(2008/09) Sep 2008

Rabbit ,
i think just ask your gynae to check the blood count .. it is those stapler test .. not those draw a lot of blood one .. and if your Haemaglobin level is below 10 , think the doctor will prescibe u the iron pills .. and ya thos medicated oil can help also if you dun mind the smell ..
Goldfish ,
20 weeks looks / seems far .. but actually is quite near lor cos some of us reaching the 1st tri already ..
Mummies ,
my cousin wife gave birth two days ago and she only took 3 hrs without epidural .. that is really fast man ..
MY FB i took epi and took 6 hrs to deliver .. keke ..

Hi, Xuanting

usually is in crowded and stuffy places and also if the mummy stands for too long.. I remembered I was queueing at the custom to go over JB. the place is stuffy after a small rain and packed with people.. i just felt cold sweat breaking and then the noise around me become softer and softer, next thing I blackout liao.. hated this feeling mann.. so I usually will bend down or sit down if I know it is coming.. I even put sweets in my bag but not the medicated oil cos I cannot stand the smell...
lc, the customs at the causeway is one of the worst places to be stuck at! i hope you won't be crossing over again anytime soon. think perhaps you should see the doc and let him know about your fainting spells. it's scary to faint outside...
sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) - thanks for the FBI details!

Wow, the cord blood banking storage is $1400 for each year, for 6 years? Thats $8400...so expensive! Have to store for 6 years, then okie to discard? Is that the standard at the other hospitals as well?

MTBs - are you all planning to store the cord blood as well?

no problem!!! ya... storing cord blood very exp.. so i'm still considering the option lor. haven spoken to hb abt it oso...
Yah, i knew it was expensive, but didn't know it would cost so much
I just checked with my sister - she said it can be stored indefinitely (beyond 6 years, which is what she is doing) & there are 2 other companies offering such service in S'pore. Asking her for the company names to check, though these would be even more expensive.

If not storing cord blood with TMC, then no point signing for their FBI scheme.
hi bigtoes, i'm thinking of donating my bb's cord blood to the singapore cord blood bank. haven't discussed this properly with dh yet though.
storing cord bloof is so ex??? $1400 a year? Wow! I rem in 2006 it wasn't so ex leh, that's why I considered. Think they were offering a special of like less than $500 a yr? Forgot the company though. But mebbe I din read the fine print!

In the end we din store cos we realised it's more suitable for ppl with a family history of leukaemia and other diseases, though of course one can never be too sure!

Plus we decided on delayed cord clamping to give our bb more blood and oxygen, so like that also cannot store cord blood anyway...
isabelle, do u know if it's true tat the hospital will donate the blood cord if we do not intend to store it?

i tot of keeping the placenta this time, i got the formula to handle the placenta. i wanna consume it(in gel caps) coz it's very BU for us. =P
Hi sasa de mouse (sasa_xie), can you email me as well? I am thinking of getting the FBI card but inside the brochures it didn't indicate discount on room charges. And anyone knows if Dr Adrian Woody is in the panel?

Bigtoes & Isabelle: The FBI card is tied up with cord life not TMC one and not so expensive leh... I just called Cordlife with regards to the promotion, if you sign up for FBI, its a $450 discount + $50 (if your friend who is an existing Cordlife customer refer you). But the $450 discount is not upfront, only $200 is upfront and the rest of $250 will be deducted from the annual fee for 5 years. (which is $50 discount per yr)

So meaning after all the discount, the total upfront will be $1150 and every year onwards the storage fee is $200 / yr. The kind lady from Cordlife told me that FBI is having the better discounts & I can wait till the last 3 mths to take up the Cordlife package.

LC (faintz): Take care, can carry some sweet plums along so in case feel faint can chew on it?
Hi Ruixiangmom, cos now still unstable so she told me usually mummies wait till last 3 mths then take up the package and if take up early, need to pay earlier wor...

i need ur email add yah.... hhmm... need to check if Dr Woody is in the panel.. hehe.. can check for u tonite when i reach home. Alternatively, u can call TMC to find out...
Hi Xuanting,

R u delivering at restructured hospitals ? Cos u cannot donate your bb's cord blood to the singapore cord blood bank if u're delivering at private hospitals. that was wat i was told previously wor .
Bigtoes, S$1400 is only for the first year... subsequently should be a couple of hundred dollars per year depending on which bank you use... TMC does not store cord blood.. the discount on their FBI scheme is for the company Cordlife...
storeberry, I saw on cordlife's webpage that they are having a promo of S$300... any idea if that can be used in conjunction with FBI? Looks like I can never get such a good deal after all... the one I got with stemcord one year plus ago was only S$400plus for the first year... That was a real special promo... since then, I have not seen any promo as special as this... sigh...
Ying Ling (stormmie)- okie, it with the promotion its just $1150 (1st year) and every year onwards the storage fee is $200/yr, then that is fine.

I think the notes from TMC not very clear - thought they meant $1400 every year!
hi mummies ,
i stored my son cord blood lastyear and got it at promo rate with stemcord around $800 and teh first year storage fee waived .. subsequent storage fee only $200 per year.. not so exp la .. think can keep the cord blood up to 20 years ... that is the shelf life .. dunno can cultivate more if we want it longer .. hmm ..
Quiling, hopefully in 20 years time, technology advances and anything can be done liao.. want to keep how long also can... hopefully... I also heard my friend signing up for S$800+ last year... got to WAIT for promotion then... hopefully it comes along soon...
sasa de mouse,
yesterday just bought the cocoa butter stick from body shop.. i also used it during my last pregnancy.. and a few mixture of other brand too.. but guess.. will start with this first.. sign.. for me.. stomach did not have stretch mark.. but for my bums.. yes... sop sop..
anyway, like wat my HB say.. "Only i see wat, never mind lah"
i dun know what if they will donate.

What i know is that the cord will keep pulsating for abt 10 min after birth. This is when the cord blood can be collected. So they cut immediately and all the blood is supposed to be collected by special equipment and stored. That's why u must inform gynae in advance if u intend to store.

I cut cord only after the cord stopped pulsating so that all the blood goes into my baby instead.

Regd Placenta
Heard abt it's 'bu' properties too, and supposedly can improve our skin. I wanted to keep and consume it too. But I made a big mistake. That is, I mentioned to MIL and she was so freaked out. She is very very pantang so she kept nagging at me not too. Said it's bad for baby that I consume it. And dunno what pantang rubbish... She said if I want to bu she can make lots of tonics for me.

My mum was okay abt it but she said she's squeamish abt it so she din want to help me prepare it!

But in the end when I saw the bloody placenta, I said err... nevermind I dun wan anymore. haha
Anyway, I was too tired during confinement to do anything abt it if I had kept it.
there is a new technology to extract cord blood by NUS/NUH (forgot which one) professors published early this yr.

They have devised a new equipment to extract the blood directly from the placenta instead. This can yield more than twice the amt collected by the current technology.

Key thing is that if an adult needs transplant, what is collected from cord blood can only supply half the requirements. By the new mtd, they can provide enough.

Too bad this mtd is still in process of refining and commercialising.
But I'm still hoping it can be done by Sept since S'pore is so efficient!
goldfish, can u PM me, i will email the doc to u. it's rather simple, can get maid to do and u supervise her.

isabelle, u mentioned "I cut cord only after the cord stopped pulsating so that all the blood goes into my baby instead."

did your gynae said anything abt it? or is this common? and i also saw tat the gynae will use a stopper to snap the cord b4 cutting it, so if we told the gynae abt delaying the cutting of the cord, she wont snap it rite?

sorry for asking so much, coz i also wanna know more abt it, coz it seem impt tat we know abt this so tat it's beneficial to our NB. thanks for sharing.

thanks for ur recommendation. I'm at a loss as to wat stretchmark cream to use. my tummy beginning to itch at times.. so i guess i better start applying le.

A fren has suggested using Elancyl de... anyone heard of it before??

Storeberry: no prob.. hehe... hope it helps...
oops... i'm sorry.. getting really forgetful. forgot who asked abt ginger tea the other day le...

just wanted to say... i'm trying the ginger tea now (with honey).. wah.. taste real GOOD!!!! no ginger taste / smell at all leh.. all i get is the honey taste. i wont hesitate to drink another cup.. hehe
No pblm. Am happy to share.

I learnt abt all these from my hypnobirthing classes.
Sg hospital's std procedure is to cut the cord immediatly after birth. But dun ask me why cos I dunno. They must have their reasons. So if u dun say, they will clamp straight away.

I chose delayed cord clamping cos we were not storing cord blood and if I delay, the placenta blood cld help to provide my baby with oxygen while she was still trying to breathe on her own. So makes the transition easier. Plus it increased her store of iron, lessened the risk of anemia and some other benefits I forgot already.
But my baby cld really cry very very loudly. Lungs very powerful. I cld hear her coming to bf the moment she was wheeled out of the lift. Somemore I stayed in the last room down the aisle in TMC, and door was closed. Dunno if it's cos I did delayed cord clamping or she's just that loud.

Btw, I just found an article on BBC that says delayed cord clamping is esp beneficial to premature babies.
Link is here:
hey ladies...
for multivit like obimin and folic acid, do we take only for 1st trim or need to take throughout the whole pregnancy...really sick of taking those pill every morning..
Hi sasa

I bot ginger soya bean milk this morning and puke after awhile..
sickening! Careful, Ginger can be heaty. so must moderate.. if not, pimples will pop pop pop...
hi babyatom, i didn't know abt the requirement to deliver in restructured hospitals for the donation. will have to verify that then. i will most likely be giving birth at tmc since my o&g is there.

hi isabelle, i read abt both the benefits and risks of delayed clamping somewhere in this forum (another thread). there was a debate going on and lots of articles were cited in support of the different views. dunno if it's still around though.
HELLO ladies!!!

It's been realllllyy tough these few days cos my computer crashed!!! Havn't been able to log on to read the forum...really so bored at home!! Anyway this thread is so active...no time to catch up liao...

To all those who emailed me their Neurogain orders, I'll email you once I get the stock.

@loevera: hav u chked wif yr doc whether yr DHA250 is sufficient? nonid to take neurogain as well rite? let me knw ya?
winnie... i think must take those pills thru out the pregnancy leh... i am also so sick of the pills esp Obimin and Neurogain... Smells so horrid and they are the main contributors to my Nausea... everytime i eat it somehow will trigger the vomit feel and everytime i burp and pass urine, also got the smell... The only console i have is knowing that these pills does the baby well... thinking of those pills makes my goosepimples stand now!
Mrs Yap & Winnie, I am also so sick of taking so much pills. Its yucky especially the hormone pills...

Sasa, so need to boil ginger 1st or..?
Hi All,

TMC have offer one benefit so called FIRST BORN INCENTIVE. you guys may apply it at level 1 (Lobby) yearly subscription of S$95 (if i am not wrong)and you can enjoy 10% discount of hospital bill (eg.check up, OSCAR & etc) and it also applicable to certain Gynae clinic at TMC. I am going to check more details on my next appt.
Hi Sly

Ya, the mummies were talking abt it. FBI or SBI (Subsequent Born Incentive). Issit $95 ? I read from mummies here that it was $148 ?
Isabelle: i never put any ginger slices inside leh.. coz its those pre-packed kind. juz mixed with water de. hehe... but den hor.. coz dun have the ginger smell / taste, like not so nice leh.. mayb the nxt time i drink, i'll consider cutting some ginger slices inside

LC: oh no... poor thing. ur MS still hanging around huh?? wah... ginger soya bean milk sounds... hhhmm.... hehe
oops.. didnt noe ginger was heaty leh.. tot its good coz helps to *qu feng* and i tot it was in ytd's chinese papers tat it helps to curb nauseousness??? anyway, my mil read and seems like it helps in water retention too... hehe... so many benefits..

talking abt heatiness.. wonder wats wrong with my body. i've been having flu for 3 days le. hope sore throat doesnt follow leh.. and i've got a really BIG ulcer on my tongue. wah... eating is a big put-off...

storeberry: i never put fresh ginger inside leh...

sly chua: hhmm... think now the cost is $148 for 2 yrs bah... i juz signed up for it on Tue only..
this price would go up if u sign up after 28wks i think...
@loever@, thanks for the info. Do you happen to know if we can wash clothes, dishes, do household chores, etc during our confinement?

I'm now in a dilemma. At first I was so happy as my mom is able to do my confinement for me, and my HB is agreeable even though it would mean staying over at her house so that she can help me out at night too, which I really appreciate. Suddenly, now he tells me his mom wants to do it for me. And of course, priority must be given to his mom.
And he's even so unreasonable as to suggest that my mom comes over after dinner to help out at night... How can I ask my mom of that? I just feel that if his mom wants to do confinement for me, then she should do a proper one, including helping out at night, not only doing the easy job of during the day time. He even told me that women of the past didn't need any people to help them out during the night. He was the one who already told me from the start that I can only depend on myself during the night as he would not wake up to help me since he HAS to work the next day. So of course I was glad when my mom offers to help out. And then now this.

I'm really skeptical of my MIL doing confinement for me, as first, I don't really like her cooking. Second, she doesn't have any updated experience at all. I hope she knows what she will be doing. And third, I can't ask her to do the household chores or help me with this and that, right? She's not my own mom after all, so I guess it means I will have to do everything myeslf?

All this stress and worry is really not good for me. sob...

Can i check with you where can i get cheap maternity clothes? Saw some previous postings abt shops at AMK n Toa Payoh, does anyone knows where the actual place is? TIA!!
For those interested in knowing more abt the FBI. I got this from the email they sent to me...

FBI/SBI is a maternity savings programme privilege card which is valid for 2 years. To apply for this card, pls provide us your mailing address and we will mail the application form to you.

The incentives are as follows:-

1) Fetal assessment scan (Oscar or Detailed scan) /X-ray or Ultrasound scan(excluding laboratory tests and Amniocentesis) at TMC Level 4 ,entitled you to 10% savings.

2) Ante-natal courses (Parentcraft Centre) at TMC Level 3, entitled you to 10% savings.

3) Hospital Services – Savings on Total Hospital Bill Delivery .Single room - $100.00 off total hospital bill, 2 bedded : $80.00 off total hospital bill and 4-bedded $ 60.00 off total hospital bill

4) If your gynaecologist is in our FBI/SBI program, you enjoy a 5% off professional fees (delivery fee) and paediatrics is 10%off on consultation fee (inpatient & outpatient)

5) Visit Thomson 24-Hr Family at TMC – yourself, your spouse and new born baby enjoy 10% savings.

6) If you or your spouse would like to do a yearly health screening at our Lifestyle Centre at TMC Level 5, both of you will enjoy a 10% savings.

7) Upon signing up for FBI/SBI program, 3 books worth $48.00 are given to you FOC (Childbirth, Breastfeeding & Childcare) which is written by our Lactation Consultant Mrs Wong Boh Boi.

8) We also have quite a number of Retail Partners that tie-up with TMC - maternity wears, baby products, milk products, confinement food and health products etc.

9) Price of card for FBI: $148.00nett, $188.00 nett (late subscription) – applicable to those who are more than 28 weeks pregnant and over

Price of card for SBI : $ 128.00 nett applicable to those who have previously delivered in TMC, $ 148.00 nett – applicable to those who have previously delivered at hospitals other than TMC and $188.00nett(late subscription) – applicable to those who are 28 weeks pregnant and over.

10) If you are taking the cord blood banking for your baby with M/s Cordlife, you can save $50.00 per year on the storage fee (start from 2nd to 6th years). For the 1st year, you need to paid a fee of $ 1,200.00 instead of $ 1,400.00 (save $ 200.00)

11) For our TMC pharmacy, you enjoy a 10% savings for purchasing any products except for milk products, pampers and promotional items.

12) NEW – Free 6 months insurance coverage by AXA Life for your newborn and Cash Gift* under OCBC Mighty Savers Programme. – Terms and conditions apply
Hi Wingkei

Cheer up

Try not to do housework during confinement. We need to rest during the one month to replenish our energy. My mum was telling me that her health worsened drastically after giving birth to me cos she didnt do a proper confinement of resting.

For me, my mum did confinement for me but she only stayed till dinner time then she will go home to rest. Can understand her point of view that its really tiring of her to look aft the newborn 24/7 for 1 whole month, somemore she's not the CL mar.... so I take turns with my maid at nite to take care of my gal 2 weeks after i gave birth as my DH went back to work then.
Mebbe u can ask ur DH to take leave for the 1st 2 weeks so that he can help at nite while u rest before he returns to work ?

hi sasa de mouse, do u have the list of gynaes / pediatricians that are involved in the FBI programme? I asked TMC for the list but they didn't provide me..
