(2008/08) Aug 2008

cool boiled water. Kai never started on it cos this mommy forgot about it .. haha. Never informed the helper on this. Use normal tap water lor.


I saw the offer in today's Straits Times, gota flip to the middle, it's on the bottom of the right-hand side page when you flip. don't think u will miss that.

U kena migraine ah? Take care ya? Me kena the monthly thingy, feel so weak and no energy.
Trudy was having her first baby rice (Bellamy's)
you can come for trial on fri 3pm if you want.. still have a few more sessions for this unit. let me know if you interested
diff mummies feel differently about whether if the babies are too young for the class. My advise is that you should try it yourself to see. Bernice seems to be enjoying, but it takes awhile to warm up. She's into her 4 week now. the other babies are abit older than her and sometimes they jsut crawl away in the middle of session or drink their milk, etc.

ehh I abit bo chap, i use tap water.
Well.. he turns five months this Thurs.. so.. it's been five months so far. I guess this is one of the 'cons' of direct BF. He doesn't take to the bottle at all. He started refusing the bottle from the 2nd-odd month onwards.

No, I've not read the book yet. And the book has helped you lots? If so.. then maybe I should go get a copy soon. Very very soon..
yeah...i found this book useful for me. maybe you can see if you can borrow a copy from the library and if you find that it's good, then can purchase. i used it to train my baby to fall asleep on his own at night. i refer to it for day naps too. my friend found it useful too. have a read and see if you're comfortable with his methods before purchasing.

today, my baby has been able to nap on his own in the cot. yay! he cried for about 10-15min each time and fell asleep on his own. quite relieved.
That is a good idea
I live not far from the library. So maybe I'll bring the little boy out for his first visit to the library! Hee.. Thanks!
the float is $32 and for 3-12 months, weight below 11kg.

sl ok liao?

trudy is so cute and chubby. i want to pinch her cheeks can. hahaha...
Trudy is very very chubby. Her daddy is already plan all sorts of sport for her. Scared she will be too fat...haaa...haa
Trudy is sooooo adorable !

I also use warm tap water. I haven't even thought of using boiled water.

Thanks, I saw it... hopefully somewhere will have discount for June.

Can still go for the kindermusik trial ? Is it still at $25 per trial ? At Tanglin? need to sign up or not?
SL is still coughing. i may need to get him antibiotic from PD if he still coughing tomolo... later i will post him pic of him...
he is losing weight... cos refuse his milk
Sounds like there's improvement to ur boy's naps! Tt's gd.. U're much better than me, i dun think i can tahan my ger's cries for more than 5min

Same here.. I directly latch my ger on & have tried bottle feed here & there, very randomly. It's abt 2+ mths till i return to work, i have to work hard for her to be accustomed to taking to the bottle

Are u a SAHM?

Oh yah, generally dun let bb fall asleep on the breast.. If not shd u have to be away fr bb, bb will have lots of trouble to fall asleep on his own coz he needs to suckle to sleep

Quite a few mummies i know who suffered fr this problem really warn against this habit..
any time also can go for the trial, they will let you sit in on an ongoing class. Fri got a 2pm and a 3pm class for babies. If you are interested, call Irene @ Kindermusik. 64671789. Tell her you are my friend. Bernice is attending the 3pm class.

trudy is so cute

re: latching
bernice for last few days again rejecting the bottle and want to latch on only. And she now got this habit she will bite on the nipple and turn her head to see things, very painful !!!!
You are rite ! Your boy is really looks thinner than i remember him to be leh... poor thing.

Are you confirmed going to join Cat for the trial? I dun mind going with you ...

Thanks for the info
i am interested in the photoshoot. pls put me in

waaaaa u win! so fast got ang pao liao
mine also shake hands only
ya, i dun understand how pp can ask such ques

YES to all yr ques! sad right?
tat y i have no choice but to guard her against pp who has flu cos she will need to go pd imm when she catch any virus

next time i post a pic of her to show u guys k

i waited very long for this trip la. last time always postphone, then sudd jus decide n go.
i went to kinderclinic at paragon to look 4 dawn lim. she is very patient lei. my pd at mt a ask me to take the test cos bb also got sensitive tat never go away...as in ezecma. so high chance got some allergy lor
i heartpain....

u saw my reply to nini? mayb i KS la...but better do so i know wat to avoid foodwise tat is. u can ask yr PD about it, apparently not every pd has it

ya lor, hiaz....those jabs contain a certain protein tat is found in eggs. u know, there is a whole list of food to avoid lei, i see also wanna cry. the food tat she will miss out n the details i have to go thru to each time i wanna feed her in future, must b very careful
hopefully she will outgrow it

it was a fruitful trip literally with the amount of things i bot. must post pic soon...but hor, very very very cold! it;s like walking in a fridge on the streets n when u hit the shops with heater, i was taking out clothes by the layers. but not complaining

today one mummy look at bb n gave me the thumbs up wo. so embarrassing. haha. everyone ask me wat i feed her. next time i shld reply : hamburger! haha
ezecma still there n vomiting after milk often so dr say do test lor. KS but ....hiaz

it was an overdue trip n becos hubby will have no time for me this year, he tot better go lor. u must b very bz with work now. not easy to contact u to chat at all liao. my friend gave birth in mt a on 1jan lei. mayb u met her. her bb boy is called rex
SL looks like he lost weight lei, poorthing. give him a hug for me

trudy is so cute! mine also same size ,hehe
So sad to see SL lost so much weight. Did his PD recommend anything to take as to increase his appetite?

Trudy did that to me, too
Very painful...I scolded her but she smiled to me (heart melt and smiled back to her). Aiyoh...next time, don't know how to discipline her.

Thanks mommies but we are very worry for her size
hee.. PD never recommend. Actually intake now vary from 60 to 120ml every 3 hours. one day only five to six feeds...

last time my SL can be big size, but now i see his size, i very worried.

when i carry him, as if a gorilla carried a little monkey.
I think as a mom, we continuosly will worry. Haiz...welcome to motherhood
Hope SL will gain weight soon. Hanging there! Flying kiss from Auntie Lina

Good night everyone
SL seemed to have lost quite alot of weight leh. U better bring him to see PD again please. See him like so skinny liao. 60ml is vv little.
westside mummies
Count me in if got gathering. I'm at Upp Bt Timah, but v near to Bt Panjang Plaza!

We confirm sign up with BabyJumperGym, starting the week after CNY.

Must make SL drink and eat more to make up for the weight loss!

today made the wrong decision of feeding jonah cereal too late. he woke up ard 11am but decided to wait till 11.45am to feed so that i can follow up with milk during his regular 12pm feed. end up he cried furiously during cereal time and i had to literally force the food down his throat with water. dunno why he cry like mad today. he's been very cranky today. only manage to sleep one hour in between feeds. dunno if he's getting enough sleep man.


the boy still can't sleep independently. these 2 days, tried to put him to sleep during the day w/o swaddler. he can only tahan for one hour. once his hands move, he will wake up liao. i also tried not rocking him to sleep. didn't work. after hearing him cry for more than 15 mins and trying to pat him in his cot, i picked him up. he slept within 1 minute in my arm! *sigh* that boy still can't be independent...yet.
Okie, included you in already.

Please transfer $200 to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, transfer details so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

Confirmed list
1. ruixuan
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Ruixuan
8. Mandy (happymum1010)
9. coolsnow
10. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
11. Twinstars
ruixuan, ya fr the pic reali looks like ur boy lost weight. better go see PD again if his cough not getting better.

recently Jacinta also refuse milk. dunno if is after jab effect but no fever though abit warm. yesterdae she didnt complete all her feed. todae got abit improvement can finished but take long hrs.... dat day mil comment say Jacinta like look thinner hai.......
My msn something wrong today, cannot login. Yup, just called today to sign up...if we are starting the week after CNY, then it's for remaining 8 lessons. Must pay for registration $40 (or is it $50), deposit $100 and school tee(so cute!)...the teacher will be consistent.
Spoon with mashing function

Went to IMM Daiso and found a spoon with holes meant for mashing food. In the package, there is also another normal spoon for feeding.

Quite interesting as the spoon can mash fruit like cooked pear or soft fruits

I also have this problem and know is very frustrating for not able to do anything else.But slowly I trained Meredith til now, when she is in deep sleep, then i will put her on bed.

But sometimes when she is cranky or when she wakes up too early, I will still have to hug her to sleep. I just have to work base on daily basis.

As for latch-on to sleep, Meredith loves to do that. But I made it just another choice to sleep. Sometimes rock her to sleep while sometimes, in the pram to sleep,etc. So in long run, she will be more flexible.

nt a prob. Just happ my frd coming and since I also also asked her to get me some items, so can order together.

sl does look thinner. poor boy. sayang.

what happen to your freezer? spoilt? for 1 day still didn't freeze, something is very wrong leh.
westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri

no date yet..just tentative

just add on any preferences
any mommies here still using GOON? realise their price went up by so much. now even mamy poko is cheaper when on offer. any other recommendations on w/c brand to buy? dun think i want to buy GOON anymore. it's 36 cents a pc!
morning mummies

i'm using petpet and mamy poko for yu ze but will stop mamy poko once i finish and use pampers instead. cos i stock up pampers m size when i was pregnant.
Hi Hisstory,
Yes.. I'm a SAHM. It's way tougher than I thought it would be. But I constantly tell myself that it will get easier.

Thanks Nini,
I'll remember to check with my PD when we next visit her. It's really quite sad if there is a whole long list of foods to avoid at their age.

Hi Sylvia,
I think my boy can differentiate between day and night. At night usually we put him down when he sleeps and we get no resistance but it's different during the day.

Anyway.. just tried to put him down again for his morning nap. So far ok.. of course he was put down after dozing off at the breast. I notice that when I am able to put him down for day naps, he fidgets quite a fair bit every few minutes.. in REM. After the REM cycle.. he'll wake up.. usually.
Replied your pm
yup we just pay for the remaining 8 lessons. The deposit is for..actually I also dunno. But it's refundable. School tee is additional.
Good Morning Mommies!
Today almost overslept…hehe

I got the bibs from Ikea at $7.90 for 2 pcs which is quite cheap I think…there are another type at $5.90 for 2 pcs too!

Hisstory & Valnsw,
My migraine seems to hit me rather often these two months…hope it wun come during CNY man!

CONGRATS! Real shiok to have undisturbed sleep right? Imagine how scared I am when after more than 4years of undisturbed sleep and Mae came along…hahaha, but glad she sleeps through quite young too. =P

I used tap water too…heehee

Trudy is a cutie!

Happy Mummy,
Hehe, I meant the phot0-shoot walk-in this Fri. =P

SL really lost weight! Sayang…

Twin Stars,
Haha, yalor, so fast got angbaos liao. =P Mommy doesn’t mind though…
Yday my mom was showing Mae how to do gongxi gongxi and she kept smiling as if my mom is very comical…hahaha

I’m game for the meet-up too…but I can only make it on weekends though…

westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri
5. M2B
burberrys children wear sale..up to 70% at isetan scotts level 4, from 15 - 18 Jan 09
(catherine and msapple can go cheong sale!)

ur description very funny lei ..gorilla carrying little monkey. to me SL look alright size, maybe cos my boy also this size ba.SL on semi solid ?
Thanks everyone for the concern

realised that it did not freeze up cos i exceed the lline for storage " do not store item above this line"

haha.. but compare to last time, my SL quite big size.
hi Ruixuan,
aiyo very heartpain leh to see SL so skinny, you do take care also. hope he will pick up his appetite back and grow big and strong.

hi Shint,

me quite interested leh in the photoshoot, so i have up till may09 to finish using the shoots huh?

Please transfer $200 to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, transfer details so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

Confirmed list
1. ruixuan
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Ruixuan
8. Mandy (happymum1010)
9. coolsnow
10. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
11. Twinstars
12. Balugu

currently me using petpet for day and pureen-blue colour for nite, so far okie....didnt noe that goon has went up by so much...

hi mummies

been missing the past 2 days cuz went to batam with hubby and kaer..had to go for a meeting there..hubby came along and was babysitting kaer the whole time..gosh it was so tiring!..in addition to my meetings, i had to run back to hotel room to check on kaer + hubby..i really peh fu dongle to go japan with bb...!
i only go for 2D1N..want to die of tiredness liao..n kaer caught a cold ..
..she is having a running nose now ..

I dun think i will go for the gathering this sat liao..cuz she running nose..wait spread to the rest of the bbs..
..plus i also kena a mild cold...
think kaer didnt really enjoy herself leh..my colleagues all wanted to carry her..so she moved from one person to another..non stop...cannot sleep properly also..my hubby said we are causing kaer so much discomfort..and she really seems to be suffering..
..n last nite only came home at 11plus...so she slept very late..sigh..what a disaster..and it was only for ONE nite...somemore i thinking of bringing her to sabah for a week in JUne..dunno if still want to bring her..sigh...
