(2008/09) Sep 2008

good idea!!!

wah!!!!pampers!!! will burn a hole in pocket one...my son looks ugly wearing pampers, i like huggies, makes him look taller, longer legs...

ladies.. is it true that we can start to bu when in our 2nd trimester??

As I was quickly glancing thru the posts, i think it was shazz isit? her mummy is cooking black chicken dang gui for her... yummz!! heee. anyone got any idea of other things to eat/ soup to cook?

I gotta cook myself.. mummy bz with my many nephews and nieces.. heee..

And plus I'm still down with cough and running nose. Dono if these bu tang will make me more heaty or not..
no, you put a disposable lining and most of the poopoo goes on it anyway. my son is still producing a lot of watery stools (bm stools) so should be quite messy, but with bumwear, it;s actually quite ok.

after you remove the lining, just use water to flush away the extra poo over the toilet bowl then leave it in soapy water to soak before washing (either by hand or just dump it into the washer). better than traditional diapers.
Hi Isabelle : Yup yup, thats the one I attended at Raffles City, in which alot of mummies left to enjoy the snacks outside the auditorium while Zoe Tay was still on stage yakking....haha...
My fren actually guai guai stayed till Zoe finished and when she came out, 90% of the snacks are gone..haha...

Hi Xuanting
I also using BUMwear for my gal. I like it though its quite costly. Its good for going downstairs n when on carseat cos wont leak n its washable so can reuse many times

Hi Storeberry
Using soley diapers may lead to nappy rashes which can b painful for bb...so using some cloth nappies in between will aid in ventilation and reduce chances of nappy rash.
i know wat u mean. My MIL did confinement for me cos I stayed in her hse. And my mum din think it was nice that I go back to do confinement. Which I thot so too cos MIL was nice to me all the while and even made bird's nest for me when i was preggie. So I thot I just run home and do confinement like v paisei...

But sigh... my mum din come over that often and she only stayed like 1 hr plus then went home liao. She said cos it's not her hse she din feel comfortable hanging ard...

I guess I was really worked up cos I thot it was very infair. But try to look on the bright side. I'm sure ur hubby must love u though in his own way, that's y u married him. So just try to see the little blessings u have ard you and u'll feel happier.

Glad ur mum's coming over to help u everyday

Mebbe like that better. Cos I realised doing confinement can be very tiring, and expensive too. Plus ur mum can drop hints to ur MIL abt ur food prefernces too but she doesn;t have to do the cooking herself! So let ur MIL do all the hard chores and ur mum just concentrate on taking care of you!
I'm already into my 12 weeks plus, so early also not consider too early, late also not consider too late, cos even if want to look for confinement lady, will also need to start looking now. My mom says that I will find time passes very quickly, so I will need to start planning now.

BabyAtom, guys will never understand the closeness that girls share with their mothers, but then, I feel that my HB is rather close to his mother, otherwise, why does he keep siding with her? I'm just very upset that he seems to think more about her than about my comfort. If he's going to insist that we can use disposable diapers, after seeing his poor mother slog, I'm going to raise hell man.
crayonshinchan, that's a good idea. But then again I'm more concerned about my MIL doing what I have listed, that is doing all the washing and watching the baby at night. My mom immediately said that she will feed the baby at night either formula or milk I have pumped out, when she thought she would be doing the confinement for me. But not a single word from my MIL. Instead, my hubby suggested my mom comes over for the night. So what does that tell you? She most probably is not willing to do that at night!
tell ur hubby if ur MIL want to do confinement for u, then must do all the way, day and night. Where got do half half one? Like that is call very keen to do conf for you meh?
If she's willing to do that then fine. If he scared his mother too xin ku then u go stay with ur mum.
Fair rite? How can ask ur mum stay over all the time at night to take over the 'tiring' part? His mum is precious ur mum not precious meh?
Hi Wingkei : If ur DH is worried that mil will slog too hard, then suggest getting a CL to look after day n nite instead.
Is ur mil very old or health not that good issit? Thats y ur hubby is concerned abt her doing too tough work during confinement. Let ur husband know alot of stuff needs to be done during confinement as its not as easy as just feeding the baby n cooking meals for you. Eg for bathing, gotta boil the packet herbs, then mix with cooled boil water then pour into the bathroom pail for you to bathe and all this takes quite abit of strength n energy not to mention other tasks...
Isabelle, my hubby says my mom cooks food which I like but which are not healthy for me. While his mom cooks HEALTHY food for me. But what's the point of cooking healthy food for me when I don't even have any appetite? My gynae even told us that just let me eat what I want to eat now, cos I am not putting on weight and I am still vomitting badly now.

I look at my MIL's food now, and I really don't have any appetite at all. Sometimes, I will just eat the plain rice and add hot water, at least to get something into me. And she commented might as well just drink water enough. I seriously hope she doesn't make such comments during my confinement otherwise, I'm very sure I will go into depression. And I'm very sure my husband won't understand that it's post natal blues, he will probably think that I'm again trying to use tears to get my way.

As for my mom, I will have to persuade her to come over everyday to take care of me and stay overnight occasionally. I hope she doens't feel embarrassd just cos my MIL is there.
You know, Isabelle, I also feel the same way. It's like his mom is precious, my mom is not. I'm definitely not going to get my mom to do just the tiring part of 'night shift'.
hahah..noooooo...our lives will never never be the same once the bbs arrive!!!! relationship with ILs and hbs will never be the same too!!!!!...nononono...

sorry to hear about the whole MIL and hb thingy. i reallydun wan to advise you coz im the mean DIL kind. i really went kee-siao in front of my ILs family and chase them out of my house when they dare suggest that my son's jaundice was caused by my bm. i think i scare everyone.so now...they tend to tread carefully. they will say i siao, but i get my way, so i dun really mind.
BabyAtom, no, my MIL is not that old or unhealthy. I don't know if my HB is concerned about her doing too tough work during confinement, cos he only seems adament that she is the one doing confinement for me. I already told him about the basic requirements of washing, etc, I didn't even tell him the rest yet. I doubt he knows what comes with doing confinement. One thing I'm worried about also is that his mom has no experience at all. And what if she listens to what her friends say about doing this and that and end up harming me? You know all those old aunties. I'm really worried about that. At least, for my mom, I can rest assured that she has the experience. And one more thing, being the first grandchild, she will definitely be proud and want to show off, and what if she gets her friends to come over often? Then how can I rest?

And I know for sure he has no experience, cos the other day, we were just talking, and he said it's so easy to take care of a baby. People of the past can do it, why can't we? Why we need help from others? (He did suggest that if so much trouble, then we just take care of things ourselves, don't get anyone to help.) He said I am too reliant on my mom. I asked him if he knows that when baby poos, we can't use toilet paper to clean them up, and he looked shocked. What does that tell you? How to leave my baby to them?
wahahahaha...sorry that poo and toilet paper thing is soooooo hilarious!!!!!!! you mean your hb doesnt know!!!!!!!!!!?????

sorry i shouldnt laugh, but really really farni...
Hi Wingkei,

Actually now that I am a mother, I think your hubby is also a really nice son to be nice to her mom, cos I want my son to be nice to me too in the future. Of course, he should be nice to your mom too. Actually helping during confinement is not easy work. If his mom really wants to help, it's nice of her. Just got to sort out how they both help. One of my friends have her mom come over on certain days, and her mil come over on certain days... maybe you can explore that.
And of course, sometimes both moms can be around to help.
wah u r so fierce!!! Hee...

yah, baby atom is rite. Who will carry the heavy pot of hot water and mix with the herbs? At least at my MIL's place the maid was there to do it and she was really very good cos at the end of it we gave her extra $500 for helping us.
I think u'd better write down the list properly, and also what is expected to be done AT NIGHT.

As for food pref, I din mean cooking ur fav food during confinemnt. Conf of course ur mum will cook the proper conf food.
If u find hongzhao water too sweet/ too hot cos too much ginger, that u really cannot drink but MIL still insists like that then it's good for you, that's where ur mum can come in to help you. She can say it's really too sweet/hot whatever.
Same for other food. Too much ginger, too much sesame oil etc... Ur mum can help to hint hint.
That's why very very impt to have ur mum ard if ur hubby is not gonna be helpful.

My hubby helped me to tell his mum also but from the looks of it, ur hubby might not and insist u follow his mum's way. And I can tell u during confinement u may be tired, in pain, thirsty watever and if u can't even have a decent drink u can enjoy, it's not funny lor..

Tell ur mum the situation u are in, how unreasonable ur hubby is and how upset u are. And explain it's not that u want to put her in a diff spot, but it seems u r really trapped. Beg her if u have to. Boh pian...

First tri is like that. Now weekdays I stay with my mum cos she takes care of my kid, and she buys me whatever I want to eat cos I hardly have appetite. Mums always understand. But my MIL will comment abt how little I eat, I never eat enough meat etc. Keep asking my to drink soup altho I cannot stand soup now. I wonder why she can't understand cos she had 4 kids b4, doesn't she know ms is like that???

One weekend I went to her place with a sandwich cos I only felt like eating that for dinner, and she commented why I zheng jing can bu yao chi, chi xie bu san bu si de dong xi? I immediately shot back, sandwich is 'zheng jing can' what.

So mebbe ur MIL is very traditional type like mine. My MIL even frowns uppn my hubby and I eating sushi and sashimi. This kind of cold cold food (inclu sandwich) to her is not good and not proper food!

But end of the day, I know the food she keeps asking me to eat r for my own good so I just listen and tell her nicely I really got no appetite.
think men r like that. They always think very easy until they gotta do it themselves.

Last time my SIL and BIL cohabited, they only had a little brush to sweep their room. My SIL said need a broom, he said no need, just bend down to sweep.
One day she fell ill and he had to do the work. Guess what? he went out to buy a broom!

And ur husband like very out to win. It seems that he just wants his way, and always wants to be right no matter what. If like that u argue also useless... Cos u can never argue with unreasonable ppl.
milky: hi, my dogs r not allow in my room & bb room. when i am in my room, they will lie outside the doorway. i started them form going into my room since we 1st moved in. but not the bb room so now still trying.. and make sure ur dog get the yearly jab and keeps them clean.
Jane,my dog is also not allowed to go into the rooms too.BB is sitting in the living room and floor to play her toys.Hygiene is very important now that bb crawls and picks up small objects very fast.
Should I see a doc for medicine? Will the medicine affect the bb or shd i jus drink more water to let my Cold recover natural?? Please HELP! Thanks
i use bumwear too!

But for few hrs in the morn before her bath only only. Rest of the day I use pampers and wait like 5-6 hrs before I change... So one day I use 3 diapers. 2 in the day and 1 thru the nite.

pampers is ok. Not that ex if u buy the baby dry rather than babyactive. And also if u buy during special promotion.

Worst one i ever used is Drypers. The adhesive is like scotchtape and when it accidently stuck to my NEWBORN bb's skin, I had to peel it off so carefully. Heart pain ok!
That time so irritated with my hubby with buying. At that time he said pampers, mamy poko ex, so insisted buy drypers. In the end when he saw how lousy it was, he no choice but to guai guai buy back pampers/huggies/mamy poko!
btw, i just sign up First Mums' Congress ...any1 else has sign up...my hb going along too... hope to see u gals there too.
Mrs Yap,

I also got flu.. and think gonna get sore throat le. have been feeling like tat for the past 4 days le. but i dun dare to go see doc (tho i noe there are some med they prescribe tats safe for pregnancy de). i just try to take more vitamin C, drink more water and have more rest.

if u really dun feel well den go see doc lor. but do let him noe tat u r preggy.. so he can prescribe med safe for preggy women de..
hi jane, i feel like going but i'm really not sure if hubby and i can sit still for 5hrs. like a very long lecture like that wor.
Hi Wingkei : Wah piang, ur hubby actually thinks its easy taking care of a bb,esp a newborn ??!? I thought its pretty common knowlege nwadays that taking care of bb r not easy task ? if really so easy then infantcare wont be so expensive lor..haha...

I do know some daddies r old fashioned thinking, they think taking care of bb is just a women's job, their job is to go out work...(my husband is partially like that, so he neva do the menial tasks like bathing n makeing milk for my gal since my confinement)but wah lau, we r actually in 2008 liao ley, not 1960's , so daddies gotta b more proactive in taking care of bb, esp during wife's confinement. Provided they have the interest to learn the skills of taking care of bb, so u must drag him to those hospital antenatel classes to learn
Thanks dmbb for the link!

l'l CY (lilboymum): I mean pampers as in gerneric, can be other brands as well...

Isabelle: Yah dryers is bad!! My mum used it for my nephew & its was so sticky!! Not comfy at all!! What about pet pet? Cheap & good?

Hi mummies, how much is bumwear?
BabyAtom, talking about those antenatal classes also make me want to vomit blood. I've already told him long ago that both of us will need to attend these classes, even though I may have some experience, this is our first born after all. So better to attend and learn something. And he just kept saying I go alone will do or else, no need to go lah, very easy one, why need to go to these classes to learn to take care of a baby. bang...
Hi gers

Me signed up for the congress talk yesterrday.. was surprised that hubby wanted to go...so will just go thr see see and hear hear and eat eat..

I just came back for the test, known as NT test for down syndrome.. I asked the gynae abt the OSCAR test and according to her, this NT test is part of it, just that she is pacing this NT test first on the 12 weeks and then the other part of the test - blood test (one syringe for 4 tube of blood) to test for "di zhong hai" etc..this will be at week 16.. and this NT and blood test are excluded in the package..

My hubby very troubled.. he has been with this company for 5 years plus and hours have always been afternoon till midnight.. he went for interview recently and the company offered him this post but salary adjustment is only 50bucks.. he is disheartened cos there are other companies he went for interview and paying him 50 -100 more.. his pay is not high though.. so, now he is in dilemma if he should accept as this new position might open up a new stepping stone for him and the normal working hours like me.. but then there might be overseas training when i enter the 3rd trimester..I am also worried that my MIL will want to move in to our place during my hubby overseas training to take care of me.. the tot of that freak me out...
Hi Wingkei
Hmm... ur hubby very funni thinking, i cant comprehend..nothing relating to taking care of baby is as easy as what he thinks, haha....

for just 50 bucks, not worth changing a job n starting all over in new com since he has been in the current com for 5 years rite ? Might as well stay
Hi,Baby Atom

Hubby's current job has no prospect at all.. this new job however got prospect and have allowance of ard 800.. and other standby and ot allowance.. so effectively, the basic pay though is 50 but add the allowance, it is more.. aiya, i also dun noe how to advise him.. and now preggie, feel so tired and always doze off before he comes home fr work ard midnight..

me now have very bad constipation, throwing out stone-like poo poo after a hour or so.. sharks!!! Gynae gave me free sample of fibrogel like for me to make drink to see if can help or not.. but she said prune juice is the best..

And, for ladies who have headaches, gynae also say normal panadole is ok for consumption but not those GP's prescription such as Sinflex..

Sadly, my OTC multi-vits cannot consume anymore cos gynae said the vit A content is too high.. I complained abt my sharp pain backache when i turnsd after seating or lying for long, she said i am lacking calcium.. so give me calcium tablets..
Mrs Yap!!! ME ME ME!!
I have been sick for the past month.. got better liao then Monday I kena again..

First time I went to see doc, I still guai guai ate medicine.. but then so many pple tell me better not to, so I lun!! Thought it was getting better. Who knows kena one more time.

I am so worried that coughing too much will affect my baby. But I dare not take medicine oso..
So fan!
I dun know pet pet gd or not. After the drypers experience, we stopped trying other diapers.

last time i bought at the expo baby fair. 4 bumwear and 10 inserts for $165 if I rem correctly.
But the inserts very absorbent. I even used them to absorb my leaking breastmilk! (Cos we din use bumwear on newborn at that time)
Hi LC,

Personally I think that if your hubby likes the new job's prospects, and he has 'no future' like you said it in this current job, he should change it. Afterall, he is still young. Next time when the bb is out, there might be more considerations and harder to move... and one would sometimes just give up and stay in that job for security sake... which I always think is quite sad since we spend so much of our life working. I think you should be able to cope if your hubby go training in your third trimester... I have a 2 year old son, am now pregnant, and my hubby will also be away from May until Dec this year. Will only be back when I deliver. Will be on my own with my maid to help me.

We still tried and eventually conceived this baby even though I know he will be away.. cos cannot always plan our lives around his work also.. otherwise, will never have time to have the second one! haha

She no said leh.. but the one that i bot OTC is 8000IU for vit A.. and the one gynae gave me is 4000IU only..think maybe next time you bring your multi-vit over to you gynae.. are you taking pro-lacta with DHA? And today I signed up her package for 600bucks and her receiptionist gave me a whole bag of magazine, free sample fo drypers, milk powder etc..hubby said door gift.. hahaha..

I agreed withh you too.. i think i should be able to cope so long no external factors like MIL coming over..i will go crazy one!! We already got a CL, think she is going to say we waste money and she can do for us etc etc. I even get a massage lady too.. she might just yakking away when the lady do the binding for me.. cannot imagine mann what comments she will make. My SIL no give her face one, always shoot her back.. pei fu pei fu..
hi babyatom, it's not just the level of vit a but type of vit a. we actually still need vit a for bb's development. what we need to avoid is preformed vit a, which are contained in many multivitamins that are not meant for pregnant women. it's safer to take a prenatal multivitamin cos there is usually no or little vit a, and the form of vit a in these is beta carotene, which is very safe for us.

haha, last time I will also shoot my MIL back..:p but now won't lah, afterall, he's my hb's mother, and like I said earlier, now that I am a mother, it will be so heartpain if next time my DIL or son scold me! just ignore her lor.. and politely decline her help.. haha

Anyway, some of you might have read this before, but thought that I would share this chinese poem with you.. I find it v meaningful.. and so true...


當我老了 , 不再是原來的我 .
請理解我 , 對我有一點耐心 .
當我把菜湯洒到的衣服上時 , 當我忘記怎樣系鞋帶時 ,
請想一想當初我是如何牽著你的手教你 .

當我一遍又一遍的重复你早已聽膩的話語 ,
請耐心的聽我說 , 不要打斷我 .
你從小的時候 , 我不得不重复那個我講過千百遍的故事 , 直到你進入夢鄉 .

當我需要你幫我洗澡時 , 請不要責备我 . 還記得小時候我千方百計哄你洗澡的情形嗎 ?

當我對新科技和新事物不知所措時 , 請不要嘲笑我 . 想一想當初我怎樣耐心地去回答你每一個 ” 為什麼 ” .

當我由于双脚疲勞而無法行走時 ,
請伸出你年輕有力的手攙扶我 .
就像你小時候學習走路時 , 我扶你那樣 .

當我忽然忘記我們談話的主題 , 請給我一些時間去回想 . 其實對我來說 , 談論什麼并不重要 , 只要你能在一旁聽我說 , 我就很滿足了 .

當你看著老去的我 , 請不要悲傷 .
理解我 , 支持我 , 就像你剛開始學習如何生活時我對你那樣 .

當初我引導你走上人生的路 ,
如今請陪我走完最後的路 , 給我你的愛和耐心 , 我會報以感激的微笑 .
這微笑中凝結著我對你無限的愛 .
Hi Ruixiangmom

Ya, I read tis poem before..meaningful..
I haven attain the shoot-ing power my SIL has.. usually like wat you said, I will say no though she will still insist.. I just have to accept.. i know tat myself and hubby are brought up in different environment and to have to accept each's upbringing.. that is why i told my hubby that baby's upbringing should be by both of us and not from his mum only.. I am glad he agrees with me..
wingkei: I think your hubby is not clear about his new role as a daddy and he's having his own ideas. How about going to the bookstore, find magazines or books, that provides information for new dad to be? I know he may not be keen to read. But what I did was I left some magazines "lying" around the house, in the toilet, near the bed, etc, and my hubby read them. Was surprised that he read, then he told me he was just curious. Try it out! It might help to manage his expectations and to understand things from your perspective.

crayonshin: yes can "bu" now after 1st trimester. Those who are interested in recipes, can check out this link:


I just came back from gynae checkup. So happy! God answered my prayer! I'm having a boy!! *jumps* Was so happy when the doctor who did the scan for me, showed me this triangle area in between the legs, and also saw something sticking out when he did a cross section scan from the top of the head, can see something between his legs!

My test for down sydrome is also very good, ratio is 1:16255, I'm 30+.
Baby is also growing very well at a consistent rate, he's 59.3mm in length, crown-rump is 1.8mm.

For my first trimester, I put on 2.3kg. Tummy is showing a little, depending on what I wear though.
ruixiang mom
thx for the poem!
think it reminds us to be more patient with our parents n PILs.
My mum did tell me that I cannot blame MIL for having all these superstitious and traditional beliefs cos that's the way she was brought up.

So when she mentions I try to say sth neutral but sometimes she so pantang, I still get irritated but I dun say anything. I draw the line at her IMPOSING her ideas on me though. Even my hubby hates that when she does that to him. =p
