(2008/08) Aug 2008

i see. i'm still trying to survive without an additional freezer.

hope sl will recover soon.

oh. both of you are sick. must take care, cny coming soon. by june, she will be older liao maybe its ok to bring her loh.

..ya...i feel so bad when i see kaer with the running nose ..she seems like suffering cuz she still dunno how to control her mucus..so, its all over her..
..i had wanted to bring kaer with me to batam..
..n hubby now seem to be quite upset ..like its my fault..

dunno leh..hopefully i can get hubby to approve the june trip lor...otherwise..i cannot bear to leave her at home leh..
Do hope u & Kaer recover real soon.. My ger is still nursing a cold too. Her nose is still stuffy.. *haiz*

Must take care, if not so hard to enjoy the long weekend of CNY..

Hmm, last night she only woke up once.. But tt's very gd liao! I can't complain considering she had very bad naps in the day.. Heheh, I can imagine ur fear man.. If i have 3 kids, and they all don't sleep through, it may be close to a decade tt i dun get to sleep thru the night! *hahah*

SL doing better today?? He looks he has lost some weight.. How's his milk intake? Resumed to his regular amt?

*jia you* Am also a SAHM, hardly any time for myself too... Always looking fwd to going to my parents' place to get a respite or waiting eagerly for hb to return for another pair of hands to help

twin stars
Ur hb super dote on u!!! Aww, i miss the shopping in London & Paris.. *envy* The weather too.. I rem i almost froze in Paris, my ears felt like they were going to come off *hahah*
what did u get at london and paris? share w us ur shopping loots ya.. i think i will go crazy if i am there now..pounds is so weak now..u are so lucky!
Dun be upset k? It is not your fault that Kaer is unwell. Hope you and Kaer will get well soon.

Thanks! Ya, will take good care so can enjoy the festive.

Hang on, Ashley will sleep through soon.

I also wana go Europe! Hiaz, our booking to go there for honeymoon was cancelled twice coz not enuf pax...
Thanks mummies for yr response.. Looks like it's okie after all.

is dphotofolio able to extend the shoot to Sep? Want to bring my baby for 1 year old shoot leh. Now take too early..
Yes, I look forward to going over to my parents' place once a week too. And thankfully, my MIL comes a couple of hours a few times a week to help entertain the little one as well.

And definitely.. I count down the hours to my husband's return from work! Hee..

I think one of the toughest thing I find is finding stuff to do to entertain and educate the baby. Fast running out of ideas.. and it's exhausting!

Unfortunately, I live on the top floor of a short 4-storey block with no lift (yet).. with the park just downstairs! So that hampers me from taking baby down in the stroller for walks. So if the baby is really cranky, I bring him down using an infant carrier. But heavy..

count me in too.

westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri
5. M2B
6. Sylvia
Wendy, just kah poh where u live har? ur 4-storey block sounds near my place..heh

Ruixuan, pls take care..SL really like lost quite a lot of wt....see liao very heartpain...better go see PD soon...

not sure if you have tried. When I put Meredith down, will put a baby bolster behind her. Then use put of my hands to hold her gently so that her movements are restricted. After a while, she will stop moving if she is disturb during the move to bed. Then I will use blanket to cover her body n legs to restrict the movement or prevent being frighten by sound,etc.

sometimes she moves, but I wont go n pat her immediately. Depends on how she moves though.... unless make noise or cry, then I will go n pat or carry her,etc.

Hi mummies,
yesterday brought bernice to see her eyes again by another doc. Waited another 2 hours to see this doc. *faint*. cos her lump looked worse cos like got pus. but the doc say it's like that.. let the pus burst and then squeeze it out. wah lau. how to squeeze eye lids .. so finally today it burst and I had to hold her down while hb squeezed the pus out.. she scream and scream. see already so heart pain. the pus is gone.. but still got a lump there. i think we didnt finish squeezing enuf .. but she was so difficult. then now i think the hole close back le.. sigh..

btw the doc say the term is called chalazion. Its the enlargement of an oil producing gland in the eye lid. Kinda something like pimples we have. sigh .. sob sob ..
cannot cheong anymore la .. i still have a bag of 3-6 mths clothings havent wear. and she already coming 6 mths in 2 weeks time. but lucky bernice quite small size, still wearing some of her 3 mths clothings. hahaha. btw the prev one at taka i bought a top and sweater for her from burberry already. hahaha
i'm a SAHM too. understand wat u're talking abt! i'm alone with bb on most days. so i take him out in carrier/sling a lot. the days just seem to pass a lot faster when i go out. heehee... n he gets entertained too cos there's so much to see! haha.. yeah, i'm also not living on lift landing...so taking the stroller out is a lil' difficult.
Cannot liaoz ... i oredi tried to negotiate longer. we can organise another one when they turn one though ;)
Me oso down .... coughing badly ... in the middle of the nite some more.

now pumping milk, else have to be resting.

Flu bug is bad. alot of babies and mommies are sick. My #1 is recovering from cough also.

Kai seems to be having slight runny nose and phelgm though no cough ... can hear it when he breathes .... i think i am not giving him any medication unless he's really uncomfortable so he can build his own immunity system. Afterall, cough mixtures don;t really cure the cough according to the PD .. just to relieve some discomfort only. Also, they can't build their own immunity if always using medicine.

Hope Kai dun develop any cough or runny nose.
So far he's as per normal , just a worried mommy here and contemplating whether to give the meds or not.
I live in Tampines.. the park I'm referring to is Sun Plaza Park. So how? Are we neighbours?

Yes, I usually place a pillow behind his back when he sleeps (he sleeps on his side). We do not sleep with AC so the blanket idea might not work. I do however place the beansprout pillow on him.

Well, my friend is going to lend me 'Healthy Sleeping Habits, Happy Child'. Will see how the book can help and then maybe I'll know what is it that I'm doing is not right.
take care ....
u have the nose drop for runny nose? Mine is called Bioptic i think ... it suppose to dry out the mucus.

today's feed was a success with 3 tbsp. want to check: is it ok to give more, like 5 tbsp soon? or feed 3 tbsp 2x a day? thinking of feeding in afternoon or evening tmrw cos he seems hungrier then.


maid managed to put him to sleep w/o rocking. she made bb hug bolster. hopefully this method will will work eventually and i can master it.

dun fret. i'm sure kaer can go on short trips as long as u plan properly and dun stress her out. i survived 3d2n in bintan and all we did was relax the whole day and go swimming.
sorry sorry, forgot. I tot pay all.
i think pay 50% then the other 50% u pay when u turn up for the shoot ya?

Anyway, pls transfer 50% first. Those who had transfer 100%, I will refund u the $$.

Logically, should be that you pay the other 50% when u turn up for the shoot.

Celyn, thanks for pointing out.

Me oso busy and rushing to read the forum and post. just quick quick browse.
I think it's just a matter of time before we have a lift at the block. Because there are a few 4-storey blocks in Tampines that have already been equipped with a lift. But then again.. possibly by the time the lift is up and running.. my little boy will be up and running as well! Haha..

My baby is a big little boy.. weighing more than 9kg already.. so using the carrier on him.. is really quite a strain on my back. The most I go is two rounds of the park.. then cannot make it already.
Dphotofolio photoshoot
Please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, transfer details so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

Those who transferred 100% I Will refund u the 50%.

Confirmed list
1. ruixuan
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Ruixuan
8. Mandy (happymum1010)
9. coolsnow
10. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
11. Twinstars
12. Shirley
just to share, just now i was in the toilet washing my pump. i heard another lady talking to her friend, she is still bfeeding her 15 months baby and for her first child, she did it for 2 years. i'm so impressed. wonder if i will be able to feed till then. she really make every cents she spend on her pump worthwhile man.

if i am able to tell that i can bfeed for so long, i will sure buy a chest freezer to store bm at home. now, i have to transport from my house to fil's place then transfer to babysitter's place.

then cos yu ze don't like to go fil's place, i can't bring him there to store bm. hubby will have to do it then he always never pack nicely in the freezer. then when i go and pick up to send over to babysitter's place, i will have a hard time looking for the oldest fbm. sigh....

no problem.

the blanket can be a clean diaper cloth ( only use as blanket) if weather too hot. Coz I nt using AC, so I will switch depending on the weather.

For beansprout pillow........ I used last time but after several times of it landing on her face/head while she kick in her sleep, I took away. Usually she will be full awake after the landing of the beansprout pillow, so better to remove.

Oh ya... Meredith always sleep on her side. She will either stay side or open up like starfish. When I move her and she open up, will gently put her back to side.
my lift upgrading has also been approved. i asked around and it seems it usually take another year or 2 for them to start work and complete. sigh... ya lor...by then, my boy's running already. heh..

hope the book works out for you. i started mine yesterday for day naps. so far, he's been sleeping on his own. i found that if i managed to catch the right timing...when he's sleepy but not overtired..he cries lesser. like <5min and goes to sleep.
I hope LUP completes quickly at ur place.. Mine has been recently completed &amp; so thankful! Now I can take the stroller &amp; gerger out to the market/walk walk ard. Otherwise it's quite boring to stay at home &amp; pass time..

What to do at home ah? I let her play on her own for awhile to let her gain some independence, then abt 10-15min before she naps i usually read with her. Even if it means to repeat the story also nvm, coz i hope to inculcate the habit of reading to her..

Maybe u pop over to ur parents a little more often? Then u can have others to entertain her while u get a breather.. It can be quite sian to face the 4 walls after some time.. hahah! How long are u going to be a SAHM?

Gosh, hope the lump does not recur on little Bernice.. Ur hb is one brave daddy!!

Alamak, so u never had ur Europe honeymoon ah? *hugs* Nvm, when the gers grow up, u can all go Paris &amp; have lotsa fun at the Disneyland.. Not forgetting, the shopping.. kekeke

Am so looking fwd to sleeping for at least 6hrs.. It's been awhile

Anyway, any recommendations for a vacation place? Ashley wld be 7m.o then.. Hong Kong is on the cards, hb doesn't want to go OZ *haiz*
I saw the one tt ended on 12 Jan, Mon.. The prices were lower, at least for HK.. Such a pity hb &amp; i still cldn't make up our mind then, not to mention now as well.. He believes will have more promo

U &amp; hb planning a trip with bb Jonas too?
Hope Bernice get well soon. Do you plan to consult another doctor? A month ago, Trudy had it too but like a tiny white sand. It went off by itself. Now, she had another one below her lips. Looks like white head pimple, mommy hand very itchy and tried to squeze very hard till left red mark but it still there

i also "pei fu" those who can BF for so long. i feel very drained already. my ss seems to have gone down. in fact, i took my 4th month ML to try to BF him till he reaches 6 mths. then i won't feel so guilty introducing 1 FM feed then. now when i dun pump for 7 hours, my breasts don't feel like they're bursting. and when i feed him every 4 hours, my breasts dun feel very full either. dunno if i'm starving him at the rate i'm going
thank god he likes cereal. thinking whether i shld feed him more or not, just to compensate.
Hi Sylvia,
My son is quite a kicker..so chances are he will kick the diaper cloth away! Even at night we do not bother to cover him with a blankie. He sleeps with long pants and socks.

Haha.. I know what you mean about the beansprout pillow. I know he is up every morning when I hear the sound of the pillow being tossed and twisted. So far, he hasn't allowed the pillow to cover his face yet. But I'm extra alert at night when he sleeps.. ears are super sensitive to the sound the pillow makes.

It's great that your little one is now sleeping on his own. Yes, I also think it's a matter of catching them at the right moment.. I guess I just haven't figured out when that moment is. Hopefully the book will provide some fresh insights to the issue of zzzzzzzzzz...

The lift really makes a difference, hor? I would love to bring him out more often if we had a lift. Rather than being cooped up at home.

What I can do is also to wait for bb to be able to sit up on his own, then buy a super lightweight stroller that I can handle together with him. That could work too. Better than lugging down a heavy duty pram.

Well, everyday it's more or less the same. I'll leave him at the play gym until he makes noise.. then I'll either carry him around the house, see outside. I'd also read to him.. show him flashcards (which he is more interested in grabbing and placing in mouth), sing.. etc etc.

I'll prob be a SAHM for a while.. no plans to return to the workforce at yet. Well, at least not on a full-time basis. Might explore some part-time thing when he is old enough for play school. And yourself?

me aso in similar case as you. my ss seems to be reducing leh. nowadays, no more leaking even when i dun pump for long time. then 1 side always produce the same amt no matter how long i pump. haiz.

lets just hang in there for as long as we can...
krex78 &amp; samantha,
i do realise that my ss did drop a little from end of last week i think. no more leaking for me too and can tahan about 7 hours now but still feel engorge after 7 hours. although engorge hoh, i think the amount is not a lot leh.

most importantly is that we have done our best liao.
re: Getting what you wished for may not be always good.

Juz wanna rant abit. Last thur, when lunching with my coliks, I mentioned tt my bb ger hasnt flipped (actually, i was abit worried cos most bb were flipping now). So imagine my surprise, when my ger started turning to her side on friday morning. Thats when i causally mention to my mom that my ger will flip soon. True enuff, she flipped that afternoon (how come i missed tt, i was so inclined to take leave tt day, but super bz at work).

Since then, she hasnt want to flip again. So on monday nite, i told my ger to flip for mommy to see. Talk abt wishes come true, she woke us up with her flipping at 4am+, cos she hasnt learnt to flip properly and 1 of her arms will be stuck. She was grumbling for us to free her arm. Haiz.

With her flipping, life will no longer be the same. No more leaving her unattended on our bed or the sofa, i must wake up regularly at nite to check on her cos she's sleeping on her tummy now. Double haiz.

think mine started 2 wks ago. dunno if its the pump, my boob problem but i hve switch to hand express on 1 side cos tat side forever stuck at 50-60ml no matter how long i didnt pump. now, i juz hope ss can last till my ger fully on solids...
Hi Happy Mummy,

Yes I am interested to go for the trial. We arrange and go together? Which Friday is good for you?

In the mean time, u better rest and get well soon.
Hope you get well soon. Take care!

Sayang Bernice! Hope the lump will go away soon.

Yalah, we booked twice and both cancelled…sob sob! Yup, I’m looking fwd to shopping with my 2 gals when they grow up!

How about Japan?

Hehe, thanks! Saw that pic in my folder so thought of posting it. =P
Please proceed to transfer the $100, thanks!
Once everyone confirmed and transferred then can start make booking liaoz.

Received your transfer.

Dphotofolio photoshoot
Please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, transfer details so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Mandy (happymum1010)
8. coolsnow
9. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
10. Twinstars
11. Shirley
Oh yes the lift really makes a whole lot of diff.. So much more convenient!!
Same here, was thinking of getting a lightweight stroller for me to handle when alone with bb.. I think usually the umbrella fold ones seem better options. Was actually looking out for preloved ones, but still KIV-ing on this idea

Am going to be a SAHM for another 2+ mths.. My RO requires me to go back coz my area is quite short of staff.. Hmm, hopefully by then my ger is willing to take the bottle, right now she's rejecting it

I think Japan wld also be quite nice.. I like the weather, i might hit the spring blossom? Must check if hb likes anot wor
Hi Mommies

Trudy recently has this habit to scratch any surface with her fingernails. Her cot-sheet, my skin when I breastfeed her and the worst one is on this play-mat which I got it from Mini Toon. It's surface is very rough! She scratched till her nail has white line. She loves to explore with her senses (in this case, touch) but heart so pain to see her fingernails became like that. Any baby does the same thing? Guess, need to distract her when she does that

Trudy is teething at the moment. Can see two white pearly teeth underneath. Passed two days was cranky but today she is fine. Keep my fingers cross to keep fever away.
Got to tell her not to bite when breastfeeding

YLN &amp; Shint
Get well soon
