(2008/09) Sep 2008

Mrs Yap...
the midwives asked my hb to see the crowning and said...get her to push. i think that really freaked him out...luckily he didnt faint! but that was when he did that yelling in my ear thing that i posted before...haha!

Yeah, the first time u lay eyes on baby is indescribable..i was like "he's so gorgeous!!!" "he's perfect" (even tho he was scarred a bit by the forceps on forehead and a bit misshapen and gooey)...

can't wait to see if my two gals look more like me than my son does! altho he does look more like me these days.

think u are talking abt "bottle-confusion", i forgot if this is the actual term for it, coz it slipped my mind liao...

it's talking abt mummy bottle-feeding and latching the BB at the same time, and it's not advisable. if u wan ur BB to be botte-fed, get someone else to do it. u ONLY direct latch the BB, pls dun try to do both to avoid "bottle-confusion" on your NB..

this is very common as alot of mummies are not aware of this "confusion", and still thot why our bb can reject bottle when they r so young.. esp during the first 3mths tat they cant really see yet, their sense of smell is very accurate.

i totally leave bottle-feeding to my mil n mum then, i only latch my NB. but expressing milk is not advised in the early stage when your MS(milk supply) is not stable yet, it takes abt 3 mths for the body to stabilise the MS.

so it's best tat we only start expressing when we go back to work, or 2 mths after delivery, so tat our NB can feed on the EBM(expressed breast milk) when we r at work.

Abt episotomy
my hubby also witnessed the snipping and baby's head crowning... he told me tat it was "Er Xin", but he was overcome by the JOY to see our girl then, and tat gave him the courage to witness the whole process. so i'm sure there are alot of BRAVE daddies out there too!

alamak! me still laughing until now......
Why must the HB witness the snipping as well? That's not very meaningful right?

I thot the cutting of umbilical chord is significant.
i have a colleague whos having problem with her gal drinking from bottle after she came back to work..she started to bottle feed 2weeks before coming back to work. Everything was fine then but on that day when she start work, her gal totally refuses the milk bottle..maybe she sense something different..

So guess have to introduce the bottle every now and then..
aloevera, so you are saying that if we want to feed our babies, we should direct latch and if we express our milk out, leave the bottle feeding to other people? Just don't take a bottle and try to feed our babies ourselves when we are breastfeeding?
mrs yap
that story is so funny!!! Haha
The husband fainting was ultimate!

Anyway i hope things get better for u from now on!
no la, just happened my hubby went forward to check if baby's head is crowning ma.. they dun hv to witness it, but they'll eventually see it when bb's coming out...

For J, this is what I did to get him adjusted to the bottle. During confinement, I express at night so that the CL can bottlefeed. All other times are direct latch on. After confinement, I let my hubby do the nightfeed. J's ok with bottle but the problem was I started with NUK latex teat. As a result, he refused all silicon teat and took 6 mths to make the switch.

Besides latching on, I also expressed my milk from the beginning cos J is a small drinker. The breasts are not completely emptied most of the time and can lead to engorgement easily.
coz this will cause confusion to the new born. and they will prefer to be latched directly from mother rather than drinking from a bottle. just like they love to be carried around and they will cry if we leave them to sleep in the cot on their own...

n some new borns will only want to be carried by their moms, n not others. so alot of moms will believe tat we SHLD NOT carry the infant too much or they will be too attached. so it's good to start training from young, and it's good to know wat we can do to help the infant, and also the caregiver when we get back to work.
Mrs Yap: Thanks for the comical story!! Haha.. Darn funny!! The Dh so funny, fainted some more!

Hmm.. For latching on bb, think during my confinment, I will ask CL to bring bb over in the night to feed him.
mrsyap.. i read that this morning too! couldn't stop laughing... and emailed this story to my hsuband.. my husband asked me to ask that mom if her husband really fainted... haha
Mrs Yap: Thanks for sharing the story. Damn funny. I read the bits of it to my hubby esp the part abt the DH fainting...I read till I laughed and tears came out of my eyes. So darn farneeeee la!

Bacon & Egg: Wah! too bad I'm over 30. If not I can sell my placenta and make some money. Hahhaha. But seriously, how did it taste? And was it expensive?

Ava: MIM bras are ok. Comfort is key to nursing bras. But still...i think i wld still like some nice ones to wear... just so I can still feel sexy and not like a milking cow. Hahahaah.

Aloe Vera: That was so touching! I wonder what my reaction will be when I see my baby! Heheh. can't wait.

Storeberry: Where you buying your sexy nursing bras from? Can share your shopping haunts for that?
glad that the story made u all laugh...

its true tat some pp will faint from sight of blood... last time my grandma had a deep cut on her hand, so my aunt brought her to the clinic. End up my aunt fainted in the clinic but my grandma ok... hehe
heee... but if the husbands knows that they will faint from sight of blood, then shouldnt them avoid to see? it will be so malu when fainted in front of the nurses and doctor..
Dear mommies,

Thanks for all the expert views.
Yah, this time round, I will not wait so long to introduce the bottles, and will also let someone else give it to the baby instead. Last time round for my FB, even at 3 weeks, it was too late liao for him. I went to get something from the store then and was away, and he cried for 2 hours, and refused the bottle which my hubby tried to give!
Try 1 bottle a day...i've read we can try feeding from bottle during evening feed as supply is low. or something like that. will need to go read again (Gina Ford)
u bought sexy nusring bras? From where? I'm interested too!

RX mom,
sometimes mebbe gotta be hardhearted... I only gave BM in bottle after 6 weeks (cos I was afraid of the nipple-teat confusion thing) and at first she was ok, then she rejected. My mum tried to feed her in another room and we both closed our doors. In the end, the next day, I went shopping and she had no choice. Cried like crazy. After 2 days, she knew that if she din drink she'd get nothing.
But in my case I had no choice cos I was gg to go back to work. I knew I cldn't give in...

But my colleague's was worse. Her son just slept thru all the way till she came home to nurse him! Finally she stopped bf totally and switched him to FM.

Guess it depnds on baby's temperament too... All the best this time round!
rxmum and other bfg mummies....

ok im sorry to be such a wet blanket. but really, as isabelle said, it depends on the temperament of the child. here is my long story..

introduced bottle to my boy way early. think day3, coz he was warded for jaundice and i didnt stay in with him, so they fed him formula with bottle while he was in hospital. when he came home, he had bottle feeds too coz i was intedning to return to work and wanted him to get used to it...i know about nipple confusion thingy but thought it'll be ok...

suddenly at 3rd month, my boy rejected the bottle totally. when i went out shopping he just totally refused to drink from bottle!the thing about my boy is he wont cry, he might whine then suck his thumb and look at everyone grudgingly before dozing off but he wont take the bottle. he can go without milk for like 12 hours even then (yes at 3.5mths)

of course i hard hearted have to go back to work. but for the next 8mths while working he still refused bottle...my ILs spoonfed him, end up whole day drink 200mls...i work from 7am to 6pm then...(when i went home he will only have time for his last feed before sleeping through the night...) tried giving more cereal, end up constipation...tried all sorts of things...he wont wont wont take the bottle.

eventually his weight plummeted even with nightfeeds (he was sleeping thru the night by 2nd month but i had to wake him up for nightfeeds since he drank so little milk and ate so lil in the day...) even today while he eats well, he is still off chart in weight...

this was one main reason why i stopped work. it was really stressful then to rush back whenever possible o latch him on...

o one thing i did wrongly was to introduce solids just before i returned to work. think it caused an aversion in him for solids...so that didnt help. eventually the PD and dietitian even told me they are glad i stopped work...

the moral is..all bbs are different lah. not all of them do what you want them to do...
Hi there! Just to alert you all: Maternity Exchange @ Marina Square is having a fantastic deal every Saturday in July, starting tomorrow, 5 July!
- Additional 10% off their clearance sale items (which are already at up to 75% off!)
- 10% off regular priced maternity and nursing wear
- 1 extra credit with any rental package (It means you get to rent 1 more pc for free!)
It's a rare offer, do take advantage of it! Visit www.maternityexchange.sg for more details on best ways to get there during the ndp rehearsals too. Raffles Boulevard, the main road that leads to Marina Square is fully accessible to traffic, so it is actually very easy to get to M.Sq! See ya!
wow, so many posts in a day and we're still half on placenta! *puke*

Nursing Bras: totally agree with Ava that comfort is the most important. I'm eyeing the MIMs nursing bra but the colour and size I want is OOS.

SarahMay: I have no idea if they need hubby to be around, didn't ask cos mine will be with me to sign the documents etc. Suggest you call them when you're back cos I'm sure they're in a better position to answer your queries due to your unique situation.

Mandy: A couple of mums in this thread had already done our 3D/4D scans. Are you thinking of doing or you have somewhere to recommend?
<font color="0000ff">Nursing Bra
haha.. i juz went to buy 2 of such from Marton Bell. Cheap cheap nia lah.. some 'beauty' brand. no underwire cotton ones.. 2 for $17.90.

Placenta Processing
Wah.. this is so gross... still got the pics. nearly made mi puke out my food

Baby Update
Went to see Dr TC Chang ytd coz my gynae was on leave. All's well. BB Max is now 1.64kg. Gynae said he's growing well so I have to believe it rite

oh no.. i think i'm suffering from a serious bout of constipation leh.... no urge leh..</font>
Dear Madams,



We are five students from Raffles Junior College who will be embarking on our Project Work.

As our Project is based on the modernization of cures for blood diseases, we hope to raise awareness and funds for public cord blood banking.

We understand the significance of cord blood stem cells in curing blood diseases. However, not many others do. Through this project, we hope to raise awareness among the public and pregnant women about the uses of cord blood: encourage mothers to donate their babies’ cord blood to public banks (SCBB) and increase the extent of positive impact that cord blood has brought to the curing of blood diseases. We also hope to give support to public cord blood banks by raising funds from the public.

xuanting: I just attended Lesson 4 last nite. It was quite interesting!!! Nurse C was reall kneading her own boobs!!!

After Lesson 4, they gave away free Pampers NB, which I didn't take
Some of the greedy couples took 4 sample packs!

sasa de mouse: I suppose I won't get to see TC Chang in the week after next cos by then LC would be back.

Constipation: Why dun u buy kiwifruits to eat. They are in season now. I eat one daily and pass daily. Grreat laxatives!

Nursing bras: I bought 2 from M&amp;S and 2 Mothercare.

Where is MIM's shop? Oh, I just saw the MIM female boss at Prego's the other evening dining away with a bunch of friends.
Sarah: I called SCBB, the lady told me hubby no need to be around as long as you know his family history of illness. The lady quite "kan chiong", I only called to enquired about donating the cord blood, she quickly want to fix appt for her girl to come down &amp; settle paperwork..

sasa de mouse: The nursing bras is cheap!! I thought mine at $9.90 is cheap enough! Novena sq is near my office, mayb will drop by. Do they have padded nursing bras that we can wear outside?
Hi Mummies,

Anybody got vagina infection before ? Iam in 30 weeks now and start to felt itchy down there few days ago..
Dunno should go to c doc or any medication to apply ?

u saw TC Chang today? I was supposed to see him today but the nurse told me he's not ard today and I ended up having to make an appt this mon afternoon instead! Sheesh... I'm miffed cos my hubby can only come with me on sat! Hmpph

mebbe u've got an yeast infection. Better go see ur dr!

our boobs will be huge by then, u sure u still want padding?

OIO Maternity Shop in KK and Raffles Hospital.
I bought from KK almost two yrs back. Nice. Does not look like nursing bra at all! Got one lilac coloured one, with ribbon and lace and two other basic ones (beige and black) But very ex... So not sure I'm gg there again!
oh so u mean that kind of padding. Thot u meant the thick padding that some triumph bras come in! Hee..
Hmm so far none of the mursing bras i bought allow peek-a-boo. Thye're not cotton thin kind.
Thanks Shazz and Storeberry for the info.

Bigtoes: Was just thinking abt the normal bras you got. You said that the nursing ones from Kiddy Palace you saw also had to have the straps unsnapped in order for you to breastfeed? I thot that nursing bras are those with flaps on the cups that you unhook to nurse, so no need to unhook bra straps?

Storeberry: I think iwantmilks is not bad. But the designs I like don't have my size
. I'm so getting the el cheapo ones. My SIL says the Rabbit brand from the nieghbourhood shops are comfy and cheap.

MIM bras: Where has the biggest collection of their bras? I tried online but the stuff I want is also OOS.

l'l CY: Yup! Agree! Different babies = different temperaments. We cannot really dictate what we want them to do as much as we don't want to also have them run our lives like little tyrants. Prob best for us to take one step at a time...get to know our bbs and modify our strategies.
Actually after bf for so long, I just used normal bras too! They work!
Just that I'm looking for excuse to buy something!

So sianz... supposed to be doing work now, but just can't get my brain to work!!! Keep coming in here to post!
Yun - Do ring your doc to check it out. Yeast infection is quite common for preggies because of increased hormone levels. HOwever, do not attempt to use the regular yeast infection medication tt you purchase over the counter. The doc will be able to prescribe gentle washes and antibacterial cream. I use NEODERM from my doc, but even then, only can use for certain periods. If it is a bad infection, the doc might have to prescribe antibiotics in the form of a pessary ( not sure of spellin) to insert into your vagina.
hi mummies,
i managed to get my hubby's "blessings" - i can attend the gathering on the 19th liao!

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling - 1 pax
twendy - 1 pax
Great twendy!!! I am looking forward to yummy food!!! Keke...

Sarah: Yah, I think iwantmilk also don't have my size, I have email them asking them about the size.
i was surprised hubby suddenly told me he wants to join
so here is the updated attendance from me. thks!!

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
<font color="0000ff">stef&amp;seanbabes - 2 pax (hubby with 2 kids)</font>
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling - 1 pax
twendy - 1 pax
wish i could join. but going for some talk / tour at mount e on the same day

yun : go see gynae. gynae said can affect preg if it gets too serious. i had brown spotting and gynae say because of infection. but cause for worry if treated.
Hi all! i'm a newbie here and also a first time mum. baby dues in early sept 08. feel kinda scarry 'cos not sure if i'll be a good mum....hopefully can learn alot from all the mummies in this group. ;)

few questions here:
just wonder if anyone is going to give birth in mount E? not sure what to expect....

can preggy/breastfeeding mum eat seafood? (i crave for crabs and prawns!!)planning to have a BIG feast during the last month before due date..but not sure if it is safe to do so...
<font color="119911">SarahMay - the nursing bras at Kiddy Palace are those with the clasp you can unhook to release one cup, which functions the same way as strapless bras. Just need the other breast to be in the bra with the breast pad, incase it leaks when we are BFing from one side. I don't see much difference btwn undoing the clasp or unhooking the bra strap off a strapless bra, especially if we are only using them at home (I don't intend to BF outside), and might not even end up BFing for as long as we would like to, for whatever reason. Anyway, like isabelle mentioned, normal bras work just as well.

Parent Craft Lesson 3 - mommies, is this session worth attending? I missed Mrs Wong's class yesterday &amp; went for a makeup session today, but ended up in Lesson 4 instead (thanks to wrong timing info by the Parent Craft lady). Wondering if I should just forget lesson 3 - this is the one with the long labour video some mommies mentioned. Not sure how relevant it is for me since i am going for C anyways.</font>
bigtoes, yup, lesson 3 is the one with the long and draggy video. they aren't v dif from the ones we see on discovery home and health actually. think it's okay to miss lesson 3.
Hi Mrs T,
I am also due in early sept and delivering in Mt E. Not sure if you have join the hospital tour in Mt E, sign up for it. It is only $5 per person or $10 per couple. I have it pretty informative and it take only a afternoon 1 to 5pm.
Seems like i have missed out the 'placenta' talk.
I am also thinking of getting it processed as well.. bt abit not comfortable abt getting another party to do it. Haiz

Btw, where is the cheapest place to get those 'herb' that confinement lady nids? (ie:Hong Zhao, Hei Zuo, Dan Sheng etc) ANy seasonal price huh?

Haiz, today i go church and as i was walking across the bridge to suntec, i tripped over this metallic strip on the floor and i lost my balance lo. I tried to 'restabilize' myself wif another feet but alas, cannot lo, and i landed on the floor. Bt good thing i try to land in such a way with my palms and knees as support. Phew. Bt my jeans is torn lo and kneecap bleeding. I am so mad loh! I feedback to suntec maintenance and was told tat the bridge is under govt care. DIaoz.. so win oledi. Thot if under suntec, i can create havoc for the protruding metallic strip on the floor of the bridge :S
Bigtoes: I walked of Lesson 3 after more than 1hour of video on labor. Natural delivery e.g. were far too many. c-section, a few. water birthing one. BORED to death.

three other couples walked up even earlier.

It's up to u. I might wanna miss the Doc's talk at SCGS. I dunno what the doc is going to tell us.
