(2008/09) Sep 2008

hi cloud, yingflo and jasmineyeo
i'm also with KKH..
under subsidised patient..
EDD is 10th Sept..

i guess movement at the vagina part is normal..?
coz i also feel it everyday too..

i'm also at 37 weeks now and experience the same as u..
baby moving alot with frequent contractions n menses-like cramps..
making me difficult to breath.. always have to breath very deeply..
but only at night..
Storeberry : I bot 4 packets of 5 each I think.. so 20 pieces..And now left with only a few pieces.. later will go see gynae so might might a pack or two more cos i will be eating the pig trotter sauce soon and accordingly to my CL, it will expel bad blood and shrink the uterus..think you should try the size first.. if doesnt fit, you can still buy.., i bot mine fr OG, quite comfortable and thicker..

Dmbb- I stay in St Leila which I think it belongs to the old wards catergory.. ok leh, I feel.. mine is 2-bedded..

Babon&Egg - ya lor.. early bird and I missed th enhanced baby bonus by just two days.. I discharged on 17 Aug and now settling well at home, doing TBF..

SarahMay-my massage lady ok lar but I feel it is a bit expensive.. 7session - $490 and only free one baby massage..She already fully booked and cannot accept any more booking.. get those cotton disposable panties better.. more comfortable..
bigtoes, karen, sarah-may:
seems like we are pretty much the same! I have swollen fingers too.. not wearing rings..cause too tight. And the joints are pretty painful & uncomfy.

these 2 days my tummy feels a little pain..i suspect is those muscle ligaments ache. i think the baby is too heavy. at 35 wks, my baby weighs about 2.7kg.. now?? maybe, 3 kg?

I dunno but it's just heavy.
Good afternoon mommies...I just woke up! Woke up several times last night due to heartburn. Threw up my pasta at 3 am...Wondering if anyone of u is still suffering from heartburn at this advance stage of pregnancy.

LC: Thanks! I was told to call the jamu lady as soon as I'm discharged. Flabby even after the binding? I hv always thought that it'll be firmer after the whole regimen is completed?

DISPOSABLE UNDIES: I bought so many boxes. 2 from Watson's, 2 from Kiddy Palace, 3 from NTUC, and 2 from Mothercare. They should last me for 2 mths! heh heh!

STERILISER/WARMER: Hv u actually started testing out these appliances? I'm wondering if I should test them out, but my DH told me not to be so kiasu.

BREASTPUMP: In the same light, have u all opened the box and tested the pumps yet? I dunno if I want to sterilise the new pumps now. What do u all use to sterilise new pumps? Tablets?

COT MOBILE: My DH won't even test the musical mobile...he thinks he can sneak home, whilst I'm lying in the hospital, to fix up the mobile and dress up the cot! soooo last minute...

PHILLIPS BB MONITOR: I've already played with it. The reception is good and there is no interference, despite that I bought the "lowest of lowest" version. The $100 one

SarahMay: I intend to go wax myself after my gynae appt on Wed. I think we're bound to get pimples down there, but it'll go away I suppose. Try using DESITIN CREAMY, like Ava did to her itchy tummy?!! haha!

Clara: R u sure u r not seeing the same 'bo chap' gynae that Mrs Yap was seeing before she switched to KKH?! It's really sad that one is afraid of his/her gynae. Pay so much and have to tahan all that poor customer service...

sasa de mouse: Which PD did Dr Cheng recommend to you in the end?
Flos, u so good life, sleep till now.. i woke up at 3.30am with gastric pain.. had milo, but still cannot get back to bed.. every position is so uncomfortable.. in the end, only dozed back at around 7am... woke up at 10+ again, feeling the same thing..
Hi Flos, i tested out my steriliser, bottle warmer, breastpump, milkbottle(as in how the water come out from the teat) etc the moment i got home after buying them! guess i was too curious on how it works and maybe toooo kiasu? hehe!
My hubby has tested the warmer, steriliser & breast pump already. Better do so to make sure they are all in good working order. Don't want to panic when you need it & it's not working.

As for cot mobile, my excited hubby has also set it up when our cot arrived.. but cot mobile ok lah.. easy & fast to set up.

I'm still wondering when to take my ML, I'll be so bored staying at home.
hi mummies!

Am back from my gynae checkup!

As expected, my boy's weight shoot up from 2.6kg to 3.0kg within a week plus!

He's engaged, and I'm 1cm dilated, much to my relief. His head circumference is 32cm, on the big size, so pray that he won't grow much bigger or I'll have to end up with c-sec! Gynae dun think baby will be out anytime this week, so we'll see how next week.

Waxing and pimples: I expereinced bumps after my waxing session too. But it's best not to apply anything and let it heal by itself. I forgot and applied my clarins oil after my shower the day I waxed, bad mistake, cos the next day, I had the bumps. It was perfectly fine when I went for the waxing that day.

Vaginal Examination: this is so painful! but it's a prelude to the many checks that the midwifes, nurses, gynae will be performing once we're admitted! I also have some bloody discharge, which gynae warned me about, may last 1-2 days. Right now, I'm having cramps from the VE, also have this feeling to poo!
Shazz, i totally agree with you.. the VE is so PAINFUL and i hate it!!! I was caught by surprise suddenly when gynae say.. "let's do a VE check today"
vaginal examination
what exactly do they do? stick fingers inside and feel around? how long does it last? i hated the v scans and i think i'll hate this one too...

shazz, do u feel anything different with the dilatation? wow, one week more!
OK, I'll go test them out today.

Did u all send out the WARRANTY CARDS too?

I'm bored stiff after the Olympics Games have ended last nite. I need to find alternative entertainment.

CDA:What can we use this CDA for? I read in another thread that we can't use it for drama class, shichida, GD, enrichment classes, etc. Can only use it for PD and Childcare purpose.

Moreover, it works like Edusave Fund, once deposited, can only withdraw when child reaches a certain age.

So what's the hype and why is everyone so upset abt it??? *puzzled*
Hi yingflo and cloud!
Me at KKH also...with John Tee...how about you all?

Cloud, you stop working lah? I'm still working...and i'm still expected to work halfday all the way till i give birth. Cos office scare something might happen to me if i'm alone at home taking the break... i had mixed feelings about this... fed up and sad. Thanks for their consideration...

May i ask how many maternity pad and disp panties should I buy? So far i only buy one pk each.
Warranty have not sent.. wait till I go home after delivery then send out.

Me too.. so sad the Olympics have ended.. I really enjoyed watching the games.
Flos/Mei, i tot the warranty cards have to send out like within 14days one??? i didnt send out mine. hope nothing will happen with the breastpump/steriliser/bottle warmer.
Mei: You should go on ML now...After all, it's been upped to 4 mths

I wonder if LC, Sunrays and Sasa use their Breast Pumps optimally?

If my bb can latch directly, I dun really need the pump, do I? I feel like putting it on sale...

PIG TROTTERS: DId u all buy an iron wok for this? What wok did u use/will u use? My CL told me must get an iron wok.
Keep your pump first. you never know if u need it for whatever reason - cracked nipples, baby can't latch at first, u my decide to continue after 3 mths etc. sterilise it with your steam steriliser.
Better open up and do the 1st time standard procedure (in the manual). I open my Avent IQ 24 and found out that the tong for picking up teats and measuring cup to be missing...how to go back to the store to get the replacement parts..lucky they gave it to me for free..

One more week to go...will you hit Sept? I remembered you wanted a sept bb
shazz (shazzerlyn) & Jaymickey (jaymickey) - the VE you mentioned is the one where u ur gyne checks on your dilation etc? How come it is painful? I have been getting the VE the last 2 weeks, and one more today...its just abit of discomfort, but not painful.

Would be nothing compared to the actual birth then! My SIL said her gyne put his whole fist into to help ease the baby out during delivery! Agh...one of the reasons I am opting for C.
I am not sure. however i know the pelvic bone is the area where the bb's head gets engaged into and be ready for birth. Just try to pee whenever u feel the urge, dont hold back cos if you do, the pain will be elevated...
i didnt get anything from shichida.their dots programme is slightly different from the one i use. as far as i know, you need to be an enrolled member of shichida classes (your child) before you can purchase anything from their store?

if you go to the webbie i gave, there are some dots stuff which you can download, resize and print...

can also get cheaper ones elsewhere. there are some BPs going on selling them...

ill sms you alabone's number...

you havent told me what you can eat or what you cannot eat leh. you wanna me bring you something for indulgence???
bacon@eggs: Mothercare let me check that all the parts like tongs, pacifiers and measuring cups are inside before asking me to make payment. I've just sterilised my steriliser for the first time. All's working fine

Let me play with the warmer now...

I popped on 17 aug due to waterbag leaking while im in the studio taking my preg photo on 16 aug .. my due date was 9 sept...admitted to Mt A on tat night...bb Samuel was out on 17 Aug 1810hrs...after 9 hrs induction!
and dilation was abt 3cm only ..bb heartbeats went down and went for emergency c section... he is 2.545 kg at 36 wks...with god's blessing he is healthy and lucky for me to receive the extra maternity leave ..

now...im like a mother cow... milking myself every 3 hrs...tiring...but worth it!

Will pray for all the mummies who are waiting to pop soon.

visit my face book http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=609675097#/album.php?aid=36797&id=609675097
will go try those shops if i still can't get!

12 pieces are not enough! I'm intending to use at least 2 per day. So I figure i need lots of packs for the entire mth! And i only have three packs leftover (from 2 years ago!!! Can u imagine...)
Oh, the #49 spree stuff have finally arrived. Yay!
Hope u have good news on baby today!

feel so relieved now that I'm on ML. Was so tired just now when i took a nap cos not feeling well. So glad i decided at like 10pm last nite to take ML!
Suddenly discovered today that i still have lots of things to prepare for baby!

shazz, jaymickey, big toes,
why must do VE now? It's not necessary right? Isn't doing it now like having the gynae stick his fingers in there for nothing? And it might cos the mucus plug to dislodge too...
I only had VE last time at 38 weeks cos i had yeast infection and gynae inserted the medication for me and he also checked that everything was okay. This time nothing wrong with me so he said no need to do VE even when my hubby asked.

u sound like u're having fun!
Jane (ja17e) - CONGRATS! So we are finding more & more mommies who went MIA and came back to say they popped!
Just nice that ur son was born on 17th Aug for the msternity perks ya!

isabelle (isa_belle) - according to my gyne, need to do VE from week 36 onwards, basically to check if the cervix has dilated, and to see if baby's head is engaged. Its just a couple of seconds of discomfort, & mine is a female gyne, so less weird.
I agree wit bacon&egg... muz faster pee pee.. don hold back if nt will feel much pain... i been exp tt since i'm back frm hosp...
I've addded you in FB. Pls accept. BTW, congrats on the arrival of your newborn.

8.7kg is quite little leh...somemore u still look quite slim leh...no worries la.
BB is doing fine. BTW, wat does i/o stand for ?
big toes
oic. Guess diff gynaes have diff style then. Seems that VE is a pretty std procedure.
Guess I'm quite against VE cos I dun really see the need to check if one is dilated or not. And i think gynae can tell if baby is engaged or not without VE cos Dr Chang told me I'm fully engaged already by feeling my tummy.
And I also wrote in my birth plan that I do not mind having VE but I will decide when it's to be done.
Hi mums,
I heard that the 4th month is only "encouraged" by employers...not compulsory, is it true? Cos i'm working in a SME, not sure if they'll adhere to the "suggestion" by govt or not leh.
Congrats Jane! What was Samuel's length and head circumference? I'm updating the table.

bacon&egg (baconegg): yeah, one more week at least, next mon is 1 Sep already! My gynae appt is at 10.30am, will do a CTG first, who knows may admit straight after that!

Sri_Leo: yes, I want a sep baby. How's your progress? I thought you were already 1cm dilated that time?

xuanting: Don't feel any different with the 1cm dilation. I'm still having pelvic pain, especially when I get up form bed or chair. But I suppose it's normal cos baby will need to re-position himself whenever I change position.

Isabelle: I have no idea why it's necessary to do it now ... but I suppose she had to check if I'm dilated and how many cm. She pressed my tummy and knew he's engaged. But dunno how many cm I dilated already.

Bigtoes: It's the aftermath that is more painful for me, I felt so violated, ma chiam kena gang raped by cows! haha
ur decription is so funny!!! By cows?!! But I do find the procedure unnessarily invasive though.
Is it that painful? I dun remember it being so painful. Just momentary discomfort, as big toes described. But my mucus plug kinda dislodged at home after that. Only good thing was that he gave me two days MC after finding out I was 2 cm dilated! Hee hee...
isabelle: U bet! I'm having some fun in the kitchen. My warmer is working fine too. I tested with a milk bottle of plain water. It's like my facial steamer

Ava: I'll keep the pump for the time being. I'll play with it tomorrow when I'm in the mood!

VE: Like Isabelle, I also wonder why some of u r required to do VE? Wouldn't the mucus plug come out accidentally? Is it the same as Strep B test?

Jane: Your page cannot be viewed. Anyway, did u manage to get a refund for dropping out of the bloom photoshoot?

SarahMay: How was your Bloom session last Fri?
8.7kg weight gain so fair? U r one lucky mom! Sure to regain your figure very soon!
isabelle (isa_belle) - so u submitted ur birth plan to your gyne? Not sure if the rest of the mommies here have written birth plans as well, but I don't have one. Guess yours is a special case cos u are going for a drug free birth right?

Okie, chat with u mommies later - am going for my 5pm gyne appnt in abit
Yup Shazz... frm 15 aug - 18 aug i dilate for only 1cm.. haiz... nw nt sure..tmr i hv my checkup.. will ask doc hw many cm hv i dilated...

Btw mummies.. wat is VE??
VE stands for Vaginal Examination.

Bacon & Egg,
I wil be 37 weeks this thurs and i started to feel the pain at the pelvic area last week oni...it comes on off and esp painful at nite. How abt u ? How many weeks are u now ?

What type of books do u read to ur bb ?
Jane: good for u! u can now tell ur bb that your water bag burst whilst taking those shots

BEDDING SET: Did u all dryclean the bumper or just toss it into the washing machine?

Bigtoes: Me neither...Dr Cheng as usual didn't ask me to fill up any Birth Plan. Dun even need to indicate PD and Anaesthetist's names on the form...
I am at Week 38. I started feeling the pain since the beginning of 3rd Trim..unbearable but we women are made to be able to tahan pain for the sake of our bbs..
I cant turn from left to right or right to left without feeling the pain..the only time i feel relieve is when i sit down.

I wash the MC bumper (think we got the same design) using my washing machine (can be quite difficult cos the bumper is huge!) and dry it with dryer. One of the corner tore as a result..but i can still mend it with needle and thread.
<font color="0077aa">Mandy: Maternity pads needs to buy more cos each day we might use 4-5 pcs right? The Sofy ones that I bought only have 8pcs each..

Yan: How do you test out the breastpump? I just took it out &amp; check...

Jane: I thot you went missing! Congrats to your bb! Can't view your FB page...

Isabelle: Will drop by NTUC later to buy more disposables undies, still feel that I am not prepared yet, like there is items I haven't buy yet! Yes, finally the items arive! I am opting for normal mail, hope it reach me soon!

I also want a sept baby!

Hubby will be home early to cook for me.. after so long.. Keke... Then will make our way to see gynae.
Hi mommies and mommies-to-be-in-sept, this is my first post in this forum and am glad to find out that there is such a strong support amongst you. do you guys know each other way before? my bb's due end of sept and alr i can't wait to be on leave. The level of energy seems to be sapping away every minute.

oic.. vaginal examination.. i kena b4 seh.. doc abused my vagina 3 times!! hehehe.. 1st time kena poke to see hw many cm i dilate was so pain till i nearly scream... like nt much lubricant la.. kekeke...
