(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="0077aa">Autum: Thanks! So porridge is ok.. But one thing is my MIL don't puree the vegetable at all, she just throw everything in the slow cooker to cook so by the time the veg is all soft alr. Is it the right way or puree will be better? That's why I have been delaying buying the bb cubes...

The busybee: Yah this is the blog! Thanks! I want to be bringing baby out cos don't want him to coop at home.

Gunibabe: Is the bb cubes still available? I heard 1oz size cube has been obsoleted by the manufacturer...</font>

Lanolin: At least you are in touch with the world. I haven't been reading the papers nor watching much news. Haha. and Erm...i'm not that dedicated. cos i m lzy to do housework...and handwash his laundry. i dump everything in washing machine. ahahah..

L'l cy: wwow! you memorised poems ah? very good. i am thinking of getting TS Eliot's poems on cats and reading them. DO you like Oscar Wilde's children stories? i love them! but think they might be too long for baby now right? hahah. back to the flashcards, where did you buy them? those from the website springz posted is super ex!

flos: thanks for explanation. the exersaucer looks expensive!
<font color="0077aa">Sarah: Thanks for the links! I am reading those ladybird fairytales.. don't know if its good.. It has been a looong time since I went to the library!
Yah he used only for 5mins, I hope he can drink more so can sleep more! Yes, its usually 2.5-3hours apart. The rainforest piano sounds like a good toys! Yah, let us know what toys you want &amp; see if we can help you lug back!

I haven't start devotion time with bb yet, hmm... must start someday!

Gunibabe: Yah, BP is superlly addictive! So many things to buy yet so little money... </font>
do u know which BP selling those cubes? Good to stock them...ready for solid food later.

Can we get those at Popular bookstore, Borders etc?

So many things to shop, so little time &amp; $$!!
Seeing a few mommies talking about shoes reminds me that I have 3 pairs of Nine West shoes sitting pretty in my cardboard. They are all brand with box.

Bought them in April when my feet swelled to Size 9 but never got round to wearing them. Now that my feet has shrunk back to Size 8 after delivery, they don't fit me anymore. All made with genuine leather.

Bought for $155 each pair now selling at only $79 per pair. FOC normal postage. PM me if you are keen



Sarahmay, I was also contemplating in replacing full time help or getting PT cleaner after our domestic help left. decided no point to replace full time help as my place is relatively small and not much for her to do anyway since i want to be the main caregiver for Mikayla. So we were looking at the various pt help options, just relax looks good. they even steam clean but they are pricey. But with the downturn of the economy and me not working we decided to tighten our belts and do our own chores. I am lazy too, just need time to adjust. The savings from hiring help can be splurged on our little one.!

BB cubes, there was a recent BP for 1 oz cubes. I bought the 2oz ones tho. As there are measurement markings on them still can store food in 1oz amt when baby is younger and when appetite increase still can use the cubes no need to buy bigger ones.

Storeberry, I also want to bring baby out!! Trying to convince hubs.
READING TO BABIES - Just curious. how do you read to baby as in what position? when baby is lying down or you place baby on your lap with his head lying on your chest?
Bacon &amp; Egg

Can get fr popular.. taka also got sell the ones "your baby can read" series..can go see if you are interested..I saw some at MPH too..
alamek, forget to ask u, bacon&amp;egg.. can I join you for the mattel sale next friday? I no transport.. so if you dun mind, can pick me up at one of the station at your convenience?
sarahmay, i haven't gotten round to checking out the bkstores yet (procrastinator extraodinaire i am). u're fast becoming an early childhood education expert already! i dun do that much with my baby actually. no reading but i talk and sing to her loads. we jiggle and dance quite a bit too. it's become such a natural routine that i've even caught myself doing it outside! but mommies with small children can be excused for acting goofy in public areas la.
have u brought elisha out on your own over there yet?
I sign to baby whenever I remember (which is rare coz when baby cries for milk, I do stuff at lightning speed &amp; forgot to sign, lol). I only sign 'Milk' &amp; 'Diaper' to him now, the only two critical stuff in his mind now &amp; all my poor brain can remember.. Haha.

Yesterday I went to MPH &amp; bought some Mr. Men &amp; Thomas The Tank series of mini books as well as a Nursery Rhyme book to read to baby.
I also got myself some figure-flattering maxi dresses!
Sarahmay: it is a fun toy-cum-furniture to keep your lil one entertained and busy, esp if u wanna run small errands around the house and dun want the crawling todd to trip over your wires at home
It's between $250-$400 for an activitiy center. However, I find some designs too 'busy' for a toddler. I realise that my nephew does not take interest in all the activities around the saucer. So dun be to quick to invest in a very crowded exersaucer with lots of 'ling ling long long'.

I also love Lamaze cloth books but I wonder if the bb really can appreciate the contents of the book at all?

Poetry recital to bbs...lilboymom and sarah, wow u two are really on! For a moment, I thought u were reciting T S Eliot's The Waste Land or The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock to Elisha!! So sombre...

Oscar Wilde? The homosexual chap? That reminds me I've a lot of poetry books and novels in my junkyard. Maybe it's time to dig them out for Isaac too

Autum: thanks for the hot tips on baby cubes. My SIL uses lil plastic cups that hawkers use to contain chili sauce. Saw her maid using the slow cooker to puree all the good stuffs then putting them into these lil cups. She doesn't freeze them but she only chills them for a week I guess. At times, the maid also blends the tougher ingredients like ikan bilis using a blender.

Busybee: I've one busy bee who keeps bringing Isaac out to the malls, and even a wet market in my neighbourhood!! We will be taking him to see the christmas lightup soon:p

Gunibabe: No Guni for the time being? But Ive been drinking lots of guni still! Ooops...I wonder if my son's non-stop ATOMIC BOMB just an hour ago was due to drinking my 'virus-contaminated' EBM (oh yes, I was surprised to wake up with a wet bra, so I went to pump 40ml out this morning)...

BP: hmm, I'm not a great fan of BP...cos I like to go out to shop and get my item asap!!! Plus a few misses of my registered parcels makes me develop a dislike for virtual shopping. I just missed my strawberrynet parcel from HK on Wed...again! Had to call them to redeliver ytd...

Mei: Your recommendation of the Mothercare sleepsuits is really good! Isaac loves the feel of the cotton, my maid likes the ease of changing his diapers, and my hubby loves the look of it (I bot the patterned ones). He says it's too nice to wear it to sleep
I have been bringing my gal out since she was full month. So far, so good. She enjoys shopping like mummy! Just make sure u prepare all that is necessary, and know where the nursery rooms are at ur fingertips

Abt the Toy rental, I did recommend one in my previous post. www.gogomummy.com . I've not rented from them though, so can't comment on their service. Shouldn't be that bad..
Yes, worthy investment right? Diaper changing is really a breeze &amp; I love how baby looks in it, especially that feet part, so cute! Now whenever there's a sale on the sleepsuits, I'll just buy &amp; keep. That time I bought one 3-piece pack for 9 month baby to keep, it was only $28!!
Sarah May
D piano looks good. Will probably get one of these kind of toys soon for my boy. I think he's toy deprived.

Another thing to share.. My boy is drinking lesser nowadays.. Sumtimes he'll sleep longer and skip a feed. Even when he's awake, he'll refuse d bottle when its feeding time. IS this normal? Im just worried that he may not get enuf nutrition.
I brought Devon to the PD on wed &amp; his weight is 6.1kg, 62cm at 12 weeks. He's drooling a lot &amp; chewing on whatever he can get his hands on so he could be teething so we were given some teething gel.
Devon might be holding out till u get back at lunchtime to feed/latch cos he knows mummy cant stand hearing him upset. J is also like that die die will not use the bottle. but i have been dumping him with my parents (the brave souls!) to get haircut etc and they ahve managed to feed him some with the bottle. big achievement for us so perhaps u need to not come back at lunch? rather than set up a home office which might exacerbate the fussiness?

think J is also around Kieran's age and size and he has been waking now too. its probably a growth spurt..i hope!;)

reading to bb
i was super on for #1 and now with #2, am sadly quite apathetic but spurred by u mummies i will start reading again to #2. actually i read almost eveyrthing to #1 including junk mailers and from the newspapers and he has grown to be an avid reader on his own. thik that bbs are mostly interested in the sound of your voice and they love books with bright colours but not too busy pictures. #2's current reading material are the christmas catalogues from the mail..hahaha!

for poetry, #1 loved shel silverstein but not Dr Seuss. strange eh?

there is a shop/warehouse called september 21 that sells all the eric carle/leo lionni books with 10% for teachers . Its at blk13 toa payoh lor 8 in the industrial park 4th floor. they arent all that cheap but they have the full range usually and are great for getting christmas shopping for kids done in one place.
Mei: I intend to stock up on more patterned ones. I hvn't been letting him wear those sleep sacks I bought cos he feels very comfortable in those MC sleepsuits already.

missy: my son is also drinking lesser now. It doesn't bother me as long as he is putting on weight and very alert &amp; active under his Rainforest! keke.

Jas: why do we need to "know where the nursery rooms at our fingertips"? Just look out for the BB Changing Rooms signage and go! So far I've tried:

1. Mothercare
2. Centrepoint
3. Paragon (both level 3 &amp; 5)
4. Parkway Parade
5. Marina Sq
6. Taka
7. Ngee Ann public toilets
8. Vivocity
9. Junction 8
10. Ikea
11. Suntec
12. Raffles City

Frankly, we shd be thankful we are rearing our children in such a clean and bb-friendly environment. Check out this couple I met (and photographed) in the western part of china. Isn't it worse to 'bjorn' your toddler in a basket, and to hv a hole cut in his pants to facilitate his pooping and peeing in public?
re: baby cubes
i got mine last time thru another forum mummy. actually dun need to specifically use Baby-cubes. Some of my friend actually freeze a whole tray of ice-cubes.. but must cover (buy those ice-cube tray with cover). then after frozen, u can take out all the cubes and place them all inside one big container (tupperware). I used Babycube because I need to transport the frozen puree around (from home to IFC). but if your baby is at home, you don't need individual cubes, u can just freeze whole tray.

Also note that babycube is only 1oz size. It's good enough for initial months. After that, I stop using, I freeze in bigger containers cos i wanted more quantity. But it's still handy. I have friends who freeze cubes of different types of food and then just take out different cubes each time to make a meal. attached a pic of babycube.

re: Blender
I am using Braun handheld blender. I think any type of food processor also can la. attached a pic.

Must steam first. Must make sure the food is thoroughly cooked for our baby. To warm, just take out the cube and defrost. like normal defrost of ice. If u use a cube container, just immerse container in hot water.
Actually it's not me who can't stand the crying but my mum.. so what can I do? When Devon wails non-stop, my mum can't take it &amp; will call me to come home immediately. I also don't want her to feel resentful if I just dump him with her &amp; let her deal with it when it's my kid.
<font color="0000ff">LC
really ah.. hhhmm... but den again.. max will sleep on his back most of the times oso lah..

haha... my boy dun sleep on side oso will wriggle around the whole bed. there was once i woke up to find him turn 180 degrees.... meaning to say, his head was where his legs were supposed to be and vice versa.. i got a shock.. haha... btw.. he was still sleeping when i found him in this position
ahhhhhhhh.. you mummies are so active in the past couple of hours! Upon Flos' advice, I proceeded to KKH already! Just came back for 3pm pump haha.. Thanks thanks to all you lovely ladies for suggestions on membranes
happily hands free pumping now (haha so I can type this!!!)

Kies so much to comment on..

Puree - Autumn thanks for your tips!! Totally clueless about this!

Sarahmay - sweetie! Thanks for all the links and suggestions.. equally clueless about these things. 20 books a day!! Haha.. Bigtoes - now you know how to occupy your time with Kieran!!!

Signing - I'm not so sure abt this y'know. I've heard of a couple of todds who still can't talk coz happily signing still!

Eric Carle's Books - Guess we were not fast enough! http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/1901801.html?1227669400

BPs - Me Me! I'm a BP addict!
Much to hubby's chagrin! Therapy anyone?

Flos - haha me too.. brought Shauna out so many times.. to wet mkt too!! haha.. but I think you expose Issac more to malls.. for me it is just following me around as I run errands..

LC(Faintz) - Er I show Shauna flashcards lying beside her.. can demo tomorrow haha.. btw I bought the cards from Hwa Xia.. it is pretty big, colourful and words are small (so won't detract attention).. downside is that the words are on the same side as the picture..

Busybee - Yups! Gathering is from 2pm onwards, near old airport rd. If you free join us la!!! PM me for address ya..

oh oh oh! Have to add.. for all the weeks of mopping the mattress, Shauna lifted her head today!! and pretty high push up even... think babies got mood one.. yeah she was like that for swimming as well. 1st and 2nd swim arms and legs dangling. 3rd attempt kick so furiously. Other mummies having difficulty on tummy time - jia you! Just keep trying! (Btw, I only give Shauna tummy time once a day hahaha lazy me..)

Question time - anyone with pacifier trouble? Shauna is becoming super reliant on the pacifier to soothe herself to sleep. Cries the house down. When inserted, she sucks so hard that it pops out in a few minutes. This keeps going on and on for hours, cry, insert, pop out - cry, insert, pop out and on and on.. very tiring, esp at dawn. Anyone experience this? Any ideas on how to keep the pacifier in??
haha..i used to memorise them when i was in school. now ah,..see if can recall them! :p

yes i love oscar wilde.eliots cat is a bit long leh...my attention span might drift..kekeke...what about blake's tyger?i think bbs will like the rhythm in it now?

you mean there arent any libraries over at macau?

i posted some links sometime back on flashcards.cant rem were i place them now..but here is one more..can print it on paper then flash it...


board books vs cloth books
my advice to mummies is that dun invest too much on either yet. i bought loads of cloth books for my fb, but he never took to it, went for board books immediately. sad lah..wasted my money..hope they can be of interest to ch now..

think porridge is more natural choice. at least it isnt processed. the concern about porridge is that it contains more water than carbo..that's why PD recc cereal...but i'll mnost likely start ch on porridge first though...

popular has loads of flashcards but quality differ so have to choose lo...

i got quite a bit of my cards from mylittleones.com...their webbie not really updated and they hv more than what's shown online, so can email them to ask...thier BOI cards are quite cheap, but POI cards are more expensive loh...(still cheaper than the original GD POI cards lah - $36 vs $59)

unlike you..i LOVE virtual shopping. coz dun have to go out. im quite task oriented when it comes to shopping. i just google what i want, click and buy it, dun like to browse...
Autum has given u many pointers abt IFCs. It's really not all that bad if u can find one that u r comfortable with. I am not so hardworking like Autum to bring my own puree but I do bring my own organic bb cereal (bought off the shelf) and bb yoghurt too. Do check out their menu as I hv ever come across some that serve only fish (Goldfish, if u r reading, it's the one that Ethan goes to). No chicken (cos they claim parents don't like it as it cause coughs) or pork (to cater to Muslims). For your reference, the one J went to also mixes Brown rice /ikan bilis (for the calcium) to cook the porridge.

Toys are usually sterilized at least once daily. In addition, I often consult the IFC owners on child-rearing matters too which they will gladly help (e.g. how to toilet-train my boy, what food to use for starting solids, is it normal to bite based on their experience, how is my kid developing vs. others his age, how to prep Joshua for Jonas etc).
My boy will b 3 months in abt a weeks' time.. He's born on d 4th. I guess i shouldnt bother too much, since he is gaining weight..

Baby cubes: Hehhhee.. Sori, i missed out on a lot of posts... But wat are they for..? can we actually start feeding our babies by now..?
o yes...

wanted to say this about signing..

it is a very 'in' thing now..but many parents are worried that children who sign are lazy to talk..

i started my fb on signing when he was 7mths old (thereabout lah)...

wait a bit of history on my fb. he was actually diagnose as 'failure to thrive' when he was around a year old. he was very very skinny and just didnt put on any weight after i went back to work (very stubborn boy, no bottle means no bottle...then reject solids too), come to think of it, he was only 7.2kg at 13mths

failure to thrive also includes possible learning delays etc (So said the PD)

so when he started talking late i wasnt surprise. but i was glad i started signing with him. signing is a form of communication. children are all dying to communicate with the world and they are all trying their best to learn how to communicate. if he finds he cant talk and there are no other means to communicate, they will get very frustrated and you'll have your hands full with an angry toddler who throw tantrums often due to that.

my boy started signing back to me at around a year plus. he wasnt talking that much yet. so signing was his way of communicating. when he started talking..he has no problems whatsoever with signing and talking (tho he kinda abandoned signing now)...

many research has also shown that signing is good for neural development as it it invovles psychomotor skills of transmitting words into actions etc...

so whatever the case is, many bbs wills tart signing back at very early age and that is their form of communicating with the world..when they find their tongue, they will talk...
Yah yah.. i am reading the forum silently. Opps.. let me ask them 2nite! So issit good or bad to eat onie fish EVERY DAY? Sounds quite boring rite? So a 'better' IFC in comparison will have a more exciting food menu rite??
Babycubes: hey Autum, thanks for telling me abt babycubes. I'm interested. Who's selling do lemme know yah?

lilboymom: Tyger tyger burning bright, in the forest of the night? Er, u literature fanatic yah? must expose CY and CH to all these great sonnets?!! kekeke

"Signing"? I'm new to this jargon. What's signing? Like playing charade with mommy and daddy?
Hey Flos.. I first heard about signing about 7 yrs ago coz my fren was doing it. As lilboymum explained it is a form of communication for todds before they talk.. can start as early as few months. I've seen my fren's babies sign please, thank you and 'inform' parents they pee-ed or poo-ed. There is a whole Repertoire of words. It is only in recent years that I heard of some todds who took a long time to talk after signing...

Angeline, is City Hall MRT station convenient for you? Can take bus 14 (Use the Esprit exit at Raffles City. You will see a bus stop opposite. (i.e. Raffles Hotel side). The map I attached shows which bus stop to get down. I think it is the 6th bus stop excluding the Raffles Hotel stop (Nicoll Hwy itself has 3 bus stops: Sun Tec, Concourse, PA). The black circles in the map shows the bus stops. Anything call me pl. My hp is in the map...
l'l cy: i love blake. def on my reading list. forgot to bring my collection here. lib here pathetic. bookshops lso. only chinese.... n tt is my hubby's dept. cats ong...but can do own abridged version. hahahah. thanks for info on signing. wat is POI n BOI?

kym: she's a cutie!

dseptkon: dr seuss too rhyme-y? i also dun really like reing him. prefer shel silverstein too.

goldfish: dun stress! how is ethan now? rber God's always god. ethan will be given a clean bill of health!keep us updated!

springz: thanks for mailing me the links. was in my acct tt i hardly check!

milie: signing is sign language. tw ur boy is only 3 days younger than mine!
<font color="0077aa">baby signing: My fren got me the baby signing book before I gave birth but must make an effort to remember! So far I can only remember "drink milk" &amp; always forget to sign to bb!

Lilboymum: So when should we start signing? So many things to do, falshcards, signing... Keke..
Thanks for the advice on porridge! I also love online shopping! Come to think of it, it has been a long time since I shop at big malls!

Kymkym: Scarlett is becoming so pretty!! Big lovely eyes!</font>
Springz - mine too . ask for pacifier then suck a while push out, then ask again. my fingers are the stoppers for the time being and its tiring. sigh.

Sasa - C&amp; K sale - u did not miss much la. Else it means spending money.

KymKym - scarlett is pretty.

PUB bill - i received my BIG bill today $429 for my confinement month. Gosh and it was only aircon, cooking and washing. This is 4 times what hubby and i pay when we were in our DINKs days.

BB flipping on their own - any tips how to be with bb 24 hours to ensure safety?

BB food - start from 4th month we can feed semi solids? wow, that is fast. it means end dec early jan we would have to start them on these. Then if weaning to FM after 6 months, how many feeds since they will be on semi solids?
hahah..yah lor..that's why mummies are always so busy...

signing can start as early as 3mths or so...i think one of the first successful words is 'milk'..kekekek...(good especially for bfg mums who dun wanna little rascals to start nuzzling into your blouse or worse flip up your blouse when you are outside shopping!!) secret sign for both of you...
Hi Springz ,
dun think i can go over ur place tomo..my poor Cayden having a cough now.. imagine a 10week old bb trying to cough .. i very heart pain..
At e same time i also angry.. coz it all started from my brother in law.. he had cough about 3 -4 weeks ago, ask him go see doc, dun wanna go.. i know he wanna save money.. but there's so many kids at my house.. for those who know me should know tat every day there will be more than 12 people at home having dinner.. he cough for so long.. even after so many reminder he still refuse and claim tat it will go off by itself.. true enough my worries came ..my fb started coughing too... and little Chloe had to go thru so much drama to have her medicine each time.. and becoz of him having to save his money .. we have to spent $60 to see PD
And today, after a long day at work.. came back home to hear from my mil to tell me tat my bb Cayden is coughing!! I'm so angry but yet can say out.. becoz of 1 man stubbornness both my darling have to suffer.. tomo i have to bring Cayden to see doc..
Chloe just recovered from cough for 2 days and now Cayden turn.. I really feel like telling e rest of my whoever and whatever in laws know next time who ever is sick .. PLEASE DUN COME MY HOUSE!!!! ah!!!
<font color="0077aa">Momoko, aiyooo.. your BIL cannot make it leh! Yah definitely herat pain to see your boy coughing, hope he will recover soon!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): Seem like for flashcards we need to have a system to show baby but for me who is going back to work next mth, then how to consistently do that?</font>
wow, so many posts today! I'm lost in the thread!

storeberry: oh, I didn't know that the 1oz one has been discontinued.

bacon&amp;eggs &amp; LC: I held back on buying the cubes because I'm not sure if I will have time to make puree for GuniBoy cos his grannies, who are his day-care givers, are likely to cook porridge for him everyday. Plus lazy mummy is likely to give him bottled ones when we're out! ;p

babies &amp; tv: hmmn, I'm aware of the harmful effects, such as short-sightedness, overstimulation and it being a fast-medium that babies can pick up stuff quickly. I think what is important is that there's some form of supervision, to explain and help them decipher what is going on on TV. My in laws, and hubby, sometimes just place GuniBoy in his rocker, and in front of the tv. I do it occassionally but will be more selective in the programs. I try to play the 2 baby DVDS I got for him, but sometimes it's just news or drama channel! For eyesight issue, I make sure they place GuniBoy at least 2 metres away from the tv!

Momoko: oh dear, poor Chloe and Cayden! your BIL really darn buay zi dong! He must be a single young man, nonchalent about the wellness of others around him, tsk tsk tsk.

breadmum: gosh, your bills are even higher than mine! I thought mine was bad at $327!

Eric Carle: I love his books and how he can communicate a few concepts in his books simply! So far I only got the famous Caterpillar book, it's bundled with a small plush toy, got it from Popular for $20 plus after 20% discount for members. I also saw his numbers flash cards, but they're very expensive at $30 plus!
<font color="0000ff">Hello to all new mummies in the thread!

hey blake's tiger is a good suggestion
the wasteland?
flos, I dun think lilboymum's CY understands german n french! And anyway, what a depressing thing to read. Hee hee
Since we're on this topic, have u ladies read philip larkin's "this be the verse"? I find it funny n witty!

u taught lit last time in JC?

I like it lots, but yes, it's too "rhymey". Only abab pattern. Like it cos it reminds me of the happy days when i was young.

ur BIL is so irritating! Feel like punching him for you...

think supplier is called PageOne. Can google for it. It's at vivo or harbour front i think.

thinks for sharing the book supplier details!

I also used the braun handheld blender. It's good!

yep, dun mix the cereal with the milk. My PD has a patient who is still drinking cereal/porridge etc from the bottle at 3 years old!!! It started cos the grandma/mother did that when baby was young and baby refused to eat normally later on. He was so shocked! Anyway, this ain't a medical condition. Just have to re-train lah. Though it's so hard.
And on jewelbox
food was okay only. But I guess I was so glad that we were out on a date that it didn't matter!

I'm not sure which restaurant I ate at. I think it was the sapphire. Was al fresco dining.

I take my baby out all the time!

I confirm can;t go today cos baby has a little bit of blocked nose. Think she got it from my mum n maid. Plus I feel a sore throat coming up on my part. So dun wanna go spread the germs ard...
Haiz... must be all the food I ate! Mummies, I have been so greedy recently!
Sunday: 5 star chicken rice plus roast duck, hainainese pork shops etc for lunch alone
Mon: Jewel box
Wed: Kuishinbo buffet
Thurs: Old Airport Rd Char Kway Teow, Pasta, Belgian waffles,etc
Fri: Heavy dinner (subway plus dinner at home)
Tmr: Vegetarian buffet

Wah lao... i'd better stop this manz... </font>
scarlett is so cute!

I think I'm too lazy to start this. I'll be glad if i can even stick to a regular routine of reading and prayer! Which I can;t even do now though now I have more time than usual working days! =(

<font color="ff0000">XMAS SHOW FOR KIDS

SInce there's both girls and boys, here's 2 gender neutral suggestions:

Pooh &amp; Friends
Takashimaya B2, 28 Nov - 8 Dec
1pm, 3pm, 5pm &amp; 7pm
*No show on 2 Dec

Sesame Street LIVE Show
Marina Square, 22 Nov-7 Dec
Tues-Thurs: 1pm &amp; 7pm
Fri-Sun: 1pm, 4pm &amp; 7pm
Meet-n-Greet for first 40, no purchase required.

Any other suggestions?

lok, I'm fine with 6 or 7 dec. Is it also okay with u ladies?

Any other 2006 mummies wanna join? Or mummies with older/younger todds?</font>

ooh sorry for my loooong posts today,

but I wanted to share another poet too for mummies:
Spike Milligan's on the Ning Nang Nong. It sounds so silly but it's so cute!
And sarah may, I like shel silverstein's "the giving tree!"

okay, tata for now! Once my two babies get up and my big baby (hubbs) too, i won;t have anymore time to post!
