(2008/09) Sep 2008

i didnt get the symptoms till mid week 6 onwards...sometimes symptoms comes as early as week 5, some come later. I hope mine will go away soon...

any mtb feel sudden pull in the breast area, near the armpit?
hi everyone!
i just discovered i'm preggie this Mon (14Jan) when i went to see a GP for stomach cramps. being anxious, i alrdy went to see a gynae yday but when he did a scan, there's nothing except a small black dot which i cldn't remember wat he called it... or do u all think the GP made a mistake?

based on my last period (09Dec), m i considered 5wks preggie, EDD in Sep'08? how soon can i see something frm the scans?? also, i went for a chest x-ray b4 i discovered i'm preggie... will it affect the little one?

i read tat all of u hv so many symptoms... but i only feel nauseous (no vomit) n hv no appetite. really makes me wonder if the GP made a mistake or is there anything wrong?
Hello mummies,

this thread is really moving super fast. Just finishing reading.

As for not eating mutton, i guess it's because baby will smell issit? haha. old wives tale.

But i ate crab before i knew i was preggie. I think if not aware it's ok bah. haha

They say eat crab baby will like to touch this & that next time. But my twins also like this leh. But not as serious as i seen some kids. Can touch the walls, wipe the dust. blah blah blah*

How many of you are ftwm?? I'm still working too. But very very lazy. My 1st pregnancy I didn't work at all. Just nap whenever I'm tired. *hai*

Oh, & those who are expecting 2nd or 3rd bb, are your kids ok with it? I told my twins but the older twin is so against having a baby. Say baby not cute, i don't want. haha.. but younger 1 seems ok. But dun want bb to call him kor kor. He say call him by name. *faints*
Hello eve,

I doubt it's a mistake lar. Have you fix an appointment with gynae??

I'm also feeling nauseous only. But not vomiting yet. But feeling fat. I couldn't lose some weight from previous pregnancy.

My tummy now looks like 3+4mths preggie leh. My husband also quite shocked by the size of my tum tum.
Here's my list of food to avoid, especially in first trimester:
- avoid cooling stuff such as tea, watermelon, pineapple, papaya, orange, Delmonte bananas, no barley or any cooling herbal tea
- no mutton (the chinese believe that the child will be hairy if you eat this during pregnancy)
- no cold drinks
- avoid any drinks with caffeine, even Pokka Green Tea also contains caffeine, so that leaves us with very little choices. Gynae mentioned if you need to take, limit to 1 cup per day
- avoid taking too much carrots, too much beta Carotene is not good for the baby in first trimester. My mum said to avoid taking too much of orange food and ginger towards last trimester or baby will have jaundice. I believe there's some truth to this even though it was stated that there's nothing we can do to avoid jaundice. My niece is 1 yr old and my SIL fed her with papaya puree everyday to help her with her bowel system, my niece ended up slightly yellow, and her palms were orangey, so they stopped feeding her papaya on a regular basis.
- avoid fish with high mercury level, such as shark and tuna (gynae said at max a fist size serving, not more than twice a week)
- gynae said to avoid raw food, make sure what you consume is fully cooked. If having ham, cold cut, heat up in the oven before consuming
- avoid blue cheese and non-pasteurised cheese and diary products

That's all I can remember for now.

I didnt have much symptoms, just felt more tired than usual and had my usual cramps for 2 days so I thought my menses was coming. Then when it didnt come 3 days later and I had missed for a week, I tested twice and it was positive. I called my GP immediately to consult if I need to see her and should I be worried about the cramps. Was assured that it's normal, probably due to uterus stretching or the process called implantation. So long as there's no bleeding, I need not be worried. I didnt see my GP but I started sourcing for a gynae and made appointment to see her 2 weeks later, which was yesterday.

Eve: can try to schedule another appointment with another gynae when you're 8-9 weeks time to be sure. But in the meantime, do take care and start taking folic acid. You can get them for less than $3 (for 100 tablets of 5mg) at NTUC pharmacy, UNITY.

To minimise morning sickness or nausea, take more small meals, make sure you eat when you're hungry or you'll feel worse. I read that dry crackers/biscuits such as wholemeal/wheat biscuits helps to alleviate it.

I've been taking many small meals everyday since I got preggie as I'm hungry all the time, but can't eat too much at one go or I'll feel super bloated and wants to throw up!

Hope that helps!
bacon&egg (baconegg) - my last period was on 5th Dec, so if I calculate based on that, I am also about 6 weeks preggers! But still no tummy or any indication (except for being hungry all the time!) I took 2 home test, but don't have a gyne checkup till after CNY...maybe I should buy another home test kit to be certain! heh...

kel (optimus_ke)- I am also working full time, and travel alot for work. In fact, we think the baby was conceived overseas!
Am planning to continue travelling until after the 2nd trimester cos of work commitments..hopefully that would be okie
hi kel,
i jus went to see a gynae yday n did the scan which i cld only see a small black dot n he said to see him again in 2 wks time n hopefully by then we can see more. when i went to see him, i was expecting to do a few tests (urine, blood tests) but i didnt do any. the gynae simply asked me a number of qns n did the ultrasound scan... btw, my tummy is not showing yet.

hi shazz,
i'm alrdy taking folic acid n also some other vitamins which the gyane gave me but being a "worrier", i cant help thinking if there's anything wrong since there's nothing much to show tat i'm preggie except tat i missed my period.
Bigtoes (limay): my last menses was 1st Dec, so you should also be 6 weeks preggie as well. =)

My gynae advised me not to travel during the 1st trimester and last trimester. 2nd trimester is safe to travel and I've planned my trips around that period. For our case, best time for us to travel is from March till end July.

But if you need to travel for work purpose, may want to see your gynae and seek advise and bring along any medications just in case.
Hope that helps!
hihi morning ladies,
i think still can continue to eat as per normal but moderately, just make sure it's well cooked. 1st trimester bb organs, bone structures forming so just be more carefully with what eat. Things will get better in yr 2nd trimester onwards...so let's jia you :)

Kel-my gal still young so she dont know abt having a younger mei-mei or kor-kor. I hope she wont get jealous by the time #2 comes along.

Eve-dont worry too much ya, not much symptons for me too except very tired, nauseous & sensitive to smell. Take extra care now, continue with your folic acid. I'm into my 8wks now have yet see gynae yet, schedule 2 wks later. Hope bb is growing.
gosh....tis thread is certainly hot now....=)

i went to visit Dr woodworth earlier bcos i have sum bad discharge wif blood yest....worried like mad...utlrasound scan cant detect heartbeat so gota go for V scan....even wif V scan...it took him quite a while onli to detect veri faint heartbeat....he said hopefully it will grow from there and we can see more distinct heartbeat next week.....im realli worried now....=(
Hi ladies, feeling terrible now, just vomitted my breakfast! Darn!!! Hopefully this morning sickness will not continue.... Feeling so breathless...

Hi eve, its really gladx that you have no symptons, its really not so good feeling yah... The most impt is to wait, I believe two weeks later, you will be able to see your waterbag, after which you will be able to see a bean inside the waterbag or even your baby's heartbeat! Cheers!

I already told my parents, sister, MIL & my boss who is a close fren of mine... Will tell my close frens soon...

Piyo.. don't worry too much yah... When I saw Dr Woody at first there was only a waterbag & after one week we can see the heartbeat!! So the way now is not to think so much & enjoy the process!! Next week you should be able to see the growth of your baby! All the best!
Eve (yurieve18) : don't have to worry about the baby. Am sure it's growing well even though you can't see it. I was clueless initially as to how my baby is growing till I chanced upon a pregnancy calendar. It shows me a day by day development of my baby. However, this is merely a guide, the growth and development still depends on individual. You can create your very own pregnancy calendar at this link: http://www.justmommies.com/pregnancy_calendar.php

When I scheduled my 1st gynae appointment when I'm only 4 weeks preggie, my SIL and friends were telling me there's no use seeing gynae so early as they can't detect anything except show you a black dot that is the size of peas. But I still wanted to get assurance that the baby is in the right position and I'm not having ectopic pregnancy cos I was still worried about the cramps I had.

I'm glad I went ahead to see my gynae, as I managed to see my baby's heartbeat at week 6, even though I was told you can only see it at week 8. Am sure you'll be able to see yours soon at your next scan.
hey...ladies...pls add mi in msn too..... [email protected] ....have added u porky....=)

shazz....dats a great list u have thr....was still trying to actively researching for 'wat to avoid' list....gynae advise is usualli onli liqour, smoking & pineapple....
storeberry...d onli consolation is i noe i can eat sleep & watch TV like wat dr woody said for 1 full week as he put mi on mc till 24 jan.....at least i can rest a lot to take care of bb....=) rest well okie....mayb the breakfast u took bb dun like....juz a little joke to lighten up ur day!

regarding food wise....mutton & starfuit in old wives myth terms might cause epilepsy (yang dian fong) in foetus....no raw food & sashimi cos they could inhibit bacteria harmful to foetus...

for mi i could onli take warm water cos plain water taste metallic to mi....im refraining from coffee & tea for this moment...

anyway i went to spring maternity @ suntect to kapo few days ago and they are having 20% off for selected items....a few others maternity wear are oso having up to 50% off.....=)
shazz (shazzerlyn) - thanks for the link
quite cute, it tells u what happens every day...so anyway, based on their calculation, by EDD is 17th Sept (same B'day as my boss..haha)
hi guys, i just went for a check up this morning. the doc did a trans vaginal scan but saw nothing; she said that it could be because it's still too early to show. have made an appt to go back next week but i wonder if that too might be a little too early. i'm abt 4wks now (lmp 17 dec). has anyone had a scan at 4wks and seen anything?

please please please don't let it be an ectopic pregnancy. agh.
xuan...diff pregnancy might differs from one another.....althou at 5 weeks i could see my sac but at 6 weeks....cant realli detect hearbeat whereas sum could....rest well meanwhile....=)
piyobaby, i added u.

mums, pls add me too. [email protected]

But i'm seldom online. haha. busy with work & boys. only can chit chat on msn & in forum once in awhile. keke

My boys understand alittle i guess. this May coming 3yrs old. They alwaes get jealous of each other too. hai*

where are u all staying? i'm in amk now. but should be moving to fernvale sengkang around may or june.

Collection of keys will be april i guess. I think there's alot of things i cannot do rite. moving house can anot? Renovation i'll let my hubby settle lor
i just sold my flat, yet to find a place to stay..planning to move to new place in april..like u, dont think i can be involved in moving, packing and renovation..i wonder how my hubby is gg to cope.. wrong timing i guess...
I styaing in CCK... Bacon & egg, you must have sold off your flat with quite good price since all property price went up.. :p

Xuanting, yah not too sorry, next week should be able to see something liao..
I'm staying at Toa Payoh. Office at Bugis Junction but will be moving office in Oct. Dunno how I'm gonna pack and move my stuff. Probably start packing when I'm in 2nd trimester.

All Sep 08 MTB, We're in 1st trimester now, where baby is more vulnerable. So please do not do any heavy chores and be careful when you pick up things from the floor. ;)
reasonable cos i bought my flat at high price..i guess its breakeven..but we wanted a new environment so decided to move..but now preggie..so wrong timing..
hi ladies,
thks for all ur advices. i'll jus hv to continue taking my medicine n wait for the next gynae appt, hopefully can see something by then. btw, my gynae is also Dr Adrian Woodworth n i'm seeing him at sengkang
Seems like many mummies r seeing Dr Adrian.Is he good? I be seeing Dr Khi should be the same clinic as Dr Adrian.Maybe we will be seeing each other...
Hmm bigtoes, our EDD might be quite close..heheh my last period on the 4th Dec...this week should be the 6th week i tink.

I just found out my pregnancy on tuesday
It came as abrupt shock to us as we did not expect it to be so soon esp we onie got married last oct.

honestly, i am not prepared to be a mama yet and i was into depression when i first discovered abt my pregnancy but now it is better lo

My hubby is oso not ready to be a papa yet.
I m onto my 5th week and still anticipating for the morning sickness and vomitting and no appetite.. ERmm.. wonder when will it come? i am braving for that battle actually
hey all,

i just discovered i'm pregnant yesterday, cos hubby wanted me to use pregnancy kit cos i missed period for 3 days
my LMP is 16 dec so i guess i'm about 4 weeks pregnant now...
dun really know what to do except to find a gynae (waiting for my fren to check out for me cos her hubby is a doc)
my gp just told me that i have to see a gynae within the next 2-4 weeks as there are certain tests that only can be done within early pregnancy....hope everything goes well for us all
welcome Pearlina and Brenda!

Pearlina, my hubby and I had the same reaction as you and hubby initially too as we were not planning for baby this year. We had planned lots of travelling this year and with the baby, all our property, investment and travelling plans all went "poof"! But we warmed up to the idea of having a baby and we're embracing parenthood with great enthusiasm now! ;) Give yourself and hubby some time. Now my hubby and I thinks it has brought our relationship to the next level and we have re-scheduled our plans around the baby.

Morning sickness usually kick in around week 8 for most people and some even at 4th month. It varies from person to person. You may be the lucky 20% of women who don't experience morning sickness! =)
Hey Pearlina,
We can use this site as moral support for all pregnant mommies
My hubby & I were also not planning for a baby this year & would prefer to wait till 2009; I went off the pill, & we were thinking that if it happens, it happens, if not, don't have to fret(and it did!)

Anyway, it has been a week, & I have warmed up to the idea of being a mommy
Got so excited that we even picked out names & I went to shop of roomy baby doll dresses yesterday! (Now just hoping for a smooth pregnancy....fingers crossed)
Hi Perlina & Brenda!! Wow seems like alot of sep babies!! Hee... All parents working hard late last yr... :p

Me & hubby plan to have a baby this yr so we started TCC in Oct because we thought most will need about 6 mths to conceive so we didn't expect it to come so fast...
WOW! it is heartwarming to get support from here
I have been talking to my friends that are oledi a mama and aiyoh, it is quite a reality shock lo. I admitted that i was abit depressed when i first know abt it.

I cannot imagine life during/after pregnancy and what lies ahead... i even break down secretly at home though...

My hubby does not appear to be concern ober my preganncy or maybe i suffering frm moodswing syndrome and start imaginating things.. oh well..

Beside braving for morning sickness, i am braving for countless nights of baby crying :p

Btw, how much are u guys paying for gynea fee? I went for my 1st gynea checkup and i haf to cough up like $175!!! He did a vagina scan and gaf me pills lo. Was it tat ex for u guys?
Goldfish: I paid more. :"(

Gynae consulation $90
Cod fish oil supplement $38.86
Pap Smear and vagina scan $145
After 10% discount with DBS Platinum card, total bill was $263.70 for my first visit. Gynae is at Raffles Hospital

My friends who went to TMC and Gleneagles told me mine is on high side. :-\
Hi shazz,

wow urs is sure ex! i paid $255 but that included scan, hormone jab and "an tai yao"

R u gg to change gynae then?
hi pearlina & goldfish,

i guess we'll never be really prepared even if we planned for it. I planned my first one and even after i delivered, i still felt unprepared. Even cried after i came home from hospital.
Even now my second time is planned oso i still feel unprepared as having 2 is gonna be diff from 1!
Goldfish (goldfish1395) - I guess its very different for the hubbies cos they aren't the ones growing fatter & facing all that hormonal changes! For them, its just 9 months of waiting, then having a little one...at most they can help with the daiper changing or bathing, but the mommy still has to be the one waking up for nite feeds!
Just have to make sure the hubbies are more understanding & help out whenever they can.

Have you gals thought about arrangements after birth? Like once u go back to work, are u sending your baby to your MILs/infantcare/getting a maid? I don't want to have a maid in our place, but am wondering if we can cope alone...

shazz (shazzerlyn) - Having a baby is an expensive affair! For us its worse, cos when I went for my fibroid removal, the bill was already $13k (more than giving birth & nothing to show from it!)
thanks, piyobaby, bacon&egg and storeberry. i will try not to think about anything until my next appt.

shazz, the website you recommended is really useful! day-by-day description of what goes on – wow!
Hi Shazz
I used to work in Raffles Hospital. They are beri beri ex one lo :p
But have u all signed up any pkg? For mine, he said package is only after my 1st trimester cos no pt sign up if baby haben stablised after 1st trimester :S

Hi Isabelle
When i thot of the sleepless nites of rocking the baby to sleep.. it reallie send shivers down my spine niao :p Aiyoh.. hw how huh?

HI Bigtoes
I am intending to do infantcare. It costs ard $650per mth aft subsidy. bt friends told me not beri good, cos will kena sick easily. Aiyoh. No choice liao leh. Inlaw and parents not suitable lo. Bt u guys doing confinement lady or not huh? i dunno whether to let my mama to do or not. she volunteered bt i scare she not that 'zai' :S
my fren recommended me Dr John Tee from KKH. The first appt will cost about $80 plus. Not sure if I have to do other scans etc. and how much the bill comes up to....
as for getting back to work, i intend to take 8 weeks of maternity leave first, then clear my annual leave. Try to stretch till Jan 09 where i use up the remaining 4 weeks of maternity leave...
Hi I am seeing this gynae, $550 package for unlimited visits, including ultrasound & vitamins & folic acid, routine blood test... I paid $275 first then halfway through we will pay another $275. However hormone pills not included and they are ex!! $25!

For me, my MIL already promised us to help. That's why we decided to have a baby later this yr because she is taking of my bro-in-law one who is two mths old. Don't know if she can cope, if not we might have to get additional help. We see when it comes...
it's good that your mom volunteered to help u with confinement. My MIL told me not to bother her and my own mother and ask me to find a confinement lady... i think it's very weird to have a stranger stay in my house leh... not sure if she minds my dog also...

btw, any of you feel bloated? i feel bloated even after drinking a cup of water. I've been eating less and lost 3 kg since 2 weeks ago liao... other than folic acid pills, what else must we eat at this stage?

advisable for u not to get involve in the shifting process....pls excuse urself too wen thr's shifting, painting & nailing to be done at home....best would be to avoid totally if possible.....=)
agree wif shazz...guess try not to over exert urself too cos i think i did preparing for participation in a seminar resulting in bleeding....=(

welcome pearlina....pls dun be cos it's a blessing...anyway u are not alone...my case is much more of a shock than u....our AD is juz over beginning of Jan 08....=)
isabelle (isa_belle): not planning to change gynae as hubby and I are comfortable with her and Raffles Hospital is just next to my office so for convenience sake, we'll stick to Raffles. Hubby is very impressed with Raffles's standard as my colleagues, my SIL and 2 friends delivered there and has only good feedbacks for their services and room standards.

Brenda (bb_bjorn): I'm taking fish oil supplements given by my gynae and folic acid at this point. I was taking GNC Prenatal Multivitamins till I went to see my gynae and she said to put that on hold as the Vit A level is on the high side. Can eat almost everything but the key is moderation. Those who are more "kiasu" like me will avoid the list of food which my mum and gynae said to avoid. I listed them above, if you're interested. In the meantime, take more small meals, food with nutritional value and not junk food that is empty calories.

Bigtoes (limay): have not settled on the care-giver arrangement yet as well. Like yourself, DH (Dear Husband) and I are not comfy with a 3rd party like a maid in the house. Thank God our parents are willing to help out. Am toying with the idea of getting a maid but she stay with my mum and I bring baby to her place everyday. That would relief my mum from household chores while she focus on taking care of my baby. But then again, that's just one of the options. Have not really thought it through yet.
hi ladies, i have done the V scan today. BB is in the right position. gynae say my BB should be only 5 weeks according to the size but if count from last menses date will be 7 weeks liao. he say my BB is very strong. but still cant detect heartbeat yet. will be gg back for another scan next friday.

hi goldfish, my 1st visit to the gynae today cost me abt $137.
Consultation - $50
Normal scan - $40
Virgina scan - $28
Medicine - $10
GST - 7%
