(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi Shazz, Praise GOD!!! I also hope for a boy hopefully GOD answer my prayers!!

I am seeing DR Woody on Mon, excited to see the growth!

hi shazz
glad u got the son u wanted!

Hey how come everyone wants a boy?
Hi wingkei
no point making yourself depressed becoz of ur hb and mil...not worth it i think...since ur hb insist that his mother do the confinement..then just let her do lor...if later on your hb complaint that his mother very tired la cannot cope la..u just tell him u already told him so earlier just that he insisted...
i m also not a good DIL haha...sometimes if u dun like wat she say just ignore lor..for me if i dun like wat she say her words will never go into my ear...
my mum is the kind who will say my hb if he make me angry or wat..be it before marriage or after marriage..my hb will still listen to my mum so quite ok...but then the bad thing is your hb is a MCP so if ur mum talk to him think he will think u bad mouthed him in front of ur mum..hai..
maybe the best solution is to let his mum do confinement for u then ur mum stick around...like that wont affect u and hb relationship then ur mum will also be around to 'supervise' anyway confinement is only a month..very fast over one and also pls cheer up no good making urself unhappy..not gd for bb also rite..
thanks xuanting, storeberry & isabelle!

hehe, somehow I think most people will prefer boy as first born. In my case, there's some pressure from my in laws. But that said, my hubby and I enjoy playing with boys more then the girls so far. But then again, you can dress up girls more than boys. Pray for girl for my second child! hehe

oh yah, which reminds me, so far when I check my cousin's baby gender against the chart, it seems to be accurate. Maybe you gals may want to check against and we can see if it's accurate. So far, it's 100% accurate for my family members.

Gender Predictor Test
my hubby wanted a son for our first child and when the dr said girl he was so disapointed. Even asked dr 'are u sure confirm it's girl?'
I felt so sorry for him cos he looked just like a disappointed little boy!

thx for the predictor test! It says I'm supposed to have a girl this time.
But when I checked for my previous preg and previous age, it said boy but I got a daughter leh... Anyway, it was interesting
i think you have to use your chinese age, means add 1, or 2, depending on whether your chinese birthday is over by the time you conceive anot. Anyway, it's just a predictor, not a 100% accurate chart! hehe

I got a friend who timed her conception according to the chart, she already had 2 boys, wanted a girl for the last one, but still turned out to be boy! I guess the boys genes is very strong in her family!

For the rest, do keep us posted on the accuracy!

i also drank prune juice, and snacked on prunes to help constipation. And it really helps!
U can try that, I loved Sunsweet brand. Really the best!
hi guys, use this ba. the dates are auto translated into the lunar ones so you don't have to figure if you should add one or two. just need to key in your usual b/day and your possible date of conception. i believe it's based on the same chart supposedly taken from the ancient tombs but the webmaster has been collecting feedback and found that it is less than 80% accurate. nonetheless, have fun! it's also a great site if you're interested in chinese metaphysics.


But i dun like the prune smell.. haiz... will need to force one glass now.. if now, really painful to go toilet..

Ooh..ok. Try loh.. if you dun like prune, then try fybogel ba..orange-flavoured. I've tried that too, but just that felt very full and bloated after drinking..but definitely also help in moving the bowels..

another way is i've seen the husks thingy used in fybogel, packaged in capsules form. Thus, instead of drinking it, you kinda take them with plain water, to add fibre to your diet. I've seen them in watsons..

maybe can try? i bet they are all natural, just the fibre husks..should be safe for pregnant women..
I tried xuanting one & got a boy! Kekek...

Actually gal and boy is ok for me but cos I really like my cute nephew & find that boy is more fun! :p

Aiyoo... MS came back! Darn! Vomitted four times today..
me tried and got girl. a feng shui master also calculated for me when we did a feng shui audit for the house and said girl (maybe use the same method as the chart). but my tcm physician feels v strongly that it's a boy so i'm really curious to find out who's right.
My mom called me yesterday and told me that since my MIL is taking care of the baby after I go back to work, let her do the confinement for me. It is only then that I realise she really wants to do my confinement for me too. I know she's also worried I can't get used to my MIL's food. I cried after I put down the phone, am I going to cry every time I hear her voice now?
from the charts...all of those above, it says im getting another boy!!!! (yes, it oso says my first is a boy)...i hope it is wrong!!!!!

dun worry mummies with girls...you will be very very proud of your daughters next time.
1. girls generally are born developmentally more mature than boys
2. girls are more vocal and learn to speak earlier and reduces the frsutration of terrible twos.
3. you can reason things out with girls more than boys (because their brains are wired to be more attuned to verbal reasoning)
4. even for very very active girls, very garang girls, most can sit still for longer periods than boys (trust me on this, i have ten nephews and nieces...the garang girls have the same activity level as the quiet boys...)..that is important if you want to eat in a restaurant

no, im not feminist. but i think the advantages of boys and the 'joy' of having boys is really overrated. i love and enjoy my son, but i wouldnt say it will be more than if i had had a girl.
the gender prediction test is interesting, it say i'm going to have a boy. actually i prefer having a girl, especially my first kid. but HB happy to see that it predicted boy.

dunno why most guys prefer son over daughter.. :p
It says i'm gonna have a gal!!!! YEAH!!!! hahaha....

my in-laws have been looking forward to having a gal, so hopefully i can fulfill their wish. den my gal will be the queen of the house.. hehe

first time i hear in laws wan gal leh..
Hi, Wingkei

My heart goes out to you.. dun cry dun cry.. no good for yourself and baby..If really your MIL side cannot give in, then u have to let your mum knows, i think she will agree and wun put you on spot..sometime we can't have our cake and eat it, things tend to go on the reverse side of what we want...no cry.. hugz..
jessi, sasa
not true leh, my friend's hb told her that if she is preg with gal, then can have birds nest and stuff. if boy, nothing.
just went to do my OSCAR test yst, results were very good and gynae told me nothing in between bb's legs so far,so maybe i'm having a gal... wow,the OSCAR test so exp,$420!!!Heart so pain now,hehe. Almost 13wks now and my bb is measuring 6.8cm...
l'l cy, only gal then can have bird nest ah.. hehe.. maybe cos bird nest can give the baby gal more good complexion and become mei mei..
hi all,

went for scan, saw bb bouncing ;)
will be going for OSCAR checks in 2 weeks, hope everything turns out well.

hi xuanting,

my tcm dr does not say anything abt the sex of the bb. what is the time zone that you enter for SG?

hi Wingkei,
pls don't be sad, try to think +ve for bb. i think pregnant can be a little emotional. I do also agree that mum is the best, try not to think abt confinement yet since it is still sometime away.
hi mummies
can i just ask when u throw up, is it like very poorly digested even after 1 to 2 hrs? Or very little?
Dunno how come yest and today my digestion suddenly very bad. Two hrs after lunch today, I vomitted very badly and the food was so badly digested I cld feel all the hard rice stuck in my throat.
My tears all running down my face and mucus all coming out of my nose also.(Sorry to be so explicit and gross...)

Anyone like this too??? Just wondering if this is very normal...

me oso been throwing up every nite almost...my MS will usually kicks in after evening time..i ask gynae yesterday..he says it shd be improving soon...i koe it feels very terrible when throw up..especially when the vomits the 'solid' type..n not watery...gets very choking..n cant breathe...
hee, i think girls play the 'emotional game' better. they are especially sweeter to elderlies when they want their way...haiz...

aiyoh, your MS still not over yet ah. better extend your ML then...heeee

yah yah, that's what i thought..boys dun have to look pretty mah...
Hi mummies...

anyone interested in pre-natal yoga class?

8 lessons for $80 (75 mins a session)
venue: RC/Blk 154 Bishan st 13
pls contact Rita at : 94872845
Hi Isabelle, my MS gets real bad in the evening now, have been vomitting for past two days.. The last few weeks I also had the same experience as you, my rice is like stuck at my throat & I kept gagging, really terrible feeling. Yesterday the popiah also stuck in my throat..

Any mummies know if we can eat sting ray? Ate abit just now...

Actually I prefer gals previously cos cannot stand the fact that I have to bathe my son.. kekeke.. But after my nephew is born, I had so much fun playing with him that I prefer boy now... :p

Your MS have been on for awhile.. your 12weeks ended? think at most to the 14 weeks, your MS should be lesser..

Want to ask if any MTB starting pro-lactas?
Hi LC (faintz), yah man, MS like stuck to me..
I am into my 13 weeks, seeing Dr Woody tmr, I am excited to se my bb!!! Hopefully it would grow healthily. Yesterday morning, had quite a heavy bleed but because it is brown blood I didn't call Dr. I am hoping its the rest of blood clots!
hello mummies,
its been a looong time since i last joined this thread (since mid-jan) cos i was having really terrible MS n cldn't do anything for long (be it watch tv, reading papers, etc). felt like dying everyday n was VERY miserable. even though i'm still having MS now, its not as bad as b4 (i'm now in my 11th wk n EDD 20Sep08)

jus to chk wz u all if drinking frisomum/annum helps constipation? cos i read frm the archives n it seems tat it helps? i've not tried any formula milk cos i really hate the taste of milk but i'm having really bad constipation n the feeling is really uncomfortable. Dr Woody gave me some medicine but it seems tat its not helping much n i also dun wan to rely on medicine everytime...

i rely on prunes and prune juice to help.
Sometimes, fybrogel.

I am drinking annum and dumex too, but i don't think it helps much.
hi isabelle,

i have the same experience. Hope will be normal soon.

hi Eve,

I try to go toilet everyday..I give up drining annum because it seems to make my vomit worst.
hi lemon,
i've jus started drinking prune juice yday n vomitted after i drank it... dunno issit bcos of the taste. i tried to tahan n keep it down but still failed... but i'll still continue to drink it n hopefully it helps

hi Rabbit,
i also try to go to toilet everyday but nothing comes out even after sitting there for half an hr... its so frustrating when tat happens n it happens everytime

oh 1 more thing, i read abt the OSCAR test tat u all were talking abt earlier... wat issit abt huh? i've signed up for pkg wz Dr Woody, anyone knws if the OSCAR test is included in the pkg? cos it seems like its v exp...
Hi Isabella,
I used Drypers for my 19 months daughter from birth till now.. actually did not intend to used this brand one.. but my colleagues gather together and bought 6 cartoon for me during my baby shower.. so got no choice got to used it.. but guess wat.. think it turn out fine for our gal.. think it is very subjective.. we ever try to change to pampers.. but end up during the first outing using tat brand.. first time we experience leak which we never had before.. but.. guess we cannot really blame on pamper.. maybe now we are comfortable with drypers.. and swear by it.. kekeke.. so we keep by it lor..
sunrays / rabbit: congrats wor... hehe... it really feels good to see bb bouncing / swimming around rite.. hehe

isabelle / angeline: I suffered the same as u all a few weeks back too. vomitted only during the nite times and usually can feel the lumpy rice grains too.. so i fully understand how u all feel. mayb try to eat smaller meals. dun take so much for dinner. bear with it k.. it will end soon!!!! and den u all can start to enjoy ur honeymoon trimester le

storeberry: omg... u still suffering from MS?? poor thing...

btw.. regarding stingray, i checked with Dr Cheng before.. haha. as long as eat in moderation, it's fine. anyway, we dun eat it everyday...

guess wat.. i even asked him if i could eat sharksfin.. haha.

oh no.. u still got brown spotting? but since its brown, shouldnt be a cause for worry. hopefully the remaining clot has come out le.. den no more bleeding le..

Eve: so terrible rite.. pregnancy and constipation and MS all comes in a package. buy 1 get 2 free ah... btw.. yoghurt helps for me so u might wanna try it

oh yes... i doubt OSCAR test is included in any of the packages offered by gynaes leh.. from wat i heard, seems like all of us gotta pay extra de. but of the coz the costs include some blood tests as well...
ava, ur krabi pictures looks nice! remind me of my trip to redang last july...ooh, how i wish i have another holiday soon....
Hi sasa, yah lo.. I really hope MS & spotting subside soon!

Keke.. couldn't resist the sambal sting ray man!!

Eve: Can try to drink Yalkut, can help in constipation...

Take care mummies!

Hi Anyone know any confinement ladies that do day time confinement only?No need to stay overnite type?Just cook and wash will do?
