(2008/09) Sep 2008

bigtoes, the guests knew, and this was back in the 70s.

flos, there's another video for this week's parentcraft class but u must remember to watch nurse chong at the same time. during the breast massage segment, i saw her giving her breasts a v vigorous massage while watching the video also! she also handles her doll v lovingly. a lot less boring than the previous class!

so much talk about ghost and placenta, I thought I popped into the wrong thread! lol

yan: your hubby is a sweetie. I think it's really time to rest and let your hubby handle the more tedious work like mopping. I was told not to squat unneccessarily now, until when baby is full term, and you're ready to pop, then you can start doing your squats as I heard it'll help in delivery. if you do really have to squat, please take extra care when you're standing up ok?
19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling = 1 pax
yah lor. let's change topic if you ladies dun mind! ;)But my topic is equally gruesome! lol

- those who're thinking of donating, please call SCBB at 6394 5011 to arrange for a co-ordinator to meet up with you for interview and signing of agreement.
- I was told we have to meet up with them around week 32, for them to go through some health questions with us, before they decide if we're suitable donors.
- Please go through the list here before you call them to se if you meet the requirements.


i wanted to eat mine from my first birth! hee hee. My MIL was so freaked out! But in the end when i saw it after the birth, i told the nurse i didn't want it anymore...
Anyway, my mum was ok with the idea but wshe said dun expect her to prepare it!
But the idea of other people eating it is totally gross!!!
xuanting: why is Nurse Chong caressing her own breasts? Last week and the week before, she was seated on the floor, in the delivery position, with her legs wide opened & facing the class!! She simulated labour contractions and those hbs in the room held back their laughter!

I hope my DH won't burst out laughing. He is attending this week's class with me to learn abt bathing and feeding

shazz/qiuling: had your dinner?

Placenta Recipes (Mothering Magazine, September 1983, Vol. 28, pg 76) Each placenta weighs approximately 1/6 of the baby's weight. Cut the meat away from the membranes with a sharp knife. Discard the membranes.

Placenta Cocktail: 1/4 cup raw placenta, 8oz V-8 juice, 2 ice cubes, 1/2 cup carrot. Blend at high speed for 10 seconds

Placenta Lasagne: Use your favorite lasagne recipe and substitute this mixture for one layer of cheese. In 2 tbl. olive oil, quickly saute meat of 3/4 placenta, ground or minced plus 2 sliced cloves of garlic, 1/2 tsp. oregano, 1/2 diced onion & 2 tbl. tomato paste, or 1 whole tomato.

Placenta Spaghetti: Cut meat of 3/4 placenta into bite size pieces, then brown quickly in 1 tbl. butter plus 1 tbl. oil. Then add 1 large can tomato puree, 2 cans crushed pear tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbl. molasses, 1 bay leaf, 1 tbl. rosemary, 1 tsp. ea. of salt, honey, oregano, basil, and fennel. Simmer 1 1/2 hours.

Placenta Stew: Meat of 3/4 placenta in bite size chunks, 1 potato (cubed), 1/4 cup fresh parsley, 2 carrots, 3 ribs celery, 1 zucchini, 1 large tomato, 1 small onion. Dredge meat in 1 tbl. flour mixed with 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp. paprika, pinch of cloves, pinch of pepper, 6-8 crushed coriander seeds. Saute meat in 2 tbl. oil, then add vegetables (cut up) and 4-5 cups of water. Bring to full boil, then simmer for 1 hour.

Placenta Pizza: Grind placenta. Saute in 2 tbl. olive oil with 4 garlic cloves, then add 1/4 tsp fennel, 1/4 tsp. pepper, 1/4 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. oregano, 1/4 tsp. thyme, and 1/4 cup of wine. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, then use with your favorite home made pizza recipe. It's a fine placenta sausage topping.
FLOS! thank God I dun have recurring MS! if not i'm sure I'll puke my dinner out by now ... dun even dare to read your post thoroughly!
flos, those placenta recipes are really gross! i saw the pic of the placenta before and it looked so disgusting, don't know how some people can eat it.
shazz, yah about squatting, i do find that there's a stingy/achy feeling at that part... so i try not to squat too much now. kneeling and crawling on the floor dun have the achy feeling so i tot is still quite ok...
the meatloaf actually looks quite nice wor... but can't imagine drinking the placenta cocktail. must taste quite raw still despite the v-8 juice and carrots. eek.

flos, nurse chong was v engrossed in the video ma. video massage she also massage lor.
Flos: STOP IT!!! So gross man!! Haha... Placenta receipe??

Shazz: I am seriously thinking of donating cord blood. Was reading the research materials from SCBB webby.


Extracted some parts from the website:
:In the still-experimental field of stem cells, the banking of umbilical cord blood has emerged as its biggest industry, driven by marketing claims that the blood could one day have the potential to cure ailments such as Parkinson's disease, paralysis and diabetes.

But there is little evidence that the promise of cord blood will ever be realized. The blood does indeed contain stem cells, but they are far different from the much-touted embryonic stem cells, which come from newly formed embryos and have the ability to become any tissue type."

"At Family Cord Blood Services, just one sample has been used out of the more than 9,000 collected over the last eight years. The child died.

"This is purely a commercial business," said Dr. Eliane Gluckman, a French hematologist who performed the world's first successful cord blood transplant in 1988. It is "just for profit and not for benefit."

"The focus was embryonic stem cells, which have the proven ability to transform into any type of tissue — and only a vague resemblance to stem cells in cord blood. That didn't seem to matter to people who bank.

"For the general public, they just hear the words 'stem cells,' " said Kaj Rydman, president of Family Cord Blood Services. "A large portion do it on blind faith."

I forgot how to do the color thing for the post, can somebody tell me?

TRaz: I am with Dr Adrian Woodworth, he is more concern with the weight & health of bb so usually he don;t measure mummies' weight. But need be I will hop on to the weighing machine to weigh myself. As for blood pressure, he only measure twice during my 1st visit and in my 28weeks.
xuanting: it's pate...keke! I dun think it's very appetizing...hmm...

ok, I'll take note of the video
But I think she speaks better English than Mrs Wong. Watched Mrs Wong on CNA "Big Daddy" and couldn't really catch what she was trying to say...

koras: u just puked the day before right? better dun look at the picture. I saw my coll's placenta photo. It's quite gory...
storeberry: look under HELP>FORMATTING>COLOUR


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flos, i couldn't quite catch what was being said in the bathing and feeding video either. it was a little muffled and the person doing the voice over spoke with a slight accent. wonder if it's mrs wong? tell me after you've watched it on fri.

the pate is so chunky!
<font color="0077aa">Thanks Flos!!</font>

<font color="0077aa">Sarah: I had loop sided tummy most of the time! Yesterday was so obvious that I showed it to my colleagues!</font>
PHilips Bb Monitor: Need to ask for any mummies who have bought the following moniotr? Is it good? Worth buying? How much is the price?

FLOS: No expensive taste la. Look look only. We designed our own cabinets and got a carpenter to do it. My house like DIY. Got DIY furniture also...thanks to my hubby like a dining set made out of tasmanian oak courtesy of Esplanade concert hall. Haha. Last year, I rber still seeing Kitchen Culture at Leng Kee. It is a pretty big showroom. Maybe they have a branch at Park Mall? Not q sure. I dun really go PM.

PLACENTA: Damn gross la...eating own placenta. Haha. but the nutritional benefits seem to outweigh the gruesomeness. So i may consider converting into pills. Hahahah. Much better than cordyceps right?

Ava: Thanks for your input! Btw, do u know if DASH had a previous edition, not the deluxe, but just DASH?

Shazz: Thanks for the cord bank info. Do you know if hubby must be around?
Bigtoes: As for the bras, I think the regular ones unsnap differently from the nursing bras right? Unless you got a brand that unhooks and hooks back easily...which brand is that? Also thot of going braless, but worried abt the let-down, and the lack of support adding to achy breasts.
Skip Hop: dont know, sorry...! Have u looked at the website? Cos I was only focused on the duo double in my search.
Storeberry: Hehe. What is your little berry doing?

Ava: Yeah...checked the site. Nothing! Someone is selling her Skip Hop cheap but says it is not the Deluxe, doesn't have the shuttle clips. If it doesn't have the shuttle clips tt help to attach it to stroller handles, I think there is little point in buying it.

OMG.. I was happily eating my beehoon breakfast &amp; reading through the thread when I saw those placenta pictures.. nearly puked out my beehoon! Lol... now I don't dare to scroll up.
<font color="119911">SarahMay (sarahmay) - I didn't see this analog monitor at Kiddy Palace, but think it sells for quite cheap (Less than $100?). Am thinking of getting the DECT version where there is less cross signal/inteference. Not sure of the model no. in the website (either 496/497) but the one being sold at Kiddy Palace is in white/orange &amp; goes for $130++. There are a couple at the higher range as well, for about $400.

On your qtn on non-nursing bras, the bras I bought are pretty much brandless/cheapo brands with the detachable straps. Works pretty much the same as the nursing bras, and comes in prettier designs.

Placenta - okie, the placenta is gross! Really huge...hehe, would account for a big chunck of our post-delivery weight loss then.

shazz (shazzerlyn) - So u have decided to donate your cord blood. We made up our minds to donate a couple of months back also, but hope I get around to arranging the appointment with them!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Placenta: Yup! the pics sure look grotesque! I told my hub about it and asked if he wanted to look at the placenta. He completely freaked out. Hahah.

Koras: No wonder you put on so little weight! But your little one is growing chubby ! So that is good!

Bigtoes: Thanks so much for your help! Some mum is selling the analog model for $90 which I think is pretty steep after hearing that the DECT model is like 130+. Better to get the DECT cos of the reduced cross-interference. Imagine some uncle or aunty suddenly coming on air with their coffeeshop talk! Where did you get your brandless but pretty nursing bra copies?

COrd Blood PUblic Bank: Does anyone know if the husband has to be there? from what I read, it seems that the woman is the main qualifying criteria. My hubby won't be in town till I pop, so I hope I still can qualify.</font>
I have eaten them before...for many months! But not my own placenta but someone's else.. Before u freak out..
here's the story: I nurse my healthy using a TCM. She advocates taking placenta (from mommies age < 28 years old - more fresh and healthy...she claimed). The placenta I saw was already dried up and the TCM would take a whole placenta and grind them into powder into the heaps of chinese herbs..I just have to brew them and drink up. It tasted awful...bitter and strong-smelling. But after consuming the placenta and herbs for 2 mths, i do find my skin and complexion looking v radiant and smooth.

Stopped doing since preggie. My hubby has been very helpful and accommodating..he does all the housework at home and says he enjoys doing it! We hired a Part time helper one time, but stopped after one session...hubby says feels v helpless watching TV when the uncle was cleaning (yes my PTH is a middle-aged uncle)
hihi... i am back
When i reach clinic yday, doc checked the cervix, he says nothing wrong. So i ask him why i keep bleeding, he says he dunno too. I was like huh, bleed for one week liao leh. He says next time if i bleed, come see him immediately, Dun wait. So i told him last time he ask me to go back only if theres red blood... so i waited this time round lor... somemore yday morning i also bleeding mah... then he goes silent............. nothing to say. My hubby ask, can we know the baby's weight? He answer, now at 28weeks is GENERALLY 1.6kg, then hub says but our bb is how heavy now??? Then i got a shock when he replies, if u wan to know the weight, i need to scan for 20mins and it will cost $150... then he says no point.
So my heart drop liao... hai... so long as baby is doing fine i shall not demand the weight. Dunno why it is so difficult to get the weight of my bb whereas u guys here get it so easily in every appt.
I continue to ask, is it becos i got infection? He says No... yr hubby is v hygenic... i think he assume we had xxx... but we really really never do it lor. Be4 i leave he says, if got bleeding or watever bring yr pad along to show me, so i told him got photo, wanna see? He says no need! Bring original!! wah lau... ava i shd hv listen to u! Anyway, i will seek 2nd opinion from Doc Fong Yang in tiong bahru. Cannot be bleeding for nothing de mah.
For baby monitors you may consider getting it from U.S. reason being it is so much more cheaper. I got one for my friend AngelCare brand, it's only around US$80 but in Singapore, selling at SG$350 plus.
Mrs Yap,
Good to know you are well..find your gynea contradicting..think it is advisable to get another gynea's opinion. Usually ppl bled cos there is a blood clot or fibroid..it is always good to scan carefully..

As for bb weight, I dont get my junior's weight each visit cos I only get to hear the doppler for heartbeat. It is only early stage (i get to scan every visit) and week 24, 30, 32 and later stages of pregnancy. I only get the actual weight at week 30.
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap (oneboyonegirl) - ur gyne is really weird &amp; lacks bedside manner! Since when have to pay $150 to estimate ur baby's weight? All he needs to do is scan, take a few measurements (Abdominal circumference, head girth etc) then estimate the weight. Would be done in like 2-3 minutes! My gyne does a scan &amp; weight estimate at every visit.

And bring the pad along to show him? Abit unhygenic right? Hah, but if he wants it....

Yes, better to go check with another gyne - just for your peace of mind.</font>
SarahMay &amp; Bigtoes, have both of you gotten your nursing bras? i'm thinking of getting mine but i read somewhere that only to get it after the 8th mth in case there's an increase in size. is it true?

SarahMay, i saw you saying about your tummy being loopsided. mine also and my bb seemed to like the right side of my tummy more. so it always look more pointy on my right side. hehe..

mrs yap, did you sign up package with your gynae? how come scan for bb weight still need to pay extra money... ya u better consult another gynae since this one can't give you a proper answer.
Mrs Yap, i tot if got bleeding the gynae will scan the baby one? then when he scanning see the baby ok or not, he can check the weight at the same time wad. that's wad my gynae do also... and like bigtoes, it takes only about 2-3 minutes. how come he needs 20mins and additional $$ so weired one. Normally bleeding is big issue one lo. why he like so bo chap one... better go see another gynae for 2nd opinion. i remember 1st trimester i got spotting, the gynae also check and say nevermind, no need worry. i also asked him ALOT of times 'REALLY REALLY no need to worry?!' and 'You very sure?? cos I VERY worried!' he will assure me many times before i get out of his room lo
The only reason which i suspect but the gynae did not tell is tat he is using an old machine lor. His machine machiam like dun hv the function to generate the weight type. So i am paying super expensive gynae using a super lousy machine.
Anyway, its about 2 mths before i pop... i will close 1 eye or even 2 eyes and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy. No point angry liao le... My hb has been v supportive though... he can feel my anguish too. Everytime i come out of clinic my mood sure no good n i will take it out on him... after tat i feel bad. Not hb's fault too. In the end hubby consoled me by asking me to go for the 4d scan.
Mrs Yap
seee......!!! You better go for second opinion NOW...before you pop! better safe than sorry and frankly he doesnt deserve your loyalty!
Not sure if anybody read the newspapers yesterday but NTUC having baby sale. So might be a good time now to grab some stuff.
Mrs Yap,

How can a gynae answering ur qtn said I dun koe?? OMG! something wrong w ur gynae..Tot left w 2mths but anything can happen..CHANGE gynae! I wld do tt if I were u.

I didnt even hv to ask my gynae wat my baby weight!! he jus informed me himself when during scan. Most important! NO Xtra Charge
wingkei, is ntuc and ntuc-finest same got sale or not... if same having sale then sunday ask my hubby to bring me there!

Mrs Yap, if you dun have package with him then maybe can go find other gynae liao lo... left 2 months also can change ma... cos he will be the one to bring your baby out, imagine later he tell you he dunno wad is happening or dunno why something is happening during your labour?! =X just my opinion la..

I also scared my gynae never tell me the weight. and he always scan so fast. so i always very fast ask him so is the baby correct size? smaller or bigger? normal size? then he say normal size then i will faster ask him so now is how big liao? then he will tell me the weight. anyway for the last visit, after the scan he also ask me if there's anything i need to ask him. so quite alright.
Mrs Yap: Glad that you are seeking 2nd opinion!! Yes, for that piece of mind, pls do it fast!
And I also cannot understand why he cannot spend a few mins to measure bb's body to determine the weight...

Bigtoes: If you buy those detechable bras straps would the straps fly back when u detech it? :p Keke.. you know those strap will not stay put &amp; if outside BF, wouldn't it be very troublesome to pull the strap back to position?

Jessi: I bought nursing bras but a few sizes up.

Wingkei: Maybe you want to tell us what kind of baby sale NTUC is having?
yan (bbfam,

Me too have swelling feet from my first preggy buy hubby still did nothing leh. Guess hes too busy with his work..haiz..

Dear mommies,

Regarding the placenta thingy you dun need to do it urself. You can just pass it to me and what you see in the end is just the capsulated powdered form of placenta and the size really depend on the size of your baby. The smallest i did is slighty bigger than our fist and according to the mummy the bb is really small. You dun eat others placenta so as not to increase the risk of complication but yes TCM do give placenta extract to nurture one's health back. Anyway its just a service provided for mummies who are interested...
yan, yes, NTUC-Finest has the same sale, just that some products may not be available.

storeberry, I saw many diapers on promotion in the newspapers. But didn't see any newborn ones, but the deals for the bigger sizes seem good. They also having sale for baby products like soaps, shampoos, wipes, etc. Baby esentials, basically, even formula milk.
Mrs Yap, go for second opinion to give urself a better peace of mind. But what u said is true.. no point getting angry at this time liao...and if he's really an expert in high risk pregnancies, he shd be able to give a better reply than his " dono?"

FLOS!! YOU ARE GROSS!! haaa.. u actually source for the recipes! LOL.. one funny woman..

Ladies, hee.. 2wks ago at my wkend retreat to batam, i actually bot 3nursing bras for less than $10bucks altogether.. haa.. cheapo! 2pink and 1black. NOT TOTALLY mumsy but oso not exactly trendy.
bacon&amp;eggs: How did u find that placenta soup lobang?!! I find it rather gross to drink another human being's placenta soup. It's like CANNIBALISM? hmm...

Goats' placenta soup is on the other hand acceptable to me. I drink that frequently in China and it makes my complexion very radiant u bet. OK, enuff on this sick topic. I'm prepping my tummy for a nice lunch later...

Mrs Yap: Why didn't you reply, "YES! I WILL PAY YOU $150 for my bb's weight!"

How much is this gynae's package anyway?

I suggest you sign up with Radlink and get all the details you want. It's not too expensive.
storeberry (storeberry) - the bras functioned similar to the same as the ones at Kiddy Palace, hence I got them. (Both have straps that would fall backwards once detached.) Of cos u can just get proper nursing bras
Doubt I would be comfortable BFing outside...firstly cos it would be difficult to find a proper nursing room in most places, &amp; secondly cos BFing typically takes up to 45minutes. Would most prob just carry some expressed BM (stored properly of cos) or formula milk when we go out.
Jen Kate

Since u r also a MTB, will u be grinding your own placenta into powder and encapsulate them into pills and swallow them?

A few more questions about your cosy haven:

Where in SG is your placenta pill processing factory? How many staff do you have at the moment? What machines are you using to process placentas? Do you have a license from say MOH or HSA to process pills?

Care to post some photos here?
<font color="0077aa">Bigtoes: OIC... cos I was thinking if I am carrying my baby &amp; need to find my straps then very troublesome!! My ugly nursing bras are for home used &amp; will find some nice ones on the web to wear outside.

Got it wingkei! Thanks!</font>
sarahmay - hope next week i go check up again baby growing well lo.. i scared i eat wat vomit what baby dun get enuff nutrient


how many wks are u in??
I m in Week 26..bt until now i m still hving MS thru out whole day but baby growing ok [touchwood] hehee....
