(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi xuanting, Yes I am seeing Dr Adrian at CCK clinic. You too?

Eating double dosage of duphaston but still have brown spotting, hopefully it will go away soon...

Dr say based on the size of my baby, most prob in Sept but he did not say when but should be early sep bah if I calcuate based on last menses in 24 Nov....

Hi jane... yup its my first pregnancy... i just missed my menses on 14 jan. So i am in my week 5? By when the gynae can detect the baby heartbeat?

Xuanting.. i will be going this sat... initially tml but i postponed cos DH cant go with me and i will freak out if i go alone... scared leh...

Ladies... wat are the food u eat when u dine outside? cos its a headache to decide wat to eat now since there are so many things which we cant eat... these 2 days i only eat Yong tau hu and economic rice...
storeberry...have u sign up the pkg wif dr adrain? im on duphaston too but spotting still on & off....last menses is one day after urs....our bb shd b almost same age...kekeke
Hi piyo.. yah I sign up in the first session because felt quite comfortable with him even though he talks very fast but still ok.. And its very near my house so don't want to go & find another. And I find him quite good, even though I am about 6weeks plus - 7 weeks pregnant, I had seen him about 3 times liao. He told me to see him next week again after the scare yesterday...
mrs yap...most impt is to avoid food such as chin chow & pineapple...=)

i totally forgot & njoy my lunch which is sukiyaki shitake mushroom....1/2 thru then rem abt the 'bai cai'....supposed to be cooling....mum told mi try not to eat too heaty & spicy food or baby tend to have 'heaty' body....
storeberry...im thinking to sign wif him on next visit which im trying my best to make it on sat as scheduled as I would have complete my duphaston by then...im going cck branch too....we are neighbours if u can rem...=)
Mrs Yap : when i scaned on 5th wks i could see the preg sac...and 6th wks could see bb heartbeat.
very exciting!
Hi Jane.. izzit!! wow, so i am considered 5 weeks liao mah? I jus missed my period for 2 days... tested positive this morning.. 28 days mense cycle. I can see a little tummy popping out from my lower abdominal liao leh... wow i guess from wk 5 to wk 6 is a big development... can see heartbeat... so amazing to have another person living inside u...

piyobaby... wow actually i crave for curry and tomyam soup... infact before i discovered my pregnancy, i suddenly feel like eating tomyam soup which i never ordered before... after eating i still not satisfied, still eat other stuffs. Then i crave for Japanese pork curry... after i eat, like addicted... shiok... haha
But after reading yr post, i think i better stop heaty food... for the sake of bb development
Hi all,

I tested pregnant on this Monday(14 Jan). Last menses was 14 Dec.

And my doc told me i'm 4 weeks pregnant and I really dun believe it as we try for bb only on the 20++ Dec onwards.

Can I know how u all count it?

I went for the scan but cant detect my bb as they say its too early so end up doing vaginal scan and we are so excited to see the bb.

I will be going back in 2 weeks time to see my bb heartbeat.. To be exact, am I 2weeks++ pregnant? Can anyone teach me as it's my first..

And I read from a book, it mention by 21st day, we can actually see the bb heartbeat... therefore feeling very puzzled with what the nurse mention abt me being 4 weeks..

By the way my due date is on the 21st Sep...
mrs yap...guess once in a while curry shd b okie...besides heatiness....im oso a little worried abt the presence of coconut milk...if it might be fresh....tomyam soup try to avoid ba cos it's too sour & sum contains pineapple....=) my craving differs day to day....usualli incline to craving for rice which is unusual...normalli prefer beehoon & kway teow which i dun like now...=)

talking abt little tummy....I noted mine too...wondering if it's bcos of too much food intake...too fast for tummy to be popping...kekeke was amazed for a moment wen i saw the little sac on the screen....**blush**
qq...im abit confused too...by right they calculate from last menses but I was told by my gynae dat im 4-5 weeks preggy....wat i do understand is dat usualli at 5-6 weeks....sac will grow bigger thus able to detect heartbeat....=)
Yah I also crave for tom yam soup, had ate it last night. But seems like nothing really satisfied...

Yah I also notice my little tum-tum.. hee... I also don;t know how to calculate, if by last menses it should be 7 weeks but I think it look like 6 weeks only...
Hi Isabelle,

In the US, they normally had blood test to confirm pregnancy. it's supposed to be more accurate than urine test.

Hi Jane,
I stay in Sengkang.

Can I check which Gynae are you going to, with excellent records with delivering by c-section? i had a c-sec for my first child, likely that my second one will also be c-sec...Thanks in advance!
Ruixiangmom, why are u not going back to yr previous gynae? he no good ah?

Storeberry... i took folic for 3 mths liao but no yellow urine... u got MSN?
Hi Mrs Yap, is it? Because I saw some posts or somewhere in the website.. My urine is yellowish...

Yes, have MSN, PM u liao..
hi storeberry, i'm not seeing dr adrian as his clinics are not v convenient for me.

mrs yap, i've only tested positive this morning too! and i had tom yam soup last night because i suddenly felt like it too.
tom yum?? *slurp*

haha..my house nearby here got quite nice tom yum fish soup.. :p

my last pregnancy i always go there eat...btw, alot of things i forgotten liao lei like what cannot eat or do...

shall we list some out?
Piyo, heard frm my hubby that to be actual i'm 2 weeks preggy but the term doc always count from the last menses so i am 4 n half weeks pregnant..

Btw any nice doc to intro? Cos I went to 1 so far but... the nurse are so fierce and the doc doesn't sounds friendly at all.. so intend to look for one and stick to it..

Btw thomson which doc is friendly? cos seems to heard like there's lots of ppl went to thomson for gynae..

Angeline, start with me.. Food that I heard we can't eat..

Coffee & Tea(if u always drink it, must not exceed 2 cups daily)
Banana(only qi ga jio - Hokkien)

Do correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks..

Ok, gonna have my folic acid.. see ya
storeberry (storeberry) : hi, im been taking folic acid for the past 6 mths.... urine not yellowish... usually gyn will count from ur last menses if u r last then 6 wks preg...then the most accurate one, she will measure the size of the bb in the sac when she can detech him @ abt 6 wks.

Ruixiangmom (ruixiangsmom) : hi, im in Punggol, my gyn is @ punngol... according to my friend and her sis my gyn is good @ stitching. ... and she is a female...

Food that I heard we can't eat..

all herbs not to be taken for the 1st 3 mths.
Hmm what can't we eat?

My mum says dun drink or eat too much oranges and watermelon is a no no cos baby may be prone to asthma.
And i heard from ppl dun eat del monte banana cos it's v cooling

qqq n any mums looking for gynae from thomson,
here's a few:

Dr TC Chang from WC CHeng & Associates
He's my gynae & nice, v accomodating & respects my wishes.
Will explain everything professionally.
For my first bb, i had natural birth w/o drugs. He let me go home after inducing at night and i only go back next morn to birth my bb. I dun wan enema or shave he was also ok.

Dr LC Cheng from the same clinic
He's the boss's son of this clinic. V famous. Got alot of ppl go to him. U may have read news a few days ago of the triplets born at Thomson. He was the gynae.
My colleagues also have gd comments abt him as they go to him.

I also know there is a gynae at mt E, but forgot which, the nurse was so fierce the lady changed gynae imnmediately. Cos during examination the nurse asked her to open her legs wider by saying y u dunno how to open ur legs? Never had sex b4 is it? So bad rite?!!

Dr Paul Tseng (but i dunno wat clinic)
Also v nice. V accomodating & pro natural birth.
But if u r the kan cheong type u may not like this style as i heard he can be v relaxed.

hi all,
can i join? tested + now at 7 weeks (i think). like to check the symptoms u ladies have..anyone with bloatedness, nausea (but no vomit), painful breasts, tiredness most of the time, flu n cough n feverish (sometimes cold, sometimes hot)
OMG, cant believe how active this thread has become
Too many postings to even catch up!

qqq (missheng) - another gyne at TMC you might want to try - Dr WK Tan. She's my gyne there and one of the more senior ones. Think she's also the gyne for Zoe Tay (so i heard)...I had a big fibroid removed my her last year thru open surgery, and her skills are pretty good...don't even have much of a scar left!

Am actually thinking of doing a C-section thru the same opening when i give birth...but of cos have to discuss the pros/cons of C-section vs. natural birth with her.
Hi bacon&egg,

ur nick v cute

Alamak, I forgot abt pineapples tarts. I so looove them n was looking forward to devour them. My mum already ordered 12 tins! Someone pls tell me i can eat!
thanks isabelle

i love pineapple tarts too..my fav snack for the new year...always buy those from smiling orchid..now dunno can eat or not?
hi ladies..

wld like to join this thread too!

bacon & egg: i'm now at 6.5wks, am having bad nausea.. nv vomit, but need to constantly suck sweets. even in the middle of the night, i will wake up to pee, then i can't get back to zzz. the nauseaus feeling will return. so when it happened this morning abt 3am, i ate a slice of cheese & drank water juz to fill up my tummy. felt better aft that. if continue like that, sure put on lots of weight
Wah! Congrates on all preggie sept mtb...
hope that we'll all be able to keep each other company all the way ;-)

anyway, is anyone burping and farting like siao??

and now I don dare to drink anything other than plain water cos cannot drink tea - so my hb also rule out green tea, ice lemon tea, crysanthemum tea, herbal.. anything with tea. Then even my fav coke lite! So ma fan so just bring my water bottle everywhere I go!

Jane, I was also only able to see the preganancy sac when I did my scan last fri @5weekish...hee .. kind of disappointing. Hope to be able to see more when I go back to my gynae next Sat.

qqq, I did the vaginal scan oso cannot see anything.. other than the yolk sac. Hmmph!!! Where is my baby hiding???
hi all, alot of posts to catch up just after a day :)

i think it's ok to eat moderately except to cut down on those cooling & heaty stuff. If possible try to cut down on curry, cos it's yellow powder ingredients may cause bb to have jaundice when born lor.

btw i have a reading chart to show if you having a bb gal or boy
Any1 interested? Let me know if you want me to upload here or email...just for reference guide ;-) (quite accurate for my #1 hehe)
welcome dmbb

the nausea feeling is bad rite..i cant seem to stand or sit w/o feeling nausea..nagging feeling..but lucky no vomit (touchwood). I also pee alot in the nite, at least once but timing varies..alot of dreams too..which i dont have in the past.

crayon, thanks..hope to go thru all the way till 9 mths too..cross fingers. i only see sac at week 6..hope to see heartbeat at week 8..meanwhile i am on dupstanone (spelling) and weekly jabs (v painful)...anyone gg thru that?

hpbabe - i am keen though boy or gal is ok with me..my 1st preggie...i love b/g anyways...
hp_babe (hp_babe) - I want!! Can u upload the chart here, or send us a link? I am secretly hoping for a baby girl (1st child), thou i think my hubby & MIL both prefer a boy

Btw, are u gals counting your weeks based on last period - so week 6 means ur last period was in early Dec?
Hello mummies,

I found out that i'm expecting my 3rd last thurs. If i'm not wrong should be 6weeks plus. I'll be seeing my previous gynae Doc Paul Tseng from TMC, TLC clinic.

He did for me natural birth during my twin pregnancy. I heard most doc would encourage c-sec if it's twins but like what isabelle says: "V accomodating & pro natural birth.
But if u r the kan cheong type u may not like this style as i heard he can be v relaxed."

I'm interested in the chart. email me at [email protected] can.

I've got 2 boys already, so I'm hoping for a baby girl. *crossing my fingers & toes* hehehe
i try to upload here but the PDF file is rather big. let me split the file & send again. If not, go to send you via email le.
wow, so many of u having mickey & minnie mouse bb leh. hehe. storeberry & mrs yap, add me in ur msn too ! [email protected]

ms yap, i can eat anything. but no craving for sour or spicy food leh. but i realise whenever i took rice, then i cannot digest well. always feel bloated and want to burp...now i try to avoid eating too much rice liao.

bacon & egg, i also having all this symthoms like urs + constipation loh !!!
hi limay, yes my last menses is in early dec, and GP told me i am around 6 weeks liao. will be gg to the gynae tomorrow. hope can hear my bb heartbeat. so excited !
hey porky okie, congrats
That means I am considered 6 weeks also (thou i think really only 3 weeks from conception)...I have to wait till after CNY before my gyne can see me :p Can't wait!!

Meanwhile, I am so hungry nowadays, my tummy is like a bottomless pit. Eat breakfast already then hungry again after 2 hours!!
wow, you guys already feel nauseous. when does it normally start? i don't really feel anything except that my breasts seem a little heavier and there's always this feeling of being up to my throat with food although stomach feels v empty.

im also keep farting. small farts with no smell. Is better not to drink any soft drinks, tea and cold drinks for the start 1st 3 mths.

Mummies, don't eat too much sweet stuffs is not good for ur health.

Porky, can i add u too?
Bigtoes, I think they usually count from the first day of the last menses rite? But the actual date when we conceived shd be another 2wks after. tats IF i rem wat my gynae told me! I think it means if we are 6wks pregnant, our foetus shd be abt 3-4wks old. I THINK! heee. and I am also like a new born baby.. i need 3hrly feeds everyday!!! and I think its not too good! hahaa..

I was given constipation medicine but I don think I'll be taking tat for just in case purposes. And girls, i was told not to squeeze too hard and let it be. Just eat more fiber and drink more water...

Xuanting I think the empty stomach is common issit? I feel hungry but I think its the gases tat are causing the feeling. So try to eat a slice of bread or something light ba..

hee Jasmine, at least urs is just farting. My hb laughs at me all the time whenever I burp and fart consecutively... haaa
right crayonshinchan is better not to squeeze too hard if not bb will drop. hahaa.. my MIL tease me abt it. Preg woman tends to constipation though we drink plenty of water. MIL say that preg woman are heaty...
WELCOME bacon&egg, dmbb & kel!! Wow so many Sept babies!!! All of us must have been working hard last yr.. kekke...

Hi jane, I can see baby's heartbeat liao.. so exciting, looking forward to next thurs gyna appt...

Yah I am feeling nausea, really don't like the feeling, alot of burping but no vomit.. And when I passed motion, its black color or very dark brown.. Is it because of my multi-vitamins? ANyone has this?
hi jasmine, yes u can add me. hehe.so how u cope with ur constipation ? i drink lots of water and eat an apple a day. but still cannot leh...i also burp and fart after every meals leh. hehe.
hp_babe (hp_babe) - thanks for the chart, but mine inconclusive leh...like the month says its a girl (Chinese calendar means calculating from CNY right) but the other stuff says its a boy!

On constipation, maybe you gals can try taking a packet of fibrogel everyday? I use that when I travel, & its quite effective. Of cos eating alot of fruits help as well

Has anyone started on pre-natal multi-vitamins aready? I used to take folic acid, but got the GNC pre-natal tablets yesterday. Am also taking omega-3 fatty acids.
Porky, Storeberry
these are my symptoms..
1. Feeling fat n bloated
2. Sometimes cold sometimes hot
3. Spotting
4. Go toilet in middle of night, cant sleep after that n then feel hungry
5. Not much apetite
6. Painful nipples though breast not v pain
7. Nausea but no vomit, gas trap in chest feeling
8. v sensitive to smell, every smell makes my hair stand n goosepimples.
Okie... thats abt it.. but i heard having symptoms is good.. this shows u are still pregnant.
porky and other constipated MTB,
i havent been able to go toilet for 1 and half week now...jialart..even drinking alot of water and trying to eat alot of fruits doesnt help

what are the type of fruits we cant eat? i have been eating apples n oranges mostly...

anyone taking hormone jabs too? i have v painful and itchy backside after the jabs

seems like only while eating, the nausea feeling goes away..but we cant be eating all the time rite...sigh.

me too had big fibroid removed last year. which mth did u go for op? mine in late sept. how many weeks u in now? When i 1st knew abt the fibroids i tot i will be infertile... thank God i am pregnant now.
hey i heard the GNC multi vitamin contains vit A which is no good for early pregnancy leh
Is it prescribed by yr doc? if not pls dun self prescribe ok. i believe wat doc give is enuff for u
