(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="119911">SarahMay (sarahmay) - the bumble bee romper is most prob the exact same one you have, just that it got marked up along the way from China to Spore vs. China to Macau! On the linea nigra, I left mine in the photos, but thankfully its not that obvious.

Vaccuming under the bed - ever since hubby took over the house work a couple of months back, he hasn't been cleaning under the bed. Everytime i look underneath, I am so tempted to just crawl underneath to clean out the dust! haha....nesting instincts.

Jen Kate (mommycozyhaven) - My EDD is on the 8th Sept, but I am doing my C-section on 30th Aug, and not really bothered abt it still being the Hungry Ghost month.</font>

Lok: I think 6 mths is a good time to park infant at IFC. Need to let him play with fellow babies at a young age. No baby is an island

yan/jen: beats me. If u r not pantang like those old folks, just continue mopping and vaccuming. I hire a PT maid to clean my place for me monthly. My DH will instruct her not to vacuum/mop the area underneath, so she will follow his instructions. For me, I just sit there to watch tv. Mop or dun mop doesn't matter, so long as I dun get sinus from the dust below!

sad to say im still covering the mopping part of the house even im already 30th week, hubby sometime too busy with work so no time for chores..just cun start the dust that is accumalating...

Big toes,
oic..any reason for c-section on that day? Y not 1 sept since its teacher's day or have you got some 'master' to pick the auspicious date?

oo..its really tt thing..am not really particular but i also heard that preggy mummies are more sensitive to tt too...

anyone keeping their placenta? A pal just delivered but she was not allowed to keep her placenta, i wonder y..
Jen Kate,

ur tummy shld b quite big now rite? n yet u stil can...envious of u..

Sad to said..I cant..totally cant once I preggie. standing or walking for 5mins is already a big pain. sob sob! now even worst..sitting in office will kill me..
flos, i know where it is in the pictures but i can't feel it lor (not as in stick fingers inside, i don't dare!).

thanks, sarahmay. how did you find out about the kaki bukit shops?

nursing bras
any comments on emma jane that's sold in mums &amp; babes? where to find non-mumsy ones?

Ya quite big but not as big as some i think.. no choice leh..wanted to get PT maid but hubby keep delaying..haiz..

So u still working? Thank how? stand or sit also cannot..gynae din sugg for you to rest at home?
Bigtoes, the older generation very pantang lah.

Flos, ur ILs watching Canto shows not too bad. Mine are always talking about numbers for 4D, any numbers they see can be bought for 4D. I'm so worried when they look after my baby, my baby will learn from them, every number that she sees ask me buy 4D. I will faint man. And my FIL keeps spouting bad words too. How not to be concerned?

It's funny about the Canto shows. I remember my cousin who was looked after by his grandma since young, and she also liked to watch these shows. And by like 2 or 3 years old, he could sing the theme songs of these songs in Cantonese!
Jen Kate,

Yes, I'm still working..I'm in Week 27..but my tummy veri big. imagine ppl c me, they tot i carrying twin. my las scan showw tt my baby big 2..so no choice lor..imagine..i m using 1 hand to type n tok 2 u..d other hand..supporting my bac. haha
i din tel my gynae abt d pain..cos if i tel him..he sure puts me on mc 1..n i dun wan..cos..staying at home veri boring.
dust under the bed
must tell my dh abt this!!! he's always complaining about dust and furballs under the bed. i always clean down there cos my 2yo dogter likes to bring stuff to hide in there.
i am also keep my cot mattress plastic intact. Dont intend to setup cot with bumper, sheets, musical mobile till later.

Clarin oil at $51! Ava, pls check with lanolin on the exact location...need to buy another bottle soon.

Moving/cleaning bed
I moved twice since preggie and had cleaned the floor underneath the bed each time..no choice..when u gotta move, u gotta move..

I love the blum system - still using the blum utensil organiser which i bought 5 years ago!
Linda (davanmum), my friends shake their head at me when i tell them until now 7months pregnant, i still kneel on the floor and wipe my floor. I still feel that its cleaner that way. although its even cleaner if i use my osim iecologi to steam vacumn, but that machine is super heavy.

My hubby knows i kneel on the floor to wipe them but he just close his eyes to me cos i'm too stubborn to listen to him. My mum more kan jiong as in dun even allow me to walk on wet floor or even into the kitchen if i go back her house. nowadays my hubby just snatching my chores from me. i'm very picky so i have to oversee everything myself then i can rest. so if hubby is quick enough to get to the laundry before me, he can get to hang the clothes or wash the plates etc. otherwise i will rather do it myself. Last week he came to scold me for not leaving the dishes for him to wash, i was already finishing up and cleaning the waste trap. in the end, i cut my last finger quite deep...

When u need to rest u better rest, else will be too xinku for you. There will be more tiring task ahead when the bb is out.

Wah so good..ur hubby snatching chores from you..how envy..
wingkei: vulgarities? that's a no-no! 4D is ok lah...once in a blue moon like during CNY, I'd pool with colleagues to buy also.

xuanting: better dun do it now. wait you accidentally remove your mucus plug!


That is sooooooo grossssssss. What for? As a facial mask or to eat it? LOL
Xuanting: I know these cos I did my own reno ala- carte. (Tho my hubby was like the main contractor. Haha) Plus my hubby has this thing for knowing all the hardware stuff in SG, and has a brain for storing all these info! He works with a lot of contractors back in SG too. Not to mention I call him the 'odd job labourer'. Haha. Anyway, your kitchen contractor ought to know what this BLUM system is. It's been in the market for long time, and the higher-end systems use them. If you've been to that fancy kitchen place at REDHILL, you can get some nice ideas. (NOthing there goes for anything less than 10k!)

Taggies: Has anyone seen these? Looks damn cute and tempting! http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/450761/1476121.html?1215070590

Flos: Think it is also the heat that makes our feet swell! I haven't tried any shoes in stores yet. Haha...So far my birkis are still serving me well... So I may be deluded abt my own feet size.

JenKate &amp; Linda: Welcome! Are you both popping in Sept? Which part of the month?

JenKAte: Keep placenta? How and for what? I know in America, some ppl do it...they plant it in the garden for a year...then plant a tree over it. Some ppl I know, not in SG, eat the placenta for nutritional purposes.

Bigtoes: Yeah...prob all that tax from shipping adds up. But there are things made in China tt are cheaper in Sg than here. Haha.
<font color="119911">Jen Kate (mommycozyhaven) - 30th Aug is week 38 for me, so thats when most scheduled Cs are carried out. Wanted 28/8/8, just cos the date is nice (also our wedding anniversary date - 28/12), but then my gyne doesn't do scheduled surgeries on that weekday...so 30th is next best choice.

Btw u want to keep your placenta to make into powered pills?

Nursing bras - I decided not to get any, cos they are ugly &amp; expensive! Ended up buying a couple of bigger sized bras with the detachable hooks (which is what the nursing bras basically are anyways).

yan (bbfam) - urgh, hope ur finger is recovering well. I think I am somewhat like you also...hubby is less bothered about cleanliness around the house. Like last weekend, I ended up scrubbing the grime off the toilet walls!</font>
Hi FLos and Sarah,

Actually i have been helping mummies who are keen to encapsulate their placenta. It is believe to regain back our health and boost milk supply. Some mummies even told me it helps them to recover when they fall sick and yes for better complexion and post natal blues.. so was thinking of keeping mine but my pal's gynae dont allow her to..so surprise to hear that cos have been doing for like 20 mummies already..

Yes edd is 10sept but most prob c-sectioning during end aug cos of placenta abrupt during my first preggy at week 36..haiz..never able to gone thru natural..
Jen Kate,

Sure no prob 2 share.

I rember tt day was 1st day of JL sales. so I went there after dinner w my hubby..n we were busy shopping for baby stuffs then suddenly it rains super heavy..so my hubby said..can tk our own sweets time..but unfortunately, my leg n back given me probs..cant walk anymore so we decided to go off..so after payment, I told my hubby i needs to goes to the toilet n I went, but cing d long Q..i deicded to use d handicapp toilet. so i walk over..pressing on d handle hard bt it was locked! ok i wait..then i feel something wrong..if someone in there, there shld b sound bt it veri quite..so i look at d knob..guess wat? it in green colour tt means it nt occupied. then i pressed onn the handle harder again..n it OPEN!!!!...so i went in lor..n when i'm inside..i saw alots of these moths, insects on d walls...ignoring everything, i jus use d toilet n get out..

P.S. My first press on the handle is really HARD 1..tt can hear d sound..

once out, i told my hubby abt it..n he scolded me for using it despite knowing something is wrong..bt for me i feel tt..i didnt do anything wrong so y shld i worry...bt my hubby is worry for his baby..haha

yan dearie, you're so hardworking! leave it to your hubby lah ... so sweet of him to snatch the household chores from you! I wish mine will do that, and not wait for me to REMIND him and only to have him forget about the laundry and dozing off, and in the end, I have to do it! tsk tsk tsk

EDD 28 Sept but c-section 19 Sept. No special date. but it a sad date for my misscariage earlier on..which I just rember after confirming date w gynae.

wah..really chilly...but admire your courage of using it without thinking much. But since 'it' let you in the second time u tried mayb is harmless? For me i will also think otherwise when i sees moth..keep hoping they will fly away soon..
Flos, once in a blue moon is fine, since I do buy that myself. But for them, it's an everyday thing, imagine, whatever numbers that they see, they will say buy 4D, and I really mean any numbers. Can't even imagine the amount of money they spent buying that.
Jen kate..

but actually i nt tt brave..but super urgent lor..even thot relieve abit oly..u koe la..we preggie how to hold blader..then d main toilet long Q lei..ppl are nt d considerate tt cing us preggie, let us go in 1st..
4 moth, so long i dun touch it or trying killing it..it safe!

tel u another secret..after tis incident, it didnt end, 3nites ago I dreamt of tt things..hahaha..tis time worst..2 of tt thing coming after me..saying wanna b my daughter...hahaa
Jen Kate

OIC. I think keep it as a specimen and frame it up.

How much do u charge pp for encapsulating their placentas? This is done in China. Can brew soup and drink it. I drank goats placenta soups regularly last time. It's effective...

HOUSEWORK: Why r u mommies still scrubbing and mopping in your 3rd tri? I've stopped doing housework since I tested positive. I'm a lazy mama...

wahaha u din freak out? Was so scared leh..cos i heard some will follow you home. I have a toddler at home so was v careful when i feel something cos i think children also v sensitive de.

Ya i do agree with u..preggy how to hold bladder..i drank alot of water (more than 2L a day) so imagine the frequency of it..hopw i wish toilet bowl is just next to me..
sarahmay, what's that fancy place at redhill called? must go there and see. we can't afford to spend so much but it'll be good to have an idea of how nice nice can be.

nursing bras
bigtoes, that's a clever idea!

yan, u got to close one eye to the cleaning la. don't think it's wise for you to continue kneeling on the floor to clean it. i just aga aga clean during the weekdays with a magic wipe and leave the real cleaning to my p/t cleaner who comes in during the weekends. don't tire yourself out ok.
me 2....no more hsework

Jen kate,
no lei...mi sleep oso nt enough...where gt time to tink so much...hahaha..
my eldest son dun stay w mi la...so okie lor..
i drink alots of water 2..until my water retention is so bad now..bt i hate goin toilet 2 relieve...cos 2 tired..hahaaa
Hi flos,

Yes u r right its common in China in fact i started off with a gynae from china who happen to be my colleague. But later she finds it too tiring cos of preggy so she back out but me conti with my another colleague. We are in the research field so i guess thats y we are so susceptible to it. One of my pal also stewed but i dun think i can take the taste..We charge $200 for every process but mummies often get back more than 200 capsules of 'goodness'. So far feedback have been quite good.. Mummies who are interested can view our web page at www.mommycozyhaven.com

No choice..hubby too busy..me too lazy but i have a gal at home so dun wana it to get too dusty for her..thats y i only do the mopping and laundry..

Do u have diff in passing the urine? dumb and no sensation, just let it flow it sensation kicks in? Think i also lazy..thats y often try to bear with it but have great diff feeling it...hahaha
Jen Kate and Linda:

why r u two talking abt those "things" on your first day in this thread?

U need to sleep earlier lah.

Aiya, I dun think bbs born in 7th mth are more prompt to seeing those things lah. I wasn't born in 7th mth but also saw/head/felt many times lah...THEREFORE, I urge u dun be unduly worried.

Bigtoes: u wanna pick another c-section date? R u the pantang sort? I just checked my desktop calendar

30 Aug 2008 = Last day of hungry ghost festival. Please ignore this if u r not superstitious. My apologies for bringing this up at all.

keke..just curious cos ppl dun get married on the 7th mth mah... frankly if we are to follow all those pantang thingy i think we can go crazy man..better sleep all day in bed..haha
Jen Kate &amp; Linda: You all know each other? Cos like you are having a conversation with each other only... Keke

Jen Kate: Are you also sept mummy???

Sarah: I thot Dpfoto is more expensive? I know Studio Lift is $180 (not taking back all the photos).

Ava: I burst out laughing at your "stuff in his face" post!!! Wahahaha!!!

Mrs Yap: Update us yah? Hope you insesitive gynae will wake up from his st*pid ideas!
Xuanting: It's called kitchen culture.

kitchen culture
2 Leng Kee Rd #01-02 Thye Hong Centre Singapore 159086
Tel : 6473 6776

warn you first...you will surely drroooooool!

Jen Kate: So you are a medical researcher? Are you intending to keep your placenta? So how long can the pills keep for? If you've been doing it for mums in SG< then it means , it is medically legal to keep the placenta. So interesting. I shall go read more about it.

Linda: So sorry to hear abt your m/c. I had one last year and I can still rber the date. I can identify with how you feel. You know, if the date brings back unpleasant memories, you might want to change it. After all, this is a new gift of life! And you shd have a date that you will associate with joy, and not pain. Speak to your doc to rearrange if you want. I'm sure s/he will understand.

Flos: Me lazy mama too! Even not pregnant, also lazy! I'm so getting a PT cleaner when I have my bb!

Bigtoes: Detachable hooks? Then push the cups down? Will that not be a bit cumbersome and uncomfy? I saw some pretty nice looking nursing bras online. Think it is the got milk.com or something. Tho they dun really have my size.

LOPSIDED TUMMIES: I'm in wk 29 now. Anyone here notice that their tummies getting more lopsided frequently? Mine does. I really dunno what my Elisha is doing inside.
Storeberry: Yeah...if not taking back all photos...Dphoto is more ex. However, Studio loft only gives out like ...i think 5 prints right? I'm a bit undecided if I shd spend so much on my bloom pics...but my hubby thinks i shd do it. Once in a lifetime, and first bb too.

SKIP HOP diaper bags: Just need an opinion. Do you think the CHARCOAL Dash Deluxe is going to be easy to match clothes? Sorry..bimbo question. But trying to see if i shd get it.
Actually the ones with detachable hooks are fine to use...that way the other breast still is in the bra and breast pad can absorb the leaking milk. if u release the bra completely, like those front clasp ones, u have leaky breast without the pad...
thanks, sarahmay. we'll go check it out this weekend.

someone i know made it into a pie of sorts and served it at a party. not well received cos he forgot to remove the sinewy bits. can make into face cream or not?
storeberry (storeberry),

I only know Linda afew hours ago..keke.. Mayb our topic hits.. Yes am supp to be a sept mummy but most prob gynae will ceasar me end of aug cos of my previous episode of placenta abruption.

SarahMay (sarahmay)
Am looking after a medical research lab, yes i hope to keep it this time round. Prob will the processing myself. Normally i tell the mummies to keep it in fridge where temp is more constant and cool so as to prolong its shelf life. Singapore weather is too humid and inconsistent of which will often encourage the growth of many bacteria and moulds. The pills can be kept for months but its best to consume during confinement cos its during the confinement month that you need to regain back ur health and immumity and most imptly milk supply. We are still the midst of discussion with MOH with regards to the processing procedure and he din mentioned its not illegal. As far as i know someone have been doing it in USA and even went up to FDA to check for regulations. But FDA have no regulations over it cos its only between 2 willing parties and its not as a form of sale..so i guess it not much of legal issue..its more of hygiene issue i think..
xuanting (xuanting),

Pie for everyone? nono..its best to be consume by only the mummy and the bb who originate it. Others might develop complications if they try so scientifically its not advisable..but i also heard chinese medi also contain placenta and my pal's hubby also eat her stewed placenta..
<font color="119911">xuanting (xuanting) - served the placenta at a party for others to eat? urgh....! Did the rest of the people know what they were eating?

SarahMay (sarahmay) - i got the detachable bras cos the so called nursing bras they were selling at Kiddy Palace looked exactly the same! These just had a hook for u to unlatch during feeding. I rather go braless at home during confinement, but would need something to stick the bra pads onto.

Flos (flos) - oh, didn't realise 30th Aug was the last day of the festival. Don't really mind actually, the next option would be 3rd Sept (Wed) - gyne only does surgeries on Wed/Sat. But I already booked the flight for my CL (from Medan), so if I change the date to 3rd Sept, it would mean she would arrive too early &amp; have nothing to do! Btw, you said u "saw/head/felt things"?....

Linda (davanmum) - contrary to what people think, drinking alot of water actually helps to prevent water retention, not causes it.</font>
Bigtoes: Yeah, WK Tan is so famous that it's really really hard to book a time with her.

Frankly, if u dun care, it's fine. But becos WK Tan is sooooo expensive, and that u hv the privilege of cherrypicking a date (unlike my gynae who told me to try natural), I thot why not pick a nice date like 28th?

3rd Sep is good I suppose.

CL timings are flexi to some extent. It's usually +/- a few days. They can't default on their arrangement with u if it's only a couple of days' difference.

No lah, I was trying to explain to Linda that I had also seen/heard/felt those things in my lifetime before, so it's got nothing to do with whether one is born in 7th mth or 8th mth.
Jen/Linda: heheh! I thot the same way as storeberry too!!! your little tete-a-tete gives me the creeps on a thurs afternoon!!! LOL

SarahMay: KItchen Culture is at PARK MALL right? U and your DH have expensive taste! that's one of my fav kitchen designers!

Diaper Bags: Yippee!! I'm going to collect my second OIOI bag from the supplier tomorrow

xuanting: "someone i know made it into a pie of sorts and served it at a party. not well received cos he forgot to remove the sinewy bits. can make into face cream or not?" WAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! This is super funny!!! Our "full of mirth" Nurse Chong said placenta must hv 20 complete sections, no more no less. Got less, doctor must extend hand into your womb to scrap the torn bits out to prevent infection of the womb
Flos (flos) - yah, i wanted 28th, but WK Tan charges $700+ more just for doing surgeries on that day, so no point really.

My CL lady's flight from Indonesia has also already been booked &amp; paid for, so I don't want to change dates, too much of a hassle! Next time, will just get a CL from Johor, so much easier for her to just take the bus over, rather than have to plan ahead &amp; book her air tixt etc! What is worse is that the CL from Indonesia speaks in a mix of mandarin + malay! I know malay so still not too bad, but hubby was quite clueless when we chatted with her over the phone!

Jen Kate, my hubby snatch the chores from me is cos i've started back to working since i was 4+mths preggie and he start to see my feet getting swollen after the whole day in office then he heart pain. and yes, my feet gets better and dont swell as much/fast when he helps out around the house. But i am a neatness freak and very picky so i personally feel its better if i can do it myself. i hope i can still do the chores myself for another 2.5months...

wingkei, my MIL also like to talk about 4D and that makes to about 75% of her conversations to me. I just listen and forget about it(and also to her nagging) then all is peaceful.

Bigtoes, my hubby got a scolding from me cos i blamed him on disturbing me while i'm doing the dishes that's why i got that big cut.(actually that waste trap have very sharp edges for the holes) so he just keep quiet, get the first aid box and wait in the bedroom for me to come lo... abit touched by that gesture. yah, my hubby also not so into cleanliness so i have the thinking that i can do better job than him. after helping me to spray water around the toilet after showering, i can still find that the job is not that well done.

shazz, once we went to bed at 10pm after putting the laundry in the wash, he told me many many times that HE will wake up to hang the clothes, i just go sleep until morning. but i keep going to the toilet in the middle of the night. so at 1am i went and finished doing the chore. i knew he woke up wanting to do it at ard 3am but found out i have done it.(i'm a light sleeper so i was acting fast asleep) then he came back to bed and gave me a really sweet gesture, something that only i would do to him. I WAS SOOO TOUCHED!!! very happy to be pregnant, so many good things happen when i'm pregnant.

Flos, i'm a super lazy mama also. but i cant stand dirtiness even more than i'm lazy. so HAVE to do it... hehehe

xuanting, i secretly hope that by doing everything and do as many walking/climbing as i can, i can have easier labour... :X Just Wishing it can come true...
