(2008/09) Sep 2008

Ava (avalyn) - looks like u guys had fun in Krabi
Anyway, I invited you in Facebook

Speaking of confinement, have you ladies booked your confinement lady already? I just booked mine last week....already her slots are quite full!

angeline, rabbit n sasa,

thx. glad to know it's 'normal'. Cos previously when i threw up, it was like digested so kinda liquid. Really got a shock the first time i got the lumpy type!

i am 13 plus weeks already lor... But my first preg, after 16 weeks then i was normal... Haiz...

waah so nice!
I also feel like gg on holiday! But i gotta go back to work soon!

cannot extend anymore. So long already and I dun really want to extend anymore. I feel a pressing need to go back to my normal life!

nice to know drypers works for you. Really cost saving!
How come pampers leak? Everytime my leaks it's cos we din wear it properly for her, too loose or it's really too full!
ur pics sooooo... nice.. wonder when my hubby would allow mi to go on holiday again!!!

ya ya.. agree with xuanting, hehe.. ur bump so pretty and obvious le..

actually i'm kinda curious how our stomachs all compare.. wahahahah

haha.. i couldnt resist it too.. and the sambal sotong and kangkong. actually hor, i think its the sambal tat we cant resist. not the stingray.. wahahahahhaa
hi mummies, thanks for ur interest in my new set of mrs wong's books. it has been collected by one of u over the weekend. cheers...
hi limay and other who have booked confinement ladies, must you pay a deposit? I'm quite hesitant to book cos i'm still spotting and also my last pregnancy ended @ 17 weeks then if i miscarry again, what happens to the deposit? And anyone tried bliss confinement agency? How are they?
sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) - my 'bump' = http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=14749&id=650743986
This was taken 2 weeks back, at that time I was about 10 weeks 4 days. Am still pretty much the same, but can feel that my skirts are getting tighter abit!

juz_jewel (juz_jewel) - I wanted to book later, but seems like all the 'better' ones are already booked for Sept!
And yes, I paid a deposit (about 30% of the cost) - she is overseas, so my mum's friend paid on my behalf. I wanted a written contract (say that we have made a deposit, & that we have booked her services for Sept) - but then, apparently it is not common practice, & my mum said "CLs will keep their word". I hope so, else would be stranded then with no CL!
See!!! I told you ladies my bump was huge...I am approaching 12 weeks this week only!

I think it's partly cos I started off this pregnancy 8-10 kg heavier than I should be
hehe plus of course, my excuse if carrying two babes lah!

Added you to FB already...nice pics!

Just booked mine as well...thru Bliss confinement. Hope she's as good as the feedback says!
Oh Ava - yes - u are expecting twins right! In that case, ur bump is reasonable size
After all you need to gain at least another 10 pounds more that the rest of us (excuse to eat more!) When is ur EDD?
Added u to Facebook
EDD is 18 Sept. Hope can carry to term (or close enough) and still be able to breathe/eat

Your baby has a very nice and clear profile!!
ya.. maybe never wear properly or wat.. find it so funny tat it was when my HB was holding on to my gal tat i saw it leaking out.. hahaha.. so funny too..
can't see ur pics leh.. mayb coz haven added u as fren yet?? hehe... anyway, added u to FB le..

oh ya hor.. u expecting twins.. ya ya.. so it'll be double all our tummy sizes.. no wonder.. hehe...

anyway, added u to FB too!!!
ava and bigtoes, so envy that you all have the energy to go holiday or go out for walk and take photos. i don't even have the strength to walk for long. either got MS or too tired to go out so wkends usually just nua-ing at home. going to neighbourhood mall for a meal is like a luxury. :p
Hi Jessi

its a luxury to nua at home.
I dont even have the chance to nua on the sofa. Sit less than 5 mins my gal will pull me to play wif her liao...haha
hi ava....nice pics!! i enjoyed krabi too when i was there last yr...did u experience any discomfort while travelling on the plane?? Cos i'm going for a short trip to bkk in 2 wks time.. not really worried cos it's just 2hrs+ but just worried abt puking in mid-air,hehe..
Mummies: Long time didn't log in. How's everyone? Have been busy watching dvds and nua-ing at home. Going back to work end of this week liao. No more nua-ing. *sighz*

Momoko, Isabelle: Yes pampers leak even for daytime. Dryers didn't work for me cos it'll leave a red marking on my baby's thighs. The best is still mamy poko. I swear by it.
Jessi: You describe how I felt when I was doing confinement. Don't feel like going anywhere. Then get so bored that I even bug my hubby to bring me to NTUC to do grocery shopping.
sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) - just accepted ur invite on Facebook
should be able to see my profile now.

jessi (jessi) - Am very greatful that this pregnancy has been easy on me. Hopefully the next 6 months will be okie too! Am leaving nua-ing at home for the 3rd trimester...am sure i won't want to walk around much when i am 12-15kg heavier!

I still have to make business trips to NZ, Sydney and maybe Korea in May-June period...hopefully the flight won't be too uncomfy then.
So nua-ing is a luxury!!
I had my moments too on this trip...one or two days just lazed in hotel doing nothing...luckily the day we did the island hopping I was OK! And it was the only really sunny day too. rained the next two days! My son doesn't let me nua very long either...luckily my hb quite hands on dad and can try to take over some times when I'm really feeling gross and pukey...

No discomfort flying...hope you have a good flight to BKK.
anyway, airplanes kinda expect you to puke so no worries if you do!
Very sian..dunno when will my MS go away...when will my appetite come back...entering week13 tml le...i cant even finish half bowl of rice hai...
Ava: I love the food in Krabi too! Your pictures reminds me of my trip there 5 years back when I went there to do rock climbing.

Your boy is named Adan? Hubby and I has been calling our unborn baby Ayden! hehe, we're still thinking if we should name him that cos I've been hearing the name is very popular and many boys in kindergartens are having the same name.

Limay: your tummy is not showing at all yet yah? you're so pretty! On confinement lady, I paid a deposit of $300 last week. My hubby was unsure about whether she will not turn up too, so in the end, I asked if I can take a picture of her passport and she said it's fine. It's a form of assurance I guess.

Went to Perfect Mum and bought 3 nursing cum strapless bras and 4 wireless bras yesterday. My bump is showing rather obviously and the salesgirl thought I'm 4-5 mths preggy! Lol
bbmouse, now i also didn't really go do grocery shopping. usually write a list of what to buy then get HB to go down and buy. cos sometimes haven't even walk 1 round in the supermarket then tired liao.. but even so, also happy to go walk walk awhile.

bigtoes, so nice that your pregnancy has been easy. heard that if 1st trimester is ok, then usually 2nd and 3rd trimester also will be easy.

ava, is great that your HB can look after son while you had your rest. i'm also hoping to go for a holiday when i'm feeling better. hope MS will clear soon. :p
shazz (shazzerlyn)- Is Ayden a common boy's name now? We were planning to call our baby (if its a boy) Kayden! Actually, my hubby wants Kayden, but I rather have Kyle or Keegan (we want to keep it to "K"s), so we haven't quite decided yet. As for Chinese name, will leave it to my inlaws. Guess most of us can start picking out names in a few weeks time (month 4) - after we know the gender - so exciting

My tummy is showing abit lah...can feel the skirts getting tighter & no more tight dresses for me. At this stage, its neither here nor there, and I think I just look like I had a buffet lunch rather than am preggers. Can't wait for it to show more, so people will know I am preggers & stop pushing me to get in/out of the MRT!

jessi (jessi) - yes, i am very lucky this time. Hopefully, baby no. 2 next time would be as simple.

Btw,where can we get bra extensions?
Limay: Aidan/Aiden/Ayden/Aedan is apparently pretty common. I guess it's popular after Sex and the City where SJP dated a guy named Aidan.

You can get bra extensions from any counters that sells bras, I got mine from Wacoal for $3 each. But I'm outgrowing them as it's more of the cup size that is overflowing now
wah... everyone's nua-ing around.. if only i can do tat too... haha

yeap yeap.. thanks. saw ur pics le.. and the little bump.. hehe

oh yes.. u can get bra extensions from any departmental store. ytd mil juz bot for me at a shop outside OG at bugis... 2 for $3.90 nia.. depends on wat brand u buy.. some are pretty ex.. i've seen some 1 for $4+... the 1 she saw at OG was for Slogg**s... 1 for $3.90...
Millie (millie22): My gynae said it's ok to eat once in a while, just make sure you toast it, dun have it cold. Alternatively, go for their chicken breast, which is my favourite! =)
Is the fine to drink glucolin..coz i dun have much appetite so drink that to boost energy level..but i only take like one glass a day
seems like most of us r jus nua-ing at hm nowadays... me too. i quit my job as soon as kena MS as i really cldnt tahan n go to work when alrdy feeling so miserable. i've been nua-ing at hm ever since. in fact, i've not been out for the past 1mth+ except when i've to go for my gynae appts (kinda unhealthy?)

i finally managed to poo after taking prune juice! it was such a relief... tks lemon n all those who gave suggestions!
Hi Anyone know any confinement ladies that do day time confinement only?No need to stay overnite type?Just cook and wash will do?
tats great to hear!! its really wonderful to relieve all the *wastes*...

i'm not sure leh.. y not check with those agencies?? anybody else can help her??
Can we eat them???

Vertical line
Has anyone realised there's this vertical line in the middle of our tummy?? i've realised it for a few days le.. tot its hair leh... but mum and hubby say its stretchmark.. oso... my tummy getting more itchy these days le...

I have some brand new products to sell.
1) Medela nipple cream
2) 2 box of tollyjoy breast pads
3) Pigeon breast milk storage bags
4) Palmers nipple cream

Some brand new maternity clothing for sales. 1Suitable for petite MTBs. PM me for the pics.
Hi Jessie, I have been nus-ing for one mth plus liao.. Feel so lethargic & tired these days. Saw Dr Woody, he told me the blood clot is disappearing, yeah!! But still need to eat hormone tablets, bb is growing fine!! But he forgot to give me the ultrasound slips again, teo weeks liao so I have to remember to get from him next week... Will be going back to work tmr even though he gave me another wk MC...

Sasa, I bought mine for $3.40 @ Toa Payoh! Wow, the one outside OG is really cheap!

Shazz, your tum tum big already? Mine still not very obvious, a small bump only, hopefully it will grow bigger so that people will know I am preegy! Kekeke..

My Nephew name is called Jayden!
Yes, Adan's name was originally Aidan. And Aidan and its variations are very common now. No. 1 boy's name in the States apparently. Also common are names like Ethan and Luke is also quite common. We changed his name spelling when we did a numerology check! So now it's Adan but pronounced the same way.

I'm eating quite a bit of cold cuts - try to get it heated first - and mussels as long as they're cooked. Subway sandwiches were the only thing I could eat two weeks ago! My MS didn't act up with their sandwiches!
ydnic, sorry i cant help much on CLs n my mum is handling tat for me...

sasa de mouse, i dun see any line on my tummy leh but i do find tat my tummy is hairier n it looks real ugly... i asked doc abt it n doc say its bcos of hormones, so being hairier is normal.

my hubby bought my bra extensions from metro n it costs only $2.90 for a pack of 2...
The line is not a stretch mark. It will disappear after birth. There's a name for it..but can't remember what it is...oh yes..linea nigra (literally "dark line"). I had it with Adan but so far not yet this time round...
hehe... thanks for responding on my mussels qtn.. yeah!! tat means i can go ahead to eat it this fri.. yummy yummy!!!

wa..... cheaper n cheaper ah... okok... let's all cheong to metro to buy le... haha
Actually i also never heard of any CL will not stay overnite. Just wanna know the price and decide again whether want to employ one to just cook for me.
Still deciding whether to order catering or CL.
Sasa: The thing with mussels, clams etc is they must be fully cooked. Cos the uncooked ones may have harmful bacteria to the foetus. Some people also say these are "poisonous", so taking too much may give baby a bad complexion.
sigh... i jus vomitted my lunch jus now n it was a really awful feeling. it was "dry" n i almost choked on my own vomit, felt so breathless n chest so tight jus now. i really really hope tat my MS will go away soon. its really terrible to go thru this everyday

Eve: I know that feeling. Hope it goes away soon too. How many weeks are you? They say MS should come to an end after the first trimester. I am only in week 8 or 9, still got a few more weeks to endure.
