(2008/09) Sep 2008

I am praying for 1 sept to come quickly..
getting v excited myself after seeing other mommies popping! At the same time, apprehensive abt the pain and process..need to pray for strength

Hi Mandy, i din booked any doc, guess anyone who is free on "that" day will attend to me ba.. how many scan hv u ladies had? me from the beginning till now, only scanned twice.. now that im on 38 weeks le, still seeing doc once two weeks basis.. are yours the same?

Pads & Disposable panties - i get as many like 5 packets (DP) pads, not sure if the leakage will be alot, 1 pkt of 35cm by sofy, then the rest shd be those normal type lo..

baconegg: will do.. but no pain lei, for now la. hehehe..
Gynae will start doing the Vaginal Examination at how many weeks of pregnancy? Seem very scary.

Suppose to do the B strep test 2weeks ago but postponed to this Sat, ehh pardon me..a silly question here...do we need to shave down there huh?
hi mummies,
hv not posted for sometime.
went for gynae checkup on sat. baby Sharmaine is only 2.6kg at 38 weeks 2 days.
i'm 51.4kg. so far a total of abt 7.5kg weight gain. gynae said my baby is a skinny one..
Millie; I typed i/o ah? Hehe...not sure what I meant. Maybe I meant w/o = without??? Hahah.

Flos: I haven;t done it yet. Moved to trow cos jaymickey told me not to waste money on their hair and make-up cos it's not v good. And being horrible at these things, i didn't have time to look for alternatives. So finally I moved it so that I can go look for alt make-up arrangements. So much for vanity! Hehe. Will update when I'm done. Hope i have the stamina and flexibility to pose! Ur desitin creamy idea is sooooo funny. Anw the pimples disappeared already. Phew.

Shazz: Wow! Eamon is engaged and u are dilated! How exciting!!! And u are so funny..."gang raped by cows"??? ew! Btw, can u change my hospital to Mt A pls? Thanks!

Alabone: Yup! L'l CY sms-ed your number. I hope u get to go home asap cos it is soooo boring bed resting. Do your kids visit you daily?

L'l CY: Thanks for the info. Will go check out the sites. I shall make my mum prepare the cards for me. Hehehe....

Jane: COngrats on ur prince Samuel! Yes! We can do with all the prayers! Can;t wait for mine to come!!!

Bigtoes: This Sat?! You must be fantasising every nite abt holding ur Kieran! Hehe.
Bacon&eggs: in that case, I won't wash the bumper. I can't sew for nuts u know! I'll wash the bedsheets.

I hv another Kidsline bedding set from FFY Paragon, in addition to the Mothercare one we got.

storeberry: me too want Sept bb, my hubby's birthday is in Sept. Our anniversary is also also one day after my DH's birthday. It'll be great to celebrate all three occasions together as one happy family

Shazz: I used to find Dr Lee's (my former gynae, now yours) pap smear super painful. I didn't like her handling of the calipers and spatula. Really hurt afterwards. I wonder if female gynaes are rougher than male ones?!
Sri Leo, me too going for appt tomorrow, mine's at 2.50pm.. urs? btw, hw to ask doc, if dilated already? aren't they supposed to advice us, 1st time mum wat...
stef&sean babes: not to worry. u r one petite mommy yourself too

with the new M&P package, will u still be quitting to look after your three kids next yr?

SarahMay: u r reading up on shichida even before popping?

Grace: I am going for my wax on Wed.
big toes
no lah, mine is not special case. Cos Dr Chang once told me all his patients have birth plans!

steff n babes
I'm 1 kg heavier than u but I've gained 10kg already! Never mind, small baby easier to birth and u can fatten her up later with all ur bm!

Hihi jules!

shazz n storeberry
just curious, what's up in the mth of sept? I was thinking 28 aug (28-08-08) might be a nice day to pop!

I am so craving for east ocean custard mooncake now after writing abt it in the forum! Help!!!
i hv decided not to quit anymore. The childcare and infant care increased subsidies are just too good to reject. also the tax rebates and relief for working mums are v good now.
i am going to continue to work.

just feel sad that baby is on smaller side. i have been eating beef and durians, yet baby does not gain much. i also did not gain much.. i really wonder where all the food went to.
wow all in sept! When i got married i purposely din want nov cos that's my b'dae mth n I dun want hubby to give me a two-in-one gift! hee hee
Flos, not sure which one Mrs Yap visit, but definitely do not recommend this gynae to anyone...but i think he experience lah. For some strange reason, my dh think he is good leh...anyway i have been following all the threads and thanks to all mummies for all their advices. Very helpful for newbie mummy. i told my dh bout the petition we signed online, he was skeptical. but the very next day, they backdate to 17th, he was dumbfounded!! hahaaaha the power of the net
ermm... waxing... not pain meh? imagine they pull out one bunch of hair.. omg.. sorry eh, i think deliver bb even worst rite?
Stef and Sean: Wow! You are super petite la! Only 7+kg! Your bb is a good size. Why do u want a bigger bb? Healthy size can already... easier to push out right?

If you take the 16-weeks maternity as a block, then yes, u will lugi on all the PHs that's coming up in Dec / Jan. However, if you clear 8-weeks block, and clear the next 8-weeks over a period of time (up to 1st year of baby), then you are allowed to take up to 8*5 working days = 40days, which you will not lugi on the PHs.

By the way, I did attend the Breastfeeding talk @ suntec as well. It was so crowded, and I dont find it useful at all. Mrs Wong was like rushing through the slides, and those seated at the back (like myself) can't even see the bottom of the screen cos of all the heads in front.. So, felt like a wasted trip.. :p

Stef, I believe the child care / infant care centers will raise their prices!!! So the incremental subsidy may not help at all! hahaha...
m so glad to b able to receive the new revised package. missed the 2004 one as my boy popped in april

i was hoping that this 2nd bb will delay her arrival till 1 oct. trying not to walk too much but it seems impossible. my colleague actually hoped and prayed that her baby will pop on 06/07/08 (her edd was on the 8th). her wish came true.. power of prayer and faith? maybe i shld be like her. hee...

used to not dare buy those cheapo non-adhesive pads but was pleasantly surprised that it stayed in place when i was in hospital. hence continued to use them as it cost less than $2 for 10 pieces.

anybody seeing dr woo bit hwa?
Isabelle: You are another slim willowy on! You must have been underweight before preg! 10 kg and only 52.5 kg. I'm heavier than u but shorter. Hahaa.

Flos: Yup! Reading now what...if not when bb is out dun think got time or energy to read. Will be busy being a cow!
yingflo, my checkup oso tmr @ 9.05am... hmm... i juz ask doc lor... maybe u said u gt contractions & pelvic pain.. need to complain abit den they'll do extra examination.. cz some doc ar need to be prompt... ltr doc will do poke ur vagina deep deep... hehehe... frankly speaking, for 1st time, it'll be painful... sorry to say tis, finger fucking feel much more nicer... hahaha... the trick nt feel much pain is to relax & breath in & out slowly...
stef&sean: yeah, the CCL, subsidy, tax reliefs...too good to miss out, yah?

Hey, tell me more about CDA. I'm clueless about CDA's benefits...to me, it's just a time deposit sum I put in that can't be used for all the enrichment programmes for my son next time.

isabelle: But I dun lose out cos it'll be my son's birthday (DH pays for the dinner and gift), our anniversary (DH pays for the dinner and gift), and his own birthday (which he can pay for the cmobined birthday cake to share with his Virgo son)!!!! MUAHAHAHAH!

Clara: Nevermind, your bb is already born. Dun look back...
you are really a slim momma... my baby's also 1.9kg when i did my 33 wks check-up. yr present wt is my pre-preg wt. heh.. aiyo so can imagine how heavy i am now. ballooning... yr edd is only a day earlier than mine

didn't like my VE experience when i had my first boy. left an uncomfortable feeling the whole day. once the gynae stirred his fingers longer than before to stimulate the cervix. ah doi... tell you... i nearly wanted to just scream at him to stop. then the whole day, no need to say lah... stand also cannot sit also cannot lie down also cannot...
Sri Leo,
ever kana poke lo, by this female Dr forget the name liao, KNS, say that i kana duno what in my vagina wall, then she using her aparatus to dig and dig till bleed so much, ended up, nothing serious, coz confirmed by another male Dr (her colleague) so paiseh.. but if juz tell the Dr about back pain near the buttock works or not?

Do u work near AMK? Think I saw u once in AMK MRT. So u decided to stay on working and not be SAHM?

CDA accts:
Have u all decided whether to go for OCBC or Stanchart? What's the big difference between the 2 offers? Location-wise, OCBC and Stanchart are equally near, so not much of a difference (assuming we are not moving).
Storeberry, lol! i put it together and aim it at my breast and try to pump!!! just to test the suction how it feel like. i even show it to my hubby, and he give me a look like i'm crazy! anyway its a manual pump so can control the power.

VE - can check with u all, is ur hubby around when the gynae do the VE for you? just thinking abt how my hubby would react cos he is the shy shy type.
Grace: I'm going after my gynae visit becos I dun want my gynae to see a botak vagina when he does my second strep B test. Sorry that I sound crude

yingflo: the hard wax is hot, so it momentarily numbs your delicate vulva and opens up the pores at the same time. Your beautician will trim your hair and dust some baby powder over that area before spreading the hot wax on you. She will talk to u to distract u and in one swift pull, one side of your vagina will be "deforested". It's a quick and clean job over in 10min.

Hi Dolly! Good to hear that you're back
Eeeks all this talk about VE LOL...
that's one reason I was unsure if I would have wanted to go to KKH under subsidy if the babies came early...cos my ex boyfriend is a gynae there and they are on rotation basis for subsidy cases...can u imagine having your ex do VE for you...the thought was horrifying. Luckily now, they are almost 37 weeks so not preterm anymore!
Ava, in that case if ur ex do VE for u, ask him to charge u foc.. hehehe...

Flos, still pain de rite, did u scream when being pulled...
u r a funny lady... heard fr the therapist that one lady went for her brazilian waxing near her due date. that stripping actually caused her to go into labour... wonder how true's tt...

my fren's gynae actually told her to use Purelan to massage ard her aerola and then try squeezing when near term. can actually see sm colostrum coming out. haven't try that yet.
Yingflo... no use la if u told doc tt... i told my gynae ample of times... complain... guess wat he replied?? "oh..its normal...nth serious...last trimester is like tt..." Argh!! end up i endure the pain... till i cant take it animore, i went to delivery suite & true enough i having contractions & i dilate oredi but 1cm only....

LOL... use smth to poke ur vagina??? my gynae use fingers.. but dunno hw mant fingers... hahaha.. tempted to ask... hehehe...
Jules: I hv started squeezing my nipples too. There is colostrum leaking out and my DH was grossed out. He stupidly asked me why my nipples have turned so black! *ABISH!*

Go into early labour? Oh dear...dun frighten me. Sarah and Shazz had done theirs...they are ok right?

yingflo: just grit your teeth lor...
hahaha..yalor jules.. after kena poke i feel so pain at my vagina.. n when i wipe my vagina, i notice i bleed abit lei... arrrrr.... maybe cz 1st time kena poke so rough... deep some more..
Sri Leo, the Docs in KKH, love to use these words, "take it easy la".. alamak rite.. probably under "private in KKH" they will treat u better la.. for subsidy patient, they bo chap..
hahaha... yayaya.. maybe... and oso their fav phrase is "its NORMAL............." hehehe... fainted sia..

and when i told my gynae i hv faint spells.. she asked me " so do u faint? if nvr faint, its ok.." LOL... buay tahan sia... if i faint, will i still be here..?? no wat.. i'll be in the ward.... stupid! but since she preggie, i don wanna make a big fuss...scared ltr she so stress... hahaha
Flos, if i ar... i cant grit my teeth.. wat i did was i cover my mouth wit my both hands.. hahaha... doc will tell me to relax...
according to my fren, squeezing and massaging near term is to help with the flow and is easier for your baby to suckle as the colostrum is alr at the 'door'. i've not tried b4. may wanna try to do so this time round cos had a hard time to start the feeding w my first.
yalor.. i read by stimulating our nipples will cause contraction as it release an hormone.. wat izzit called?? smth like Oxy...

hmmm....ying, for me its feels like tightening at my pelvic area... dun really noe hw to describe it but i cant really slp when i hv it...
Yup... but the tightening feeling is like u feel tightened den after tt u wont feel it..den u feel it again... aiyah..so diff to describe.. hahaha... very sorry... but under CTG sure can detect...

thx. Will check out the website! Must make use of my long leave to learn pilates!
So who will take care of all ur kids when u go back to work?

sarah may
no lah. I'm a shortie. Only 1.55m. Just that that day at canele i wore heels cos I'm a vainie too. When I go shopping at orchard now, sometimes i also wear heels! But not to work lah, cos that wld kill my feet and i might fall off the stairs!

sri leo
it's called oxytoxin

yep, at first i wanted to try for my second one to be born in june, same as my girl and DH. Then can celebrate all at one shot! Easy for me! But i guess someone up there knew better, otherwsie I'd lose out on the maternity benefits!

Managed to grab 5 packs of disposable panties from watsons just now! Yay! And at only $1.95 for a pack of 7!
