(2008/08) Aug 2008

We went Tampines Branch too! But we were there at 1pm+ and left ard 3pm...
We walked ard and thus bought some other stuff...hehe, hb ard to pay...

DPAM, oh..i tink i know..their clothes quite ex rite?
i tink there'll be lotsa nice clothings for spring/summer..oredie beo-ed some sweet flowery stuff from GAP, jus waiting for them to slash their prices abit more..

re: bb's babbling,
Today Char can finally say "Mmm Ma Ma"!
heheee..dunno if she was calling me, but nevermind lah, i take it dat she was! hehee..
yah lor.. i started to intro rice cereal cos my boy been waking up in the middle of night, then always biting his hands.. i think he doesn't really take to milk.. he can finish his rice cereal plus 1 oz of sweet potatoes/ carrots/ potatoes. But milk he drinks quite little. So thinking if wanna add 1 more rice cereal meal.

Mrs N,
Hmm.. overall he's gaining weight, but im worried he might not be getting enuff nutrients. If they are suppose to drink 120ml for every kg of their weight, that means my boy should be drinking 960ml.. but he's taking only 600ml max per day. hmmm...

hhahaa.. Dominic so cute huh.. stare at mummy accusingly. Nowadays i also cannot eat in peace liao. ;)

I've let my boy tried baby jar food from Gerber and HT... the consistency is ok leh. Think it's ok to add water to suit ur gal.

hubby was saying wait till bb can walk then take.. he says by then bb cuter and can do more poses. hahaa man...

i see.. hehe.. i also bought one box liao.. think will give when bb reaches 6 months.

didn't log in for 2 days. Glad Ashley better le. Hehee.. actually it's 6.15am cos i set my clock 15min earlier. Then he usually latch on for 15 min max. So after tt rush to work. :p

Ur boy also like my boy huh.. not too sure abt his weight now.. but he was 7.5kg at 21 weeks, ard 50t percentile i think.

hahaa u can do it! I dun cook, but for baby i started to do a bit of steaming, mashing and pureeing.. intend to learn to cook porridge soon too. kekeee.. machiam playing 'jia jia jiu'. :p

Re: Teething
ok.. i heard tt if the teeth are comin gout, the gums will be swollen right? My boy's gums where the canines will be are swollen.. does tt mean his canines will pop out 1st??? Alamak! Vampire!

hahaa.. me too! Baby always mama when he's fussing.. then i will answer mummy's here, u call mama huh, guai lor.. hahaaaa....

if u want the bibs, u can order from me.

I got the short sleeve ones

I got Jap contact there who is coming to SG to visit me in Feb, so can ask her to bring down. Plus she has direct account to this brand. Anyway, Jap buy the amount for free shipping is lower too.

Any mummies interested?

Hehe, I think Chevelle said the same thing as Charlotte! ;P
But she kept saying "Da Da" more often. Haiz... to think I'm the one who does all the changing, feeding for her.

M2B / celyn,
You are damn fast lo! I am still thinking whether to buy now or later. Cos now have not space to put. Prob gota wait til move house then buy.
bb rashes:

actually i wasn't too bothered by the rash. i knew it wasn't anything serious and was too lazy to bring him to PD coz' the queue always so long. just wanted to wait for his next jab then. my MIL keep pressing me to go doc, so i went polyclinic lor. regret man! the young doc anyhow diagnose and the medicine he gave didn't look very safe to me. in the end, when i went to PD the next week for his jab, she gave me some cream which worked wonders! that's the diff btn PD and polyclinic doc! think i better tell daddy not to keep on putting the cream if it is indeed a steriod. i try not to use it these days but he's always happily putting on all the spots that he sees. aiyoh!
Your jap contact, is she your friend? I am eyeing on a LV damier neverfull bag, only available in Japan.. Can she buy it for me ? Spree have, but I dun really trust shipping. If cannot nvm, I just asking...

Celyn / Snow,
Dun have to feel bad about me cleaning the house.. it's not me cleaning anyway, I ave a part time domestic helper that comes in twice a week and I entertain guests quite often so no prob ! Just glad that some of us can make it.
very early morning mummies.

i'm up for pump cos hubby woke me up to feed. since i'm up, i might as well pump cos i'm awake liao. going to eat biscuit after pump cos hungry liao.

i have not do night feed for more than a month liao so i can't hear yu ze's cry at all. hahah... can sensor it off very well and just sleep, leaving hubby to do it.

yu ze is fussing in his cot now but nobody attends to him. cos i'm pumping, and his father choose to ignore him.
Good morning mummies

was very busy these few days. SL is sick again. brought him to PD yesterday and was given medicine for cough and flu... if SL still continue to have cough three days later, PD will prescribe antibiotics.

Bumbo Seat
anyone selling urs..?
morning again.

now yu ze can tell us that he is pooing now or going to poo soon. he will make the poo poo sound before he poo. he will do it very loudly, its so cute.

went back to sleep around 5am. wake up again at 930am, wanting to pump but yu ze also wake up liao. so i can't pump cos i'm alone with him. hubby is out liao. so i latch him on for 5 min i think then he eh eh liao. hehe.... got to wait for him to nap then can pump.

how is sl now? better or not?
hehe I was thinking about the same thing as you, I also wana get the Damier Neverfull MM.
Haha so u saw the BP too? I also abit dun dare to trust this BP.

Else maybe I will ask my friend to help me get.

Do you have any idea how much in JPY it is? Now JPY exchange rate quite high.
Eh, heheh, sure I went shopping.. Weekend leh!!
Went Robinsons (again!!) and the crowd is non existent.. This time i made hb shop for stuff, otherwise he wld never buy anything *hahah*

Why u ask leh? U spotted me in town ah?

Where got nothing to get one.. Sure will find sthg to get! *kekeke*

Wah, is tt a terrible rush?? Coz in future we have to drop my ger at my mum's, i dun think can afford the time to latch her on.. heheh, will most certainly be late *ooops* We can't afford to hor

The cartoon's really cute!

I went Robinsons leh, but i didn't see any Leap Pad stuff wor.. Or maybe my very tired eyes disallowed me to see *hahah*
u looking for bumbo seat? actually..i not sure whether if its worth buying now..cuz my neighbour just gave me hers..and i think kaer can only sit in it for another 1-2 months..after that..i think she will be abit big liao..n i think the ikea high chair much better for feeding her..bumbo seat a bit low..unless u put the chair on another chair..but also a bit dangerous cuz now our bbs very curious with surrounding..keep turning and fidgetting...just my opinion lar...if u can get one second hand at cheap cheap price..then maybe its worth it...

u bought the ikea high chair liao? yu ze like to sit?? u know that day i went sheng shiong..i also wanted to let kaer try sit the shopping trolley..she can sit..not bad lor .but the naggy MIL keep saying 'ah yo, cannot sit lar..wait fall down...blah blah' sigh..i jsut wanted to let kaer test test only ..let her say until like i m a bad mummy..purposely let her sit and fall down..hmm..sickening..after that i pick kaer up and carry her..sigh..
i let him try out at the ikea resturant while i go and buy food. maybe its too long and there is nothing for him to play, he fuss loh. he want to eat the tray but we refuse to let him then he angry don't want to sit there. i haven't up so can't test. but he likes to sit down now and quite stable liao. i will let him sit on the sofa with us and give him a basketball, teether and soft toy then he can actually self entertain for quite long.

oh your mil nag huh. my mum also nag in the beginning so cannot but after i put yu ze in and she sees that he is happy, she keep quiet loh. when kaer sit in the trolley, show her how to use her hand to hold on to the bar, then we push the trolley by holding to her hand, it will be ok one. since she can sit on high chair liao, trolley should be fine too.
wah, what a busy work week for me!!! been OT everyday cos cannot finish my work as i slip off to pump twice a day... now that 6 months is reaching, still thinking whether to stop bf soon or what... dilemma... but ss is really diminishing... really kudos to those mummies who can wake up to pump in the middle of the night...

you better now? did you see a doc?

cayla can make er er sound when pooing... a bit like "kek sai" sound, hahaha... really funny until the smell comes...

went carrefour & cayla can sit on a stationary supermarket trolley for a while... when moving, cannot make it... BUT she kept leaning forward to lick the handle
... so dirty...

happy_mum, val,
i like the neverfull bag too cos it's so roomy... can put a lot of things... i can put my pump inside the bag when i go to work
if i din buy the monogram design when it hit the singapore, i would have waited for the damier one...

re: baby babbling
cayla started saying ma when she was < 2 months old... till now still saying, i aledi take it that she is calling me lor... when we say where is mummy? she will look at me one lor...

re: baby 1st food
i still haven start yet... waiting for the magical 6 months... just asking, if say your baby is alergic to certain food, do you just monitor on your own or see the PD? asking bcos i thought of starting on a weekend when im around to feed her, scared no PD working...
dongle /sylvia,
Yes, the neverfull bag is very room, so I want to get it , but only in damier, because I am quite a fan in damier instead of the monogram... anyway, sylvia, I always just check the website for currency converter, but it may not be more than $1600 if it is, I would be buying, will be buying another damier bag that I am eyeing, the one with the centre fold, also in monogram... it's about $1800... buying neverfull cause available in damier in SG ! =D

Is your friend willing to buy it for me? If too much trouble then nvm.. I just blew 1399 on a LCD TV yesterday... 42 inch, so good buy so had to buy !! Hahahhaaa.... now have to think of an excuse how to tell my parents why i spend so much $$ liao ...

For the gathering, will be catering and buying some drinks for the toddlers who are coming. Since the number is pretty small, will cap the price to about $15 per pax max, maybe less. Food is $190. Anyway violent objections ??!
mummy giving ht brown rice cereal, how much bm do we mix with 1 spoon of it?

yu ze is very interested in our food liao, don't know if i can drag to after cny before starting him.
The cartoon's so cute! haha

Mb u wana start YZ on cereal soon. Since he's so keen.

YLN / celyn,
At least you all let bb sit on the trolley. Yday went to Carrefour but cos alrdy brot stroller so nvr let her sit on the trolley. Plus we also used basket to put our shopping stuff in there.

I also must confess I've been spending abit, and somemore on things that are not considered essential leh... Haiz..
Same here, I'm a fan of Damier. I love the red interior of Damier bags!

When you went to Japan w Cayla last yr, didn't you get to see the Damier Neverfull there? Or was it not out there yet?
Think USA or rather Hawaii is selling.
The one you have is GM right? That one is quite big, I was aiming for the mid-sized one.

RE: bb babbling
Haiz. The whole day she has been saying "ah da da" for like 9 out of 10 times wor! But the way she talks is damn cute!
Maybe u wana check the HT box on whether there's any instruction there?
I didn't check, cos it's been the maid feeding her, oops!
But I knw for Bellamy's, is 1 tablespoon cereal + 1 tablespoon breastmilk. Usually I will add one scoop FM. Then just add water. The water I add to the consistency I want.

Think initially add more water, so it's more liquid/runny and easier to swallow.

Then gradually make it more solid bah, depending on YZ's preference.

Oh yes, remember to let him drink lotsa water after that, else cereal is quite "heaty" and dry, duno if will hv constipation or cause the stools to be harder. That's my experience.

If he doesn't want water, then can feed some juice.
Y teat dont leak meh ? mine still does lei. i just changed to Y teat like last week only. No particualr reason just felt that abt time to change. But she still takes the same time to finish so I not much diff for bernice.

tmr wat time u walking in for the shoot ? me thinking of going too. PM me lei.

re: LV damier
I also like only the damier design. Most of my LV are in that design. I actually have the Damier Canvas Hampstead in all 3 sizes.. hahaha

You should introduce one type of food at a time so you will know which food your baby is allergic to.

I find DPAM clothes cheaper and nice than GAP. Bernice has lots of clothes from there. Esp their cardigans very nice. Cutting also quite big. She still can wear the 3Mths ones.

re: neverfull bag
the neverfull bag in the monogramm design is so common now. I like the size but I feel the handle very thin lei.
celynlee, u mixing in milk bottle or spoon feeding? If spoon feeding I normally mix ard 60 - 80ml of milk to 1 - 1.5 teaspoon of BR cereal...u have to agar see not to make it too thick..should be watery..
Ya, I also think the straps for the neverfull bag are kinda thin. Like if the bag is v heavy, wonder if they will break!

keri is so cute in the pink bumbo =) My baby Mark has thunder thighs...impossible to put him in the bumbo without four hands =)

yeah! let's meet up some time soon...maybe we can start evening walks with baby to the ice cream shop near st patrick's school

my baby blues
hmm...think it comes and goes...also really helps when i go out...i feel better....

last night....mark only slept like 2 hours...i felt so ill from lack of sleep this morning =( after putting up with all his cooings and oohings and ahhings from 5am... i finally peeled us out of bed at 7am....

dunno why he's not sleeping much....yesterday afternoon he also slept like only 3 hours. and then at night...only max 4 hours....Arrrrhhhh...i am really so tired.....

i better go nap now...while he's still napping...byebye
All the babies look so cute in the Bumbo seats!

kinda agree the high chair might be better. I've put Chevelle in the bumbo seat but she at most 5 min or so will cry to be taken out of it. sigh... The only gd thing is I used vouchers given to me to buy, so at least not so heartpain.
baby emma
Ur little boy has such an adorable cheeky look!

ur ger has such lovely complexion &amp; her purple bumbo is so pretty
If you're reading this! HI! Saw you at BabyJumperGym today but don't dare to acknowledge you cos don't want Hb to know I post in the forum, later he will want to know my nick and find out what I post...:p
Jacinta v cute ley, listen so attentively!!!
Yuuri, oh so dats u
ur boy teething so fast. Jacinta is a notti gal. how come u didnt mention u going for the trial when i posted dat i m going this sun. ur boy also cute
so r u going to sign up wif them? u remember my gal name, i dun remember urs paisay.
Haha actually I also posted saying I'm going for the class...but I think you never saw :p That's why I keep beo-ing you lol!! Jacinta where got notti, so guai...my boy so weak...the only one that cannot sit and cannot pull up! I thought the class was great!! I think quite high chance gonna sign up. You?
yuuri, hahaha isit ya think i missed the post u should PM me. when i ask how old is ur boy &amp; u say 5 mths i abit suspect liao but there is too much babies name which i cant recall (paisay) So u knew dat i m going for the trial too? I also find dat is not bad since i dun ve the time to teach her myself i should b signing up but i am thinking whether to start now or after cny. btw where do u stay? no la not dat ur boy is weak mayb coz he is teething so abit cranky &amp; dun wan to do it onli. Actually i dunno how Jacinta reacted on the flash cards coz i behind her i keep asking my hubby if she got see &amp; pay attention or not hahaha. she is the darkest among all. add me in msn [email protected]
Since I opposite you, can monitor Jacinta for you. Hehe...she is very attentive!! Really really! Yah, Jacinta quite tan...nvm lah, look athletic mah! My boy's Keston (rhymes with best-en) but tcher keep calling kayston. lol! I think I must bring him go monkey bar to do pull-ups first before going for the next class. My hb keeps teasing him say he's the only boy boy who's using pacifier, cannot sit and keep whining..I also thinking of the CNY thing and dunno start now or a couple of week's time but in general, should be doing this class lah. Was quite impressed with the flashcards!
Baby Emma,
my baby keri has thunder thighs too. Most of the times, her legs will get stuck when i carry her out of the bumbo seat!

Thanks! Many people like her complexion. She is very fair la. Think all thanks to the birdnest I had when preggy.

Any mummies going for the photoshoot tomorrow?
anyone taking extended maternity leave this month? i'm starting mine this week till CNY. then go back for 3 days and i have another 2 weeks off b4 i go back to work for good. hmmm...wonder what i shall do to make this add'l month more eventful for me.
yuuri, i must say all the banies r attentive todae except for the older gal beside me who know how to crawl think she can crawl so will b more easily distracted. ur boy is younger than jacinta mah so cant compare.
The older girl (forgot her name momentarily) is v entertaining hor? Added you on msn..update me if and when you decide on the class!
i'm using the hair tonic thing, not selling liao. going to use on alternate days instead of daily.

i agree that high vhair is better than bumbo seat since it can last longer.

i will be starting yu ze on solid tomorrow liao. the ht cereal didn't mention on the amount of bm to mix. maybe got to estimate the amount myself.

baby emma &amp; siesta,
your babies are cute in the bumbo seat.
the ht cereal is very very fine. so if too much bm, the cereal will be completely dissolved. And it is just like feeding bm in spoon. My baby keri always gets impatient after a while and start to fuss. But when i thicken the cereal, she will then start to slowly enjoy the taste.
wah me damn tired....mark suddenly change sleep pattern.....now he's wide awake. dunno what happened ...

last time sleep pattern:

10.30pm -6.30am sleep
2.30 am feed
4.30am feed

now sleep pattern:
8.30pm sleep
1.30am feed
3.00 am feed
4.30am wide aawake

now me desperate put him in sarong to yao to sleep....his eyes are wide open!

keptcooing ahhing boooing in his cot...wake up everybody!

haha yah lor. Usually will prepare everything, eat breakfast, everything settled liao then i latch him on. Luckily i only need 15min of travelling time. ;P I think if u gonna travel to ur mum's place, then got to wake up even earlier.

hope SL is better liao?

Thanks! Seen a doc but still having running nose now and then, but not so lethargic le. Hehe Cayla so clever and guai, can identify mummy! I think if u start with rice cereal 1st, should not develop any allergy.

I started with 1 tsp plus 30ml of milk. Very watery, then day 2 onwards i try 2 tsp, then 3, then 4 and now 6. Consistency is thicker so tt he can slowly learn to swallow.

hehee... now Chevelle says ah dada, but who knows? Maybe she'll call mama (and mean it) 1st.
Did u try to video it down? Everytime i try to video my boy babbling. he'll stop and look at the camera. hahaaa

Yuuri/ Rata,
Sounds like the gym was fun. Think i missed out on ur post abt the trial. Can provide me the link? Pls PM me. TIA!

baby emma,
Maybe MArk is undergoing growth spurt? Don't worry, it shd last no mor ethan a week. Hang in there!
