(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hey ladies....

heard frm my gf that Takashimaya gonna have Baby Fair 6-23 March.....

And also Mother & Baby Fair 21-23 Mar at S'pore Expo Hall 6A.....

Shopping time!! haha...

so fast can see gender ah? i going for scanning next thurs..by then i will be 13wk2d..hopefully my bb not shy haha..then i can see whether is mickey or minnie haha
heyhey, i am in my 12 wks now..

just now, my doctor wants to try scanning his/her bottom to see if we can determine the gender, while he/she was stretching his/her legs in my tummy..but it was closed very fast. Haha..couldn't get a good view.

nevermind, shall wait for a few more weeks.. no hurry anyway, boy, girl same to me. Haha.
Hi mummies, I am still feeling nauseous & vomit yesterday..

Sasa de mouse, can let me know how much are you getting for the neurogain? Thanks!

I also didn't opt to do NT Test, gynae asked me to do then I go & do lo... Kekeke
Down syndrome test
My gynae said that many down syndrome babies nowadays are not really due to family history... just plain unlucky that the egg or sperm was of bad quality (in my own words)... not sure how true this is...
sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) , Winnie (forever59) : yes, their genitals are fully formed by the time we're in 12th weeks. Just that boys genital can be seen easily as it protrudes. I saw my cousin's and cousin's wife scan pictures and I saw their babies penis.

xuanting (xuanting) : haha, yes yes, me tee ko auntie and eager mummy to be! ;p I hope my baby is not shy!

Oh yah, I realised that my food intake is lacking terribly in calcium, so I got myself a can of milk powder today. It's by Nestle NesVita, a high calcium, high folic acid, low fat formula. Was surprised that I can take it cos I'm rather turned off by the smell and taste of fresh milk now.
so good to see some moms in the honeymoon period now.I am still having slight MS.Hopefully will be gone soon.
Some of u able to see the gender?My gynae refuse to help me see it haiz.saying its quite inaccurate and too early to determine.Said 16th week will help me to see...:<
ydnic: initially my sonographer oso kept telling me too early to determine, until i told her that i thot i saw something betwn the legs and i have no preference whether boy or gal since 1st baby, then she oso admitted she saw the same thing as me. But of course it cld be anything, so i'm still keeping an open mind till later.
shazz... i think my gynae's scanner super unclear n blur lor... he is also another who will not help to see until in 4th month... v excited to see bb gender too. Infact I had a dream last night... i dreamt i had a girl and i couldnt accept it.. not tat i dun like girl jus that it happen so that i dun like in the dream... maybe cos i got a feeling is a boy... Then my MIL attitude towards me changed in the dreams... she no longer treat me nice le... but in actual fact she is v nice lady. I Think preggies have funny dreams
hi mummies
i think the sonographer/gynae doesn't want to confirm till 4 mth cos that's when the genitals r more fully developed.
If see penis, most prob boy of course. But the thing is before 4 mths, if they dun see the penis, it doesn't mean it's girl for sure.
So that's prob why they can't tell u.

Cos u know the chromosomes is XX (female) or XY (male). If there's no Y chromosome, the fetus will develop as a female. So it is the Y chromo that triggers the reaction to start forming male hormones and the process of forming penis and other male characteristics does take some time to dev. So be patient mummies! 16 weeks is coming soon!

I'm also very excited cos this means I'll know if I can buy new clothes for boy or get to reuse some of my older girl's cute dresses and shoes!!!
Sunrays: hhmm... not sure whats the difference oso leh. but they only carry 1 kind lor. guess both the same lah. i heard Dr Cheng oso recommends the blue packaging de..

hehe... oohh.. u mean the blood test ah.. haha.. i freaked out when i saw the 5 bottles standing there. some more the nurse who took the blood test for me so stern.. sighz.. make mi even more scared. thankfully its over le.

u do keep us informed of ur scan k..

hehe.. u noe hor.. v farni. when i went for scan on tue, based on bb size, i am already 12w5d.. but den based on Dr Cheng's calculation as per LMP, i'm only 11w5d.. wah.. bb grow so much faster leh. think bb is a big bb..

n yes.. hehe... Dr Cheng officially declared that i'm in my 2nd tri le. so it's honeymoon period for mi. but den i juz realised, i'm feeling a little nauseous now and den.

last nite oso felt nauseous. and nearly blacked out. think for a while, my body was trying to adjust and i didnt noe wat was happening around me. thankfully i was lying in my bed. else think i would have ended up on the floor le..
Hi mtbs,

I'm back after talking nicely to my HB last nite, and I lost. I gave up and gave in. sob... sob... He used all my reasons back against me. But his ultimate 2 reasons?

1. His parents will find it awkward to go to my mom's house everyday to visit me and the baby.

2. It is his mom's first grandchild and she badly wants to do the confinement for me. (As if it is not my mom's first grandchild)

I'm mad, I'm depressed, what can I say? He seems to put his mom in first place, while I'm always in second place. He doesn't seem to put my comfort into consideration when I kept emphasising that I will feel more comfortable with my own mom doing for me.
Storeberry: have juz PMed u...

Shazz: wah... so lucky to be able to see it. i have to wait till my detailed scan.

My cousin was not really willing to scan for mi too, to see the gender. i kept asking her if it's mickey or minnie. didnt even bother to scan ah.. she tell mi can't see yet.. faintz...

Now i have to wait for my appt 2 wks later. hopefully Dr Cheng will scan for mi.. hehe.. n bb open legs big big.. haha
Then I got mad. He told me his mom can do everything for me that my mom can do for me. So now, I've decided to turn into the evil daughter-in-law. I will ask his mom to wash all my soiled clothes and undergarments by hand, wash all the baby's clothes and cloth nappies (I'm a firm believer in cloth nappies) by hand and watch the baby overnight. I will pump out my breastmilk and let her feed the baby overnight so I can rest. I'm determined not to stress myself out and not lift a single finger to help around the house. He said that I would be the Queen of the house, so I will be just that and let them serve me. I know I'm evil, but I don't know how else to make myself feel happier. I feel like I'm falling into depression. My tears can't stop falling and I can't sleep at night.
I feel like I've nothing to look forward to anymore. I always thought I can look forward to holding my baby in my arms and have my mom pamper me but even that is out of reach now. sob...
*hugz*...dun be depressed, else it will affect your bb

anyway, it is still early stages. since your hb is so adamant, just take these few months to change his mind slowly.

come to the worst, you can pretend kee-siao after you've given birth...in front of your ILs. scare them a bit then say you want you mom...

haha...im also waiting to see if i have to recycle my son's old stuff (actually maybe buy more for him now) or can start buying pretty pretty cool stuff for a little girl.
l'lCY... haha u so funny... ask Wingkei to pretend to KEE-SIAO... but i think is quite a good idea leh... but Wingkei.. u dun overdo it, scully really affect u... But hor i think it is not wrong to prefer yr mom lor... preggies shd have the choice of who to help her in confinement. Hopefully yr HB will change his mind later.
u poor thing!!! I really feel like slapping ur hubby!!! feel so angry for u!
Did he treat you like this too before u got married?

1) Oh, and ur mum will not find it awkward to visit u everyday when ur MIL is around???

2) It's ur mum's first grandchild too, why must his mum have the priority???
Is ur mum busy? Ur hse got space? Can ask ur mum to move in with u for one mth?
Anyway, he is asking ur mum to do night shift rite? It's better to have ur mum with u still in the day. Cos anything ur mum can rebutt ur MIL.

(So u tell him, ok fine, have both of them ard since it's their first grandchild and this is only fair! To hell with 'nei sun and wai sun' rubbish)

If u treat ur MIL like u said u're intending to, I'm afraid ppl might think u're the "bad guy", unfilial daughter-in-law leh... and they wun even know that u have 'ku zhong' for ur behaviour... Who knows what stories ur MIL might carry to ur relatives if she do until fed up. She's prob not expecting you to treat her this way and ur hubby, look at him, in the end will still turn ard and say his poor mum so tired. U think he will side you? Wait he say u ill-treat his mum!
Better get ur mum to be there too!

And btw, I wanted to use cloth nappies too, but it's not very practical, cos the bb poo is very watery. Will leak wor... Wait kena ur bed or the cot... Plus new born can poo several times a day!!!

Anyway, I'm sorry I can't do anything practical to help you but u have my support mentally! Be strong and fight for ur rights since he is so unreasonable and selfish!!!
lilboymum, mrs yap

I think wing kei no need to pretend to KEE-SIAO, with this kind of emotional support, I think she'll be so sad.

Mebbe u'll get 'lucky' like aloevera? (Aloevera dun take offence hor?)she said she cried and then MIL so worried ask her mother to come and help rite? And even stayed with her for rest of her confinement?

It is normal to feel a bit depressed at first. Even though I had so much support yet I still cried when I returned from hospital. Cos becoming a first time mother was a very big change in my life after all, and it can be overwhelming. One can feel quite emotional and vulnerable.
But it is very impt to have the support of ur loved ones, esp those u feel most comnfortable with!
sasa, big baby means it's healthy and happily absorbing nutrients ba. apparently babies also grow at different rates in utero, although they have some standard milestones. you planning for natural birth or c-section? and your 5 bottles of blood, only for the oscar test or include other tests?

one of my best friends is going to pass me quite a number of her bb items; am so happy.
isabelle, i will try to be patient. Just that the bb fair is next week and m so anxious to get some stuffs for bb soon...ahahah.
I am just into my 13th week.Still feeling nauseas leh. Honeymoon period not here yet.haiz...quite depressing.

Anyone knows the content of Nerogain?
Haiz...siong just bought DHA pills from gynae and din realise i bought at $46 for 30tablets???
Siong, the brand is Nature's Care DHA Extra i tink,
Hi Wingkei : Hugz hugz.....issit that u have always been the xiao nu ren n ur hubby is the da nan ren ? For my case, I stated in a crystal clear manner that I want my mum to do confinement for me and not my mil. So no arguments and rebuttal abt it.
Seriously , if u r close n comfortable with ur mil then its fine, otherwise gotta get quite awkward. Like u gotta expose ur boobs to her when u're breastfeeding (which i dont want to expose to my mil who is considered outsider to me compared to mom lor) and sometimes i also get my mother to help in bathrooms initially cos i undergo c-sec so my mom has to help me with my wound, cleaning, pads etc.. meaning there will exposure of body again ! ha...but if own mum then of course ok lar...

Hi sasa
Im keen in the Neurogain.How much is it per bottle ? will start taking from 2nd tri onwards..
Morning, everyone..

me seeing the gynae later for test but dun noe what test.. it has been long three weeks that I last seen her.. hope all is well
will bring my OTC nmulti-vits with me to ask if i can eat that..


read your posting.. sometime it does not pay to be a good daughter in law , I feel.. since your MIL is going to do confinement for you, then be a naughty daughter-in-law for a mth.. but hor, u must be able to take it when you hear your MIL grumbling to her neighbours and relatives..Whatever it is, you must stay positive and happy.. and, talk to your mum if need be.. our mums will not ignore us even if we call them late at night..
I am still nauseous too and also just 13 weeks. Went to see gynae at almost 12 weeks for OSCAR and he was surprised that I was still throwing up 5 to 6 times a day.
he said some women must wait till 14 weeks.
Well I hope i'm one of those and not those who throw up the entire pregnancy!
Now it's better. 3 times a day. So I'm hoping for the best!
Wingkei: i dunno what to say. all i can do is give u BIG bear hug... mayb take the remaining 7-8 mths to try change ur hb's mindset...

muz smile more k..

xuanting: hehe... i sure hope bb is happy in there. ya lor.. i heard that bb's grow at diff rate de. haven tot of natural or c-sec leh.. but i guess if possible, i would prefer natural bah.. but if big bb den i think its impossible lor..

my 5 bottle of blood hor.. for oscar and other blood test lah.. think like HIV and thalessemia lor. thats y so expensive lor..

so good.. ur good fren passing down her things.. hehe.. then u can save quite a bit leh.. i'm still waiting for hand-me-downs.. haha

babyatom: i PMed u le..
dmbb, i'm still thinking whether wanna go anot leh.. coz i'm working on sat.. so if wanna go gotta take leave ah...

some more tummy like so small... skuly go le.. ppl laugh at mi ah.. still so early in preg.. haha.. am i thinking too much!!!

u going mah?
wingkei: also dunno what to say to comfort you. I also understand it's hard for you not to get upset over this issue. when I feel down, I think about how my little one will be, how cute, and could picture the little one walking unsteadily around the house and me just watchin happily. That would usually cheer me up and remind me that all that I'm going through is worth it.

Are you on NeuroGain? If you're not, may want to start taking as I read it's great for baby's development and helps to prevent the mummy from getting into depression.
Hi all,

Your posts make me cry again. I'm so glad I have everyone's support here.

Isabelle, you know what? I did think of that too. Won't my mom find it awkward to visit me everyday with my MIL around? But I'm gonna heck care, and tell her to visit me everyday. She can't stay for one month, as she has to take care of my dad, cook for him, etc. But still, I'm going to ask her to stay over often, whether my HB likes it or not. Since he said my mom can stay over, I'm just going to take his words for it and ask her to stay over as much as she can. I'm definitely not goign to ask my mom to do just the night shift. I told him, how tiring is it to ask my mom to come over during the night to look after the baby and then during the day, go back home to cook for the rest of my family and night time come back again. Doesn't she need to rest at all? It's so unreasonable. As for treating my MIL that way, I've already told him those are the things that she will be required to do if she wants to do confinement for me, and he says he will tell her, no problem. What my mom can do, his mom can do too. So be it. I'm just going to stick to that and be a Queen for the whole month. Actually, I also know cloth nappies not so practical but I don't want my baby to develop rash, so I will still stick with that. Anyway, I'm not the one washing all of those. ;p

BabyAtom, I did think about the breast feeding part. You are right, I definitely won't feel comfortable exposing myself to my MIL, no matter how comfortable we are together, exposing oneself is another matter. So most prob I will just lock myself up in my room with baby during feeding time. And I bet you my HB will have something to say about that. He will say how come I can expose myself to my mother but not my MIL! I'm already angry thinking about that. Why can't he understand the closeness we feel with our own mothers? No matter how close we are to our MILs, that kind of closeness with mothers can never be established with MILs. What other kinds of exposure are there for natural birth? Natural birth is definitely my first choice right now.

I just feel that I can't depend on anyone right now, so the only person I can depend on is myself. Tears may not work anymore, I cried myself out last night, and he said I use my tears to get what I want. How do you stop the tears from flowing when you are feeling so lost and depressed during such a vulnerable period?
hi MTBs,

Can i juz check.. does anyone of u suffer from calf / leg cramps on some nites??

Any idea what causes these cramps? i don't eat kang kong le leh...
hi wingkei, pardon me but your hubby sounds like an autocratic person. is he v used to making all sorts of decisions for you and perhaps also for others around him?

tats y lor.. i was thinking it's abit too early leh.. some more not once leh... so far 3 times le.. so painful some more.

so i'm wondering wat can i be lacking? or isit normal... sighz.. gotta remember to ask my gynae abt it...
Hi Sasa de mouse,

Yep, I just signed up for it ytd. My tummy also not really showing yet. So that makes 2 of us! LOL. Anyway I was also thinking if I shld spend the $$ then my mom told me to since it's my 1st baby so no harm just give it a try &amp; c if i can learn new info. Moreover it kinda reminds me when I did my wedding preps last time, I also used to go for those wedding shows. It kinda kills time for me too since my next gynae appt is in a month's time and I would like to do something to prepare for bb's arrival. But now it's still too early to shop for clothes, cots or strollers..
Oh, wrt to leg cramps, I did get them too. My gynae said the iron &amp; calcium pills which he pescribed for me for 2nd tri will help and since then (last sat) I've not been getting the cramps.
I also puke till 14th weeks for my 1st pregnancy.Hoping this time round will be better for me.impatient to wait another 1 or 2 weeks though.My Gynae also surprised that i m still having MS although tapping off.So she said endure for another 1 or 2 weeks.
I still very sensitive to smells, What abt u?
Hi Dmbb &amp; sasa

Just to share, I went for the 1st mom congress 2 years back, its pretty informative n enriching n the goodie bag was good ! (in fact one of the best for the various pregnancies talk that I have attended) For $15, its quite worth it as the goodie bag consists of similac follow on that is not cheap retailing outside if next time ur bb after 6 months drink similac then its useful.

Hi Wingkei
Ya the men wont understand the closeness we share with our own mothers cos generally men are not that close with mothers compared to daughters.

Also, i indeed use cloth diapers on my gal even up to now, but i agree with Isabelle that its really tough work, cos they pee and poo frequently, my maid really wash &amp; fold like mad then! But its ok, let ur mil do the tedious n dirty job.. haha..
dmbb &amp; babyatom: aiyoh... u realli tempting mi to sign up for the talk leh... haha.... my fren juz asked if i wanna join her for the talk on Monday...
me is also v sensitive to smells. This morn my girl had hard boiled egg for breakfast and I cld smell it though I was far from her. Then she ask me to feed her and I had to hold my breath!
When I open my fridge I also have to hold my breath...
My first preg ms only got better after 14 weeks and life only went back to normal at 16 weeks!

baby atom
I think I attended the same congress talk as you two yrs ago! Was it at raffles city? The goodie bag also got some fork and spoon set right?

Yep it was not bad. Talks quite informative and got baby massage demo also.
wingkei, don think too much now ba.. Bridge will straighten when u reach the beginning... now taking care of baby is more impt.

Prob ur hb is stuck in bet as well. Some men are like tat. They love their wives but when it comes to their own mother, they will give in and listen to mummy. My sil and bro had a bit of quarrel when she said that she wanted to go back to her mum's place to do confinement. I was actually angry with her in the beginning. Its not that nice since my mum is staying with them. In the end, i realise that it'll be better oso cos I dont expect my mum to wash her undies and all the other stuff that is required.

I think ur MIL has to be prepared to do all those so called "dirty" jobs for u if she wants to do confinement for u. Maybe u can write down a list of things that all CLs will do and ask ur HB to show it to her. Since he said that whatever ur mum can do, his mum can do as well. So tell him that those are things that ur mum will do for u.

I know its easier said than done. But do take care and not to worry unnecessarily.
my boy is still using cloth diapers until now. if you want to splurge, get some from bumwear. dun really need to fold and can last longer.so you can alternate between traditional ones and bumwears. i usually use bumwears before he naps.
dmbb &amp; babyatom: The talk seem like a good choice leh.. Any website to look through the itinenery?

Yah cloth diapers very troublesome, I think i will stick to pampers... :p

Wingkei: Since your hubby is so against your mom helping you then no choice lo.. But he is really very da nan ren leh. Its still in the early stages now, I think don't think so much yah?
hi wingkei, i doubt it's going to be easy for your hubby to suddenly learn to empathise or see another point of view if he's been very used to having things his way. i'm sorry these things have to crop at this point but do try and take them in your stride like the others advised. if you get stuck in negativity for too long, it can actually develop into clinical depression which can be terrible and hard to overcome. how about attending the congress that the others are talking about? perhaps your hubby can go with you and find out more about motherhood and understand what you're going through better.
