likes to arch his back and turn his head to look at himself in the mirror.

Teething: My friend highlighted to me that she thinks GuniBoy is teething so I checked his gums and discovered a white thin line. And when I washed my hands and used my finger to touch it, it's hard!! I told my MIL about it and she mentioned she saw it on 23 Dec when she was cleaning his mouth!
I'm so thankful that he wasn't cranky or had fever etc. Only thing that was not normal was he had running nose for a day and it cleared up. My friend who is an experienced mummy, shared that it's very common for babies to have fever, cough or running nose when they're teething. Looks like he's ready for semi solids soon! I plan to give him when he's 5 mths plus.
Flos, you feeding miniflos breastmilk or formula? My gynae said babies like a regular lifestyle, so when it is disrupted, they can get cranky! Do monitor your baby though, maybe send baby to PD to check?

maybe u wana buy those 2nd hand in the thread? coz the bumbo seat wun be able to use for long..esp if ur bb has big tighs...


carine turning 4mths in 1/2 day but still show no sign of turning yet..her back still firmly planted on the bed..hehe..her tummy time better though..head can lift up abit liao..


same here..carine cant flip but likes to stand v much!will smile at u bigly when i put her on legs..scarly she skip crawling stage..haha..
Glad that Alston is not 'that' slow in development...ya quite true that diff babies have diff development, guess we need to wait patiently

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum),
Haha...i'll tell DH tat, but i dun tink it will spur him on to buy me one...
. Did ur DH get u a pressie ?
Mini D isn't flipping much either and I think he is one of the older boys here but will let nature take its course. There's nothing much one can do anyway.

Jojobar - R the gymboree sessions during weekends?

Flos - weight loss for babies quite unusual, esp 2 -3 kilos. Does he drink more if he is at home vs outside?

Limay - ok ok, I'm not so worried then. ha ha ha. I am NOT looking forward to the return of the monthly visits though. I asked another friend and hers only came back 4 months after she stopped bfing!

kymkym - I got a dress from my husband for xmas! useful la coz can keep and wear for CNY.

bacon &amp; egg - I tried going to the gym but my tummy is still very flabby too. I don't thinnk I can wear my jeans yet (and therefore my next point is....)

Shopping - I bought a new pair of jeans today!!! I think the cutting is quite big coz I could fit into a size 27 (which was my size before pregnancy - big boned la). :D

Packing - bringing Mini D on a cruise next weekend. Am not going a little mad re WHAT to pack. I think I am bringing his bath tub with me. I hope he doesn't drive us crazy during those 3 days! wish me luck!

desptkon - do babies have growth spurts every month? Mini D just turned 4 months...wondering if he is experiencing it?

Gunibabe - Wow...teething so fast!? He's got a good calcium store then. :D GREAT!

Tinkerbell -welcome!
l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): gosh! I meant 0.2-0.3kg...blur me...i dunno if it's cos we've been waking really late since last Wed (abt 9-10am) that we overlooked his hunger signals (he was quietly sucking his fingers and not crying even though he's already awake at 6-7am). I made it a point to wake up at 7am to feed him 200ml just now and he downed the milk within 10 minutes!

sibling rivalry? I'm so worried abt cousins rivalry now. come mon, my son's gonna be parked at my PILs place and his 14 mth old cousin will be there too. he has been crying the whole house down in great jealousy whenever my PILs carry/feed my miniflos...i hope he doesn't beat my son out of jealousy! It doesn't help when u hv a SIL scolding her jealous son loudly in the house, "J, u see lah...who ask u to be so notty! gong gong doesn't love u anymore...gong gong now likes miniflos..." How can the adult tell the toddler this kinda of thing?!! What will the kid think? wouldn't that incite him further and cause him to hate my boy?!

Anyone feeling annoyed when your SIL keeps talking only about their bbs? I'm getting very irritated when she during our family dinners/lunches talked only about his son's devt, as though he was the only bb at the table! tsk tsk...Worse, she likes to 'compare' her son with mine...

Mei: thanks for the assuring article. i searched high and low on babycentre website but just cldn't find anything relating to drinking lesser milk. I'm not sure if it's normal but i shall ask my PD this Sat when he goes for his week 16 checkup.

mrs yap: change a brand? i never thought of that... He's been too distracted by the adults who were trying to play with him, plus the tv and moving images at the shopping centre. He was crying so hard on Sunday that we had to take him out to the neighbourhood NTUC to soothe him! The minute he was out and carried upright in his bjorn, he kept quiet and started looking around at the groceries! *FUME*

gunibabe: do u find that those mirrors by the crib can thrill as well as scare your bbs, esp when they just wake up? my miniflos let out an unprecedented loud yell one afternoon from his sleep and I went into his room to check. I suspect he got a shock when he opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror!! Other than that, he was chortling and laughing at his own reflection when he is wide awake. could it be the same reason why we shouldn't install mirrors in front of our bed? bad fengshui...

storeberry: how to shop with bb? just place him in my stroller (45 degrees &amp; canopy down so that he can window shop too!) and push around the aisles lor
sometimes, my DH and i take turns to push the stroller in our respective depts, so that one party can go into the fitting room. And u can feed your smallberry when u r eating in some cafe/restaurants. Otherwise, find a bench inside the mall or a nursery room to feed...these days, we put miniflos in a 45 degrees angle in his P3 and feed him.

Or do u hv a bb carrier? it helps too, but can be quite tiring if u carry him for more than 1 hr.

monopanda: it must be the intense partying that cause miniflos to be like this now
I think I can't stay up for the yr 2009 countdown liao. Must leave party by 9pm...arrrggghh...
millie: i've put on more weight than my son! Last nite after dinner, I was digging into JONES THE GROCER ice-cream! Ladies, pls go go go and stock up on their yummilicious ice-creams for the new year party!!! It's better than Island Creamery!!

I'll try to visit the gym during my lunch breaks when I return to work next Mon

bacon&amp;eggs: u brought baconboy to KL too? He can stand on his feet already?!! With your support right? I wish miniflos isn't sucking his fists at all. so many teeth/gum marks on his knuckles and moreover, causes him to forget about his milkmilk

blackberry: ru the one asking me abt karen katz? did i answer u? I'm too lazy to scroll up and check but anyway, it's from wonderbox which cloud recommended.

bacon&amp;boy: by the way, this (rather expensive webby) wonderbox.com.sg also sells many christian songs dvd + cds, which u enquired abt the last time.

dseptkon: why dun u return to work since u hv so many pairs of ferragamos? i mean, it's kinda sayang right?
lanolin: come to think of it, he drinks the same kinda amt both at home and outside. he tends to poop a lot outside though

jeans? I should grab new jeans too...am still wearing my maternity jeans...i'll scoot to Raffles City from my workplace during my lunch hr to try out the jeans...
I guess it's quite normal for bb to drink lesser at this stage, cos i realise Alston is also drinking lesser these days. The amt per feed remains the same at 120ml and 3hrly during the day. However, his feed is extending to 3 1/2 to 4hrs at nite. I wasn't worried but oso curious of the change, till i read the posts....

JEANS : Dun dare to buy a new pair yet. Was hoping that i could wear my old ones SOON. Too many pairs liao, a bit sayang if chuck them at one side and will be sobbing away if i realise that i am now wearing a much bigger size...haha trying to deceive myself clipart{kao_embarrassed
Looks like River Island Jeans are a fav here...i have never looked at their jeans before...maybe i could go take a peep, cos actually tot of purchasing Mango or Zara jeans for CNY. Used to buying Levis before pre-preggers.

Don't be disturbed by ur SIL's comments la...dun take it to heart lor...dun get angry okie..
Sometimes,mothers juz love to talk abt their own bbs and make comparison.

BRING BB for shopping :
I am always bjorning Alston when out alone shopping. Yes, it's tiring, but i prefer carrier than pram as it's more convenient and i dun hv to worry abt pushing on the escalator or looking for lift.
Flos, gosh! lucky you corrected the weight loss to 0.2-0.3kg! but better check with PD just in case.

also, dun care about what SIL says! every parent is proud of their own child. some people are fond of comparing everything....

anyone wearing girdle or some stomach controlling pants for slimming? the fats around my tummy are so stubborn. any brands to recommend?

gunibabe: where can i get the fisher price mirror? sounds very interesting!
Hi Jasmine,

Realise that I am actually adjusting his feeding time instead of dropping his night feed..

Possible if you could advice me on how to train him to sleep thru?

Like yesterday, feed him at 7:30pm and he fall asleep. He cry for milk again at 9pm (should be growth spurt, gave him 60ml and he fall asleep) Dream feed him at 12:30am (Manage to finish his 120ml).. and he start eh.. eh.. eh.. at around 4:45am.. give him pacifier (but still continue to eh.. eh. eh..)and can only tahan till 6am and he cry a bit.. and feed him at 6:30am..

so, by training him to sleep thru, I shouldn't have dream feed him right? i should jus try to drop the feed and if he start to eh.. eh.. eh.. at around 1am after his 8pm feed, give him his pacifier till he eh..eh..eh.. again?

sorry.. feel abit "ruan4".. one of the mummies mention that babies prefer routine.. so, what time should children be sleeping (7-8pm or 9-10pm)and what time should they wake up the next day (to accommodate to our working time cos need to wake him up early cos need to bring him over to my caretaker?)to set a good routine?
Rem reading posts on not to wearing underwired bra during breastfeeding period cos it could cause blocked ducts...is this true ? I've switched to wearing underwired bras cos the nursing bras that i bot from MotherCare are not so smooth surfaced and looks not good esp when wearing some tight fitting tops. Any recommendations on smooth surface nursing bra ?
<font color="119911">Morning mommies! Baby K is now at the PD's clinic waiting for his 6-in-1 jab and rotavirus vaccination with his daddy - was told that he is now 7.4kg and 63.5cm!

Meanwhile, we went to Batam for a day trip yesterday (without baby K), and I had to lug my Medela pump - ended up pumping and throwing out some milk 4X thru the day. Didn't want to waste too much, so i pumped just 80-100ml each time to ease the engorgement - had to be the low point of my day - squatting at ickky public toilets and balancing the mini-electric pump on my lap to express milk and dispose it in the toilet bowl
We went for a massage but I couldn't even lie face down properly and didn't quite enjoy it.
Anyways, still ended up with engorgement and some painful block ducts and was so sore at the end of the day, any movement hurt, and my boobs felt like exploding!! Ended up with a slight fever last nite, but thank goodness the block ducts are gone after nursing.

BFing can be a nuisance at times!
Millie, i think underwired bras are not too good cos might cause blocked ducts. You can try mothercare t-shirt nursing bras, or bras from moms in mind website. cheap and good.
I'm amazed !!! U actually squatted at public toilets and pumped milk. I hate squat toilet bowls cos i find them very dirty, so i always avoid them.
Dear Jas,

The shipment were a bit delayed!! I have been hassling the supplier already, they tell me will reach by next week!!! its 2 weeks late......i am also waiting for my own sockies =(((((((
<font color="0077aa">Gunibabe: My smallberry also had the thin white line &amp; gums were hard a few weeks back. Cos when I bathe him, I will use the washcloth to wipe his tongue &amp; also I will feel his gums. He has been chewing his fists alot &amp; drooling as well! Thanks GOD he didn't have fever nor cranky as well! I didn't know that the symptons you posted!

Mrs Yap: Yah man!! Didn't see you online for a while. You going for CNY gathering?

Millie: Nursing bra: You can try momsinmind, I bought two bras there, smooth surface ones but in the begining it wasn't very comfy, felt abot itchy but now ok le...

Flos: Aiyah, don't bother about your SIL, like what the others say, every mummies will be dam* proud of their kids so will tend to focus more on talking about their child.

For my case, my MIL loves to tell me my nephew's development that sometimes I just close my ears &amp; entertain her. Aiyoo, I really not very interested in hearing my nephew's stories everyday... And in the begining, MIL also said exactly yhte same things as your SIL till I stop her &amp; tell her: "You want B to hate my smallberry hah? Don't say this kind of things to provoke rivary!"

Want to rant abit about SIL as well!! After the helper came, she has been depositing her son at my house almost everyday, even on Christmas day when she is not working. And she had to work on sat because she was on MC on fri, she actually went home to sleep after her work &amp; pick up her son only around 7plus! She let it slipped when I told her that her hair is longer now cos its turing out. Then she replied that it turned out cos she is sleeping! LOL!! Then sun, she asked my MIL &amp; helper to take care of her son again.. Haiz.. I hope this is temp only &amp; she will not take this arrangement for granted! I am begining to feel resentment coming up even though they are sharing the costs of helper but the helper is staying at my place so she should do the work 1st before going over to their place. Now cos of my nephew comin everyday, some of the housework my maid cannot finish!! AiyooooO!!!</font>
Tinkerbell: When she was abt 1 mths plus, my mum ask me to let her know the different between day n night. Day time: when she woke up, i don't immediate give her milk, (unless she crying),even after she finish her milk, i will talk to her, play with her. AT night time, when she fall asleep around 7 or 8, n woke up at 9, i will just either fed her or just pat her back to sleep, telling her it night time u have to sleep.
As I sent her to infant care at 2 mths, so sometime morning i will have to wake up her, so now more of less she will sleep at about 9 to 11pm. sometime in the middle of the she will make some noise, pat her will go back to sleep. But last few days, she woke up for milk around 4, so i tot i might have to increase her intake to 150ml instead of 120ml. so now she sleep through again.
As for the feeding, since she sleep through the night, she took 5 to 6 meals instead of 8 meals, so we increase her intake instead of adjusting her time, still feeding her at every 3 hrs.
<font color="119911">Millie (millie22) – not like I had a choice! Not squat over the toilet bowl, but just by the door, cos i needed to balance the pump on something (my lap). The toilets in Batam aren’t exactly the cleanest, and engorgement was so bad, I just had to clear some milk!

Flos (flos) – we didn't bring K to Batam – was a day sightseeing trip cum massage and some alone time for hubby &amp; me, so didn’t make sense to bring him along. It was scorching in Batam yesterday, think I ended up with a slight sunburn

TRaz (traz) - RE: CNY clothes – am going to Chinatown with hubby later (he is on leave the whole of this week – yippie) – to get clothes for all of us for CNY. Am thinking of getting a matching set (like how the our Malay friends dress up for Hari Raya) – or at least the same color scheme. I am actually skinnier now than before my pregnancy, so I can afford to get some cheongsams!

Btw, how did the swimming finals go? So cute – have semi finals, and finals. Have to share with us photos!

Kym – when will your segment be shown on telly??

dollyNEYUKO (dollyneyuko) – you are on TBF right? Don’t think the boobs will be smaller than preggy size then. Mine are not sagging (yet), and I don’t even wear a bra at home…hopefully they wont become too horrible once I stop nursing!

xuanting (xuanting) – Congrats on your baby flipping by herself! Baby K is also able to flip from tummy time to back, but I think its more accidental (losing balance) rather than intentional!

Meanwhile, he is holding his own milk bottle – apparently hubby has been making him hold it during his night feeds of EBM for sometime already (lazy hubby), but I only realized that he was able to do so when I bottle fed him during a gathering at our place last Sat!

Tinkerbell Lim (tinkerbell_lim) – welcome to the thread! Glad to have you actively participating in the forum!

koras (koras) – argh…just read your posting on ling yang jiao (antelope horn powder) – my hubby was just mentioning that day that my MIL will make the water for baby K today incase he develops fever after his 6-in-1! I just SMSed him to tell her not to feed baby K ling yang!

Flos (flos) – Lesser milk intake - Could it be that he is teething and has sore gums, and hence appetite is affected? 500-600ml is quite little for a 3+ month old baby.
I think K's appetite has plateaued these 2 weeks and he hasn't gained any weight the last week, but I think he is still on about 1 litre per day. Like Mei mentioned, he is also more easily distracted, and would stop halfway to chat with me, or smile and try to suck/suckle at the same time!

lanolin (lanolin) – wow, so brave to bring mini D on a cruise!
Doubt we will bring baby K traveling for some time to come, cos he wont appreciate it, and will most probably just restrict stuff that we can do, and drive us both crazy!</font>
Did u get the MIM nursing bras via online purchase or at stores ? Can i know which are the outlets selling MIM bras ?
bigtoes: how do we get to batam? i forgot the logistics even though i've been there in 1990 with my family.

how to squat over the toilet and hv the medela placed on your lap? sorry i'm trying hard to visualise your stunts!!! LOL

it's hard to lie flat down when u r still breastfeeding. it was super painful and the milk kept leaking when my jamu masseuse was pressing on my back.

storeberry: YES! my MIL too! she is always telling me abt her daughter's son's devt too.

wait a sec, your MIL is staying with you, and your SIL who is co-sharing this helper, parks her son at your house, is it?

I'm a bit diff...I pay for the maid and she will go with miniflos daily to my BIL's place* where their daughter (my SIL) will stay there for most part of the day cos she is a SAHM who freelances a bit. I'm just wondering if I shd charge my BIL &amp; SIL for the helper's cleaning and babysitting services respectively?

*my PILs are staying at my BIL's place as he is living overseas. They rent out their own plc.
hi everyone,
merry xmas to all!

my baby has also learnt to sleep through the night herself since 2 weeks ago. and her sleep through is for like more than 12 hours. like last night, she slept from 10pm until now. still sleeping. fidget, roll around but still sleeping. then last night at about 4am, i heard her smacking/sucking her lips so fed her her milk which she gobbled up. but it's all the time that she wakes up for milk. most of the nights, she sleeps right through for 12 hours or more. should i be concerned?? she was born slightly premature so not sure if i shd wake to feed. but i'm quite enjoying the sleeping through the nights myself!
bakingmama: i keep confusing u with cupcakes, whose nick is something u love to bake too

i'm very concerned that my miniflos is sleeping thru 12 hrs without any food as well. ...most of the time, my dh and i are sleeping so soundly (read: like pigs!) that we didn't see him sucking his fists and fingers...this morning, i did and quickly fed him 200ml which he gobbled up like ur bb.
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Yap
oh no gal.. no wonder didn't see u online these days. Take good care of little R k.. oh.. u muz have ur rest too. make sure u dun fall sick too so can look after her

momopanda (momopanda)
haha.. sometimes i dunno if i should be glad that he doesn't noe how to flip yet, coz den I can leave him on the bed ALONE and go do my stuff for that short while. HB was actually commenting, we should enjoy him while we still can, else when he learns to flip, den crawl den walk, we can nvr get him to guai guai lie on his back already

I think I should give him more time too.. but really afraid to think that his motor skills might not be tat great after all

To think I even dreamt on Sat nite that he totally missed the crawling part and went on to walking instead.. shucks

wah... Baby D can really flip and looks like he's enjoying it too. do be careful k

Jo Jo (jojobar)
haha... same as Max. He has juz discovered his tighs and feet after discovering his hands and fingers.

Wah.. shiok shiok.. went Swensen's for ice-cream? We have nvr been to T3 yet wor.

Been bringing Max out on wedding dinners and Xmas gatherings, so much so his sleeping pattern is totally haywire and as much as he wants to sleep.. he juz fights to stay awake till his eyes so red... poor thing

Max is drinking lesser too wor.. I remember someone once posted that after babies turn 4 mths, they will start to drink lesser. So as a guide, the formula is 130 x baby's weight = total amount bb should be feeding per day. Having said that, I feel that this formula should not be strictly followed coz all babies are different. This is only a guide. FYI, Max doesnt drink as much as he's supposed to be. and he's still putting on weight, so i'm not worried, hehe. I was paranoid at 1 pt in time that he wasn't drinking as much, but have since learnt to take things easy

haha.. tell me about it gal.. Max oso loves to lift both his legs up and den juz throw it free fall 'thump' onto the bed. And he does it in the middle of the nite. so u can imagine how scary it can be.

And he likes to turn in his sleep so ends up not sleeping straight. Many a times, I wake up to find him 'free-falling' his feet on the bed frame itself. Juz wondering how come he's not painful, haha. FYI, my baby cot is realli small, so he ends up hitting them lor.

So I've made up my mind to go to Sea Horse to buy their 3-fold mattress and let him sleep on the floor le. Den at least he wont be constricted and wont hit his legs against the bed bar

bacon&amp;egg (baconegg)
hehe... Max is same as bacon boy. Loves to stand on his feet too.. so i've already started putting him on a walker, but of coz not for long periods of time. He has learnt how to move backwards, haha

hhmm.... Max is also sucking his fists and fingers like there's no tomorrow. So gross and dirty lah. And i'm really amazed as to how babies can be so clever (haha, ok, mummy is ignorant). but here I can pluck out right hand to clean and there the left hand goes in. SUPER FAST!!!! He's busy sucking, i'm bz cleaning.. gosh

how have u been?? are u still perservering in BFing??

So how was K's swim over the weekends in his new swimsuit and neck float??

gosh.. i can imagine how stinky the toilets were</font>
sasa: when my ger start to suck her hand, i will just pull away telling her no, funny part is, she only sucks her right hand. There one time her daddy find it funny, she will not move her hand to her mouth, but she moves her head to her hand to suck.

Flos: I don’t place the FP mirror in his crib for the same reason that you mentioned! I think he’ll be scared when he just wakes up and sees his own reflection. I usually place it at his tummy time and play are.

GuniBoy has been drinking lesser since he was 3 mths old, preferring to sleep and suck his fists than drink milk. In fact, he can have his last feed at 1130pm and then the next day, he won’t even cry for milk at 9 plus in the morning! Sometimes, he would be angry when we try to feed him! He can even push the bottle away and squeeze his tiny fist into his mouth instead!

I also find that his weight gain is slowing down, but I read that it’s normal so was not worried at all.

Lanolin: think GuniBoy absorbed a lot of calcium from mama when he was in my tummy! So much that mummy’s tooth chipped during pregnancy! 

Momopanda: I got the Fisher-Price Miracles &amp; Milestones Rhymes Go Round Mirror Toy during the Mattel sale for $20 or $40 (can’t recall the price)! You can make the little mouse run around the mirror by pulling the cord or move it manually with your hands. There’s also music when you touch the mirror or move the mouse. When there’s music, the little stars will light up too. My boy was amused by that too. Think it’s rather exp but pretty worth it. Here’s how it looks like.


Millie: I second the momsinmind nursing bras! They’re my life saver cos a lot of my clothes skim my body so a smooth surface bra is very important. They have this design which you can remove the underwire, and can remove the strap and change to those transparent ones if you want the support. Can check out their website.

Another fav of mine is Marks &amp; Spencer. I don’t buy their nursing bra but got the normal T-shirt bras that are without underwires. I love them so much cos it’s so comfy. Only bad thing is that I can’t wear tops that will show the bra straps.

I noticed my boy was sucking his fists a lot since 2 mths plus. I think it’s not only because of teething but the fact that they discovered their hands and their way of exploring is by their mouth! So everything they grab hold of goes into their mouth!

Bigtoes: poor thing! It’s darn painful to have blocked ducts yah! I know how you feel cos I wnet thru that so many times! Yes BFing can be a nuisance at times but when you look at how baby K is enjoying his milk and growing so well, it’s priceless!  Your breasts won’t sag and the skin won’t be loose now cos you still have plenty of milk supply. My breasts were so perky and bouncy when they were filled with milk that my hubby commented that I look like some pornstar! Haha … but once I stopped breastfeeding, they’re like deflated balloons and my skin must have been overstretched, so bad that the skin is abit loose and wrinkled! *sobs* Been applying Clarin’s bust serum but it takes time to see results. I can wear my old bras again though, was a 70D before preggy. When I was still BFing, I was wearing 80 and 85D and sometimes my breasts will overflow the cups even cos they’re so full with milk.

Sasa: GuniBoy has been drooling so much I gotta buy more bibs for him cos he goes thru at least 4 bibs a day and I change at least 5 hankies a day!  It’s better than having to change him cos he drools so much since he started sucking his fists!

so fast, Max is on cereals? You got Healthy Times cereals yah? which one did you feed him with? I'll ask the PD next week when I can start when I bring GuniBoy for his 2nd jab.
